Critical Role Translate
123 posts
A #Critter project to translate every episode of Critical Role.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
crtranslate · 4 years ago
How many translators on the Brazilian portuguese team?
Hi, thank you for the question The Portuguese team is technically 40 members strong, but unfortunately, the realities of volunteer work being what they are fewer than 10 of them are currently active (optimistic estimate, probably closer to 5).  You will note I mentioned the “Portuguese team” and not Brazilian Portuguese. That is because both dialects are merged into one team as either team would be two small otherwise, but also for better cooperation between the two halves of the team. I hope this answer your question. Please feel free and welcome to join us if you have the time and energy to help us in our work, we need it.
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crtranslate · 4 years ago
On Critical Role captions transaltion
Dearest translators, critters and friends:
These past 4 years together have been the most wonderful experience, working, joking, playing (complaining about Matt’s run-on sentences and Sam's dreadful puns). But it seems that now the time has come for things to change.
As some of you likely have seen, Critical Role has decided to hire out the translation of their captions. This only concerns French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish at the moment, but it is possible that other languages may be added to the program in the future. However, this does not mean goodbye for these teams.
First, this will only cover episodes 20 of the second campaign onwards and CR hosted content, meaning we still have 185 episodes worth of campaign one and two as well as plenty of miscellaneous content to translate.
Second, the translation will be done by a dedicated translation software - we know, we are cringing a little bit too - meaning there will most likely be plenty of errors to fix. hopefully not as much as GTranslate or YouTube’s automated caption translations, but it is unlikely to handle puns, cultural references and inclusive speech well, if at all. And it will need training before it can properly handle the specific language of RPGs, D&D and Critical Role lore.
We are still working to iron out the specifics with CR and within our team, but the bottom line is that nothing will change for most teams for the foreseeable future. As for the four teams concerned, we will continue working the same way for all CR content hosted by Geek and Sundry and will transition to editing the automated captions as they come in - which is likely to be done over a number of weeks or months.
We are keenly aware of the distress and upset that some, if not most of you may feel at this news. We feel it too. And as a community, the discord server is the place to deal with these emotions together. But this is not goodbye for a long while yet.
During these years, we shared our love for this story as well as our love for translation and language. Each slot finished, and each line crafted had a little bit of yourselves in it, and to that, we are infinitely grateful. Each and every one of the captions we made together was weeks — or even months — of teamwork from translators, editors and staff alike. We've laughed, we've cried, most of us have created bonds with people in this server that wouldn't exist otherwise. We've shared late night thoughts with the extremely early risers on the other side of the world and vice-versa. We've sat together in the uncertainty of these times even while miles apart, and this server, this community has grown because of you. So we want to take this moment of change to celebrate you all, celebrate us all. Thank you for giving us so much and to whatever comes next: know we all walked so much better because of your company, because of everything you gave, and because of the friendships we forged here: The CRTranslate inn will welcome you all for as long as you want to stay.
All our love, CRTranslate staff.
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crtranslate · 4 years ago
안녕하세요 한국 시청자입니다 두번째 캠페인의 3화까지는 한글 자막이 있는데 그 후로는 없습니다... ㅜㅜ 자막 만들어주시면 한국의 d&d fan들이 크리티컬 롤의 진면목을 접할 수 있을 것 같습니다. 부탁합니다.
답장은 조금 늦었는데 기다려주셔서 감사합니다. 저희 번역팀은 자원자들로 구성되어 있으며 안타깝게도 현재 한국어 번역팀은 인원이 많이 없기 때문에 번역의 속도가 느린 것에 대해 양해를 부탁드립니다.
혹시 시청자님께서 저희 번역팀에 직접 참여할 생각이 있으시거나 주변에 관심이 있는 분이 계시면 이 링크를 통해 신청하시면 감사하겠습니다: CRTranslate Discord.
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crtranslate · 4 years ago
Are you in need of Swedish translators? Do the translations get added to youtube or are they available some other way?
Hi there and thank you for your interest in joining!
