Crafting Corner
90 posts
They/them/she/her born '95, while this blog at the moment has Ace Attorney as the main focus at the moment, I enjoy a lot of different fandoms and will post about them!聽
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briar-craft 1 year ago
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hi ace attorney fandom
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briar-craft 1 year ago
Just a thought, but I wonder what Edgeworth did the day Dane Gustavia's punishment was made.
Not only was he a killer, but he was the killer of the last case his father ever took on. The case that led Von Karma to kill his own father. I can only imagine that day he took off from work. Going to where his father was buried, and thought over all he did in his own life.
Of all the tricks he did in court to win, he would regret. All the lies and secrets. But that wouldn't mean he'd regret everything going down this path. He doesn't regret meeting Gumshoe or even Franziska, he doesn't regret meeting Kay, or any of the other prosecutors, (except Manfred). Even though he's lost his father, and Raymond to an extent, he's made his own family circle.
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briar-craft 1 year ago
Everyone knows of the great hero that had come to save their world. There are statues and art master pieces of them around the world, their story told through books and passages, even though no one knows where they came from, or where they went.
You have been told as you grew up that you look a lot like the hero, and at first you think it's the usual family gushing over the kids thing. But even as you grew up more, strangers would say the same, even without your parents there. Not to mention, you started noticing the uncanny resemblance as well, but brushed it off because it happened hundreds of years ago.
Now you, as a volunteer, are told you'll be going back in time, testing the first working time machine. When you get there, however, you realize that the setting you're in is awfully similar to what starts all of the chaos in the Hero's book.
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briar-craft 1 year ago
Not my usual post, but better to make sure this reaches as far as it can
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elon musk should kill himself elon musk needs to kill himself elon musk would make society as a whole better if he killed himself now
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briar-craft 2 years ago
Just going to say, how long has Dual Destiny's DLC case been out, and I was just searching for fanart of Athena jumping/splashing the pool and getting Simon with it but nothing popped up. It's a shame, just imagining Fullbright bringing Blackquill and Marlon with him, and then suddenly only Simon is drenched, Fullbright making his surprised face and Marlon jumping back.
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briar-craft 2 years ago
Just a thought that popped into my head. Just imagine that scene in Investigations 2 where you can see Phoenix and Maya behind the wall at the film lot. Obviously they must have heard about the president cases that happened, and then just recently how Edgeworth gave up his badge. Maya would have, of course, wanted to go help Edgeworth, but can imagine Phoenix stopping her and telling her it's up to Edgeworth to choose what he plans to do, knowing that he had no power before the PIC, especially none that would help Edgeworth. That, and a funny thought that I wish I could draw, but writing will have to do. Phoenix, just seeing the scene/tv report of Miles giving up his prosecutor's badge: Geez, he's in trouble. I'm glad I haven't had to give up my badge like that. Phoenix, a couple of weeks later, badgeless and with Trucy: Well, fu-
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briar-craft 2 years ago
July 31st 2023
I plan on keeping talk of work off of this blog, because hey, this is a time to escape it.
With that out of the way, I feel good about what all I was able to accomplish today. Took out trash, exercised, cleaned dishes after I ate. I even prepped stuff for breakfast and dinner for tomorrow. Right now snacking on some apple slices, and sure, I had a few pringles, but not the whole can like I usually would eat, plus already bought them, might as well eat them.
After I write this out, I'm going to go on Duolingo and learn a couple of lessons each of German, Italian, and Japanese. The furthest I got on any of them on the app is German, which is fun, I just need a bit of a review. I'm just going to take it slow and steady, not like I'll be going to any of the countries anytime soon.
One place I do want to go to in the next couple of years though is New Orleans. I think it would really be fun, especially as I love jazz and the like. I've never been to the east of the US, only to Washington, Oregon, and California. But like I said, that's far off for now. Right now still have to think of my trip that's in a couple of weeks.
I'll only be going from the 12th to the 15th, so other than my phone, and maybe one of my 3ds', I don't plan on taking along electronics. I'm going mostly to update my wardrobe basically, I'm a bit over the baggy character prints I have everywhere, and especially need good pants for work.
That's all for tonight, need to brush my teeth, get my lessons in, and head to bed.
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briar-craft 2 years ago
Date: July 30th 2023
I guess I'll start tagging this as Briar Daily. I have most likely been depressed for a long time, not clinically as I had no time to go in and all that, but I want to start getting in a better place, and getting something written down every day I think will help.
