Marine Biologist who loves to travel, sail, climb, dive and do yoga. But above all share her passion for marine sciences. Enjoy!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.

Hey friends! Check out my new project: @england_coast_path_cleanup What is the idea? 💙🌊💙🌊💙🌊💙 To join our forces in a great clean up event, where together we will clean the entire coastline of the country. How will it work? 😔🤔🙂😀😁 We hope to inspire people to clean up part of a beach where they happen to be, or at least pick up a few pieces of plastic. Then post the location and a photo of that place online, so that our efforts can be collated into one giant, ongoing clean up event. With enough participation we aim to cover the entire England Coast Path by year 2022. 🌍♻️ What is the England Coast Path? 🇬🇧The England Coast Path will follow the whole coastline of England. It is scheduled to be completed in 2020 and it will be 2,795 miles long, one of the longest footpaths worldwide. Will you join me? :) I want to have the project up and running before September to celebrate world clean up day. So any followers will be much appreciated! #EnglandCoastPathCleanup (at Lulworth Cove)
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Don't get stung by scare stories about giant jellyfish invading UK beaches! Had a pleasure to snorkel with these beauties in Pembrokeshire last weekend. As one of my lecturers from the University of Southampton, Dr Cathy Lucas said: “Barrel jellyfish are harmless to us in spite of their size”. Their sting is too weak to hurt humans. The Barrel jellyfish is the largest jellyfish inhabiting waters around the UK. It can weigh up to 35 kg and it has a diameter of up to 90cm. These giant jellyfish feed entirely on plankton. In summer and autumn they may be seen washing up in large numbers.
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Feeding sick African penguins and cormorants. Just another #casual Thursday morning. :) #EveryBirdCounts #pole2pole #marinedynamics #cormorant #africanpenguin (at African Penguin and Seabird Sanctuary - APSS)
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Southern right whale breaching- rare behaviour, since this species is rather sluggish. Worth waiting a whole day to take this photo. Thank you @pole2poleprojects and @marinedynamics for letting me witness this. #whalewednesday (at Walker Bay)
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60 000 Cape fur seals breed on Geyser Rock! Fantastic day with @marinedynamics exploring the local coastline. After the #pole2pole #SharkProject I am travelling the South African coastline to find examples of ocean optimism and organisations whose efforts aid ocean conservation. Here looking at #responsible #ecotourism #marineeducation #seal #seals #sealcolony #crowded #explore #exploremore #marinebio #matinebiology #aqedu #funtimes #oceanoptimism #exploresouthafrica #igtravel #whaleresearch #marinebiology #marinescience #tourism #beautifuldestinations #dreamjob #southafrica #conservation #whalewatching #marinedynamics #travelsouthafrica #gaansbai (at Gansbaai, Western Cape)
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Wonderful time exploring the intertidal zone with grade 2 children on their school trip to the Save Our Seas Shark Education Centre. So much passion and excitement in their eyes as they get to find and touch the marine creatures! Dalebrook beach is a marine reserve and a no take zone, so the only thing you are allowed to take back is #rubbish when doing #beachcleanup. #take3forthesea False Bay is a truly unique place to explore. After the #pole2pole #SharkProject I am travelling the South African coastline to find examples of ocean optimism and meet with organisations that act to help conserve the oceans. Stay tuned! (at Kalk Bay)
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Yoshi, the 120 kg loggerhead turtle,enjoys a gentle scratch that helps clean its shell from algae. Thanks to @2oceansaquarium for letting us take a plunge.@pole2poleprojects It was an amazing experience. Thanks @marykemusson photo by @sharomovdimitry #pole2pole #mikehorn #sharkproject #dive #diver #divers #underwater #underwaterphoto #underwaterphotography #divein #aquarium #sardine #sardines #baitball #bait #fish #sarinerun #diving #divinglife #perspective #changeofperspective #twooceans #twooceansaquarium #exploresouthafrica #westerncape #capetown #capetownattractions #divingfun #scuba #travelsouthafrica (at Cape Town, South Africa)
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A huge thank you to the @2oceansaquarium for letting us dive in their I&J Ocean Exhibit. It was an amazing experience getting close and personal with all the fish and seeing the people from their perspective... @pole2poleprojects Thanks so much for this @maryke.musson 📷 @sharomovdmitry #pole2pole #mikehorn #sharkproject
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Really enjoyed helping teach this group #snorkelling. It was the first time they ever put their masks and snorkels on! What a privilege to be able to share this experience with them. In a few weeks they will be ready to start exploring what False Bay has to offer. 'Marine explorers, run by the Save Our Seas Shark Education Centre, introduces participants to the wonders of the sea through surfing and snorkelling. The programme aims to foster a love and respect for the ocean and to sensitise those involved to the importance of healthy oceans.' #saveourseas #marineeducation #school #afterschool #fun #explore #exploremore #dive #learn #experience #underwater #divinglife #snorkel #underwater #firsttime #adventure #marinebio #marinebiology #marineexplorers #kids #falsebay #poletopole #sharkproject #aqedu #funtimes #newskills #improve #swim #pool #poolday (at Simons Town)
