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Matriarchy, Feminism and 8th of March
First of all I might say that everything I am doing is inspired by women and for women.
And of course this day is not about showing the love , because love is an action ( according to E.Fromm) , which should be done /manifested every day.
This day is actually about the woman rights and power , and about remembering of those who was fighting for this rights.
Women received the right to vote during the 20th century:
Earliest 1910s - US
And one of the latest in Europe is Spain - 1970s
One of latest countries where women received the right to vote is Saudi Arabia in 2015.
In 2023 Vatican still not says if women could vote.
The UN theme for International Women's Day was: 'I am Generation Equality': Realizing Women's Rights'.
March in Pakistani called «Aurat March» was marred by attacks from stone throwers, after a failed attempt to have it banned as un-Islamic.
And this is happening in 2020 !!!
In April 2019, cleric Jawad Naqvi had called march organizers "the most evil of all women".
In Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, police detained dozens of marchers shortly after masked men reportedly attacked the march.
And the most terrible things are happening now in Iran , where people are shooted from machine-guns for support of women rights
Not-surprising that russia and Iran are united, because they are the same kind of evil and yearn for each other.
But it wasn’t always like this.
The thing is that living in some period of time we accept some things (social constructs for example) for given. We refer for some concepts as static , however history shows us that they are not.
If we refer to the most ancient myths , we can discover that the primordial and supreme Deity was Goddess , thus Woman
In Greek Mythology - Gaia - is Mother Earth, her husband is Uranus. Her first sun - Kronos , and after son of Kronos - Zeus seized power in Olympus.
In Shumer Mythology this is Istar.
«The idea of primal female deity , first adored , then brutally side-lined by a male deity is a consistent theme in mythologies around the world.
The Tantrik tradition of India speaks of the primal one, Adya, who took the form of a bird and laid three unfertilised eggs from which were born Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
Egyptian mythology acknowledges a time before gender. Then there was Atum, ‘the Great He-She’, who brought forth the god of air Shu and the goddess of dew Tefnut who separated Geb, the earth-god, from Nut, the sky-goddess, who gave birth to Isis and Osiris, the first queen and king of human civilisation. Then Seth killed Osiris and declared himself king, until Isis gave birth to Horus and contested his claim.
In these stories from around the world, the male deities compete for the female prize. This can be traced to nature, where all wombs are precious but not all sperms. So the males have to compete for the female. In many bird species, the female chooses the male with the most colourful feathers, the best voice or the best song, or with the capability of building the best nest. In many animal species, such as the walrus and the lion, the alpha male keeps all the females for himself; thus there are always ‘remainder’ males who do not get the female. This selection of only the best males creates anxiety amongst the not-so-good males and translates into the fear of invalidation in the human species. To cope with this fear of invalidation, social structures such as marriage laws and inheritance rights come into being, often at the cost of the female.
As human society learnt to domesticate animals and plants, trade and build cities, we see a gradual shift in social laws, deterioration in the status of women, and rejection of Goddess-worship in favour of God-worship.»
(C) Devdutt Pattanaik - 7 Secrets of Goddess
A few anthropologists even argue that Krishna’s dance Raasa-Leela may have its roots in old matriarchal tribes where the women valued only one male of the village.
In such female-dominated cultures, the male could not refuse the woman: in the Mahabharata, when Arjuna refuses her advances, Urvashi curses him to turn into a eunuch. Any man who forced himself upon a woman was killed.
To ensure that the dominant males did not have exclusive and eternal rights to women, the ritual of killing the chosen males at regular intervals emerged.
The only way to survive being killed at the end of the term as king and consort of the Goddess was by castrating oneself. And so in the Near East, the priests of Cybele, called the Galli, ritually castrated themselves emulating Attis, the castrated son/lover of the goddess.
Of course that are rather bloody practices , but now the pendulum has swung in another direction.
In Astrology the 8th House represents all the Unknown , Mystic , Sex and Death.
The connection of Sex and Death we can trace in myths across the Globe as well.
The close connection of sex and death, sex and pleasure, and pleasure with women led to that men began to associate women with amorality , suffering and vulnerability.
Renunciation of women guaranteed freedom from suffering.
This we can trace in Biblical mythology: Samson succumbed to passion for the insidious Philistines Delilah and losses his power.
In Buddhism the daughters of Mara ( the greatest Demon) are associated with decay sickness and death. Rejecting them Gautamma Siddhartha gained freedom from suffering.
