Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Review!
*Spoilers Ahead*
★ Score: 8/10 ★ Date Finished: October 13th, 2024 ★ Final Thoughts: At a little over the half way point of this game, I found it leaving so much to be desired. The first case starts off so strong, with a really gripping twist of Apollo's current mentor being the culprit and creating a jarring change in Phoenix Wright since we last saw him. But the following two cases don't keep up that intrigue and energy. They are no means bad and are still vital to the game by the time you reach its finale but on the surface and in the moment of playing both cases, they don't seem to offer anything to an overarching plot besides the aforementioned "case that occurred seven years ago". I think I was expecting these cases each to deliver more than they did. But I was by no means disappointed with them as they each have interesting aspects nonetheless (setups, characters, trials, etc). The reason this game actually shines is what it does in its final case. Ace Attorney's tried and true moment to find out what this "x amount of years ago" has meant all this time, and I will be excited for it every time. It starts as something that seems rather uninvolved (a shut in painter has been murdered and they think his daughter did it) but over time it becomes clear that this case is intertwined with the one from seven years ago. The slow realization as the player begins to put pieces together and realize everything before them has been intertwined, or even tangled together, is a feeling that really sticks. From Zak being the first victim, the reveal of Trucy and Apollo's mother, and Wright's obvious pulling of the strings, it is all so fun to uncover. Watching Wright best Kristoph from behind the scenes is what makes it all the more satisfying. The characters in this game are a real treat too, as well as their interactions with one another. Finally getting a prosecutor that isn't at our throats and is also just interested in revealing the truth is refreshing (and Klavier and Apollo's slight flirting makes it all the better ;3). I really enjoyed the gimmick in this game, Apollo's bracelet can add a little extra challenge to the trials and I enjoyed that it as thoroughly explained eventually because I had my doubts. Also getting to break open some psyche-locks for a little was super fun. The music does not disappoint in this game either, Klavier's theme is probably up there in some of my favorite tracks from the franchise.
#apollo#apollo justice#ace attorney#klavier gavin#phoenix wright#kristoph gavin#klapollo#trucy wright#game review
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Final Fantasy X Review!
*Spoilers Ahead*
★ Score: 8/10 ★ Date Finished: September 18th, 24 ★ Final Thoughts: I find myself not knowing where to start with this game, though not in the same way I usually say that. Typically I will say that when a game totally blew me away but I can't say this game did. It is a really great game though and I think that it is a must play in the FF franchise. I found some of the characters to be either great or just fall flat. Auron is honestly the most compelling character, driven by the mysteries of the past within this game. The reveal that he is dead and unsent gives him a lot more depth when looked at alongside his past. Tidus and Yuna as separate characters both find such strong resolves by the end of the game and its quite the joy to see them grow into these resolves. But I honestly wish their romance was written better. Their relationship almost seems entirely one sided (Tidus) and rather unreciprocated by Yuna until their underwater date, I believe the ending of the game would have impacted me much more if I had actually felt that the two were in love. To me, the rest of the characters lack depth. Rikku is great but she could've used more development or even just having a goal that isn't just an offspring of Tidus wanting to save Yuna. Regardless she is far more enjoyable than the other three. Waka just becomes unracist, Kimahri deals with things within Ronso life, and Lulu is kind of just there. These characters aren't bad but I was expecting better. The overarching plot was really what I liked about this game with topics around corruption in religion, death and loss, and finding your own path are really enjoyable. The game flips really well between moments of hopefulness and disparity. The combat is fun, its really just classic turnbased with a fun and unique leveling system as well as some gear that can make Yuna busted as hell. I honestly think my only complaint with combat is the fucking final Jecht fight, it isn't awful when you actually know what debuffs work and the best strategies but goddamn does it suck going in blind. I actually hate that boss but anyways. The music is really great, which is to be expected at this point. Overall, the game was great but I think outside expectations from the legacy this game holds had me going in expecting a little more. As a side note, I did play FFX-2 and dropped the game a few minutes in...not a fan of the combat so don't expect a review on it :O
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Ace Attorney Investigations 2: Prosecutor's Gambit Review!
