george weasley x reader // song fic: olivia - one direction
Y/N is given George’s diary by Fred and all their friends are convincing her to read it out loud hoping they’ll hear about his feelings towards her but they find something a little different.
i love this song so just thought i’d write a little something slightly based on it, also who doesn’t love abit of one direction x
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‘Come on Y/N, just read a few pages’ Fred pleaded.
‘No I’m not invading his privacy like that! There’s better ways to find out how he feels’ Y/N laughed.
‘But think about it this way, he’s probably write all these cute things about you and you’ll never get to read them if you don’t take the chance right now’ Angelina said from across the room, catching the attention of the golden trio and your roommates.
Y/N looked down at the book in her hands. Biting her lip, she sighed and looked at her excited friends.
‘Okay I’ll do it’ she said sheepishly, her words being drowned by her friends squeals.
Y/N opened the diary and took a deep breath, was she really about to violate his privacy like this? Yes. She just wanted to know if he felt the same.
‘I can’t believe I’m doing this’ she muttered as she flicked through the pages to find what they were looking for. Her finger caught the page that was filled with heart doodles and she knew that this was it. She looked up and grinned at everyone, letting them know she’d found it.
‘don’t you see the things you mean to me?’ Y/N fake clutched her heart and pretended to swoon. ‘Oh I love you I love you i love...’ she stopped abruptly, a look of confusion and hurt washing over her face. Her friends shot questioning looks at eachother before Y/N started to speak again.
‘I love Olivia’ she could barely get the words out, pain present in her voice.
‘That can’t be right let me see’ Fred grabbed the book from her with a shock filled look on his face. The lines on his forehead creasing as he read the pages in front of him.
‘I live for you i long for you’ he sounded confused as he spoke.
‘Olivia’ Y/N interrupted.
Fred shot her an apologetic look but carried on reading to everyone.
‘I’ve been idolising the light in your eyes’
‘Olivia’ Y/N muttered, she almost looked asif she was in a trance.
Angelina got up and hugged her obviously hurting friend, then took the book from Fred to see for herself.
‘I live for you i long for you olivia, don’t let me go’ she muttered, eyebrows furrowing as she struggled to understand.
‘Maybe it’s an old book? There’s no way he likes someone else, it makes no sense’ Angelina said.
‘Yeah remmeber i found you lying in bed with his T-shirt on the other day’ Ron spoke up. Y/N shot him a sad look.
‘I spilt my drink and I couldn’t be bothered to go get a new one so he just let me wear his’
‘But remember he asked you to the yule ball’ Fred commented.
‘As friends, Fred he asked me as friends’ Y/N uttered, stopping as she heard someone enter the common room.
Everyone frantically tried to make themselves busy as they saw George walking in. Angelina closed the book shut, making sure George never saw it open. She slowly passed it back to Y/N as George walked over.
‘Hey Y/N’ George smiled as he sat down beside her, flinging his arm over her shoulders.
‘Hey’ she mumbled.
George’s eyebrows furrowed as he glanced down into Y/N’s lap. His eyes widened when he realised what it was.
‘Is that my diary?’ He sounded angry but a little bit scared too.
‘Yeah Freddie found it before we were waiting for you to get back so we could give you it’ Y/N straightened her back as she cleared her throat and passed the book to the tall ginger beside her.
‘Did you read it?’ He asked frantically
‘No of course not’ Y/N looked down, not being able to look into his eyes.
George looked at her, eyes scanning for weird behaviour. Looking around the room he noticed how strange everyone was acting. He sighed as he realised what had happened before he walked in.
‘What did you see’ he asked.
‘W-what nothing George I told you we didn’t read it’ she stuttered.
‘Y/N’ George deadpanned.
‘Okay fine, we only read one page and it was about Olivia’ she muttered, making a strange face at the name Olivia. ‘just say what you’re feeling and say it now’
George sighed as he looked at the sad girl in front of him.
‘Y/N it’s not like that, you don’t understand’
‘What don’t I understand George? That you like someone else? I’m not three fucking years old i just get the feeling you’re walking out’ she shouted, silencing the room from the whispers coming from her friends.
‘Y/N’ George said calmly, he cupped her face with his hand. ‘It’s a spell, to make sure if it was seen by anyone but me it wouldn’t show the right name’ he took out his wand and muttered a spell while tapping the page.
The words started to change, gold light forming around the name now imprinting itself on the paper. Y/N.
Y/N stared at the page in front of her, tears forming in her eyes. Happy tears of course.
