Starlight Starbright
51 posts
Writer, Artist, and Gamer. Genderfluid Genderqueer. AlloAce. Pronoun Experimental. ADHD, Major Depression and Anxiety. BPD Dissacociative/MaDD Symptoms. Queer Inclusionist. Profiction. Pro-Endogenic. Paracritical.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
1800queeragenda · 2 years ago
First year of artfight! Let’s see how it goes…
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1800queeragenda · 2 years ago
I Made an Aethy Account!
After catching up with what's going on and stuff, I've made an Aethy account juuuuust in case things go more haywire. You can find me at ( https://aethy.com/@1800queeragenda )! Let's be buddies! ^o^
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1800queeragenda · 2 years ago
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Needs A Hug
The poor little meow meow. The traumatised one. The one that just can't catch a break. You have a tragic backstory, and it just doesn't get better from there. You. get beaten up, sacrificed, nearly die, your crush doesn't like you back, you develop a mental disorder, almost die again... all of tumblr wants to hug you and then write angsty fanfiction about you.
Anyone who follows me should totally try this out! ^o^
1. FIRST, create a picrew using this maker, and then 2. SECOND take this quiz on how fandom would see you if you were a fictional character.  3 (THIRD) POST YOUR PIC AND YOUR DESCRIPTION IN THE REBLOG!
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Bastard (Good)
You’re a bastard. A wet cat, if you will. And we love you for it. You’re a little shit, but in the good way. You are the baddest babygirl. You killed a man, but you looked good doing it. You flirted with the hero and the enemy. All of Tumblr is madly in love with you. Congrats, I guess?
Tagging EVERYONE but especially @magicaltear, @the-beeses-kneeses, @wafflesrisa, @mykingdomforapen, @marbat, @scientistsinistral, @halberdierminister​!
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1800queeragenda · 2 years ago
OP you are literally siding with a pro-censorship puritist-cult that has over 50 reported cases of actual real life child molestors within the group, tells twelve year olds to kill themselves, and sends gore pics and actual CSEM to people over a few pixels on a screen. Go outside and stay out of our tags.
Please learn the difference between fiction and reality
fiction affects reality!!!! there is Nothung more weird than going "yes i want to see a fictional child in sexual situations" like im Sorry but theres only so much times you can think that before applying it to reality.
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1800queeragenda · 2 years ago
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I just saw "DNI: if you're a proshipper (don't support abortion)" on someone's DNI?? how do you confuse two wildly different things for each other that hard???
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1800queeragenda · 2 years ago
hi im neutral on shipcourse and ur so mad :p i think suibaiting is bad and i also think your loli porn should be censorshipped :pppp and i will never call myself an anti and i will never call myself comship and ill neeeeevvvver not clarify i am neutral despite you guys’s (“you” being proshippers, because ive never had an antishipper question the fact i am neutral) insistence on black and white lines
Congratulations, you literally just stated you’re an antishipper without actually saying your an antishipper.
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1800queeragenda · 2 years ago
People who claim to be "neutral" on "shipcourse" (which I don't even fully believe in but we can get into that some other time) can make my blood boil sometimes. Like, it's not that hard folks, do you think suibaiting and cyberbullying and artistic censorship are OK or not? If yes, the puricultists are happy to have you, if not, then you're on our side. Your neutrality is nonexistent. Based on the literal definitions of each side of shipcourse, a neutral stance literally CANNOT exist. Not every single topic has a grey line in it.
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1800queeragenda · 2 years ago
i hope you can recover from being a proshipper… sending love /srs
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Adding to the list of puricultists that have found the audacity.
Anyways what are you doing in the normal people tags? You should go back to the cyberbullying suibaiter tags where you would feel more comfortable? Or maybe just go outside. I think you could benefit from that.
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1800queeragenda · 2 years ago
i am so sorry for whoever taught you proshippers and endo systems are ok i hope you can learn and move on from that
I was speechless for a moment. I lowkey wish I had the confidence that this anon has; I deserve it more than they do considering who they're siding with.
