#hero x villain
Could you write a tall dom hero x a short villain thing? I love that kind of thing lol, if not its fine though.🔥
“You’re not hurt, are you?” the hero whispered. They pressed the villain gently against the wall, as if they still tried to trap them. The villain swallowed. Suddenly, their tongue was really heavy.
“Are you sure?” the hero asked. They looked around as they lowered their voice and leaned closer against their nemesis. “No injuries?”
“I’m okay,” the villain said. They tried desperately not to look too intimidated.
Being saved by a hero was humiliating enough already but being saved by their nemesis? The villain couldn’t even look at that muscular and tall body that was pressing them against the brick wall as softly as possible. They couldn’t even think about that heroic nemesis that had come to save them from a deal gone terribly wrong.
The villain’s face was burning. The hero had been haunting them for months now. They weren’t save, not even in their dreams.
The hero was like a ghost that followed them around and put some dangerous thoughts into their head. Ridiculous.
“I had everything under control, by the way,” the villain clarified.
“Oh, yeah I saw that. Really looked like you were on top of your game with all those people shooting at you,” the hero mused. They cocked their head.
Curse them. They knew exactly how attractive they were.
“Yes. I don’t need you to save me.”
“Why not? This is fun.”
“Oh, please, you—” Suddenly, the hero leaned down and the villain felt their chest press against theirs.
“Keep your voice down, darling. There’s still a bunch of bad guys walking around here,” they whispered against the villain’s ear.
Hell, their lips even brushed against the villain’s ear, leaving their nervous system a little too excited.
“Maybe I should use this opportunity to search for any weapons on you, hm?” The hero traced the villain’s jawline with their index finger and a grin on their face. “Who knows what you’re hiding in your pants?”
It was cruelty. It was demonic.
The villain was clearly embarrassed and yet, the hero continued with the teasing. It didn’t seem very heroic to the villain, not at all.
“I suppose I should thank you for saving me,” the villain mumbled. Although they were unharmed, they had been scared for their life back then. They supposed thanking the hero wasn’t unreasonable.
They could feel their heart punching against their ribcage.
“Oh?” The hero looked them up and down.
“Yeah. Thank you.” The villain took in a deep breath, trying to steady their voice. “It’s quite sweet of you.”
“Gosh, you’re adorable.” The hero chuckled softly. “To be honest, I was really looking forward to seeing you today. I was getting quite nervous when I couldn’t find you.”
“Oh, don’t look so surprised. I’m not exactly hiding that I have a crush on you, am I?” Again, the hero tilted their head and the villain could feel their ears burn. Those dimples. That smirk. Those eyes.
“Don’t worry. I’ll woo you the proper way. You deserve more than dirty play against a wall.” Their hand found the villain’s hip as they leaned forward again to continue their whispers. “Now, let’s get out of here. You look like you need some water.”
They weren’t wrong about that.
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pendarling · 1 day
You're not Jealous?
"Who?" Hero asked again and tilted their head awkwardly.
Villain's hands danced in the air in a mocking gesture, "You know, that newer hero with the bright red hair." They chuckled, "Isn't that strange?"
The media loved it when civilians made Villain and Reddi a new couple; they hadn't known Reddi for long, and they had only left a small impression on them, nothing like what Hero was to them but enough to capture the civilian's interest. Enough to make them a pair and proudly display it wherever the internet's influence could spread, and for Villain, this would be a perfect opportunity to get their Hero's blood boiling. However, it seemed that jealousy wasn't on the list of emotions Hero could display.
"Well?" Villain egged.
Hero shrugged, almost confused at how to respond. Were they too angry to properly convey their emotions or too ashamed that they held feelings for someone they weren't supposed to? Did they have any of those feelings at all? It was hard to assume when it came to Hero. Their expressions never gave way to a proper answer, and the response desired didn't appear. Maybe Hero wasn't looking at it from their perspective, but for Villain, this was Hero's only chance to prove what they had always believed.
"I don't know, Villain. The world has a funny way of twisting things. Congratulations, I suppose."
Villain laughed in a sudden burst of spontaneity, "No, no, no, I don't even know Reddi like that. It's a comical way of sorting two people together."
They smiled back softly, uncertain of what to make of the topic. Just a moment ago, they had been sparring like usual, but Villain's sudden shift to this conversation did make them think for a bit.
Villain couldn't decide what was next, they wanted Hero to get angry, but this wasn't what they planned. Reddi was a lot stronger than Hero in all aspects, but it wasn't as if Villain valued just physical strength and they'd hoped Hero would get the message by now.
For Hero, it would just seem so pointless to fight about it. "I'm not one for starting an argument about that if that's what you're suggesting." They tucked a strand of hair, slightly fiddling with it as a distraction. If Villain wanted to, they would. Hero has seen everything they're capable of, and they wouldn't hold them back from any new interests.
"Hero, I'm…" They took a breath, a little startled at the lack of care. "I'm not one for these ridiculous rumours either, but wouldn't it be a little more sensible if they had at least chosen a more… fitting partner for me?"
"Well, let's not take these things too seriously. They don't know you after all--"
"It's a bit frustrating, though," They stepped closer. How was Hero not angry yet? Does nothing stir them? "I would be pretty frustrated after being a villain for years, and they still can't seem to get anything right."
"If it was the other way around, I wouldn't take it."
Hero remained silent this time, contemplating whether they were supposed to respond or not. Villain had never been so openly passionate about a topic concerning civilian speculations about their city's greatest heroes and villains. "What's wrong, Villain?"
Villain's brows furrowed, and their breath slowed. It was the first time they had felt their heart race so much at something so trivial. Perhaps they really were blowing this way out of proportion. "Because you were supposed to…" Their pulse beat so loud it was heard in their ear. Villain thought they might've just fainted. "I just need to know we didn't do all this for nothing."
It was hard putting words together, a lot harder than planning any deadly plan to undermine the entire city. What Villain kept out was their desire to be chased. Any hint at all from Hero at this point would suffice, just to prove to them that their advances wouldn't go unanswered for too long and that there would be an eventual end goal. However, Hero wasn't budging; their eyes looked sorrowful this time, and their fists were uncurled. Villain slowly moved to reach for their hand, hesitant but still searching for the version of Hero they'd assembled throughout their interactions.
