Just your average late-twenty something girl who likes girls, and also an alien from a distant world. Wait, what?! F-Forget I said that. I'm a perfectly ordinary human girl living a perfectly ordinary human life. My hobbies include cosplay, video games, anime, and creative writing. I'm totally not using this blog to push some sort of alien-centric agenda on Earth. N-No way, why would you think that? Do you honestly think I'm an alien?
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
The Truth Must Be Told
Roaches hate RAID: Shadow Legends. That is all.
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Things I've Done as a Trans Girl
I've actually told someone that I'd gotten a hysterectomy when the topic of me not having periods came up. I think the person was complaining about periods and asked if I could relate. Either that or she was talking about the prospect of having kids and pregnancy. The reason I said this was because I didn't feel like coming out to the person for one reason or another. Funny thing is the person totally bought my hysterectomy story. Go figure.
I often get caught in an awkward position when cis girls mention periods or pregnancy because I will experience neither of those things (unless uterus transplants for trans girls becomes a thing). The hysterectomy story is my go-to excuse when I either don't want to come out to someone or don't feel safe coming out.
#hysterectomy#transgender#trans girl problems#mtf hormones#mtf#periods#transwoman#trans girl#trans is beautiful
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A Potential Advance Wars Headcanon
There’s a reason there are always wars in Wars World (the setting of Advance Wars, Advance Wars Black Hole Rising, and Advance Wars Dual Strike). It’s not because there are megalomaniacs like Sturm and Von Bolt on the loose. It’s far more sinister. Caulder doesn’t count because he appears in an alternate world and continuity.
The goddess who rules over Wars World realized that entropy generation was necessary to sustain the planet’s life force. However, peace does not create enough entropy to keep the planet going. War does though. In the sense that the large number of deaths and by extension reincarnations create a tremendous amount of entropy for the planet. Therefore, the goddess intends to keep Wars World constantly at war. It’s really an ends-justify-the-means approach. Sure many people will die from war, but in the end, what matters most to her is preserving the life of the planet. She does this by manipulating the country leaders into fighting each other, and by manipulating entities like Sturm and Von Bolt into masterminding their own global wars.
She could be the true final boss of Advance Wars as a series. She is deliberately overpowered. As in stronger than Black Hole Rising Sturm.
???: Goddess of War
Hit: Chaos
Miss: Order
A mysterious goddess and mastermind behind all the wars in Wars World.
All units have superior firepower (+20%) and defense (+20%). Units have +2 vision in fog of war and may randomly deal up to +1 extra damage to enemy units.
Power Gauge xxxxxXXXXX
CO Power: Chaos Storm - Inflicts 2 damage on all enemy units.
Super CO Power: Chaos Incarnate - Inflicts 4 damage on all enemy units.
#Advance Wars#Advance Wars Black Hole Rising#Advance Wars Dual Strike#Sturm#Von Bolt#Caulder#Wars World#CO Power#Super CO Power
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For All You Pokemon Fans Out There
Might I suggest replacing ‘kill two birds with one stone’ with ‘KO two pidgeys with one rock throw’?
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Is Gender Determination in Pokmeon Inherently Sexist?
Not-so-fun fact: Certain aspects of Pokemon gender mechanics are inherently sexist. See in generation 2 (Gold/Silver/Crystal) gender was determined by a Pokemon's attack IV (basically Pokemon genetic potential for each stat). IVs ranged from 0-15, and the higher the IV the higher the attack stat it has based on genetic potential. For most species, roughly 50% are male and 50% are female. In this generation, for a roughly 1/1 gender ratio (difference species have a different ratio of genders occurring), attack IVs of 0-7 result in a female Pokemon, and 8-15 result in a male Pokemon. It's worse for Pokemon that have 12.5% female and 87.5% male offspring. In this case, only IVs 0-1 result in a female Pokemon. Since the attack stat determines the power of physical attacks (since generation 4), it's kind of like the strength stat in other games (DnD, Fire Emblem, etc). So by this logic, is Pokemon implying that in generation 2 male Pokemon are always stronger than female Pokemon with regards to physical strength? True, on average, the average man has greater strength than the average woman, but there are cases where this isn't so. But in Pokemon, male Pokemon are always stronger than female Pokemon with regards to physical strength.
And now for part 2. In generations 3-5 (Ruby/Sapphire/Fire Red/Leaf Green/Emerald, Diamond/Pearl/Platinum/Heartgold/Soulsilver, Black/White/Black 2/White 2), the gender ratios slightly favor male Pokemon. See, a Pokemon's gender was determined by taking a random whole number between 0-254 (255 possible values) and comparing it to a threshold. If the value is below a certain threshold the Pokemon is female, above and the Pokemon is male. However, here's the kicker. 255 isn't evenly by 2, meaning, that the 1/1 gender ratio Pokemon's true odds of each gender are slightly skewed to one side. And for every other gender ratio (1 female/7 male, 1 female/3 male, 3 female to 1 male) 255 doesn't split evenly again, and thus one gender is slightly more common than the ratio would suggest. And for every ratio, the male Pokemon are favored. Sure, it's only a fraction of a percent more than the ratio that male Pokemon are favored, but in every case, the male Pokemon are favored. Luckily this was rectified (kind of) in generation 6 where 1/1 ratio Pokemon species are actually 1/1. And the 1/3 and 3/1 species have the more common gender favored. So the 3 female to 1 male species actually have a slightly greater chance of female Pokemon appearing than the ratio would suggest. But seriously, it took that long for this to happen?
