being poor is traumatic. even if you’re not homeless or starving. never being able to get anything nice for yourself, never being able to go out to eat without feeling guilty, never being able to do anything fun that isn’t free, making you housebound in bad weather because you can’t afford to go to a cafe or a movie. it takes a toll. being poor under capitalism makes your life a waking nightmare. this post must be reblogged by everyone.
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So we got some kandi bracelet stuff, and...
Alter kandi!
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We're making alter kandi for alters who front a lot!
Partially for our own self expression, but also so our partner and our friends know who's fronting without having to verbally ask. (So far, has worked well!)
It's nice having people refer to you by who's fronting, gives me a nice amount of serotonin.
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Heres a picture of all of em so far if you want some inspo.
Now, do I suggest other systems do this? Yes! Would some of these be a good gift to system? Absolutely! (Make sure you get their correct sizing and stuff rather than just guessing, and make sure they can comfortably wear the kind of bracelets you want to make)
Self expression as a system can be very difficult, so even though it's small, just a bracelet could make a system/alter's day. Something that is theirs, and only theirs, that they don't have to share with the system.
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Common sayings vs what you actually mean (and why they’re ableist), stigmatized mental disorder edition!
“I’m a little OCD” vs “I’m a bit of a perfectionist” obsessive compulsive disorder doesn’t mean “need to keep things organized” it’s a complex disorder that needs more recognition and respect. Saying things like “everyone is a little OCD” when you mean “everyone likes to keep things organized” is hurtful.
“He’s such a narcissist” vs “He’s so self centered” narcissistic personality disorder is a VERY REAL disorder that people DO have. Watering it down as “bad person disorder” is ableist and harmful and you need to stop.
“She’s such a psychopath” vs “She’s so cruel and violent” I shouldn’t have to explain why this is ableist, but I’m going to anyway. Psychosis is another disorder that’s very real and effects more people than you think. Main symptoms of psychosis are delusions and/or hallucinations, and people with psychosis are more likely to be on the RECEIVING end of violence than to be violent themselves.
“He’s acting schizophrenic” vs “He’s acting erratically” once again this shouldn’t need an explanation, but it gets one anyway. Schizophrenia does NOT mean “crazy”. It’s a disorder that results most frequently in audio/visual hallucinations and delusions. Stop equating an already stigmatized disorder to “crazy person disease”.
“I get so bipolar sometimes” vs “I get so moody sometimes” bipolar disorder does NOT mean “mood swings”. While symptoms of bipolar disorder include manic/depressive episodes, it’s much more than “I felt hyper but now I’m sad”. Watering down the definition like this does nothing but prevent people with bipolar disorders from getting help.
“It’s like he’s got a split personality” vs “He’s acting completely different” not only is this using an outdated and ableist term (“split personality”) it’s incorrect. DID, OSDD, and DDNOS are typically much more subtle than media portrays it, and it’s not a “personality change”.
[Everyone is encouraged to reblog, stigmatized disorders or not. However don’t fuck around on this post or derail it. Please.]
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Look look look is cute lookie lookie artist :D
-Safiya, xey/they
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(text: Exclusivly Art Sideblog. Woo!)
time to post ugly wips and sketches without any remorse >:]]]]]
also so people can look through my art without trudging through all my reblogs :D
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okay fuckers listen up
ive got some MISLEADING ASS LABELS that I want to address.
Do you see this monster energy drink?
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You see this slightly blurred monster energy drink?
What do you expect it to taste like?
You'd think this war veteran lookin ass would taste scary, would taste like war.
Taste like the blood of your enemies.
AND look at their SUGGESTION at what the drink would taste like
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At Monster, we don't get too hung up on politics. We're not for "The War", against "The War" or any war for that matter.
We put the "camo" pattern on our new Monster Assault can because we think it looks cool. Plus it helps fire us up to fight the big multi-national companies who dominate the beverage business.
We'll leave politics to the politicians and just keep doing what we do best - make the meanest energy drinks on the planet!
Declare war on the ordinary! Grab a Monster Assault and
Viva La Revolution!
Now after that nice speech they gave you on the back of the can, you'd be pretty fucking intimidated, right?
I was intimidated, that's why i got it, because I wanted to be intimidating, and I wanted to feel intimidating by consuming the intimidating item.
But when I opened the can,,, and I tasted it for the first time.
It tasted. Like fucking bubblegum.
You get this scary ass drink and you open it and it turns into bubblegum and rainbows.
you can imagine my disappointment.
-Amès, they/them
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Hellloo everyone, daily reminder:
Please do not treat persecutors horribly! Treat your persecutors as you would treat any other alter
They might hurt you or your system sometimes, but don't act like you haven't once or twice either.
Let's start with "what is a persecutor?"
A persecutor is an alter who holds very bad emotions towards a certain event, or a person, such as ab/sers [u] or a dark time for your system.
Sometimes an alter will split to hold those events, those coping mechanisms and the like.
For example, if there was a dark depressive episode with a lot of SH occuring, there might be an alter who splits off to hold that.
"So why do they treat us so badly?"
As I mentioned before, persecutors hold forbidden negative emotions, similar to that of a trauma holder (many persecutors might be trauma holders as well)
[TW - Examples of: Transphobia, self-harm, fatshaming, disordered eating]
There's many reasons that a persecutor might do damage to the system. If a persecutor is holding memories and feelings towards transphobic ab/sers, for example, they might deadname and misgender you to try and "shape you up" to help prevent any more trauma related to being transgender.
