corpseontheloose · 1 month
Hunter Sylvester Headcanons | Cat Edition!
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Are you insane?
A cat??
JOkes aside, he loves cats.
He doesn't really know how to pet a cat but he's trying his best
He's afraid they don't like him but he's extremely loved by them
"What the—" and it's a cat rubbing its head against him
Tries to seem like he doesn't care but he's melting
Loves black cats specifically, but any color will do
Probably sheltered one on his way home without his dad knowing
Not his fault tho, the cat was insisting
(it was his fault. He couldn't help it)
PROBABLY named him "Metallica", "Dungeon Master" or "Hellhammer" or some stupid shit like that
The first time the cat cuddled with him, Hunter went stiff cuz he didn't expect it
He was always angry and he was scared he'd scare it away
Nah the cat be chillin' tho
Would find his cat on his chest or stomach while sleeping
Cat hair is now all over his black clothes but it's fine
It's a cat
Never mentions it until someone visits his house
His dad didn't say anything, he just sighed. This was probably the most normal thing Hunter ever did anyways 😭
Usually talks to it when he's frustrated
"How about some metal?" and proceeds to scare the poor cat with his loud guitar 💀
It's coolio tho, it got used to Hunter (at some point)
Surprised that he's not allergic to it
He used to sneeze a lot around cats
Guess the allergy went away??
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corpseontheloose · 7 months
Is no one gonna talk about the wrenching pain an apprentice can feel when their mentor tells them "i think you're finally up to have an apprentice on your own. You don't need me anymore. Our training has come to an end" when they idolised them SO MUCH?? They formed this apprentice-mentor bond for so many months, they were seeing each other every day and spent most of their time TOGETHER just for one random day to come like a wracking ball and destroy everything they created. THE ABANDONMENT FEELING THE APPRENTICE FEELS IN THAT MOMENT LIKE A KNIFE STABBING THEM IN THE HEART AS TEARS SWELL IN THEIR EYES LIKE 'wdym you're giving up on me...?' KINDA LOOK. GOD THIS IS MY ROMAN EMPIRE
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corpseontheloose · 8 months
Tw: it includes nsfw
I have an idea for a short story, maybe an imagine or whatever WITH a fem!reader x a made-up male character that's been the reader's best friend or whatever and he's a piercer. And the reader wanted some badass nipple piercings so ofc she went to her friend, BUT- (omg it's getting hot) while doing them, she was whimpering and that got the male character turned on and UGH HE STARTS SUCKING ON THE NIPS AND STUFF
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corpseontheloose · 10 months
I love how we can all agree that Adam is a cat person
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corpseontheloose · 10 months
Cookies|Adam Stanheight x fem!reader
Warnings:Adam not having a great past
Genre: romance
Summary: Christmas with his roommate turned out to be the night of their first kiss
A/N: SINCE CHRISTMAS IS COMING I THOUGHT ABOUT MAKING A FANFIC WITH ADAM ABOUT THIS. But I also have an announcement. If you want to change the storyline of this story, I made a Character.AI bot with him! Enjoy!! And by the way, I used "make your choice" line from Jigsaw's tapes to incorporate Saw in this story. Ugh this is so bad 😭 im sorry
A shared apartment with cheap utilities and expensive rent. Water sometimes running cold, the power sometimes going off, leaving both Adam and his roommate in complete darkness. Tonight was different. They were both hanging Christmas lights up, up on the wall and sorts of decorations on the ceiling, and around the house. A cold December night was coming upon them, but they wanted to feel the Christmas mood even in this shithole place.
"I think we did good. It screams 'broke people'"
Adam's voice was faintly soft, ragged almost,like he's been having a sore throat for a few days without any treatment. But he didn't. He was just tired and out of breath after spending half of his day thinking about how to rearrange their apartment and another half of day actually doing so. Of course, with the help of Y/N, who had more vision about designing.
"I think we did great actually! And on time, too. Before Christmas Eve is a new record in my book"
Their house was lit with the basic green and red pigments, blue and yellow and sometimes even orange mixing through the other hanged wires on their walls. Some cotton scattered around the living room, imitating snow, because they couldn't afford any fake snow supplies and a small, flowerpot-sized tree resting on top of the coffee table.
The TV was broadcasting 'Home Alone' in the background at a low volume enough to catch their awareness from time to time and lose their attention at the scenes while embracing the Christmas spirit with their home, and end up yelling at each other for misplacing the socks or almost burning the place down after using a lighter to wake up old, half melted candles.
"Where's the snow globe?"
Y/N asked, moving her head left and right looking for the one thing she still holds dear from her family. It was special, in her own way. Although she owned a few more in her parent's house, this was the only one she took from there in case she won't make it until Christmas to their house.
Y/N would often spend Christmas with her family,but after she moved in, for being 'independent', there were days when phone calls and text messages were less and less due to busy days and lack of time. And she called before Christmas, asked if they want to spend Christmas with her, but this time Y/N's family decided on a trip to other relatives. Y/N declined the offer, and assured that she's going to spend Christmas in her apartment with her dear roommate, Adam.
"It's in the box. We still have a few lights in there, too. And a mistletoe. Where do I put those?"
Adam, on the other hand, did not communicate with his family that much. Barely any messages, calls almost none at all. Their relationship was different from Y/N and her parents. After the age of 20,he tried to make a living on his own, running away from so called 'family' that was not so kind to him in his childhood years. He ran away from every single problem, and never looked back. And even after so much time, there's still a hole in his chest, wishing he could fix everything with his relatives and go back in his mother's arms for one more hug. His flip phone would get voice mails from his brother as well, but he cut off any contact with them whatsoever. Never replied back, but always listened to them.
"I'll take care of them. Can you check the cookies?"
Y/N says, grabbing the snow globe and mistletoe, stealing a look for a few seconds at Adam. He gave her a quick nod, muffling a 'mhm' and went straight to the kitchen. The smell of fresh baked cookies flooded his lungs, almost as intoxicating as the smell of cigarettes he was smoking from time to time.
The little kid in him was inpatient to taste those goodies that him and Y/N prepared through the midday just to have something to snack on during the nights of December. A plate was already filled with the baked dough, but they were still cooling down, so Adam couldn't put his hands on them even if he wanted to. Which, surely, he would've if he could.
Both Adam and Y/N were surprised to learn that they had enough money for ingredients, but they weren't complaining. It was heartwarming, even.
"I think they're almost done"
He says from the kitchen, making Y/N's ears twitch at the thought of another plate full of chocolate chip cookies that they will munch on later in the evening.
"Hold on a second!"
She replies, struggling to keep the mistletoe straight.
Y/N was a very bad hider of secrets, especially secret feelings for a person, but she was certain that Adam had absolutely zero idea of her liking the way his hair sat on his forehead, or how his voice was cutting her breath whenever he was around. She was certain, because Adam wasn't the smartest being either. Sure,he was smart, but romance was never his thing. That's why most of his relationships failed. He had a hard time controlling his anger.