In Tantra and Yogic tradition we have practice called - Brahmacaṛya ( celibacy ) which is supposed to give a mystical powers called «Siddhi»
We can see how along the course of history men tried to cheat biology.
Also in Hindu there is a tradition called «Sati» ( in name of wife of Shiva who stepped into the fire ,when her husband was offended)
It is supposed that the fidelity of a woman gave her magical powers. This believe in «sati» has led to concept - if man died for whatever reason , it was the cheating wife who couldn’t prevent it. She was encouraged to burn herself on a funeral pyre to prove her purity.
The time goes on and there is a power struggle in the cities - and women becomes a trophy in this game - «Helene of Troy»
All this leads to the isolation of women for their «own safety»
Woman become a commodity , she loses the ability to control her life and her body.
At some time the men took over all economic activity , and the only activity available for women was a temple prostitution.
The body of woman, so as the land was owned by a father, brother, husband and even son.
The main reason of invention of the proprietary rights - is the fear and insecurity of men.
Gradually, the gaze turned upwards towards the sky. Gravity became a fetter, the earth a trap, and women bondage. Escape was sought. The serpent, messenger of the goddess, was rejected in favour of winged beings or angels who take humanity to ‘higher’ realms, above the earth.
In biblical mythology, the serpent becomes the symbol of the Devil, he who disobeys and tempts others to disobey. God, who makes all the rules, becomes male and resides in the sky. Prophets carry his word to earth. They are mostly male: Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad. They overshadow the few female prophets: Miriam, Deborah and Anna.
In Hindu Mythology Serpent represents many things:
Wisdom ( we can see it always on the neck of Shiva)
Kundalini Energy
Before those who looked at the earth below saw it as the Goddess, manifesting in pairs and triads, embodying the paradoxes of the world. There was Ishtar, the fertile, and Ereshkigal, the barren, in Sumerian mythology; Kali, the wild, and Gauri, the domestic, in Hindu mythology; the cow Hathor and the lioness Sekhmet of Egyptian mythology. In Greek mythology, there are the Fates triad who spin thread, the length of which determines the duration of human life, and the Grace triad who constitute the three seasons of spring, summer, and winter. Thus, the world is seen in feminine terms.
In Christianity now the only one image on woman is the Virgin Mary, but only because she was a mother of God.
In Islam the only one image is « Fatima hand» , the daughter of Prophet.
Why not so many ?
As you can see this turmoil and pendulum , which shifted from one side to another.
Great honor and praise to the feminists who fought for women's rights
But what modern feminism offers?
It says that woman must struggle to win in a man-game. In patriarchal social structure controlled by men. This is thinking inside the box - which is leading to nowhere.
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On other hand women should accept the feminine nature and allow it to manifest itself , beyond this social construct.
Social construct is a human made creation. But nature it is something deeper, something which corresponds to our soul, psyche , genetics.
It is more profound , and beyond any social construct. Society is always changing, but archetype of the primordial wild woman is something which may last even beyond the time unchanging.
As Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés says the one may address this archetype to discover one’s nature through many things such as:
Acceptance of different aspects of the divine in oneself
Archetype of Primordial Woman is the basic archetype , based on which various Goddesses , representing various aspects of Psyche emerged.
One of such Archetypes is Greek Goddess - Baubo.
Known as the goddess of mirth, she is depicted as bawdy and sexually liberated.
In Hindu mythology Deities always have pairs.
Wild Kali awakens Shiva to life with her passion, without her is only a shava ( corpse)
When Mahishasura is threatening the World and even Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva cannot defeat him , then devas ask Goddess for help .
And Durga , Mahadevi slays him.
Hindu mythology with its variety of Gods and Goddesses didn’t lost the feminine and masculine balance.
In conclusion
I think it’s time for Man to evolve above the fear of insecurity and start working towards the World where Woman can manifest herself freely.
I am sure it would be a much better place.
Reference and further reading :
Mostly this text in inspired by great writer and mythologist -
Devdutt Pattanaik. I quote many thoughts from his book " 7 Secrets of Goddess"
Clarissa Pinkola Estes:
"Women Who Run with the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype"
Erich Fromm: " The Art of Loving"
#astrology#dharma#philosophy#pscyhedelic#matriarchy#feminism#woman rights#balance#archetype#psyche#psychology
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Power of Sun
During my career of the astrologer I have noticed the following observations -
Roughly we can divide people into 2 categories :
People who knew that they can do it - and always have worked into this direction
People , who doubt themself , and choose what society imposes on them
And the power of the Sun plays a key role here.
