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she/her | some kind of queer | bitch?(affectionate)
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annika-is-scared · 4 days ago
“I don’t have to want to sleep with everyone I have feelings for, and I don’t have to have feelings for everyone I sleep with.”
No no no guys you aren’t hearing him: he doesn’t have to want to sleep with everyone he has feelings for and he doesn’t have to have feelings for everyone he sleeps with.
Evan Buckley do you even think about the words that come out of your own mouth????? No??? WHY AM I FUCKING SHOCKED.
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annika-is-scared · 4 days ago
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annika-is-scared · 8 days ago
Well I'm officially three episodes deep into the TV show Evil, and can I just--
You mean to tell me that none these idiots EVER have sex? Not even once??? In ANY configuration?????? THE LIP-STARING ALONE IS KILLING ME ALREADY.
I haven't been a fan for very long but, yeah, honestly that tracks for these repressed, sexually-guilty freaks. And Ben. He mostly seems fine.
(For now? For now. I've seen some... rather bloody spoilers.)
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annika-is-scared · 11 days ago
“Everything that matters is in El Paso”
“But I hope you know you do matter to me”
That feeling when you suck ass at apologizing or addressing conflict in a healthy way so you simply allude to the fact that you said something hurtful by reassuring your best bro that he does, in fact, matter to you in the same way your son does 🤪 in a completely platonic sense of course. what other option is there. besties for life. ha ha. ha ha ha. ha.
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annika-is-scared · 14 days ago
And if I say that I want Eddie and Ravi to bond over being landlords, then what?
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annika-is-scared · 18 days ago
Still not over the fact that Buck’s loft is essentially gone? We might see it BRIEFLY next ep as he’s moving out, but even that’s not a guarantee.
Like. The loft is never gonna be seen again. It’s gone-gone. This show is insane. INSANE, I tell you!
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annika-is-scared · 18 days ago
Post 8.09 and thinking about a different kind of “oh” moment for Eddie. He’s standing in his (soon-to-be someone else’s) living room and so much is happening his team is in his house and he has to be a salesman and he’s mad at Buck and he doesn’t want to leave but he has to go and suddenly—
Buck is smiling like the day’s been perfect, and not some hollow mirror of five years ago, and three years ago too. He grins, and Buck is Freddy. There is no Freddy. His home isn’t a showroom tonight. Buck is renting. Buck is hiding his hurt and renting. He’s fixing it for Eddie, no questions asked. He’s fixing it. He’s fixing it.
“You really did that for me?”
Of course he did.
Suddenly, and much more clearly than ever before, Eddie knows that Buck loves him. Buck loves Eddie so much that he can feel it turning and pulling at the bottom of his stomach, sort of nauseating and overwhelming and terrifyingly real and certainly undeserved; it’s dread as much as its fear as much as its gratitude.
Buck loves Eddie. And now Eddie has to leave.
He has to give that up because he cannot, under any circumstance, choose Buck over his son. Buck said it himself, it’s not even a question. He’s going to Texas and he’ll be with his son but he’ll be without his biggest supporter and best friend, the person who may just love him the most in the entire fucking world, for God knows how long. Weeks. Months? Years?
And for the second time that week, Eddie thinks that he doesn’t know what he’s gonna do without Buck.
Anyway I don’t think Eddie had an “oh I’m in love with him” moment, or even an “oh he’s in love with me” moment, at least not romantically. But he definitely had an “oh. I’m leaving Buck.” moment and it’s not about how Buck is feeling. In that moment, Eddie is thinking about how living without Buck will affect himself.
And maybe that’s the beginning of him starting to recognize and care about his own needs, too. Acknowledging, if not indulging them.
I love that we are exploring Bucks abandonment issues this season, but can we PLEASE get some Eddie POV on this storyline? HE IS LEAVING HIS WHOLE SUPPORT SYSTEM. LET US SEE HIM STRUGGLING WITH IT!!! HE IS STRUGGLING INTERNALLY!!!! EXTERNALIZE IT!!!!!
Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk.
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annika-is-scared · 1 month ago
It's been two and half months since I thought this would be a good song to soundtrack Eddie begging Chris to come home, but given recent behind-the-scenes leaks,
This would be so good for when Buck and Eddie are staring at their phones, avoiding talking about the obvious, 800 miles apart. Like. Ugh. Those codependent idiots would LOVE Omar Apollo and not have any deeper thoughts about why. Think about the ANGST POSSIBILITIES, people. Walk with me here.
"When you comin' home? Home is where you're supposed to be Turn around, it's not too late, did I hurt you? You live too far away Are you turnin' off your phone again? If I take back my words, would you return to me?"
Ice Slippin - Omar Apollo
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annika-is-scared · 2 months ago
Maybe I’m insane. Well, I KNOW I am but that’s not what I mean. We have, as a fandom come to the conclusion that Maddie isn’t being kidnapped alone, and that Eddie is going to maybe (???) get crushed by a tree?? Is that what we’re going with?
I don’t know. I just know that Eddie is due for an NDE, and Maddie won’t be alone in whatever creepy kidnapper’s basement.
So. Maybe Eddie gets kidnapped too.
Stay with me here: Buck, spiraling for obvious reasons, starts seeing someone who is a lil unstable and very prone to jealousy. And Buck is always worried about his pregnant sister and codependent bestie!!! Solution? Love interest kidnaps them to not only get Buck away from them, but to earn his love by helping with the investigation! Two birds, one stone.