The past few days I was staying at my parent's place so I could go to a picnic with my siblings while our parents went to get my Mom's new car. The picnic was okay, we got hamburgers, hotdogs, drinks, chips, and macaroni salad. This morning I got back home and got some shopping done, then did some exercises and took a small nap. I got up and went to get some more healthy breakfast options, and will be looking into healthier lunch and dinners once my hoard of cup of noodles is done. Oatmeal packets and fruits and chicken. I need to look into some rice recipes too.
Still have a few hours before I need to go to sleep, will use it to clean up the rest of my stuff, make dinner, and find my duffle bag as on the 12th I'll be going to a bigger city to do some shopping, so need something for new clothes I want to get and bring back. Also made a couple of reservations, but the rest of the trip will just be what me and my Mom want to do. We'll be gone for four days, and then I'll have five more days off from work as I had taken that whole week off.
It's still a bit baffling to me that seven years had passed since I graduated high school. I had gotten my job at Safeway June of that year, got my own apartment two years after that, and worked there for five more years. I had just enough to pay rent and get essentials, but now I can get a savings buffer going. I plan on saving up to move to a new apartment in the same city once I save more after our trip.
I also plan on learning both German and Italian, as well as get some Japanese in as well, and want to get into more series than just anime/manga that I've always been into. I just feel like it's time to really turn my life into something, but at the same time I'm not stressing about it. I'll only be 30 in two years, and if things in the world go well, I should live another 30-50 years, especially if I take care of myself. I'll have a good amount of my credit card debt paid soon, and once I can get my license, my Mom is going to give me her old car.
My job is secure, I have great friends, good family, and now just have to get into healthy habits.
I wonder how much I'll grow in just a year. Will I be settled in my new place by then? Have a small garden growing? Only time will tell.
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briar-craft 2 years ago
Freeza and Cell.
Now I love the DBZ anime. I basically grew up on it with the majority of my uncles liking the show. I won't go into like what Akira Toriyama or any studios may have said, and this is just my own opinions on these two characters.
Honestly to me, it kind of makes sense that Freeza keeps coming back. He wasn't just a fighter, he was a ruler. A leader. Everyone hates to admit it, but he can and does strategize. He's calculating, and reserves his energy for threats that the army he's amassed can't handle. He has a lot of potential.
Cell, however, was created for one purpose; to kill Son Goku. Does that make him bad in a character sense? No. He has the power and techniques of all of the Z-Fighters. He's been programmed to deal with their battle strategies. What makes him stand out, I would say, is that he knows he could just destroy the planet at any time once he becomes perfect. He could beat all of the Z warriors without question, and nearly does so before he realizes that he could, but then no one would know his name or the battle. He goes out of his way to create an arena, finds a tv station, and tells the world his plan and shows it's not a bluff.
Freeza doesn't see the point in allowing fighters the chance to power up, he's more caught off guard and distracted to be able to do the same on Namek. But Cell not only has Saiyan dna in him, but all of the Z Warriors. He has 17 and 18. He was made by Dr. Gero. He is inherently flawed to want to show off his power before he takes his victory, to show Dr. Gero's "final" creation at it's perfect form.
And I think that's what makes him have a more terrifying feel than Freeza. He can destroy everything and everyone. He rubs it not only in his opponents' faces, toying with Vegeta and Trunks, but also the Earth's population by blasting a city to nothing. He gives people a time limit on their lives, rather than Freeza who would kill people on site with no warning. Could Freeza have destroyed Earth before Goku got there? Yes, but he wasn't looking to do so, he needed to set an example of Goku and anyone else who tried opposing him.
Freeza has not only energy and physical power, but he has to rule in a somewhat united army and so must think of the future, but Cell had only one purpose, one future to follow, and that was killing Goku. He could go all out on fighting him, he has no limitation of any form of responsibility not to fight him one on one. He makes the most of it. He uses any and all techniques he has in his arsenal, tries to psyche the fighters out with his declaration of the Cell Games.
It's too bad that, as far as I know, Cell does have a limit of power his body could handle, but at the same time again, it's obvious that they could not rely on him and his word if he could get stronger and they needed help. He has no loyalty except to himself. He has no morals, and his only goal will ever be killing Goku.
