Catalyst For Fun
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catalystforfun · 10 years ago
Texas Governor tells agencies to prioritize religious freedom over same-sex couples.
Texas Gov. Abbott gives permission to his depts. to act in defiance of Same-Sex Ruling! :Unbelievable--Article below! **Article linked here: *Friends, please consider re-posting this article and sending a letter of dissent to Greg Abbott's office: Hours after the U.S. Supreme Court legalized same sex marriage across the country on Friday, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott told his department directors to not take action against any state officials who act or refuse to act on account of their "sincere religious belief." "This order applies to any agency decision, including but not limited to granting or denying benefits, managing agency employees, entering or enforcing agency contracts, licensing and permitting decisions, or enforcing state laws and regulations," Abbott wrote. The directive appeared to open the door to allow state agencies to refuse to give employee benefits to same-sex couples. Hours later, however, Abbott spokesman John Wittman issued a statement to clarify the governor's directive. "The Governor's directive does not authorize or order state agencies to deny benefits to same-sex couples," Wittman said in an email. "The directive ensures that individuals doing business with the state cannot be discriminated against because of their religious beliefs." Abbott's directive ordered the heads of state agencies to prioritize religious freedom, writing that no adverse action should be taken against a state official "on account of the person's act or refusal to act that is substantially motivated by sincere religious belief." Earlier this month, the governor signed into law the "Pastor Protection Act," which exempts private citizens from performing marriages that would cause them to "violate a sincerely held religious belief." "In the wake of the Supreme Court's decision, the law's promise of religious liberty will be tested by some who seek to silence and marginalize those whose conscience will not allow them to participate in or endorse marriages that are incompatible with their religious beliefs," Abbott wrote. "As government officials, we have a constitutional duty to preserve, protect, and defend the religious liberty of every Texan." Article link:
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catalystforfun · 10 years ago
Obamacare is the Law Now-How to help spread healthcare coverage for Amercians todayby re-posting this article full of heathcare links!
The 8 Best Lines From the Supreme Court Decision That Saved Obamacare **Please repost if you like by hitting the 'share' button below!! **To promote healthcare for all, hit 'share to spread this repostable blurb: 1) Please note and promote the Obamacare Open Enrollment Dates for next year is Nov 1, 2015- Jan 31, 2016 to help our community get covered! 2) Join Organizing for Action (OFA) at: *You can search for the OFA chapter in your state by searching for "OFA - your state's name" *For Texans: the Organizing for Action Texas's Facebook is *To shop for plans today and enroll starting Nov 1st, go to **For Obamacare Facts, see **To shop for plans today and enroll starting Nov 1st, go to 3) It is time to push our states to accept the Affordable Healthcare/Obamacare's program and Medicaid expansion and to assure their citizens get the healthcare they need. Here is an CNBC article about the high price for states not expanding Medicaid:
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catalystforfun · 10 years ago
Willie’s Picnic on July 4th in Austin--tips and info!
Austinites: Willie's 4th of July picnic is coming up weekend after next and is in Aweston again this year!! == I always have a HOOT! ---Event Info at: **Tip: i found out that the ticket allows one to go in and out of the venue, so one can tailgate/eat/refill out of one's car= **also, there are tickets that may be sold on Craigslist for premium parking (which is sold out now)=i bought a 40 dollar parking pass so we could go to my car more easily ==also a 20 ounce bottle of water is allowed and refilling stations are around =Finally, I hear it is very sunny so bring an umbrella--more tips about how to prevail at long days at a fest are here on my on my Fun tips webpage: NOW GO HAVE YOU A LARGE TIME, WHATEVER YOU DO!!