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We all have so much to learn from each other! Let go of your prejudices and forget about the differences. Use the positive energy, engage, dance and celebrate together. Here dancing on top of a Mercedes Benz G-Wagon after a beach clean up with the locals in Momwabizi, South Africa. When so many people participate it doesn't take much time to clean a whole beach! #poletopole #mikehorn #mercedes #mercedesbenz #Gwagon #beach #dance #cleanup #cleanupday #beachcleanupday #celebrate #travel #southafrica #discoversouthafrica #inspire #westerncape #igtravel #traveldestinations #instatravel #memories #success #take3forthesea #ourocean #beachcleanup #internationalcleanupday #beachclean #girlswhotravel #noplastic #multiculture #togetherwecan (at Momwabisi Beach)
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It was fascinating to watch how the giant kelp forest sways back and forth to the rhythm of the waves. Seeing all this raw energy made me feel a little alien and vulnerable. This environment will continue to be so powerful whether we are there to appreciate it or not. Nature doesn't need us. We need nature. 📷 @sharomovdmitry @nat_engine #pole2pole #saveourseas #aquedu #sharkspotters #adventuretime #PADI #ilovesharks #sharkdevocean #discoversouthafrica #kelpforest #lovetheoceans #capetown #pangaea #marinebiology #marinebio #sharkproject #dreamjob #poznajswiat #southafrica #travel #travelphotography #diver #instadive #BSAC #diving #underwater #underwaterphoto #divingfun #divers #divinglife (at Miller's Point, Western Cape)
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Big thanks to the Two Oceans Aquarium for hosting our @pole2poleprojects presentation. It was a pleasure to be able to speak to the staff and volunteers working there. You guys are doing an amazing job helping conserve the oceans and inspire others to care for them. Keep up the good work! Thanks @maryke.musson and Natasha from @2oceansaquarium for helping us organise it! #pole2pole #mikehorn #pangaea #inspire #discoversouthafrica #capetown #westenrcape #lovetheoceans #aquarium #kelpforest #twooceans (at Two Oceans Aquarium)
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It was such a privilege to be part of the shark tagging team. Here we are releasing a 2.5m female sevengill shark. She has an acoustic tag that will inform us of her behaviour during the next 7 years. Read more in a story published by @thecapeargus news: Big thanks to @sharkspotters @2oceansaquarium and @mikehornexplorer for this amazing expedition. 📷@sharomovdmitry #pole2pole #mikehorn #sharkproject #sharkaddict #pangaea #adventuretime #ilovesharks #sharkspotters #sharktagging #scienceisawesome #marinebiology #shark #marinebio #sharks #southafrica #marinescience #aquedu #saveourseas #sharkdevocean #sharkscience #twooceansaquarium #conservation #dreamjob #safetyfirst #sharksdaily #poznajswiat #natgeoocean #rekiny #natgeo (at Saldhana Bay)
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Success! We managed to tag 15 sevengill sharks. The acoustig tags will remain active for the next 7 years and will contribute vital data to the understanding and conservation of this species. Big thanks to @sharkspotters @2oceansaquarium and @mikehornexplorer for this amazing expedition. 📷@sharomovdmitry #pole2polr #mikehorn #sharkproject #sharkaddict #pangaea #westerncape #adventuretime #ilovesharks #sharkspotters #sharktagging #scienceisawesome #marinebiology #shark #marinebio #sharks #southafrica #marinescience #aquedu #saveourseas #sharkdevocean #sharkscience #twooceansaquarium #conservation #dreamjob #safetyfirst #sharksdaily #poznajswiat #natgeoocean #rekiny #natgeo (at Saldanha Bay)
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First #shark caught at #night! That makes the total of 5 tagged male sevengill sharks. What a successful day! #sharkproject #sharkspotters #sharks #pole2pole #scienceisawesome #sharktagging #marinebio #marinebiology (at Robben Island)
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Stunning day to be on the water. Pangaea is anchored close to Robben island and serves as a research vessel for a team of dedicated shark scientists. 4 sevengill #sharks tagged and still counting. . . . #sharkproject #sharkspotters #pangaea #mikehorn #pole2pole #shark #sharktagging #success #robbenisland #tablemountain #southafrica #exploresouthafrica #westerncape #ilovesharks #sharkaddict #sharky #sharksxience #marinebio #marinebiology #sailing #beautifuldestinations #bucketlist #lucky #adventuretime #scienceisawesome (at Table Bay)
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What an incredible place to be doing shark research at! Table mountain proudly presents itself in the background. We have caught and tagged 4 sevengill #sharks already! #sharkproject #pole2pole #mikehorn #marinescience #marinebio #marinebiology #shark #aquedu #natgeoocean #natgeo #sharksdaily #tablemountain #lionshead #southafrica #discoversouthafrica #westerncape #tablebay #sailboat #robben #robbenisland #rekiny #rpa #poznajswiat #lucky (at Robben Island)
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