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briar-craft 2 years ago
Yeah, I know it's a point to keep E-Class down, that wasn't what I was pointing out, it was the fact they were lying to Karasuma's face, the guy who knows at least Gakuho is benefiting from this. But yeah, status quo and all of that.
I just gotta rant about the school in Assassination Classroom for a moment. So, the government is providing funds for the principal at least. Yeah, sure, hush money to keep him from talking about Korosensei to the world. But what the fuck else is he using it for, to make himself a mansion? Since the government is paying him, and Korosensei promised not to hurt any of the students, the least he could do is get an ac built in, maybe a crappy one to save appearances, and to keep his old school from changing so much, but still lying to Karasuma's face about not having the funds? What idiots.
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briar-craft 2 years ago
I just gotta rant about the school in Assassination Classroom for a moment. So, the government is providing funds for the principal at least. Yeah, sure, hush money to keep him from talking about Korosensei to the world. But what the fuck else is he using it for, to make himself a mansion? Since the government is paying him, and Korosensei promised not to hurt any of the students, the least he could do is get an ac built in, maybe a crappy one to save appearances, and to keep his old school from changing so much, but still lying to Karasuma's face about not having the funds? What idiots.
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briar-craft 2 years ago
One of my favorite series is Pokemon, and my favorite spin off is Colosseum and Gale of Darkness.
It shows no gyms, no gym badges to collect. Sure, they're very restrictive of the pokemon you can catch in game, and the plot is very linear, but the fact of the matter is that pokemon are living creatures. They can be influenced just like anything else.
I'm very doubtful any continuation of the series will come, or even remakes sadly, but if there was a new game, I would hope they somehow bring Mewtwo into the mix. Not on the bad side, but ours because it could sense that all we really want is to help the pokemon.
Plus, imagine if someone from the team managed to escape, and knew of Professor Krane's programs that allowed pokemon to be purified through the pc and found a way to do the reverse, since it works one way it makes sense that someone could find a way to make it do the opposite.
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briar-craft 2 years ago
I've been thinking about it, and I love the themes representing TotK. Now I'm not talking about Hebra, Zora's Domain and whatnot, but the lands themselves.
The Sky Islands, surrounded by beautiful blue skies. filled with puzzles and intricate machinery. Wisdom.
Surface, mostly filled by green hills and forests. You must take on your own survival away from the towns against monsters and other natural hazards. Courage.
The Depths, filled with energy and red curses that you have to fight with your strength. Power.
Zelda, a long descendant of Hylia who was a Goddess of the heavens.
Link. descendant of the hero who followed Hylia and her orders even though he was a mortal born on the earth.
Ganon, descendant of the evil demon Demise who was sealed within the Earth's depths.
Probably add more later since I'm at work currently lol.
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briar-craft 2 years ago
Phoenix, he punched you once, do you think he won't do it again?
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Bullying Apollo is a daily occurence in the agency
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briar-craft 2 years ago
The Legend of Zelda has always been a... passing fandom for me.
Yes, my family had LoZ games when I was growing up. I'm not the best at older games, the only ones I finished were Windwaker and Link Between Worlds. I've watched others play OoT, Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, Majora's Mask, and Link's Awakening. But I was never drawn into the fandom, until BoTW came.
Yes, it reuses old races, and some old motifs. But they fit so well into what BotW and TotK are meant to be: Freeroam. The races don't always look the same, there are side quests you can do that don't have anything to do with the story, there is no level guarding except for the very beginning where they teach you enough mechanics of the game to get you ready for the rest of the world in whichever way you want to tackle it.
And it's not just the gameplay that's freeing. The characters feel so free too, they have lives and their own personal stories before it all starts, but it's not so cemented in that they are only seen one way. Everyone can give their own takes on what a character implies or how their stories go. These games aren't really games that I see really needing au's to liven up their worlds.
But, the linked video here is one I love. A world without the Calamity with things being more advanced, the "champions" not being anything but students in the same place. I love the action of the games, but always fall for soft stories like this too.
Link is a dork, who only gets flustered by Zelda. Zelda is still unsure of herself but working hard to learn more. They don't have the pressure of the world ending on their shoulders here. If you haven't, I highly suggest you watch these videos. They're not long, they don't have to be to get their story point across, and you can binge it whenever you have a little break. I love the artist's style and flow, but feel more comfortable sharing my thoughts here for a number of reasons.