"It's strange isn't it?" They spoke softer this time; Villain stared longingly into their eyes. "That I'm the one feeling this way instead of you."
Hero sighed as they felt their fingers cross with Villain's. "You wanted me to get all worked up over you." They smiled gently at them; a mix of new expressions patterned their face as their tongue battled to keep the secrets they'd been harbouring down their throat. "What would I do to stop you anyway?"
"What?" They breathed a bit startled at Hero's words. "Why wouldn't you?"
"I've seen your work a million times, Villain." They chuckled, their voice edging a certain forcefulness. "You're very thorough with what you do and how to get what you want. If you wanted something, you'd already have it by now."
The sun started to hide its rays behind the clouds, and Villain felt their adversary's hand slipping away from their grasp. "Some things are just harder to get." They said as their grip tightened with desperation.
"Some things preferred they'd ask nicely," They gazed at them with a timid look. "Without the games."
Villain eyed them further as their voice fell into a whisper. "Some things are harder to say." Though, they didn't think it would take long for Hero to have them all figured out by now.
Hero reached over to them and held the criminal's face in their hands with expectation. "Then show me." They leaned in and met Villain's lips in the middle, an uneasy shift, now fixated in its spot.
TAG LIST: @books-are-everything, @kurai-hono-blog, @iykyunho, @marvellousdaisy, @m3rakii, @crow-with-a-typewriter, @sceirlose, @90scliche, @wondergoddess475, @miaowmelodie, @jeremy-no, @smallville1x10, @artsandstoriesandstuff, @whatwhump, @0eggdealer
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autocrats-in-love · 2 days
Prompt (347)
“You have to kill me?” The villain said, amused. “You don’t have a heart, darling.”
“Give me that,” the hero snapped, swiping the mission assignment from the villain’s hands.
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raineandsky · 24 hours
When the villains caught wind of a new hero on the team, they’d all taken interest. When someone came back claiming he’s blind, it’d sparked a whole new debate.
Straightforward, they’d all said. He won’t even see us coming. They’d laughed at how easy it’d seemed.
The villain feels like they’ve stumbled on a pile of gold when they come across the hero. He’s running his hand along something on the fence in front of him, something that the villain will later realise is a braille description of the view ahead of him. A white cape drifts around his ankles, an equally white suit flattering against his typical heroic body, the lightest of smiles on his face as his fingers trace the patterns of dots along the railing.
The villain can’t help but grin as they slowly make their way towards the poor hero, so oblivious, so stupid. They’re barely a hair breadth away, their dagger practically unsheathing itself, when the hero spins towards them with a swish of his cape and a flick of a blade.
The villain barely reels back in time. Staying quiet doesn’t occur to them when they’re startled. The hero looks like he’s staring right through them, an arrogant smirk on his face.
“Ah,” he says brightly, “you’re one of those criminals I’m meant to be looking out for?”
The villain sidesteps, careful to keep their footing quiet, but it doesn’t matter. The hero’s head cocks towards them as they try to step out of his blade’s path.
“You’re almost silent,” the hero continues. A smirk adorns his face, intrigued. “Incredible.”
The villain is close enough to strike, the hero looking slightly too far beyond them to be right in his assumptions. The villain shifts in fast, their dagger poised. The hero dodges back and retaliates with a swing of his own.
The villain stumbles out of reach and the hero follows. The villain’s unprepared; they were expecting a hero who’s unsure who they’re looking for, where the villain is. They were expecting an easy plaything that they could stab when they got bored.
But this—the hero is nothing but brazen confidence.
The villain shoves their dagger up to meet his blade, throwing his arm out. They move in for another strike but the hero’s already recovered. His blade easily tucks under their arm and slices into their side.
Something of a strangled gasp escapes the villain before they can stop it. They stagger back, a hand touched timidly to the wound, their eyes flitting back up to the hero. He simply waits, his blade crimson and his eyes blank. How? How?
“Would you do me the honour of telling me who I’ve met?” he asks, as if this is nothing more than a casual meeting between friends of friends. The villain wants to snap him in half for the audacity.
“That’s none of your fuckin’ business.”
“Aha,” the hero says, almost a laugh, “You’re [Villain].”
The villain can only stare at him in horror. The hero seems to feel the tension in the silence, because he continues. “You’ve a bad mouth, favour in the blade, light on your feet.” A teasing smile. “And you’ve a smooth, caramel voice I haven’t heard in many like you.”
“Wh— Excuse me— You—” 
The hero just smirks, the stupid smirk of someone who knows he’s untouchable in every sense of the word. “Flustered by compliments, too,” the hero finishes with a laugh. “Good to remember for next time.”
“I’m not flustered!” the villain finally manages, “and my voice isn’t caramel. That isn’t a thing. You sound stupid.”
“I’m happy to be stupid if it means I can recognise you as the villain who speaks in caramel.”
The villain’s side is beginning to really ache. They need to be something that’s not here when it inevitably gets worse. “Do what you want. I’m going home.”
“May I escort you to a prison cell?”
The villain barks a laugh, their side practically splitting with the forced fakeness of it. “As if you know where the agency is from here.”
“I always know where I am, [Villain].” A smile again, softer this time. Knowing. “You underestimate me for a characteristic I think makes me as interesting to you as you are to me.”
The burn in the villain’s skin is an ode to that. “Sure.” The villain turns on their heel before a thought occurs to them. “I’m going to walk away, loudly. Do me a favour and don’t fucking shank me when I do.”
The hero’s face twists back into a smirk. “As long as I hear you moving away. Until next time, [Villain].”
A blind hero! everyone had cried. It’s almost too easy!
The villain scurries away with a gash to the chest and a slam to their ego, and they know now to know better than that.
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villainous-vanity · 2 days
Prompt (#7)
The morning sunlight shone in through the window, the tiny gap in the curtains letting in enough light to rouse the hero. They groaned, rubbing at their eyes. Waking with the sun wasn't new, and they were prepared for it like they were every other day. The difference between every other day and today is the fact that they weren't alone in their bed. As they moved, the person in bed behind them tightened their grip on the hero's waist, pressing a sleepy kiss to their back.
“Don't get up yet,” the villain murmured.
