#paracritical flag
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karmatic-retribution · 2 years ago
That's the stance here! Apologizes if its not clear, but being Paracritical is intended to be pro-recovery and pro-therapy. It's more critical of those who try to frame the big three as something to be prideful of, particularly pro-contact/pro-consent big three or Radqueers.
I realize now in this post it seems I am strictly against them just for existing, but it's more I want them to get the help they need to recover instead of encouraging/indulging in that harmful behavior with things like 'pride flags' and such.
I am a bit uncomfortable with them being in online spaces with minors if they identify that way due to the fact I don't know what they do irl, but I'm not against them having their own space while recovering. This is why I don't allow them in my server, even if they're not inherently bad people, but having a server or such on their own where they could have a safe space to vent and talk on these issues I wouldn't be against.
Again, the real issue I have is with the ones that are not seeking recovery and actively indulging or being encouraged into enacting on those thoughts.
A term for those who are okay with most paraphilias, however exclude harmful paraphilias such as "the big three" for one reason or another.
Emojis: 💟🌺, 💌🌸, ❤️‍🩹💮, pretty much any variant of pink heart + flower
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Admittedly this is pretty self indulgent, I want to be able to call myself "pro-para", but I've come to see that a lot of people using that label also support the big three which I don't. It felt wrong to call myself "pro-para" after that, hence this coin.
Anyone else is free to use this term, and the flag is free to use with credit!
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radical-reclamation · 2 years ago
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Left is my Selina Kyle kin/Catwoman kin flag, left is oops-all-queerios's kleptoqueer flag. My flag was made with the concept of Selina Kyle/Catwoman in mind.
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1800queeragenda · 3 years ago
Welcome to Star's Domain (An Intro)
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About Me:
Pen-name: Star
Age: 19
Identity: Genderfluid Genderqueer, AlloAce, Pronoun Experimental
Personality: Spaced Out Sheltered Adult About to Get Run Over in the Walmart Parking Lot, Lives Off of Ramen and Poptarts, Fearfully Stingy, Gets Attatched Way too Quickly, Will Cry if you Text in a Negative Tone
Mental Health: ADHD, Major Depression and Anxiety, BPD Dissacociative/MaDD Symptoms Suicide Attempt Survivor Conflict Avoident but also Easily Frustrated
Hobbies and Interests: Writing, Digital Art, Worldbuilding, Pride-Flag Making, Gaming, Cartoons, Comics, Life Simulation Games, Sandbox Games, Fanfiction
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List of Current Projects (and associated masterposts):
The Ultimate World Building Resource List: TBC
PSYEQID (Personal Simplified Yet Expansive Queer Identity Dictionary): TBC
Pride Flags: TBC
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About This Blog:
This blog is basically my personal/project-related blog, and in essence my main blog (even though it's technically a side-blog). I post whatever the heckity heck heck I want on here. Flags, creative projects, personal rants, memes, cursed thoughts, ETC. There is no such thing as consistency here, this is simply my domain.
I do not have a DNI for my blog. I only have DNIs on certain posts, but even then I use DNIs only as a warning, not as a blocked entry sign. As such, anyone is free to personally message me and send me asks. Be warned, however, that if anyone gets too cray-cray in my Ask-box/DMs I WILL screenshot the evidence and call the authorities.
My stances are as follows:
Queer Inclusionist - I support all in good faith queer identities (Identities which are not blatantly and intrinsically harmful to others).
Alterhuman Supporter - Therians, Other-hearted, Otherkind, ETC, y'all are awesome! Keep doing you!
Profiction - Creative censorship is harmful to artistry and instills a shame-ridden puritanical community that lacks comfort, security, and safety.
Anti-Anti - Censorshippists and Puricultists (AKA: Antishippers) are not entitled to their opinions, as they are harmful and invalidate the experiences of others. I will show respect to the members themselves if given respect, but I will never respect their horrid ideology that kills and abuses others.
Paracritical - While I am accepting of most paraphiles, I am very uncomfortable with potentially harmful paraphiles such as pedophiles and zoophiles. I do not want to interact with them, neither do I "accept" that aspect of themselves. To be clear, these individuals are human beings just like the rest of us. I do not support harassment towards non-offenders for desires that they can't control. BUT I ALSO don't think they should be proud of said desires. I encourage these individuals to seek the help they need. There is a difference between have compassion for others and understanding when something is wrong. The Pro-paraphilia community leans more towards accepting these types of paraphiles as they are instead of supporting their journey to gradually overcome their attraction. Because of this, I am uncomfortable with the term Pro-paraphilia and use Paracritical instead.
Pro-Endogenic - As a singlet, my opinion on this topic is basically meaningless. Regardless, I still want to express my support for the Plural Community. I think it's rather ignorant of System Medicalists to adhere the DSM like it's a rule-book instead of a guide-book. it was written by humans, who are not that smart and commonly make mistakes, especially due to biases. Our understanding of science as a whole is constantly evolving; people should be more open-minded.
Anti-Transid - While some of the experiences under the Transrace, Transage, Transabled, ETC labels are indeed acceptable by themselves, lumping those experiences together to create umbrella terms with the "Trans" prefix (which commonly denotes transition from one concept to another) is dangerous, offensive, and bigoted. It undermines the experiences of actual minorities, and in some cases can be used as a means to harm innocents. Disclaimer: I DO support the Chronosian label, as it removes the harmful implications that the Trans prefix in Transage had.
