Blue Seer
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blueseer · 1 month ago
You know how at the end of Disney’s Atlantis the whole crew is dressed all fancy with their new jewels and money? That’s what I wanted for The Crows.
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blueseer · 1 month ago
That’s what I’ve been saying!!
So I finally got to sit down and watch jjk s2 and I'm not happy.
The season was good and all I'm not talking about that I'm just pissed at jjk fans for not pointing out that these two
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Are LITERALLY these two.
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These men are so gay.
Anyways thats all I wanted have a good rest of your day😐
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blueseer · 2 months ago
Best of 2024-Best of the Best
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
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My pick for best of the best is Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. I really do get to live out my 2003 dreams. Speaking of 2003—I have always considered original FMA to be one of my favorite anime of all time and even though it took me a while to finally get myself to watch Brotherhood, I can confidently say it has also joined its ranks.
Honestly, FMAB just has everything you could ever really want in an anime. It has a good, smart, complex story with many interweaving parts and pieces that go together. There are things that happen at one point of the story that tie into another or a person you meet once that’s important for something else later. It has twist and turns and isn’t predictable yet still believable. They don’t do twist for the sake of twists. It asks and questions different and difficult philosophies regarding life, equality, and morality that keep you thinking.
It has protagonists that you care for, that you root for. But, oh boy, they are not perfect. No one is. And, that’s what makes them believable. The story starts with them ignoring the warnings and being arrogant but they’re young and they’re grieving. The supporting cast you also learn to love and accept.
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All of the characters, protagonist, antagonists, villains, all of them are well rounded, fully flushed out characters. Even the ones that are bad have bits of gray. No one is fully black or white. Even if they’re evil or you disagree with everything they do you can somewhat understand why they do what they do. For even the homunculi have to deal with their humanity. (Except for Tucker—he can fall off a cliff) They all have character development and growth. They live and they learn. Ed and Al had to learn to deal with their consequences, have to learn to pivot when their plans don’t work out how they plan, learn to settle for what they can gain. Winry has to learn to move on from her rage. Scar does too. And, that’s only 3 some of them. There’s so many more: Roy, Ling Yao, Mei, Hughes, Izumi, Armstrong (both of them), even Greed (also both of them).
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Speaking of characters it’s also super nice to have so many well written women in a shonen—of all ages. There are not just young girls but also women. Not one of them felt like the “just there token girl.” No, they were all different, all important, and all badass in one way or another. They were soldiers, mechanics, alchemists, or a simple housewife.
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Fullmetal Alchemist is so good that it could have easily won every category this year. Best fight? Roy vs Lust, Roy vs Envy, Ed vs Envy. Under Appreciated? Winry, Izumi, Lan Fan. Best woman? Winry, Riza, Armstrong. Best couple? Roy & Riza, Izumi & Husband, Ed & Winry. Best redemption? Scar. Best man? Ed, Al, Roy. There are so many possibilities for every category; it just depends on your preference.
 Fullmetal Alchemist has action, storytelling, and heart. There’s many anime out here, many that are considered classic now. Yet, there are not many that are still considered one of the best anime of all time even after all these years. And, I’m sure it’ll continue to be.  
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blueseer · 2 months ago
Best of 2024-Best Man
Tanjiro Kamado-Demon Slayer
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My winner for man is Tanjiro Kamado because he the ultimate good boy. (To the point that it’s kind of annoying sometimes but that’s neither here nor there) He is always there for his sister, his friends, and the innocent people that are being affected. He fights hard, never giving up until the threat is gone. When he and his buddies are helping Tengen he fought and fought, using up all his strength until he literally couldn’t move anymore. He was frozen, his legs unable to move. However, when Nezuko was down and Tengen following along soon after being poisoned, Tanjiro somehow found the strength to get back up and finish the fight. (Passing out right after of course)
Also, when he was in the swords smith village to get his sword repaired he made friends with a little boy sword apprentice. He helped stand up for him, defending him from bullies. There he made friends with two other Hashira because his sunny demeanor always manages to win people over. He also manages to get my boy Genya to open up to him at last, seeing as he previously saw him as a rival.