Despite all sorts of prejudices about the Sun. The sun is considered a «Malefic» in Modern Classical Jyotish Astrology. Various religious practitioners are telling us that we must anihilate our Ego.
But consider this simple fact - achievements are not possible without a goal. You just won't budge. Without understanding and setting this goal. And Sun is responsible for this function and for the Self-Esteem as well.
How can a person who does not value himself value others ? Narcissism is growing when the barometer of self-esteem is broken. Also a distinction should be made between Ego and False Ego ( or Inflated Ego) - created when a person does nothing but declares it.
Sun at its best represents Nobility and Achievements. But people without own goals are useful for those who are in control.
My Sun is located in water sign , which weakens the power of sun at some degree. That ’s why I refer myself to the second category of people.
Again the good upaya is to surround yourself with people with strong Sun and thus the strong ambitions. It’s hard to believe , but people with strong sun just don’t believe in failure.
Another misconception we have is that Spirituality is incompatible with achievements, material wealth and so on.
Eastern Philosophy is about searching of Balance.
Concept that «spiritual» is good , and «material» is bad brought to us by Christianity. And on the other hand Science is telling quite opposite about Materialism.
However - this is thinking inside the same box.
There is no such division in Eastern Philosophy. The union of spirituality and material achievements is inherent to a great personality.
Purusha (Consciousness ) and Prakriti (Matter) - are represented by God and Goddess , Husband and Wife - that are always together.
The Wisdom of Consciousness doesn’t have any sense without Nature. The Wisdom exists FOR the World.
Without Prakriti ( Material World) - Purusha ( Consciousness) couldn’t manifest itself.
And Prakriti is needed for Purusha to perceive itself.
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Jyotish - Methods of Correction
Sanskrit: उपाय, upāya - means of correction
One of the distinguishing features of Vedic Astrology is existence of Upaya.
Even in modern classical Jyotish Astrology which is predictive - there are means to correct position in Natal Chart. Meaning that Natal Chart is not something static, but something what may be developed through time.
Traditional upayas are wearing the gemstones corresponding to each planet and rituals, such as: * feeding black crows which is Upaya for Saturn for example. * Or chanting Ganapati Mantra which is Upaya for Jupiter.
However, this rituals where developed in ancient times for people of that era with certain mindset.
Now the understanding of our world and human consciousness has changed to a great extent.
So as the Upayas.
With introduction of psychoanalysis to Jyotish Astrology by Kali Shankar - we can introduce now more detailed and complex methods of correction of our Consciousness.
Upaya is individual in each case correction technique , corresponding to position in your natal chart (which needs to be corrected) , circumstances , evolutional level of sub-personality, based on modern psychology , coaching methods.
How does it work on my example
My Lagnesha - Mercury located in 12th House, thus damaged. Lagnesha is graha ( planet ) ruler of 1st House , thus very important
If I don’t work through this position - it impacts my whole horoscope.
* Mercury is planet responsible for communication, intellect, logic, analytics, processing of information. * 12 House is responsible for something totally new and unknown.
➡️So summarising it up - processing new information and cold contact - is one of possible Upayas for my Mercury.
Mercury doesn’t need a finite result. He needs constantly process and analyse.
One sphere of my internets is Yoga
So what I chooses as my correction method of Mercury is: Visiting new yoga studios, meeting new teachers , people and so on.
Also It sets me free from judgements , because I want know something new and receive new experience
P.S. Continuing previous post I want to add - the generalisation and standardisation of correction methods are good. But this is a simple, and maybe primitive approach. Astrological correction methods , same as psychological are individual case by case.
So as Jupiter represents Knowledge -
than Education in any form is developing your Jupiter.
Damaged Jupiter is very greedy. Jupiter at its best is generous.
What is why I think ancient upayas for Jupiter were called to cultivate generosity.
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« The Path of Wisdom is the Path of Prosperity »
That is why Jupiter is responsible for Wealth as well.
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Again to learn how to develop your borders - it will not be superfluous to take psychological coaching in this topic.
For example , so as my Jupiter impacts my Moon as well :
- The Process when I learn something new in area of my interest , when everything comes together ( Jupiter = Integrity) - always heals my depression.
