cooldrawsofficial · 4 years
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some insect larvae I drew from google stock photos!! very satisfying to fill an entire sketchbook page with nice clean drawings
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cooldrawsofficial · 4 years
I made this sideblog so that people wouldn't have to look at my dnd spam if they didn't want to but god help me I will keep reblogging from it until someone follows me there
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this scene didn’t literally happen in game but i think it’s a good representation of our emotional experience as we gradually realized that the oneshot we all made dumb goofy characters for was actually an elaborate excuse for our dm to stat out the Predator as an npc
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cooldrawsofficial · 4 years
heads up if you want to keep seeing my drawings & aren’t sick of all the dnd content yet then you should follow my sideblog ;)
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a scene from a home game im in! since we've gone remote and I have access to my tablet during games, I've been challenging myself to draw something during each session
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cooldrawsofficial · 5 years
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-3 to charisma but +9 to initiative if you got something to say about it
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cooldrawsofficial · 5 years
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*steps up to mic* *clears throat* aarakocra... are good
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cooldrawsofficial · 5 years
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liked this drawing enough to polish it up. we’re starting this game today & i am PSYCHED
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cooldrawsofficial · 5 years
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party member’s character
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cooldrawsofficial · 5 years
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this is too similar to the first one to merit its own post BUT ive nailed down the outfit/drapery a little bit more and the light source in this version is a little less, uh. bullshitty
i joined another game of dnd 😔
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cooldrawsofficial · 5 years
i joined another game of dnd 😔
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cooldrawsofficial · 5 years
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+ the aftermath
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i picked up my tablet for the first time in decades and all i drew was my awful, awful dnd character
AND i fucked up his left hand and drew it backwards but god cant stop me
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cooldrawsofficial · 5 years
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i picked up my tablet for the first time in decades and all i drew was my awful, awful dnd character
AND i fucked up his left hand and drew it backwards but god cant stop me
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cooldrawsofficial · 6 years
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God who lives in the paint fumes shows him a new dream when he’s half awake. That in seventy years death’s right hand will speak and say It was a holy war, and for this cause everything I did was justified. But this he cannot tell her.
“We came to proselytize,” He finally settles on. “Even though they called it by another name then.”
 “And what were you trying to teach them?” She asks
Obedience. Humility. Submission. Fear. “I don’t know.” And: “We left them with a light so bright it could have been burned into the back of your eyelids.” To which Death’s right hand would say: Humans should not presume to be able to understand the will of the divine. If an angel reveals itself to you, how can you ever question that form. (Even when the thing it leaves in its wake can be so easily itemized: a pocketwatch stuck in 1945, broken glasses, and a suitcase stripped bare.)
commission for (and text by) the unparalleled @seishinmuroi
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cooldrawsofficial · 6 years
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gorgon’s eye
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cooldrawsofficial · 6 years
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character lineup for a universe ive been playing with. these guys are magekillers. they got really good at killing mages and then, in the spirit of free market economics, started charging for it. supply & demand babey
also check out my commissions!
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cooldrawsofficial · 6 years
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character lineup for a universe ive been playing with. these guys are magekillers. they got really good at killing mages and then, in the spirit of free market economics, started charging for it. supply & demand babey
also check out my commissions!
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cooldrawsofficial · 6 years
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Complete Fullbody  Colored & shaded Base: $40-$50 Additional Characters: $15-$20/each
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Colored Sketch Colored, unshaded Base: $30-$40 Additional Characters: $10/each
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Sketchpage 2-4 individual drawings, uncolored Base: $30-$40 Additional Characters: No fee
Character Designs Same prices as above
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cooldrawsofficial · 7 years
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our party (clockwise from upper left: oscar, eudes, agatha, & chillbert) + npc goblins broag and albin.
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