‘Oh George’ she cried, smiling up at him.
George said nothing, he just placed a kiss on her lips as his hands snaked around her waist. Y/N pulled her hands up to George’s red hair as he nibbled on her bottom lip. Remembering they were in a room full of their friends, they pulled apart. Giggling slightly they turned to the group of gaping teens in front of them.
‘Well I’m just happy you two finally figured it out, of course you wouldn’t have been able to if I didn’t steal George’s diary’ Fred gloated, making George throw a pillow at his head to shut him up.
‘OW’ he shouted as everyone burst into laughter. Y/N and George sat down and cuddled on the couches, finally able to act the way they’ve always wanted to.
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george weasley x reader // catching feelings
summary: y/n and george weasley are strictly friends with a few added benefits. but they absolutely do not like each other, right?
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Y/N sat in her room with her bestfriends Angelina Johnson, Katie Bell and Alicia Spinnet. Grabbing her shot glass and pouring firewhiskey into hers and the girls glasses, Y/N decided they should play a game of truth or dare.
‘okay y/n, truth or dare’ Angelina slurred.
‘truth, i am not kissing filch on the cheek again or any other stupid dares like last time’ she laughed.
Angelina looked around the room at the other two girls smirking at them, she turned to y/n.
‘do you like george’ she giggled.
Y/N stayed still for a second, mind drifting to the redhead who had been taking up most of her time recently. George weasley was her bestfriend, although they didn’t act like it. They’d agreed on no feelings, both of them were too busy to actually have a relationship with someone but a girls got needs and well boys are boys. So when George had joked about them helping each other out, Y/N had the thought stuck in her head for days before she actually decided to make a deal with George. Of course it was akward at first, they had been friends for as long as they could remember but eventually they worked it all out. George knew exactly what she liked and she knew exactly what he liked.
Returning her attention to the room, Y/N smiled.
‘no of course not Ange, he’s my bestfriend. i mean maybe first year when we first met but that was a long time ago. now he’s just annoying, the way he’s always trying to make me laugh’ she laughed ‘imagine me liking George Weasley, there’s no way i could ever’
Angelina, Katie and Alicia stared at their friend and throwing questioning glances at each other, even in their drunk state they could see what y/n couldnt.
‘i don’t understand y/n he’s a nice guy and you’re always talking about how good he is in bed’ Katie smirked ‘there must be something that you feel for him’
Y/N looked at her friends, confused as to why they wouldn’t drop it. Obviously i don’t like George, right? ,she thought to herself, i guess i’m attracted to him but that’s a given cause of our situation. Y/N chewed on her lip, thinking back to yesterday with George.
George tucked a piece of hair behind y/n’s ear, smiling to himself.
‘i think we’re good together you know’ he whispered
‘you think?’ Y/N smiled
‘i do’ he paused as he started to move his hand from y/n’s face to her chest. he moved his fingers to draw shapes near her collarbone. ‘I mean, sex with you is probably the best i’ve had. it’s like we just fit together’
Y/N felt her smile drop, just for a split second. she shook it off and just hummed in response. she’d almost thought he was about to confess that he had feelings for her. how silly of me ,she thought to herself.
‘oh no’
‘what?’ the girls all said in unison.
‘i like George Weasley’ Y/N grimaced.
Squeals came from every corner of the room. The girls all simmered down, a wave of tiredness washing over the room. Y/N started to get ready for bed, throwing her Y/H/C hair in a bun and brushing her teeth. Still tipsy from the night of drinking, she stumbled to her bed sleep coming easy to her.
y/n woke up with the worst hangover she’d ever possibly had. groaning she looked over to her alarm to see she’d woken just in time to get dressed and catch the last half an hour of breakfast. pulling herself out of bed, she thought back to last night and the revelation involving her favourite ginger. slamming her hand into her face forgetting she had a headache. she decided this ‘thing’ with George had to stop or she was only going to get hurt.
but what would i even say? sorry George i realised i have feelings for you so we can’t do this anymore, of course not cause then she’s lost her bestfriend. maybe she could just ignore him until these feelings went away. yeah she could do that it shouldn’t be too hard, she thought while creeping around the room, careful not to wake her sleeping friends.
Making her way to the great hall, Y/N decided that she was going to ice out George completely. She felt abit mean though, he hadn’t even done anything bad to her. Frowning to herself she walked around the corner and finally reached the great hall. As if on instinct her eyes searched for the weasley boy instantly. After spotting him, she found the furthest seat away from him.