General and most powerful Upaya for Venus is treating Woman as a Goddess.
Venus responsible for beauty , art, joyfullnes and pleasure - the qualities associated with woman mostly.
So thus deifying these qualities and endowing them with the highest meaning - we developing Venus in our chart.
And this applies equally for Men and Women.
If for Man would be easier to treat woman like this ,and for woman to treat herself ; but it works even in other way:
* For Woman to treat other Women as a Goddesses - is sign of nobility and generosity.
* And Man can discover the Woman inside himself ( I understand that all this may sound strange for some of you - but I am speaking about philosophy terms , and not about sexual orientation)
The Being itself is androgynous: One of the forms of Vishnu ( the highest deity in hinduism , who represents the Being) is Mohini-Devi - the most sexiest woman in all legends. Vishnu resorts to this form , then he resolves not typical problems with help of cunning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Also other more practical and less metaphysical ways are:
* Everything connect with beauty and self - care , spa etc * Shopping * Chill
Also somebody may say that shopping and chill - is not spiritual.
But :
* In Vedic Philosophy all our qualities were endowed with highest meaning. There are no «good» and «evil» * So far, everyone has Venus in natal chart, and neglecting this planet leads to exclusion of Houses for which Venus is responsible.
And the most important point of Vedic Philosophy ( not only) : *That there is no division between Spirituality and Materialsim
Formula of Happiness
. ☾ . “Purpose might not make you happy, but at least remove unhappiness” (c) Kali Shankar ⠀ Happiness is so complicated “thing” actually, and consists of so many variables, that it is really impossible to describe ultimate happiness, even abstractly. ⠀ There are so many sellers of happiness today, and what they sell maybe even true (for themselves) ⠀ On the other hand - we have sophisticated teaching Buddhism, and here I want to quote Herman Hesse: “Buddha doesn’t teach how to live - Buddha teaches how not to suffer” ⠀ Purpose may be complicated, because you have to keep focus every day and balance as well, because you give attention to one area and the other may some suffer (work / relationships balance-simplest example) ⠀ In Jyotish ( so as it Moon Astrology ) - we have Chandra Lagna - chart build based on position of Moon as 1st House-showing our Desires. But! Everything is not so simple, as we might want to be. ⠀ Tricky thing - that natal chart and chandra lagna may contradict each other ⠀ And here is very applicable buddhist saying, that we need to get rid off desires ⠀ Because if we don’t follow purpose we basically might not have the resources to fulfil our desires, or if you want something, but cant afford it - this creates a room for manipulation. Obviously all this leads to suffering. ⠀ What we do actually - we spend our lives chasing our desires, forgetting ( or without knowing) about Dharma; But one of definition of Dharma is also - Duty. Fulfilling our Duty we receive the Benefits from Universe in return. ⠀ Position of Moon and House which she rules, shows where we draw emotions from 🌚 ⠀ Apparently utilisation of this Houses gives us emotions, both positive and negative and if it not activated this may lead to apathy. ⠀ If the moon is damaged somehow, than it may not be superfluous to make a regular visits to psychologist. ⠀ All mindfulness and meditation practices are of course harmonise the Moon. ⠀ And the classical Upaya: Being near the water and bathing 🚿⠀ Not to forget that our body actually is designed to feed the Mind ( Manas ), and of course healthy body gives many benefits.
Sun ( Sūrya ☉) - Graha representing our Ego, Ambitions , Self-Esteem and Goal setting
Of course as mantra I repeat in the course of this posts that Upaya for each position of Sun would be individual and connected to your Purpose.
Main function of Sun is to Highlight something. So Sun is highlighting area of your horoscope in which it located. And correct and noble utilization of this area would be mainly the Upaya.
«Position of your Sun showing how in the most noble way , you can influence the society» (с) Kali Shankar
But there is also one very simple and efficient way to improve your Sun , in a while you dealing with correct goals
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Sun also in charge of spinal cord and immune system in our body. So the correct posture is improving your Self - Esteem By correct I mean straight spine and open shoulders and chest.
This may seem well known information and really many psychological researches have been made on this topic
And the interesting fact that some of the researches showing direct correlation with open posture - «positive» thinking and closed posture - «negative» Also cognitive dissonance was observed when people were asked to write positive , active , high thoughts in closed posture. But! Another research showing no correlation with open posture , but in closed posture showing obvious negative thinking effect - concluding that if you already have a low self-esteem , then closed posture will make lower.