Maybe a persecutor has self-destructive tendencies when they front. Just as you would a singlet, you don't know what they're going through unless they tell you (or you have low amnesia barriers lol). They likely just, hurt. They have a lot of emotional pain and have bad coping mechanisms that you don't like.
Maybe they're forcing themself and the system into disordered eating when they front, and they try to stop other alters from eating as well. What you might not know, is that they hold memories of people calling them fat and that they were overweight (even if they weren't overweight), they starve themself to try and stop that shaming from happening to themself or the system.
[End TW]
Think for a second, use your brain, or ask the alter who hogs most of the brain cells to really think for a second. Why are they doing this? What could they have experienced to make them act like this?
Think about a singlet, and why a singlet might be doing the things that your persecutors do.
Examine what your persecutor is doing, try to think of why they're doing it, then try to help them, things won't get much better if you don't.
"But they're all just so mean, they won't heal even if we tried."
That's just flat out wrong.
Sure there are some persecutors who might be all scary and whatnot, but there's also sweet persecutors, like Tyche in our system. There's persecutors that you probably wouldn't know was a persecutor, they wear all pastel and are shy. There's persecutors that seem completely "normal" that you might not even realize is a persecutor.
As for the "they won't heal", you don't know until you try. You have to reach out to them. You have to put in that effort.
"Then how do I fix them?"
They aren't broken. They don't need to be "fixed".
What they need is a support system. They need what any other person, alter, singlet or system would need, and that is support. That's the only way for them to heal and for your system to recover.
And to everyone who's stopping their persecutors from fronting, yelling at their persecutors, getting people against their persecutors, etc etc:
You are apart of the problem.
Your anger, hatred for that alter is about as damaging, if not, more damaging to the system than the alter who's been labeled "persecutor".
Let them front, don't be angry when they want to front. Just because they're a persecutor doesn't mean they don't deserve a chance to experience life.
Talk to that alter. Treat them like you would any other alter in any system. I don't care if they look a bit scary. I don't care what they've done to your system in the past. The only way for you and your system to heal, is to help your persecutors heal.
You and them don't have to be best of friends, but you do have to respect them.
I promise, things get better once you've helped them recover.
Sincerely, ex-host and persecutor Amès [they/them], and a persecutor [he/him] who wishes his name to stay private.
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Artist !!
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If I’m going to be part of this fandom i might as well actually post my drawings, lmao
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It's just important.
can we PLEASE talk about the google scorpion emoji
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Oh definitely!! I used to collect crystals and rocks that were pretty and just knew they held magick, I just wasn't sure because of what I was taught.
Any other witches instinctively do magic as small children?
Because I was a sheltered Christian kid who had no idea what witchcraft was but I routinely set up “wards” around my house.
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The biggest "fuck you" to bigots would be making attack helicopter an actual gender and adopting it, like how we did queer
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the very moment i realized i was a trauma holder, i dropped everything and made this:
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-Ever, they/them
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Genderneutron is an aesthetigender related to neutron stars, black holes, and just the general limitless void of space. Genderneutron people may feel as if their gender is infinite, undefined, and/or closely tied to the mysteries and grand-ness of space.
Requested by @corvid-skulls! (Feel free to send in a message if you have any more requests or any improvements to add to this one!)
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The flag uses colours typically associated with space, and has stars in the background. The big black circle in the middle represents both black holes and the neverending quality of space.
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Oh, and that one really well drawn one of Amès was colored in digitally:
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So Amès and Nil fronted together for a long while yesterday, and I found they made a very nice little collection of doodles with each other.
Comparing art styles and drawing together
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Drawing each other, writing little notes in our system language
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And their own characters!
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It's fun to watch two artistic alters getting along, and I'm glad they had a good time :)
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So Amès and Nil fronted together for a long while yesterday, and I found they made a very nice little collection of doodles with each other.
Comparing art styles and drawing together
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Drawing each other, writing little notes in our system language
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And their own characters!
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It's fun to watch two artistic alters getting along, and I'm glad they had a good time :)
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guys please its important
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Unusual American Alligator Colors
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a friend and i coined a gender for me to use, and i wanted to share it!
(here's the flag we made)
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galactagender: a gender related to a strong connection with nebulas or galaxies. the stripe colors dont have any meaning really, but if you want to give them some meaning that's cool too!
you can use any for this!
some suggestions i have are...
star/stars or sta/star
if you have any other suggestions, let me know and i can add them!
please read my dni before using this! <3
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Hi there! You seem to have somehow found our page.
What will we post?
Who knows! Not me
However, if you want an idea of what our page will be like:
Some custom discord emojis
Neopronouns or xenogenders
Some art/art tips
Random informational posts
Shitposts or 3 am shower thoughts
This is a variety channel, guys. /ref
Will not post
COVID-19 or wear a mask posts
Activism posts, such as ones related to ACAB (we support them! We really do, but they're getting overwhelming for us, partially because they're so political)
Will likely add more soon... (no thoughts head empty)
Too much discourse (including syscourse)
May add more topics later
DNI stands for "do not interact," if you interact, you're just an asshole.
So, our list, do not interact if you...
Are apart of or support racism, anti-LGBTQ+, anti-MOGAI, ableism, TERF, etc etc
MAPs/PEAR, whatever the hell you guys call yourselves now
Are anti-neopronouns
Support/claim non-traumagenic systems exist, you are ableist.
Support/create sentient thought forms (aka western tulpas), you are ableist, and do not respect the closed r/l/gious practice that tulpamancy is based off of
Right-wing political standing/support right-wing ideologies
Are from /r/DIDcringe or other subreddits of the like.
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