desultory-suggestions · 12 hours
Stopping yourself mid-conflict to change your perspective is allowed! It’s okay and normal to be mid argument with someone and realize you disagree with your own stance. Often I find myself and others caught up in trying to win the argument (not the point of arguments!) or too embarrassed to back down and be wrong. I promise there is so much more pride in going “Stop! I’m wrong. I hear you and I see how I wasn’t in the right and I want to amend my view” than digging your heels in.
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incognitopolls · 18 hours
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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*This poll was submitted to us and we simply posted it so people could vote and discuss their opinions on the matter. If you’d like for us to ask the internet a question for you, feel free to drop the poll of your choice in our inbox and we’ll post them anonymously (for more info, please check our pinned post).
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thepeacefulgarden · 2 days
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Give yourself credit where it's due. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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therealbeardedgent · 2 days
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Midnight cravings.
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eternal-echoes · 3 days
“We'll grant that the idea of abstinence is boring. It means "no sex." Purity is different, because it goes beyond the mere absence of something. It is a participation in the very love of God. Instead of allowing emotions to fuel your love, the source of your love is God Himself. After all, any animal can have sex. But only a creature made in the image and likeness of God can express pure love.
For the sexually active unmarried couple, the problem is not that they love each other too much, but that they love one another too little. Their love is pleasurable, but is it patient? It may be fun, but is it sacrificial? In their hearts, they feel close to one another through sexual intimacy, but what they're missing out on is the closeness that comes when two people do what's best for one another. They lack the intimacy that comes only through sacrificial love.”
-Jason and Crystalina Evert, How to Find Your Soulmate Without Losing Your Soul
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sortagolddigger · 16 hours
Please stop dating hood men. They hate women and view us as things to use or harm… I know it’s hard because he’s cute but look at his life… he’s not going anywhere. No power in the world. No one respects those kind of men for real. Please girls please stay away from them. They make you a baby momma and then laugh at single mothers online.
Be done with hood types forever please, we have millions of kids with no dads because of HOOD men.
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incognitopolls · 3 days
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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therealmackenson10 · 2 days
If you have the time please check out my latest single. Now streaming on Spotify.
Mr. Mack- No Regrets.
Take the leap, risk the fall. What if we fly and not just merely crawl? You can’t tell me this is all there is when there are footprints on the moon.
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fidoughfaunus · 2 days
So a romantic partner and I were talking about my disabilities, chronic pain, and my excitement for a mobility aid. He mentioned that it was weird that I had been in pain so much lately, and I said something like, “weird for you, but my normal. Welcome to being disabled!”
To which he replied “for now.” He was very, very insistent I wouldn’t be disabled forever.
I didn’t know why but it made me so, so angry. When I tried to tell him no, my issues are degenerative and lifelong, genetic with no cure, he basically said he refuses to accept that to be “optimistic.” He got mad when I pushed back that he needed to mitigate his expectations because I’m working really hard on acceptance so I don’t push myself too hard and hurt myself more (which I 100% have been doing.)
My guy/gal/person/whatever: if you cannot accept me disabled, I am going to assume you can’t accept me in my entirety. Sure, I get being hopeful about new therapies and treatments - I always am! - but there is a point you need to accept that pain is a part of my life. Disability is part of my life. Sometimes those things are small, sometimes you can’t ignore them. There are plenty of days I’m walking around and seem fine, sure, but that’s only because people don’t see the aftermath. The pain management, the chronic fatigue, the fainting. People don’t see me on my bad days because I’m *not able to leave my apartment*. Not to pull a cliche, but if you can’t love me just as enthusiastically on my days when I can’t get out of bed from pain, you don’t deserve me on my days when I can walk around the store for 30 minutes and maybe do some craft projects.
More importantly, I tend to trust you less to help me on the former days if you can’t accept my disability for what it is and meet me where I’m at.
It’s taken me a long time to accept my pain and disability, a lot longer than I’d like to admit. While I do not love my pain and limitations and don’t pretend to, they are part of me. I don’t expect other people to love them, but I do need others to accept them.
My walker doesn’t mean an end to fun days with my friends on the Terrace splitting a pitcher of beer, it means more of them. Accepting my disability doesn’t mean rolling over and rotting, it means working with what I can do to make the most of my life. Accepting pain doesn’t mean I let it rule me, it means I do things to avoid triggers while still living my life. Limitations don’t mean I can’t do anything ever, sometimes it just means getting creative in how I do things (and I am aware how privileged I am to make that statement, because other disabilities or my current without needed support would be much more devastating.)
Disabled is not a bad word.
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It Wasn’t You
It didn’t hurt because
you betrayed me, because you didn’t
It didn’t hurt because
it didn’t work, because when has it ever
It didn’t hurt because
my ego died a gruesome death, because it did
It didn’t hurt because
I cried quietly on the car ride home
Because I did cry, quietly, and to myself
It didn’t hurt because
Your name became a forever lodged bullet
in my never healing heart
It hurt
Because I wanted it to be you
I wanted it to be you
And it wasn’t
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Something no one tells you about being in your first serious relationship after being super socially independent for years is that there's this constant creeping attitude of "oh no I'm going soft" "boohoo go running to your boyfriend every time you're sad youre so wimpy and weak" like girl that's just called Having Someone Who Is There For You
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asterlune · 3 days
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unwritten muse — aster lune
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thepeacefulgarden · 3 days
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killabeeblog · 3 days
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