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a “lost and found” rewrite
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I love the little sneaky moments of this story.
You might miss them as you read this out loud to your youngster, but by Chuck, of COURSE the platypus was Gabe’s idea. That little trickster. And Cas’ bees are waiting for a visit, too.
This is sweet tale for the angels, but when you put your little hunter to bed with these words, you’re giving an account of a few of the monsters they’re sure to face, as well.
Thank you to @waywardtricks and @dmsilvisart for your contribution to A Supernatural Children’s Treasury. (Admin Note: this is the link to the Masterpost if we do plan to begin listing the submissions there.)
Here is my submission for the @asupernaturaltreasury .
Artist: @dmsilvisart​
Writer:  @waywardtricks​
Original title, author & illustrator: Oh the Places You’ll Go – Dr. Seuss
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It’s important when you put your little ones to sleep, that you reinforce the surroundings in which they’ll find themselves awake in the morning. This repetition strengthens the connections their little eyes and hands will make throughout the day. They need to know those dusty books are important and will eventually require their attention. 
Teach them to trust in the surroundings of the safe places you create for them, so when they do have to head out into the big, bad world, they’ll know what’s waiting at home.
Thank you @zaffrefic for your contribution to A Supernatural Children’s Treasury. We sure do hope an artist might find themselves inspired by this work; someone who might be willing to add images to your words. (Admin Note: this is the link to the Masterpost if we do plan to begin listing the submissions there.)
Goodnight Bunker
Title: Goodnight Bunker
Writer: zaffre
Original title, author & illustrator: “Goodnight Moon” by Margaret Wise Brown, Illustrated by Clement Hurd
Content/TW: none
In the great Lebanon bunker
There was a telescope
A warded dungeon
And a Batcave full of –
A table with lovingly-carved initials
And a silver blade belonging to an angel who stayed
And a golden spear
And a fridge full of beer
And a motor pool with a black car
And a trunk with a rocket launcher and crowbar
And a massive glowing map
And a moose taking a nap
And thousands of dusty books and a red-haired witch and some ancient kitsch
And a squirrel in a dead-guy robe who was saying, “Son of a bitch!”
Goodnight bunker
Goodnight table with lovingly-carved initials
Goodnight telescope
And the warded dungeon
Goodnight blade
Goodnight angel who stayed
Goodnight spear
Goodnight beer
Goodnight black car
Goodnight crowbar
Goodnight glowing map
Goodnight moose taking a nap
Goodnight books
Goodnight witch
Goodnight crossroads demon-turned-king
Goodnight kitsch
Goodnight to the squirrel in the dead-guy robe saying, “Son of a bitch!”
Goodnight Heaven
Goodnight Hell
Goodnight to the Earth as well
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This was such a challenging story to choose.  Shel Silvertein’s drawings seem crude and simple but they are practically half the text of this story, so it was awesome to see two people pick it up - @indigoneutrino and @sixtysevenandwhiskey - and have each other for collaboration.  They’ve done a brilliant job.  Neither Dean nor Sam have a story that’s simple enough to strictly fit the Giving Tree’s analogy; what they’ve captured of the canon and conveyed here is wonderful - their focus for each other, their choice to put family first, love first, in acts that protected the humanity they carried, as though they understand they’re stewards of that element.  Absolutely lovely stuff guys, it’d fit perfectly in an Spn world’s nursery.
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Art for the @asupernaturaltreasury My First SPN Story challenge. Fic by @sixtysevenandwhiskey here: https://sixtysevenandwhiskey.tumblr.com/post/179604435847/the-giving-brother
Title: The Giving Brother Artist: @indigoneutrino (aka @cardiaccadillac) Writer: @sixtysevenandwhiskey Original title, author & illustrator: The Giving Tree, written and illustrated by Shel Silverstein Content/TW: N/A
Artist’s notes: I tried to follow the art style of the original and despite its simplicity it was insanely difficult to capture! My respect for children’s illustrators has grown enormously from doing this. Huge thanks to @sixtysevenandwhiskey (why can I not tag you??) for her lovely take on the story.
More pages below the cut!
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I didn’t understand this story when I was a kid.  I took it too literally, and I’m not sure anyone even read it to me and explained about the anger and frustration in the themes.  I love how those themes have translated into Dean’s faith in himself, his proactive independence, and how it wraps up with Sam being there for him, so faithful and loyal.  Thank you for such a great submission @ialwayscomewhenyoucall!
