bloominsart · 4 years
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“Is that really how you all dance up north?!” 
Local grandma adopts outlander weirdo, gets stricken with a severe case of secondhand embarrassment.
Characters from my upcoming fanfic I’ve been working on where a Priory trip in Elona goes very, very sideways very, very fast.
I’d been agonizing over new designs for Nefes and desert clothing for Rin for ages, and finally came up with something that I think suits them quite well. This, of course, means that Nefes’s alternate form gets an update, too, which I hope to get to one of these days. 
This was a good exercise in attempting values, shading, color contrast, etc. Not trying to be too serious with my art as of late, or get wrapped up in the tiny details that take me forever. And just work slowly on the things I wanna improve on. And just... make more! :3 
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bloominsart · 4 years
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My guildie decided to commission me to draw her a new icon. Aggrazi is having NONE OF IT. Based off a super silly meme of Oleanna from Pokemon SwSh being very intense. 
How does one become more intense? WITH A GUN. New Necro pistol Elite Spec when?
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bloominsart · 4 years
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I’ve been feeling down, so I decided to draw something dumb to make me feel better. 
I can’t claim the joke. A page called Fangoddess on facebook posted this as a Mummy meme. I’ve never seen The Mummy, but thought it was hilarious and just had to do this. Plus had to learn how to draw Joko again. 
Commander Deorsa is a fraidy cat. I like to think he’s co-commander with my girl Torris, and being a sylvari, he had to go in to face the brunt of Joko and his forces, much to Torris’s chagrin. But it’s k. Deo and Torris ride the struggle bus together. No, they don’t get along. 
EDIT: Changed Deo’s bg. What was I thinking with that green???
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bloominsart · 4 years
GW2 Crackpot Theory Time
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Instead of sleeping like a normal human, my brain likes to wander the dreary haze between waking and sleep for at least two hours, typically thinking of fictional characters and stories. Particularly as of late, it’s been Guild Wars 2 and Elona. And so last night djinn became the subject my brain would choose to chew on over and over and over. 
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Qadim in particular popped up. He’s a cool dude, right? Super flamey and menacing and wanting to take over the world and stuff. But what stuck out to me was how he, as opposed to other djinn, didn’t have his face covered, right? Well. I mean, at first I was like GASP, YAS. But then I thought about it for a second. Aw, beans. Actually, it’s probably just a mask. But then my brain was like: 
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HO LAWDY CRACKPOT THEORY TIME. I’m sorry in advance. What if. Djinn’s faces were actually like that? Pointy teeth and rigid jaws and everything. So I decided to see what that might look like. 
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I decided to give it a shot. Lookat them chompers. Maybe Qadim’s face, even if it is a mask, is a reflection of what they truly are. I looked at how the faces kinda hollow on the sides, as well as what the bandages look like around their faces to kind of... see how it looked. 
So then I got to thinking, what if... These facial coverings were ALSO a part of the whole binding and enslavement ordeal that so many of them go through. I mean, who would want a spooky sharp toothed being like this floating around? Cover that up, that’s hideous!
That, and/or maybe they do this just to appear less threatening, hence attracting less negative attention and attacks from individuals thinking they are something automatically dangerous. Which might explain why Qadim might not follow the same standard. He is a proud djinn who does not look to make friends with the “lesser” races of Tyria.
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How this theory is probably way off the deep end, but it’s fun to think about nonetheless. Okay, so WHAT IF. Joko possibly also took some of that toothy inspiration for his newer soldiers? To appear more threatening to the enemy? But, unlike the GW1 Awakened, which *did* have their faces covered, these do not, because these Awakened are more considered to be “family” to the locals (Vabbians in partiuclar), so covering their faces would in fact dehumanize them and make it more difficult for the citizens to empathize with? 
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Eh? Eeehhh??? Yeah, probably not, but it’s fun to think about.
Anyhow, I just wanted to share a slice of the crazy things my mind comes up with when I’m trying to get it to shut up so I can get some actual sleep. I hope it was a fun read, at least. What do *you* think’s under there? 
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bloominsart · 4 years
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Did this challenge with some friends. I’m always hyper critical of my own art, but when it’s someone else’s characters, I feel like I can let loose a little more. 
Anyhow, these were fun, took about an hour for each. 
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bloominsart · 5 years
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Uploading some expressions I did for my gal, Rin Smallwood, a character upcoming in a fic I’m writing.~ She can be quite the goofball when in the right company, but that’s not something she often has. 
She also wears her hair a few different ways, and really doesn’t think twice to try to act cute or be pretty. I enjoyed learning how to draw a braid and play with the glasses. :3 Can’t wait to draw her in not-Priory armor. I adore the armor in game, but boy, Anet, you love your detail, haha. 
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bloominsart · 5 years
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Feeling blue, so I decided to post some asura I drew for a guild rp mission 1.5 years ago. They're s wacky motley crew.