Yes, we are in need of Swedish translators - that pretty much goes for all languages at all times. The more people we are, the faster we translate.
We send our reviewed subtitles to the team of G&S or CR, depending on the episode. They add the subtitles directly on YouTube. If you want to find out more about our process, join us on Discord and you'll be introduced in detail.
Have a good Saturday!
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crtranslate · 4 years ago
Happy 2021, Critters
We wish you a happy new year and a competent government now more than ever.
Instead of talking about the strange times we live in, let’s talk about the fun words we work on! We have some new finished translations to present, in particular the Russian team has been going strong as ever.
Critical Role:
PORTUGUESE (Brazil): C1E1 - C2E11
RUSSIAN:  C1E4 -  C1E5 - C1E6  - C1E7 - C2E19 - C2E20
Handbooker Helper:
CZECH: Bard (Quick Build) - Spellcasting Basics - Advantage & Disadvantage
DANISH:  Ability Checks, Proficiencies & Saving Throws - Cleric (Quick Build)
FRENCH: All of Handbooker Helper is now translated
HEBREW: Ranger (Quick Build)
SWEDISH: Halfling (Quick Build)
PORTUGUESE (Brazil):  UnDeadwood Part III - UnDeadwood Part IV
One Shots:
RUSSIAN: The Night Before Critmas
Other videos:
GERMAN: Critical Role Foundation announcement
RUSSIAN: The Legend of Vox Machina: Animated Sneak Peek - Unboxing Pops Machina -  The Legend of the Story of the Legend of Vox Machina - The Legend of the World of The Legend of Vox Machina
Join the Team
Are you a Multilingual Critter, who likes to type, likes a little brain-teaser and have a few hours to spare? You can join the team by translating a slot in your favourite language.
For more information, read our How to Help Page, send us an Ask via Tumblr, or a tweet at @CR_Translate.
Also, be sure to join our Discord and meet the rest of the wonderful Critical Role Translate team, and help make Critical Role global!
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crtranslate · 4 years ago
Will there be a planned translation of the Critical Role, Campaign 2 episode 13,14,... into Italian? Thanks :)
Episode 13 to 15 should have Italian subtitles by now, actually! :) Our speed has somewhat slowed this year due to... you know. We're currently working on Episode 16 in Italian.
Thanks for checking in and have a good new year!
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crtranslate · 4 years ago
en el caso de querer ayudar a traducir que nivel de ingles ustedes solicitan tener para poder colaborar?
¡Gracias por tu interés en ayudarnos a traducir !
Normalmente esperamos que nuestros traductores sepan leer y entender bien el inglés para poder traducir fácilmente, pero también se pueden encontrar formas de ayudar con un nivel mínimo de inglés. Te invitamos a unirte a nuestro Discord para hablar mas a fondo.
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crtranslate · 4 years ago
Once we've read all the information etc are we just free to start translating, or should we let someone know on the discord server first
thanks for your interest in joining us!
It is strictly speaking possible to translate solo after claiming your slot in the sheet, but we do prefer for our members to at least join the discord.
It's okay if you're not super active in the social chambers, but we have found that translating as a collective has a lot of advantages. Any difficult or disputed terms can be talked about in the chamber for your target language and you get all organisational updates as soon as we make them. It's usually easier both for the team and the translator.
Hope to see you around!
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crtranslate · 4 years ago
cuando habrán mas traducciones de la c2 a español ?
De momento estamos trabajando en los capítulos 12-14, pero ya sabemos lo que pasa con 2020, y es que tenemos mucho ajetreo. Esperamos tenerlos listos lo antes posibles.
¡Gracias por tu apoyo!
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crtranslate · 4 years ago
Hello, I was interested in contributing but don't really know how big the necessity of Portuguese translations really is. Maybe I could start with smaller content pieces like Handbooker Helper, again, if the community interest is there.
Hello there! 
