#rough caretaking
whumpd-up-kicks · 2 months
A character who's been shot is captured by enemies/bad guys. They're bleeding badly, and their captors need them alive. The bullet is removed, and the wound is poured with alcohol and bandaged tightly - none of it is done gently, and, being tied up (and maybe gagged), they can do nothing but scream and cry out in pain while enduring the rough treatment.
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hurtmyfavsthanks · 4 months
Febuwhump day 3: "Bite down on this,"
Content warning: gunshot wound, rough caretaking
“Damnit, why the hell would you do that?!”
“I didn’t–I–,” Hero only stuttered in response, barely understandable. They were practically limp at Villain’s side, arm draped over Villain’s shoulder as they were dragged through the wilderness surrounding Supervillain’s forest.
Hero’s breath was coming out in panicked, choked wheezes, eyes wide and distant. Each frantic beat sent another gush of blood down their body, dripping from Hero’s side to fill the space between Hero’s and Villain’s bodies. Villain could feel the blood beginning to drip down their leg.
“I don’t need you to take a damn bullet for me! Not when we have no idea what Supervillain is capable of!” Villain hissed, voice tight.
“I don’t know why this is happening–!” Hero squeaked, a half scream. Their usual confidence was shattered, replaced with a genuine, raw fear that put Villain’s teeth on edge.
Villain didn’t know why it was happening either. Hero had taken far, far worse than a bullet without so much as bruising. A bullet should’ve been nothing to them. That fact was the only reason Villain had agreed to their teamup to defeat Supervillain. Hero was there to act like their shield, a big, dumb wall of muscle between Supervillain’s men and Villain.
So when Hero, that ever smug grin plastered onto their face, had swooped in between Villain and the barrel of Supvervillain’s gun, Villain’s only concern was the self-satisfied comments they would have to endure for allowing Hero to save their life.
They hadn’t expected shock to replace Hero’s grin. They hadn’t expected Hero to drop to the ground like a rock at their feet, eyes wide as red spread across their torso. They hadn’t expected a gleeful cackle from Supervillain, nor that the next sound to come out of Hero would be a scream.
And now they were running, dragging Hero’s half-limp body through the forest, Supervillain’s henchmen on their tails. They would die out here, hunted like simple prey animals, if something didn’t change soon.
“We’re stopping here,” Villain abruptly spoke, stopping when they found a small clearing. They moved over towards a fallen tree and, ignoring Hero’s cries of protest, rearranged their body to rest in a sitting position.
Hero’s body shook with effort as they tried to sit down. Their strength failed them halfway through, knees buckling and nearly sending them crumbling roughly to the ground. When they were finally positioned against the tree, Hero’s hands instantly moved to cover their injury.
Villain kneeled down and batted the hands away. Hero’s bloodied fingers still hovered anxiously near their torso.
It looked like a normal bullet wound, a fact that itself put Villain’s nerves on edge. Blood poured insistently from it, the red stain spreading with each second. Hero wouldn’t survive losing blood at that rate for long.
Villain leaned closer, until their eyes caught a flash of light. In the darkness of the forest, Villain could see something flashing a dull, unnatural green inside the wound. Whatever Supervillain had created to attack Hero with, it was still inside.
“I’m going to take the bullet out. Hold still.”
“W-what?! No-nononono I don’t–,” Panic instantly gripped Hero, their already paleing face nearly turning sheet white. They attempted to stumble to their feet, only to crumple back down with a choked gasp. “I’ve taken worse than this! Just–don’t touch it!”
“You have taken worse. I’ve personally thrown worse at you, and I’ve never once seen you bleed,” Villain pulled away for a moment, digging through their toolbelt to find anything they could use. “Something is wrong. Whatever bullet Supervillain made, it’s nullifying your powers. We have to remove it; you’ll either bleed out or be killed by Supervillain’s forces otherwise.”
“No!” Desperation laced the shout, so raw that Villain couldn’t help but stare at Hero in shock. Hero’s eyes were wild with terror as they squeezed their body against the tree, as if they could sink into the wood and hide away.
“I–I’ve never had to do anything like this! Nothing–,” tears were flowing unbidden now, leaving Hero to gasp pitifully. “Nothing’s ever hurt me! It’s gonna hurt, oh god it’s gonna hurt…I can’t do it!”
For a moment, Villain only stared, taken aback at hearing Hero, brave and obnoxious Hero, blubbering like a civilian.
The cruel part of their nature wanted to laugh. Here was their brave nemesis, someone who flew into danger without a second thought, who had faced countless enemies without fear, sniveling like a child at the doctor’s office. It was laughable, that Hero would be so terrified by something as simple as pain.
But the true terror, so foreign on Hero’s features, killed any humor Villain could feel at the situation.
It was very possible that Hero was right, that they’d truly never experienced something so natural as pain. When would they have, when even deadly force did nothing but inconvenience them? If a building falling on them couldn’t cause a bruise, what chance did everyday life have of harming them?