George looked up with a confused look on his face at Y/N. she turned away and pretended to be interested in the bowl of cereal in front of her. George threw a piece of paper at her. And then another. And then even more until McGonagall glared and told him to stop wasting his paper. Y/N allowed herself to look up a little at George. He looked sad, she thought to herself. Brushing it off she decided he was probably just looking forward to a morning shag like usual.
Finishing her food, Y/N stood up from the table. Her head was kept down as she made her way out of the great hall, just trying to get out as quick as she could before George could catch up to her. Not that he would be running after her or anything, she thought.
Things carried on like this for a week, George trying to get Y/N’s attention in any way possible. She’d went as far as moving seats in every lesson she had with him and even avoiding the common room whenever he was there. George got creative of course, sending Fred over to her so he could ask what was wrong until she refused to talk to Fred too. She thought she’d got away from it all when George had stopped trying one day, however this thought was proved wrong when a bunch of first years came up to her and started singing her favourite song. She knew George had sent them but it was such a sweet thing to do. no, she thought, you’ve came this far Y/N do not give in now. Smiling at the first years, she forced herself to walk away.
Y/N felt a hand grab her and pull her round a corner into one of the corridors. Screaming she went to hit whoever it was that took her but then stopped herself when she realised it was George.
‘let go of me George’ Y/N said through gritted teeth
‘no, not until you tell me why you’ve been avoiding me’ he demanded
‘i’m not avoiding you i’ve just been busy’
‘nonsense Y/N’
Y/N stared at George, for what felt like forever. sighing she finally shifted her gaze and began to mumble something to him.
‘love i don’t even think a dog could have heard what you just said’
‘i said we need to stop this agreement had’ she shouted
George looked at her confused. ‘why? have you been seeing someone else? i don’t understand love. Merlin do you have a boyfriend?’
‘George stop no, i don’t have a boyfriend’
‘then what’s the problem?’ he asked, looking down at Y/N. She couldn’t help but stare into his eyes as he stared. A mix of sadness and confusion washing over his face.
Y/N took a deep breath. ‘i like you George’ she looked down at her shoes, not daring to even glance at his reaction.
‘y-you like me?’ he stuttered
‘yes George’ she sighed ‘i realised i did the night before i started avoiding you, that’s why i didn’t speak to you i thought the feelings would go away and we could go back to normal’ she could feel herself tearing up ‘i didn’t want to lose you’ she whispered.
‘Y/N’ he took his hand and placed it on her cheek, lifting her chin up so she would face him ‘you should have told me you divvy, i like you too. i have this whole time. why do you think i even mentioned us helping each other out? i just wanted an excuse to get closer to you’ he smiled at her looking into her eyes.
Y/N looked up at him, struggling to find words. she opened her mouth to speak when George leaned in to kiss her. this kiss was different to any other that they’d had. It was filled with a certain hunger, asif they were making up for lost time. He cupped her cheek with his hand as her hands flew to round his neck. Tingles shot through every nerve in Y/N’s body as George nibbled on her bottom lip.
Pulling apart, they smiled at eachother.
‘does this mean i’m your girlfriend now Weasley?’ she hummed
‘wouldn’t have it any other way darling’ George replied.
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i know its not cool to talk about this any more but the best harry potter book was the third one 
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Hello, i was wondering if i could get a ship (any era). I'm a Hufflepuff, i have long curly auburn hair, im pretty pale, and on the chubby side. I love animals, nature, mostly walks in the woods, i love to read, and i love shiny things and crafts. I've been told im pretty sweet, kind-hearted (a bit too kind), i have a good sense of humor and the weirdest of laughs. I've also been told that i am very easy to talk. Thank you!
I’m t e r r I b l e.I’m sorryI’m sorryI’m sorryI’ve had exams all week and my mum took my phone of me at one point but I managed to get it back and then I had to revise for science exams and blah blah blah no one wants to hear about my failing school life :)Please don’t hate me
Okay I ship you with:
Marauders era:
Remus lupin:
You were walking in the forbidden forest, at night. You’re friends thought you were crazy but reading in the dark with only your wand for a light was fun to you. The rustling of the trees and the soft wind blowing calmed you. A twig snapped behind you, you paused. It was probably just your imagination you thought to yourself. You heard a howl in the distance, the same one you always hear on a full moon. Curiosity got the better of you and you turned in the direction the sound came from.You walked closer to the sound, not being scared one bit, they could’ve put me in gryffindor you thought to yourself. You had been so preoccupied with your thoughts you hadn’t realised it was nearly morning, the moon was covered by clouds. It was still dark, but you could make out the figures of 4 boys. Maybe they knew what the howling was, you ran after them but stopped dead in your tracks once you saw it was the marauders.
