autistic-rambling · 6 years
@staff why do you think all disabled people have the same accessibility needs?
and why do you think you know them better than actual disabled people?
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autistic-rambling · 6 years
Still can’t believe there are people who don’t enjoy looping the same song for hours (or days) on end. 
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autistic-rambling · 6 years
@ your last post: you can also adopt a bunch of autistic peeps from their ableist families!! you can be like the umbrella academy >:) (sorry if it's an obscure reference, that's one of my spins aah)
Maybe I’ll have a mix of biological and adopted kids? I like the idea of being able to get kids, especially disabled kids, out of foster care, but it would be nice to personally bring a few autistic kids into the world as well. idk I’m a ways from being ready to do either, so I’ll see what the future brings.
tbh I’d never heard of The Umbrella Academy before your ask, but I looked it up and it actually sounds pretty interesting (I know you were probably referencing the comics, but I might watch the TV series when it comes out). So thanks for the suggestion, anon!
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autistic-rambling · 6 years
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replied to your post
“If I ever had children, it’s almost certain that I would adopt them....”
As an autistic person, I'm curious: others in the community are determined to stop autism being classed as a disability, yet you call antis "ableist". By that very notion, autism is a disability.
The short answer is that autism is a disability because it’s, well, disabling. Being autistic makes it hard or impossible to do a lot of things that nondisabled people are able to do, and that’s the definition of a disability. There’s nothing wrong with being disabled; it doesn’t mean that you’re weak or flawed or less human than nondisabled people. Being disabled means that you have limits that you need to accept, and that’s not a bad thing. Those who avoid calling themselves disabled often believe otherwise. 
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autistic-rambling · 6 years
@saintchristopher-protectus I'm sorry if you were confused by my post; I forgot to tag #sarcasm on this post. @nowedontliveinigloos is correct in that I won’t actually have kids just for the reasons I mentioned above. 
I do feel some obligation to the autism community to “do my part” by contributing to the next generation of autistics. I’m not planning on having children in the near future, so I don’t know if that will mean having biological children who are autistic, adopting children who are autistic, mentoring other autistics, some combination of those options, or something different altogether. I do know that if/when the time comes that I am ready to have children by any means, I will take the time to evaluate my motives and make sure that I am doing so because I can be a good parent. I know what it’s like to have parents who had children for vanity reasons or because they had certain expectations of their offspring, and I won’t make that mistake.
If I ever had children, it’s almost certain that I would adopt them. It’s something I’ve thought about for a long time, and it makes sense to me.
But at the same time, I kind of also want to have a ton of biological kids. Because my children would have a pretty high chance of being autistic, and I feel a sense of duty to produce as many autistics for the next generation as possible. 
If nothing else, I could have my own autistic army to fight ableists. 
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autistic-rambling · 6 years
If I ever had children, it’s almost certain that I would adopt them. It’s something I’ve thought about for a long time, and it makes sense to me.
But at the same time, I kind of also want to have a ton of biological kids. Because my children would have a pretty high chance of being autistic, and I feel a sense of duty to produce as many autistics for the next generation as possible. 
If nothing else, I could have my own autistic army to fight ableists. 
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autistic-rambling · 6 years
I’ve been noticing lately that a lot of the people I know who have anxiety also have close friends who have anxiety, but I can’t find any articles or studies that show that. If I made a survey, would people be interested in taking it and/or seeing the results?
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autistic-rambling · 6 years
Fluctuating empathy is so weird
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autistic-rambling · 6 years
Hey I really like your blog. My little brother has autism, and hearing your perspectives on things kinda gives me a better idea of what's going on in his little world.
Thanks for your kind words! I’m glad you enjoy my posts. While I certainly didn’t start this blog to educate people about autism, I’m glad that you’ve learned a little bit about it. 
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autistic-rambling · 6 years
Stim Toy Ask Game
What was your first stim toy?
What is the most recent stim toy you’ve gotten?
What is your favorite stim toy?
Has anyone ever given you a stim toy before? 
Do you have any stim toys that you don’t like or don’t use?
Have you ever lost or broken a stim toy?
Do you have duplicates of any of your stim toys?
Where do you get your stim toys from?
Are there any stim toys that you don’t have but wish you did?
Have you ever made your own stim toy?
Post a picture of your stim toy collection (or at least part of it).
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autistic-rambling · 6 years
okay but mint lip balm is the stimmiest thing ever and no one will ever change my mind about that
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autistic-rambling · 7 years
Guess who has a crush? 
(it’s me)
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autistic-rambling · 7 years
I’ve heard of things like “samesongs” and “samefoods” and “sameclothes”, but is it possible that I have a...”samepencil”? I just bought a new pack of mechanical pencils (to replace the one that I lost), and it’s the same brand but I think they changed the model and it’s Not Right.
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autistic-rambling · 7 years
ugh it says my @stimtastic order won’t be here until thursday but i hope it’ll come sooner. with all the Autism Uncensored shit going on, i really need something to chew on
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autistic-rambling · 7 years
My disability is invisible. I am not.
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autistic-rambling · 7 years
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replied to your post
“Right now I’m legit just making plans for if I die tomorrow… That’s...”
Murphy’s law is good for being prepared, but it’s awful for morale. I hope whatever you are doing tomorrow won’t be life threatening :) stay safe!!!
Thank you for the support! To be honest, though, the most dangerous part of my day was probably having to cross the street (and yes, I used the crosswalk) 
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autistic-rambling · 7 years
Right now I’m legit just making plans for if I die tomorrow...
That’s not normal, right?
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