Hello Mr Baden. I'm going around with gifts for every survivor. I do believe you dislike music (OOC: That's what I read somewhere anyway), and so I got you these earmuffs that should block out noise whenever someone nearby is playing music. (from ask-the-minds-eye)
Jose stared at the young girl, quietly pushing away a glass of bourbon away from himself. Just because the girl was blind, didn't mean she had to be force to smell the alcohol.
He looked down and stared at the earmuffs, words failing to come to him as he carefully took them from her hands as if they were fragile. "Oh...thank-you Miss Adams, you truly didn't have to, but I thank-you" He said, a bit in awe at the gift.
Maybe he could throw this one when dealing with that pesky violinist....
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Jose, buddy, pal, amigo, what are your thoughts on the Will Brothers?
Jose glared at the question as he ripped a spike from his side, suppressing a scream by biting his lip.
"Beyond the fact they are beyond annoying to face against in matches..., the trio seem...alright I guess." The First Officer said.
"Even after promising to be nicer in matches and go a bit easier, they act like over hyper puppies wanting impress the baron and the other hunters. Truly wish they couldn't just magic away the spikes by ripping them out magical or use that broken wheel of theirs to rip them out. The pain is so bad we end up collapsing. Poor Emily has her work cut out, I swear...."
"I just pray the new hunter is less....ruthless, but knowing the baron, probably not..."
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//Hi mun here, school has stacked lots of work on me sooo asks may come slowly? I will try to get to them all I promise, just school comes first right now. Thank-you for understanding ;v;
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//hi this blog isn’t dead, i’ve just been busy with school and been more active on Twitter. Have a catboy jose
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- To be at sea and in
someone's heart at once
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//Jose’s getting a buff! Jose’s getting a buff! Jose’s getting a buff! Or reworking but I’m still seeing it as a buff!
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“All they sent was the letter B?”
Kevin stared at Jose for awhile before snickering. 
“What? What’s so funny?” Jose asked, confused.
“Jose darling, what’s you right eye?”
“It’s a-......” It finally dawned on Jose.
“I hate you all”
“BAHAHAHA” Kevin tried to muffled his laughter, while Jose covered his face with his hands, quietly screaming while his face went to a bright shade of red.
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“I....” Jose trailed off, tilting his head.
“What in the honest world are you on about? Were trying to spell something with the letter B and then forget the rest of the words? Are you trying to summon bees? Because if so, wrong person. I believe you need to find Miss Melly for that.”
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Lovecore! Jose. You can thank the twitter user know as Kevbaden (oooor Dilfkevin) for this. Lowkey proud of this, minus the fact it cost my hand and neck to finish it!
Under cut just has the line art
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Valentine’s Day Event Over
//i mean...it should have been over awhile now. It’s March, but yeah it’s now over. Thank-you all who sent your ask in!!! -Mun
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José Baden - Night Patrol (from Identity V), by request!
x x x / x x / x x x
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Yo! How are ya? >:^D (“🤗” for the meme)
Jose looked up from his pocket watch, offering up the Forward a polite smile. “Ah, hello William. I’m doing-Oh!”
The First Officer was a bit caught off guard by the sudden hug but laughed. “Fine. I’m doing fine William. Good to see you are cheery as every.”
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Enjoy uwu
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“Well, i used to have a crush on someone. He was-”
Faint laughter grabbed the First Officer’s attention. “Ah, you had a crush on me? That’s so cute darling”
“You had a crush on me too, you nitwit.” Jose teased back.
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