snakebites-and-ink · 2 hours
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snakebites-and-ink · 2 hours
my favorite trope is so overused so o understand if you delete this, but the classic caretaker new master trope never gets old in my eyes 😭🧡
Personal Level
content: living weapon whumpee, comfort, dehumanisation, past trauma, caretaker new master
“Amazing job out there,” Mx. Lowe — no, Lindy — said with a grin, patting 006 on the shoulder. If 006 had the luxury of feeling, it would’ve surely felt encouraged, or relieved that its new handler was satisfied with its performance. “You did everything perfectly, even if it was just an exercise. We’ll work very well together, I can already sense it.”
006 stared at them. It had worked well with its previous owner, too. Before…
It snapped back to the present. It needed to be alert at all times. Lamenting the past was not something weapons did.
“What do you think?” Lindy prompted. “Was I okay in giving the orders? Was there something you’d rather do differently? Maybe I was too harsh at times.”
“006 doesn’t have wants, sa’am,” it repeated for the thousandth time, like a broken record. “This one wants only to serve you, sa’am. It is not a weapon’s place to tell its handler how to wield it, sa’am. This one knows that.”
It wouldn’t answer bait questions anymore. Its basic training had taken care of that.
Lindy’s smile faltered. “Um… But we’re a team,” they tried again. “I won’t get… any input from you?”
006 could sense that it was somehow underperforming, but it couldn’t identify the problem. It was acting exactly as a weapon should. “006 would never step out of line like that, sa’am. This one has been trained well, by Miss Pierce personally. This one knows to follow the handler’s lead.”
Lindy sighed. “I see,” they muttered. “Well, then… I’ll go take a shower. We’ll… meet back at my room, I guess.”
006 nodded and took that as its cue to leave. It couldn’t tell what the uneasy feeling in its stomach was. It knew how it felt to disappoint its handler in battle — it had never disappointed its handler outside, on a personal level.
Because it wasn’t a person.
It passed everyone in the hallway without a word, and in turn, everyone passed it without a glance. They knew how to treat a weapon. Why was Lindy so insistent on this weird, new type of interaction with it?
006 thought of nothing else during its cleaning and maintenance. It wanted to please its handler, but if it came down to choosing between that and fulfilling its role as a weapon, there was no question as to which one it would choose.
@floralmystic @whumps-and-bumps tagging u guys bc u expressed interest
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snakebites-and-ink · 9 hours
Might be a good time to reblog this because I'm currently dabbling in more stuff that's not as planned-out
WIP Disclaimer
Just wanna put a little warning out there that I can't make any actual promises about what I'm going to get done, etc. Even stuff I say I am planning to do is not a guarantee. My inspiration and motivation are unpredictable and I'm not the most experienced fiction writer. I may also write things out of order or in other unpredictable/atypical ways. So just be prepared if you get into my stuff I guess.
I also post things that I'd (at least in theory) like to redo or heavily revise, so it may be useful to think of my writings on here as mostly drafts rather than final works.
Also, on endings: If I am planning on having an unhappy ending to one of my WIPs, I intend to give some kind of warning for it. However, in many cases I'm not sure how I will end things, so be warned that in cases like this there may be a sad resolution or there may be no resolution. I'd like to give many things happy or at least satisfying ending, but I can't actually make any promises, so here there be metaphorical dragons I guess.
I might eventually change this to be worded better but I wanted to get something put out there.
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snakebites-and-ink · 9 hours
Babe? You okay? You haven't even touched your whimpering little guy tied up at your feet.
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snakebites-and-ink · 9 hours
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snakebites-and-ink · 9 hours
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snakebites-and-ink · 9 hours
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Our flags mean death
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snakebites-and-ink · 9 hours
90% of ‘representation’ problems could be answered with just more variety. “This rep is BAD because a gay guy being femme is stereotyping”/”no it’s important, femme gays exist and deserve representation” – sounds like we need both kinds. “Queer stories shouldn’t be focused on sex”/”sex is important to the queer experience and should be represented” – sounds like we need both kinds. “Hypercompetent disabled characters like Toph and Daredevil don’t represent me and suggest that disabled characters are only valuable if their disabilities aren’t ‘disabling’ them”/”hypercompetent disabled characters like Toph and Daredevil are empowering” – sounds like we need both kinds.
Most of the Problems of Bad Representation TM aren’t problems at all, except when they’re the only Representation available. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with gay or disfigured or mentally ill villains… except when it’s a pattern across media, and there’s no variety. There’s nothing wrong with stories where the character  who happens to get killed off is the minority and all the cishet white abled people make it through and live happily ever after… except when it’s a pattern, and it’s always the minorities getting killed off, rather than teh frequency you’d expect in a random distribution. There’s nothing wrong with a walking stereotype (people who are walking stereotypes do exist!), except when the stereotype is the only kind of character we’re given.
Expecting anything with a diverse cast to act as a PSA that fully explored the nuances of every race, sexuality, gender or subculture it includes and decrying it as ‘problematic’ if it doesn’t meet (your idea of) Perfect Representation is shooting ourselves in the foot. 1 piece of Perfect Representation is so, so much less valuable than 100 pieces of kinda fucked up representation that are fucked up in different ways.
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snakebites-and-ink · 9 hours
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snakebites-and-ink · 9 hours
Remember: behind every robot that turns evil is an engineer who specifically installed red LEDs into the eyes just for this occasion
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snakebites-and-ink · 10 hours
senshi is real actually. he’s the 76 year old retired forester with no degree who the university hired to teach my dendrology class because he simply knows more about trees than anyone else in the whole world
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snakebites-and-ink · 10 hours
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snakebites-and-ink · 11 hours
Voting for Democrats is the "leaving the house, getting some exercise, and drinking more water is good for your mental health" of societal change. Everyone keeps telling you to do it, worst of all your mom keeps telling you to do it, and it's not a magical cure-all, but it actually works and rotting in your room shitposting does not help in either scenario.
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snakebites-and-ink · 11 hours
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these pics i took came out really good!! :0 pride flag dragon enamel pins on my etsy!
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snakebites-and-ink · 11 hours
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snakebites-and-ink · 11 hours
Story notes: "Secretly dragons are full-on firebenders; they just like being underestimated."
Me: "I've got to write more about this world."
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snakebites-and-ink · 11 hours
One I LOVE but never see: Living Battery
Superhero Whumpee being used to power something for the Villain
Nonhuman Whumpee has magical blood that can be used to power machines and having their blood drained
Whumper having multiple magic Whumpees so that once one is fully drained or too tired to produce magic they just move on to the next one
Cyborg/Robot Whumper that leeches off of other cyborgs/robots to gain energy
Alien Whumpee being used to power a spaceship
A tiny Whumpee with electricity powers being put in the battery slot of an electronic appliance so they're a literal battery (this may be inaccurate but idc)
Just thinkin about living batteries
Feel free to add onto any of my prompts!
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