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Where the Wendigos Are
Words and Art by @ialwayscomewhenyoucall
Based on Where the Wild Things Are, written and illustrated by Maurice Sendak
No warnings apply
Note: I wrote this for @asupernaturaltreasury ..a story for the children growing up in the world of Sam, Dean, and Cas, to teach them about the monsters all around them. It was so much fun! I also now have an even greater respect for children’s authors—this is much more difficult than it appears!
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On the night Dean let the vampire get by him, his father fumed at him from behind the wheel of the car.
“Out of my sight,” he said.
“YES SIR,” Dean yelled. His little brother reached for his hand, but it was too late. Dean grabbed his backpack and stormed off into the night.
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The forest behind the motel was dark, and deep, and Dean’s angry, stomping feet echoed in the silence. He stormed and stomped and steamed throughout the endless night until, in the moonlight, he stumbled upon a girl crouched on a rock.
She was crying.
The girl jumped up when she saw him. “Did you see my sister? She’s gone! I think something took my sister!”
Dean shook his head, then stood up straight and tall. “I’ll find your sister. I fight monsters.”
She stopped crying to laugh at him. “You’re just a kid, no bigger than me! What are you, twelve? Thirteen?”
Dean blushed. “Eleven,” he mumbled, looking at the dirt. He straightened and looked her in the eye. “Tell me what happened. I can help. I’m a Hunter.”
His voice was strong.
He smiled and took her hand. “My name’s Dean.”
“I’m Nova,” she said. “Stella and me were camping…” She waved into the woods, “…over there. Only there was this…this thing. It was shaped like a man, but it was fast. And it had claws…they sliced right through the tent.” She was crying again.
Dean squeezed her hand. “I told you, I can help. I can make you safe, and I can save your sister.”
He found a stick and drew shapes in the dirt, all the way around Nova.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
“Stay inside the circle,” Dean told her.
“How will pictures in the dirt help?”
He looked up at her, daring her to laugh. “Magic pictures.”
Her eyes widened.
Dean almost–but not quite–smiled. “These are special pictures–anasazi symbols. The wendigo–that’s what took your sister–it can’t pass the protective circle.”
“How do you know this stuff?” She sounded impressed.
“I told you. I’m a Hunter.”
“But Dean–”
“And even if you hear someone calling you–even if you think you hear me or Stella calling you–stay inside the circle. Wendigos, they will try to trick you with voices and shouts.”
“Nova. Just stay inside the circle.”
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Dean stomped into the woods. He stormed and he stomped and he steamed. He would find the wendigo and save Stella and show his father he could do things right.
He was glad he had his backpack. He had matches. Fire, he thought. Fire will defeat the wendigo.
So he stopped to make a torch. He traced and tracked.
He watched and waited.
When he found the wendigo’s cave
he sneaked
and he slinked
and he slayed the beast.
Dean stood, smiling, and in the light of the burning monster he knew he had been right. He truly was a Hunter.
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Nova and Stella hugged each other tight. They cried happy tears. They promised each other, and Dean, that they would stay out of the forest at night.
Dean said goodbye; he knew it was time to go.
He walked again through the endless forest, no longer storming or stomping, just stepping.
His stomach rumbled.
His feet ached.
He wished for a bed. For his brother. For something to eat.
Maybe even for his dad.
Finally, through the trees, he saw first the lights of the hotel, then the faded brick, then the worn tile roof.
He stumbled to a stop when he reached their door. He pulled his key out of his pocket, and quietly, quietly he slipped inside.
Their father was asleep, but Sam sat up, a finger to his lips. He climbed out of bed and tiptoed to the door, a small smile on his sleepy face. He shoved a box into Dean’s hands.
“Dad told me I shouldn’t,” Sam whispered, “but I saved you some dinner.”
Dean’s stomach growled again, and his heart leapt. “Thanks Sammy.”
Sam grinned. “There’s even pie.”
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If ever there was a story to convert into Dad!Dean lore, this works wonders.  It covers a lot of ground from the canon, plus a little for perspective.  The art work is gorgeous - just the brightness, the imagery.  It feels generous.  It’s really challenging to select which elements will be paralleled when you use stories as frameworks, and I can see the original story being used in really nice ways with the rhythm and repetition.  Thank you so much for contributing to our challenge @casafrass and @dmsilvisart - such great work!
Cloudy With a Chance of Angels
Artist: @dmsilvisart
Writer: @casafrass
Original title, author, illustrator: Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs, written by Judi Barrett, illustrated by Ron Barrett.