No, I don't think I will "learn and move on." I think I will be a considerate person as I have always strived to be, thank you very much.
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1800queeragenda · 2 years ago
hey, thank you for making this blog. i wish all antis realized 'proshipping' used to be normal. proshipping used to be the basis of what a fandom was. i remember growing up and popular ships were the twins from ohshc and multiple related homestuck ships. you just lived and let lived and its like everyone needs to butt in on everyone business now.
that and they obviously dont know what proship even means. its just "don't harass people for ships you dont like".
Tell me about it! I'm so sick of puricultists and their demonization of our terms in an attempt to make themselves seem like the good guys, all while they encourage suibaiting and cyber-bullying over fictional content instead of helping actual victims that they claim to stand by!
Also thank you! I'm glad that some of my posts have sparked joy in you! ^o^
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1800queeragenda · 2 years ago
Surprise. I live to see another day after months of being inactive. Anyways, returning to this.
In the end I couldn't really come up with any symbolism I could put in this flag? I'll leave that to the rest of the paraneutrals. Perhaps something symbolizing safety and restoration/healing?
However, I did simplify and change the colors of the flag a little bit. The colors were my main focus.
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This is what I came up with a while ago, and I figure I might as well share it now! Got a bit creative with the two sides there. Wanted to give it a flair to provide better distinction.
Let me know what ya think Karma!
A term for those who are okay with most paraphilias, however exclude harmful paraphilias such as "the big three" for one reason or another.
Emojis: 💟🌺, 💌🌸, ❤️‍🩹💮, pretty much any variant of pink heart + flower
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Admittedly this is pretty self indulgent, I want to be able to call myself "pro-para", but I've come to see that a lot of people using that label also support the big three which I don't. It felt wrong to call myself "pro-para" after that, hence this coin.
Anyone else is free to use this term, and the flag is free to use with credit!
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1800queeragenda · 3 years ago
New proship blocklist dropped. Pretty small right now. It's stated that the blogs listed at the moment have broken the lister's DNI but they've stated they're willing to expand it and put those who are minding their own business on it.
Stay safe folks.
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1800queeragenda · 3 years ago
Ahn, I think I might get this actually? Or at least, my quirky lil' brain is interpreting it for its own inner-workings.
Creepy (Spicy): Spine chills. Punches you in the gut. Sends your heart to limbo and back. A roller-coaster of emotions.
Wet: Very subtle. Slow, increasing tension. Mystery and obscurity. You won't know what hit you until the fog clears.
Acidity: More subtle than Creepy but more immediately impactful than Wet. Unpredictable. Eases you in and then suddenly seismic tosses you into a rock. Keeps you on edge.
Of course I don't know the context behind this, like, at all. This is just kinda how I see it as.
Is this fanfic creepy or wet
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1800queeragenda · 3 years ago
I actually much appreciate your comment mlepnosstan. You communicated your thoughts in a calm-ish way without personally insulting me, and without directly equating the Fiction Freedom community with pedophiles. That's a rarity among your community. It's a very refreshing change.
Although, of course, ultimately I'd have to disagree with most of what you've stated here.
I am not going to deny that there are some horrible people that parade the title of "proshipper" or "profictionist" and participate in our community. That's how it is with every community in the world. There are always going to be some bad apples. Because of this fact, I tend to asses the community as a whole and what it stands for.
After much assessing of this entire "shipcourse" mess, I ultimately determined that even if I DID agree with you and the rest of your group, I would never call myself an anti and would not support them. This is because time and time again, the anti community has proved that it is not a safe and welcoming space. It's more judgemental and isolating than my psychologically and emotionally damaging christian-raising, which is frankly saying quite a lot. Honestly, no wonder I was easily brainwashed as a teenager into adhering to anti-rhetoric; it was familiar to me.
But besides that, there's also the fact that there are multiple well known cases of the anti community doing some...extremely horrendous shit. I heard that some of them sent ACTUAL real life CSEM to Ao3. Another horrible story I heard about was about this proshipper minor who's CSEM photos were spread by antis. I've heard multiple tales of antis telling proshippers that they "deserved their abuse" and send them gore pics and drawn depictions of their sexual trauma. I STILL haven't forgotten about the twitter thread with over 50 to 80 sourced accounts of individuals within the anti community who turned out to be actual sex offenders.