So he found himself alone, in a silent apartment, taking pictures of strangers and living off of his client's money. That until Y/N showed up and helped him with rent and loneliness. Especially loneliness. Now the empty fridge was somehow not so empty whenever his money ran out. Nor the sad living room that was now filled with laughter most of the times of the day. He had someone to complain about broken tapes and rude customers and someone who actually listened while he did so.
So, as much as an anger issued person he was, someone found good in him and was there for him. And vice versa, of course.
"Man, these cookies? They're the best. I never tasted such sugary treats before. The ones from the supermarket are shit"
Both of them laughed at Adam's statement, which wasn't false at all. Supermarket cookies were tasteless and most likely out of date too.
"I'm glad you like them. To be honest, I was skeptical about baking them. My mom taught me how to do so, but I failed almost all my attempts. Except once or twice when I actually got the recipe right"
"Nah, they're perfect. Soft and crunchy at the same time? And so much flavour. Mixed with warm milk is just the cherry on top, really"
Y/N giggled as she took another cookie and dipped it in her own mug of milk and swallowed the snack, happily. Her cheeks were now crimson red at Adam's compliments, but she chose to ignore it and continue the movie they were watching.
'Home Alone' was a classic, but almost too boring for them. It was cold too. The outside was covered in white snow, and the windows were now losing their purpose after being covered by tiny snowflakes that were constantly falling from the sky. Twilight was not helping either, and the street lights were now just shiny, smudged dots on the glass.
But It was cold. The heater wasn't exactly the best either,but the couch was cozy. So slowly, both of them found themselves shifting closer and closer to each other. It was like a magnetic experience going on.
"Where did you put the mistletoe?"
Adam asked, his gaze following Y/N's lips and eyes, right after. She turned around and faced him, then pointed at the gap between kitchen and living room. And there it was, a tiny mistletoe, hanging with the other shiny lights, waiting for its purpose to be met.
"Why? Do you want to kiss someone tonight?"
Y/N's joke caught Adam in full act. She continued to dip her cookies in milk after speaking those words, which forced Adam to fall in a small silence while rolling his eyes. He smiled, moving his eyes back to the movie and the food.
"Maybe. Maybe I had in plan to take it with me on a date tonight"
This time, Y/N felt her heart cracking at his words. He never mentioned anything about a date, and was sure that they would spend Christmas together... Like two broke rats in a cage,eating cookies until they're full and laugh at cliché scenes in Christmas movies.
"You're not going anywhere, Adam. Otherwise I'd know about this 'mysterious date'. You can't keep a darn secret"
The room fell into silence again. Adam was gripping onto the couch's material while anxiously chewing on his cookie, trying to decide whether he spills whatever he has to say, or stay silent like a coward. The candles were burning across the room, the sound of melting wax tickling Adam's ears and pressured him even more, while the Christmas lights were pulsing over his hands. He started feeling hot out of sudden.
'Make your choice' was silently pushing him in his mind.
"Or maybe...I wanted to kiss you"
He whispered, turning his head to Y/N and completely losing interest in the other two activities, such as eating or watching the movie. Y/N blinked at Adam as her heart starts booming in her chest. His eyes met hers and, somehow, Y/N felt herself floating.
"I'm so done with your jokes, Adam. They cause me a heart attack"
She answers, her side smile showing off in the corner of her lips. But Adam stayed serious, his eyes desperately searching for a place to rest, but instead they were roaming around Y/N's features. He was begging with his eyes for one kiss. He was pleading.
That's when Y/N realises that he's serious about his words, and without a minute more, she closed her eyes and took his lips on hers. The sweet remainings from the cookies were tasting on their tongues, as well as the cigarette Adam smoked a while before he joined Y/N on the couch.
And even without a mistletoe, Adam's plan was coming true.
Because he fell in love with a girl that was never meant to mean anything in the first place, just a simple roommate that helped him with groceries and rent. But he fell in love hard. It was almost uncontrollable. And she did the same.
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corpseontheloose · 10 months
i think all my stress would fade away if i could make out with adam stanheight for like 15 minutes
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corpseontheloose · 1 year
I have lots of requests, but since summer break started, in my school we need to work three weeks for our final grade (like an exam) so once i finish that, I'll start doing everybody's requests!!
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corpseontheloose · 1 year
hi! just wondering if you write for male or gender neutral reader? its okay if not! :)
Hi lovely! Unfortunately I don't write for male readers, and I'm struggling in GN but i did some GN characters in the past, so it could be a challenge. Although I write mostly fem! Readers. I'm sorry for disappointing :(
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corpseontheloose · 1 year
Hii! Can I please have some hunter sylvester headcanons where he has a fem s/o who has a fairy kei style and is very sweet and innocent, but also loves the same metal and things he does?
|Hunter Sylvester x fem!reader with a fairy kei style|
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Note: HI ANON!! You're actually my first ask, and I'm so exciteeeed because my style is also fairy kei with a mix of lolita and this got me all smiliiin'. I HOPE YOU LIKE IT. It's not the best and I'm so sorry TwT
Warnings: none
Hunter was dumbfounded when he saw you
Like literally.
Would question Kevin and/or random people about you
He would constantly beat himself up about this weird feeling,
Because having a crush on someone exactly the opposite of him was 'not metal' of him
"Dude just ask for her name"-Kevin
*visibly goes red*
Everytime he sees pink he thinks about you
He literally wrote a song about you and how much you're messing with his head
He randomly fixes his hair when sees you walking in
"Emily knows her. We could ask her"
When he hears that he would literally beg for that to happen
One time he almost crashed his car when you appeared in his mind
Would look at you in classes, questioning about this 'weird' style you have (you don't. He just doesn't understand it)
Does Google research about this
He smiles to himself when he thinks about you
"you good?" - Kevin
"yes, just the allergies messing with my muscles"
"????" - kevin
Emily told him your name so now he knows his mysterious crush
Literally gets TikTok videos with 'soulmates' with your initials 😭
He thinks he's in some type of spell
Totally denies his feelings sometimes because he's not used to it
At some point he talks to you
"nice weather outside, am I right?"
He literally goes ;-; and face-palms himself mentally
His eyes wide when he realises you're laughing
compliments your clothing style
When he learns that you like his style and music taste, he goes blank
No thoughts, head empty
His heart races with 100 per/mile
"t-thanks. Its the trauma"
He's so awkward, he's just scared to not scare you off
That joke literally came out of nowhere
He would start talking about fairy kei because he memorised everything from Google just to impress you
You literally think it's cute
He gifted it to you
He would give you stuff every day at school, such as hair pins, bracelets, cute accessories, small stuff that reminds him of you
Would plan a picnic date night in a nearby forest with fairy lights in trees n' shit
Would ramble at some point, talking about his favourite bands and their history
When he realises that you're listening and actually interested in what he says, he falls in love. Literally.