They were popular, something you were not, they probably just snuck out. You made your way back to your dorm and tried to sleep, but you couldn’t get one of the marauders out of your head. He had a scar on his face, but you couldn’t quite make out who it was. You had class with the Gryffindoors the next morning but the boy with the scar on his face wasn’t there, so you plucked up all your courage and asked his friends. They were weary to tell you but eventually pointed you in the direction of the hospital wing.
When you got there, you noticed the boy, he was reading a book. Walking over to him, you clutched your books in your hand and mustered up the courage. You introduced yourself to him and you and him started to talk. Remus, you learned, was his name. You couldn’t help but feel tingles when he touched your hand or your heartbeat increasing when he came into view. You decided, finally, that you were in love with him.
Telling him was difficult, you basically blurted it out when you saw him looking at another girl. Then you ran out, he followed you, of course. He told you he’d loved you since that day in the hospital wing. But then he told you that he was a monster and that you shouldn’t love him. With that you playfully hit him and told him that you knew and you still loved him.
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harry potter ship please? Golden trio era. I'm about 5'1, quite chubby, wearing glasses. I have long black hair and dark brown eyes. Hufflepuff. Shy at first, but once you get to know me I'm playful and joke around a lot, but know when to be serious. Really sarcastic, funny, quite smart, caring and a good listener. Really love music, books and movies. Have family issues, so I spend most of times alone. Beside my friends, who i cherish. Put their problems before mines. Thank youuuuu in advance :)
I’m horribleI’m so so so sorry I haven’t been able to do this, I’ve been revising(no surprise there)and I’ve been so stressed with school pls don’t hate me :)
Okay I ship you with:
Harry Potter:
Pushing up your glasses, you stared out at the black lake thinking about your siblings at home. You were a muggle born and your parents didn’t exactly agree with that, your siblings, however, thought it was amazing. You ran a hand through your hair and sighed, wishing you could contact your family somehow as they don’t understand owl mail and other ways of contact in the wizarding world. You heard laughs coming from the left side of you, turning around you saw Harry Potter and his friends, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. You turned your attention to the book in your lap, ignoring the laughter that was approaching.
Harry Potter was famous in the wizarding world, even you knew that. This was what fascinated people about him, however you wanted to know what he was like when he was sad, what he’s like when he eats, as weird as it sounded. You wanted to get to know him for him, not the person everyone makes him out to be. You got lost in your thoughts, the sound of Harry’s voice bringing you back to reality. He made a joke about how you seemed distracted and you two started to converse. He was lovely, In your opinion, even better than what everyone else says he is.
Harry started to notice you more after that day, saying hi to you in the halls, even offering to help you in lessons, which you gladly agreed to. Studying with Harry was fun, he was one of the best tutors you’d ever had, well he was the only one you’d ever had but still. One day before you could start working, Harry kissed you, and from then on is history.