Another thing that if you already have a muscle memory - then straightening requires practice and discipline. But as practice showing - all muscles can be stretched and enforced , and spinal cord return to normal position ( it takes time of course )
And the last thing - the simple Knowledge may be seemed of lower value and be not implemented.
«In this world, anything can be achieved only by efforts, and when something fails, it is necessary to look for reasons in insufficient efforts.» (С) Vasishta Yoga Samhita
Mars is the planet responsible for energy, movements, war, conflicts, competitions ⠀ It is responsible for the level of energy in our body as well. ⠀ So for the realization of your genetic potential - you need energy. And this is area of responsibility of Mars. ⠀ The main function of our body is to supply energy for our Mind. So the more energy your body can develop - the more productive you can be. To increase your level of energy - you need to develop your body - this is given, so as we biological creatures at least now. The more healthier your body - the more cleaner energy you can supply to your mind. ⠀ So the sport is obvious, but frequently neglected way for developing the Mars and level of energy. ⠀ Another way is mental,applicable for any Mars - and it is called «Discipline» ⠀ Mars exalting ( has highest power and potential) in Capricorn, abode of Saturn, where Iron Discipline is created for Mars. ⠀ In Hinduism the highest deity - Shiva, which translated as « Boon», associated with his main quality - Discipline, which gives him super-powers called «siddhi» When everything is out of control - everybody begs Shiva to sort this out. ⠀ Discipline is the power to consciously re-program thyself and build new neural connections. ⠀ And of course sport requires some sort of discipline to progress, but you can apply discipline in every area of life. Procrastination is the opposite side of this coin. Procrastination is the main illness of people with Mars debilitated On the other hand, people with strong Mars find it hard to focus on their true goal, and waste energy on everything else. ⠀ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ⠀ For this post I prepared a yoga lesson, like practical continuation of the theory ⠀ This lesson would be useful for the previous Upaya as well - it will help develop the straight spine, which is very important as you know. ⠀ Also it will be useful as just simple morning routine, or you can pick up exercise which you can add to your practice. ⠀ And of course doing it regularly brings many benefits to your body, and develops your discipline as well.
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Space Dao 勅
If people born on planet Mars ♂ wouldn’t have Mars ♂ in their natal chart - they will have Earth ♁ instead
Then how does it look the Astrology of another galaxy ?
And if we will have War between inhabitants of this different Galaxies?
How we would predict who will win?
Instead I think - the winner will be the one - who will learn the astrology of another galaxy and can understand his enemy - and predict his actions eventually
And the great Sage will be the One - who can combine this two systems for better understanding of Universe and eventually stop the conflict.
3.12.2022 - Astropsyhe
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Mars Colonization and Astrology
There will be no planet Mars in natal chart for people who would be born on Mars, same as we don’t Earth in our charts.
What would it mean?
Mars is a planet responsible for energy, engineering and war.
Following this logic Martians would be a peaceful kind. And its make sense - Planet Mars is aggressive environment , and war there is very difficult and expensive arrangement.
Another thing on Earth.
Where we have all kind of resources.
Homo Sapiens is still very aggressive kind and didn’t learned how to solve the conflict any other way, instead of war .
Of course colonisation of Mars has direct dependence of Energy Sector development: new engines , new types of fuel and so on.
But the most important here , I think , is the following:
Maybe real interstellar progress is possible when we as humanity can sublimate this Energy of Mars to something else - Technological Progress ?
War is the engine of progress of course.
But what is the final goal ?
Self - destruction of our civilisation is possible , so as we find evidence of this happened before.
Every planet in our chart has a level of evolutional development. And I believe that together we can bring our collective Mars to the next level - through various practices of mindfulness, psychology , body related practices.
And eventually create something that brings evolution and development of humankind, rather then total destruction.
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Jyotish Astrology Basic - Part 3
Sub- personalities.
Another definition of the Purpose , but from technical view of the astrologer.
So as Kali Shankar have introduced the psychoanalysis to astrology - we can see our sub-personalities using natal-chart as a tool. And the task of dharma expert is to mix them into one personality by giving them same goal.
If Freud discovered Psychology , then Kali Shankar discovered the Astrology.
Idea of psychology can be traced back to Hinduism mythology and Vedic Knowledge. But it was unknown for western society.