“I have work today,” the hero replied. “If I don't show up, people will ask questions–”
“Let them ask,” they said resolutely, moving their kisses up to the hero's neck. “It’s not like I'm out there scheming. The city's safe.”
They raised a good point.
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fandomnerd9602 · 3 days
Kara: why do you call yourself my villain? You’re not even that villainous!
Y/N: do you really want to know?
Kara: yeah
Y/N: I-I wanted an excuse to spend time with you. You’re so beautiful and strong and smart and I…I wanted an excuse to be near you
Kara giggles and pulls Y/N into her arms…
Kara: I don’t need a supervillain, but I’ll settle for a super lover
Y/N: I’ll take it!
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defectivehero · 17 hours
Hello, I would love to see more of your snarky millionaire villain and "not wanting to owe anyone money" hero. Please,,,, it was immaculate,,,, I beg I love it so much. It was such a wonderful read. I wish to see more of them 🥺 ty <333
here's part one of this story. and ahh ty! now, onto part two:
Life after the villain's... generosity... is strange. The hero finds that they're no longer so stressed about paying rent or having enough groceries. They're well-fed and well-rested, for the first time in several months (years). The hero doesn't know how to feel about it all: they're frustrated, wary, exhausted, angry, ashamed. They have never been comfortable with accepting assistance, and the enormous sum of money forced onto them by the villain is an assistance they're entirely unable to refuse (literally). They remember how futile their attempts at resistance felt, as the villain firmly steered them down the sidewalk and forced them to walk in their bank and cash in the check. It was humiliating. They felt their eyes stinging with unshed tears, but they hid their guilt and remorse until they were alone behind the walls of their apartment. Those feelings don't leave them, even as time passes and the memory of that night blurs around the edges.
“You’re a strange one." The hero is torn from their thoughts and they instinctively bristle at the sudden, unexplained voice. When their gaze catches on the villain lurking in the corner of the room, they relax a little. And once they realize that they've relaxed, they scold themself for thinking their enemy's presence could be anything but unnerving.
“…Thanks?” The hero eventually remembers to reply. It seems that the villain has broken into their apartment just to speak to them. Either they have something important to discuss, or their enemy has too much time on their hands. The hero suspects the latter.
“Wasn’t a compliment,” the villain says. The hero rolls their eyes as their enemy continues. “Most people wouldn't need to be blackmailed into accepting a rather large sum of money."
Ah, this again. The hero was foolish to think their enemy would ever let them forget their... arrangement. “I’m not like most people,” they decide to say, after struggling to come up with a response for a few moments.
“Fair enough,” the villain sighs, as if that was a foregone conclusion.
“If I’m being honest,” the hero continues, their mouth moving before their mind can stop it, “Your, ah, gift…" The absolutely outrageous sum of money, the hero thinks, "...gave me some much needed vacation time.” Indeed it did. They enjoyed a few vacation days last week, which was quite the rarity. Not to mention the sudden stability and security they were awarded.
“Really?” The villain asks, crossing their arms over their chest and raising an eyebrow at them. They look frighteningly at ease, despite the indisputable fact that they're standing in a space that isn't theirs.
“Yes,” the hero answers. “I took a day off work for the first time last week.” That statement slips out before they can stop it. Immediately, they feel the villain's gaze focus on them intently.
“The first time?” The villain asks, a strange expression on their face. It looks to be a mix of disbelief and indignation. They cross their arms over their chest. “You’re joking.” They're performing a strange balancing act between boredom and interest. One moment, the villain is listening with rapt attention; the next, they're looking around the room as if they'd rather be literally anywhere else in the world.
Meanwhile, the hero suddenly knows they’ve committed a grave mistake. They remain silent, knowing any further explanation will only make things worse. The villain studies them for a long moment, and even as they continue speaking, it's clear that this conversation will occur again at a later date.
“I’m surprised you didn’t donate the money,” the villain hums, a smile working its way onto their face. The hero nearly sighs in relief at the change in subject.
“I think we both know I tried,” the hero huffs, not realizing their enemy's remark is a trap until it's too late. They engineered that verbal trap just to applaud their own ego.
“Ah, yes,” the villain smirks, their lips parting to reveal sharp teeth. “I blacklisted all of the prominent charities in the area. Rather ingenious of me, I have to admit.” They hold up their hand and look at their nails, before flipping it around to pick at something under their nail.
“There’s so much you could be doing with that kind of time and money,” the hero says with a shake of their head, resisting the urge to bury their head in their hands. They've done far too much agonizing about this for their own good. At some point, they're forced to accept the reality of the situation. Besides, the more attention they devote to the villain's strange and selfish philanthropy, the less energy they have for the more important things.
“But alas,” the villain sighs dramatically, wrapping an arm around their shoulder. The hero stiffens and pushes them off. “What has the world done for me?” They muse.
The hero has had too many circular conversations on the same topic to fall for the bait once more. They know they cannot change their enemy’s mindset, no matter how hard they try. They settle for throwing their hands in the air to indicate their helplessness. The villain seems surprised at their evident agreeableness, as they raise their brows before mimicking the gesture.
"What can we do?" The villain shrugs. "We're mere chess pieces in a far broader battle between good and evil." That's a gross oversimplification, but it still holds some degree of truth. Despite the fact that their enemy's question is clearly rhetorical, the hero's mind latches onto it and tries to pick it apart. What can they do, if they are a mere tool for someone else's use?
"We can hope we're not meant to be sacrifices," the hero eventually responds.
"Touché," the villain acquiesces. A slight smile rises on their face as they take in the space around them, evaluating the hero's apartment design with a critical eye. Eventually, they take a deep breath and announce their departure. "Well, while I'd love nothing more than to stay here and pester you, I'm afraid I've worn out my welcome."
"You were never welcome in the first place," the hero mutters darkly. The hero never invited their enemy over, after all.
Unfortunately, their remark only serves to amuse their enemy. "Now you're getting it," the villain grins, flashing them a mocking thumbs-up before promptly turning down the hall and disappearing from sight. The hero stares at the empty space they occupied for several seconds before finally submitting to the urge to bury their head in their hands in disbelief and irritation.