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catalystforfun · 10 years ago
Brilliant new Awakening and Quantum Physics Book: review and places to buy under $5
Great new book explaining Quantum Physics and Awakening. My dear friend, and very awakened dude, Tim Cross, has published a wonderful book I have read and highly recommend: THE ARCHITECTURE OF FREEDOM. ** Read national reviews and my review below and see more about the book on his website: If you know Tim, write him a congratulatory message if you like! He can be contacted via his website! *Share this on Facebook too to help him to share! **Excerpt of the Kirkus Review: "This provocative and ambitious book seeks to synthesize ideas in philosophy, spirituality, ethics, and new and old models of science to lay the groundwork for a new understanding of the place of humankind in the universe as well as the worth and purpose of human life" *The book is available for less than $4.95 online, however, I recommend the print version as you will likely want to highlight it because it is so brilliant. **Where to buy it: 1) 2) The Nook format of the book is available at 3) The print edition of the book sold at Book People and Brave new Books, and can be ordered at **See the Facebook Page for the Architecture of Freedom ******************************* **Reviews of Tim Cross' Book: 1st Review: Kirkus Review of The Architecture of Freedom “An extensive, encyclopedic investigation that walks a fine line between New-Age spirituality and metaphysics.” “Is it possible some of our central beliefs about time, space, and ourselves are wrong and our lives might change drastically for the better if we revise them? Cross investigates. This provocative and ambitious book seeks to synthesize ideas in philosophy, spirituality, ethics, and new and old models of science to lay the groundwork for a new understanding of the place of humankind in the universe as well as the worth and purpose of human life. It’s as gargantuan a task as it sounds. The book, in keeping with this colossal goal, is sweeping in scope, moving from a discussion of recent discoveries in theoretical physics to a detailed account of how these discoveries prompt us to reconsider, and ultimately reframe, some of our most common convictions and beliefs. The project, then, is a revisionary one, encouraging readers to call into question the belief, for instance, that our view of the world is objective or exhaustive: “The reader must keep in mind that the multi-dimensional nature of the universe will always mean that it cannot be fully or accurately described using our three-dimensional concepts and language.” Cross gives intriguing descriptions of theories of the multiverse that have captured the minds of philosophers, physicists, and religious leaders for much of recent history. The goal of the project, however, is to show that understanding the connected nature of reality can help us transcend the egotistical concerns that have come to dominate our lives. In one particularly provocative chapter, the author argues that even a figure like Hitler should be understood as a necessary stage in the unfolding of a beautiful, perfect universe. In friendly, well-paced prose, the account flows and is broadly fascinating. In some cases, he puts forward claims that seem plainly at odds with common sense, and the justifications for discarding such common sense seem, at best, weakly speculative. That said, the book succeeds as an exploratory exercise in attempting to understand the practical consequences of taking up alternative stances toward the universe and our place in it. An extensive, encyclopedic investigation that walks a fine line between New-Age spirituality and metaphysics.” – Kirkus Reviews *********************************** 2nd Review of The Architecture of Freedom​ Will be published in Small Press Bookwatch for July 2015 Synopsis: Exploring modern physics, personal experience, and spirituality, this book outlines a radically different way of understanding our lives, our universe and our being. While "The Architecture of Freedom" is not a quick read or proposing an easy fix, once understood, the ideas in laid out by author Tim Cross will forever change your life. Whether or not we are aware of it, what the majority of us most desire is peace of mind in each and every moment. This experience becomes available to all of us when we learn how to live our lives without “resistance” so that we can then use our unique gifts to follow our most personal and joyful path. "The Architecture of Freedom" describes the personal adventure and the process that brought Tim Cross to this realization and will serve others as a helpful guide for this, humanity's our common journey. Critique: Thoughtful and thought provoking, "The Architecture of Freedom" is a compelling, comprehensive, and informative read from beginning to end. "The Architecture of Freedom" is one of those rare works that will linger in the mind and memory long after the book itself is finished and set back upon the shelf. Very highly recommended for community library Self-Help/Self-Improvement collections, it should be noted for personal reading lists that "The Architecture of Freedom" is also available in a Kindle edition ($4.95). –Midwest Book Reviews +++++++++++++++++++++++ 3rd Review by Amanda Winters Tim Cross' book was an absolutely joy to read. I find him more interesting and easier to understand AND more hip and funner to read than anything I have seen or read from Neil DeGrasse Tyson or Stephen Hawking. This book is an important contribution to our world and a work of love, apparently. The author is hip, funny and brilliant. Mr. Cross has done a masterful job of creating a model to help us better understand life. The price is unbelievably low at $3.95---And I think it is a great gift that is appropriate for anyone high school age up. As an architect and former physics teacher, he is able to provide an easy to understand (yet thorough) explanation of extremely complex subjects and how he believes they fit together. Some examples are explanations of: -The Big Bang, Multiverse, Cosmology, String Theory and Quantum Physics -The Theories of Many Worlds, Relativity and the Multiverse . He makes these topics easy to understand, even to those of us who have little or no background in physics. He has a fascinating life and provides many incredible stories of his experiences that prove or disprove the scientific theories he describes. Examples include stories of fire-walking and having an out of body experience, and he explores many phenomena, such as out of body experiences and the burst of energy that occurs at the time of death for many. The book succinctly describes practical ways to understand and work with with the human condition to become a more conscious and presence centered human being. Recommended practices resonate with those of world famous teachers I study (such as Eckhart Tolle) and include mindfulness (living in the now), forgiveness, gratitude, and recognizing and releasing judgment and projection. I found his history of physics as we understand it today fascinating. A great advantage to the reader is that the author welcomes readers to skip the scientific explanations and pick through the well indexed book to the parts that are of more interest to them. The book has increased my trust in the universal laws invisibly and seamlessly in operation around me. As promised by the author, I gained a better understanding of the structure of creation, and it eliminated many of my fears. :) Enjoy and don't be surprised if you do not end up stuck in it, reading for hours, consumed by its amazingly wonderful content!!
