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The flamingo. They/them
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a-fools-work · 53 minutes ago
I'm really excited to read this!
Now I need to know, what is lupus automata? Am I spelling that right idk. I love your brain already i need to know it's wildlife
It’s the original story I’ve been working on since 2019 about a group of outcasts in space that get picked up by a government agency to pilot a mecha that destroys giant planet eating monsters !
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a-fools-work · 6 days ago
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Humans Are Extinct (Yandere!TWST x Fem!Reader) Monster AU links
Warnings; monsters galore, yanderes, romantic yanderes, platonic yanderes, Yandere behavior, possessive behavior, unreliable narrator (reader), slight gore (for some creatures), my AU is a darker retelling of the TWST world, mention of eating Humans, mention of my AU's history, slower burn for some and right to yandere for others
Pt 1:
Pt 2:
Pt 3:
Pt 4:
Pt 5:
Pt 6:
Pt 7:
Pt 8:
Pt 9:
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a-fools-work · 7 days ago
Easiest way to rebel, give them nothing
USA people! Buy NOTHING Feb 28 2025. Not anything. 24 hours. No spending. Buy the day before or after but nothing. NOTHING. February 28 2025. Not gas. Not milk. Not something on a gaming app. Not a penny spent. (Only option in a crisis is local small mom and pop. Nothing. Else.) Promise me. Commit. 1 day. 1 day to scare the shit out of them that they don't get to follow the bullshit executive orders. They don't get to be cowards. If they do, it costs. It costs.
Then, if you can join me for Phase 2. March 7 2025 thtough March 14 2025? No Amazon. None. 1 week. No orders. Not a single item. Not one ebook. Nothing. 1 week. Just 1.
If you live outside the USA boycott US products on February 28 2025 and stand in solidarity with us and also join us for the week of no Amazon.
Are you with me?
Spread the word.
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a-fools-work · 9 days ago
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Currently making mini keepsake jars for my sister. She's having a baby and some people tend to keep the first baby tooth or stuff like that.
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a-fools-work · 10 days ago
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A minecraft thingy i made for my cousin, hopefully he likes it!
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a-fools-work · 10 days ago
You really need to make non-tragic past for your characters, significant people and events that impacted their lives, non-dramatic mundane moments that shaped them, happy memories, bitter memories, embarrassing memories.
Like yes the space princess lost her whole civilization, but did she have friends before that? Favorite place? Does she miss the sound of her favorite music she use to listen to?
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a-fools-work · 12 days ago
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a-fools-work · 12 days ago
Please, please help me spread the word and help. The situation is getting more difficult for us and we are suffering from very miserable conditions. Despite all this, donations have stopped because my accounts were closed and a group of Zionists reported and closed my accounts. I am in dire need of you and I thank everyone who stood by me and I am indebted to you for that. Please stand with me in these very difficult times.
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‎‏ Verified by
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Verified by Link here 👇
@90-ghost. 👇
@northgazaupdates. 👇
@vetted-gaza-funds. 👇
@riding-with-the-wild-hunt. 👇
@gazagfmboost. 👇
@sar-soor @90-ghost @sayruq
@mitzle @brownpaperhag @kordeliiius
@notbrucewayne48 @prokopetz
@gaza-evacuation-funds @gaza
@gaza-evacuation-funds @palestine
@celesteange @catnippackets
@nabulsi @palestinecharitycommissionsassoc
@palestinegenocide @thishartominefeelz
@acepumpkinpatrick @palestine @13ag21k
@the-bastard-king @boyvandal-blog
@apsswan @youdontknowwhothisisokay-blog
@sealuai @palipunk @malcriaada
@acepumpkinpatrick @watermotif @heritageposts
@pcktknife @dykesbat
@timetravellingkitty @deathlonging
@briarhips @dirhwangdaseul
@rhubarbspring @transmutationist
@sawasawako @feluka@irhabiya
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a-fools-work · 13 days ago
Support a Family in Need ❤️
Mohamad has endured immense loss and is now burdened with debt while trying to protect his sister and her five children. He desperately needs our help to secure their safety and give them a fresh start.
We’ve reached 19% of our goal (€3,715/€20,000), but there’s still a long way to go. Every euro makes a difference. Every share spreads hope.
This isn’t about names, backgrounds, or beliefs. It’s about humanity.