He's VERY surprised that you are also into metal
He actually opens up a little bit to you about his past. Just a little bit
Starts questioning on how you chose this style
Would listen to every single detail you give him
Would put his rings on your fingers, even if they're too big, just to see something of him on you
He never thought about loving someone the opposite of him
Would put stickers on your face
"Do you think this is cute?" - you
"Let's find out"
"How's my floating cotton candy doing?"
You're literally his will to live 😭
His life so boring and grey, until ✨ you ✨ come in picture
People are whispering about you guys but who tf cares?
"You're like a heart"
"how so?" - you
"without you everything dies around"
💳 💥
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corpseontheloose · 1 year
|Hunter Sylvester Headcanons in my fanfics|
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His self-harm scars are usually covered with foundation
He's deaf in one ear
His ring is a gift from his father from a long time ago
He has anger issues (pretty obvious from the movie tho)
He's very obsessive. Not just with metal, but if he gets attached to someone and decides that's his person, that's his person
He LOVES cats
He doesn't know how to fight
He secretly loves slow, love songs
He would write love songs once he gets a partner
He used to be left-handed when he was young but people were giving him weird looks so he forced himself into right-handed writing
He likes to collect can tabs
He trims his own ends of his hair (to let it grow longer damn)
He's strong on the outside, but would cry in his room every night
He prefers rainy days to stay home and practice guitar
His preferred sleeping position is on his stomach with hands under his pillow
In summer he puts his hair in a bun/ponytail
Has a slight V line 👀
He has anxiety tics
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corpseontheloose · 1 year
I really want to write about Hunter Sylvester from Metal Lords but i don't have any plot ideas. Could anyone gimme some?
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corpseontheloose · 2 years
Does anyone know how to change my Bio and name color?? Im having a struggle 💀 😭 it doesn't work on background or accent
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corpseontheloose · 2 years
Romeo And Juliet|Eddie Munson x fem!reader
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Warnings: Sexual Tension!!! Slight smut, but no sex. Just neck kisses, licks, chest kisses, shirtless Eddie (i don't think that's a warning 👀), romance, Explicit language, MCI 16+ pls i know y'all horny teenagers but goddammit 😭, insomnia ig but not really,friends to lovers, mention of skipped meals (no ED), pet names,random praise words.
Summary: Eddie find himself climbing up on your window at night
It was already late at night, and your mind flew from memory to memory from today's classes to today's lunch, Hellfire meeting, even the walk on your way home. Your room was silent. So silent that you could hear the slight ring in your ear that was bothering you when you tried to fall asleep. The clock from your desk indicates 02:26 AM. You were wearing your Hellfire shirt only, and a pair of black panties that weren't fully covered by the shirt. It wasn't that long.
It was past your bedtime, but you couldn't care less. It seems like the dream world didn't want to show up as much as you tried to force it into your mind. It was stressing you out,it became a habit to stay up all night long, looking like a total corpse in the morning, passing your days like this over and over again like it was no big deal. Nothing bothered you, actually. There's no specific reason for your insomnia, you just found it hard to fall asleep. Or maybe there were your thoughts that were keeping you awake at night..perhaps today's Hellfire meeting?
You and the other Hellfire Club members watched your dungeon master in silence,glancing at each other with eyes only like you were talking,but no sound needed. They quickly realised he's in a bad mood, or just tired. Either way, he shall not be disturbed from his quiet thoughts. You truly disliked his quietness, his coldness and his emptiness. Although Eddie was probably lost in his own mind, Gareth and Jeff would silently whisper to each other as you watched them scared, like Eddie might snap or just yell at them to shut up, but in the end, this was a Dungeons And Dragons club. Not a 'stay silent' club. So you looked at the long haired boy and spoke softly
"Dungeon Master,is there anything bothering you? Perhaps we could talk—" you took a little break, then added "—we also have to play. It's a special battle tonight, just like you said"
respectfully closed your mouth after that, and watched Eddie. Then his hair. His face. His hands, his lips, his eyes. You were nervous of what he was gonna answer. They all were. Dustin was visibly freaking out, making hand signs to shut the fuck up, which, in return, he earned just a pair of (y/e/c) rolling at him.
Eddie's eyes were following you as you scoffed at Dustin, making him smirk a little, but it quickly went away as you turned your gaze on him. He remained silent, locked away from his club. He was psychically present with everyone, but his mind was far away from reality, buried deep down in his thoughts. No one knows what he was thinking about. Not even him. He was just lost.
"Bullshit" you groaned, rolling on your stomach and covering your head with one of your pillows. He was bullshit, your feelings were bullshit, everything was bullshit. You don't even know why he acted that way towards everyone from the club. He was acting like a total cold hearted freak to you too, which never happened. You were always his sweetheart, best friend that could count on everytime something was wrong. But it seems like he had forgotten that because today everything went downhill at the end of the meeting. He did not offer you a ride home, like he usually does. He didn't use any of the pet names on you anymore. It was like 'Doll' and 'Sweetheart' suddenly left his vocabulary.
It was killing you on the inside, not knowing what was happening with your Eddie. The club was the only one aware of your crush on him, but not Eddie. He was oblivious of the love that you were holding for him. Maybe one of them accidentally told him your feelings? Maybe that's why he was acting weird. Maybe that's why he was so distant. All these thoughts made you squeeze your eyes shut, not wanting to be true.
Suddenly, a soft knock came out of nowhere. You raised your head from the dead, looking at your window. It was him. You got up from your comfort zone while rolling your eyes, still holding the fluffy pillow above you head, and unlocked the window for him.
"Easy there, Romeo. Don't make a mess"
He chuckled at your Romeo and Juliet statement, taking a look at you once he was fully inside your room. There was no shame in what you were wearing, since it was just Eddie. Long time best friend,he has seen you without pants since forever. He bowed down, whispering a sweet "My apologies for being late, my Juliet".
"What the fuck are you doing here? It's past midnight" you whispered-shouted to him, throwing your pillow on your bed. He watched you rambling about him being here,how your parents are gonna kill both of you if they find out, moving around your room with your hands in the air. He was simply smiling. Only if you knew how he felt about you. Once you're done, you sit on your bed, slamming another pillow on your face, adjusting your breath.
"Are you done?" he laughed, joining you on your bed. You glare at him with your famous death stare,squeezing your eyes a little and then replied. "Yes, I'm done". He shakes his head, laying down while you were sitting and watched him moving around making himself comfortable in your bed. He no longer had his shirt on, which made your cheeks to flutter a pink-ish shade of embarrassment. (he has a back tattoo y'all don't die👀)
It's been a while since you and Eddie had a sleepover, and seeing him scattered in your sheets made your heart melt.