I barely hear about this kind of stuff within the Fiction Freedom community. You would think that the community that "glorifies problematic content" would be the ones behind all this, but no, it's the community that poses themselves as morally superior. That's not to say that some proshippers don't do some of these things too, but they're usually few and far between and are discouraged by us to do so. The anti community ENCOURAGES this behavior, whether it be by ignoring the problem, or through sentences such as "what they did was wrong, but the victim is not a good person." Such sentences belittle the victim's trauma. A person who draws lines on a piece of paper, or writes words on a note book shouldn't have to deal with this, but they do. I do. My entire community does, even the minors.
In a way I would agree that minors aren't safe in the Fiction Freedom community, but not because of us specifically. If anything, the anti community is more of a danger to minors, considering they are very well known to do a lot of the messed up shit I just described up above. There's also the fact that sex offenders can more easily hide in spaces where purity and innocence are advertised. As long as outwardly, they appear to be a decent person, they can hide in the shadows and hurt the vulnerable without being noticed. This is why it's VERY important not to water down these kinds of terms. If we water down the word "pedophile" and "child-chaser" we make it easier for those kind of people to get away with harming others.
My re-blog up above was meant to prove a point about that: it was meant to give really jerky antis a taste of their own medicine, and help them realize that these things that they do are not OK, especially considering this entire discourse is centered around fiction content, which is not real and does not directly impact the real world on a 1 = 1 basis. To say otherwise is a delusion. The teenage boy that played Call of Duty often was not influenced by that game to shoot up his school. The most influential figures in a minor's life are their parental figures. If the minors go to their computer screens to learn their morals through fictional content, that's not a sign that said fictional content can't exist: it's a sign that that minor has bad parents who gave up their parental responsibilities and named the Ipad as their child's babysitter.
And finally, to address your issues with me naming Amanda Todd in all this: I used her name for a very explicit reason. I remember Amanda Todd's demise being the start, or perhaps the intensification of the stop bullying and cyber-bullying movement. Those phrases were constantly hammered down throughout my childhood and teenage years. Did they actually work in schools and online? Not really, but nowadays cyber-bullying has become more rampant then ever before, and is especially displayed within shipcourse, and that TERRIFIES me.
Amanda Todd: a symbol of the harm that harassment and suibaiting can cause, is slowly being forgotten, and as this happens and technology progresses, more and more people are beginning to lash out on each other and perform the same acts that murdered a teenage girl. Me mentioning her was meant to bring some shock value and really get the anti community's wheel's turning, and her inclusion within my argument in a sense correlates with the topic, as many minors within the Fiction Freedom community that are around her age have gone through similar exploitation from antis, and ultimately that's what this very flag is for.
I hope this message has given you a bit of insight into our community, and on this whole "shipcourse" situation as a whole. Oh, and again, thank you for expressing your thoughts the way you did; it helped me to better articulate all of this.
The Fiction Protection Flag
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Hello folks! I have returned with a darker version of the Fiction Freedom Flag (which represents the Proship/Profiction/Antihara/Comship/ETC community as a whole, regardless of term preferences).
I call this flag the Fiction Protection Flag. If the Fiction Freedom Flag was meant to spark unity, creativity, and joy, this flag is meant to spark anger, grief, and rebellion.
The colors are actually based off of an Antishipper flag I found once. I thought the colors were pretty, So I simplified and edited it a bit to make it more pleasing to the eye (for me anyways) and reclaim it for a better purpose.
As usual, a dove was used to represent the "Dead Dove Do Not Eat" phrase that often encapsulates the community. This time however, it is a lonesome black dove carrying a flower. This is supposed to represent a tribute to the victims of Antishippers and Harrassers.