✅ Verified by Association:
@bilal-salah0 Here
🔗 Donate & share: Donation Link (gofundme.com)
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a-fools-work · 13 days ago
Attention all African American Aces!
We got our own holiday(February 16th)
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Can’t wait for SoulAce Day!
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a-fools-work · 14 days ago
Urgent ‼️ essential 🙏‼️🇵🇸💔
✅️Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #373 )✅️
Hi everyone, I'm Ali, 24, from Gaza🍉😔.I'm going through a really tough time right now💔. I lost my job, my house was destroyed, and I lost all my dreams💔😔. It's been really hard on me, and I've been struggling to keep going.I used to be a law student, and I had my heart set on becoming a lawyer. But now, I'm just trying to find a way to make ends meet and feed my family🥹💔.I've started a campaign to try and get them something simple to ease their hunger. I'm reaching out to you with hope, knowing that your support can make a life-changing difference for me and my family. My family and I are facing a difficult time due to the harsh winter weather and the poor condition of our tent.I'm struggling to meet our basic survival needs. I would deeply appreciate any help you could offer.😔🙏
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@fllagellant @jjjammerson @verycolourfulflipflops @genericminecraftpotato @probablynotaskeleton @sh4dowdancer @bonicedemandarina @radic @weareweirdpeople @ash-the-bee @ettaberry @cryptd @cthulusposts @eastgaysian @uhhh-i-dont-know @charc-arts @hexblooddruid @strawbebbyboba @strawberri @rawdvd @rinthesecond @brookepagebe @kixflip @1p0lly1 @morihaus @rattlesnake-acrobatics @thatonebored-juniorcolleague @my-multi-fandom-blog @slyfire @constellationriver @moonfox-mumbles @mauvethecolor @banananerdworld
@l3mon-boy @sliipppy @stargazinglesbian @transguyhawkeye @i-am-the-half-dead-soul-l @futuristicchaospoetry @antigxnee @exactlydangerousdragon @charcoalsoup69 @0luna123 @th3ch1psste4ler @thegardenersson @thegardener-and-theaupair @luminouslatch @zzzugzwanggg @crisostomo @uhoh-but-yeah-alright @preemptivemolars @gayruledge @danyayeni2 @agentmoss @solitudecasesolace @demonpikmin @capybara-platypus @ambreeskyewriting @q8p @death-cannot-kill-you @all-purpose-utility-nerd @all-purpose-utility-nerd @slendyverseargcollections @neonflashback @momfriend2800 @luvmonet @womenbehotfr @seventhefurbfather @c0-j-c0 @ignore-this0 @space-ace-books @olivedacat @exhausted-asterism @iphigenia-wailing @enderenby404 @implalazz @lunar-eclipse-bunnies @microwavesex
@a-court-of-valkyries @thegoodwitchluz-uea @diagnosedhorsegirl @bebbls-craft-blog @the-acid-pear @moviequotes23 @nickbluehour @number1ludicolofan @inkslingerr @madspades @decadentmuffindreamscissors @taptrial2 @virovac @blue-jacket-blues @tacit-semantics @timeless-orchid @cinnarainbow @aziraphaleapologist @harley-angel @swapauanon @yakiattaki @piratefry @pegglefan69 @writing-is-a-martial-art @ohmerricat @mildmayfoxe @sunnyartistwriter @moonrisemoonchild @senlinstudies @birdmenmanga @rabbithaver @jolyne-best-jojo @just-a-mod @officialgleamstar @ehjane @cosmicsymbols @treeen @spunkfunkyzzz @fairedoll @trashrunes @skiddlecat @tim-the-rat @whatyouvegotunderyourskirt @kurtle @rabidkermit @splend-42 @dustywarbler @400terahertz @poltiddies
@yourlocaleccentricscientist @honeybeeffdrawshere @jayskai @astronnonyy @artsyrosie @halfmoonism @whisper-valley @loonfromq @here-sean-once-was @waiting-on-mars @bandtrees @mpregwizard @goosecorp @grapejuicedragoon @chloefrazer @hauntedcloudtheorist @sanaimissyou @zigcarnivorous @silver1012345 @ebenrosetaylor @promiscuousasexual @lord-of-the-froggies @duovxq @dapokemonmadster @saffronbaklava @labutansa @dqrknight @spaceswordblaster @importantt-reblogs @e-102 @moonssugar @toughknit @bisexualpositivity @garbagevarmint @katealot @littleredhatter @totally-correct-cr-quotes @petra-creat0r @kaxtwenty @temperedxanthippe @aligaytorsoup @sleeppatrol @lady-of-bath @cockworkangels @theredfields @craftykittyscientist @dustoftheancients @thatsonehellofabird @phoenix-awan @comrademango @neogotchi @the-butter-churner @sketching-shark