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Vengeful DM
Players: Kill another NPC and loot the body DM: Stop that. No seriously stop doing that. Players: Kill yet another NPC and loot the body DM: Fine then. Twenty ancient red dragons descend from the sky surrounding you. I'd like you to roll for initiative.
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Nothing to see here folks
Just sacrificing waifus to the RNG gods in exchange for natural 20s.
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ATTENTION ALL GIRLS AND LADIES: if you walk from home, school, office or anywhere and you are alone and you come across a little boy crying holding a piece of paper with an address on it, DO NOT TAKE HIM THERE! take him straight to the police station for this is the new 'gang' way of rape. The incident is getting worse. Warn your families. Reblog this so this message can get accross to everyone.
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Human Video Game Anomalies
Humans really like to play video games. They are very like the virtual reality devices we have back on my world. What I don’t understand are the many anomalies that have emerged surrounding these video games. Like why do humans suddenly charge into danger, shouting the words “Leeroy Jenkins.” My studies on human behavior have yielded no reasonable explanation for this behavior. Humans also are fond of this thing called a “Default Dance” that shows up in a certain video game. They talk about hitting the weak-point of giant enemy crabs for massive damage, or say that all our base belong to them. They tell other humans to avoid damage in video games by doing a ‘barrel roll.’ They utter the phrase ‘Fus Ro Dah!” when battling dragons, a fictional creature of their world. These video game-related anomalies continue to astound me.
#video games#alien#aliens#leeroy jenkins#default dance#giant enemy crab#for massive damage#all your base are belong to us#do a barrel roll#fus ro dah
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Human Space Exploration
Have you heard of a certain post circulating the human internet called ‘Humans Are Adorable’? It definitely makes a case for the conservation of the human species. Humans have sent human spacefarers to their lunar satellite for one thing, and that’s quite the accomplishment. They have sent robots to other planets like Mars, their next-door neighbor. And they have these probes called Voyagers that are are exploring the very edges of their solar system. While they have not achieved faster-than-light capability and cannot travel to other star systems in their galaxy, they are surprisingly tenacious and do have achieved major milestones in space travel. It’s quite adorable.
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Stormtroopers CAN shoot
I’m going to make the argument that Star Wars’s Imperial stormtroopers, who most regard as notorious for their poor accuracy are actually reasonably good at shooting. The problem lies not in the accuracy of the stormtroopers rather in that the people they usually are seen shooting at are main characters who by the laws of fiction and cinema are not allowed to get hit.
Ever heard of the concept of plot armor? It’s a term used to describe the phenomenon of a character who is relevant to the main plot (for example, a protagonist or important supporting character) being able to dodge or shrug off any attack thrown at them. There are cases of characters being hit or injured even with plot armor, but in these cases it’s usually not fatal. For example, in Star Wars, Luke Skywalker gets shot in his prosthetic hand in Return of the Jedi and keeps going, and Princess Leia gets shot in the arm in the same movie and is hardly worse off for it. There are also cases of characters with plot armor losing said plot armor when the plot deems them no longer necessary. In Star Wars, this is apparent when a character who has fought legions of enemy droids or stormtroopers suddenly gets impaled or shot dead. It does happen.
Now, back to the stormtroopers. Think about this for a moment. How many times does a stormtrooper shoot at a main character versus a plot-irrelevant character like a generic rebel soldier? Notice any difference? To break it down, whenever the stormtroopers shoot at a main character (like Luke, Han and Leia) they almost always miss. However, when they’re shooting at rebel soldiers or other generic characters, they are frighteningly accurate. More accurate than real-life modern soldiers perhaps. Rogue One is a prime example. Apart from the main characters who usually dodge everything, everyone else takes plenty of shots from the stormtroopers and most don’t even survive to tell the tale. The same thing with the stormtroopers raiding the Tantive IV in A New Hope. The stormtroopers take down rebel after rebel with ease.
So in summary, the problem is not that stormtroopers are inaccurate, but that their targets are protected by the laws of storytelling and cinema. The main characters just can’t get hit or even if they do get hit, they can just shrug off the hit. So next time you see a stormtrooper or any other generic bad guy miss a hero, don’t blame the stormtrooper or bad guy. Blame the hero for being so infuriatingly un-killable.
#stormtrooper#stormtrooper marksmanship#star wars#Luke Skywalker#Han Solo#Princess Leia#plot armor#rogue one#A New Hope#return of the jedi#tantive iv
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Another FEA class redesign (female dark mage, with hooded enemy, Tharja, and non-Plegian variation)
Plegian (specifically the dark mages, which hail from that country) designs kinda gives me an Egyptian feel, so I gave the attire some Egyptian elements.
I added a non-Plegian dark mage variation because there could be Ylissean dark mages lol
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still can’t stop thinking about this game >:’(
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My one Fire Emblem 3 Houses OTP
I’m not really into shipping but I do have one OTP I’m really into for Fire Emblem 3 Houses. The pairing is Flayn x Fish.
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