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catalystforfun · 10 years ago
Facebook Is Matching Every Dollar Donated To Nepal Earthquake Relief Through Its Site
Facebook Is Matching Every Dollar Donated To Nepal Earthquake Relief Through Its Site : please forward==how wonderful! **==button to donate is at bottom of article: **Article Text: Facebook is helping users connect with loved ones affected by the earthquake in Nepal and stretch their donation dollars. The social networking site announced on Monday that it will match every dollar contributed through its donation widget to the International Medical Corps (IMC), up to $2 million. As of Monday afternoon, more than 4,000 people were killed in the magnitude-7.8 earthquake and IMC is working to bring lifesaving medication and other supplies to people in need. To prevent waterborne illnesses and other communicable diseases, the aid organization is also distributing hygiene kits and water purification tablets. Facebook said 100 percent of donations made through its fundraising feature will go directly to the International Medical Corps. The social networking site also said it will donate its matching funds to a number of local relief organizations. Facebook is also capitalizing on its worldwide reach to help users notify one another of their whereabouts in the affected region. Inspired by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan, the “Safety Check” app identifies users based on their location and alerts them if they are in an affected area. Users can then notify their Facebook friends if they are in a secure location. “During times of crisis, we have seen people turn to Facebook to learn about what’s happening, share their experiences and support one another,” Facebook said in a statement. “By offering tools to help people donate to support those in the affected areas and check on loved ones, we’re hopeful that together we can promote safety and help urgent resources reach those who need them.” The button below indicates how much has been raised on Crowdrise's "Nepal Earthquake Relief" page. Click to visit the site and donate.
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catalystforfun · 10 years ago
The Kerrville Folk Festival finishes this weekend with a great lineup including David Crosby Ruthie Foster, Bill Kirchen, and Joe King Carasco
The Kerrville Folk Festival finishes this weekend with a great lineup including David Crosby Ruthie Foster, Bill Kirchen, and Joe King Carasco ....Join me and hundreds of new and old friends at the 'great summer camp for adults', just 2.5 hours from Austin. I recommend camping overnight and going to campsites for jamming and incredible songwriter circles, however, many hotels have rooms available, as well, and you can always visit the campground and crash at a hotel. Kerr family and all friends==please share this post on your fb pages!! let's help grow this non-profit fest!! Here is the schedule for music...honestly, I don't care who is playing. It is the great people who have been there for over thirty years that I go to see. Enjoy! *Here are my Festifarian Best Practices if you go to the fest---a list of what to pack, etc....…/1Yj9g_Us0rRXpW5gbZswQy5eTZvn…/edit hope it helps==HAVE FUN!!!
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catalystforfun · 10 years ago
Texas Flood Volunteers: How to Help Today with Publicity for Much Needed Volunteers Today from Your home computer.