Freud was a pioneer who noticed certain patterns, named it in terms accessible for western mind and introduced statistical and scientific approach to something called our psyche and eventually we know it as a science called Psychology.
(It is not a science actually - because of fluid subject of our study - our Mind and Personality- we always have to change the approach; you may know that we have different branches like geshtalt , positive psychology, existential psychology, jungian , freudist and so on)
The Vedic Knowledge of Astrology have existed for a long time - but I will quote Michel Gauquelin 50 years ago : “ The Astrology is waiting for it’s pionneer , like Galileo Galilei was a pioneer for astronomy. The knowledge about the planets and space have existed in times of Galileo, but he was the first one who have notices the truly relations. How are planets related in our Solar System.
Kali Shankar is the first one who interpreted the Vedic Knowledge in terms of scientific knowledge what we have today - statistic and statistical analysis, sociology, psychology and psychoanalysis , political science, theology , philosophy ( eastern and western) , eastern and western mythology, biology, genetics.
Astrology is anthropological science actually.
Anthropology is the scientific study of humanity , concerned with human behaviour, human biology , cultures , societies and linguistic , in both the present and past , including past human species. ( Wiki)
So astrology is based on our knowledge about the world 🌎 and our knowledge about us humans 👽 ( mind , personality , biology , genetics)
And what Kali Shankar is trying to say to us -
Astrology is a science ( not static knowledge) , which must be developed constantly over time with increase of our knowledge base.
You can imagine it as a open-source code 👩💻 where everybody may introduce the upgrades.
For example, If you like Freud have discovered revolutionary knowledge what may change the world or our perception of Personality - we may introduce it Jyotish Astrology as well and our perception of Purpose may change.
Cool isn’t it ? 👁 ⚛️🌀
The main though that I was trying to share - that Astrology is NOT for forecasting , and it is NOT for finding excuses in planets and so on.
The astrology is the tool to find the way of realization of our genetic potential.
But now a little off-top about the science and how it works:
Scientificall approach presumes understanding of such terms as hypothesis and a theory.
Hypotheis is an assumption , based on some data , which requires to be proved by experiments or other test.
Theory is something that is already proved, with some results of probability. But ! Every theory ( math, physics , any… ) is based on at least one axiom. Meaning that at least something we take for granted - believe. ( Read - Gödel's Incompleteness theorems )
Meaning if change initial data , so the theorem may change as well.
We refer to science as something static, but it is not.
Our knowledge about the world and about ourselves are constantly developed. - Meaning the science as well , so as Astrology. Every science must be improved with income of new information.
Moksha is term in s a term in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism which is translated how « Liberation»
But as any Sanskrit word it has many meaning, and can be interpreted in many ways.
Also Moksha is associated with «Death» as a final liberation from all material sufferings, but I want to focus on the categories available for comprehension , since no one has yet returned from the other world.
In psychology evolutional growth is considered as a death of previous personality.
The same though we can see in a « Bardo Thodol» - The Tibetian Book of the Dead» - What is meant by «Death» is death of ego , and unification with the Spirit or Higher-Self.
So the ancient psychologists - Rishis - The Composers of Vedas - also included this concept in natal chart. So as every 4th house ( 4th, 8th , 12th) is the House of Moksha representing the spiral of the evolutionional growth. The 8th and 12th houses are also known as Dusthanas , or the the Houses of Loss, symbolizing that each level of evolution requires to give-up something (if not all) that no longer serves the purpose.
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Jyotish Astrology Basic - Part 2
Adharma Will Cost You. (C) Kali Shankar
So what does it mean ?
If we divide roughly , the one who follows his Dharma has harmonic life and everybody love this person and , and the one who live through adharma has a tragic destiny.
Dramatic life would be somewhere in between.
Why it’s happening?
Because the worst sin possible - is to run from your nature.
One who runs from his/her nature hates himself , hates the world and the world gives it back.
Eventually the one who accepted own nature, loves thyself , loves the world, and world gives back to this person fame, money, power and finally love.
Dharma is coming upon us in two different ways. First one is interest ( to one , who lives harmonic life ) , second one is fear ( to one who lives tragic life)
Either you feel so much interested in something, that you literally cant stop doing this, despite any circumstances - normally those people have high level of evolutionary development.