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When the village gets attacked he of course is up and ready to defend it. This is a super long fight that goes on forever with him keep on keeping on and working with everyone until the demon down��sort of. The demon is almost defeated by them but the sun starts coming out and Nezuko is in danger is left with a decision to defeat the demon or save his sister, a decision that it’s hard for him to make. It works out in the end though. Tanjiro is my best because he just fulfills that super nice guy that’s always there to stand up for the little guys. Instead of becoming dark and brooding after his family was killed he decided to use his skills to saves others.
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blueseer · 2 months ago
Best of 2024- Best Redemption
Nine-Sonic Prime
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My best redemption goes to Nine from Sonic Prime. Nine, Nine, Nine. You little sly fox you. Don’t let this cute little face fool you. Nine demonstrates just how scary Tails could be if he really wanted to be. He’s smarter than everyone else and could easily outwit and out-engineer any of them while only being like 8 and that’s actually what he does.
He basically double crosses–everyone. He plays–everyone. First most Sonic and his gang but mostly Sonic because he just can’t believe that his little buddy could ever do something wrong. (Even if it’s not Tails) Even before Nine gets all diabolical, his plan was still to destroy the world to start a new one. It was just that he was playing nice, thinking that Sonic was going to be on his side. When it turns out that Sonic doesn’t agree with just blowing everything up, Nine decides to do it on his own. He just doesn't exactly tell Sonic that. He goes on pretending to be innocent, manipulating Sonic and the gang into thinking he let the idea go. He even goes to the point of pretending that he was kidnapped by the Eggman gang. 
At this point, we don’t really know which way he’s tilting. He tells the Eggman’s that he’s on their side while telling Sonic that he’s just using them. Everyone is confused except Shadow but screw that guy, haha. But, of course, like I said he double crossed everyone and was using everyone. So, then ‘evil let’s destroy the worlds plan’ begins.
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Now, for his redemption. Sonic finally accepting that Nine isn’t Tails tries to speak some reason to him. He apologies for not acknowledging that Nine was different and that he needed different things because he grew up differently. He lets him know that he understands just how lonely his whole life must have been. Nine has lived his whole life unloved in isolation. Sonic’s words finally get to him, especially after giving him what he always needed, a big brother’s hug. Finally, learning the errors of his ways, Nine immediately regrets everything. He knows he’s been wrong, knows he’s been selfish and quickly goes into attempting to reverse everything. They manage to save all the different universes and gets Sonic back to his. He righted his wrong even though he knew he would be without a Sonic again but the hope of possibly making friends for a change.
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Now, did everyone, including myself forgive Nine entirely too easily? Yes, most definitely. The little bugger lied and manipulated everyone and had absolutely no problem destroying multiple worlds—but look at him!!!! He’s just misunderstood!!! (Yes, I’m being biased.0
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blueseer · 2 months ago
Best of 2024-Best Couple
Colonel Roy Mustang and Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye
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My pick for favorite is Roy Mustang and Riza Hawkeye from Fullmetal Alchemist Brother. I couldn’t use them last year because I had already seen FMA 2003 but I can use them this time! Haha. So, you know what I like in my relationships that I don’t always see in my anime? A relationship that’s built upon mutual respect. You know what I get with Roy and Riza? A relationship that’s built upon mutual respect. It’s also nice to see adults for a change. Now are Roy and Riza an actual romantic couple? No, they’re not. Now within the part of the story that we see anyways but that don’t stop them being a couple in any other way, shape, or form.
They are loyal through and through to their cause and to each other. From the beginning Riza believed in Roy’s dreams allowing him learn the ways of flame alchemy and following his steps in joining the military. She had made the vow then to always back him up, to be his bodyguard, to make sure he can get to the top because she believes in him and what he can do for the nation. She is willing to follow Roy to hell if she had too and to shot him down if she must. When she believes that Roy is dead she loses it, shooting Lust wilding until she’s finally out of bullets. She knows him well enough to know when he’s joking or speaking in code or when it’s not him at all, such as when Envy was disguising himself as him.