Hero had spent years, perhaps their entire lives, flying above the woes of mankind, immune to the pain they fought to protect others from. They’d simply never been hurt. And now their first taste of that so natural of hardships came in the form of a bullet lodged in their side.
For a brief moment Villain envied their usual immunity. For a much longer moment, they pitied Hero for their ignorance.
But they didn’t have time for pity.
“Please!” Hero sobbed, “Please, just leave it! It hurts, it’ll hurt–,”
“Look at me,” With rough hands, Villain grabbed Hero’s chin, silencing their pleas. They forced Hero’s tearful gaze forward. Terrified, shining eyes meeting Villain’s own determined glare.
“Yes, it will hurt. It’s going to hurt like hell, and you’re going to act like the damn hero you claim to be and take it. Do you understand me?” Villain didn’t break their stare for a moment. “I am not letting you die here. Supervillain doesn’t deserve the privilege of ending you. It is going to hurt, and you are going to endure it and save both our asses. Alright?”
For a long moment, Villain thought Hero would continue to fight them. They were still trembling, jaw shaking with muffled sobs, tears dripping onto Villain’s hand. Their whimpers were the only sound in the clearing.
But then something shifted in their eyes. It was not their usual strength or determination, it wasn’t bravery. It was something tearful and weak, but so trusting that it nearly knocked Villain off their feet.
So faintly that Villain almost mistook it for a tremor, Hero nodded. Villain nodded back.
They made quick work of preparing themselves. They turned to grab a handful of their cape, quickly tearing several strips to act as bandages. They scanned the forest floor and, after a moment of searching, found what they were looking for.
They brushed the dirt from a nearby stick, and presented it to Hero.
“Here, bite down on this. You’ll need it.”
Hero didn’t reach to grab the offered gag. Arms still pinned to their torso, Hero opened their mouth, leaning forward only slightly. Not unkindly, Villain placed the wood between their teeth. Hero bit down.
Gently, Villain moved Hero's body to the forest floor, laying them flat to expose their wound. Hero whined, low and pained, but their eyes never left Villain.
Villain returned to their toolbelt. After a moment of digging in their toolbelt, they found what they were looking for. A pair of long, thin tweezers, usually used for handling delicate wires, was held in their fingers. It would have to do.
Villain pulled themselves closer, trapping Hero’s legs with their own so they could sit over them, giving themselves full access to the injury. “Now, I need you to let me see your hands.”
Hesitantly, Hero’s hands moved instead to rest against Villain’s knees. They squeezed, grip tight.
Villain reached out and brushed a strand of hair from Hero’s face.
And then they got to work.
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jordanstrophe · 9 months
A protective caretaker that yanks whumpee's hand away from something (or someone) they think is going to hurt them.
*Bonus: Then not letting go.
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Whumpmas In July 2022 Day 21: Bleeding
Contents: gunshot wound, bleeding, rough caretaking
Chuuya only knew something was gravely wrong when Dazai stiffened imperceptibly.  The mere breaths of space between them let him feel the minor intake of air.  It was all the telegraphing he needed to know 1) there was a sniper ahead of them, 2) there was no room to maneuver without touching Dazai to take it out.
Chuuya yanked Dazai down by the collar of his trench coat and leapt over him.  A small flare of light came from the mouth of the tunnel.  Chuuya’s forward movement stuttered and pain knifed through his shoulder, but then he regained his momentum and flashed down the tunnel like a projectile from a railgun.
He stretched out his hand to the metal of a rifle barrel.  Gravity wrenched the sniper into the tunnel and pulverized his body with a crunch.  Chuuya landed and let out a breath that he didn’t know he was holding.  Then his knees buckled, and with a choked shout, he slumped to the ground.
He could hear Dazai’s shoes slapping up the tunnel, and the crunch of gravel as he skidded to a stop.  “Chuuya!”  Dazai knelt behind him and gingerly grasped his shoulders.  Even though the touch was light, Chuuya jerked forward with a pained gasp.
“Don’t touch me!”  Blood was soaking through his shirt and vest, staining the fabric bright red.
“We need to stop the bleeding.”  Dazai wrenched his partner backwards onto his lap, and Chuuya’s breath stuttered as he bit back a whimper of pain.  He picked up Chuuya’s hand and placed it over his wound.  “Can you hold?”
Chuuya grit his teeth and clamped his hand over the pulsing injury, blood seeping out and coating his palm in seconds.  His breath came in little abbreviated hitches, short and rapid, as if holding his breath would stop the pain pounding through his body.  He was sure his vision was going dark, until he saw Dazai poke his head back into view, blocking out the dark tunnel roof.
“When that guy fails to check in, they’re going to know we’re here.  They’ll send more men to take us out.  We can’t stay here.”  Dazai’s words were punctuated by rips and tears.  He had swiped Chuuya’s knife from its sheath and was cutting long strips from his coat.  “We’ll get you a makeshift bandage now, and when we reach one of the Mafia’s supply drops, we’ll get you a proper one.  Are you with me?”
“Ye-yeah.  Just do it.”