©2024, @defectivehero | @defectivevillain, All Rights Reserved. Reblogs are greatly appreciated—just don't steal or share outside of Tumblr, please.
lol these two are great
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seafoam-icecream · 3 days
"It's going to be okay, Villain."
"No, it won't. You'll only die once, but I'll keep watching it happen before I die over and over again."
"What are you talking about?"
*sigh* "You wanted to know how I get away with everything? How I'm always two steps ahead? It's not luck. I get thrown back 30 seconds in the past every time I die, like a reset."
"But that means in every fight, every hit you dodge..."
"Is a reset for me, until I get it right."
"I've been killing you."
"No, sweetheart, don't think of it like that. It's...it's not like my deaths are permanent, and you didn't know."
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starry-night-author · 23 hours
AND WE'RE BACK!!! Day 1 I want to tryyyy to do them all again but we'll see what happens. :3
June of Doom Day #1
"Help me." | Failed Escape | On the Run |
June Of Doom Prompt List
"Help me." Hero choked out, lifting their head. There was blood in their mouth, they couldn't feel their fingers. "Superhero- Superhero help, they're after m-me-"
"Hero?" Superhero blinked, bending toward the injured Hero in a flash. "What-"
"It's Supervillain, I only just got away but they're trying t-to kill me-"
"Shhh-shh, hold on Hero, I'm right here." Superhero gently lifted their chin, smiling faintly. They glanced up at the darkness behind Hero for a split second. "Just- just hold on a moment."
Hero reached up, clawing at their arm, trying to grasp tightly to any hope they had. "S-Super-hero-"
"Wait, Hero, hold on." Superhero glanced up again and grinned. "I've got them right here, Supervillain."
Hero's eyes widened as there came a dark laugh from behind them. "Fell right into your arms, didn't they?"
Seconds later there was a hand wrapped around their ankle, and Hero was yanked screaming into the darkness. They reached out for anything that could save them, fingers scratching at the walls, the ground, but it was no use.
The last thing they saw was Superhero straightening up, smirking, giving Hero a smug little wave.
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A game of darts
Part 1 ( Disgraced apple pie) Part 3 (A deal)
Villain turns the page of their book. They lean back against the couch in the living room and start reading the first sentence on the page. “Damn it!” the Villains’ Sidekick yells. “How can I lose again!” Other Villain laughs. “Maybe start by not challenging someone with perfect aim as a superpower.”
“I'm not even using my power, Sidekick here is just horrible at darts.” Assassin answers, pulling their dart out of the board. “Bullshit. You are using your power.” Sidekick huffs as they sit down next to Villain on the couch. “Come on, I'll make it fair. One more game,” Assassin says as they pull Sidekick back out of the couch. “Okay, okay,” Sidekick sighs “And I'm winning this time.”
Assassin starts by throwing the first dart, conveniently landing it in the triple 20. And so does the second. And the third. “One hundred and eiightyyy.” Other Villain yells like the presenter of the dart games on TV. “Stop you using your power!” Sidekick argues with Assassin. “I'm not,” Assassin says as they plop down on the couch next to Villain. “What are you reading?” they say as they put their head on Villain's shoulder. Villain sighs. They should've stayed in their room. Way less distractions there. But then they remember what Supervillain said. ‘You have to socialize with your siblings.’ They weren't real siblings, but that's what Supervillain liked to call them. “A book on the history of vikings,” Villain answers. “Sounds interesting.” Assassin answers, snuggling closer to Villain.
“Ha! Suck it, Assassin!” Sidekick yells. Both Villain and Assassin look up at the board. They landed two darts in the triple 20 and one in the 20. “I still have more points” Assassin answers with a smug grin on their face. “Not for long!” they say letting themselves fall onto the couch, replacing Assassin who is getting ready to throw again. Villain really needed to find another reading spot. “It's not fair, Villain. They keep using their power.” Sidekick pouts next to them. It's moments like these where Villain notices how young they actually are.
Maybe they could lend Sidekick a hand. It's handy that the room is lit by a few lamps instead of the big light. Makes it easier to play with a shadow.
“How the hell?!” Assassin's last dart lands in the 1. “What did you do?” Assassin almost flies towards Sidekick. “I did nothing. Why are you so angry? People can miss sometimes…or were you using your power?” Sidekick answers smiling. Villain can't help but smile a little. “Oh, Villain, you absolute assh-”
They were stopped by the sound of laughter. And next a thud as Other Villain falls off their chair. “Oh, Assassin. You should see your face.” Other Villain's eyes begin to water. “Shut up,” Assassin says with venom in their voice. Oh, Assassin and their short fuse, Villain thinks. Right at that moment their phone vibrates.
‘Feed the hero Sidekick ’ appears on the screen. Right. Villain stands up to go to the basement. “Villain, don't leave me alone with Assassin. They're going to kill me,” Sidekick says, grabbing Villain's arm, slightly panicked. “You wanted help, now live with the consequences,” Villain says smiling. Assassin is never going to actually kill them, so Villain doesn't feel too bad leaving them.
They open the door to the basement, warm plate in hand. The Sidekick immediately crawls to the corner of the room. “We're done with that. I am just here to give you some food,” Villain says, trying to sound somewhat comforting. Unfortunately, the stone cold voice they had to learn themselves to speak with, comes out. They place the plate on the ground in front of the sidekick. The Sidekick, however, doesn't make a single move towards the food. “When am I going home?” Sidekick's voice sounds raspy and doesn't sound louder than a whisper. “In a couple of hours, just hang on a little longer,” Villain says. Hero's not going to be happy with them. What does it matter? They're just a hero…
“Okay…” Sidekick says shakingly. They drag the plate closer and start to eat. Villain sighs. They really hated this. Punch a hero? Sure. Kill an enemy? Fine. Torture a defenseless kid? No, that doesn't sit right with them. But every time they wanted to rebel, to fight the orders, Supervillain would push it out of their mind. They didn't want Supervillain to take control of them again. To make them do things they didn't want to do. Whenever Supervillain did take control, it was like they were a programmed robot. They were still there, but it wasn't them that was moving their body.
They despised it.
By the time they finished their train of thought, Sidekick had finished their meal. Without saying anything, they picked up the plate and went back upstairs, leaving the trembling Sidekick behind.