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As for Roy, well, Riza is his queen….in his chess metaphor. Haha, but no really—he adores her. He trusts her to always have his back and to be his eyes. He may be her superior but doesn’t see her as being any less than him. He knows he can do anything or fulfill his dreams without the help of his crew and she is at the forefront. When Bradley scatters Roy’s crew even he makes sure to keep Riza close to him, knowing just how important she is to him. When she gets hurt you best believe you better treat his subordinate right because he too lost it. But, what I love about that scene (where they’re trying to get Roy to do human transformation) is that he doesn’t do it. He respects her enough and in part himself not to, just like he respected her wishes to burn her back.
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They never actually get together, probably because they can’t do to their ranks. (Roy being her superior and all) But, they don’t have to be. They know. Everyone knows what they feel and what they mean to each other. And honestly, I like the fact that they don’t. It just proves how much they do love and respect themselves and each other and how just being near each other is enough. And, I like to head canon that when Roy makes to Fuhrer that’ll finally be their time.
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blueseer · 2 months ago
Best of 2025-Best Lady
Winry Rockbell-Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
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So, I’m going to date myself a little here but I saw the original 2003 Fullmetal Alchemist when it first came out and I for some reason or another never got around to watching Brotherhood until last year 2024. That being said—
My pick for best lady goes to Winry Rockbell from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. Now, I watched several shows with many amazing ladies this past year. From heroes to fighters to soldiers but my reason for picking Winry is because she is none of those. She has no powers. She’s not an alchemist. She is not a soldier. She’s just an automail mechanic from the small town Resembol. She’s my pick because despite all that she is just as important as anyone else. She’s Ed’s mechanic. I don’t know what he would do if she wasn’t always there to help him get his arm and leg working again, considering how reckless he could be. 
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She’s smart, loyal, and helpful, always ready and willing to join along to help with the cause even when all the Elric brothers do is try to push her away. She’s stubborn but honest, having no problem calling them (mostly Ed) out when they need to be. She’s also caring and emphatic, always there to offer a listening ear, an encouraging word, or a warm hug. She had the ability to get people to open up. She can charm her way into new friendships like Gracia and Elysia to the chimeras who vow to protect her.
She is the every woman who is stronger than she appears to be. Could she have killed Scar when she had the chance? She could have. But, instead she was better than that. She worked through her feelings of anger and hatred to get to the point where the two could work together to become teammates of the same side.
She is the beacon of hope and promise the brothers use to anchor them when they’re overwhelmed. She’s what they imagine as peace. She’s more than a childhood friend, she’s more than a sister, she’s more than a love interest. To them, she’s home.
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blueseer · 2 months ago
Best of 2024-Underappreicated
Honorable Mention-Jonathan Kent-Superman and Lois
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Winner-Guillermo De La Cruz- What we do in the Shadows
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My pick for best underappreciated is Guillermo De La Cruz. Guillermo or Gizmo as his friends call him is hardworking, persistent, and loyal to a tee. But, does anyone ever give him any credit for it? No. After working for Nandor for 10 years and honestly, despite technically being only Nandor’s familiar he still worked, provided, and helped with all of the vampires in the house (with probably no pay increase. If he got paid at all….) Anyways, after working for Nandor for 10 years he never received the respect and appreciation he deserved. Even when he was no longer their familiar and living in the shed he was still helping them when they needed. For example, when the vampires get lost in the city and can’t figure out how to get back they know there’s nothing they can do other than calling Guillermo. They immediately call him when they’re in trouble and even when he doesn’t have to Guillermo will drop everything to go to help them and kick some vampire butt. And even then, it is a thankless job where they don’t thank him even when they obviously miss him and still come to him for advice.
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  To make matters worse it’s not even at home where he’s underappreciated, it’s also at work. He didn’t necessarily work his way up the ladder himself but that didn’t stop him from working hard and still being the best familiar—I mean employee he can be. Yet, there his new boss Jordan also treats him like trash, abusing him, over working him, and disrespecting him. When he thinks that he’s finally going to get the promotion he deserves was still jerked around. The vampires have started to show little bits of maybe appreciation but no where the amount that he truly deserves.