Dazai reached up and removed Chuuya’s hand, replacing it swiftly with a large wad of cloth.  He pressed firmly into the wound.  Chuuya threw his head back and yelled.  At the same time, Dazai pushed another bundle against the exit wound near the top of Chuuya’s shoulder blade.  Chuuya screamed and tried to writhe his way off of Dazai’s lap.  His partner held him down and started to wrap long strips tightly around the makeshift compresses.  Under, over, under – Dazai bound Chuuya’s arm to his torso, and his forearm up in a makeshift sling.  Heavy coat fabric swathed Chuuya’s collarbone and across his chest.  When he was done, Chuuya was sweaty and shaking.
Read the rest on A03.   Please reblog if you like it.
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critterbitter · 5 months
How did Elesa get a Blitzle as a starter if she's from Sinnoh? (hang on this is ironic she could've learned about warden ingo in school back there)
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Blitzle Elesa backstory under cut!
Blitzle was gifted to Elesa so she has an “easier time” integrating into Nimbasa by her well meaning dad. This is not the greatest move, since the two feel they are more obligated to stick together then, you know, actually choose each other. Blitzle’s meant to be a utility mon— he helps charge elesa’s hearing aid batteries and basically serves as an emotional support when things get rough. He’s… not the biggest fan. (I like to imagine Blitzle was originally part of a battle track, but his IVs aren’t the greatest so they shuffled him out. He’s a bit bitter about that.)
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Inciting incident where they actually start taking the proper steps to becoming partners is when Elesa takes a tumble down a hill and Blitzle twists his foreleg going after her. (Local child eats shit! More at 11.)
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They’re just kids, and they’re still learning.
(When Elesa decides to challenge the gyms, Blitzle’s so excited he accidentally trips their house’s circuits.)
((As for Elesa hearing about Warden Ingo, well… that’ll be a future issue.))
((DIRECTLY INSPIRED BY THIS ASK!! TY @scarftale-bryan ))
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Yes. YES.
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mj-iza-writer · 3 months
Rough grumpy Caretaker... how I love them. -MJ
Warning.... swear words used.
Caretaker peaked in to check on Whumpee, they had just put them down for a nap.
They slightly opened the door and caught Whumpee darting into the bed.
"You better have a really good reason for being out of that bed", Caretaker opened the door further.
"I'm sorry Caretaker, I....", Whumpee started to violently cough.
"Oh Whumpee fuck off and give me a break", Caretaker slipped into his old British sailer accent.
"I'm sorry. I wanted to grab my book, and then you came along", Whumpee pleaded.
"I didn't put you to bed to read. You are very sick and need to sleep. That temperature of yours could freaken cook an egg", Caretaker sighed as they started to tuck Whumpee back into the blankets.
Whumpee groaned as the blankets were violently shoved under them.
"Ouch, can we be a little gentler please", Whumpee winced, "I am sick after all."
"Oh hush", Caretaker held a cup of water and offered Whumpee a drink, "now if I come back to this room again and you are up, I will tie you to the bed. Am I clear? I better hear happy Whumpee snores."
Whumpee grinned.
"I mean it, unless you are getting a drink or going to the bathroom do not get up", Caretaker sighed as they set the cup down, "work with me here. Your complexion is horrendous, I mean, white paint has more color. Plus, your trash bin is overflowing with tissue for the second time today."
Whumpee nodded, "I'm sorry Caretaker."
Caretaker ran his hand through Whumpee's sweaty hair, "that's better. Now, we need to focus on you getting better. Please try to get some rest, I'll have some food and medicine ready for you when you wake up... okay?"
Whumpee nodded again, "thankyou."
Caretaker waited thirty minutes before checking on Whumpee again ... thankfully Whumpee had finally listened and was snoring away.
"My happy little chainsaw", Caretaker marveled at how loud Whumpee was as they stepped into the room.
They grabbed the thermometer and tucked it under Whumpee's tongue without disturbing their sleep. Even the ding didn't wake Whumpee.
"Temp is a little better now", Caretaker looked the thermometer over, "not where I'm wanting it to be though."
Caretaker sighed, "shit", he whispered, "I might have to take you in for some better medicine. What I have might not be cutting it."
Caretaker was fixing some soup for Whumpee when they heard them moving around.
"Dinner's almost ready if you want to come down here", Caretaker called.
Whumpee struggled down the hall.
"I just woke up and puked", Whumpee frowned.
"Let me guess, you didn't get to the bucket in time", Caretaker sighed, "where did it end up?""
"I did get to the bucket, but some got on my blanket to... sorry", Whumpee looked down.
"Okay", Caretaker sighed, "go ahead and eat, I'll clean it up."
Whumpee was hunched over when Caretaker came back.
"Whumpee?", Caretaker panicked, "Whumpee?"
Whumpee jumped up and started to mumble.
"You're going to the hospital... now", Caretaker hurried.
"No, no. I'm fine", Whumpee mumbled with a slur.
"Don't argue, you're fucking going to the hospital. You're beyond fine", Caretaker went to help Whumpee stand.