Moments of silence settled in your bedroom, thinking he might've fallen asleep already. Maybe he was just a tired baby all day long, and you made all those stupid scenarios thinking about the worst. But he was just resting his tired eyes.
"What's up with you?" Eddie curiously asked, not opening his eyes. You turned your head in his direction, hugging the pillow to your chest. You didn't dare to make any sounds, or open your mouth to say something. You had no intention in answering his question, because no lie, good or bad, could cover up your dark circles from under your eyes. You turned your head again, not facing Eddie anymore. Your gaze went down to your hands that were holding on the pillow and sigh.
"I watched you, (Y/N). Something's wrong, I know it—" Eddie's eyes shot open, letting a soft groan escape as he moved his body to get up. You were stuck in your position, eyes not going anywhere but your crossed legs that were slightly twitching as you felt his hands griping on your arms. He sat down behind you, his head resting on your right shoulder and closed his eyes again.
Suddenly, the heat in your cheeks became more and more visible, from a pink-ish color to a red-ish color, hoping he won't see that. Even if it was dark. Your heart was alarmed, thinking it might jump out of your chest, running away from everything that involved Eddie.
Using his hand, he was gently stroking on one of your thighs, listening to your heavy breathing. It's like you were begging God to help you sink in your bed and never come back unless you were ready to. You hoped no club member told Eddie about your sentiments, but it was like the boy behind you read your thoughts.
"Gareth told me something—" you gulped, closing your eyes in embarrassment. 'That son of a bitch' you thought to yourself. "—a secret that he found out by just looking at you during lunch"
He found out. You were right. Gareth told him everything, and that's the reason he has been acting distant with you during Dungeons And Dragons campaign. Gareth was the only one who knew about the fantasies of you and Eddie, the dreams you had, and the thoughts that were randomly invading your head during classes and lunch breaks.He found out about your crush on h—
"You were skipping meals"
"Am i right, Sweetheart?" you nod your head slowly, opening your mouth to speak. "It was only today, i promise you. I wasn't hungry" you tried to protest. You were calm, no hard feelings about the situation. But of course you were at peace knowing Gareth still kept your secrets unknown from Eddie. "All day long? But, darling, what happened with your eyes? Are you not resting well?"
Shit. Now what you gonna do? Tell him the real reason of your lack of sleep? Absolutely not. It wouldn't be right to just tell your best friend 'Yea, i have troubles sleeping because you're always in my mind and i can't tell you shit because fuck's sake, Eddie, we're best friends." Totally not a good idea.
"I-I've been having nightmares lately..." you came up with this excuse,thinking it was good enough to convince him. Eddie moved your hair out of his way with his ringed fingers, listening to your stuttering lies. He was touching your neck slowly, watching you from behind.
"Really? What kind of nightmares?" he questioned,moving closer to your neck, feeling his hot breath on you. Your chest felt so heavy, which caused you to lean on his touch just a little more. You took a deep breath and continued.
"You know, basic nightmares with monsters, ghosts, demons hunting me down" Eddie softly squeezes your thigh, making you confused on what's happening. What the fuck was happening?
"Yea? Well... That's not what Gareth told me, y'know" his lips now inches away from your skin. "He told me about some beautiful dreams you had with someone". Gareth. I'll fucking kill him when i see him. Fucking traitor.
"He also told me about some feelings. Do you know what he was talking about?" you hummed a soft 'nu uh', trying to control the knots in your stomach that were forming right there, right now.
"Fuck. How can you be so cruel? Sweetheart, i thought we don't keep secrets from each other, remember? Hmm?" He hummed.
You were so fucked up. Thinking that maybe passing out wouldn't be a bad idea in this moment,right?
"But look at you. Lying to me thinking it's gonna fool me, hm? Like it's gonna work, am i right? Let me tell you something, darling." he moved his lips —leaving your neck in despair— right next to your ear and whispered. "Today i was distant because of the news that Gareth had shared with me before Hellfire. (Y/N), you have no idea what you're doing to me" then kissed your neck.
They were slow, wet, burning hot kisses, just like in your fantasies. But better. So much better. Your body wasn't under your control anymore, because it started moaning on its own forgetting about your parents that were sleeping next door. Eddie covered your mouth with his hand, stopping for a while from kissing you.
"Now, Sweetheart. We don't want your parents to hear you, don't we? Be a good girl and go silent for me, will ya?" you nodded. He left your mouth free again, moving his hand now under your shirt, right on your hips. "E-Eddie.." you felt his wet tongue exploring your neck, twisting your head slowly to him so he could get more of you.
"Mhm. That's right, doll. Whisper my name like you worship it'' Eddie felt aroused at the thought of you being finally his. Finally hearing your gasps when he touched you. It was like a dream coming true, because in fact, you have no idea how much he was fantasising about you before knowing the damn truth Gareth spat today.
"I love you"
It was safe for you to say that that night was something special for both of you. Because the next day, you two were walking down the school's hallway, hand in hand, earning thousands of glares and whispers from others. Even teachers. But you were proud to say that, Eddie Munson, the freak of the school, was your boyfriend.
Now it was time to find Gareth.
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corpseontheloose · 2 years
Kisses By The Midnight Pool\Eddie Munson X Female!Reader
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Warnings: Sexual Tension!!! No smut at all, just pure romance. 16+ MCI (minors can interact), sober thoughts dw, skin to skin touches, pool/water, friends to lovers, Explicit language,neck kisses.
Summary: Eddie is your best friend since 4th grade. You never thought of him that way until 8th grade. Your feelings for him growing deeper and deeper as you get older. he makes the first move tho. Eddie is 20 and the reader is 18,almost 19.
You and Eddie were always spending time with each other. Being your best friend, he knew everything about you, and you knew everything about him. There were no secrets between you two. Well.. Maybe just one. It started in 8th grade, when he invited you to go to the Snowball with him, since no girl would want to go with Eddie 'the freak' Munson and spend a night with him stuck between four walls with cringy, lovey-dovey music playing from the speakers. He knew you'd be the only one to go with him, but just as friends, of course. He wasn't like that though. He never liked the idea of Snowball, parties, sleepovers, but you did. And boy oh boy, he wanted to make you happy. "That's what friends do, right?" He asked himself
But it wasn't 'just as friends' for you, because your heart wasn't dancing on the rhythm of the romantic music that was blasting from the other side of the room. But for sure it was beating because of his brown doe eyes fixed on yours with such loving stare. He loved you. But it was 'just as a friend' love. That is, until he found himself getting nervous around you, and your touches. Every time his skin touches yours, every time your fingers would brush against his, he would feel like dying right there, in that moment. That's the moment he knew he was a goner. A fucking big one.
Your body was floating inside the water of your pool, at midnight, clearing your head of the stress that's been holding on you since the week started. Your parents, your sibling, school work, Eddie, friends, everything was just messed up in your brain, and the only quiet place was out of your house, where no one can scare your peace away from you. And that was the big pool in your back yard,where the only sound that could be heard was the little water drops from your hands, if you'd decide to raise them from the water.