A few minutes later Villain puts the dirty plate in the soapy water. When they entered the kitchen to put the dirty plate away, they had noticed the pile of dishes. Having nothing better to do, they decided to wash them. Theu were only a few plates away from finishing when they felt two arms wrap around them from behind and hug them. “Assassin nearly murdered me with a pillow,” the villainous Sidekick mumbles into Villain's shoulder. Villain hums in response. They had a feeling Assassin would do something like that. “Did they eat?” Sidekick asks innocently like the young teenager they are. Again, Villain hums. “Do you mind if I stay here for a minute? I need a hug,” Villain can hear the Sidekick's muffled sniffs. They slowly turn around to face Sidekick. “Another nightmare?” Villain asks quietly. The Sidekick only nods and hugs the Villain even harder, letting the tears flow freely. Although they don't like to admit it, they have a soft spot for Sidekick. Ever since Sidekick was sent on their first mission, Villain has been their caretaker. Helping them through tough nights, giving them fighting tips, teaching them how to do basic stuff like washing their clothes…
“How about you go to your room already? I'll come in a minute.” Villain says to the now calmed down Sidekick. “O-okay,” Sidekick tries to say between the sobs. All they had to do now was finish the dishes and drop off the Hero's sidekick. They hope Hero won't make this too much of a hassle.
“Have you gone insane?!” Other Hero yells out in Hero's tiny office. “No, but it is the only way to get them back!” Hero answers, pulling the USB out of the computer. “And lower your voice.”
“You're about to give super secret information to THE supervillain. The Agency is going to literally kill you,” Other Hero says panicked. “Don't worry about that. I used some programs so they will never know it was me.” Hero says, trying to calm down Other Hero. “I hope they don't find out.” they respond, still not convinced. To them it seems stupid to give up such important information for a Sidekick. What Oher Hero doesn't know is that Hero is not just bringing back Sidekick, they also want to find out why Villain would do something so cruel while clearly being so against it.
Hi! Wow, it took me long to most part 4. I'm very sorry about that. My exams are starting soon so I'm probably going to post even less frequent ( didn't know that was even possible tbh.) Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this part. It's a bit all over the place bit it hopefully gives a little insight to the future parts.
(Also, every time i get a notification somebody commented, reposted or liked something, i get so excited. I am honestly suprised people like what i write.) (I'll stop ranting now)
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run-little-hero · 2 days
TW // Death threats, a little blood
“So this was your plan all along,” says Villain.
Hero has nothing to say back. The beginnings of a confession are lost somewhere in the chill of the beating rain. It’s not worth acknowledging. Villain has discovered the truth exactly as Hero planned for them to.
They continue, “Get me to trust you, let you use me, make me believe we have a common enemy.” They step forward. Their voice hides beneath the pattering rain when they utter, “How blind I’ve been.”
Hero clenches their teeth, straightening. “Correct. But it took a lot of work to get this far, so don’t be too hard on yourself.”
Villain laughs. “Course. Should’ve known there was something wrong when you suddenly began to enjoy my company.”
“I do. Truly.”
“Well, that makes it all better.”
Villain has learned Hero like a language. Their structures overlap, their consonants and vowels the same. They are threads tied together, and Villain can’t find an end between them. How is it possible to know someone’s soul so intimately and still be betrayed by them?
Hero remains silent. Villain speaks up, “What now? Do you kill me?”
Their head tilts downward minutely, something only Villain can catch, as the motion tugs a string inside them as well. “You’d do the same thing in my position. You know it’s necessary.”
“None of this was necessary, Hero.” Making me care so deeply. Maybe they’re right.
But no, what else do they have if not their hatred, however feigned? Enemies in the eyes of the people, everything in the eyes of each other. Exploitation of this relationship has brought them closer, and Hero is thankful. Mirror images, they know Villain must be as well, deep down.
A spark of anger ignites in Hero, for Villain would dismiss them so easily. “It was. Betrayal doesn’t cut so deep for people like us. We can survive it. You’ve already assessed the damage and decided it won’t kill you.”
“‘We can survive it.’” Villain’s eyes burn hot, tears creeping forth. They feel like a fuse has been lit inside them. “You think I’ll forgive you when you intend to take my life? You think I’ll forgive you while I’m bleeding out?”
“Death often puts people in the mood to forgive. Compassion is more easily repaired than mortality.”
“We’re not like other people.” Hero and Villain now stand inches apart. “How do you expect to live without me?”
Hero locks eyes with Villain. “I think that will become abundantly clear once you’re dead.”
In an instant, Villain is pressed against the nearest wall. Hero is crushing their windpipe.
“D-don’t,” they grunt out. “You’re suppose t-to be a hero.”
Just as Villain begins to black out, the pressure on their throat relieves itself. They’re tossed to the ground, choking on rain.
“I’m saving so many people by snuffing you out. And avenging countless others.” They glare down at Villain, and it strikes Villain that this is the first time Hero has looked so furious.
Something about it is so amusing Villain can’t help but smile. “Don’t—“ they cough, forcing the words to scratch their way out of their throat. “Don’t act like you care.”
“What?” Hero knows what Villain is getting at. They’re pulling an ugly truth out of Hero.
“You love me. For better or worse.”
“You’re a narcissist.”
“So?” They spit. “Don’t act like you care about saving anyone. This is about defeating your only weakness.”
Hero is silent. One of the best and worst parts of finding an equal is being known. Right now, there is nowhere to hide.
“I’ll still kill you,” Hero threatens.
“But do you have to?”
Villain stares up at Hero, holding them hostage through eye contact. “What if I loved you back?”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“Well, maybe it should. Maybe you should reconsider your plan.”
“No,” they growl. Suddenly, Villain is knocked back against the pavement, pinned in place by the body on top of them. There’s a blade at their throat. Where did that come from?
They catch their breath. Excitement is their foremost emotion. “We can be partners. I’ll give you a life worth living. We can be together every day.”
“I know better than to make deals with villains.”
“You said we could be saved.”
Villain feels the sting of the knife cut into their skin, just slightly. Hero is shaking.
“I am saving us. I’m preserving what we have. There is no world for us out there. Not together.”
Villain finds the strength in their left hand, and reaches towards the blade at their neck. Their hand covers Hero’s trembling fingers.