With everything out of the way, enjoy your stay!
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radical-reclamation · 2 years ago
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First two flags are my necromancerkin, the third is aggressive-radqueer-cafe's mageiatróphilia flag. My flag was made with the concept of 'kins related to necromancers.
Hex codes of my flag in order: 581818 7B2121 A52C2C D50000 D47A7A 7FA588 9ED2AC EBEBEB D5D5D5 ADADAD 787777 000000
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radical-reclamation · 2 years ago
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First two flags are my medickin, the third is aggressive-radqueer-cafe's Iatróphilia flag. My flag was made with the concept of 'kins related to the medical field (i.e having The Medic from Team Fortress 2 as a 'kintype).
Hex codes of my flag in order: 940404 / DC3737 DD1515 / 9D3C3C E5A0A9 D5D5D5 EBEBEB A0A6E5 616DF5 / 4F5E96 3C4392 / 6D73A1
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radical-reclamation · 2 years ago
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First two flags are my dark regressor, the last one is strawberry-cicada's schrödingersage/schröage flag. My flags were made with the concept of age or pet regression which is considered "dark" or "impure".
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karmatic-retribution · 3 years ago
Lowkey feel the need to say smthn abt this in the nicest way I can:
I am plural, and it honestly bugs me that fake claiming happens a lot when that system doesn’t identify as traumagenic. I am traumagenic (maybe multigenic?) myself, but when I was first gathering my bearings I didn’t consider myself to be that way. (Also no, I am not your discourse chip to try and claim all non-traumagenic systems are traumagenic in denial, that's just how it was for me.)
To be as non-direct about this as possible, cause syscourse is honestly the last thing I wanna have involved in this blog, I’d prefer that people who fake claim systems purely because they don’t consider themselves traumagenic to not interact, or at the very least block @/karmaneme (my main) from the blog you’re vocal about it with. I'll be blocking too, dw, just don't want to accidentally interact.
If anyone comes to my inbox with syscourse or to argue with me about this I will probably block, sorry but not dealing with it </3
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radical-reclamation · 2 years ago
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The first two flags are my westernkin, the third is thefungiarchives's animespiritual flag. My flag was made with the concept of 'kins from western related media (i.e having a cowboy/cowgirl as a 'kintype).
Hex codes of my flag in order: A53600 DC4803 FF9B55 FED66E EBEBEB / FF4641
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radical-reclamation · 2 years ago
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Left is my unnamed flag, right is thefungiarchives's xenolovelanguage flag. My flag was made with the concept of healthy love in mind but is not related to love language. If anyone has name suggestions for my flag, feel free to reblog or comment!
Hex codes of my flag in order: BD7BA6 E0A9DC DDCDD8 FDF1F1 D5CDDD CDA9E0 A17BBD
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karmatic-retribution · 3 years ago
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⋗ [Haven Dusk Flag] - Profic/Antihara Flag
⋗ [Haven Dusk Flag - Color Corrected]
⋗ [Haven Dusk Flag Banners] 
⋗ [Paracritical/Paraneutral] - Term & Flag
⋗ [Carrd] - About/BYF/Etc
Pinned Post 💜
⋗ This used to state my main, but due to the Nothing Here 2023 event I’m going to remove this part. Just know that this is a side blog, not my main.
⋗ This post will be edited overtime, likes encouraged
⋗ If you are a minor, I strongly encourage you block tags #nsft and #nsfm as I'll use them to talk about things that are inappropriate to talk about around minors. Some things I'll tag with this just to be on the safe side even though I try my best to remain as sfw as possible.
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1800queeragenda · 2 years ago
Surprise. I live to see another day after months of being inactive. Anyways, returning to this.
In the end I couldn't really come up with any symbolism I could put in this flag? I'll leave that to the rest of the paraneutrals. Perhaps something symbolizing safety and restoration/healing?
However, I did simplify and change the colors of the flag a little bit. The colors were my main focus.
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This is what I came up with a while ago, and I figure I might as well share it now! Got a bit creative with the two sides there. Wanted to give it a flair to provide better distinction.
Let me know what ya think Karma!
A term for those who are okay with most paraphilias, however exclude harmful paraphilias such as "the big three" for one reason or another.
Emojis: 💟🌺, 💌🌸, ❤️‍🩹💮, pretty much any variant of pink heart + flower
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Admittedly this is pretty self indulgent, I want to be able to call myself "pro-para", but I've come to see that a lot of people using that label also support the big three which I don't. It felt wrong to call myself "pro-para" after that, hence this coin.
Anyone else is free to use this term, and the flag is free to use with credit!
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1800queeragenda · 3 years ago
Thank you so much for coining this term! I had a similar sentiment and wondered why something like this hadn't existed until now.
If it's alright with you, can I mess around with the flag a bit? I like the X concept in the design but the colors are a bit dull and clashy in my eyes. I wanna try some alternate color combinations, and maybe add some symbolism if I can find any.
A term for those who are okay with most paraphilias, however exclude harmful paraphilias such as "the big three" for one reason or another.
Emojis: 💟🌺, 💌🌸, ❤️‍🩹💮, pretty much any variant of pink heart + flower
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Admittedly this is pretty self indulgent, I want to be able to call myself "pro-para", but I've come to see that a lot of people using that label also support the big three which I don't. It felt wrong to call myself "pro-para" after that, hence this coin.
Anyone else is free to use this term, and the flag is free to use with credit!
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