Spoilers Ahead!
★ Score: 8.5/10 ★ Date Finished: September 8th, 2024 ★ Final Thoughts: Another amazing installment into the Ace Attorney franchise. I was nervous about this game because its direct predecessor is kind of just average in comparison to other entries. But this game really shines through by the end. The first and second cases aren't anything to write home about at a surface level. They come off as vaguely unimportant and boring at certain moments, but they drop multiple hints that more is at play for this overall story. The third case makes things more interesting, playing as Gregory is a fun twist and coordinating the past case to the one Miles is currently working on is clever. At times it would get confusing due to various switches between perspective and a few things looking identical for very logical reasons. Regardless, the game does well enough to make sure the player has a good understand of all that is transpiring before them. The fourth case was probably my favorite in the game, yes its your typical "important supporting character get amnesia" but what can I say its typical for a reason. The game plants seeds of an overarching force at play during previous parts of the game, but these are when they really start to sprout. Finally the last case is when these sprouts bloom and everything unfolds in front of you. The last case can also be hard to follow at times, there is so much going on that its easy to get lost or confused but it all makes sense in the end. This case holds a lot of interesting reveals and plot twist, I was completely hooked. This game does some amazing character work, probably some of the best in the series. There are so many genuinely complex characters in this game, with Edgeworth finally facing a true choice on his path as a prosecutor, Courtney's slow transition from your opponent to a great ally as her intentions come to light, Sebastian Debeste finally finding his own feet and standing up against his ass-hat father, and lastly Simon Keyes being the grand reveal at the end and playing the villain really damn well (in a reveal I can only hope surprised others more than me lol). The music in this game is also fucking great, probably some of my favorite tracks are in here.. but at the same time there are a few that are a little harsh on the ears, but it balances out. I am glad this game is finally out by legal means in the US but I think there is really something special about getting to experience the fan translation, there is a lot of community love put into this game and you can tell.
#ace attorney investigations#investigations 2#investigations collection#aa investigations#aai2#aai2 spoilers#game review#ace attorney#simon keyes ur so obvious#simon keyes#sebastian debeste#justine courtney#miles edgeworth#kay faraday#raymond shields#i love ace attorney
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Until Then Game Review
★ Score: 9.5/10 ★ Date Finished: August 10th, 2024 ★ Final Thoughts: What a gorgeous commentary on life and loss that this game brings. It is so hard to even reflect on this game because the themes and meanings within run so deep and are so impactful. The game starts off like a cozy indie slice of life with some strange elements appearing, its confusing at times but enjoyable none the less. The first ending is honestly jarring and really sad, it almost seems like there isn't more to this game. But things begin to get stranger in the second playthrough and very quickly the true story here unravels, having a second ending that made me bawl. The third loop is enough to give the player whiplash, its the climax of all the time reality stuff that hangs around the rest of the game. Complete with an ending that totally shatters your heart. The characters in this game are truly what make it the stellar game that it is, each one is unique, loveable, and relatable. But you also get to see these characters in so many different realities and timelines...and they are so different yet so the same. It is astonishing to be able to present such deep characters in media, and this game utterly nails it. I find such a hard time putting the experience this game gives the player into proper words. It is a heartbeat recommendation for anyone who enjoys video games artistically and can relate deeply with the themes around loss, love, friendship, regret, and teenage angst. The music only carries the games experience further into being just wonderful. I unfortunately ran into quite a few technical difficulties with the game, which I will cut some slack for since its indie developed, but was still frustrating
#until then#until then game#nicole lacsamana#mark borja#cathy portillo#mark and nicole#louise ordunia#game review#video games#indie games#you have to play this
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Ace Attorney Investigations Review
Spoilers Ahead!
