whumpasaurus101 · 1 month
hey evryone! As some of yous know, Im on patreon, I am really trying to make money and I know on patreon I can sell digital products, any ideas for what people would like me to sell there? Im desperate at this point heh
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whumpasaurus101 · 3 months
Good Stories!!
These are just stories other people wrote that I realllllllllly enjoy(ed) reading AND also the stories that I am currently reading!! Because. Good. And people deserve more recognition nowadays honestly.
Currently Reading -> Hold On (@/flowersarefreetherapy) & Spy (@/redstainedsocks)
Home is where the hurt is | Custody (@/whumblr)
Jack and Asher | Niko and Co. (@/whumpasaurus)
Alfie and Dr. Harris (@/whatiswhump)
Burning at both ends (@/angst-after-dark)
Haziel (@/demondamage)
Nancy (@/coyotehusk)
A rose amidst thorns (@/sunhiline-writes)
Honor Bound (@/whump-tr0pes)
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whumpasaurus101 · 3 months
Chapter Ten
Ohhhh the whump in this- there is quite a lot teehee. Enjoy me rising from my hybernation of 2 months!
The chair let out a quiet groan as Cass readjusted himself in his seat, eyes staring plainly at the table which Martyn sat opposite him. They had stayed like this for a while. Not a single sound. Cass wasn't going to give Martyn  shit. He tried to keep his mind quiet. Keeping himself away from the situation away from his head. His team was going to look at him for what they should do next. But he didn't know. What they could do.
His eyes desperately scanned the room, searching for something- anything he could use as a weapon. Oh, who was he kidding?? They were doomed.
“So, tell me, Cass, why did you lot decide to come in and ruin my soiree?”
Cass clenched his jaw, his eyes still moving. He looked to the guard who stood at the door, rifle in hand held across his chest. Maybe if he caused a distraction he could snatch it and-
Cass yelped out as Martyn slammed his fist against the metal table, the loud sound echoing through the room, cutting crisp through his thoughts, “I asked a goddamn question. All your team has given me silence and I’m really getting tired of this, sweetheart.”
Cass grimaced at the name, shifting once more in his chair as he cautiously studied the man before him. The top half of hair that wasn’t buzzed was swept up neatly into a ponytail.
“Do you use gel in your hair?”
Martyn had to do a double take, his face slightly screwed up in confusion, “I beg your pardon?”
“Your hair, does it have gel in it?” 
“My- I- you what?”
“You said all you was getting was silence, I’m filling that silence.”
Martyn huffed out a sigh of disapproval, “It’s ‘were’, darling, ‘all you were getting’.”
Cass couldn't help but crack a smile, letting out a slight laugh, “I’m tied down to a fucking chair in a goddamn interrogation, I think my grammar is the last of my worries.”
Martyn held back a smile, readjusting his tie as he cleared his throat, “I like my things to be perfect-”
“Yeah yeah, hold up, I am not one of your.. things..” Cass spat in disgust. Martyn hummed in amusement, “Cute of you to think you can make decisions now. I’ve got you, Cass Brady.”
Cass tensed, “H-how- I-”
“I have my sources,” Martyn grinned, crossing his arms with a smirk, “Luckily, before you tried your pathetic attempt to save dear Niko, you gave my men and I just about enough time to go do some… research.”
Cass could feel his stomach drop to the ground. What the hell happened? All the years it had taken Cass to remove everyone's identity from any records so they were untraceable. Welp, apparently not.
“The Outlanders,” Martyn hummed, “A bit… whats the word…. Cliche, no?”
Cass set his jaw, glaring at the captor before him, “I was fifteen when I came up with it.”
“No need to get so defensive!” Martyn smirked, “It's quite cute actually.”
Cass’ fists clenched behind his chair, knotted in a rough rope as he felt anger bubble and burn in his chest, “What do you want?” He demanded.
“I want answers, Cass.”
“Well, good luck with that,” Cass spat, his eyes hardening, “I'm not telling you shit.”