"Okay, but I can walk", Whumpee started to get up.
"Oh, you want to walk by yourself. Okay, that sounds fun to watch. Okay, let's see", Caretaker crossed his arms.
Whumpee started to walk, but fell forward.
"Shit", Whumpee moaned.
"That's what I thought. Alright come on, work with me. I'm not dragging your ass, but you won't make it by yourself", Caretaker threw one of Whumpee's arms over his shoulder and led them to the car.
Whumpee's temperature was checked on arrival at the hospital. It had jumped back up again.
Caretaker helped Whumpee into a chair and followed the staff as they rushed them back.
Caretaker sighed as they started to fill out the forms, "Whumpee", Caretaker muttered to himself, "pain in my ass. You're lucky I love you... at least a little bit."
Whumpee squinted their eyes open, the morning sun met them.
They jumped up realizing this was not their bedroom.
"Easy", they felt Caretaker's hand grab them, "you're okay, your fever got really bad. I had to bring you to the hospital."
Whumpee rubbed their head, "I've got a major headache", they looked around the room, "the last thing I remember was sitting down at the table, I don't remember anything else."
"Well, the staff here has been very helpful in getting your fever to break, they got you on some medication and fluids", Caretaker sighed.
"That's good", Whumpee leaned back again, "I still don't feel great, plus, this headache."
"We'll get you better", Caretaker pressed the call button, "I promise."
Whumpee nodded as they laid down, "thankyou Caretaker."
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all. @villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13 @notpeppermint @cyborg0109 @idontreallyexistyet @thebejeweledwatercat @painfulplots @whumpbump @everythingsscary @skittles-the-whumpee @expressionless-fr
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whumpdaydreamerx · 9 months
Burnt Money (2000)
@of-wounds-and-woes has a lovely gifset of this here!
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the-baby-storyteller · 9 months
Heeheeheehee manhandling.
Throwing a resisting whumpee into bed
Moving a weak or feverish whumpee from one room to the next
Bridal carriesssssss
Lifting and hefting up a whumpee under the armpits to help them reach something
Roughly pulling a whumpee out of trouble and into their arms
Gripping a Whumpee’s wrist when they try to run away
Restraining ill or injuredwhumpee to make them stay in bed
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whumped4whumplover · 11 months
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snakebites-and-ink · 2 months
Whumper-Turned-Caretaker CYOA 5
CW for the series | Masterlist
You chose to feed them.
Talking can wait; Whumpee needs a decent meal.
“Come with me. I’m gonna get you something to eat,” you say to them.
They look afraid. You can't blame them; usually you'd only let them eat after you hurt them. That’s probably about to come back to bite you now. Still, they obediently follow you to the kitchen, where you get started on fixing them a meal. You give Whumpee a glass of water to drink while you prepare their food. They drink gratefully, then warily watch you as you work. 
It’s not too long before the food is finished and the smell of it is wafting through the air. You catch Whumpee watching hungrily before they look away as if to pretend they weren’t.
You fix them a plate, set it in front of them, and refill their water. “Here, dig in.”
They look at the food, then at you, as if searching for a trick. They make no move to eat any of it.
“Whumpee, you need to eat something.”
“I can't, I have to earn it!”
You feel a small twist of satisfaction that your conditioning worked so well, but that's really not helpful now that you're trying to actually help them. “You don’t have to do anything to earn it anymore, Whumpee, I’m giving it to you—no strings attached.”
“Th-thank you, sir, but I should earn it first. I know.”
“No, you don’t. You can just eat. Please eat.”
“I can’t, sir,” they say in a small voice.
“Yes, you can.” You push the plate a little closer towards them.
Whumpee shrinks in on themself a little and shakes their head.
“Whumpee. This is irritating.”
They whimper slightly but don’t relent.
You’re starting to get a bit desperate. Whumpee will have to eat sooner or later so they don’t starve. They’re not in imminent danger of that, but it still can’t be good for them to go without eating for too long. But to “earn it,” they’d have to get hurt, which is what you’re trying not to do anymore.
“Please?” you say.
Whumpee looks unhappy but still doesn’t touch their food.
The poll option character limit was murder on this one.
@kabie-whump, @whumpanthems, @whumpsoda, @3-2-whump, @generic-whumperz, @taterswhump, @alivenova, @whumped-by-glitter, @expressionless-fr, @whumpycries, @whumpsday, @moons-cozy-corner, @echo-goes-aaa, @whumplr-reader
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hurtmyfavsthanks · 3 months
Febuwhump Day 29: Not Allowed To Die
Content warning: painful healing, temporary Whumpee death
The magic burned through them like lighting. Their body jerked with the feeling, spasming as once dead nerves were thrust back into new life. The feeling moved from their limbs inward, centering around a throbbing pain in their chest.
The magic focused on their heart. Whumpee felt phantom fingers circle their heart and press, forcing it to beat once more.
Whumpee’s mouth opened in a silent scream. They couldn’t breathe.