“There can be. Please,” they whisper. “Aren’t we worth saving?”
snippet #6
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Hello! Could you possibly write a villain that saves hero from a very unfortunate situation. Maybe hero isn't very accepting at first, whether villain forces it or they end up accepting is up to u. Lmao I need some hurt comfort 😭 ty <3 if not it's okie
tw: mention of suicide
"You're a fool if you think I'll let you do this," the villain said. They took the vial from the now totally trembling hero and grabbed their enemy's jaw. "What on earth makes you this is our only solution?"
"'They said...they would let them go if my body..."
"Since when do you listen to anything a criminal has to say?" they asked. The villain could tell the hero was burning out like a candle with no wax left. They could tell the hero was getting fed up with their job and the responsibilities but they would have never thought it to be possible that the hero was willing to sacrifice themselves in such a meaningless and undignified way.
"It's the only way to save those people. The agency agreed, so..." The hero swallowed and the villain could see the tears gather in their eyes. "...so the medics gave me this. It's supposed to be quick and painless."
"Yeah, fuck that." The villain let the small vial fall to the ground and crushed it under their boot. To their surprise, the hero didn't seem to care at all but the villain supposed they had other ways of getting more of it anyway. "The terms of surrender include you presenting yourself on a silver plate. You have to use that to your advantage."
"It's not very advantageous to be dead," the hero said. "They have fifty people. Fifty. Fifty in exchange for one. If you ask me, that's a good deal."
"Not when that person is you," the villain said. They sat down on the couch in the hero's office. The hero wouldn't have called them if they had been sure and confident in this solution. Instead the almost hysterical call had made the villain's blood boil. "Come on. Help me out here. They want your dead body on their porch so they will let go of all these hostages? What a pathetic demand. Play with that. Use that."
"I don't know how," the hero said and when the villain stared at the desperation behind their eyes, the villain realised that this maybe wasn't the time for a challenge but rather for encouragement. They weren't good at the latter but they supposed they'd give it all for their enemy.
"You have to make them think you are playing their game. Deliver something to them to lure them out of their cave. Maybe it's a fake? Maybe it's actually your body your medics can make look dead? And then once they believe they have won, you sink your teeth into them," the villain said. "But giving up just like that?"
They shook their head, clicking with their tongue.
"Believe me, it's better this way," the hero said. "I am a burden to the agency, they will gladly get rid of me."
"You are challenging the agency because I challenge you. There is nothing wrong with trying to improve. Even a seemingly perfect institution has its flaws."
The hero didn't answer, they just stared at the liquid on the floor and the shards. The villain closed their eyes, thinking.
If the hero was so determined to save these people and willing to give their own life for them, they needed to realise that their death would provoke more sacrifices. On average, the hero saved 10 to 20 people a week. Statistically speaking, if no one took over their job, it wouldn't matter at all if the hero saved these people. Quite the contrary. Without the hero, there would be a fair amount of bodies.
But the villain didn't want to say that. It made the hero sound like a machine, like a thing that needed to operate in order to establish peace in the city. The hero wasn't replacable like that.
And above all, that wasn't what the hero wanted either.
"Come here," the villain said and the hero did walk over to them. These days they were cautious of every step they took. The villain was reminded of a time before that. When both of them were younger, both of them ambitious and eager to fight for their beliefs. The hero used to be so full of joy, a fire within them that was contagious to the villain. They were reminded of a hero that was never ready to give up.
"Sit down." The hero did. Right next to them. The villain leaned back, one arm on the backrest while they lounged. Admittedly, they had thought often about the hero and this couch. But they would never say that aloud. "When I met you, I thought you were going to be an easy target. I thought you were one of those jobs were I would barely have to lift a finger. But you were everything but. Your resistance is astonishing."
"I am not that person anymore."
"You are," the villain said. "That's why you called me in the first place. Usually your defiance turns into raw action every enemy should fear. But today, that defiance was a simple phone call. You said you wanted to say goodbye but I don't believe you. You were asking me for help. Deep within, you were afraid of the idea of giving yourself up like that. Somewhere deep within, you yearned for defiance, even if someone had to help you a little."
The hero didn't say anything at first. Now more than ever, they seemed to listen to a criminal. The villain knew that putting any more pressure on the hero might cause them to crack. They still had to be careful.
And it didn't even matter if the villain was right. They just had to make the hero believe that they were.
Usually, the villain used manipulation to get closer to their goals but they supposed for once in their life, they could use manipulation for the better. For the hero.
"If you want to give up, that's fine. Get another vial. Make it all stop. But I know that is not who you truly are. You wouldn't have swallowed that poison even if I hadn't come. You just wanted an excuse," they said. "I truly believe you would drag yourself through hell just out of spite. It's in your nature to defy. It's in your nature to protest. To use nails and teeth if you have to."
They took the hero's hand and squeezed.
"Giving up has never been an option for you. You will never allow yourself to quit." They let their thumb run over the hero's skin. "But you didn't need me to tell you all this, did you?"
"I did need you to tell me this," the hero said. They looked exhausted. But definitely more determined. "I don't know if you're right. I don't know if I would have taken the poison."
"I do," the villain lied. "You are stronger than you realize."
Now, the hero smiled softly.
"You really think that?"
"I do," the villain said and this time, they weren't lying. They leaned over and took the hero's chin anew. They turned the hero's head until they were eye to eye. "Thank you for calling me."
The hero's eyes dropped to the villain's lips but the villain knew this wasn't the right time.
They let go of the hero, their heart beating hard in their chest as the adrenaline rushed through their veins.
"Let's save some civilians, hm?"
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faithfulren · 2 days
a dangerous relationship
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as a dedicated pro hero, you lead a life of duty and honor, but everything changes when you secretly fall for tomura shigaraki, the enigmatic leader of the league of villains. navigating the treacherous line between right and wrong, you find yourself sneaking away from your responsibilities to meet him in the shadows. despite knowing the risks, the pull towards shigaraki is irresistible, and the connection you share becomes a secret you both fiercely guard.
the moon hung low in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the abandoned warehouse district on the outskirts. you navigated the dark alleys with practiced stealth, heart pounding in your chest. every footstep seemed to echo, a reminder of the danger you were walking into.
as a pro hero, you knew better than to consort with villains. especially not with tomura shigaraki, the leader of the league of villains. but here you were, sneaking away from your duties, driven by something you couldn't fully understand or explain.
you slipped through the cracked door of a dilapidated warehouse, the familiar scent of dust and decay greeting you. your eyes quickly adjusted to the dim light, and there he was, waiting in the shadows.