Ways to Help Flood Victims NOW: Currently, there are more requests than volunteers. **Please volunteer, and RIGHT now, repost the information blurb below by hitting the 'share' button below to place this post onto your Facebook wall, cut and paste it onto your social media, share with relevant community organizations and/or send the info out in emails to your contacts. ********************** Repost this info today: Flood Volunteers: How to Help Today: The Volunteer Resource Center is located directly behind the San Marcos Chamber of Commerce, which is located at 202 N C M Allen Pkwy, San Marcos, TX 78667. You can call them: 512-753-2320 and they are open 8am-5pm).**For a list of the most up to date volunteer opportunities in San Marcos, please go to the Serve San Marcos webpage at: or go to the City of San Marcos’ Flood Resources and Situation Update Page at: ********************** Volunteers in Wimberley can go Cypress Creek Church, 211 Stillwater, Wimberley. and 512-715-4134 and they are open 8am-5pm. To contact them via email, write to: +++++++++++++++++++ **Another source for volunteer opportunities is: KVUE’s How to donate, volunteer to help Central Texas flood victims page at:…/how-to-help-texas-flood-vic…/27912539/ **Help us Spread the Word Today. Please repost this information by hitting the 'share' button below to place this post onto your Facebook wall, and/or cut and paste it onto your social media and into emails.
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catalystforfun · 10 years ago
Austin Events Upcoming
Austinites: The Newest Catalyst for Fun Newsletter is out: To subscribe, go to: **The Newsletter at: ***Included is: 1) Memorial Service for our Dear Deborah Ramaker tonite, 5/28 2) Bruce Hornsby tonite! 5/28--cheap tickets 3) Kerrville Folk Fest rages on til June 7th==join da fun! 4) How to Help with Flood devastation in Austin and other places, plus newest update on it (Yes, I haven't published one for a long time! I plan to though! Love You's! *****Since I don't send the newsletter out that often, You can see my Latest Posts at: * and For Updates via Twitter: @catalystforfun * Also, The Catalyst for Fun Blog:
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catalystforfun · 10 years ago
Flood Helpers in Central Texas:  How to Help Update
Central Texas Flood Volunteers and Donors: Brand New Update 5/27--please repost== check out the awesome FB page: A friend and I (the wonderful, Peg Fuller) went to the River Road area and tried to help clean out houses today, 5/27, and luckily most of them had already been helped to gut their houses...many did need help to create a GoFundMe, paypal or other donation tool, however, for you techie types...donations and fundraiser seem to be a great need because many of these people don't have flood insurance==I suggest calling the Salvation Army in San Marcos to ask them if they need help (512-754-8541) and/or see the NOW OPEN: San Marcos Flood Volunteer Center open 8am-5pm Phone: 512-753-2320 205 N. C M Allen Pkwy Effectively immediately, volunteers (groups and individuals) are encouraged to connect with the San Marcos Flood Volunteer Resource Center. The VRC will connect willing volunteers with needed projects. We have transitioned out of Half Price Books Parking lot 900 Bugg Ln. Do NOT go there to offer to help. Call 512-753-2320 and/or go to 205 N. C M Allen Pkwy. (Also, many more opportunities on a page I hope you will share on your facebook by hitting the 'share' button below, or cut and pasting it)…/how-to-help-texas-flood-vic…/27912539/ The Red Cross also accepts volunteers and donations., but it is a multi step process that can take a longer period of time than my other suggestions. **A great summary of the devastation from 5/26 is here:…/300-homes-destroyed-1000-da…/27886949/ you can align with in this operation that will last months at least. (**Of course New Braunfels and many other areas need help too, but I don't know that scoop--google it, if you like).
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catalystforfun · 10 years ago
Flood Help in Central Texas needed: Where to go to help!
