Undertale imagine blog. Rules under #rules tag. SFW asks only please. Character limit: 4. Ask: OPEN. Mod is mobile user -♌️
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Skulls Sprite
Thought I’d try my hand at spriting him with some of the expressions I commonly use.
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Undertale still has me in its grip…
So here are some phone calls from good friends! (More to come)
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Continuing that other post with Waterfall calls!
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One last call post! It’s Hotland!
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Sans starts up a weird science podcast with a human, and calls it Flesh and Bone
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If you like this, please support the official release! (undertale.com/ | www.deltarune.com/)
UST: mana
Music: Giga & Reol (ちるちる is the song’s name I hope)
Vocal Sample derived from Toby Fox’s “UNDERTALE”
Yeah, I did the same thing to sans as I did Papyrus and his voice is joyously deep as hell wow. Instead of stretching, I just put the vowel EQs on sans’ original and just worked from there.
Is… this a thing I’m going to be doing? Maybe, maybe not.
#not a hc#not hc#undertale#sans#THIS TOO#IM JUST#WOW#utau#underloid#?#jinriki sans#im still blown away
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UST by RenjiTakuma
“Additional Memory” by Jin
So I apparently did some surprisingly dark magic with Papyrus’ voice beep, which I thought was sick. The artificial voice was super, super different from how I thought it’ll turn out (I was just going to get Papyrus to sing but here I am).
Overall it was pretty fun to get Papyrus’ ‘voice’ from the original file!
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Been playing through Undertale for the first time on Switch recently and since it’s also spook month I had the idea for this dumb little parody animation of one of my favourite videos (x). Credit to the original artist, @brakken! Also up on Youtube.
#not mine#but WOW#WOWOWOWOWIE#LOOK AT THIS#ITS AMAZING#undertale#animation#papyrus#sans#undyne#alphys#frisk#IM STILL SCREAMING
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New imagine blog!!! Check them out!!!
New imagines blog!
Hi! I’m starting a new imagines blog for a few different fandoms (you can find those in my description) and the inbox is open~ So please send in asks, thank you for your time, it’s much appreciated! - Mai
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hello! i like your blog! ok bye~ ♪( ´θ`)ノ
Thank you so much aaaaaaa -♌️
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For some reason i can't view the rules on mobile, so i'm not sure if you do swapfell, so forgive me if you don't! How would the skelebros (from sf and uf) react to a human who fell...but they're dressed in a prison jumpsuit and no shoes. They're also still handcuffed. Their LV isn't very high and when asked about it, all they say is that they had no choice. I would so appreciate it if you answered this!
Unfortunately I don’t do SF, simply cause I don’t have a grip on them quite yet, but hopefully soon! -♌️
Chief (UF Sans) and Boss (UF Papyrus) have never seen a prison jumpsuit before, at least not the surface kind. They do, however, see the serial numbers printed on the jumpsuit, and automatically assume that you escaped the royal scientist’s lab. They both thought it odd that you have such low LV, it’s almost unheard of. However, they both understand when you say that you had to. Of course you did, it was either them or you. It’s kill or be killed, and you chose survival.
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How would the UF and UT Bros react to having an S/O that already has a small child (like 3 or 4 years old), and the child was extremely shy like the S/O had warned them and refused to go more than ten feet near the skellie, but by the end of the visit the child was practically glued to their side with star eyes and refusing to let them leave, crying every time they try to make for the door and following them with grabby hands? And it gets worse if they teleport and the S/O has to call them back?
Comic (UT Sans) had brought out the big puns, all poop jokes and whoopy cushions. When it was time to leave, and the kid wanted him to stay? He can’t say no to those puppy dog eyes. “hey sweetie, you mind if i stay the night?”
Classic (UT Papyrus) is! So!! Excited!!! To meet your child, and has been preparing for an entire week! By the end of the visit, Classic does not want to leave. He too wants to weep at the aspect of leaving, and both he and your baby look at you with big doe eyes begging to stay the night. He stays the whole week.
If Chief (UF Sans) knew you had a kid, and is still with you, you know he’s in it for the long haul. That also means he’s gonna be in it for your kid too, and that means he’s going to put in his best effort to make sure your baby will feel safe with him. It’s awkward at first, and he’s sweating too much, but after an hour, he has the kid cuddling into his furred jacket. When it’s time to go, it tears his soul to see the kid cry over him leaving. Thus, he stays until the kid is fast asleep on him. He ends up falling asleep too. Woops.