Warnings: none
Notes: Aghhh, this was so much fun to write! I loved working with you @dmsilvisart ! This is for @asupernaturaltreasury ‘s challenge. 
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Oh my goodness I’m so thrilled this one got picked up and done so well.  I have things!
In children’s texts, so often they rotate through going over, under, around, between, to practise prepositions.  But no, Dean and Sam only need through.  They’re always going through.  Straight at it.  Every time.
I’m imagining children as they are when this story is always told, giddy and loud and interrupting.  “I know the whole exorcism!” “My mum killed a werewolf last week!” “My nanna says Rowena- At Christmas- Rowena- If you’re bad, she puts candy in your stocking that tastes like SALT!”  “Our fish are called Salt and Burn!”
I love Dean with his hands on his hips at the cemetery.  “What does Dean say?” “Son of a bitch!” giggle the kids. “That’s right! ...But we don’t say that do we?” “No mum.”
And at the end of every reading “And what do we do if we see a monster?” “We RUN AWAAAAY!”  “That’s right.”
An absolute delight.  Thank you, thank you, thank you! @revwinchester
We’re Going On A Witch Hunt
Author/Artist: @revwinchester
Based on “We’re Going On A Bear Hunt” by Michael Rosen, illustrations by Helen Oxenbury
Warnings: Much killing of supernatural things
Word Count: ~450
A/N: @asupernaturaltreasury was SUCH a fun project to be a part of!! I was able to write a cute little guide to killing monsters and also get six pieces of art done for this one, which is awesome!  And you can see a little bit of progression in my style throughout the story, which is always fun (I didn’t work on the pieces in order, though, so it doesn’t necessarily get better as it goes). I may continue to work on and add art for this as I find time and inspiration. I hope you enjoy!
Check out the story and art below the cut!
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Well how great is *this*, what a lovely treat @a-winchester-fairytale and @threshie have put together for us! I love all of it - the touching sweetness in the drawing of lil’ Dean, with that teensy tear (and the freckles, of course!), and I really love the last four lines, showing how yeah, Dean has always been looking after Sam, but Sam’s intuition has always been to look after his big brother, too. Thank y’all so much for participating, this was a joy to behold. - Nash (on behalf of myself, and my fellow hosts) 
Dean and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day
Title:  Dean and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day
Artist: Threshie
Writer: a-winchester-fairytale
Content/TW: No warnings needed
Notes:  I apologize for the late submission and I wanted to thank the admins for @asupernaturaltreasury for the extension they provided.  I did change a few things from the original story to make it more SPN, but tried to stick to the general idea of the children’s book. In this version, Dean and Sam are about 3rd grade and kindergarden age. The artwork was actually completed prior to this bang, but due to some extenuating circumstances, and since it fit so perfect with the story I was able to get permission from the artist and admins for it to be included.  Thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy.
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I stepped on Sammy’s Legos when I got out of bed.
I made cereal for Sammy and made sure he got ready before checking his homework
By the time I was done, the bus was pulling up outside.
In the rush, I forgot my jacket and it was 40 degrees outside.
I stepped in a puddle, getting mud all over the bottom of my jeans.
I could tell this was going to be a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.
On the bus, I played Rock, Paper, Scissors with Sammy to see who would get the window seat
Of course he won every time.
I sat on the aisle and spent the whole ride with Holly kicking the seat behind me.
Harry brought his cat for show and tell, and I guess I’m allergic ‘cause I couldn’t stop sneezing.
The girl I liked laughed at the duct tape I used to fix the sole of my shoe
Mark said I wasn’t his best friend anymore since I couldn’t go play baseball with him after school
I failed a quiz because I didn’t have time to read the chapter last night
And when the teacher asked for our homework to put on the board,
I told her I just didn’t do it.
I was having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.
At lunch, when all the kids sat with their parents for parent’s day
I had to sit at the teacher’s table, and when she asked,
I told her my mom and dad weren’t coming because I didn’t tell them.
She wouldn’t understand the truth anyway.
When I went to recess, I saw Thomas and Jason and Alex pestering Sammy, calling him a crybaby.
I told them to knock it off, but Thomas pushed Sammy down so I punched him in the nose.
Of course that is the only thing principal Adler saw, and he didn’t believe me or Sammy
So I ended up in detention for the rest of the day and missed the bus.
It was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.
Sammy was waiting for me outside the office.
I told him to keep a lookout while I snuck into the cafeteria to try and steal some food for us.
He didn’t want to wait in the doorway, and followed behind me instead. 