I keep writing these for myself and forget to share them here! I'll try to remember more often. ★ Score: 7/10 ★ Date Finished: July 26th, 2024 ★ Final Thoughts: This game isn't fantastic when thrown in together with the previous trilogy but it is by no means bad. The first case is pretty interesting for a tutorial case and does a good job of introducing the new gameplay features in the game, it also still remains relevant till the last case which is something I like to see in Ace Attorney games. The 2nd case was also rather interesting, it for sure plays into the absurdity of the world of this franchise and builds really well on to the story to come! Sadly, this game does not break free of the disappointing case 3 curse that these games seem to have. It was great at the start of the case with Edgeworth also being kidnapped, the introduction of Kay, and the two of them escaping. But after that part it seemed to fall flat, I felt that some things were accepted too quickly and a lot of conclusions were jumped too. The culprit of the case also felt extremely predictable which just kind of sucked, it also only adds so much to the overarching story. The 4th case was really nice, I am a sucker for flashback cases so it was right up my alley. It takes a bit to really ramp up and can be trivial at times such as when you're proving if Gumshoe was in the hallway the entire time, but its all still necessary. I actually love Calisto Yew, her character just really does something for me. The final case is good in the beginning, its a classic double murder with just a lot more shit added to the equation making bits and pieces fun to figure out. Not only are you trying to solve two murders but you are also looking for the leader of the smuggling ring that is the focus of the plot for whole game. It was really fun up until a certain point, I would say the second to last section/chapter/episode, whatever you wanna call it. From there it just drags and drags, they rinse and repeat Edgeworth making progress, then losing all hope, then you guessed it someone different each time yells "HOLD IT!" Don't get me wrong its very Ace Attorney but did they need to do it like 10 times? Regardless the ending was satisfying and enjoyable, and still a surprise! But the real reason I truly enjoyed this game was because of the music and characters. I mean I was seriously jamming the entire time and I love the reoccurring characters here, especially the new ones. I mean Lang, Kay, and Shih-na all really are stellar characters with good writing, very fleshed out characters. Edgeworth also gets some amazing development during the events of this game and we get to see him find more of a foothold from himself after giving up the Von Karma ways.
#ace attorney#ace attorney investigations#miles edgeworth#game review#calisto yew i love you#pheonix wright
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FFXIV Dawntrail Review!
*Spoilers Ahead*
★ Score: 8/10 ★ Date Finished: July 3rd, 2024 ★ Final Thoughts: I never know where to start with these but I find myself firmly believing you have to have the right mindset about this expansion in order to enjoy it for all that it is. The story is split in two halves, one where the WOL joins Wuk Lamat in her quest to become the next Dawnservant and the second as the whole cast faces a suddenly otherworldly threat to Tural. Both sections are extremely interesting and just as rewarding for paying attention. The start is kind of slow but just having fun with it enhances the enjoyment from my experience. I loved that the first half teaches us so much about Tural from its culture to its many different people, while the second half serves as a more fantastical dilemma to solve. The characters are all very well written and explored through the expansion, it was great to watch Wuk Lamat grow during her journey for the keystones and see what exactly she learns during it. I loved her realization that she alone is not fit for Dawnservant, and rather with the help of her brother they are better suited to take the title together. Erenville and Krile both get some interesting subplots during the expansion that expand on them as characters in their entirety, something that both characters really benefitted from. The area designs are phenomenal across the entire expansion, each one being different from the last but reasonably coexisting with one another. The design of the final area is gorgeous and was well worth the hype. The battle content is probably some of the best out of the game, I enjoyed the challenged presented in the dungeons, trials, and solo duties. They were shockingly a step up from Endwalker difficulty which was already hard. You aren't having fun if there isn't a chance you might wipe first time through...The music was also amazing across the board, not that this game's music ever disappoints. When I consider that this is the ARR of the new story arc its blows my mind, SE did great starting the story a new, a task that was surely daunting. Like I said in the beginning, the expansion isn't any Endwalker, so don't expect that and you'll thoroughly enjoy it I believe
#final fantasy 14#ffxiv#ff14#final fantasy xiv#game review#dawntrail spoilers#ffxiv dawntrail#ff14 dawntrail
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FFXIV Endwalker Review!
