atomicspence · 4 years
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My website is finally up. I will be selling vinyls and design services! Atomikku.com
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atomicspence · 4 years
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atomicspence · 4 years
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my demon slayer itasha
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atomicspence · 5 years
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Only one episode left. :c
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atomicspence · 5 years
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You’ve been carrying such a cute girl with you this whole time...
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atomicspence · 5 years
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Tell me what you cherish most... Give me the pleasure of taking it away.
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atomicspence · 5 years
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So ephemeral and weak. But it’s shining with all its might. Thump, Thump, like a heartbeat. This is the light of life.
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atomicspence · 5 years
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Just a whisper. I hear it in my ghost. atomic
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atomicspence · 5 years
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Who will protect you?
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atomicspence · 5 years
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Humans are so interesting!
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atomicspence · 5 years
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You are just a puppet.
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atomicspence · 5 years
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You will not be forgotten.
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atomicspence · 5 years
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Let’s travel the world together!
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atomicspence · 5 years
Who Odio Really Is
This post is a bit overdue, and I am not sure if it will get the reach it deserves, but Odio is a fraud.
You may know him for his Anime X Reality edits or his Manga Scan colorworks (which are not his original drawings), but I know him as a deranged, delusional, mentally ill person that’s from my hometown.
After some digging and speaking with some of his ex-friends, it was revealed to me that he fakes his popularity, he fakes what conventions he attends, he fakes owning copyright licenses, etc.
So to back all of this up, I decided to reach out directly to the conventions he’s claimed to attend, most recently Anime Expo and a few upcoming he has claimed to be attending: Dragoncon, AWA, Momocon. After reaching out I discovered he did not attend Anime Expo as an artist or vendor, and he is not registered for Dragoncon or AWA and their artists list is final.
I am a previous artist alley participant at these exact cons he claims to attend, never have I heard his name or seen him before. When I showed his artwork to the directors of the alleys, they came back to me and said he wouldn’t even be allowed to sell due to copyright issues. This brings up my next point.
He claims to have copyright licenses from Viz media, and most recently Toei. I reached out to both companies and received the same response: We do not issue copyright licenses to individuals under any circumstances. They are strictly reserved for businesses that are established copyright holders for official merchandise reproduction. In other words, everything Odio claims has been proven false... He doesn’t do art galleries, he doesn’t attend conventions, he’s not a popular artist outside of his following on Tumblr, Facebook, and Twitter.
I made a post on my Facebook earlier today revealing all of these things and received responses from people that knew him confirming its all a charade. He’s living in a fantasy world he has created for himself.
This man needs help, do not enable his mental illness. Do the research yourself and you will find none of his claims have merit.
Thank you for reading and I hope I this reaches at least some of his followers, they deserve to know the truth.
Since this, he has threatened me with blackmail claiming he knows confidential things about me, which he really doesn’t. He has since blocked me on Facebook, but I still have people feeding me the garbage he is posting. He currently is looking to try and post some of my personal information on 4chan or other places. This doesn’t really bother me, as I am a fairly open person online, but he also has a history of threatening violence on his Facebook.
Odio is a bipolar sociopath living in a world he built on lies.
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atomicspence · 5 years
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Believe in me, that believes in you!
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atomicspence · 5 years
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Oh shit, here we go again.
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atomicspence · 5 years
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