I reached up to get some bread from the top shelf and the tray it was one came crashing down.
The janitor came rushing in and we ran away before I could hide any food in my pockets.
We were half way home when dad pulled up behind us.
He got out and checked to make sure Sammy was okay.
Sammy told dad I got in trouble at school and then he asked to sit in the front with dad
Dad got mad and said I made him worry when we didn’t get off the bus.
It was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.
At the motel, I wanted to help dad with his research and looked through the papers on his desk
Even though he told me that I shouldn’t mess with his stuff
I was careless and dropped the folder and the papers went all over the floor.
He told me not to try and help him anymore.
I made dinner and only burned my grilled cheese.
All the hot water was gone when I took a shower and the soap ran down from my hair into my eyes. 
The TV went out halfway through the movie I paid for with dad’s fake credit card
I forgot to change the settings on the washing machine and shrunk my favorite pajamas
So now they belong to Sammy.
I had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.
That night, Dad told Sammy he could sleep with him
But the bed was too big for all three.
He said I was too old to still have bad dreams anyway
So I went to the other bed and threw the covers over my head
I couldn’t wait for this terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day to end.
I head Sammy crawl out of dad’s bed and take three tiny steps toward mine
I pretended to be asleep, but I could feel him crawl into bed with me
And curl up by my side.
Maybe this wasn’t such a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day after all.
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Way to go @trollhunter94 !  Nice image choices (really like the creeping branches) and I dig how you interspersed them, and the subject matter you chose/the “twist” on the topic is great - and I love the little injection of humor at the end.  Thank you so much for participating. - Nash (on behalf of myself, and my fellow hosts)
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Title: That’s Not My Brother
Artist + Writer: @trollhunter94
Original title, Author & Illustrator: That’s Not My Truck, Fiona Watts, Rachel Wells.
Content/TW: Mention of Demon traits.
Authors Note: The legend of how Sam Winchester cured his Demon brother, setting a trend for future generations of Hunters.
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That’s not my Brother, his eyes are too black. I’ll keep him safe inside this devils trap.
That’s not my Brother, his smile is too weird. That look on his face is something to be feared.
That’s not my Brother, his punches are too strong. I’d say that he’s possessed, but I think I’d be wrong.
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That’s not my Brother, his threats are too unclean. I’ll cleanse this Demon and bring back Dean.
That’s not my Brother, at least not quite yet. Each hour my blood is taking effect.
That’s my Brother! His humour is so crass. Forever more a frickin’ pain in my ass.
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Killer first line, clutch ending, and a detailed, stunning piece of artwork to boot from @butiaintgonnaloveem and @lostmymuseagain, what a match made in heaven for our lil’ storybook challenge. This one dug deep, and definitely read like a cautionary fairytale about fate and choices that grandparents would tell/read to the children on a dark night around the fire, give ‘em a bit of a chill in spite of it. Thank y’all so much for participating, fantastic job all ‘round. - Nash (on behalf of myself, and my fellow hosts) 
The Runaway Vessel
Writer: @butiaintgonnaloveem Artist: @lostmymuseagain Original Author/illustrator: Margaret Wise Brown/Clement Hurd
Word Count: 820 Content, TW: The struggle between Sam and Lucifer and Fate.
A/N: At the end.
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The Angel knows his history, knows where it leads for him and his Vessel.
For most of human history, Fate has been misinterpreted and misrepresented. There’s a misconception that she is some kind of dramatic figure waiting to present them with a crisis which will determine the course of their lives. The humans underestimate her. They dig their heels in and succumb to the foolish notion of control - free will as they call it. They fight, and they suffer, and they run.
The Angel does not. He doesn’t need to; not that he could while trapped in the cage, but he knows how she works. She’s patient and relentless, like a trickle of water over stone.
Her plans span years, generations, millenia. Before time. Beginnings and endings as she sees fit.  All depending on series of decisions. Everything boils down to a yes or a no, and her plans - thorough and absolute - beat against even the strongest of wills, driving through like the water that cleaves through the stone. Slow and steady.
So is the case of the boy and his Angel; or, depending on how long you’ve followed the history, the Angel and his Vessel.
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It’s such a trick with these things to choose and not choose certain things.  In this, initially, I squicked at the “Son of a bitch!” part, because this is a children’s book.  But very quickly, I came to love it: if Dean and Sam were real in our world, this would be the catchphrase that children cheekily say because they’re being Dean, summoning his character somehow.  They’d get a free pass thanks to our affection for their idol. Parents would mutter it and grin secretly at their kids to draw them into the Things They Know, and children would finish their days taking turns with their family to say goodnight to the Moose and the Squirrel and Heaven and Hell and Earth as well.  I love it.