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pretty please could I request a ship? Any era :)!I love ur blog!! im fairly tall hufflepuff, short brown messy hair with bangs, green eyes, freckles, big mouth,severe anxiety, depression and phycosis(lol pls dont be scared of me) I love music, I'm fairly shy, reading, I LOVE nature and animals, I herbolodgy is my everything, and kindness to everything is my top priority! Yellow is my fave colour :)
Of course, sorry this is really late, I've been revising like crazy and it's not w o r k i n g.I ship you with:Draco Malfoy:Draco Malfoy had fallen for a Hufflepuff. But how can that be if they are completely different. He was ice, she was warmth, she was the sun and he was the snow. Complete opposites. But opposites attract right?You developed a crush on the Slytherin in first year. You tried to forget about him, but nothing worked. Eventually, months of liking him turned into years. That was when you decided that you would talk to him. The only question was how? You overheard Blaise and Draco talking about Malfoy needing a tutor for Herbology. It was a like a gift from Merlin, because you happened to be the best student in your class. You gathered all your courage and walked over to Draco, you told him you overheard him about needing a tutor and that you would tutor him and he accepted the offer.You and Draco became close, really close. He was a boy and you were a girl, so naturally you fell in love. He news spread quick after a Pansy Parkinson saw you and Draco kissing. She told everyone, wanting to embarrass you of course. However she was the one was embarrassed when Draco announced to everyone that he was in love with you.That was so long sorry :)
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Could you ship me with one of the Marauders? I have brown curly chin length hair, I'm light/tan (in between), I've got hazel eyes, and I'm curvy. I love reading, painting, knitting and singing. My patronus is a lynx. I don't speak much I'm front of people I not comfortable with, I like bending (not breaking) the rules, I'm crazy (kinda), and clumsy. I enjoy long baths too. I also have OCD tendencies and generalized anxiety disorder
Okay sorry this took a while I had to revise for exams and I was stressing and tbh I should be revising and doing homework but I’m a procrastinator so yeah :)
I ship you with:
Remus Lupin:
Remus was one of the few people you were comfortable with, his friends, however, were a completely different story. They were clumsy and inconsiderate, especially when it came to pranks. You met with Remus when the marauders came to the library. Sirius Black sat at the table where you were studying. You but your lip because you were nervous, you didn’t like talking to people you didn’t know. James Potter and Peter Pettigrew joined the table and were messing about. You couldn’t help notice the absence of the other marauder, Remus Lupin. You had noticed him around school and you hated to admit it but you found him quite attractive. Remus walked over to the marauders carrying some books, he also noticed how uncomfortable you looked so he told the boys to sit somewhere else. You were thankful that he saved you from them but a bit saddened that you wouldn’t get to talk to Remus. He was always your favourite out of the marauders.
Remus came over a few minutes later, to put a book back on the shelf by you. You stared at him, admiring how the light looked when it shone on him. He must have caught you because he introduced himself, when he did, it shook you out of your daze. You told him your name and eventually you two got talking. You and Remus spoke until closing time. Madam Prince ushered you out of the library. Remus and you spent a lot of time together over the next few months and you couldn’t deny that you developed a crush on him. Remus asked you out by the black lake, you then kissed him instead of answering. He took that as a yes. Remus loved you, you loved him AND you surprisingly loved his ‘little fury problem’ as James liked to call it.
Hope you liked it, it’s really rolling though sorry I just got carried away lmao :)
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Golden trio era ship please? Either gender is fine. Gryffindor. Patronus is Manx cat. Supposedly a pureblood? 5'8 girl with curly brown hair and hazel eyes. Introverted, doesn't speak often. Quite childish and sarcastic. Sometimes over emotional. Easily jealous. Needs constant love. Kind hearted. Tries too hard to be athletic tbh. Loves music, piano, and archery. Also loves animals and would probably sneak a dog into hogwarts. Thanks!
Okay so I wasn’t sure if you wanted a boy or girl since you said either, so I went with a girl but if you want me to do one for a boy aswell just tell me :)
Okay so I ship you with:
Hermione Granger:
You and Hermione met on the train to hogwarts first year and instantly became best friends, you had also became close with Ginny and the Weasley family. Ginny knew about your feelings for Hermione, she was the first and only person you told. You never knew why you had to fall for your best friend but you were almost sure she didn’t like girls. You and Hermione were studying in the library but today was different, Hermione seemed more stressed than usual. You asked her what was wrong and she told you that recently she had been feeling things for a girl. This made your heart leap and hurt at the same time, thinking that the girl wasn’t you. You told her that you also felt things for girls and just as you were about to tell her that it was okay, she kissed you. You and Hermione became a couple and Ginny was the biggest shipper of you two.
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Young!Sirius Black imagine - I'm in love?, part 3
Y/N avoided Sirius back like the plague after her confession to him. It took 4 days for her friends to get her out of bed, she didn’t go to class, saying that she was sick. She cried her eyes out everyday.
Y/N decided that she would go to the hall for something to eat instead of getting lily to get her food. Putting her robes on, she walked out of her dorm with lily at her zside.
Lily dragged her best friend to the doors of the great hall. After countless attempts to crawl back to her bed, Y/N gave in to Lily’s pleads to come to the hall. Although she regretted it almost immediately, seeing that Sirius wasn’t as messed up as her over their current situation.
‘I don’t think this is a good idea’ Y/N muttered to lily.
‘Nonsense, when Sirius sees you, he’ll confess his undying love for you’ she said excitedly.
<‘Yeah and I’ll turn into a dog’ she replied sarcastically. (Did it again oops)
They walked over to the marauders, Y/N avoiding the stare of Sirius and sitting down in front of peter and Remus.
‘Hey Y/N how have you been?’ Asked peter.
