52 posts
Hi! I'm Amy, a United States based student!
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academicamy · 4 years ago
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Hello! I’m finally back after a month break. I’m happy to be back and am going to try and post 2-3x a week and post daily on my stories. If you have anything you would like to see let me know! A little update on me. I’m about a week and a half from finishing up my freshman year which is insane! I can’t believe I’m going to be a sophomore next year. So this next week is going to consist of a lot of reviewing for my finals even though my teachers haven’t told me what is going to be on my final🙄 Then I have 3 days of finals the week after and I’m done with school that Wednesday! How much longer do you have of school? - - - - - - - #Studygram #study #studying #studyasthetic #studygramcommunity #studynotes #studymotivation #notetaking #digitalstudy #digitalnotetaking #onenote #notes #smallstudygramsupport #onlinelearning #studyaccount #studyinghard #notestagram #studygrammar #studyinspiration #ipadnotes #revision #goal #productivity #studytime #studyblog #studysession #studyinspo #instastudy #mathhomework (at Studying at home)
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academicamy · 4 years ago
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qotd: if _____ was an Olympic event, I would totally take gold. Does anyone else have problems writing captions? I find it hard to think about what to talk about. I’m not a very interesting person so I don’t have a lot to say randomly. Does anyone have any tips for this? - - - - - - - #Studygram #study #studying #studyasthetic #studygramcommunity #studynotes #studymotivation #notetaking #digitalstudy #digitalnotetaking #onenote #notes #smallstudygramsupport #onlinelearning #studyaccount #studyinghard #notestagram #studygrammar #studyinspiration #ipadnotes #revision #goal #productivity #studytime #studyblog #studysession #studyinspo #instastudy #mathnotes (at Study Study Study)
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academicamy · 4 years ago
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qotd: when does your school get out? happy tuesday!! today marks one of my last days off of school until the end of the year. let me tell you how much i am hanging onto my days off. plan for today: • complete my biology research powerpoint • watch the history documentary (2 hours) • write summary for history documentary • write a page for technology class • Complete math problems • send out all the emails needed i like to use my days of during the middle of the week to get as much work done as possible. it helps me be able to relax for the rest of the week. (at Studying at home)
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academicamy · 4 years ago
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Happy Easter🐣🐰 - Easter is one of my favorite holidays because it’s in the spring. I love that it’s usually warm and the sunny is shinning. As a young child, we would have Easter egg hunts at home and at church. Then we would get to go to my grandfather’s house for a delicious meal. We get to go see my grandparents outside for a bit today which I’m very grateful for since we weren’t able to last year. Do you celebrate Easter and if so what is your favorite part? - - - - - - - #Studygram #study #studying #studyasthetic #studygramcommunity #studynotes #studymotivation #notetaking #digitalstudy #bulletjournal #aprilweeklyspread #notes #smallstudygramsupport #quotes #studyaccount #studyinghard #notestagram #studygrammar #studyinspiration #bujoweeklyspread #revision #goal #productivity #studytime #studyblog #studysession #studyinspo #instastudy #weeklyspread
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academicamy · 4 years ago
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What are the big events coming up in April for you? - I’m back!!! I had a very stressful last week of March so I took some time off. I appreciate all the love I got even while I was off. I am very excited to start April fresh. I love April for 2 reasons. The first one is that the weather gets so nice! It’s 70 degrees right now! And the second one if that it’s my birthday later this month! It’s such a joyful time for me because I love celebrating birthdays. I hope you all are doing well! Let me know what you have coming up this month! - - - - - - - #Studygram #study #studying #studyasthetic #studygramcommunity #studynotes #studymotivation #notetaking #bulletjournaling #selfcare #bujo #notes #smallstudygramsupport #onlinelearning #studyaccount #studyinghard #notestagram #studygrammar #studyinspiration #ipadnotes #monthlyquote #goal #productivity #studytime #monthlytheme #studysession #studyinspo #aprilbulletjournal #april (at Spring Time)
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academicamy · 4 years ago