"you're late," shigaraki's voice was low, a hint of irritation in his tone. his red eyes glinted as he stepped forward, hands buried in the pockets of his black hoodie.
"had to avoid patrols," you replied, trying to keep your voice steady. "you know how it is."
he let out a soft chuckle, a sound that sent shivers down your spine. "Always the dutiful hero."
you approached him cautiously, every nerve in your body on high alert. despite the danger, there was something magnetic about him that you couldn't resist. something that drew you to him, despite the chaos and destruction he represented.
"why do you do it?" you asked softly, your eyes searching his face. "why cause so much pain?"
shigaraki tilted his head, his expression thoughtful. "why do you try to stop me?" he countered. "we both have our roles to play in this world."
"that's not an answer," you pressed, taking a step closer. "i want to understand you, tomura."
he regarded you for a moment, his gaze intense. "maybe i don't want to be understood," he murmured, reaching out to gently brush a strand of hair from your face. his touch was surprisingly gentle, a stark contrast to the destruction he could wield with those same fingers.
you leaned into his touch, closing your eyes for a moment. this was dangerous, you knew that. if anyone found out about your secret meetings, your career as a hero would be over. but the pull towards him was too strong to ignore.
"you're playing a dangerous game," he whispered, his breath warm against your skin.
"so are you," you replied, your eyes meeting his. "but maybe it's worth it."
for a moment, the world outside ceased to exist. it was just the two of you, standing on the edge of a precipice, knowing that one wrong step could send you both tumbling into the abyss. but in that moment, it didn't matter. all that mattered was the connection you shared, fragile and dangerous as it was.
shigaraki leaned in, his lips brushing yours in a tentative kiss. it was a moment of vulnerability, a crack in the armor he wore so tightly. you responded in kind, your arms wrapping around his neck as you deepened the kiss, losing yourself in the forbidden embrace.
when you finally pulled away, you were both breathless, your heart racing. "we can't keep doing this," you whispered, though you knew it was a lie. you would come back to him, again and again, despite the risks.
"maybe we can't," shigaraki agreed, his fingers lingering on your skin. "but we will."
as you left the warehouse that night, the weight of your secret pressed heavily on your shoulders. you were a hero, sworn to protect and uphold the law. but in the shadows, you found yourself drawn to the very thing you were supposed to fight against.
and deep down, you knew that this dangerous relationship would change everything.
days turned into weeks, and your secret meetings with shigaraki became more frequent. each encounter was a stolen moment, a brief respite from the world that sought to tear you apart. you found yourself craving his presence, the thrill of danger adding a forbidden allure to your relationship.
during the day, you maintained your facade as a diligent hero, fighting villains and saving lives. but at night, you slipped into the shadows, drawn to the enigmatic leader of the league of villains. the line between right and wrong blurred, and you found it increasingly difficult to reconcile your duty with your desires.
one evening, as you met shigaraki in a secluded rooftop garden, you couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom. the air was thick with tension, and your instincts screamed that something was about to go terribly wrong.
"we need to talk," you said, breaking the silence that had settled between you.
shigaraki raised an eyebrow, his eyes narrowing. "about what?"
"about us," you replied, struggling to find the right words. "this… whatever this is, it's dangerous. for both of us."
he studied you for a moment, his expression unreadable. "you knew that from the beginning," he said quietly. "so why are you bringing it up now?"
"because i can't keep lying to myself," you admitted, your voice trembling. "every time i'm with you, i feel like i'm betraying everything i stand for."
shigaraki's eyes softened, and for a moment, you saw a flicker of vulnerability. "you're not the only one struggling, you know," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "but I can't let go of what I'm fighting for. and i don't think you can either."
you nodded, tears stinging your eyes. "i don't want to lose you," you whispered, the words hanging heavy in the air.
he reached out, pulling you into a tight embrace. "then don't," he murmured against your hair. "we'll find a way. somehow."
as you clung to him, you couldn't help but wonder how long you could keep walking this razor's edge. the world around you was a ticking time bomb, and sooner or later, your secret would be exposed. but for now, all you could do was hold on to the moments you had, no matter how fleeting they might be.
the inevitable moment came sooner than you had feared. during a high-stakes confrontation between the heroes and the league of villains, everything fell apart. as you fought alongside your fellow heroes, you caught a glimpse of shigaraki, his eyes locking with yours for a split second. the brief distraction was all it took for one of your opponents to land a devastating blow.
you hit the ground hard, pain radiating through your body. As you struggled to get back on your feet, you saw shigaraki rushing towards you, a look of panic in his eyes.
"get away from her!" one of the heroes shouted, but shigaraki ignored them, kneeling beside you.
"stay with me," he pleaded, his voice desperate. "don't you dare die on me."
the world around you blurred, and you felt consciousness slipping away. "tomura…" you whispered, reaching out to touch his face. "i'm sorry…"
before you could say anything more, darkness consumed you, and the last thing you heard was shigaraki's anguished cry.
when you awoke, you were in a hospital bed, surrounded by your fellow heroes. their expressions were a mix of concern and suspicion, and you knew that your secret was out.
"care to explain what happened?" your mentor asked, their voice stern.
you took a deep breath, your mind racing. there was no easy way out of this. "i… i was involved with shigaraki," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "i thought i could change him. i was wrong."
the room fell silent, and you could feel the weight of their disappointment and anger. but amidst the chaos, a small part of you held on to the hope that somewhere, somehow, you and shigaraki would find a way to be together. even if it meant walking a path of shadows and secrets for the rest of your lives.
the fallout from your revelation was swift and brutal. you were suspended from active duty, pending an investigation into your actions. the media had a field day with the scandal, painting you as a traitor to the hero cause. but despite everything, you couldn't bring yourself to regret the time you had spent with shigaraki.
confined to your apartment, you found yourself thinking of him constantly. the memory of his touch, his voice, haunted your every waking moment. and then, one night, he appeared at your window, a shadowy figure in the moonlight.