Goodnight Bunker
Title: Goodnight Bunker
Writer: zaffre
Original title, author & illustrator: “Goodnight Moon” by Margaret Wise Brown, Illustrated by Clement Hurd
Content/TW: none
In the great Lebanon bunker
There was a telescope
A warded dungeon
And a Batcave full of –
A table with lovingly-carved initials
And a silver blade belonging to an angel who stayed
And a golden spear
And a fridge full of beer
And a motor pool with a black car
And a trunk with a rocket launcher and crowbar
And a massive glowing map
And a moose taking a nap
And thousands of dusty books and a red-haired witch and some ancient kitsch
And a squirrel in a dead-guy robe who was saying, “Son of a bitch!”
Goodnight bunker
Goodnight table with lovingly-carved initials
Goodnight telescope
And the warded dungeon
Goodnight blade
Goodnight angel who stayed
Goodnight spear
Goodnight beer
Goodnight black car
Goodnight crowbar
Goodnight glowing map
Goodnight moose taking a nap
Goodnight books
Goodnight witch
Goodnight crossroads demon-turned-king
Goodnight kitsch
Goodnight to the squirrel in the dead-guy robe saying, “Son of a bitch!”
Goodnight Heaven
Goodnight Hell
Goodnight to the Earth as well
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@sidebysideinsilence An AO3 collection is up and ready to receive!  Here’s a link.  Thank you!!
Is there an AO3 collection for the works? Just wondering as I plan to cross-post there and want to tag appropriately. Thanks!
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I don’t know that an account was set up for the Treasury, but that’s a good idea! @littlegreenplasticsoldier and @deandoesthingstome and I will have to figure that out together, I shall put it on the “to-do” list. It looks like to me that you can retroactively add something to a collection, so certainly don’t let us hold you up when it comes to getting it posted. ��
Thank you, this is a great thought!
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About to queue our feedback reblogs that were discovered languishing in drafts, we apologize that these were not posted in a more prompt manner. 😫
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The Runaway Vessel
Writer: @butiaintgonnaloveem
Artist: @lostmymuseagain
Original Author/illustrator: Margaret Wise Brown/Clement Hurd
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Click through to read an amazing interpretation of the children’s story The Runaway Bunny, along side this amazing art: “The struggle between Sam and Lucifer and Fate.” - Ali
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Hi Not sure if your still doing this, but just finished a painting if you want it. Well finished is a strong word, let’s just say I’ve called it.
My friend I’m pretty sure I dropped the ball on this challenge, so don’t go getting yourself down about tardiness or whatever.
Whether you submit it to the challenge is totally up to you (I would love to have it, personally.)  It’s never really going to close.  We’re going to welcome pieces at any point and at any stage because, honestly, the work and care people put into these things is such a gift.  
Just let me know if you want it attached, embedded, linked, whichever.  We can do that.   - Ali
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Howdy peeps. Just came across this challenge. Not sure if the sign-ups are up to date but I saw two that I would love to jump on. I'll admit, never did a children's book before but I'm always up for a challenge and I love this idea. 1st choice: Are You My Mother? Remember that book from when I was a wee one. :D 2nd Diary of a Wombat, I can do the art for this, because how awesome would it be to write a book from the Hellhound's perspective?Love to do both but either is fine. Let me know.
Hello!! Gosh, good to see you again!  My apologies for the delay in replying - delays seem to be out main theme at the moment and I’m at least 90% shame about that.
Yes, definitely, you should submit.  We’d love to have you join in.  The deadline is well past so you can run on your own schedule. There is, however, a greater-than-zero chance we might run the challenge again in the future.  If so, and you haven’t submitted yet, we’ll include you with your current choices.  
I’ll put you down for both.  Will you keep the title Are You My Mother? Please let us know if you change it to anything.  Pretty frikken excited about the Diary of a Hellhound and I hope you have heaps of fun with them both! - Ali
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Hi I see its possible to submit the whole thing now rather than just links. Would you like the rest of us to redo?
Sorry for the delay in answer! 
It looks like the Submissions function has been tweaked to accept photos and not just links, so if you want to do one with just your art (and a little note to say what it pertains to, which I am sure you’d do anyhow, but figured I say it just in case 😉), you’re more than welcome to.
But no no no, in the sense of a “re-do”, no need to trouble yourself on our account, only if you want to! 
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