#plus Im busy with working on my Haunted Mansion one since I;m in haunted mansion brainrot
Jose, buddy, pal, amigo, what are your thoughts on the Will Brothers?
Jose glared at the question as he ripped a spike from his side, suppressing a scream by biting his lip.
"Beyond the fact they are beyond annoying to face against in matches..., the trio seem...alright I guess." The First Officer said.
"Even after promising to be nicer in matches and go a bit easier, they act like over hyper puppies wanting impress the baron and the other hunters. Truly wish they couldn't just magic away the spikes by ripping them out magical or use that broken wheel of theirs to rip them out. The pain is so bad we end up collapsing. Poor Emily has her work cut out, I swear...."
"I just pray the new hunter is less....ruthless, but knowing the baron, probably not..."
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