We would love to have you contribute to our project! While we cannot give you exact numbers in regards to how “useful” our translations are, we know that our subtitles do help out some people, we get very nice messages about that from time to time. There are definitely people who either got into Critical Role because of our translations or have an easier time keeping up with it, as they can follow the show in text in their native language.
Aside from that, this project is also for us, the translators, because translating this show is fun as hell. We get to try out all of our skills, Sam challenges us with the ads, Matt will have you thinking hard about wether or not your vocabulary is up to the task, and the entire crew will have you looking up subjects you never even thought about, let alone translate.
You will find that Handbooker Helper has already been translated to (Brazilian) Portuguese in its entirety, but that should not stop you from joining us! There are a ton of other small projects, take for example the one shots of varying lengths.
If you are interested in joining, introduce yourself on Discord and we will show you around!
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crtranslate · 5 years ago
It has been a year since we recorded this video! Things being what they are, we can't currently make a repeat performance.
But some of us are working still perfecting the arrangements for this song and we're planning to sing for you again, eventually.
Check out this super cool thing the German team + guests of CRT did!
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crtranslate · 5 years ago
Half a year of translation and other matters, July 2020
Just as about everyone else on this planet, our team has been impacted by Covid-19 in some ways. Fortunately for us and those who appreciate our translations though, our actual ability to work on this project together online has been pretty much unchanged! We have done more than work hard, though - we have been playing hard too. 
As our hopes of meeting up in person this year dwindled, the community spirit actually lifted and we have come together in creative and previously untried ways. Our community has grown from a volunteer work project into a place where we play rpgs, read our translations to each other in our native languages aloud, have movie nights in various languages, read our favorite stories to each other, draw together and much, much more. That being said, we did translate a whole bunch of episodes for you all. Without further ado, we present the work of the past seven months:
Critical Role:
CZECH: C2E1 - C2E2
DUTCH: C2E7 - C2E8 - C2E9 - C2E10 - C2E11 - C1E0 - C2E12 - C2E13
FRENCH: C1E11 - C2E11 - C2E12
GERMAN: Mighty Nein Intro - C1E2 - C2E15 - C2E16
HEBREW: Mighty Nein Intro - C2E1
POLISH: C2E7 - C2E8 - C2E9 - C21E0
PORTUGUESE (BRAZIL): Mighty Nein Intro - C2E8 
RUSSIAN: Mighty Nein Intro - C2E12 - C2E13 - C2E14 - C1E1 - C2E15 - C2E16 -  Liam’s Quest
SPANISH:  Mighty Nein Intro - C2E11
Handbooker Helper:
CZECH: What is Handbooker Helper? - Ability Scores - Ranger (Quick Build) - Death Saving Throws - Barbarian (Quick Build) - Ability Checks, Proficiencies & Saving Throws - Cleric (Quick Build) - Fighter (Quick Build) - Armor 101
DUTCH: Condition Effects - Dragonborn (Quick Build) - Skills - Multiclassing - Gnome (Quick Build) - Feats - Half-Elf (Quick Build) - Backgrounds - Half-Orc (Quick Build) - Dwarf (Quick Build)
JAPANESE: Dice 101 - Rogue (Quick Build) -  Ability Checks, Proficiencies & Saving Throws
POLISH: Druid (Quick Build) - Combat Actions - Bard (Quick Build) - Spellcasting Basics - Advantage & Disadvantage - Sorcerer (Quick Build) - Leveling Up
SWEDISH:  Skills
FRENCH: UnDeadwood Part I
RUSSIAN: UnDeadwood Part I - UnDeadwood Part II - UnDeadwood Part III - UnDeadwood Part IV
One Shots:
GERMAN: The Song of the Lorelei
RUSSIAN: Critical Role and the Club of Misfits
Between the Sheets:
GERMAN: Matthew Mercer
RUSSIAN: Travis Willingham - Laura Bailey
Narrative Telephone:
DUTCH: Pumat's Stroll
GERMAN: Pumat's Stroll
RUSSIAN: Pumat's Stroll
Mini Primetime:
RUSSIAN: Limited Color Palette with Sam - Dirt and Grime with Liam - Painting Grayscale with Babs Tarr - Painting Fades with Marisha Ray
Join the Team
Are you a Multilingual Critter, who likes to type, likes a little brain-teaser and have a few hours to spare? You can join the team by translating a slot in your favourite language.