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What are you currently reading? - More Than Maybe is written from the perspective of seniors Vada and Luke. Luke is the son of a punk rocker and holds a podcast along side his twin brother Cullen. Vada is a music reviewer at her mother's boyfriend's local bar, who is determined to become famous for her reviews. These two have to deal with their crushes on each other, Cullen releasing a bootleg recording of Luke singing about a mystery girl and if they can make their love work through the chaos. - Spoilers Below (skip to the end for my final thoughts) - This was a great YA contemporary! I love books that the characters have hobbies that are central to the book and music filled that role here. Vada and Luke were such loveable characters. I connected to Vada and her planning. Luke was a character that I felt like many would swoon over. The side characters were also amazing! I loved that there was a LGBTQ+ relationship shown with Cullen and Zach. Mia was such a funny character and made a softer side of Vada appear. I loved that Vada and Luke sent songs back and forth. I grew up listening to many of those songs so I loved being reminded of them! If you haven't heard one of the songs, I highly recommend giving it a listen! These characters were realistic and they jumped off the page! You could see how Luke came into his own through the course of the book. Vada didn't have as much personal growth in my opinion but I did enjoy seeing her family grow. Phil and her mom were so cute!! (hide spoiler)] - Final Thoughts: I really enjoyed this book! This was a book that I got sucked into the characters' world. I connected to Vada and feel in love with Luke along side her. This is the prefect YA contemporary for those who enjoy a realistic teen romance that fills you with happiness. Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 - - #Studygram #book #morethanmaybe #bookstagrammer #booklover #bookrecommendations #booksbooksandmorebooks #booksofinstagram #booksbooksbooks #studygramcommunity #digitalread #bookblogger #bookworm #bookstagram #bookaddict #bibliophile #bookish #bookwormlife #totalbooknerd #booknerdproblems #justread #bookreviewer #readstagram #yaread #erinhahn #bookjournal #contemporaryromance
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academicamy · 4 years ago
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Do you mix up words? - I mix up words all the time!! I’m half British but live in the United States so I’ll use an British English word/expression instead of the American version and that just ends up confusing everyone. I’ve gotten better as I’ve gotten older but when I was younger, most of my friends just learned what I meant. - - - - - - #Studygram #study #studying #studyasthetic #studygramcommunity #studynotes #studymotivation #notetaking #digitalstudy #digitalnotetaking #onenote #notes #smallstudygramsupport #onlinelearning #studyaccount #studyinghard #notestagram #studygrammar #studyinspiration #ipadnotes #revision #goal #productivity #studytime #studyblog #studysession #studyinspo #instastudy #mathnotes
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academicamy · 4 years ago
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Another weekly spread!! - I just started another theater production so these next 4 weeks are going to be super busy!! I really enjoyed making this spread so that was a good start to my week! How is the start of your week going? - - - - - - - #Studygram #study #studying #studyasthetic #studygramcommunity #studynotes #studymotivation #notetaking #digitalstudy #digitalnotetaking #onenote #notes #smallstudygramsupport #onlinelearning #studyaccount #studyinghard #notestagram #weeklyspread #studyinspiration #ipadnotes #revision #goal #productivity #studytime #studyblog #studysession #studyinspo #instastudy #bulletjournal
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academicamy · 4 years ago
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As Far As You'll Take Me is about a gay teenager Marty, who is escaping his small Kentucky to go live in London with his cousin to try and make it as a professional oboist. As his time and money dwindles, he has to reconcile with the family and friends he left behind and the new friends and relationship that he has made in London. - Spoilers Below (skip to the end for final thoughts) - This was an amazing story. I loved how many different issues were brought up. Marty is only 17 and that shows. He has to deal with his first relationship, making new friends and dealing with his parents and friends back home. I liked how it talked about the anxiety of being in a new place. We see that Marty really tries to grow past this by the end of the book. The anxiety and pressure he feels was what made him feel like a real person to me. I also enjoyed the diversity in people. I didn't enjoy that Marty's parents didn't get to grow from being homophobic. I feel like that was cut off in the end and we didn't get to see their relationship try and mend itself. I also thought that the handling of eating disorders/body image was kind of glossed over and should have been handled more carefully. - Final thoughts: I really enjoyed this book. It was a very quick read and would have been a one day read other than I had school. I felt like I could see myself in Marty and that let me connect with him as a character more. The diversity in characters was wonderful to see. If someone was looking for a book with LGBTQ+ representation, I would recommend this book. I would warn anyone about the mentions of body image, eating disorder, anxiety, and homophobia. - - - - - - - #studygram #book # books #bookstagrammer #booklover #bookrecommendations #booksbooksandmorebooks #booksofinstagram #asfarasyoulltakeme #philstamper #studygramcommunity #digitalread #bookblogger #bookworm #bookstagram #bookaddict #bibliophile #bookish #bookwormlife #totalbooknerd #booknerdproblems #justread #bookreviewer #readstagram #yareads #fiction #epicreads #bookjournal #lgbtqreads #lgbtq🌈