"you shouldn't be here," you whispered, opening the window to let him in.
"i had to see you," he replied, his eyes filled with a mix of longing and despair. "I can't stay away."
you reached out, pulling him into a tight embrace. "what are we going to do?" you asked, your voice breaking.
shigaraki sighed, his hands resting on your shoulders. "i don't know," he admitted. "but i do know that i can't lose you. not now. not ever."
you nodded, your resolve hardening. "then we'll find a way," you said, determination in your voice. "no matter what it takes."
as the two of you stood together in the darkness, you knew that the road ahead would be perilous. but you were willing to face it, as long as you had shigaraki by your side. together, you would navigate the shadows, fighting for a love that defied all odds. and maybe, just maybe, you would find a way to redeem the villain who had captured your heart.
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autocrats-in-love · 3 days
Prompt (346)
“Aw, you’re scared of the dark?” The hero said.
“Shut up,” the villain snapped, cheeks red.
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the-modern-typewriter · 5 months
Imagine a villain straight refusing to fight another member of the Hero Team just cuz his hero archnemesis is not present
"Where are they?"
"Oh, not again." The protagonist could feel a headache coming on. "Look-"
"-Are they hurt?" The villain's eyes went dark and dangerous. "Who hurt them?"
"They're fine! Oh my god."
"Then where are they?"
The protagonist definitely had a headache. "It's their day off."
"They didn't tell me they had the day off. What's wrong?"
The really concerning part was that the hero probably would tell the villain which days they were working and which they weren't. The two of them were as bad as each other! The hero was going to be unbearable when they came back and found out that the team had fought the villain without them.
"Can we just get this over with?" the protagonist tried.
The protagonist sighed. They pinched the bridge of their nose and took a few deep breaths. "Okay," they said slowly. "But you realise I'm still going to have confiscate your nightmare robot."
"It's not for you. And don't think I didn't notice you dodging the question!"
The protagonist considered their options; lies, truth, everything in between.
The villain's nightmare robot hunkered down a little more pointedly in the middle of the bridge. Several people honked their horns. It was, honestly, embarrassing for everyone involved at that point.
"Their grandma died."
"Oh no." The villain's whole face softened. "Grandma L or Grandma P?"
Of course he knew the hero's grandparents. Of course he did. "Look, about the robot-"
"-I'll reschedule," the villain said.
"I can't let you keep the robot. My boss would have my head."
"That sounds like a 'you' problem. I have flowers to send."
The protagonist's eye twitched. "If you try and walk away with it-"
"-Do you really want to traumatize this entire bridge of innocent civilians?"
"I'm sure they're traumatized having to listen to you two idiots on a weekly basis."
"I'm taking the robot. When are they back?"
"They haven't said," the protagonist said, through gritted teeth. "As you know-"
"-They'll be doing all the funeral arrangements. Yeah. You know what, give me their number. I'll text them."
"I'm not giving you their number."
"Why not?"
"It's against policy."
"I'd like to express my condolences."
The protagonist looked them dead in the face. "Mm. That sounds like a 'you' problem. I have a robot to confiscate."
The robot slammed a fist into the bridge. It wobbled precariously.
The protagonist raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. They folded their arms across their chest.
"You're a real piece of work, you know that?" the villain snarled.
"I hate you too, don't worry."
"I should kill you."
"They'd have so much paperwork when they got back from the funeral. It would really improve their month, you killing me."
They ended up glaring at each other.
"If I give you the bloody stupid robot, will you give me their number?"
The protagonist smiled sweetly. "That's the only smart thing I've ever heard you say."
Everyone, generally, preferred it when the hero was around.
They all made sure it didn't happen again.
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villainousauthor · 2 months
Hero stares down at the paper in front of them with mounting dread. Their stomach is all tied in knots, and they feel a cold sweat at the back of their neck.
"You know, you don't have to do this if you truly don't want, I'm not forcing you." Villain purrs behind Hero, voice against their ear. The threat is unspoken. If Hero doesn't sign, they'll continue with their rampage. Continue killing, destroying, maiming.
The pen shakes in Hero's hand as they continue staring down at the paper. It's just a piece of paper, made of thick cardstock, cream white. Yet Hero has been staring at it for fifteen minutes, as if it'll bite them.
Certificate of Marriage
The font is too pretty, all stately and official looking. Hero feels as if they may throw up any minute.
"I don't understand why.." Hero finally finds their voice, asking the question that's been bouncing around in their mind since Villain first pulled the paper out as they suggested a truce.
"You already know my terms. In exchange for leaving your hero friends unharmed, for leaving the civilians of the city unharmed, I want you." Villain's voice is something possessive, filled with fire and heat. "This just makes it more official. More binding."
Hero shudders, and they feel as Villain steps closer behind them, a dark shadow looming over them. They know this goes beyond simply wanting to make their agreement more binding and they both know it.
"You know it's not legitimate- it's not legally binding without an officator." Hero stumbles over their words, not even sure if that's true.
Villain snorts, not usually one to be worried about legality of course. They put a hand to Hero's shoulder, warm and rough.
"I can find a priest to threaten. No one needs to know how and when we signed. Unless you'd rather make a big ceremony of this." Villain's tone is now teasing, amused by the idea of a wedding. "That could certainly be done if you prefer."
Flushing hot, Hero shakes their head quickly. No, they would not prefer that. This is already nerve-wracking and humiliating as is. A part of them wants to outright refuse, to tear the paper the shreds, and throw it in their face, but Hero knows this is the chance to get Villain to back down.
"I wouldn't be unkind to you." Villain says, voice suddenly softer and more serious. They lean forward, face resting against Hero's neck. The most terrible part is that Hero knows they mean it. They wouldn't be unkind or cruel, and that makes this all the more difficult. "You'd belong to me, but I'd take care of you."
Hero already knows there's no choice. They knew from the beginning that there was no other option. They have to do what is best for everyone else. Shakily, they finally nod.
"So selfless, so sacrificial to others." Villain says as they place a feather light kiss against the shell of their ear. "We'll have to work on that once you're with me."
They take Hero's hand currently holding the pen in their own, their grasp strong, as they lift it to the paper.
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