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The specific stripe meanings are as follows:
Burgundy - Mourning of Comrades Who Took Their Lives From Harassment: Exactly what it says on the tin. This stripe serves a similar purpose to the black dove on the flag, but more specifically represents victims who were driven to take their own lives because of Antishippers. The Stripe of Grief.
Scarlet - Rage Against Abusers and Harassers: Also pretty self explanatory. The fury of a mother bear protecting her cubs. The anger of the oldest child who's sibling was bullied. This is the rage I am referring to. A desire for peace, frustration with the horrors of the world, ETC. The Stripe of Courage.
Lilac - Unity: This stripe is actually taken straight from the Fiction Freedom Flag's Stripe of Camaraderie. It represents the unity and solidarity of Proshippers, Profictionists, Antiharrassers, comshippers, etc. The stripe of Community.
Iris - Protection: Another stripe taken from the Fiction Freedom Flag's Stripe of Justice. This stripe represents our collective community supporting each other and defending ourselves and our comrades against harassers and abusers. The Stripe of Strength.
Indigo - Justice: This stripe represents morality and the carrying out of justice and the laws of compassion and understanding. It screams for karmic retribution on the abusers and harassers that have unrightfully harmed others under the guise of adhering to purity. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. The Stripe of Order.
And of course, here's the blank version:
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Once again, I hope this flag is useful for others!
Oh, and I appreciate the lovely feedback I've gotten on the Fiction Freedom Flag. Thank you guys so much! It was my pleasure to make!
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1800queeragenda · 3 years ago
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Don't you love it when a bunch of Antis/Puricultists are being god awful in the reblogs of one of your posts, and when you snap and give them a taste of their medicine to try to prove a point to them, they completely miss the lesson?
Yeah, it's not fun being accused of something that horrid when the accusers don't even have any actual basis or proof to do so, huh?
Also, I love how the one that started this all, @ asters-disaster, went into my DMs, stalked my blog and insulted and antagonized me despite me telling them to leave me alone, and used their neurodivergence to guilt trip me when I stated that I could and will call the cops if I had to. Way to go to make your side look bad aster!
Sure, I could have just blocked them immediately, but then they'd just do that crap to other people. I wanted to try to get them to recognize their errors and block me themselves, but that didn't happen. Now I have them blocked instead, unfortunately. I might provide some of the funniest screenshots if asked, or if not. Depends on how I feel.
The Fiction Protection Flag
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Hello folks! I have returned with a darker version of the Fiction Freedom Flag (which represents the Proship/Profiction/Antihara/Comship/ETC community as a whole, regardless of term preferences).
I call this flag the Fiction Protection Flag. If the Fiction Freedom Flag was meant to spark unity, creativity, and joy, this flag is meant to spark anger, grief, and rebellion.
The colors are actually based off of an Antishipper flag I found once. I thought the colors were pretty, So I simplified and edited it a bit to make it more pleasing to the eye (for me anyways) and reclaim it for a better purpose.
As usual, a dove was used to represent the "Dead Dove Do Not Eat" phrase that often encapsulates the community. This time however, it is a lonesome black dove carrying a flower. This is supposed to represent a tribute to the victims of Antishippers and Harrassers.
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The specific stripe meanings are as follows:
Burgundy - Mourning of Comrades Who Took Their Lives From Harassment: Exactly what it says on the tin. This stripe serves a similar purpose to the black dove on the flag, but more specifically represents victims who were driven to take their own lives because of Antishippers. The Stripe of Grief.
Scarlet - Rage Against Abusers and Harassers: Also pretty self explanatory. The fury of a mother bear protecting her cubs. The anger of the oldest child who's sibling was bullied. This is the rage I am referring to. A desire for peace, frustration with the horrors of the world, ETC. The Stripe of Courage.
Lilac - Unity: This stripe is actually taken straight from the Fiction Freedom Flag's Stripe of Camaraderie. It represents the unity and solidarity of Proshippers, Profictionists, Antiharrassers, comshippers, etc. The stripe of Community.
Iris - Protection: Another stripe taken from the Fiction Freedom Flag's Stripe of Justice. This stripe represents our collective community supporting each other and defending ourselves and our comrades against harassers and abusers. The Stripe of Strength.
