ashmanstrength-blog · 7 years
You are what you project
You are what you project
I wish I could be that guy to have an unending supply of understanding for bad decisions, but I don’t.
At some point in time I want to take you, sit you down, look at you dead in the eye and say, “what the fuck are you doing?”
Why do you keep eating like you hate yourself?
Why do you continue to keep bad habits close to you?
Why do you keep getting drunk every weekend?
Why do you seemingly brush…
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ashmanstrength-blog · 7 years
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Hard and fast rules for sustainable progress A random list of random shit for a random Friday. You don't have to do cardio, but you also don't have to like your heart…
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ashmanstrength-blog · 7 years
Be proud of what you do
Be proud of what you do
Most of you aren’t going to be the stereotypical shredded to the max, strong as a house, or fit af people who train.
Most of you just want to be stronger, be leaner, be in better shape, and look pretty damn good naked.
I know that, you know that, we all can admit that.
It is fantastic to shoot for higher goals and we can do so knowing our limitations on what we can achieve keeping our eye…
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ashmanstrength-blog · 7 years
What is my manifesto?
What is my manifesto?
Why should a training and nutrition company have a manifesto?
Why the hell not?
It is a company, and I have a vision which I work everyday to ensure I deliver it to my clients in the best possible way.
If you really want to know what I am about as a coach, and a person, this is the place to start.
This isn’t your typical manifesto where I have some bullshit mission statement, this is a list of…
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ashmanstrength-blog · 7 years
A thousand ideas and a blog ain't one
A thousand ideas and a blog ain’t one
For the past couple of weeks I have had a myriad of blog ideas and none of them made it past the 200 word stage.
I tried to write about stagnation and goals in three separate blogs and I find myself bashing my proverbial head against the wall looking to make some sense of the words in my head.
There are days when the words flow freely, and there are days when I can’t express what I need to.
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ashmanstrength-blog · 7 years
#ProjectDILF, what is it?
#ProjectDILF, what is it?
If you have been following along on social media, you have seen me post a few times about #projectdilf or #projectdilfkc.
I teased it along, gave some brief explanations of it, but this needs a clear and concise FAQ.
What the hell does Project DILF stand for?
Simple. Project “Dads I’d like to fuck”.
Vulgar, yes. Blunt and to the point, hell yes.
You don’t even have to be a dad to qualify for…
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ashmanstrength-blog · 7 years
This will change your life
This will change your life
I promise you some life changes with this, and I intend to deliver.
First, I have to blow off some steam.
Not the true anger steam, but more of the “selection bias for cheap attention steam” so many people are guilty of, and to a degree I am as well.
It’s the “canned update” nonsense.
“Tracy Anderson’s gym costs 900 dollars a month!!!” Yes, it’s NYC. I am expensive and I am in Kansas City, MO. So?
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ashmanstrength-blog · 7 years
Something surprising is going on
Something surprising is going on
Last week I got married to an incredible woman, Sarah.
Sarah is a dietitian, she is also insanely intelligent and beautiful. She not only works for a lab where she analyzes patient’s lab work and helps them achieve optimal gut health she can wear a skin tight dress and turn heads with the best of them.
We had an idea that is taking off in fun ways.
We call it – Pump, Dump, and Hump.
We have a Fac…
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ashmanstrength-blog · 7 years
Oh, so you think cardio is stupid? Well, you are stupid.
In a recent Facebook post I made some sweeping generalizations about Cardiovascular training and health and in doing so I am putting all anti-cardio adherents on blast.
Consider this your MOAB dropped on your dogmatic principles.
Let’s pick apart your fallacies step by step.
Cardio doesn’t hurt your strength training.
In an article on ISSA online it was written:
“Strength training alone allowed…
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ashmanstrength-blog · 7 years
Goals? Sometimes you don't need them.
Goals? Sometimes you don’t need them.
The past year of my life has been pretty eye-opening as far as the level of importance I put on health and the amount of obsessiveness I put into my workouts.
I wrote a few weeks ago on Facebook about how it feels “freeing” to not have a real goal with training right now.
In the past I trained for rugby.
I ran 3-4 miles three times a week.
I lifted 4 days a week.
I played that sport for years and…
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ashmanstrength-blog · 8 years
Competition v Participation
A few days ago I wrote a status on Facebook about elitism in Powerlifting from some who say “don’t participate if you don’t try to win”.
My status read:
The best thing about PL is the potential growth and ease of entry into the sport.
Anyone can compete. Anyone.
Some people are like “why compete if you don’t think you can win?”
Shut the fuck up and don’t stifle growth of a sport that you…
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ashmanstrength-blog · 8 years
What do you value?
What do you value?
Before I even start this article off I will admit one thing; this is more for me than it is you.
It is a little secret that when people write blogs supposedly for the public, they are often for the writer to reinforce ideas in their head, to put their thoughts into writing so they make more sense, or to help them through a period of their life by expressing themselves.
If you read this and it…
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ashmanstrength-blog · 8 years
A Cheaper Society
A thought came to me as I was checking out the reviews for an iPhone app I wanted to buy. My intentions were to see how others viewed this app as compared to others I have.
You see, I am an email app junkie. I have tried numerous apps for iPhone email because I want a certain type of functionality and reliability because a large portion of my day is answering and writing emails.
The app in…
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ashmanstrength-blog · 8 years
Nameless blog
I don’t have a title for this blog nor do I have an actual topic. If you want to know the honest truth (then again who really wants to be lied to) I just recently started planning my days better and today is my designated “write a blog for Ashman Strength” day.
Since moving to Kansas City, things have opened up for me and I am creating opportunities that were largely dormant before. Teaming up…
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ashmanstrength-blog · 8 years
Youth Strength and Conditioning at Teamwork Sports in Kansas City
Youth Strength and Conditioning at Teamwork Sports in Kansas City
This week started the Youth Strength and Conditioning Camps at Teamwork Sports in Kansas City, MO.
The 8 week goals for these athletes are:
Increase body awareness and movement efficiency
Learn how to shift weight during movement transitions
Develop bodyweight strength
Reactive instead of programmed agility
Increase time on pre-determined benchmarks
Kids need movement efficiency over anything…
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ashmanstrength-blog · 8 years
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Oh hey. Doge makes ottoman. Thanks #pupper #pitbull #pitbullsofinstagram #condodog #downtownpup #kcmo #bslsucks #amstaff
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ashmanstrength-blog · 8 years
Leg day for @olehamode. Try this little smoker: 5 split squats per leg and 8 squats. Note how the legs are position for smith machine squats to focus on the quads and allow for a biomechanically advantageous position. _____________________ #eliteathletedevelopment #EAD #squat #deadlift #strengthcoach #captainjackapproved #lifting #train #motivation #coach #onlinecoach #onlinetrainer #personaltrainer #nutrition #macros #speed #power #athlete #strength (at City Gym KC)
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