Or you feel fear about something, sometimes unbearable and existential fear. This normally tells about the area, where is your dharma is hidden, and about low-level of evolutionary development of personality with few exceptions.*
Area of Rahu. Rahu is lunar node, who shows area of your fear and complexes, which may take a life-time to work-out.
Damaged Moon - person is predisposed to fears and phobias
Any trauma or violence experience.
If we deviate too much from our nature and our Dharma , really tragical things may happen. Decease , losses, traumas , even death. Especially in times like ours, when Saturn ( The Lord of Dharma) dwelling in his own sign of Capricorn , where he gets his full power.
So if you deviate too much, Saturn gives you a great challenge , which drastically may change your life in 180 degrees.
That is why Saturn is called great teacher.
Full cycle of Saturn takes 30 years. So every 30 years he comes and watches how everybody doing with his/her Dharma.
Another way , then this may happen- Transit of Saturn , called Sade-Sati , which I will describe later.
Fear is one the first enemies of the «Man of Knowledge» (c) Don Juan
For example, I have active 11th House in my natal chart, because 2 grahas are located there - Sun and Jupiter in sign of Cancer. Thus my 11th House is under rule of the Moon. Means that my ambitions ( Sun ) and my emotions and state of happiness are connected with 11th House.
11th House represents Fame, Surpluses and Positioning in society.
First thoughts about fame , performing or speaking in front of group of people evoked grand feeling of fear, sweating , tremor inside of me.
Because If I make something wrong - my ego ( Sun ) will be hurt. Also so I as Moon connected , I am feeling nervous, worried etc about performing ( Moon is responsible for emotions )
Opposite side of this , people with position like my, if doing smth , they doing it perfectly.
Then , eventually when times pass, and we continue our evolutional development and overcome fear, anxiety , social programs when our sub-personalities start to give benefits to us.
Sun is responsible for «dopamine» - hormone produced when achieving something, Moon for «serotonine» - hormone of happiness.
On my example , give away emotions to people, play music for them , seeing them dancing - fills me with happiness and satisfaction. And thus, my Moon and my Sun are satisfied.
Another thing which may stay on the way of your individual Dharma is society. But again, with few exceptions here.
Society is NOT our enemy. Because as Homo sapiens we are social being. We can’t survive and develop without society. It is just characteristic of our kind.
But collective consciousness of society is much more primitive , than any individual taken. It has it’s own primitive goals, and it want that everybody follows that goals, and function as one well built mechanism. It is not good , and it is not bad.
But! It likes standardization, and it wants bring everyone to the same level, which as I told before contradicts the individual purpose. Individual purpose is something, that very hard to measure and to confine.
Society is utilizing your potential , substituting your goals for goals of society. Part of your sub-personalities may feel satisfied ,and you may keep going.
Positive thing here , that we as social being influence each other, so fulfilling our dharma we influence people around us, revealing divine potential inside them. Thus we raise the level of collective consciousness , which agian influence back to us.
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Jyotish Astrology Basics
What are the differences between Jyotish and Western Astrology?

The most simple version of Western Astrology is journal astrology - to which we are used to.
This type of astrology is lasted for centuries in our culture and exists even today. Whereas its statistically proven that is doesn’t work at all. But people continue to believe. Why?
Culture , traditions , selective perception , longing for something mystical , unwillingness to take responsibility for own life, search for excuses in astrology and so on.
The most typical question , which is familiar to us all is:
«What is your zodiac sign ?»

And answer to this question will reveal the position of your Sun in some constellation.
But this information actually gives nothing becuase -
huge amount of people people were born when Sun was let’s say in Taurus , and if having this initial data we interview 100 people, we will find out that this people are barely have something in common.
The second point is that Sun will be located in particular house , and will rule another house and also has it’s own ruler and so on. All this factors we have to consider, which are not considered in journal astrology.
Another factor - the most fundamental one - and its the main difference between Jyotish (or Vedic Astrology) and Western Astrology.
The Zodiac Sign in Western Astrology is not a constellation which we can see in Telescope. At the present time the difference between The Zodiac Sign used by Western Astrology and actual constellation is 24 degrees. The whole constellation is 30 degrees ( 360 / 12 ). So when you say that you are Taurus - you Sun is actually located in Aries…
This you can easily check just by looking at the sky or use some astronomical app.
So the Zodiac Sign has nothing in common with Zodiac Constellation , except the name - and this is basic and fundamental difference between most Asian and Western reference frames.