*Spoilers Ahead*
★ Score: 10/10 ★ Date Finished: May 30th, 2024 ★ Final Thoughts: I'm not entirely sure words can describe how I feel about this expansion. I feel as though my haste to get through the expansion speaks volumes, completing one of the longer expansion in just over a week. This expansion is the (nearly) perfect finale to every single one that lies before it, there was no better way for this story to end, and begin again. The overall story flows perfectly, with very few moments of "low" energy. Each of its own quest lines serve greatly to the overarching story of the expansion, my favorite being the time the WOL spends with the ancients. To be there with characters that are once your enemies and allies, yet before they even know, creates strong emotions and the entirely seperate world is easy to fall in love with. The area designs overall are fucking phenomenal, each on is so different from the others and have their own beauties with in. The characters, both new and old, are so incredibly written a factor of media that means the most to me. I've felt this in the previous expansions but it seems to shine well here, each close ally of the player's is their individual person and they are all so different from one another. Such as the ways they talk to their allies, the player, and the choices they make during the expansion. The new characters recieve this treatment as well, and have great development across the expansion's story. My only problems with characters rely with the twin's father, who has a distinct moment that I felt didn't align with his overall writing as a character. The music in this expansion also utterly smashes the music from all the expansions before it. And I mean SMASH. Every song is so perfect for the moment in game that it plays, and the music is used in a way that truly amplifies the events that unfold in the story. The ending of the expansion leaves so much to look forward to without making anything feel incomplete, which solidifies the end of the current story arc but still leaves much to look forward to in the next expansion. I was seriously just blown away with this one. That's the only way I can put it. Following up to talk about the post Endwalker content, the story overall didn't have me as roped in but its rather hard to follow up the expansion that Endwalker is. The existing characters were still as great as ever (I'm lookin at you Estinien) and the newly introduced characters were very enjoyable. Zero's character development across the post-EW quests was really well done and you could slowly see her begin to make more sense of human feelings such as trust. The dungeons and trials were also fantastic, some being among my favorite in the game. The Dawntrail build up quests are small but they do a great job of ramping up the players hype for the coming expansion and feeds into the spontaneous nature of everything. This side content alongside post-EW (normal and alliance raids) were also really awesome, getting to spend more time in Elpis and meet more of our former enemies was just what I wanted and then to get to learn more of the Twelve. It was the perfect time to expand upon their existence after both Hydaelyn and Zodiark's defeat. Finally, the music is actually insane for these set of patches. I constantly found myself jamming out to the music in the new content I was doing. The post content has only further solidified my desire to give Endwalker the 10/10 it deserves.
#final fantasy 14#ffxiv#ff14#game review#final fantasy xiv#ffxiv endwalker#ff14 endwalker#endwalker spoilers#post endwalker
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The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve Review!