Martyn folded his arms with a hum as he leaned back in his chair, “Oh really? Well, Mr Brady, I have something that just might change your mind.”
Cass’ blood turned cold as he saw the scene unravel before him. The door of the room opened and in walked a guard, dragging in a bloodied and bruised figure. Cass had to swallow down his own bile as he saw the face of the person, Cass.
“You see, in my research, I thought my men had made a mistake mistake with the matching last names- but as we dug deeper I knew a little,,, persuasion from your brother might do the trick!”
“D-d’nt te-tell hi-” Niko rasped, a mixture of blood and sweat dripping from his hair as his head hung low. He didn't have enough energy to lift it. God, if he had learnt one thing, it was that those guards were not as weak as they may seem.
“Let him go!” Casss roared, suddenly thrashing against the restraints.
“There we go, a bit of fire! Now, do tell me, why did you come uninvited to my party?”
“We-we honestly were just plus ones who-”
Cass was cut off by the gut wrenching sound of a fist colliding with skin. He watched in horror as his own brother collapsed to the ground with a cry.
Anger took over Cass, “Let him go.” His voice slightly shook but he didn't give a damn, he blinked furiously as he tried to hold back tears.
You know what you need to do in order to save him.”
“Bullshit!” Cass growled but that only drew another punch towards Niko. “I’m going to murder you, you son of a bitch!” Cass roared.
Martyn stalked closer in a few strides, snatching Cass by the jaw and yanking him so they were face to face, “Listen here you bitch-lipped son of a whore-” Cass flinched, his heart freezing in utter shock as he stared at Martyn- “Every single word that comes out of your mouth that isn't what I want, gets your brother one step further to his own fucking death.”
Cass stared up at Martyn in horror, his mouth slightly opened as his chest heaved with pants. What kind of leader was he- yelling and cursing? The first thing he told his gang was to never make things personal and always remain calm. God- god his brother, he had brought Niko into this goddamn life.
Cass took a sharp inhale before letting the breath out, he watched as Martyn lifted a hand, getting the guard to halt.
“There was… a target at your party… a target that we- well… we’ve been looking for for a while now…” Martyn’s eyebrow raised as he crossed his arms, “And this…target, it doesn't happen to be me, no?”
Cass’s eyes blow wide, “No! No not at all! I don't even know who you are!”
A shiver ran up his spine as the room filled with Martyn’s chuckle filled the room- then it dropped to utter silence and his smile fell. In a matter of seconds a hand wrapped around his throat.
“Let me get something clear, Cassius, I really don't like liars. So if someone lies to my face-” His hand tightened and Cass swore he saw stars- “Somebody gets hurt.”
Cass tried to scream as he heard the cry of his brother. Martyn forced his head to look at his brother being beaten relentlessly. But he couldn't make a noise, he couldn't move, He couldn't save his brother. So what use was he to his own team? ---
Taglist: @blood-enthusiast @deckofaces @sleepy-dog-boy @whumpatize-me-captain @a-n-j-a-maria @sparrowsage @theelvishcowgirl @sorry-i-spaced @juniperspring @cherrychupachup @morning-star-whump @thelazywitchphotographer @kixngiggles @auroragehenna @fraugustends @jupiter-lemaris @wishiwaskidnapped @books-are-everything @unforgivenn @bloodyandfrightened @dutifullykrispyland @whumpwhittler @plantixst @whump-queen @aryox
lmk if you wanna be added or removed <3
My patreon Buy me a coffee? &lt;3
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whumpasaurus101 · 4 months
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Candles now available!!!
maybe check out my shop if you have time mwuah mwuah love yas <3
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whumpasaurus101 · 4 months
also my red bubble for if you want any printed designs on stickers or clothes!
maybe check out my shop if you have time mwuah mwuah love yas <3
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whumpasaurus101 · 4 months
maybe check out my shop if you have time mwuah mwuah love yas <3
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whumpasaurus101 · 5 months
Sidekick's pathetic words were cut off as Villain grabs a fistful of Sidekick's hair, yanking their head back as they lent in close, lips ghosting against Sidekick's skin.