@godspersonalclown @elyserie @glassoddity @the-ballerina-battle @antixabound @mydearalandro @batricity @floof-ghostie @taffywabbit @official-ducktown @cathyac @rosengine @deadauthorssociety @thecrimeofmans-laughter @vampthropologist @good-old-gossip @inkatesbush @fishfingersandscarves @shoutyourporpoise @cuntbrow @pikslasrce @thetrickyjokester @claudia-lioncourt @dimplesandfierceeyes @mortalityplays @cetitan @mar64ds @labutansa @truefrostedagony @deadly-vuu @that-faerie-in-the-corner @amiya-shirou @emmanuor @farsight-the-char @colorfulatlas @laxsland @lepardlover @bismoaking @homunculusalphonse @zone0neko @galactic-mermaid @cosmic-horrors-in-forests @rubiter20 @swordofazrael1992 @lowcallyfruity @uwabbittuwabbit @labutansa @dilfzuku @pelorsdyke @reyesstrand @luvqwish @sherbetp0p @starlightsugar
@fr0ge @whatislovevavy @timeless-orchid @magentasky234 @swapauanon @yakiattaki @pegglefan69 @writing-is-a-martial-art @bug-s0da @ohmerricat @mildmayfoxe @sunnyartistwriter @rabbithaver @madeline-kahn @unabashedmagicalgirlfan @averagenotnormal @emathyst9 @pet-shop-of-horror-fan @reyesstrand @rainy-fog @thefakehedgehogaroundhere @discreative @antixabound @liamins @thenextglamourousbard @jolyne-best-jojo @officialgleamstar @cosmicsymbols @spunkfunkyzzz @fairedoll @tomboyjessie13 @citrusfruitman @baldwin-10-12-d @kirbytripledeluxe @just-a-queer-fanboy @quellstak @whatyouvegotunderyourskirt @xinakwans @leotanaka @andva-ri @mima-sama @galax-dragon @hauntedcloudtheorist @50c14lly4nx10u5 @saffronbaklava @thespacegardener @cows-quack @heydreamchild @temperedxanthippe
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a-fools-work · 16 days ago
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a-fools-work · 16 days ago
We need to be strong
The State department has changed LGBTQ to LGB.
If you claim to care about trans people now is a good time to show genuine ally ship.
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a-fools-work · 16 days ago
It's the gulf of MEXICO you don't get to change it for some bs reason!
Hey. International people.
Keep calling it the Gulf of Mexico or whatever your term is for it. Do not allow the Republican regime to label that body of water the Gulf of America to the world. The name came from a the term Mexica, what the Aztecs called themselves. It’s been called the Gulf of Mexico since the 1600s.
Keep calling it Mount Denali. The original name before it was Mount McKinley. Don’t let the First Nations be erased.
It may sound stupid and petty. But it is an attempt to rewrite history and make us forget the origins. It is a literal white washing of history. This type of censorship is a beginning to greater evils.
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a-fools-work · 16 days ago
Fuck American Healthcare fr
Dudes healthcare is so fake. My ADHD meds are $940 without insurance. But they gave me a website of "coupons" which straight up looks like a scam website, and I got it today for $60! Just a coupon from a random website and it was $900 cheaper. America, I am confusion!! America explain!!
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a-fools-work · 20 days ago
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No one wants to leave the country they grew up in, but news like this shows how difficult it is to live in Gaza with homes, schools and hospitals destroyed.
So I hope you can help me evacuate my family from Gaza so that my father can get treatment abroad. I beg everyone who sees this to either donate or participate so that we can get out of this nightmare.
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a-fools-work · 23 days ago
One of my favorite oc's to date!
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A special thanks to @albanenechi for their amazing bases. They're really helpful for learning proportions and are the best I've used.
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