You let out a loud sigh, letting your head sink in the clear water, slightly shiny because of the fairy lights that were hanging on your fence. The bright moon was above you, watching over you and keeping you safe. At least that's what you thought as a child, having an unexplainable love for the night. You expected to be on your own tonight, but taking your head back to the oxygen, rubbing your fingers on your eyes to clear your vision, you hear a male voice behind you.
Course you'd get scared, but tonight wasn't the case because the voice was his voice. His sweet voice that was driving you insane just by hearing it. Saying your name was just a bonus for your dirty fantasies that you were having sometimes in your bed, but they never ended up in something more than just make out sessions.
"I figured out I'll find ya' here" Eddie says, watching you from a fair distance. He leaned his left hand on the white fence of yours, proudly smiling knowing he did a great job at finding his best friend. "Well, you know me. Sinking my problems in a pool. Very normal" you joked, turning around while smirking,a smile forming in the corner of Eddie's lips as a return for your action. Taking his hand away from the fence he was leaning on, he started walking towards your direction, taking a seat on the hard cement watching down at you. You started swimming around,trying to figure out why is your best friend, long time crush, visiting you this late.
"You need help with something?' You ask,raising an eyebrow at him. He shook his head. "Nope" he replied. "You need money? You want me to do a favour? Are you hungry?" You continued, listing every question on your fingers. He chuckled, shooking his head once again. "No, No and no". You swim closer to Eddie, placing your hands on the cement he was standing on. Your body was still floating in the water, but your thoughts already lost in another land because of his eyes that were watching over you carefully like you'd gonna drown in any moment and he'll need to save you from losing your oxygen.
"Can't a man visit his best friend without being questioned?" Eddie laughed, playfully rolling his eyes at you. You scoffed, splashing him with the water around you. His jaw dropped "You did not!" Eddie exclaimed, bringing his hand to his chest, his heart, in a 'You hurt me' way, squeezing his eyes shut. You giggled. "Come here, you little shit" Eddie laughed, trying to catch your hand and pull you out of the pool, but failing miserably. You were already on the other side of the pool, sticking your tongue at him. "Oh, you wanna play that way, sweetheart?" He questioned, looking straight at you. He was competitive, and you challenged him by running away from his grip. So now it was only you to save yourself in case you were drowning in your own pool, because a competitive Eddie would let you die just to make sure he wins whatever the challenge was.
He takes a moment for taking his rings, shoes, socks, bracelets and silver chain off of his pants, placing them carefully on the ground, then without any warnings, his Hellfire shirt joined the jewellery, leaving a shirtless Eddie who jumped in the pool. He still had his black jeans on, but it didn't bother him. He wanted to catch you and keep your head underwater until you give up on being a bold motherfucker and won't challenge him again.
"Get back here!" Eddie whispered-shouted to you, swimming around, trying to catch you. The yard was filled with giggles and laughters from both of you not caring about the neighbours, nor your parents or sibling anymore. It was you and Eddie against the world. At least for a moment,because moments like this aren't so often found in your friendship. And for sure it will be a great memory in some years from now on. "Ha! Caught ya!". Your mouth left a soft squeak, squeezing your eyes shut, not wanting to be tortured by your best friend's punishment of holding your face in the water. "No, please, I'll do anything. I still want to live and breathe fresh air. I'm too young to die. Lord have mercy" You begged. But he wasn't moving at all,which confused you.
Opening your eyes slowly, you could see the long haired boy watching you in silence, holding on both of your wrists. He was paying attention to your pink-red-ish lips, and once your eyes were fully open, he moved his gaze to them. His dark eyes were sparkling above you, reflecting the moon that was shining with pure intentions of illuminating people's dark paths. Maybe dark minds too. His face was close to yours, but not so close as you tried to pull away a little. But you couldn't. Your mind didn't want to. You just watched him getting closer and closer to your face. You could feel his hot breath on your lips, his hands moving to both of your shoulders, holding you delicately. Your head fell, looking down hoping you'll see something interesting. But it was just water. You were just lying to yourself just so you could ignore his intense gaze on you. Unlike you, with your eyes still buried in the deeps of the pool, he was still watching. Watching you. And you knew that.
Slowly, it became really hard for you to breathe. The tension that was forming between you two was killing you on the inside. Your heart was pounding fast, hard, heavy, in your chest, and as silence as it was, you were sure Eddie could hear that. He could hear your tiny heart beating because of him, and how much you struggled to breathe. All because of him. Because of what was happening. He knew the effect he was having on you. How intoxicating his cologne was for you, and his slight wet hair falling down on his back and shoulders. He knew. He knew how much you adored his wet tattoos on his body. He didn't know all of these things until now, having the proof right in front of him.
He was so close to your face, yet so far from your lips. Your face was burning a dark red on your puffy cheeks, and he'd be lying if he had to say his face wasn't imitating yours. The silence was killing you both, and you both knew the risks of this whole situation. But none of you wanted to stop. It felt right. "hey" Eddie whispered, placing one finger under your chin,raising your head from your thoughts. He looked at you, then at your lips, then at you again, and your lips once again. You both were coming closer once again. Your eyes were fixed on his lips, while his on yours. Inches away, almost touching, you were enjoying the last moments of hot breathing from both of you, then closing the gap.
The kiss was so desired by both of you, so hungrily, but yet so sweet. So hot. You were both too shy to move anything, but your lips together. You could feel the heat that was building in that kiss. How much of a fantasy it was, but not tonight. Tonight it became true. For both of you. The kiss came to an end eventually, leaving a saliva trail between you two, but couldn't get enough just with that. You were both so desperate to get more and more of each other. You were craving his taste so bad, it was like getting high from it. So he kissed you again, moving his hands from your shoulders to your arms. You sweetly whined in the kiss, which made him smile. Parting lips again, your eyes were still closed, as he moved his hot mouth on your jaw, then your neck, attacking it with slow, deep kisses. It made you weak in your knees, and if it wasn't the water that was holding you, you would've ended up on the ground, probability thinking this was a dream, or just another stupid daydream of yours.
"Eddie.." you whispered, trying to talk, but the feeling of him on you was enough to make you shut up for the rest of the night. "Shh" was his response,continuing to pamper kisses on your neck and your chest. "Be quiet" Eddie added. One of his hands covered your mouth and continued his work. You swore you could pass out right there, make a scene, die in his arms. That's how your body felt under his touch, and yet it wasn't enough. But you were thankful of what you have now. His touch was everything to you, and you'd give everything just to stop the time and never end this night. Never end those touches. Never end this feeling.