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academicamy · 4 years ago
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☘️Happy St. Patrick’s Day☘️ - Do you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day? If so how? - I always love St. Patrick’s Day because it’s a fun holiday to celebrate. Pre COVID, there was always a parade with dancers and beads. It was something we looked forward to. Although it was a school day, everyone seemed to be enjoying dressing up in green. A teacher at my school was even wearing a kilt! Anyway I hope you had a good St. Patrick’s Day!! - - - - - - - - #Studygram #study #studying #studyasthetic #studygramcommunity #studynotes #studymotivation #notetaking #digitalstudy #digitalnotetaking #onenote #notes #smallstudygramsupport #onlinelearning #studyaccount #studyinghard #notestagram #studygrammar #studyinspiration #ipadnotes #revision #goal #productivity #stpatricksday #studyblog #studysession #studyinspo #instastudy #stpatricksdayspread
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academicamy · 4 years ago
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Thank you so much for 200 followers on Instagram! - Hi everyone! I wanted to make a post thanking everyone who has followed me! I started this account just wanting to connect with the studygram community. To be able to do that and have people that I can relate to is a breathe of fresh air. I hope you know that I really do appreciate everyone. I want to do something to celebrate so leave something for me to do in the comments or in the question box on my stories! - - - - - - - #Studygram #study #studying #studyasthetic #studygramcommunity #studynotes #studymotivation #notetaking #digitalstudy #digitalnotetaking #onenote #notes #smallstudygramsupport #200followers #studyaccount #studyinghard #notestagram #studygrammar #studyinspiration #ipadnotes #bulletjournal #goal #productivity #studytime #studyblog #studysession #bujospread #instastudy #thankyou
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academicamy · 4 years ago
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What is your favorite study snack? - A new week, a new spread! I have been loving my plant theme! I found my inspiration from @cem_bujo! Thank you for posting that fantastic weekly spread. To answer the question of the day, I love dried cranberries. They are something small that I can leave in a bowl and eat with only one hand. I also love smoothies so that I don’t have to use any hands at all! - - - - - - - - #Studygram #study #studying #studyasthetic #studygramcommunity #studynotes #studymotivation #notetaking #digitalstudy #digitalnotetaking #onenote #notes #smallstudygramsupport #onlinelearning #studyaccount #studyinghard #notestagram #studygrammar #studyinspiration #ipadnotes #revision #goal #productivity #studytime #studyblog #studysession #studyinspo #instastudy #weeklyspread
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academicamy · 4 years ago
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Another book done in a day😯 - Salt to the Sea by Rutha Sepetys is a historical fiction World War II novel. The novel switches between the perspectives of Joana, Florian, Emilia and Albert. Joana, Florian and Emilia are fleeing East Prussia towards the promise of freedom, the Wilhelm Gustloff ship. Albert is a sailor stationed at the port where the Gustloff is harbored. Each of these characters holds a secret. Tragedy strikes while the Gustloff is sailing and each of the over 10,500 passengers must fight for the same thing: survival. I loved this book. Though it was a reread from a couple of years ago, it did not disappoint. I cared deeply about Joana, Florian and Emilia. The next paragraph contains spoilers so skip to the end to see my rating. - As stated before I loved this novel. I loved Joana’s and Florian blossoming romance. It proved that the war couldn’t stop love. It added another human aspect to the novel. This was a real, moving book. Emilia’s and the Shoe Poet’s death were devastating. The shoe poet, although a side character, was a guiding character. It was adorable that Klaus, the orphan boy, called him Opi or grandfather by the end of the book. Emilia’s journey of having her baby was heartbreaking. I couldn’t believe that she only got to know her daughter for a few hours. The epilogue did give me some peace of mind. I enjoyed that klaus and halinka, the baby, got to grow up together and that halinka became a swimmer. Over this wild be one of my top recommendations for a WWII historical fiction book. - What historical fiction novel would you recommend me? - Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 - - - - - - - - #studygram #book #books #bookstagrammer #booklover #bookrecommendations #booksbooksandmorebooks #booksofinstagram #booksbooksbooks #salttothesea #rutasepetys #studygramcommunity #digitalread #bookblogger #bookworm #bookstagram #bookaddict #bibliophile #bookish #bookwormlife #totalbooknerd #onedayread #booknerdproblems #justread #bookreviewer #readstagram #yareads #fiction #epicreads #bookjournal (at BookLand)