‘Erm, not so good, wormy’ she replied, with a sad smile, again avoiding Sirius Blacks stare.
She looked down at her plate, moving food around with her fork. The table was unusually quiet. Y/N stood up, after what seemed like 5 years of silence and said,
‘Look, I shouldn’t have came here, I just make things awkward, I’ll sit by myself from now on’ earning shocked and sad looks from the group,
'What do you mean?’ Asked Remus,
'Don’t leave’ pleaded peter,
'What’s wrong? Are you ok?’ Asked James.
'Come on Y/N, i know it hurts now, but it eventually it wont’ said lily.
Hearing Lily’s words, Y/N let her eyes glance at Sirius, he was just looking at her with a blank stare. Y/N looked at her friends, then back at Sirius and back to her friends again. He didn’t even say anything when I said I wanted to leave, she thought, he doesn’t care that I’m sad, he doesn’t care that he broke my heart.
'Y/N why are you crying?’ Asked James, worry in his voice.
Y/N brought a hand up to her cheek and felt the wetness that her tears brought. With one last look at Sirius, who was looking at her with a pain in his eyes, she ran out the Great hall. She stopped in a hallway somewhere, and slid down a wall. Hands over her face, she was muttering to herself,
'I’m stupid…so stupid….he’s never like me…I blame lily she gave me false hope…so so stupid’
She stopped muttering when she heard footsteps, hoping whoever it was didn’t notice she was there.
'Y/N’ said a familiar voice,
Hearing the voice, she looked up to see that the one and only Sirius Black was standing infront of her.
'Leave me alone Sirius’ she whispered.
'No, I don’t want to I-’ he said but got cut off.
'No you don’t’ scoffed Y/N.
'No listen to me, you never gave me a chance to tell you how I feel, you ran off before I could tell you.’ He said.
'Tell me what?’ She asked.
'Tell you that I’ve loved you since third year, when we pulled that prank on you, and that every girl I’ve hooked up with or kissed, was a distraction from you. How everytime a girl kissed me that I couldn’t help think about what it would be like to kiss you, and how much I’ve hated these past few days because I haven’t been able to see the one person that makes me happy’ Sirius replied.
'Y-you love me?’ Y/N stuttered.
'Yes, i always have’ he admitted.
'B-but-’ she started but was interrupted when Sirius’ lips crashed on to hers. Fireworks exploded in her mind, as her lips tingled with a sensation she’d never felt before. Her hands went up around Sirius’ neck as his hands tightened around her waist. Sirius deepened the kiss, wanting more and more of Y/N every second. They pulled apart to get more air, panting as the kiss took their breath away.
'Y/N I know this is overdue but will you be my girlfriend?’ Sirius asked.
'As if I’d say no, of course’ she replied, smiling at the boy who managed to steal her heart.
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Hi! Could I have a golden trio era and marauders era ship please? I'm a 5'5" Slytherin girl. my patronus is a deerhound. If I was able To I'd wanna be an animagi. I love film and acting, being able to put on some sort of character or mask. I'm also not the most mentally healthy (😥😥) I also love writing and creating and keeping my hair on the shorter aide so it won't tangle or get caught in anything. I love my friends and family dearly and just want magic to be real irl. Thank you!
Hi yeah of course! Right I ship you with:
The Marauders era:
Remus Lupin:
You and Remus met in potions class when you got partnered up. Remus was shy at first but you eventually broke him out of his shell. Remus loved to hear you talk about acting and films. One day when you and Remus were studying you asked him if he thought it would be risky to become an unregistered animagi and he of course freaked out and thought you knew that he was a werewolf. He freaked about how he was a monster and You didn’t agree at all, while Remus was talking non stop you thought of an idea, you kissed Remus. Getting him to shut up, from then on you and Remus became the cutest couple in school. Even Dumbledore and the teachers shipped you ;)
Golden trio era:
George Weasley:
You were a Slytherin, so naturally you were the victim of the Weasley twins pranks. You had been having a bad day, in fact it was terrible and you couldn’t wait to collapse in your bed and sleep. Walking along the corridor, you suddenly got drenched with water, no doubt the Weasley’s. Tears pricked your eyes as you stood completely frozen. Your cheeks had tears rolling down them. George noticed you crying and came over to you. He spoke to you and apologised, he let you rant about your terrible day and let you cry into his shoulder. You started to hang out with the twins more, especially George. When he asked you out, you jumped for joy because you had liked him for ages.