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corpseontheloose · 2 years
𝐬𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐢𝐧 | 𝐣𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐩𝐡 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐧 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 | you ask joseph if he can fuck you in character as eddie, and he’s more than happy to do it. 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | joseph quinn (rpf) x fem!reader 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬 | smut (minors dni, oral m!receiving, p in v sex, unprotected sex, doggy style) degradation kink, he’s a sweetheart 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 | i’ve had this idea for a while and i finally got it down on paper hehe enjoy!
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“You want me to do what?”
You rolled your eyes. “Well, don’t act like that,” you huffed. “It was just a thought, take it or leave it.” 
Joseph’s eyes were wide as he considered the offer you had just laid at his feet and, for as good of an actor as he was, you had no idea what emotion he was trying to convey with furrowed eyebrows and moonish eyes and an agape mouth. “Repeat that,” he said finally. 
“What?” you asked. “I want you to fuck me in character. You act like I’ve asked something monstrous of you.” 
“No, no, it’s just…” Joe began, and he laughed. “Eddie is so different from me. I didn’t think you’d like him at all.” 
“I do,” you admitted. “He’s just so sweet.” 
“And you want to fuck him?” Joe asked with a lilting laugh. At least he seemed amused by the idea. “In costume and everything?” 
“Yeah,” you admitted quietly, lightly chewing at your fingernails. “Look, Joey, it took a lot of courage for me to even ask, so if you’re gonna tease me about it—”
“No!” Joe said quickly, and he moved to sit next to you on the bed. The trailer was small, obviously not built for more than one person, but you and Joe made it work. 
You had only seen him in costume once, when he popped by the trailer during lunch to grab his phone charger, and the sight of the long hair and the tattoos had done something to you. You couldn’t stop thinking about it, and, as lovely as your Joe was, you wanted to see if he would even agree to something like that. 
“Listen, I-I like the idea,” Joe told you. “I was just surprised. Are you sure it’s something you want?” 
“I’m sure,” you told him. He put his strong arms around you and carefully tugged you to sit on his lap, and you tossed your arms around his neck, smiling at him. “Is that a yes? You’ll do it?” 
Joe sucked at the back of his teeth, and he nodded. “You’re persuasive,” he told you, and his hand lightly touched your cheek, his thumb moving back and forth on the high point of your face. “Do you wanna plan it, or let it be a surprise?” 
“Surprise me,” you said. “Surprise me with Eddie.” 
“I’ll be sure to,” Joe told you, and he kissed you softly, his perfect pink lips pressing and molding to yours. He tasted like cigarettes, even though he swore up and down that he would quit, but you didn’t mind it really. It was just so perfect and so Joe that it made your head spin if you thought about it too hard. 
The next day passed with no Eddie appearance, and so did the next. Your time on set was coming to an end soon— visiting from London for a week didn’t exactly give you a lot of time with him, especially with the shooting schedule being so hectic, sometimes 12 hour days that spanned all night and left your Joey incredibly tired when he schlumped into the trailer at 6AM— and you almost worried that he had forgotten. You didn’t want to remind him, though; you didn’t want to lump another thing onto his back. Even if it never came to fruition, you decided, the fact that he said he would try meant the world to you. 
Finally, the day before your flight back home, your last dinner with Joe, it happened. You stepped into the trailer and slung your bag down, and you settled on the sofa before you took notice of a smell. It wasn’t a bad smell, just different, and you quickly identified it. 
Cologne. Not the Dior stuff that you were used to Joe wearing, but something that stung a little in your nose, something cheap. And a hint of cigarettes, maybe? Cheap cologne and cigarettes. Your eyes widened, and you called out “Joey? Oh, umm… Eddie?” 
There was a commotion from behind the closed door that led to the itty bitty bedroom, and you heard a distinctly non-South London voice call back to you. “One sec, sweetheart!” he said in a pitch-perfect American accent, and your heart fell into your stomach. It was happening. He was doing this for you. 
The door slid open, and your mouth fell agape at the sight before you. Your prim and proper Joseph was completely transformed, long hair that framed his jaw and touched his shoulders, curled like his real hair but much darker than his, wearing ripped jeans and white tennis shoes and that distinctive black and white Hellfire Club shirt. His sleeves were rolled to his elbows to show off the tattoos that he now had on his arms, and you could see one peeking out the top of his shirt. The rings on his fingers made you shiver, and, everything added altogether, you couldn’t believe that he was actually doing this for you.
“There she is,” he said with a wide smile, and he came to stand in front of you. His belt was right in your eyeline, and your eyes widened at the handcuff belt buckle. Jesus. Your mouth went dry and you swallowed, and you looked up at Joe with wide eyes. “What do you think, babe?”
“You look…” you started, and you struggled for the right word. “Hot.” 
“Well, I know that,” Joe said and rolled his eyes. “You like what you see, huh?” 
You stretched out your hands to touch him, and you hooked your fingers in his belt and tugged him a step closer. He laughed under his breath as you touched him all over, your hands wandering from his thighs to his stomach and to his neck, and you tugged up his shirt to see the demon and the spider tattoos on his chest. “Oh, yeah,” Joe chuckled, still stuck in the accent. “Aren’t these tats sweet?” 
“This is so weird,” you laughed lightly, and you placed a kiss on Joe's belly before you let his shirt fall back down. “Oh my God, Joey…”
“Who’s Joey?” Joe asked, his eyebrows furrowing. “Have you been seein’ other guys behind my back?” 
“Never, my love,” you told him, and you stood up and wrapped your arms around his neck. “I’d never do that. I only want my Eddie.” 
“Good,” Joe told you, and he brushed a kiss across your lips. “‘Cause I only want my sweetheart.” 
Your lips tingled with his kiss, and you couldn’t help the heat that was quickly invading your body. He was hot. Your Joey was everything to you, he was incredibly sexy and smart and attractive and kind and every good thing that could be said about a person, but Eddie was different. Eddie was a different sort of sexy, in a way that seemed almost dangerous, like he would bend you over the counter and fuck you at any second. 
“Speaking of,” Joe began, kissing your cheek softly. “My dick is hard as fuck. Think you can help with that?” 
“God!” you laughed, your face heating up. “Blunt.” 
“You know how us Americans are,” Joe laughed, his cheeks tinging pink. “We’re nothing if not blunt. C’mon, sweetheart, I know how bad you wanna suck me off.” 
“I do,” you admitted. “But maybe I just wanna kiss you first. Say hi properly, y’know?” 
“Sure,” Joe replied, and he slotted his hands into the back pockets of your jeans, squeezing your ass for a moment. “Hi there.” 
“Hi,” you giggled, and you leaned up to kiss him again. “How’re you doing?” 
“M’fine,” Joe shrugged. “Couldn’t wait to get a break and come see you.” 
“How long do we have?” you asked. 
“Just under an hour,” Joe told you, his big eyes sparkling at you. At least he didn’t have to wear any colored contacts for Eddie; if you didn’t see his wide brown eyes, you would be too sad. “Think that’s enough time?” 