For more information, read our How to Help Page, send us an Ask via Tumblr, or a tweet at @CR_Translate.
Also, be sure to join our Discord and meet the rest of the wonderful Critical Role Translate team, and help make Critical Role global!
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crtranslate · 5 years ago
Hello there! I would like to help with the Spanish translations, what do I have to do?
Hi, If you can access our How to Help page everything should be there. But I believe they are almost impossible to open on the phone. If that is the case our Translation Instructions should give you all you need to know to start translating  And don’t hesitate to join our Discord to find help from the CRTransalte community (links on both pages) Welcome to our little family, I hope you have fun.
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crtranslate · 5 years ago
Hello, I was wondering if you were looking for french translation? I recently joined the CR fandom and am a native in french so I'd be glad to help if needed.
Hey there, We are always looking for help! Follow our how to help page for more info, or just head on over to our Discord server and we can get you talking with all the other translators Cheers, Bill
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crtranslate · 5 years ago
Will there be a planned translation of the Critical Role, Campaign 2 episode 7 into Polish?
It is not only planned, but it is finished, we are only waiting on Geek and Sundry to upload it to youtube now. Unfortunately, there has been some restructurations at G&S in the past couple month on top of the general chaos we are currently dealing with. But we are still working on reaching out to them, fingers crossed.
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crtranslate · 5 years ago
Just a little quick question, I'm doing an all awakened animal campaign. I was wondering if there is any book I should look at to help me get more familiar with the awakened animal's feats, abilities, and stats.
Hi, I’m not entirely sure you wrote to the right people? We’re a volunteer fan group who translates Critical Role.
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crtranslate · 5 years ago
This Month in Translation - Decembre 2019
We have been quiet over the last months, but we haven’t stopped working. And here is our very own holiday gift for the end of the year. You can now cosy up watching your favourite Campaign 2 episodes with your loved ones thanks to these brand new captions. As well as more Handbooker Helper to help you prep that end of the year game, with yet more episodes translated in Portuguese, Spanish, Polish, Italian or Hebrew. Here is all the detail of our little helper's work:
CRITICAL ROLE: 006: The Howling Mines
HANDBOOKER HELPER: Perception vs. Investigation - Elf (Quick Build) - Halfling (Quick Build)
CRITICAL ROLE: 014: Fleeting Memories
HANDBOOKER HELPER: What is Handbooker Helper? - Rogue (Quick Build)
CRITICAL ROLE: 003: The Midnight Chase
CRITICAL ROLE: 006: The Howling Mines
HANDBOOKER HELPER: Armor 101 - Weapon 101
HANDBOOKER HELPER: What is Handbooker Helper? - Sorcerer (Quick Build) - Warlock (Quick Build) - Tiefling (Quick Build) - Perception vs. Investigation - Human (Quick Build) - Spell Components - Elf (Quick Build) - Multiclassing - Halfling (Quick Build) - Condition Effects - Dragonborn (Quick Build) - Skills - Gnome (Quick Build) - Feats - Half-Elf (Quick Build) - Backgrounds - Half-Orc (Quick Build) - Dwarf (Quick Build)
CRITICAL ROLE: 011: Zemnian Nights
HANDBOOKER HELPER: Condition Effects - Feats - Backgrounds
Join the Team
translating Critical Role is a lot of work and we need all the help we can get. So if you are a Multilingual Critter, who likes to type, likes a little brain-teaser and have a few hours to spare. Join the team by translating a slot in your favourite language.
For more information, read our How to Help Page, send us an Ask via Tumblr, or a tweet at @CR_Translate. Also, be sure to join our Discord and meet the rest of the wonderful Critical Role Translate team, and help make Critical Role global!
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