*Spoilers ahead*
★ Score: 8.5/10 ★ Date Finished: May 13th, 2024 ★ Final Thoughts: What a phenomenal sequel to the original game in this duology. I'd argue to say this one blows the first one out of the water (despite the game taking a length time for me to get through). The first case is outstanding for a tutorial case and unique to the Ace Attorney franchise so far as we see Susato briefly act as a defense lawyer in Japan. The case is nice because its familiar, serves as a good refresher for mechanics, and is still relevant to the later plot of the game. The second case is to some degree your typical filler case at this point in the game but still has a nice twist in the fact that it takes place during the first game and is a case we didn't know about originally. The characters are fun and it has its good moments as well as propelling the overarching story with a pretty major plot point after the court hearing resolves. The discovery of the Baskerville collar deepened my intrigue but also left a long list to be wondered about what awaited me further in the game, I think its discovery in chapter 2 serves well for the whole game. The third case was slightly underwhelming at first but does begin to save itself as it slowly intertwines with the mysterious Professor cases the player is slowly starting to learn more about, regardless I can't say I found the case that memorable but it serves its point in the overall game. The final two cases for this game are one in the same so I want to give my opinions on them together, much like the rest of the franchise, the finales are always outstanding and this game does not change that. The fourth chapter is a nice set up for whats to come and still remains interesting as Ryunosuke chips his way ever closer to the heart of this game's story. But it all truly comes out in the official final chapter, which was full of endless twists and astonishing moments. I found what I liked most is that each of these twists and revelations were inherently predictable thanks to the aggressive foreshadowing in this game and the installment before that. I say this as a positive thing about the game, I did not have the entire ending predicted but I enjoyed that I was able to sleuth out some of it before it was revealed to the characters while still being shocked by certain things being revealed. If you've paid attention to the game you should have no problem predicting the overarching end of the plot, but still able to enjoy the ride you take to get there. To me that means the devs created/wrote a great game! The music is just as great in this game as well, if not better than the first. For the mechanics, they remain the same from the first so nothing to say there. I greatly enjoyed the characters in this game, both new and old, especially seeing their development over time between both bad and good.
#ryunosuke naruhodo#the great ace attorney#ace attorney#game review#herlock sholmes#kazuma asogi#barok van zieks#objection
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FFXIV Shadowbringers Review!
★ Score: 8.5/10 ★ Date Finished: April 29th, 2024 ★ Final Thoughts: This expansion is so good it made me lower my rating of Stormblood. I'm that serious. From the very second you truly enter this expansion, you are utterly entranced by it. The extremely subtle build up in Stormblood explodes in your face within the span of a quest and all of a sudden you are the intro card to Shadowbringers. The beginning area is beautiful and the game does an amazing job of slowly letting the player realize they are in an entirely different world and then perfectly introducing that world. I found it odd how accustomed I became to the First after playing 3 expansions in the Source. This expansion genuinely leaves me at a loss for words. The stakes are high from the get go and you are quickly shown what those stakes drive people to do. At times the story could seem repetitive, kill one lightwarden and then on to the next, but the story, dialouge, and new areas make these overarching tasks different each time. The entire expansion is just banger after banger when it comes to the dungeons and trials. Especially the final two, I was sucked into the story and enraptured in each cutscene until reaching the final conclusion. The characters were written beautifully in this expansion, a sort of contrast from before. I found myself caring for each major character in this expansion, more than I did before. I feel as though we learn a lot about some of the Scions personalities, strengths, and their weaknesses. But the character that shocked me the most was my own, how the hell do you write a "self-insert" so perfectly. Square Enix and the devs for this game have done an amazing job at making sure the player's character truly stands out and that the journey feels unique to them. Wrapping up on the good notes, the music is stellar across the board for this one. I could probably listen to this ost on repeat. I find that my only complaints are a few slower moments, sometimes in areas I didn't care too much for but that is very subjective to each individual. Areas I disliked might be other's favorite parts of the game! Overall this expansion blows the previous 3 out of the water, provides great plot points, introduces new characters while building on previous ones, and brings in a lot of intrigue with the final cliffhangers.