“Oh, definitely,” you nodded. “So I guess I’ve gotta get to work, right?” 
“Yeah,” Joe nodded. “Sooner, the better.” 
You kissed him one last time, and your hands went to the handcuff belt buckle, opening his pants to you. Even a brush of your hand across his pants had him hissing in a breath, and he mumbled, “Don’t you fuckin’ tease me, sweetheart.” 
“I’m not,” you giggled, and Joe’s hand came to grab your chin, and he forced you to look at him. There was something different in his eyes, something a little darker than you were used to, but the intensity only made your cunt twitch. 
“Fuckin’ talking back,” Joe said. “Don’t make me get mean with you. Just suck my dick, baby.” 
“I like you like this,” you blurted out, and your face went even warmer as Joe’s eyes widened for just a moment. 
“Yeah?” He asked, and you smiled as his true accent crept through for just a moment. 
“Yeah,” you agreed. “Kinda mean. I like it.” 
“I can do mean,” Joe said, fixing himself and settling back fully into Eddie. His shoulders went back and he stood up straighter, and you grinned as your sweet Joey disappeared under the blanket of Eddie once more. “C’mon, we don’t have all day, princess, get down there.” 
“Yes, sir,” you giggled, and you quickly worked yourself to your knees, fully undoing his belt and unzipping his pants. 
“I like sir, that’s cute,” Joe said, and his hand cradled your cheek as you pulled out his cock. He was right; he was hard as fuck. His cock felt like hot steel, all hard ridges and veins as it twitched in your hand, and you were quick to put your mouth on him, suckling at the uncut head of his cock. 
You heard his breath catch in his throat at your small movements, and you took him a bit deeper as his hand came to your head. His fingers itched in your hair for a moment before taking hold and tugging you further onto his cock. You groaned in the back of your throat as you eagerly sucked him, and you hollowed your cheeks out to hug his cock tight. He was hot and heavy on your tongue, already leaking precum, and the taste of it made you moan softly.
“Oh, you like that?” Joe asked, looking down at you, and you looked at him through your eyelashes. “Fuck, look at you. Take it, just like that…” He moaned, long and low in his chest, as your tongue massaged his cock, and he mumbled out, “Fuck, sweetheart, your mouth’s so good.” 
You fell off of his cock with a gasp, the sticky precum mixing with your spit and dripping off your lips and his cock, and Joe let go of your hair to cradle the back of your head with his hand. “M’gonna fuck your face,” Joe said, and the roughness of his words combined with the American accent made your cunt throb and clench around nothing again. You were wet, you could feel it dampening your panties, and you wriggled a bit to get some kind of friction from your jeans. “Oh, what, baby? Need some attention?” 
“Please,” you whimpered, and Joe smoothed his hand down to your neck, holding you firmly for a moment before he dropped from you completely.
“Get over to that bed,” he told you, and, when you stood, he landed a firm smack on your ass. “Go on, baby, I’ll be there in a sec. Undress for me, get all ready.”
“Can I touch myself?” you asked. Joe usually didn’t care about that sort of thing, but you were picking up the vibe that Eddie might care. 
“Yeah,” he replied. “Good girl, asking for permission.” 
You couldn’t keep your eyes off of him as you did as he told you, and he watched you eagerly, stroking his cock. It was unbelievable how attractive Joe was as Eddie, and you reached out for him as you took off your shirt. “Kiss me, Eds, please,” you whined, and he stepped forward towards the bed, his hand still tight around his cock. 
Joe leaned forward and quickly connected his lips to yours, his tongue immediately claiming your mouth. You moaned at how dominant he was, and Joe smiled as he broke the kiss. “You’re enjoying this a little too much,” he told you with a chuckle. “Never gonna want ole Joey again after this, only me, huh?” 
“I’ll always want Joey,” you told him, and you planted your feet on the bed and shimmied out of your jeans. “Joey is kind and sweet and has a stellar cock, but one night with Eddie is… Fun.”
You watched as blush invaded Joe’s cheeks at your compliments, and you grinned as he nodded. His hands went to your body, and he smoothed his fingers up the sides of your body until he got to your bra, and he removed it with ease. Joe leaned forward and kissed you softly once more, and his mouth traveled to your neck in an instant. “You want a hickey?” he whispered, and you nodded quickly, your hands finally going to grab at his hair. The wig was surprisingly lifelike, and, to be honest, it sorta creeped you out, but Joe seemed to like when you tugged on it. 
Joe’s hands went to your panties as he sucked hard at your neck, and your back arched into him. “Eddie,” you moaned softly, and Joe made a strangled noise deep in his chest. 
“Yeah, sweetheart,” he whispered, nipping at the mark on your neck. “Say my name, baby, let everyone know who you’re fucking.” 
“Eddie,” you whined, and Joe tugged down your panties, discarding them off the side of the bed. 
“Jesus Christ, look at you,” Joe chuckled, his eyes locking on your cunt. You squirmed a little under his gaze, and his strong hands came to grasp your thighs, holding your legs and cunt open for him. “This little pussy, already so messy and wet.” 
Joe’s hand came to your pussy, and he tucked his thumb onto your clit, touching it just enough for you to jolt and moan. “Yeah, baby,” he whispered under his breath, and the sound of it made your cunt flutter and twitch. “Good girl, you’re all wet for me. You think you’re ready?” His fingers, adorned with those heavy silver rings, lightly swept up your pussy, collecting some of your slick on his fingertips, and the sight of his glistening fingers made you nod quickly. 
“Fuck me,” you gasped, your chest heaving with anticipation. “Please, Eds, please fuck me.” 
“Oh, baby, the whining,” Joe chuckled, taking hold of his cock once more. He stroked himself a few more times, watching your pussy wink and flutter at him, and he hissed in a breath. “Turn around,” he told you quickly. “Hands and knees, sweetheart.” 
Your arms shook underneath you as you got into the position he asked, and you felt him grab a handful of your hair as the burning head of his cock slid up your pussy from behind you. Without warning, Joe snapped his hips forward, burying himself inside you in one swift movement, and you moaned in surprise. “Eddie!” you squealed, and his hand left your hair to press between your shoulder blades, urging you down until just your ass swayed in the air. 
“Yeah, baby,” Joe mumbled, and he withdrew himself from you for a slow, agonizing second before filling you once more, his balls hitting your sticky cunt as he buried himself up to the hilt in you. The position made him feel so much deeper inside you, like he was fucking your throat, and you uselessly grabbed at the bedhseets to anchor yourself as he started to properly fuck you. 
Joe grabbed your hips and fucked you back onto him, and you whimpered at the feeling of him. “Fuck,” you whined into the mattress, but Joe didn’t seem to hear you; if he did, he ignoeed you. His hand smoothed across your ass for a moment as he fucked you hard, the sound of your skin colliding making that hot coil in your belly tighten, and he finally smacked your ass hard. 