Hope this was okay and you liked it! :)
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Marauders era and Trio era ship please? Im a straight female Slytherin with shoulder length ash blonde hair, bright blue eyes and really pale skin. I'm very ambitious and competitive and love sports. I also love school (top grades) but what's school without a little fun? I like joking around and once i taped my teachers keys to the ceiling! I have lots of friends but lots of people hate me, which doesn't matter cause if you're shady to me i'll be more shady back. thanks love!❤
Hey sorry this is late! Ok so I ship you with:
Marauder era:
James Potter: You both like to joke around and enjoy having a laugh. You are both competitive, especially in quidditch. You met after a quidditch game, when you were hanging out back waiting for a friend and you bumped into James. At first he was weary because of your house but soon saw that you were a lovely person. He introduced you to the marauders and they loved when you helped with their pranks.
Golden trio era:
Draco Malfoy:You were walking along the corridor, after coming back from the library when someone bumped into you. That someone was Draco Malfoy. Draco told you to watch were you were going and you replied with a sassy remark, putting him in his place. Draco was intrigued by you, no one had stood up to him before. He started to notice you more until he eventually got the courage to ask you out, which you turned down a number of times, until you said yes one day, taking him by surprise. Draco loves your hair and your blue eyes, and he also loves to tell you this everyday.
I hope you liked this, I used to do ships on my old blog but stopped after a while so I’m not really as good with them :)
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Young!Sirius Black imagine - I'm in love?, part 2
‘I’m i-what?’ Y/N asked her best friend.
‘You’re in love’ lily replied, 'how did you not know?’
'I guess the thought never really came to my mind’ Y/N whispered, still shocked at the new information brought to her by her best friend.
'Come on, it’s dinner’ said lily, walking out of her dorm room.
'Coming’ Y/N replied, following her best friend out of the dorm and to the dining hall. (Is that what it’s called?¿)
Y/N sat down in her usual place by lily and the marauders. She was facing Remus and Sirius with lily and peter at her side.
She was sitting in her seat, wide eyed and still in shock, Remus had noticed and asked her a couple times, so had peter, if she was OK. Y/N barely replied each time, thought if Sirius flooding her mind. She stood up, rather abruptly and urged Remus to follow her, she had to talk to someone and lily was too busy 'hating’ Potter.
'What’s wrong?’ Remus asked.
'Imsortakindainlovewithyourbestfriend’ she replied, talking quick.
'What?’ Remus asked, giving Y/N a confused look.
'I’m in love with Sirius’ she said.
But you hate him’
'Hated. I hated him, until lily told me the reason I was upset that I saw Sirius with another girl was because I’m in love with him.’
'Wow, that’s erm I-I have no idea how to respond to that.’ He replied honestly.
'You don’t have to, tell the others that I went to the library to study or something’
Remus nodded and headed back inside, as Y/N walked down to the library. Thoughts of Sirius clouded her brain, tackling her every thought. She tried to not think about him, but failed rather miserably as her mind constantly made its way back to Sirius.
Y/N sat in the library using her time to study, in order to take her mind off a certain someone. She got up to take some books back to the shelves, however, she dropped one on her foot. Cursing under her breath, she bent down to pick up the book. Y/N shot up when she heard the door to the library open.
Looking around, Y/N walked back to her seat after putting away the books. Walking back, she tripped on a book that must have been left out, pushing her hands out she braced for impact with the hard floor, but instead came into contact with a hard chest and a strong pair of arms.
'You have got to stop bumping into me’ laughed Sirius, helping her steady herself.
'I’m not in the mood black’ Y/N muttered, not expecting him to care, which explains why she was taken back when she heard him reply in a rather sincere tone.
'What’s wrong love?’
She shivered upon hearing the nickname he used for her.
'Nothing’s wrong Sirius, why don’t you go snog Marlene or some other girl’ She snapped.
'Woah what’s got your knickers in a twist’ he chuckled.
'Sirius, leave me alone’ she barked (aye see what I did there)
'I don’t want to’ he said, smirking at the Y/H/C haired girl.
'I’m serious’ (see what I did there ;)
'No you’re Y/N, I’m Sirius’ he laughed.
'Oh my merlin, will you leave me alone’ she shouted.
'Shhhhh’ hissed madam prince.
Y/N collected her stuff and walked out the library, Sirius following her like a lost puppy (I’m sorry I really am ill stop).
'Why are you shouting at me?!’ Sirius asked
At this point tears were building up in Y/N’s eyes, threatening to escape. Y/N blinked and decided shouting was not the way to go about this.
