#fanfic writers
what people think pro ship means: dangerous people who want to harm children in real life and/or think taboo subjects in real life are justified
what pro ship actually is about: the belief that people are allowed to enjoy fictional thing however they want, as long as it's fictional and no one in real life gets harmed or harassed in any way, and as long as they tag their trigger warnings properly.
most pro ship folks I've come across are just "hey, you like this fucked up thing that is fictional? okay, cool. you do you, man. I myself don't even like this thing that you like, but hey, it's not real. and I trust that you know the difference between fiction and reality, so you do you. if it ever gets too much for me, I will just block or mute you and move on with my life, but that doesn't mean I think you're a horrible person in real life because of the fictional thing you like, it just means I'd rather not see or engage with this thing that can make me uncomfortable. I still want you to have fun doing what you love, and I still think you're cool as fuck. love and respect, dude"
meanwhile most anti ship I've seen are like "omg you like this fictional thing where fictional children are harmed??! Red Flag Red Flag. put this gross piece of shit behind bars immediately!!!"
and I'm just ????? I don't normally engage in fandom wars, but I think, as long as you don't harass anyone in real life and as long as no one in real life is in danger or is harmed, how you enjoy fictional things is none of my business. and I'm not gonna make any "call out post" where I encourage my followers to harass you because you like fucked up fictional things that I personally don't like or believe is wrong either.
I mean, from personal experience, I was exposed against my will to thing I didn't want to see from anti's screenshot of fanart or fanfic where they encourage their followers to harass this person whose fanart or fanfic, that was screenshot and spread by them, was originally tagged properly with all the trigger warnings so that people who didn't want to see it wouldn't get exposed to it. until anti screenshot it and flaunted it around in the name of being morally superior while also, at the same time, advocated for the witch hunt against someone who just wanted to mind their own business. so... the irony. lol
fandoms used to be more peaceful before Fandom Police starts their witch hunting, but it's a good thing we can just block these people and keep on enjoying our blorbos however we want to enjoy them.
and I'll always encourage every artist to write whatever they want, draw whatever they want. don't let people who think they're "morally superior" tell you you can't make art this way or that way. my best advice would be to block and ignore and keep on creating what you want. they may be loud, but at the end of the day they're just noises and they're not worth your attention x
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We officially have 3 day until Broppy Week starts so make sure you get everything prepared. Broppy Week starts on June 2nd to June 9th! But if you can't do it that week, you have June 11th to June 18th as an extended week.
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You can post on Ao3, Wattpad, Fanfiction.net, and Tumblr! I hope you guys have fun with this!!
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Additional comment from the submitter: ❝Because I hear people say you ‘shouldn’t’ keep writing fanfics if you’re older than 30 and instead should focus on your family and your actual career, etc. but most of my favorite fanfic authors are, as far as I know, older than 30 and maybe it’s just me and I know AGE IS NOT THE FACTOR (but experience probably is), but most of the fics I’ve read that were written by people older than 30 were so much better than fics that were written by younger people.❞
This poll was submitted to us and we simply posted it so people could vote and discuss their opinions on the matter. If you’d like for us to ask the internet a question for you, feel free to drop the poll of your choice in our inbox and we’ll post them anonymously (for more info, please check our pinned post).
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freesia-writes · 2 days
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A regularly-scheduled reminder, shared with the utmost warmth and love, that the best way to support writers and artists on Tumblr is the reblog function. 🥰
Add comments in the reblog or not. Add tags or not. Any reblog, empty or full, is appreciated and the most appreciated way to encourage us as we work to create lovely stuff for you to enjoy! ❤️
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small-z24 · 3 days
Love in the Shadows Pt. 7
Azriel and Y/n have revealed their relationship to the Night Court, but the secret of their mating bond remains hidden. As they navigate their new dynamic within the group, Y/n must earn the trust of Azriel’s closest friends while keeping their deepest secret intact. Morrigan's jealousy and Cassian's protectiveness create additional challenges.
Word Count: 621
Warnings: None 
Unveiling Secrets
The tension in the House of Wind was palpable. Azriel could feel it growing each day, a simmering undercurrent that threatened to boil over. Morrigan's cool demeanor and Cassian's overprotectiveness were becoming harder to ignore, and it was wearing on both him and Y/n.
One evening, after a particularly strained dinner, Azriel decided he had had enough. He found Y/n in the library, her sanctuary, and took her hand. "We need to talk to them," he said softly.
Y/n nodded, her eyes reflecting the same exhaustion he felt. "I know. I can't keep feeling like this."
They made their way to the sitting room, where Morrigan and Cassian were engaged in a quiet conversation. The room fell silent as Azriel and Y/n entered, the air thick with unspoken words.
"Cassian, Morrigan," Azriel began, his voice steady but firm. "We need to talk."
Cassian's brow furrowed. "What's going on, Az?"
Azriel took a deep breath, his grip on Y/n's hand tightening. "I'm tired of the way you both are treating Y/n. She doesn't deserve this."
Morrigan's eyes narrowed. "We're just looking out for you, Azriel. We don't want to see you get hurt."
"I understand that," Azriel replied, his patience fraying. "But your actions are hurting her. And by extension, me."
Cassian crossed his arms, his expression skeptical. "We're just trying to protect you, Az."