Indigo - Justice: This stripe represents morality and the carrying out of justice and the laws of compassion and understanding. It screams for karmic retribution on the abusers and harassers that have unrightfully harmed others under the guise of adhering to purity. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. The Stripe of Order.
And of course, here's the blank version:
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Once again, I hope this flag is useful for others!
Oh, and I appreciate the lovely feedback I've gotten on the Fiction Freedom Flag. Thank you guys so much! It was my pleasure to make!
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1800queeragenda · 3 years ago
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Holy fucking shit, my eyes are burning just from reading this. I am completely revolted. @teemdd I am so sorry you had to deal with this crap!
Anyways, since these puricultists obviously aren't gonna listen to reason, here's one simple command for @asters-disaster , @eatmysoul666 , @whimsyworm , and @mlepnosstan :
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The Fiction Protection Flag
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Hello folks! I have returned with a darker version of the Fiction Freedom Flag (which represents the Proship/Profiction/Antihara/Comship/ETC community as a whole, regardless of term preferences).
I call this flag the Fiction Protection Flag. If the Fiction Freedom Flag was meant to spark unity, creativity, and joy, this flag is meant to spark anger, grief, and rebellion.
The colors are actually based off of an Antishipper flag I found once. I thought the colors were pretty, So I simplified and edited it a bit to make it more pleasing to the eye (for me anyways) and reclaim it for a better purpose.
As usual, a dove was used to represent the "Dead Dove Do Not Eat" phrase that often encapsulates the community. This time however, it is a lonesome black dove carrying a flower. This is supposed to represent a tribute to the victims of Antishippers and Harrassers.
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The specific stripe meanings are as follows:
Burgundy - Mourning of Comrades Who Took Their Lives From Harassment: Exactly what it says on the tin. This stripe serves a similar purpose to the black dove on the flag, but more specifically represents victims who were driven to take their own lives because of Antishippers. The Stripe of Grief.
Scarlet - Rage Against Abusers and Harassers: Also pretty self explanatory. The fury of a mother bear protecting her cubs. The anger of the oldest child who's sibling was bullied. This is the rage I am referring to. A desire for peace, frustration with the horrors of the world, ETC. The Stripe of Courage.
Lilac - Unity: This stripe is actually taken straight from the Fiction Freedom Flag's Stripe of Camaraderie. It represents the unity and solidarity of Proshippers, Profictionists, Antiharrassers, comshippers, etc. The stripe of Community.
Iris - Protection: Another stripe taken from the Fiction Freedom Flag's Stripe of Justice. This stripe represents our collective community supporting each other and defending ourselves and our comrades against harassers and abusers. The Stripe of Strength.
Indigo - Justice: This stripe represents morality and the carrying out of justice and the laws of compassion and understanding. It screams for karmic retribution on the abusers and harassers that have unrightfully harmed others under the guise of adhering to purity. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. The Stripe of Order.
And of course, here's the blank version:
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Once again, I hope this flag is useful for others!
Oh, and I appreciate the lovely feedback I've gotten on the Fiction Freedom Flag. Thank you guys so much! It was my pleasure to make!
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1800queeragenda · 3 years ago
Thank you so much for coining this term! I had a similar sentiment and wondered why something like this hadn't existed until now.
If it's alright with you, can I mess around with the flag a bit? I like the X concept in the design but the colors are a bit dull and clashy in my eyes. I wanna try some alternate color combinations, and maybe add some symbolism if I can find any.
A term for those who are okay with most paraphilias, however exclude harmful paraphilias such as "the big three" for one reason or another.
Emojis: 💟🌺, 💌🌸, ❤️‍🩹💮, pretty much any variant of pink heart + flower
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Admittedly this is pretty self indulgent, I want to be able to call myself "pro-para", but I've come to see that a lot of people using that label also support the big three which I don't. It felt wrong to call myself "pro-para" after that, hence this coin.
Anyone else is free to use this term, and the flag is free to use with credit!
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