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briar-craft 2 years ago
That's not a star, it's his friend who had the rocket stuck to him
Waiting for his friend to reach him
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briar-craft 2 years ago
So I was just thinking about some things about Red, Green, and... Giovanni.
This is just my own theories/headcanons, and this is based solely on the games. I don't know nearly enough about anime Giovanni, and I'm also going to treat them as separate universes.
Now, Professor Oak. We know that he's Green's grandfather. We never get any indication of who his actual parents are in the games, father or mother. What if Green somehow found out that his father was Giovanni. At first, he only knows his father was the Viridian city gym leader, and he's been off training for a long time, doing something Professor Oak isn't happy about and cut ties with him over. He meets a couple of people along the way who know about him, like Mr. Fuji, as Giovanni did have the lab up.
But then it's at Saffron city, Silph Co, where he finds out from a grunt the name of Team Rocket's boss. He is there ahead of Red. He made it through the floors, pass all of the other grunts until that one mutters that name.
He doesn't want to acknowledge it's real, and so heads back, pretending he was just waiting for Red. He doesn't want to believe he's related to the boss of Team Rocket. Instead of proceeding through Seafoam Islands, he heads back to Pallet to clear his head and talk with Daisy, asking about their parents.
After getting his head back in the game, he heads down to Cinnabar and gets into a verbal fight with Blaine after their fight, asking why he never stopped Giovanni from his plans. Blaine, heavy with regret, locks the gym to recollect himself.
After Red gets through fighting Giovanni for the last time and he disappears, Green feels the need to prove that he can beat Red more than ever if his own father couldn't stop him from getting the last badge. He throws himself into training and becoming stronger. He doesn't care his team is tired, he doesn't care of how anyone else thinks of him. He will become champion, and prove himself.
... Red defeats him...
Not only that, but he manages to find Mewtwo, the pokemon his father's team created. And the day after, he was gone. Kanto's champion had left, the eighth gym leader is gone. Green was left alone once more with a grandfather who only sees his own son's hunger for power in him, and a sister who pities him.
He can only turn to one place: Viridian City Gym. He stays for a while, until Lance finds him. Offering him the position.
Now a divergence from what happens in the game timeline. Green and Red make up after Gold beats Red and convinces him to come back down. Green decides to travel and find his own way away from being the region's professor's grandson, while Red takes some time to acclimate back to society, eventually returning home after Kalos. He and Red get invited to the Battle Tree and they accept. While he and Red are back on good terms, they don't have the same energy as they used to before their journeys. Green just can't understand why.
One night, walking along Alola's beaches, a voice calls out to him. Green stands, frozen. From fear or shock, he doesn't know. Giovanni had found him. Here he was, looking older, with a cane and a hat to hide his thinning hair. Persian at his side.
Giovanni wasn't there to battle, for the better as Green's team was still recovering. They sit for a long time in silence. Eventually, Green only asks one thing: Why.
That single word held so much weight behind it, it could have meant anything or nothing. He didn't have to elaborate though, Giovanni knew what he meant. "Power. I was obsessed with power. Your mother had an illness, and I was working on a cure, but it was too late. Then, I found those journals about Mew. A pokemon with the power of all other pokemon. Surely, I thought, with the technology that we had to reconstruct fossils, we could make another Mew, and bring her back. I lost my love for the living long ago, feeling resentful. But then, I felt I had the key to life. It's no excuse, and I'm not looking for forgiveness. I've given up on that long ago."
"As for the reason I left. Red. He had so much more power than I could ever hope for, and still loved his pokemon and trusted them, rather than commanded. I needed to understand once more what it meant to be a trainer. But, I can understand him being terrified after facing Mewtwo. It was born from greed and hate. From what I know, he only understood love and compassion. So I can only imagine he'd want to be able to understand Mewtwo to help it. The only way to truly know is to ask. I'm only giving my insight."
I'm going to make a fic sometime this weekend, but I would love to see any other fics or ideas inspired by this post too! I know people like to think Giovanni was Red's father, and I do too when it's done right, but I for one never seen this idea and needed to share it before I forgot all about it. Plus can add in Silver being Green's half brother, or could be Giovanni fell in with his mother who had tried convincing Giovanni to revive Team Rocket, thus the special celebi event, or can just say that never happened and Silver was maybe adopted by Giovanni's new partner after Green and Daisy's mother passed. Either way works.
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