However, this system is known , but rarely used in Jyotish for some calendar calculations.
So what is Jyotish about ?

Astrology what I study and practice is Jyotish Astrology of Kali Shankar. This is Jyotish (or Vedic Astrology ) reformatted for use in our modern time , based on Vedas themselves and scientific and statistical approach.
The main point of astrology of Kali Shankar , however simple ,but required additional explanation :
Astrology is NOT for forecasting
So what for we can use astrology …? :)
- For many things actually , but…
The main application of astrology for the present moment is finding the Purpose of a Human Being.
What is Purpose ?

In Sanskrit and Vedas - the name of this term is Dharma.
I personally couldn’t find right term in English , and the closest would be the «Purpose» or «Life-Mission»
And what does it mean in terms of Astrology ?
The answer might be very simple , but requires very detailed explanation.
The first pioneer from science , hero and genius, who dared to challenge both worlds of science and astrology was Michel Gauquelin. Statistician by profession he wanted to prove the world that astrology is complete delusion and doesn’t work, but he have found something different.
His famous research « Mars Effect» was showing that very hight amount of Professional and Realized Athletes were having Mars either rising ( in Ascendent ) or in zenith ( 10th House ).

And the words « professional and realized» are very important here. Because of this words his work, to which he dedicated his whole life, were not accepted by scientific society and unfortunately Gauquelin has killed himself.
In his work « Scientific approach to astrology» where Gauquelin combines his own research with discoveries of other scientists , like Picardi, Tacata , Chizhevsky and others he says that:
«Natal Chart is sectional drawing of our genetics, showing our potential and areas of application of this potential.»
Meaning if you have Mars is Ascendant , you might be a good sportsman.
But ! What does normal astrologer would say ? If you have Mars in ascendant you WILL be a good sportsman. And statistic showing that of course not. Why? Because our Our Lord himself ( or Universe ) gave as a Free Will to f$ck up everything we want, and doesn’t matter at all what natal chart we have.
So what Gauquelin was trying to say, that the Astrology is not for forecasting, but for exploring our genetic potential. ( simply speaking).

Another thing which always stands on the way to our purpose - are the circumstances.
And I will put the definition of Purpose like this:
Purpose means knowing about your Dharma (Life-Mission) and making Choice in favor of it every single moment.
By Choice I mean :
Not to bend under weight of circumstances, whatsoever tough they might be
Understanding that choice is always a fork - means you always have to give up something then you are making choice
Not to procrastinate, because you spend your energy for something useless , instead for your Purpose.
So only knowing about your Purpose and making a Choice to walk this Path are slightly different categories.

Also one important point which requires an explanation that Purpose and Profesion are not the same things. In our society of Modernity , formulated by John Locke and Thomas Hobbes in 16th century , we used to think that Profession it is the Purpose. In concept of Modernity - the human being is white paper, on which you can draw whatever you like. Means this concept totally refuse uniqueness of human being and thus The Purpose.
But the Purpose is the abstract category , which may be realized through specific profession or may be not. Sometimes we can’t clearly distinguish the profession of the native, or sometimes we have to invent new profession, sometimes we have to work on the edge of the various profession. The latest couldn’t be imagined by our parents , for example, because change of professional was something strongly condemned just 20-30 ago.
And not only in philosophy ,but in terms of astrology The Purpose and the profession are divided as well. Dharma , our Life-Mission is represented by 1st House , and our Profession is represented by the 10th House.
Purpose is your unique contribution into the mosaic of the Creation.

Another brave man and genius of our time , who combined the work of Gauquelin and scientific approach to astrology, introduced psychoanalysis and restored knowledge of Vedas and adapted Jyotish for use in our modern times is Kali Shankar.
The main goal of Jyotish Astrology of Kali Shankar is finding the Purpose of the Human Being.
In Vedic Mythology the protector of Dharma is one of major deities , called Vishnu.
Vishnu represents The Being itself.
One of my favorite affirmations is « Dharma protects»
Meaning if we fulfill our Dharma , we are fulfilling the plan of Creation ( Universe or God )

And if we are in sync with it, than Universe itself , God himself protects us from the enemies of Creation. Meaning that if Universe itself protects me, that everything is possible.
So the terms Vishnu ( The Being) , Dharma and « I am fulfilling the Purpose» are actually the same.
And opposite affirmation to that is:
Adharma Will Cost You. (C) Kali Shankar
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