“Hurry, damnit!” There was a face above them. They were shouting, panic and exhaustion lacing their words. “I don’t–I can’t bring them back too many more times.” They felt hands digging into their shoulders, shaking.
“I’m trying!” Another voice, tense with concentration, responded.
The world smelled like burnt meat. Whumpee could see nothing but smoke in the sky, ash falling like snow. The forest was burning around them.
Through their tears, Whumpee saw a glow. Soft, warm, unlike the red of flames creeping in.
Glowing fingers dug themselves into the broken and bleeding hole in Whumpee’s chest, and Whumpee’s world went white with agony.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” Someone was speaking again. Something wet dripped onto Whumpee’s face.
They could hear it. They could hear their bones snapping into place, feel burnt and dead flesh becoming raw and bloody. They could feel months worth of healing happening within seconds, concentrated and agonizing. It felt like their body was being torn apart all over again.
Whumpee felt their lungs, burnt beyond any natural means of repair, reform within their chest. They inhaled, shaking and desperate, and felt their lungs press into a pair of hands.
Whumpee screamed.
“Just a little longer, okay? You’re doing so good–,” the voice near their head spoke, voice trembling. Whumpee felt a hand brush against their cheek, wiping away tears.
Whumpee’s head lulled limply on their neck. They wheezed, and tasted nothing but ash and blood on their tongue.
“No Whumpee please! Just hold on–,”
The sound was fading, the world turning dark. The pain was becoming distant. Whumpee embraced it.
The world faded out, and Whumpee felt themselves die. Something grabbed them. Not their body, broken and laying dead on the forest floor. Something grabbed them, the soul that had finally separated from their flesh. It dragged them down, a vice-like grip dragging them back towards that inferno. Dragging them into that broken, burnt shell they’d just escaped. Bringing the pain closer. Whumpee couldn’t fight it.
Whumpee opened their eyes, body lurching, as magic willed their heart to beat once more.
“Please!” Whumpee sobbed. They just wanted it to stop.
“Just a bit more!” Those hands on their shoulders tightened, and Whumpee felt their magic tethering them to their body. “You’ll stabilize soon, you just need to hold on so they can heal you-!”
That healing, burning light returned to their chest. Whumpee didn’t have the energy to pull away. They could only scream as their body was rebuilt.
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jordanstrophe · 1 year
Behave, 12
*:・゚✧ SURPRISE  *:・゚✧
CW: Whumper hospital, captive, restrained, manhandled, whumper turning caretaker, escape, annggssstt
A camera turned until it fixated on ‘the patient’. The patient who restlessly paced the small room back and forth, the camera keeping up with them like a spotlight. 
Whumpee stopped when the door started banging. They breathed shaken breath and put their back to the wall, their body aching in what was sure to be another series of ungentle tests. 
Whumper shoved their way inside and slammed the door behind them, shaking the wall whumpee had their back to as they jumped away from it. Without so much a hello, whumper grabbed both of their arms and pulled whumpee an inch from their face. 
“We’re leaving. Now. Right now.” Whumper hissed in their ear. 
The words didn’t seem to resonate. “Leaving” usually meant getting a walk around the halls for ten minutes and that was all the excitement they got for a day. But the way whumper said it this time, it meant something else. 
“Turn around.” Whumper grabbed their shoulders and twisted them to face the wall. Whumee’s wrists were grabbed behind their back as whumper tied them together with a strap. 
“Wh-...  What are you doing?” Whumpee froze. 
“I’m restraining you.” Whumper spoke in a hurry. 
“Why!? I didn’t take your keys this time!” Whumpee argued, squirming and pulling away. 
“I know! I know that, just... Just trust me, okay?” Whumper turned them back around and gave them a stern look. “Do you trust me?” Whumper asked in a calmer tone. 
It was a no, and a yes. Whumpee trusted them with their life, but didn’t trust that they wouldn’t hurt them. They had hurt them, countless times in the past.
“I-... I d-... I-” Whumpee stuttered, their eyes going anywhere but meeting whumper's unwavering stare. 
“It’s fine, whumpee it’s fine... I understand.” Whumper sighed, gently shaking them to quiet them down. “Just walk with me and behave yourself. Can you do that for me?” They asked.. 
“What’s happening?” Whumpee shook, worry painting their face. 
“Can you do it?!” Whumper suddenly raised their voice, jerking their shoulders as whumpee flinched into a nod. 
That nod was apparently good enough. Whumper grabbed their arm and led them out into the hall. It wasn’t gentle, or caring like they normally were. It was rushed, protective, forceful. 
“Hey!” A voice called behind them. They both froze and turned around, a doctor in a long white coat swiftly sped up to them. “What are you doing? You know you’re not allowed to see them anymore.” They shouted at whumper. 
Whumper let out a loud, drawn-out sigh. “Yes! Yes I’m fully aware of that! I just caught them trying to escape. We’re lucky I stumbled upon them in time.” Whumper argued back. 
~“What?”~  Both whumpee and the doctor gasped. 
“About had the door to the infirmary picked! I’m taking them straight to isolation.”