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academicamy · 4 years ago
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A one day listen! During a late night scroll through my local library I came across this book. I remember vaguely hearing about the #1000blackgirlbooks movement. I wanted to try and get back into audiobooks so this appealed as it seemed a light hearted book. Although Marley herself did not read the book, Damaras Obi did an amazing job! Marley provided thought provoking topics about getting involved in your community. She also gave tips on how to utilize social media, start a campaign and how people can get more involved in activism. I was pleasantly supposed with this read. I wasn’t expecting an amazing thought provoking book and that’s what I got. It was only around a 3 hour listen and I listened to it on 1.5 speed. A one day read that I did not want to stop listening too! Overall it was a very good book! Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 - - - - - - - #studygram #book #books #bookstagrammer #booklover #bookrecommendations #booksbooksbooks #booksofinstagram #bookshelf #audiobooks #reading #1000blackgirlbooks #studygramcommunity #booknerd #bookblogger #bookworm #bookstagram #bookaddict #bibliophile #bookish #bookwormlife #totalbooknerd #onedayread #booknerdproblems #justread #bookreviewer #readstagram #epicreads #yareads
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academicamy · 4 years ago
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Your value is not determined by someone else! - Q: how is your day going? A: I’m just having a relaxing day so far. I want to get a few tasks done but I don’t have the pressure of a due date. I have a biology summary to do that is due on Monday. I also have to do a grageband project for another class that is due next Friday. So I should get those done before I go back to school on Monday😣 - - - - - - #Studygram #study #studying #studyasthetic #studygramcommunity #studynotes #studymotivation #notetaking #digitalstudy #digitalnotetaking #onenote #notes #smallstudygramsupport #onlinelearning #studyaccount #studyinghard #notestagram #studygrammar #studyinspiration #ipadnotes #revision #goal #productivity #studytime #studyblog #mentalhealthquotes #studyinspo #instastudy #positivityquotes #digitalquotes
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academicamy · 4 years ago
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Happy International Women’s Day!💙 - There are many great women who have done amazing things. We see these women around us. They raise us, they teach us, they govern. On March 8, we honour these women for their achievements. This women’s day, I wanted to honour one of the great heroes that we lost in 2020. Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States from August 10, 1993-September 18, 2020. She served the United States until the day she died. She broke through many barriers during her time in the court. She was only the second woman on the Court and the first Jewish woman. She was a liberal justice who fought for gender equality and women’s rights. She was a woman that many of us could model ourselves after. A dedication to her art form. The ability to stand up for some while not standing on others. Picture 1: My bullet journal spread Picture 2: Her official portrait, 2016 Picture 3: Her getting sworn in on August 10, 1993 Picture 4: Her being laid to rest in state at the Capitol. - - - - - - - #Studygram #study #studying #studyasthetic #studygramcommunity #studynotes #bulletjournal #bulletjournalideas #womenshistorymonth #internationalwomensday #notoriousrbg #creativejournaling #genderequality #ruthbaderginsburg #supremecourt #womensday2021 #bujolove #womeninleadership #womeninlaw #girlssupportgirls
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academicamy · 4 years ago
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What’s your aesthetic? - I’m back! I took some time off from this account. I explained this in two stories this morning. To sum up I was really burnt out of everything. Something had to be put on pause and that ended up begging this account. I’m very excited to be be back. I probably won’t be posting everyday like I was for the first month of this account. I will try to post on my stories more often so that I can keep updating you all daily. Is there anything that you would like to see? I want to make a community in this account. Let me know what you want to see more of! - - - - - - - #Studygram #study #studying #studyasthetic #studygramcommunity #studynotes #studymotivation #notetaking #digitalstudy #digitalnotetaking #onenote #notes #smallstudygramsupport #onlinelearning #studyaccount #studyinghard #notestagram #studygrammar #studyinspiration #ipadnotes #revision #goal #productivity #studytime #studyblog #studysession #studyinspo #instastudy #ushistorynotes #historynotes
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