Izza gravitated towards the Inquest when they first gained traction. She built her career up by tearing others down. One day, however, she crossed the wrong person, ending in her husband's death and a severe demotion. Now she works as the head of a Sanitation Krewe, cleaning up every other krewe’s muck and mess ups. She is strict and unflinching, but cares deeply for her daughter, Pasha.
Pasha is Izza's daughter. She followed her mother into the Inquest, enjoying her work there until an experiment gone wrong left her disfigured and blind in one eye. After such a set back, she stepped down to join her mother in Sanitation. To this day she still suffers from sicknesses related to the incident, often needing daily doses of medication.
Gotter rode the coattails of fame after his krewe hit it big with an invention of theirs. He got in with the wrong types of people, however, finding joy in the vices of life, particularly substances and gambling. The lifestyle took its toll and he eventually he dug himself into such a deep hole, he landed with the Inquest. Even then, he wagered every good opportunity he had until he found his way into Sanitation, under a begrudging Izza.
Degg used to be with the Vigil, and fought in the Jungle. However, he took to hunting turned sylvari a little too seriously and began killing any sylvari, whether they posed a threat or not. He fled, practically becoming a war criminal, but he fit right in with the Inquest. He, too, went to Sanitation under Izza, having known Gotter growing up. He tries keeping Gotter out of trouble, but often fails.
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bloominsart · 5 years
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To kick off the new year, time to post my OC that I’ve been working on for a helluva long time. 
Rin Smallwood, named after the fallen Ascalonian city, was born and raised in the outskirts of Divinity's Reach. Her life had been a mundane one up until she turned fourteen, when misfortune after misfortune seemed to pile up. She lost her parents, one after another. Her childhood friend got caught up with some questionable individuals, roping Rin into more shady shenanigans than she ever wanted. Betrayal of said friend after her lifestyle became too risky, and Rin became a skapegoat.
Now, after having paid for her friend's misdeeds, Rin decided to leave the Reach and start fresh. She'd always had an affinity for books and the far off places they promised. So off she went to the Priory.
Years laterafter playing catch up, Rin was able to worm her way into a once in a lifetime expedition to Elona, thanks to a very well written essay and a few bends of the truth. Finally, the chance to get away from everything. A chance to explore an exotic land so few ever visited!
There was a reason so few ever visited, and Rin would soon find out why.
My friend told me to be the change I wanted to see in the world, and so I’ve been slowly working on a fanfiction with Rin at the center of the story. I’ve spent over a year and a half planning it, and can’t wait to get it further done and polished. IRL has been a terrible pain in not letting me draw or write as much as I’d like, but I’m going to try get more done. 
Anyway, here she be! More to come!
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bloominsart · 5 years
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Uploading a very old charr bit of art I had done for a guildie. It was gonna be a commission, but then he left and never got paid, SO. 
Here’s a flame legion charr sketch back from November 2016. I’d always been kind of proud of the pose.  
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bloominsart · 5 years
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Day 15 - “Haunted”
Anyone else remember Bria the necromancer from Iron Marches and how she tried to steal away charr children? That was always a really cool and memorable event. An old guildie of mine once showed me how to break into her manor, but I don’t know if it’s possible anymore. 
I really like how this turned out, all things considered. I’ve come to learn I like drawing skulls. 
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bloominsart · 5 years
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Day 14 - “Spooky” 
Quaggan is trying..! Is it working? 
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bloominsart · 5 years
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Day 13 - “Band”
METAL LEGION ft. Pyrotorrik. What an amazing event. 10/10 everyone who made it work at Anet. 
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bloominsart · 5 years
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Day 12 - “Shiver”
My sylvari, Deorsa, does not care for the cold. 
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bloominsart · 5 years
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Day 11 - “Surrender”
I’d wanted to finish a lot sooner, but real life’s been very busy as of late. So here it is, not quite as finished as I’d like, but that’s okay. I need to probably take a little step back and just do doodles instead if I wanna complete Inktober without driving myself batty. My favorite part of this pic at least is the stars. 
Anywho, my commander OC, Torris Brookes again, this time facing Warden Amala. I liked the idea of how Amala refused to surrender, and as such was killed and awakened, but the Commander pretended to surrender so that they could get closer to their main goal. PS: Mordant Crescent Great Hall is one funky piece of architecture, and I did have to sketch over a screenshot to just get it knocked out. 
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bloominsart · 5 years
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Day 10 - “Spirit” 
Marjory with her sword. Marjory is so pretty. I’m glad to see her again in game after so long. 
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bloominsart · 5 years
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Day 9 - “Affinity”
Gorrik and his love for all things bug. UGH, I love Gorrik. He deserves all the happiness in the world. He reminds me of someone I used to know in college.
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bloominsart · 5 years
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Day 8 - “Metal”
Watchknights were a thing that I unfortunately missed out on. The one time I took a break from GW2, it was during Living World Season 1 (of course...). However, I always found the designs unsettling and very cool. This one’s quite rough because it’s late and I need to be going to bed in a moment. 
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