“I didn’t try to escape!” Whumpee barked at them. Their outburst was punished by a cruel yank as whumpee stumbled and almost fell over, having to use whumper’s shoulder for support. 
“Denying it won’t save you. We’re leaving. Now let's go.” 
Whumper turned whumpee back around and began leading them away. The doctor didn’t seem to want to argue and let them continue on with their punishment. 
Whumpee was too shaken to question what just happened. They trembled, and whumper who held the back of each of their arms could feel it. 
“You’re doing great, just keep walking.” Whumper loosened their grip and touched their shoulder. That was the touch whumpee was used to, gentle, calming. They didn’t walk to isolation either, but instead an emergency exit as whumper pulled out a key. They hesitated with it hovering over the lock.
“This will set off all the alarms, so we’re going to have to run, okay?” They whispered. 
Whumpee’s heart jolted a couple extra beats and surely their complexion visibly whitened. They looked at whumper, who only looked at them with seriousness.
"We’re leaving? Actually leaving?” Whumpee blinked.
“You’re not safe here and I can’t protect you anymore." Whumper smiled and touched their cheekbone.  
"Yes, whumpee. We’re leaving.”
[I really hope I managed to get everyone tagged who sent requests since the last time I updated the series. If I missed someone, please poke me with a stick] 
@serialobsesssor @fishtale88   @bluesoulpeace   roblingoblin285    @echo-of-umbra @whump-bunny  @pretty-little-whump @akaijisatsu  @whatiswhump @shannon-foraker   @whumpkitty @suspicious-whumping-egg @whatwhumpcomments  @whumpdreamz @elletheclover @whumpinhereyes   @veyroswin @dustypinetree  @anonintrovert  @cepheusgalaxy
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echo-goes-mmm · 2 months
Moonflower #16
Warnings: heavy drinking
“You did what?”
Iris stared at Kit. When Kit offered to talk to David, she expected… well she wasn’t sure what she expected. Not this.
“He didn’t want help, so I promised I would if he changed his mind,” he repeated.
“I heard you,” she pinched the bridge of her nose. “But did you have to make a promise promise? You can’t refuse that.”
“I know,” said Kit, an edge to his voice. 
“I get that you want to help, but I’m concerned. You can’t just promise things all the time. You’ll be compelled.”
“I know,” he bit out.
Iris stood from her chair, and Kit shrank back.
“I’m sorry. Please,” he whimpered.
She paused.
“It won’t interfere with our deal,” he begged, “Please.”
What was he afraid of?
“I just wished you’d talk to me first. That’s all.”
“Yes, Mistress. I won’t do it again.”
Iris sat back down, and Kit tried to steady his breathing. He gulped down air, and tried to ground himself with his palms on the floor.
Iris was still watching him from the corner of her eye, and he curled inwards.
“Why do you sit on the floor?” she asked, picking up another form. “It’s not like there’s an absence of chairs.”
Kit looked away. He didn’t want to say ‘because I got used to it’ or ‘because I’m a smaller target’ or ‘because I’m scared of you’ but these were all true things, and he could not lie.
“Kit?” He half expected her to compel him with his name with how angry she was with him before.
He worked the words in his mouth before answering. “It’s... easier.”
He could feel Iris’s eyes on him.
She turned back to her paperwork, and Kit felt the weight of fear ease up on his shoulders.
They fell into an uneasy silence, the only sound the scratch of pen on paper and the clinking of the glass inkwell.
She moved on from forms to the stack of mail on her desk; tearing open envelopes and pulling out letters.
Iris frowned, scanning the first bundle of paper before tossing it aside. The next one got the same treatment, and the next after that.
“Toss these in the fireplace, would you?”
Kit nodded, getting to his feet. He gathered the papers and put them on the arranged wood in the unlit hearth.
“What were they?” he dared to ask.
“Proposals. Courtship offers.”
“Most likely my aunt’s work,” she said, picking up an unopened letter and tossing it aside.
“Can’t you tell her to stop?”
“She wouldn’t.”
Kit hummed in sympathy. 
A knock sounded on the office door, and Kit rose to open it.
The door swung open before he could, and unfortunately it was Aunt Nicole.
“Speak of the devil,” muttered Iris under her breath.
Nicole walked into the room, past Kit. “Would you mind, dear?” she asked over her shoulder, smiling.
“She wants you to step out for a minute, Kit.”
“Oh. Of course.”
He left, gently closing the door behind him.
Kit leaned against the wall, next to Brennan. The knight raised a brow, but said nothing.
“You shouldn’t be spending time alone with that disgusting creature,” said Nicole with a slight scowl.
“There’s no need to be crass, Aunt Nicole. Kit bathes every morning.” Iris didn’t bother looking up from her paperwork.
“You know what I mean. I hear he eats dirt.”
“Rumors,” dismissed Iris. “You know how they spread.”
“Exactly. Spending time alone with a man you aren’t courting is not helping your case.”
Iris put down her pen. “My case? You may want to rephrase that.”
Nicole looked taken aback.
