A true Canadian is one who can make love in a canoe without tipping. ��� Pierre Berton
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
“My whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service.”
A model of duty, honor and faith. May she rest in peace.

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Jamie and Murtagh because I love them 🔥
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Thanks @maryntally — hope you are well, too. 😃 Thanks for thinking of me. Speaking of thinking… should the prequel, Outlander: Blood Of My Blood, become a reality, we’ll be treated regularly to a young Murtz on our screens. 🥰
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Here’s to better days in 2022. 🥂
Happy New Year, People of Earth
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(photo Atlnaharra)
She’d wanted to go to the Christmas Eve services. After that…After that, he would ask her, make it formal. She would say yes, he knew. And then…
Why, then, they would come home, to a house dark and private. With themselves alone, on a night of sacrament and secret, with love newly come into the world. And he would lift her in his arms and carry her upstairs, on a night when virginity’s sacrifice was no loss of purity, but rather the birth of everlasting joy. —Roger in Drums of Autumn, Chapter 17
“What if I tell you a story, instead?” Highlanders loved stories, and Jamie was no exception.
“Oh, aye,” he said, sounding much happier. “What sort of story is it?”
“A Christmas story,” I said, settling myself along the curve of his body. “About a miser named Ebenezer Scrooge.”
“An Englishman, I daresay?”
“Yes,” I said. “Be quiet and listen.”
I could see my own breath as I talked, white in the dim, cold air. The snow was falling heavily outside our shelter; when I paused in the story, I could hear the whisper of flakes against the hemlock branches, and the far-off whine of wind in the trees. –-Jamie & Claire in Drums of Autumn, Chapter 21
“What’s the occasion? For our homecoming?”
She lifted her head from his chest and gave him what he privately classified as A Look.
“For Christmas,” she said.
“What?” He groped blankly, trying to count the days, but the events of the last three weeks had completely erased his mental calendar.
“Tomorrow, idiot,” she said with exaggerated patience. —Brianna & Roger in Fiery Cross, Chapter 33
Catholic as many of them were–and nominally Christian as they all were–Highland Scots regarded Christmas primarily as a religious observance, rather than a major festive occasion. Lacking priest or minister, the day was spent much like a Sunday, though with a particularly lavish meal to mark the occasion, and the exchange of small gifts. —Claire in Fiery Cross, Chapter 34
“Aye, well, it is Christmas Eve,” she said, answering his unasked question. “Any man wi’ a home to go to’s in it.” She yawned, pulled off her nightcap, and fluffed her fingers through the wild mass of curly dark hair.
“Yet you seem to have some custom,” he observed. Distant singing came from two floors below, and the parlor had seemed well populated when he passed.
“Och, aye. The desperate ones. I leave them to Maybelle to deal with; dinna like to see them, poor creatures. Pitiful. They dinna really want a woman, the ones who come on Christmas Eve–only a fire to sit by, and folk to sit with.” —Lord John & Nessie in Echo in the Bone, Chapter 24
“Well, that is odd,” Rachel said, turning to look first at her brother, and then at the small clock that graced their rooms. “Who goes a-visiting at nine o’clock on Christmas night? It cannot be a Friend, surely?” For Friends did not keep Christmas and would find the feast no bar to travel, but the Hunters had no connections–not yet–with the Friends of any Philadelphia meeting.
A thump of footsteps on the staircase prevented Denzell’s reply, and an instant later the door of the room burst open. The fur-clad woman stood on the threshold, white as her furs.
“Denny?” she said in a strangled voice. —Rachel & Dottie in Echo in the Bone, Chapter 86
They’d brought down the Yule log to the house that afternoon, all the household taking part, the women bundled to the eyebrows, the men ruddy, flushed with the labor, staggering, singing, dragging the monstrous log with ropes, its rough skin packed with snow, a great furrow left where it passed, the snow plowed high on either side. —Jamie in The Scottish Prisoner, Chapter 43
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That’s what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.
Merry Christmas, People of Earth
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Walt Disney’s Silly Symphony: The Night Before Christmas (December 9, 1933)
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Early 21st Century Nonchalant Sans Garland Ou Tinsel

A man may be known by the tree he trims… which one are you? Detail from 1950 Hunter’s Whiskey ad.
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Critics’ Choice Awards nominee, Best Supporting Actress Golden Globe nominee, Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture
#Belfast#BelfastMovie#2021#Nominations#Critics Choice Awards#Best Supporting Actress#Golden Globe Awards#Best Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture#Belfast gifs#121321
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Happy St Andrew’s Day.
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It’s true! We DO love him back. 😃
#Personal #Ryan Reynolds #Governor General’s Performing Arts Awards #2021 #National Arts Centre Award #November 26, 2021 #Oh 🇨🇦 #Steven Page #Canada Loves You Back #YouTube #245 #112921
#Personal#Governor General’s Performing Arts Awards#Ryan Reynolds#2021#National Arts Centre Award#November 26 2021#Oh 🇨🇦#Steven Page#Canada Loves You Back#Youtube#245#112921
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Finished. Loved it. Can’t wait for #10.
#Personal #Outlander #Go Tell The Bees I Am Gone #244 #112921
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I knew for a long time from which reference I would draw Claire as the Snow Maiden. ❄️ When I looked at this photo, I saw her just like that. And now the season has come and I can realize my idea. How do you like this Snow Maiden or the Snow Queen? 👸
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gif @fearlessbalfe
Too Much Of Frank

Do you think Frank was unfaithful to Claire during the war? I always find it suspect when a partner asks the other if he/she has been unfaithful. Did he ask her because he had been cheating on her?
I do think he was unfaithful to Claire - and I agree with your point.
Claire - and by extension, we as readers - have little to no information about what Frank did during his time in the war. We don't see Claire asking him many questions about it.
Maybe she didn't ask because it was awkward between them - they had to find each other again, and after all, that's why they went to Scotland to begin with.
Maybe she didn't ask because she secretly feared what the answer would be.
Which makes it all the more odd that Frank brings this up.
Now - I do think it is a deliberate bit of foreshadowing on Diana Gabaldon's part that Frank asks whether the man he saw looking up at Claire (who we know is Jamie), was someone she had nursed. Especially since within 24 hours, Claire would be nursing Jamie...
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Lest We Forget
#Remembrance Day #On the 11th Hour of the 11th Day of the 11th Month #We will remember #Second World War veteran’s daughter #Oh 🇨🇦 #243 #111121
#Remembrance Day#On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month#We will remember#Second World War veteran’s daughter#Oh 🇨🇦#243#111121
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