Flood Help Needed: (please re=post)....The devastating floods created a need for volunteers and donations. The Salvation Army in San Marcos (phone number is 512-754-8541) is taking walk up help and I was told that one can show up at the San Marcos Activity Center I was told feeding happens several time a day (4pm is one time) and offer to help individuals or the staff at (501 E. hopkins road=-other locations at the link below).. Here is a link to the Salvation Army and an article below from their site....... I would call first, however. More help is needed with donations later this week in Austin to help with donations, I was told. Here is the number for the activity center 512-393-8280. The Red Cross also accepts volunteers and donations. ***Article about Salvation Army's help with floods at: **Article: Dallas, Texas (May 25, 2015) – Following intense Memorial weekend storms record flooding has devastated areas of Central Texas. The Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services teams are working closely with local partners to provide assistance to individuals who have been displaced from their homes. An estimated 1,000 homes have been flooded in Hays County, Texas, where the Blanco River at San Marcos crested at just over 43 feet, rising an incredible 31 feet in the space of 24 hours. The mobile kitchen from The Salvation Army Austin Area Command, in coordination with the San Marcos Service Center, provided meals at the San Marcos Activity Center, 501 E. Hopkins Street, on Monday. More than 1,000 meals have been served over the last two days. Four pallets of water will be delivered by The Salvation Army at the request of the City of Blanco. Emergency shelters previously activated to accommodate flood evacuees have now closed in Corpus Christi and Wichita Falls as flood levels recede. The Salvation Army mobile kitchens from San Angelo, DFW Area Command, Big Spring, and Midland provided 852 meals, 1969 beverages and 96 snacks on Sunday in Wichita Falls. In Houston, The Salvation Army continues to assist at the American Red Cross Shelter (Lone Star Community Center, 2500 Lone Star Parkway, Montgomery, TX 77356) serving 146 meals, 301 beverages and 98 snacks on Sunday. As statewide response continues The Salvation Army is appealing for financial donations to help support relief efforts. To make a donation please go to htttp:// If you are interested in learning more about The Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services (EDS) in Texas, or to become a local disaster volunteer, please visit: For the most up-to-date emergency disaster services news from The Salvation Army in Texas, please visit: and follow latest updates on Twitter @SalArmyTXEDS and Facebook at is a link:
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catalystforfun · 10 years ago
John Oliver's brilliant summary of the horrible consequences of the United States being one of the only developed countries in the world not mandating paid family leave
John Oliver's brilliant summary of the horrible consequences of the United States being one of the only developed countries in the world not mandating paid family leave---the poor babies who sometimes only get their Mother for a month or less because she can't afford to not be paid for longer than that! (To find out what you can to do to help can be found below)..**The Clip is here: (all John Oliver shows are available free on youtube by the way!) **Paid medical leave has been a success in the two states that have mandated it, by the way (California being one of them). Pres. Obama and Hillary Clinton (in this Mother's Day video) have urged its passage, and it is primarily supported by Democrats. This will not look good for Republicans in the next election, especially, I believe, so I were a Republicanagree I would urge my candidate and/or Representative to change their tune if they have not already.) Here is the John Oliver show clip: (Here are some quotes from a Huffington Post article: " A majority of Americans think employers should be required to pay for sick leave and time off for new parents, according to a HuffPost/YouGov poll. Seventy percent say companies should be compelled to offer paid sick leave to employees, while 67 percent favor paid maternity leave, and 55 percent support paid paternity leave, the poll found. About 40 percent of private-sector workers, many in lower-wage industries, aren't guaranteed paid sick days, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. President Barack Obama has urged employers to offer the benefits voluntarily and has asked Congress and state legislatures to pass legislation requiring paid leave. Lawmakers' opinions on the benefits diverge largely on partisan lines. Americans in general, however, are more supportive. The poll found a majority of Republicans and Democrats support requiring paid sick leave, although Democrats are 31 percentage points more likely to do so. There were similar partisan gaps on maternity leave and paternity leave." Besides writing your Congress person, which I plan to do, (easy using this link: ), here is a group working on this and related issues:
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catalystforfun · 10 years ago
New Orleans Jazzfest Tips and Parties