“That’s no way to talk to your aunt.”
“And that’s no way to talk to your queen.”
Iris stood, her chair scraping against the wooden floor. She pulled more courtship letters from the pile on her desk.
“This-” she said, waving the papers, “needs to stop.”
Nicole wrung her hands. “I’m only trying to look out for you. If your mother-”
“Don’t you dare,” hissed Iris. “You aren’t my mother, and you don’t get to offer my hand to every man in sight.”
She tossed the remaining letters in the fireplace. 
“I know what you really want, Nicky. And you aren’t going to get it.”
Nicole stood stunned at her hard work getting tossed like the trash it was.
“I’m not getting married. Not now, not ever. Understood?”
“Yes, your majesty,” she said, terse. She turned on her heel, and stalked out.
Kit’s ear twitched as he listened in on Nicole and Iris. 
She was so angry with Nicole, and what did her aunt really want if not just a marriage?
“Are you really able to hear what they’re saying?” asked Brennan.
“Yes,” he admitted. “Mistress is very upset.”
Nicole slammed the door open and swiftly strode away.
They watched her round the corner.
“You don’t say,” said Brennan dryly. Kit snorted.
“Kit, come here,” called Iris.
He waved to a farewell Brennan as he obeyed.
“Are you alright?” he asked, cautiously making his way inside.
“I will be,” she said, staring down into the unlit fireplace. It was stuffed with letters. “Burn these. And fetch me some wine. A bottle, not a glass.”
“Yes, mistress.”
With an easy flick of his wrist, the letters caught a flame and began to burn. Iris stood watching them, a muted expression on her face, and Kit left to get the wine.
The wine cellar was just off of the kitchen, and Kit scanned the racks of bottles.
He grabbed two at random, and hoped Iris would like one of them.
She was still standing at the fireplace, the fire casting her in orange light like an autumn oak in sunshine.
Kit set one bottle on her desk and opened the other. He joined her by the fire and passed it over.
She drank straight from the bottle, a long swig that made him uncomfortable.
He was no stranger to drinking, but she was upset, and surely getting drunk in her office would not reflect well on her. Iris cared a lot about appearances, and having them cast aside so easily concerned him.
“Would you rather drink in your room?” he asked gently, and she shrugged.
“What’s the point? The kitchen staff saw you take the bottles anyway.” She took another drink.
“You’re wearing heels,” he tried again, “and this hall is carpeted.”
She took off her shoes and tossed them behind her. “There. Fixed.”
Kit said nothing.
Iris sighed. “We’ll go when the letters are ash, alright? You win.”
Kit put her heels and dress away as Iris sulked on the couch. 
She was starting on her second bottle, and drunk.
He pulled a nightgown from her dresser.
“Here you are,” he offered, and she tugged it on, pulling her bra off and out from underneath and tossing it away.
“Thanks. You can go.”
Kit didn’t leave, sitting on the floor next to the couch. She needed company, and not just because she was drinking so much.
“Today was awful,” she said aloud. “I think I really fucked up.”
He caught on to her train of thought. “Nicole deserved it.”
“No, I mean,” she sighed. “I told her I wasn’t ever getting married.”
“No! It’s not good! Why would I say that? Especially to her!” 
Iris took another long drink.
“You’re going to have a hangover,” he warned. 
“Couldn’t you just magic it away?” she waved, gesturing with the bottle.
Kit hummed. “I suppose.”
Silence fell as Iris put her feet up on the coffee table.
“I don’t want to get married,” she admitted.
“Then don’t.”
“If only things were that simple.”
“They could be,” he said. “You’re the queen.”
“That’s the problem. I need to marry well, and have lots of children, but not too many,  because I’m the queen. For the good of the country.”
“What about for the good of you?”
Iris went quiet. “I don’t know what that looks like.”
taglist: @paintedpigeon1 @cupcakes-and-pain @loserwithsyle @cepheusgalaxy @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @virtualbreadtale @bitchaknso @starfields08000
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whumpasaurus101 · 8 months
Chapter Six
To the anon who sent the ask abt Niko bean, prepare for the next Chapter <3
Cw: rough caretaker / reluctant caretaker
Chapter One
- - -
Niko stared at the tiles in front of him, hugging his knees close to his chest as his vision was a blur. It was peaceful in the bath, small bubbles covering his arms as he smiled fondly at them. He blew at the bath suds, watching them float around him. The bath was so warm, his eyes grew heavy as he took a deep breath.
His back was a mess of dull pain and agony but the warmth distracted him. He was still shaking slightly but much less. Martyn had put a blue mixture in with the bath, telling Niko how it would help his muscles relax and feel less painful. And being honest? He already felt the throbbing die down slightly.
The clothes he had changed into were warm from the heat of the radiator. He was guided from the bathroom to some sort of medical room. His eyes scanned the place as he was slowly brought inside by Marcus. He had his warm jumper folded in his hands, cold tingling at his skin as he wasn't allowed to wear it yet.
“Take a seat,” the doctor mumbled, busied as he got his equipment ready, putting on gloves once he was ready.
