#mordent crescent great hall
bloominsart · 5 years
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Day 11 - “Surrender”
I’d wanted to finish a lot sooner, but real life’s been very busy as of late. So here it is, not quite as finished as I’d like, but that’s okay. I need to probably take a little step back and just do doodles instead if I wanna complete Inktober without driving myself batty. My favorite part of this pic at least is the stars. 
Anywho, my commander OC, Torris Brookes again, this time facing Warden Amala. I liked the idea of how Amala refused to surrender, and as such was killed and awakened, but the Commander pretended to surrender so that they could get closer to their main goal. PS: Mordant Crescent Great Hall is one funky piece of architecture, and I did have to sketch over a screenshot to just get it knocked out. 
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Then and Now
Sunspear Great Hall, Istan
Mordent Crescent Great Hall, Istan
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