Maybe that’s a reach, but it’s all I’ve been thinking abt concerning buddie and Maddie’s kidnapping the last few weeks AND everyone is being super secretive behind the scenes. So. Do with this what you will.
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annika-is-scared · 3 months ago
To begin, I will likely never write this fic because 1) I am literally drowning in school work and the goddamn FAFSA, and 2) I am viscerally uncomfortable with writing any sort of smut.
That being said.
I present to you, a fic idea which has been floating around in my head since watching 806 air, the undeniably cracky, accidental-BDSM monster of a mess, Sub-to-Sub Communication.
The scene opens on Eddie's couch (because where else?), and our beloved idiots have drunk themselves to a state of emotional availability unlike ever before, the soft lighting pulling their heads out of their asses and towards sweet, sweet connection.
Buck finally opened up about whatever the fuck happened with Tommy after avoiding it for an hour and a half, and Eddie talked about the priest and the juice and the dancing after not mentioning it at the door, and they were at something of an impasse.
Because where do they go from here?
Buck is lamenting his most recent relationship, and how he can never seem to pick 'em right, like he was cursed to always choose wrong. "I just wish--" He cuts himself off. Looks away.
Eddie turns nearly all the way towards Buck, bare knee grazing the side of his leg. "What?"
Buck sighs. "I just wish that someone would tell me what to do with my life so I'd stop making the same fucking mistakes, man." Eddie is quiet for long enough that Buck feels embarrassment bleeding onto his face like like hot water up a bone-dry napkin. He grimaces. "Forget I said that--"
"I get it, actually." Eddie hardly believes the words falling from his mouth, but just can't hold them in (the alcohol seems to have eroded his usual filter). "Sometimes I think the only way to get me do the right thing is if someone makes me." He doesn't tear his gaze from Buck's wide eyes, but he wants to, a little bit. So the room falls nearly silent, and only the HVAC's thrum fills the space between them--a space now fraught with consideration and shame and the unparryable weight of understanding.
"Maybe--" Once again, Buck cuts himself off, but one look at Eddie (brows loose from good beer, body lax from an impromptu dance session) and he continues on. He glances away, though. "Maybe we should just tell each other what to do."
And a deal is struck.
Anyway. From that point they pretty mcuh accidentally dom each other at any and every opportunity, including at work (all the victims clock that something is going on, but the 118 is just like 'no this makes sense' or don't even notice), all culminating in like. Idk. Probably some pining and complete and utter fucking confusion about what they're feeling (it's burning attraction) before they find themselves staring at each other with barely half a foot between them, and Eddie just.
"Touch me, Buck."
So if any of you beautiful fic writers want to take this into your loving, adept hands, be my guest. Maybe like, tag me or smth when your done though. I wanna read this shit.
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annika-is-scared · 4 months ago
"When you comin' home? Home is where you're supposed to be Turn around, it's not too late, did I hurt you? You live too far away Are you turnin' off your phone again? If I take back my words, would you return to me?"
Ice Slippin - Omar Apollo
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annika-is-scared · 4 months ago
Missouri Moseley on doctor odyssey?? I love her so much. That “good, good!” was so nostalgic she is so cuuuuute omg
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annika-is-scared · 4 months ago
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annika-is-scared · 4 months ago
the way i am going to scream when season 8 episode 9 is buck hauling ass to el paso to retrieve the love of his life and his son..... like..... thats whats going to happen, right? even if buck doesn't know WHY he's so pressed about it (buck is perpetually unaware of his real feelings) that's absolutely happening!!! right???? am i going fucking insane??????
i am so freaking out internally and little bit externally. what was that face for????? buck???
is this. is this the buddie realization arc. bc eddie is moving to el paso. buck realizes hes in love with him. omg. omg. omgggggggg. hes gonna be in fuckin el paso for three months and the new ep in march is gonna be a time skip and buck will be freaking the fuck out and being pissy at eddie's replacement. i can see it now. i can fucking SEE IT
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annika-is-scared · 4 months ago
i am so freaking out internally and little bit externally. what was that face for????? buck???
is this. is this the buddie realization arc. bc eddie is moving to el paso. buck realizes hes in love with him. omg. omg. omgggggggg. hes gonna be in fuckin el paso for three months and the new ep in march is gonna be a time skip and buck will be freaking the fuck out and being pissy at eddie's replacement. i can see it now. i can fucking SEE IT
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annika-is-scared · 4 months ago
rewatching 9-1-1 and huh?? Chimney WHAT
So I'm using the time between season 8 episodes to rewatch 9-1-1, as any fan would, and like. Chim canonically invented the fucking SNUGGIE???
Like. "Blankets with sleeves" is just a snuggie, right? Snuggies were released to market in 2008, and Chimney Begins takes place mostly in 2005. So. We got Mr. Snuggie right here.
Anyway I'm still recovering from (celebrating) the events of 806, but in light of Madney baby #2 (OMG I CRIIIEEEEED) I think this is so funny. I wonder if he felt cheated the first time he saw the infomercial. Man coulda been a fuckin millionaire or smth idk.
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annika-is-scared · 2 years ago
There’s just something about wearing a suit, man.
My feet hurt, I am kind of nauseous, I got horrible sleep last night, but WOW do I feel like a bad bitch rn it’s incredible
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