You gasped in shock, and you dug your fingernails into the bed once the pain finally registered on your skin. “Eddie,” you moaned. “Fuck, baby.” 
“I know,” Joe groaned, and he kept up his rhythm, spearing you hard onto his cock, the lewd wet noises of your pussy reverberating off of the walls of the bedroom. “So deep in your little pussy, huh? You like it like this?” 
“Love it,” you whined. “Love your cock, Joey.” 
Joe was quiet for a moment, obviously absorbing that you had said his name instead of Eddie’s, and he smacked your ass again when he recovered. “S’not my fucking name,” he said on a growl, and he grabbed a fistful of your hair and tugged your face out of the bed. “What’s my name, baby?” 
“Eddie,” you gasped, and you reached back to touch him, any part of him. Your hand found his quickly, and he threaded your fingers together as he continued his nearly-punishing pace. 
“Say it again,” Joe said. “Say it ‘til you forget that other guy’s name. It’s only Eddie, isn’t it, baby?”
“Eddie,” you said, and his hand squeezed yours tightly. “Eddie, fuck me, Eddie.” 
“Glad to know you take directions,” Joe laughed, smacking your ass again. He let go of your hand and leaned forward, molding his front to your back, and he wrapped his arms around your waist to drag you further into him. “Fuck, baby… Fuck.” 
When he spoke next, you jumped. “Jesus, love… Hard to-to keep it together.” His accent broke through fully, dropping Eddie for a moment as he fucked you deep, and your cunt throbbed hard around his cock. You had already gotten so used to the Eddie voice, hearing Joe’s real voice was a shock. 
“Do you need to stop?” you asked, and Joe shook his head. 
“No, baby, I’m fine,” he said, his American accent back again. “Just keep hugging my dick like that, you’re gonna make me cum so hard.” 
Your cunt pulsed at his words, and he buried his face in your neck to smother his loud moan. Joe had never been like this before, and it was absolutely a turn on for you, seeing how unhinged and frankly animal he was being. 
“Eddie,” you whispered, reaching back and taking his hand again. “I love you.”
Joe groaned again, fucking you roughly as he held your hand, and, into your neck, he muttered, “I love you too, princess. God, fuckin’ love you so much.” 
“Cum inside me,” you told him, and Joe kissed at your neck almost frantically, laying peck after peck onto your skin. 
“Oh, no, I’m not,” Joe said. “I’m not cumming ‘til you do. Better speed it up, baby.” With that, he let go of your hand and reached forward, and you moaned high in your throat as his fingers started to play with your clit. “Just like that?” 
“Yes,” you whimpered, and your  hands went back to the blankets, grabbing them in your fists as your legs began to shake. The way he was fucking you, along with playing with your clit, and the overwhelming energy of feral Eddie, it was all so much, and you felt the hot coil in your stomach tighten and tighten until it threatened to burst with every fuck into your body that Joe gave you. 
“Fuck, you’re so good,” Joe muttered, his voice low and breaking. “Feel so good, this pussy, you take me so well. Are you getting close?” 
“I’m gonna cum,” you hissed, reaching between your legs and grabbing at Joe’s wrist. The chain link bracelet he wore was cool to the touch, as were his rings, and you shined and pushed back against him as he fucked forward. You cried as you felt him deeper than ever before, the pain blossoming in your tummy and slowly melting into pleasure, and Joe laughed into your ear, taking the fleshy lobe into his mouth. 
“Deep, baby?” he asked, and you nodded quickly. “Did it hurt?” 
“Yes,” you sobbed. “But I like it, don’t stop, y-you’re gonna make me cum.” 
“Yes ma’am,” Joe chuckled, and he grabbed your hip and shoved you further back on him as he fucked you. The pain rocketed through you again, but it all settled in your pussy and clit, and you knew that you wouldn’t last much longer if he kept up with that. Everything all combined, his fingers on your throbbing clit and the punishing rhythm, it was too much, and you squeezed his wrist as the coil burst in your stomach and you came hard around him. 
“Fuck, baby,” Joe laughed as your legs shook, and he added, “Good girl, milking my cock so good, fuck. Still want me to cum inside you?” 
You felt lightheaded with the intensity of your orgasm, and you could only blearily nod at him. Every sense was jacked up to ten, and the feel of him inside your sensitive channel made you whimper and cry. “Fuck, J-Eddie, oh my God.” 
“Aw, look at the mess you made,” Joe said, still fucking you just as hard as before. “So much cum… M’gonna give it to you, you ready?” You nodded quickly, squeezing his wrist again, and Joe finally let go of your clit to play with your fingers for a moment before he grabbed your hand hard. “Fuck, you’re perfect, baby, so fuckin’ perfect, good girl…”
He fucked into you one last time, burying himself as deep into your cunt as he could manage, and you gasped as he pumped you full of his cum. His body was warm against yours, his belt clinking as his hips stuttered, and your shaking legs finally gave out as he pulled out of you. 
You laid in the bed, panting and trying to regain some of your brain, and you heard the sounds of Joe cleaning himself up, wiping away the bits of cum on a discarded bath towel, and you remembered that he had to go back to work after this. “You alright?” Joe asked, and you couldn’t exactly understand why your eyes watered at the sound of his accent, his voice back. “Love, talk to me, are you okay?” 
“I’m fine,” you said softly, slowly sitting up. Your body was already sore from his roughness, and you groaned at the ache in your legs. When you looked up, Joe was knelt beside the bed, looking at you with those big doe eyes of his, his eyebrows pitched up with worry. 
“Was it too much?” he asked. “Was I too mean?” 
“No, darling, it’s not that,” you said softly. “I’m just…” You took a deep breath, and you giggled lightly. “I can’t believe we just did that.” 
“Yeah,” Joe chuckled. “Did you like it?” 
You nodded. “It felt… Weird,” you started. “Like, it was you, but it wasn’t, and you-you fucked me so hard, you’ve never— but I liked it! It was just weird.” 
“Weird for me too,” Joe said, and he slowly stood up, brushing the hair behind his ear. “Hair got all in my mouth at one point. I hate this wig. But it was weird to fuck you and not be me. I did like it, though. I always like fucking you.” 
“Good to know,” you chuckled, and you pulled him to you and planted a kiss on his puffy lips. “Thank you for doing that for me. I love you.” 
“I love you too, darling,” Joe said, and he kissed you again, gentle and loving and everything that Joe was that you loved. “We have a few minutes before I need to get back, can I do anything for you before I leave?” 
“No,” you said. “Just be my Joey, and I’ll be happy.”
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corpseontheloose · 3 years
For the people who read Chapter 5 already. Here's a pic with Quackity's car. Enjoy
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corpseontheloose · 3 years
Fun fact: Y/N will end up with however you want to. Everyone will flirt with them, but I'll make different endings with everyone :)
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