#ffxiv#ffxiv wol#ffxiv shadowbringers#shadowbringers#game review#yshtola#ffxiv thancred#ffxiv urianger#ff14#final fantasy xiv#final fantasy 14
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The Great Ace Attorney Adventures Review
Spoilers ahead so read with caution! (this one is a little late to be posted oops)
★ Score: 7/10 ★ Date Finished: March 30th, 2024 ★ Final Thoughts: Honestly at the halfway point of this game I was skeptical of how well it would do in my final rankings as it just seemed alright but it managed to save itself at the end. The first case which typically serves as a tutorial is mind numbingly long for reasons that are pretty unbeknownst to me but I enjoyed the bonds it created between Kazuma and Ryunosuke. The second case also felt rather long for what it was but is rather unique in the fact that there is no trial, its all investigation. The resolution of the episode definitely helps to propel the story. Upon originally going through the third case, I also found it slightly unimpressive (in comparison to cases in the original trilogy) but at the end I realized that it serves well to set up conflict for Ryunosuke and it's a rather unique case in itself. The fourth case felt like I was waist deep in mud and just trudging through it at this point, once again unimpressive and quite a filler case. The game saves itself with the final case and especially in the final cutscenes! The case is directly intertwined with the second on in the game, something that I love when done correctly. The twists felt right and it leads to a good conclusion for the game. Overall this game has some really solid characters and I'm enjoying the relationships that have and are forming between them. The gameplay mechanics are more in depth than the original trilogy (not a surprise lol) and makes the game feel all the more interactive. This game also has a pretty good cliffhanger to end off on, which serves to remind me that this game is the first in a duology meaning a lot of what I've just played likely serves as set up for the second game hence why I can't bring myself to be as harsh on it. It served its purpose in the end which is to ramp up my excitement to play the next game!
#the great ace attorney#tgaac#tgaa spoilers#ryunosuke naruhodo#herlock sholmes#ace attorney#game review#kazuma asogi
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FFVII: Rebirth Review!
This review does contain spoilers!
★ Score: 11/10 ★ Date Finished: March 15th, 2024 ★ Final Thoughts: This game is a beautiful remake and reimagining of my favorite portions of the original FFVII. The purists probably hate it because its not the exact remake they might have wanted but this game might be the best game I have ever played. The story in this game feels brand new, despite being fairly the same as the original. I was constantly filled with wonder and excitement to play even though I technically knew everything that would happen, a feat that is rather impressive when creating a remake. The devs blew it out of the water with the character and party interactions, making them even better than before. Each character not only feels important to Cloud but also other party members such as Red XIII and Aerith having a close friendship, Aerith and Tifa having fun with one another like teenage girls, Tifa and Yuffie acting like siblings to one another, and Barrett and Yuffie having an adorable father/daughter like bond. It makes the course of the story even more impacting and sometimes gut-wrenching as you realize that not only you as the player adore these characters, but they also adore one another. Cloud's characterization in this game is also phenomenal and his personality constantly shifting as he slow loses his identity over the course of the game was chilling to watch. I could ramble forever about the characters in this game, as I find that each one of them holds a deep place in my heart. The gameplay of this game is also phenomenal for many reasons. The open world is extremely expansive and can be rather rewarding, though occasionally overwhelming. It was hard to balance story and exploration but once I figured out the best way to do things, I found both rather enjoyable and they balanced out well. I ended with about 84 hours on the game and still have a lot of content to explore. A new mechanic is also introduced so that the player can track their bond with each party member, something that I enjoyed as I was attempting for a specific character for the dates. The side quests in this game are also really fun for the most part, I didn't love all of them but there were plenty that made me laugh, smile, and sometimes tear up. Finally for gameplay, the combat is much like remake's but it only gets better as each character unlocks new abilities and can be played in many different ways thus having the potential to make characters very strong! The music is also crazy, hearing my favorite tracks from the original game be remade was such an enjoyable experience but the new music in the game is also really nice and I am eagerly waiting for the OST to drop online. Overall this game is a gem among modern day games and the devs did a perfect job both remaking and reimagining all of the segments of the game, if it tells you anything, I cried about 16 times while playing through this game. Many of these being at the endings as the devs created such a beautiful, heart-wrenching, unique yet familiar ending to this installment of the trilogy. I found myself reaching moments that I had looked forward to seeing in the game and whispering to myself "No no no I don't want to do it" I was terrified and I loved it. There are things in this game that I could nitpick if I wanted to but it doesn't feel worth it because the overarching final impression is that it is truly perfection, while I wasn't happy with everything it was all so minute that its not worth trying to remember and mention. I'm probably bias about this game but I think I just witnessed perfection.