"Hero would be disappointing in you Sidekick..." Villain snarled.
Full piece on my patreon
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whumpasaurus101 · 5 months
Sidekick's pathetic words were cut off as Villain grabs a fistful of Sidekick's hair, yanking their head back as they lent in close, lips ghosting against Sidekick's skin.
"Hero would be disappointing in you Sidekick..." Villain snarled.
Full piece on my patreon
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whumpasaurus101 · 5 months
:O Its been a lil while since ive been on this, this is so cute!!! Thank you so much for the tag omg yays!!!!
Relationship status: TAKENNN raaa i love my girlfriend so much ohmygod
Favorite colour: GREEEN cause frogs :3 but two other faves would be blue andddddd pink :D
Song stuck in head: If We Make It Through December - Pheobe Bridgers
Favorite food: OOO sushi
Last song listened to: I, Carrion (Icarian) - Hozier
Dream trip: Greece and Italy
Last show/movie: Schitts Creek (i just finished it today and am gonna rewatch it tomorrow xoxoxo)
Spicy, sweet, or savory?: oh zayum- i love all of themmmmm raaaaaaaaa. depends what mood but normally sweet >:3
Last thing googled: just a bunch of job hunting things LMFAO
Tagging: @justalittlecorrupted @deckofaces @whumpifi @kaleidoscope-of-thoughts @spookyboywhump @uvanuva @whump-queen
Tagged by @mj-iza-writer , thanks!
Rules: Tag 10 or more people you want to get to know better.
Relationship status: Single. Happily so, but still open to the thought of mingling 👀
Favorite color: Any blue or cool toned purple
Song stuck in head: Slow dancing in the dark, by Joji
Favorite food: Pad Thai
Last song listened to: What's good, by Tyler, the Creator
Dream trip: Going to Costa Rica this summer, so I'll just say that :D
Last show/movie: Terrifier 2 (love Art. he's my babyboy <3)
Spicy, sweet, or savory?: Probably spicy, but sweet is a very close second
Last thing googled: Are mason jars microwave safe (they are!)
Imma just tag some random blogs I follow <3
@sickiehugs @dainluvr @roblingoblin285 @sunnynwanda @saraswritingtipps @shibara @whumblr @wh3nturtlesfly @oprhan @dappermouth
Of course, no obligation and no pressure :]
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whumpasaurus101 · 5 months
“I hate myself,” Whumpee rasped, their eyes filling with familiar tears, “I hate myself for how much I miss you…”
They leant their head against the window as they were engulfed in sobs.
“Oh darling, then you’re gonna be glad for what’s about to happen now.”
In a sudden movement, Whumpee’s head snapped to look at Whumper, their face paling, “How- how did you-“
“Escape?” Whumper chuckled, “Thats for me to know and you to find out, my little dove.”
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whumpasaurus101 · 5 months
“Im not in love with villains.”
Hero gently placed their palm against the Villain’s heart, “I’m in love with you.”
- - -
Full piece is on my patreon
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whumpasaurus101 · 5 months
Here's a snippet from my newest patreon piece:
"I thought- I thought you were supposed to be a Hero," Villain cried, their voice rough from the screaming.
Hero let out a scoff, "And I thought you were the one for me, but look how wrong we were, darling."
You can read it all by clicking here!
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whumpasaurus101 · 6 months
Just For You
"Was it worth it?" Hero rasped, their throat bobbing as they gulped, their eyes glistening as they watched the fires blazing in front of them.
Villain smirked, their fingers carding through Hero's hair, "Anything is worth it for you, my love, Every single innocent life, every building that's engulfed with flames from my very own hand- it's worth it. Just for you."
Continued on my patreon
it gets violent and smoochy and lovely <3 just to lyk HEHHE
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whumpasaurus101 · 6 months
Patreon sneak peak
hihi ik ive been quiet on here and tbh with what my brains like, i probs will be quiet for quite a while. but anywho! I posted a draft of asher and jack on fluff on my patreon! Here's a sneek peek!