Boss (UF Papyrus) was very curious to meet your child, as he had researched (Quiet, he needed to be prepared!) that human young were very weak yet resilient creatures. At first, it was expected that they be weary of this tall spiky skeleton. Toward the end of his visit, Boss’ ego had blown quite wide as your child stared with wide, starstruck eyes as Boss recounted sparring battles with Captain Undyne. When it was time to leave, Boss stood up, child in arms, and bid you goodnight. … He’s still carrying your child as we walks out the door. Oh dear
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Introductions and Rules
To start off with, I am the ♌️Anon that’s been lurking around, and will now go by ♌️Mod for this blog! I have been wanting to try this out for a few months now, so I’m pretty excited to get started.
I might add drawings to some asks, however, please don’t specifically request any drawings from me please and thank you.
Keep in mind I’m a mobile user, so if something seems amiss, please tell me! Now onto the rules.
What I will do:
What I won’t do:
•Child harm/death
I’ll continue to add onto the rules as time goes by and different AUs that will pop up in my ask box (・`ω´・)> -♌️
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So, could you write something for Asgore, Mettaton, Undyne and either Alphys or Toriel (since the character limit is four) where the reader is feeling insecure about their appearance? If it isn't too much to ask, could you do versions with platonic and romantic?
I didn’t do a good job with these guys and it shows very much q w q
This can be interpreted as romantic and/or platonic so? Win-win? -♌️
Fluffybuns (UT Asgore) is more than willing to lend an ear and a shoulder for you, and offer you a cup of tea to soothe you. He’s there to quietly reassure you that no matter what, you are beautiful, and he’ll keep doing so until you truly believe in it.
Glamorous (UT Mettaton) firmly disagrees with you, and will use. Every. Single. Opportunity. To compliment you. “I’m Loving what you’ve done with your hair, Gorgeous!”, “Is that a new outfit? It makes you look fantastic!” He doesn’t stop at all, and even on odd occasions will sing about how perfect you are.
Sharkbait (UT Undyne) kind of understands, having experience with a certain insecure scientist. Her methods of comforting, however, involve hardcore exercising routines to aggressive cooking. Somehow, her goofy nature makes them the best dates you’ve ever been on.
Otaku (UT Alphys) knows exactly how you feel, she herself is very insecure about both her appearance and her personality. However, she believes that, because you’re beautiful on the inside, it shows strongly on the outside. “I-I know, it sounds… r-really cheesy, b-but it’s true! It shows everytime you smile, everytime you laugh. I’m glad to have the honor of seeing your beauty.”
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How would UT/UF/US Sans react to attempting to wake their crush that practically fell over in sleep deprivation only to be pulled in a hug as they snuggle them and mutter "Mine..." :3
Comic (UT Sans) starts chuckling, but really he’s dying on the inside. He’s very concerned at the fact that you passed out like that, but when you murmur “mine” in that sleep-laced voice that sounds sultry, hoo boy is he bright blue.
Chief (UF Sans) too had driven himself to sleep deprivation on numerous occasions due to having lived in a kill or be killed Underground, so having you pass out on him makes him freak the fuck out. But then you hug him like a teddy bear and declare him as yours in that cute voice of yours, and now he’s freaking out over something completely different. (He’s actually very happy, but you won’t catch him saying it anytime soon)
Sweets (US Sans) is a Worried Boy, gently tapping your cheek, trying to rouse you. So when you snuggle up against him tightly, he’s frozen. Then he’s blushing like crazy with a soft “OH.” Sweets holds you tightly, unable to calm his beating soul.
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Quick question: Since socks are considered "scandalous" in the monster world, what pair would turn on the UT UF skelebros the most.
To keep it PG-13, let’s say that the “scandalous” socks are less a sexy scandalous and more of an intimate thing, like seeing your S/O in your clothes.
Comic (UT Sans) loves when you wear the thick fuzzy socks, the kind that are super plush and luxurious. When you have your feet in his lap while relaxing, he likes to play with your fuzzy toed socks.
Classic (UT Papyrus) likes you in polka dotted knee highs, and especially likes to help you put them on (though he gets quite flustered over it).
Chief (UF Sans) loves loves loooves when you wear thigh highs. Sometimes, when it’s calm and it’s only the two of you, he’ll nuzzle against your outer thigh right were the fabric ends and the skin begins, a rare moment of vulnerability on his end.
Boss (UF Papyrus), in his Tsundere way, adores you in ripped pantyhose. To him, it’s an intimidating aesthetic and a bit (“ONLY THE SLIGHTEST!”) sexy.
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don’t ask me to draw sans in that red dress (ask me with a gun emoji)
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