My New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival Tips and Parties List......(please send me yours too or post them below!) Official fest site: *more Posts like this on my facebook fan page at **from my Fb this morning The fest kicks off this weekend and continues next weekend as well==(this is a post from my Facebook below ===would love to know your scoop on parties, etc too ==here is my text number 512 423 6529) ==I am coming in tonite, 4/21 btw and staying thru the 2nd weekend and maybe beyond)… I suggest buying tickets cheaper at the New Orleans Arena Box Office --you must bring cash and go in person in the past......(next to the superdome) and to consider getting getting a BrassPass and becoming an instant 'guardian of the groove' by purchasing it--and it is only 70 bucks or so more than regular tickets and you get special food and bathrooms, etc with it==it is fully transferable too!! --plus a tax write off for part of the ticket price, as the radio station that sells them is a non-profit...stay between the weeks if you can...and here is my Festifarian Best Practices Guide to making the most of a big day out...... **Here is a guide to the Fest's bands **see for full fest details .....I don't know anything about cheap places to stay, but tell people to look in Slidell, Kenner, Laplace and towns 30 minutes away for better deals if they have to go that route!! I exit the Jazzfest and to straight down the street from the Sauvage Exit at night to see many bands playing on the way to the post party at Liuzza's Bar and Mona Mia, where there are bands as well ***Other related Jazzfest Parties: Oak Street Block Party happening on the Wed between the weeks, Great parties and good friends to make at the has a free show this Thurs, 4/23 and a fundraiser next Tues, 4/28 --all funds go to support musicians.....I will go to Thursday at Armstrong Park Wed, 4/22..... .Hook Line & Dine Extravaganza w/ Flow Tribe, Frogs & Friends, Crawfish Boil More A smorgasbord of music & food... Doors open at 8pm General Admission Includes: Food: Seithers Seafood Crawfish Boil, Jacques Imo's fried chicken & Jambalaya Blue Runner Red Beans Music: 8:30-9:30pm: Frogs & Friends (featuring members of Frogs Gone Fishin') 10:30-till: Flow Tribe 2) ==backbeat foundation has a thursday nite, 4/30 event between the weeks that is at th botanical gardens... 3) chazfest happens wednesday 4/29 and is uber cool==see my friend MC Sweet Tea​ perform there for a funkalicious, hilarious good time 4) In Lafayette Square there is music going every Wednesday and Thursdays at Armstrong Park 5) see,, and for more info too on parties 6) I heard there is a blow out at Blaine Kern's mardi gras world on May 1st as well
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catalystforfun · 10 years ago
Probiotic Advantages==Depression to Weight Loss to Infection Prevention!
Probiotics==We already know the advantages of taking them, from weight loss to anxiety and depression reduction, to less frequent urinary track infection: **Don't miss the slide show about probiotics at the bottom of this article:…/probiotics-depression_n_706… **A very researched and powerful (1 billion cultures!) probiotic is supposedly Equilibrium, which I haven't tried but seems very legit==here is the website for them: I only buy rather expensive probiotics from health food stores or whole foods that have a company with a well known reputation at stake behind them. (For more on my newest healthy habits that have resulted in me feeling BETTER and happier than ever, see my Healthy Tips from Amanda's Life Webpage:…/1C8NeTbC8AG-7DPwwkleACO_xifw…/edit ***note: the pharmacy and Walmart type brands are sometimes complete shams--see my previous posts or my health webpage) *I drink coconut kiefer water (inner eco brand), eat fermented vegetables (which are very powerful for gut health--google the term it if you want) and I like the fermented veggies from national distributor Wild Brine and Hat Creek Pickle company in Austin== (And EASY solution all sauerkraut is fermented and easy to find in grocery stores). Hope this helps!!! smile emoticon PS...why did I wait this long to feel this good?
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catalystforfun · 10 years ago
A List of My Favorite Healthy/Natural Living Websites: My favorite media these days...
My Best New Healthy Habit: Checking out websites and their matching Facebook pages that are full of health research studies, natural cures, lists of superfoods, the best supplements to take, etc --Plus, I search youtube for videos about the health topic I am interested in, and often learn info that is not available in their articles: **Here are some of my favorite health sites **Sites well known because unbiased: Environmental Working Group: **************** Other sites: harvard health newsletter: : a health forum for people to share tips **Also See: and —have info on a variety of health topics—go to websites then search for your topic ************************* ***Natural foods/cures websites: ++++++++++++++++ My Ever Evolving Health Tips Wepage has many of my favorite new health enhancing ideas:
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catalystforfun · 10 years ago
Great Article on Food Ingredients to Avoid=Also links to dietary guidelines as well
Great Article on Food Ingredients to Avoid=Also links to dietary guidelines as well. *Article link:
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catalystforfun · 10 years ago
Stones coming to Dallas on June 6th==tickets avail 4/13
The Rolling Stones are coming to Dallas on Saturday, June 6th --It is the closet they get to Louisiana or Texas, amigos!!! Tickets on sale for entire tour April 13th at 10am (ps....don't buy my damn ticket==HA!) ...they blow my pants off EVERY time...I know, its only rock and roll, but I LIKE IT, LIKE IT
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catalystforfun · 10 years ago
New Barton Creek Greenbelt Trail Map and Recreation Guide Available
Austinites: Check out this new Barton Creek Greenbelt Trail Map and Recreation Guide by the wonderful Save Our Springs Alliance **I bought mine at Whole Earth Provision Company==love that store!! A beautiful, detailed map of the Barton Creek Greenbelt printed on waterproof, tear-resistant paper.Click here for more info:
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