Niko gulped but didn't hesitate as he hopped up onto the medical table, wincing as his back seared in pain.
The doctor scoffed, rolling his eyes, “You can quit feeling sorry for yourself.” He took out a wipe and came up behind Niko, wiping the wounds rougher than Niko was wishing for.
“Sh-shit that hurts-“ he was quickly cut off as the doctor grabbed a fistful of the captive’s hair, yanking his head back.
“Quit fucking whining before I restrain you.”
Niko snarled but sat still, showing the doctor that he could comply. For now.
The doctor huffed out another sigh before resuming his -practically- scrubbing. Niko bit his lip hard as his body tensed, “You- you could be a bit more gentle,” he growled, digging his fingers against the table. The wipe only came down rougher against his skin and Niko had enough.
He rushed to his feet, spinning around as he growled at the doctor, “You're only making it worse!”
The fury in the doctor’s eyes was Niko’s first warning before the man lunged forward and threw him against the table. He had gathered both of Niko’s wrists in one hand and slammed them over his head before growling in his ear, “I suggest you fucking behave before you make me loose my temper.”
Niko whimpered, squirming against the man’s grip as he tried to escape, “Le-let go, creep…”
The doctor’s grip only tightened as he glared at Niko, “If you don't behave in ten fucking seconds, I have no other choice but to get Martyn in here, and I am more than positive when I say that I know for certain that he would have no problem giving you an extra beating for this ridiculous behaviour.”
Niko gulped, clenching his jaw as he glared at the doctor, but his fighting soon stopped.
“Good boy,” The doctor smirked, knowing full well how much it angered the other while he ruffled Niko’s hair.
As the doctor cleaned his wounds, it felt like it was taking hours. Niko tried to silence his pathetic whimpers by biting down hard onto his fist, screwing his eyes shut. The last thing left was cleaning the cut which decorated his cheekbone from a hard punch to the face he had gotten earlier that day.
He winced as the wound was cleaned, trying to distract himself. The doctor was quiet, clearly not happy with his job. All that could be heard was the ticking of the clock. Niko’s eyes glanced at the two arms of the clock, small hand at the three, little hand at the-
Niko yelped as he was hit up the back of his head. “Nope,” The doctor smirked, “You're not allowed that.” He grabbed a fistful of Niko’s hair, shoving the other’s face to the medical bed, “Stay.” He ordered, humming to himself as he strolled over and took the clock, putting it face-down on the counter.
The doctor took off the plastic gloves, throwing them into the bin before making his way back over to Niko, smirking as he noticed the lad was still in the same position, “Good dog,” He chuckled.
Niko’s head snapped up with a growl as he glared at the doctor, “I am not a dog.” The doctor simply smiled the smug smile which never seemed to leave his goddamn face, “Alright, mutt, hands in front of you, Marcus will bring you back to Martyn.
Niko hated how Martyn seemed like a leisure compared to the doctor. He held his wrists out in front of him, showing he was no threat before he was led out of the door. Marcus took him from there, no blindfold this time. Niko glanced a few looks around the house, trying to take it all in but this house seemed like a blood maze.
He was shoved into a room, a soft carpet under his feet as he looked up, Martyn sat on the couch, smile on his face, “My buttercup, care to join me?”
- - -
Taglist: @blood-enthusiast @deckofaces @whumpifi @sleepy-dog-boy @whumpatize-me-captain @a-n-i-a-fan @sparrowsage @theelvishcowgirl @sorry-i-spaced @juniperspring @cherrychupachup @morning-star-whump @thelazywitchphotographer @kixngiggles @auroragehenna @fraugustends
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pastafossa · 5 months
“I will not have you without the darkness that hides within you. I will not let you have me without the madness that makes me. If our demons cannot dance, neither can we.”
-Nikita Gill
Okay I randomly found this and it has such gigantic TRT vibes!
Also how are you doing? I hope you are doing a bit better!💗
YOOOOOOOOO that's TRT 100%! 😭 I love love LOVE that quote, and yeah, it fits - both of their darker sides, their demons tangled together just like they are. Definitely going into my quotes folder, thank you! And I'm doing a little better! Mom's doing well enough that her PT person signed off on her being good as long as she's doing her stretches, although she still can't be alone and needs some help getting around, so I'm still in caretaker mode. As for how I'm doing missing my old kitty, like people promised me, it did wind up helping me by bringing his ashes home even if it was really, really hard to go into the vet hospital and ask for them bless the receptionist for being so nice when i started crying in the lobby while trying to tell her what i was there to pick up. He's beside my bed on the end table for now, since he always slept next to my pillow. I still miss him so, so badly and the grief is really raw - I don't know if it ever won't be - but it's slowly getting easier to manage. So I'm getting by! Ironically the snow storm's helped cause I like snow, and it's also given me something to focus on, and I've been playing a little BG3 every night for an hour or so to take my mind off it even when the snow can't.
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whumpdaydreamerx · 26 days
The Blacklist 1x09 | Donald Ressler Shot
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