Asher’s leg bounced up and down as he sat on the edge of the couch, mindlessly picking at his nails. His eyes were scanning his surroundings. Jack studied him for a moment, eyebrows slightly furrowed in concern, “Ash?”
Jack gulped realizing what was going on before gently placing his hand on Asher’s knee, the bouncing slowly coming to a halt. Asher finally looked over to Jack who offered him a smile, in which he returned, just a bit more shaky.
“I-I’m sorry… I-I didn't mean to…”
Click here for the continuation
Taglist: @likeit-or-whumpit @milk-carton-whump @yesthisiswhump @appy-polly-loggies @happy-whumper @tears-and-lilies @whumpkinpie @whump-queen @whumpdreamz @thelazywitchphotographer @auroragehenna
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whumpasaurus101 · 6 months
Truth Syrum, pt.2
Part One
Villain was in shock. Nononono. All their training. All their interrogation training just poured down the drain. They could be tortured for hours and still held up. But of course Hero had to chose the thing that Villain couldn't even fight. Hero slowly dragged a metal chair at an agonizing slow speed before slowly reaching across the table. Their hand wrapped around Villain's throat but didn't squeeze. Villain tried to force themself not to flinch. Their back suddenly straightened as they clenched their jaw tight.
"Qu-quit smirking," Villain growled, clearly growing uncomfortable with the silence. Hero only hummed, their smile broadening as they tilted their head. "What?!" Villain growled.
Hero practically giggled, "Oh, nothing, I just have longed to feel your fear under my hand for so long now, it's truly satisfying."
Villain growled and rolled their eyes. "No, no, you are quite right," Hero nodded, as if Villain had actually said something, "I mustn't get carried away!!!" They then gracefully sat on the chair infront of Villain, placing both elbows on the table and resting their face on their hands, "So, pray tell, when's your birthday?"
"The 11th of July."
The words were out before Villain could even stop themself. They threw their head back with a growl as anger filled them. Hero giggled, "Awww, are you scared?"
Villain curled their hands into fists, knuckled white, "Let me go."
"Go where, exactly?"
"My lair."
"Which is?"
"The warehouse by the docks- I'm going to fucking kill you."
Hero was practically beaming at this point as they leaned over more, "Is there more you're not telling me?"
Villain's eyes widened and their face went red, "Yes." Hero flicked out their switch blade, dragging the sharp point along Villain's cheekbone, drawing a shudder from them. Then the knife tilted up Villain's head as it was placed under their chin.
"Do you love me, Villain?"
Villain depsertaely tried to bite their lip, finding any way to stop the next word from coming out of their mouth, but it was hopeless;
@those-damn-snippets @thatoneprotagonist-exe @a-sunsets-curiosity @itsmyworld98 @whatiswhumpblog
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whumpasaurus101 · 6 months
Patreon sneak peak
hihi ik ive been quiet on here and tbh with what my brains like, i probs will be quiet for quite a while. but anywho! I posted a draft of asher and jack on fluff on my patreon! Here's a sneek peek!
Asher’s leg bounced up and down as he sat on the edge of the couch, mindlessly picking at his nails. His eyes were scanning his surroundings. Jack studied him for a moment, eyebrows slightly furrowed in concern, “Ash?”
Jack gulped realizing what was going on before gently placing his hand on Asher’s knee, the bouncing slowly coming to a halt. Asher finally looked over to Jack who offered him a smile, in which he returned, just a bit more shaky.
“I-I’m sorry… I-I didn't mean to…”
Click here for the continuation
Taglist: @likeit-or-whumpit @milk-carton-whump @yesthisiswhump @appy-polly-loggies @happy-whumper @tears-and-lilies @whumpkinpie @whump-queen @whumpdreamz @thelazywitchphotographer @auroragehenna
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whumpasaurus101 · 6 months
"Beg me," Whumper ordered, tracing the gun slowly up Whumpee's neck, relishing the shiver that followed, "Beg me like your life depends on it... oh wait, it does."
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