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blueseer · 2 months ago
Best of 2024-Best Fight
Honorable Mention- Itadori and Todo vs Mahito-Jujusti Kaisen
This fight was just such a good fight. It was fun watching Itadori and Todo working together and seeing Mahito get his ass handed to him.
Winner-Fushiguro Megumi vs Fushiguro Toji from Jujustu Kaisen.
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My pick for best fight is Fushiguro Megumi vs Fushiguro Toji from Jujustu Kaisen. Now, JJk has many good fights. Hell, the majority of the second season was just one giant long fight made up of many different fights. The reason this beat out my honorable mention was mostly for two reasons. One is the fight style itself, both from the characters and how it was animated. The animation was just so raw and fluid that it doesn’t even look like JJK at moments. This really worked because of Megumi’s fighting style. Megumi uses the Ten Shadows Technique which allows him to use shadows and to summon any of ten different shikigami. So, he is often fighting both physically and with the help of one or several animals. This fight in particular is quite fun to watch due his furry friends, a large group of rabbits.
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The second reason was because of the emotional impact of the two who were fighting. Time for a little back story. Megumi is the descendant of the Zenin Clan, one of the three big sorcerer families (Think of it like a mafia of sorcerers) and Toji is actually his father. Toji actually hating the whole Zenin Clan leaves the family, marries a woman and takes her name to no longer be a Zenin, and they have Megumi. When his wife dies he goes back to his old ways and starts taking up being an assassin and even thinks of selling Megumi back to family thinking it would better for him so he could be trained properly since he (Toji) doesn’t actually any cursed technique. His last assignment as an assassin was against Gojo where ends up losing but as he dies tells Gojo he has a kid thus hoping he helps to raise him and Gojo does.
Fast forward, there’s a full on war going on and the soul of Toji is brought back into someone else’s body and used to fight against the good guys, this how father and son end up fighting. As the fight goes on Toji eventually realizes that he’s fighting his son. He asks his name and is relieved to hear his last name is still Fushiguro instead of Zenin before he kills himself, refusing to fight his son any longer.
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So, yeah…just with everything together makes it my best because it wasn’t just a good watch but also hit at the heart strings.
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blueseer · 6 months ago
Look at these great drawings by dosshie based on my Red/Blue series!
The one with Typhlosion getting ready to chunk Eevee in the air cracks me up. It’s one of my favorite parts. ❤️
silly billies i drew based on this ao3 series (go check it out!!! i love the way the author depicts them...)
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plus bonus green
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i was going to draw more of them (and do it digitally) them but then i screwed up my hand and ended up forgetting :""D better very late than never !!
im putting this 4th one under the cut cuz looking back at it they look kinda weird JSJDJSJDSK
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blueseer · 9 months ago
Red and Blue-Namelessshipping/Reguri
So, I have several Red and Blue fanfictions that are interconnected. It started with one story I wrote to fulfill a writing prompt and now I have 5 fic series with more to come. I think I have a problem.
Each can be read on its own but to fully grasp all the context or references it is best to give them all a try.
Every fic is in either Red or Blue's POV. Red is selectively mute but does use sign language.
Lance and Ethan make cameos. Lance because I'm a sucker for him being Blue's keeper or just a keeper of any wayward rival. And, Ethan because I think he's precious and would totally attach himself to Blue. It's just me writing out my headcannons okay, haha.
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blueseer · 10 months ago
Well, I can say that any of my preconceived notions I had about Red not being cuddly were wrong.
When given his first pokémon egg, Red takes things overboard. This combined with the ever rising tense soon gets things, people, and pokémon spiraling a little out of control. Jealousy really isn't anyone's best color.
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blueseer · 10 months ago
So…after the parents in the Parent Trap remarry where would everyone live?
(I’ve clearly just finished rewatching the movie)
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blueseer · 1 year ago
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I’m a sucker for Lance taking in wayward rivals.
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blueseer · 1 year ago
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I don’t know what’s happening. I just wanted to use Ethan’s worried face.
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blueseer · 1 year ago
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Oh no, universes have collided. Silver thinks he can work with this.
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blueseer · 1 year ago
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Surely, the people in charge of Pokemon Masters knew what they were doing with giving us this power. They had to.
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