#final fantasy vii#final fantasy 7#final fantasy vii rebirth#final fantasy 7 rebirth#ff7 rebirth#ffvii rebirth#rebirth spoilers#aerith gainsborough#cloud strife#tifa lockhart#yuffie kisaragi#game review#spoilers#i cried a lot
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Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: T&T Review!
★ Score: 9.5/10 ★ Date Finished: February 26th, 2024 ★ Final Thoughts: This game was a pleasent surprise after the last installment, the first case (often the "tutorial" case) is actually deeply rooted in the story of the game and its clear right away as you are playing as Mia Fey. Starting the game this way immediately roped me in and I was heavily intrigued by the characters as well. The game lacks slightly in the second case and more in the third but neither are bad, not to mention both are necessary for sections of the end to land as well as they do. The fourth trial is a direct call back to the first and was highly anticipated by me as you learn so much more about Mia Fey and the new prosecuter for the game, as well as see more of the mysterious witness from episode one. But the true star of this game is the fifth and final case, one of the few cases in the trilogy that rocked me to my core and had me completely and utterly invested from start to finish. Not only does the case wrap up the game great, it is also a stellar culmination of the entire trilogy. This case has it all, it brings back beloved characters, answers the burning mysterys that were previously set up, calls back to previous cases in both this game and the previous games, and becomes quit the tear jerker when you reach the final answers. The main characters are written so well and have such a deep connection to the player and the characters around them, especially as you realize how deep some of these bonds go and see new ones just beginning to form. The music was also fantastic, every track fits so perfectly in each moment and I could listen to Godot's theme for hours on end. This game is the perfect end to the original Ace Attorney trilogy to me and I am excited to see where things go in the rest of the games I have left to play. I so desperately want to give this game a full ten but my dislike for the third episode just can't allow me to do it as I heavily disliked the characters and their designs in the episode, even if the trial was interesting in the end.
#ace attorney#phoenix wright#trials and tribulations#ace attorney trilogy#maya fey#prosecutor godot#miles edgeworth
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FFXIV Stormblood Review
New Game Review!
This review does contain spoilers!
★ Score: 7/10 ★ Date Finished: Feburary 12th, 2024 ★ Final Thoughts: While not a proper game, the expansions for FFXIV serve the length of games in themselves therefore are included. Stormblood was quite an enjoyable expansion, only slightly weak because it falls after Heavensward which I enjoyed more. The plot is your typical rebellion story but has a unique twist as the WOL liberates two nations. I found half of the story more interesting than the first, the time the crew spends in Doma roped me in more than the Ala Mhigan side of things ever did. Doma was also full of new and loveable supporting and side characters as well as new locations that felt more enjoyable to explore. On the other hand Ala Mhigo was much more lackluster, especially the new areas. The dungeons/trials in this expansion were great, every time I unlocked a new one I was ecstatic to queue for it (something that I never felt in ARR and occasionally felt in HW). The music for this expansion is also good, especially the boss music that plays in the dungeons! But unfortunately this expansion has its drawbacks. The biggest supporting character, Lyse, is written rather poorly. Her character would be more fun if she happened to be a new character, but the reveal that she was acting as Yda for two expansions makes her character flounder. She is written originally as naive and reckless but with time gains a sense of responsibility and leadership, something she should already know from acting as a Scion, but if they were to remove her orgin of acting as Yda she would lose an incredible amount of depth. I wanted so badly to like her but found it hard until probably the final cutscenes. A few minor notes/compliants, the dialouge writing suffers occasionally and sounds goofy/took me out of the story. A few moments with voice actors had this same effect (often with Lyse and Zenos). Lastly, the final set of cutscenes perfectly both tie this expansion together yet keep me starving for more, plenty of loose ends are tied and cliffhangers/reveals are shown that made me beyond intrigued.
#ffxiv#final fantasy xiv#final fantasy 14#ff14#stormblood#ffxiv stormblood#ff14 stormblood#game review#video games
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