'You have snogged every girl in our year’ Y/N said, closing her eyes for a second.
'That’s not true, I haven’t snogged you or lily’ he barked (didn’t I say I would stop? Oops)
'That isn’t the point sirius’ she sighed.
'Ok then, why would me snogging someone make you upset’ he asked, raising his arms in exasperation.
'Because it just does’ Y/N said, clutching on to her books.
'That makes no sense’ he replied, cocking an eyebrow, ’ at least tell me why it makes you upset’
Y/N sighed loudly, clearly annoyed by his obliviousness. ~I may as well tell him, she thought, then I could avoid him and these stupid feelings will go away.~ (sorry italics won’t work for me)
'Because is in love with you’ she shouted, running her free hand through her hair.
'Y-you’re what?’ Sirius asked, dumbfounded by her confession.
'I’m in love with you, and it hurts to see you with a different girl everyday, and it sucks. I never knew that I felt this way, I always thought I hated you, but I don’t. I love you and you know what the worst thing about falling in love with you is? I actually thought I might have a chance, but you would never give me a chance.’ She cried, not caring about the tears, she’d already lost her dignity and broke her heart, what’s a few tears compared to that?
'Y-Y/N, I-’ Sirius stammered.
'Please spare me the 'I only like you as a friend’ speech, you’ll never like me back, I know that. So please just leave me alone’ she shouted, tears falling from her cheeks, turning on her heal, she ran. As far away from Sirius as she could.
A/N: you’re probably thinking 'I hate this writer, why dOES SHE DO THIS?’ Because I sure am. I don’t know why I left it on a cliffhanger but I’ll post part 3 tomorrow and yeah. Also what was with the Sirius jokes? I’m weird but that’s OK.
-Erin /*
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Young!Sirius Black imagine - I'm in love?, part 1
A/N:So I should probably tell you that I haven’t wrote an imagine in ages so I’m a lil rusty. If you want to send me a request then please do(I don’t bite) and I also do ships so yeah.
Y/N never really liked Sirius Black, always thought he was annoying and full of himself. In fact some may even say she hated him. It all started when Sirius decided it would be a good idea to prank Y/N in third year, it’s fair to say he pranked her good, it’s also fair to say he never thought she would hold a grudge against. He clearly thought wrong because that was two years ago, and she still hates him.
Y/N was making her way to the library to complete her homework that was due the next day. Walking slowly, Y/N made her way down the hall until she accidentally bumped into someone. She would have apologised, if it wasn’t Sirius Black.
‘Hey watch where your going Y/L/N’ said Sirius rather loudly.
‘Why don’t you watch where your going Black’ Y/N retorted.
‘Wow that may possibly be the best comeback I’ve ever heard in my life’ Sirius said, sarcasm dripping from his voice.
‘Oh sorry, your giant ego must have disturbed my train of thought’ Y/N mused.
‘So you admit I distract you’ said Sirius with a smirk on his face.
'NO’ Y/N shouted, making a few students turn to look at her while she tried to hide her rising blush with her Y/H/C hair.
'Anyway I would love to stay and chat about your undying love for me but I have to go and meet Marlene’ he said, grinning, whilst walking away.
Y/N didn’t know why but everytime she saw Sirius with other girls, it really bothered her. She simply shrugged Sirius’ comment off and continued walking to the library.
After completing the homework for potions, Y/N made her way back to the Gryffindor common room. On her way she spotted a certain Sirius black, he was lent up against the wall while a pretty girl with blonde hair was hanging of his arm. Y/N insides boiled and raged, she felt like crying and she didn’t know why. She stood for a while, watching the girl and Sirius laugh and flirt.
A single tear escaped Y/N eye, as she ran into her common room, straight passed her friends and up to her dorm. She slammed the door and collapsed on her bed, she was now crying uncontrollably and she didn’t know why
The door opened as lily, her best friend, came rushing in, closing the door. Lily sat on the edge of Y/N’s bed.
'Y/N what’s wrong?’ Asked lily.
'I don’t know’ Y/N replied, 'and it’s so frustrating, every time I see Sirius with another girl I get this weird feeling and I just want to cry’
'Oh honey, I think I know what’s wrong’ said lily, giving Y/N a sympathetic look, 'you’re in love’
A/N: I don’t know why I wrote this I just felt like writing and I absoloutely adore Sirius Black. Either way, this sucked.
- Erin /*
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