Azriel's jaw tightened. "Protect me from what, exactly? From someone who loves me?"
Morrigan's gaze shifted to Y/n, her jealousy barely concealed. "We've seen you hurt before, Azriel. We don't want a repeat of that."
"And I appreciate your concern," Azriel said, his voice rising. "But this is different. Y/n is different."
Cassian stepped forward, his tone challenging. "How do you know that? How can you be sure?"
Azriel's frustration boiled over. "Because she's my mate!"
The room fell into stunned silence. Morrigan's eyes widened, her expression shifting from jealousy to shock. Cassian's face hardened, a mix of disbelief and realization.
"M-Mate?" Morrigan stammered, her voice unsteady.
"Yes, my mate," Azriel confirmed, his voice strong. "We've been keeping it a secret because we didn't want to complicate things. But I can't stand by and watch you treat her like this anymore."
Cassian's eyes softened slightly, but his protectiveness remained. "Why didn't you tell us?"
"Because we wanted to navigate this on our own terms," Y/n said quietly, stepping forward. "We knew it would be difficult, and we needed time to adjust."
Morrigan looked away, guilt and regret flashing across her face. "I... I didn't know."
"And now you do," Azriel said, his tone gentler. "Please, just give us the respect and understanding we deserve."
Cassian nodded slowly, the tension in his shoulders easing. "Alright, Az. I get it. But know that I'm still watching. I care about both of you."
Morrigan met Y/n's gaze, her eyes sincere. "I'm sorry, Y/n. I let my feelings cloud my judgment. I'll try to be better."
Y/n smiled softly, relief washing over her. "Thank you, Morrigan. That means a lot."
As the tension in the room began to dissipate, Azriel felt a weight lift off his shoulders. The truth was out, and though there were still challenges ahead, he knew they could face them together.
Later that night, as they lay in bed, Y/n turned to Azriel, her eyes filled with love. "Thank you for standing up for us."
Azriel kissed her forehead, his heart swelling with affection. "I will always stand up for you, Y/n. For us."
In the quiet of the night, wrapped in each other's arms, they knew that whatever came next, they would face it together, their bond stronger than ever.
Author's Note: Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this continuation of Azriel and Y/n's story. Feel free to leave comments and let me know your thoughts!
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the-golden-comet · 2 days
✨Happy Fanfiction Friday!✨
Hellooooo~! This week has been very busy with leadership meetings, and I have six more in June (end of fiscal year. Lots of reports. Lots of retreats) so I haven’t been as active with the motivational days. I’ve also been writing my own story 🧞‍♂️, so it may take a while for me to respond if you tag me (please still do! I love to hear from you all. lt may just take me a little bit to respond 💖). Just know that you are lovely and I appreciate all your beautiful art ✨
However, this post will serve as my weekly contribution, as it has already reached so many artists and writers. I am so thankful it did, because y’all need to hear it. You lovely people need to hear these things. No more tearing yourselves down; it’s time to lift artists and writers up like the beautiful souls you are 💖
Speaking of supporting writers, it’s time for my fanfic recs. I’ve read a lot of your stories so far, so here are just a few of the myriad of lovely works I have had the pleasure of reading recently:
I Am Your Lover (I Am Your Jailor) by @justabigoldnerd (18+)
OKAY, you maybe saw me gush about this yesterday but it’s true— @justabigoldnerd masterfully crafts a fantasy narrative between Illya and Solo from The Man From U.N.C.L.E. His handling of heavier topics mixed with a lighter prose makes this just a gorgeous piece of literature. It’s got gay knights, a gay prince, and sex. Yes, I’m biased.
Also interwoven in between are some of the TENDEREST and FLUFFIEST moments that will make your heart melt. The villain in this story will make you viscerally upset—just as a heads up. @justabigoldnerd accomplishes all of these complex emotions so incredibly well, and I HIGHLY recommend you read it for yourself.
Five Years Is a Long Time to Not Call Your Mother by @poorreputation
Okay so this is Part 2 of their fic Dimples, which legit made me ugly cry with how good it is. So when this showed up in my inbox, I SCREAMED with joy. This is the sequel to this wonderful story on the fic’s birthday, and I cannot WAIT to see how it goes (though I will wait, because art this good takes time to make ✨)
Doom Metal Love Story by @fortunatetragedy
Okay I may be breaking my rules here with an original work, but FUCK the rules because THIS 🤌✨ beautiful story captures the raw and rigid emotions of Royston and Cole (what I’ve read so far), a beautiful train scene that I could paint in my mind thanks to @fortunatetragedy’s amazing prose work. Any story that can get me to paint a picture in my head like that is deserving a shoutout.
Speaking of fucking the rules:
LunuL by @autism-purgatory
This one. Right now. Drop what you’re doing and read it. Beautiful futuristic sci-fi with mad science thrown in and mixed masterfully, cyborg and cybernetic enhancements, and a beautiful bond between Leo and Ren, this is a must read. He works so hard on worldbuilding and it SHOWS, and his details are STILL beautifully crafted. Seriously, go read it.
That is all for now, but again—SO MANY STORIES. This doesn’t include the beautiful originals I’ve read here on Tumblr (Before Deluca by @dyrewrites has captured my heart with the insanely romantic storytelling style). Now, because of all of your wonderful and inspiring tales, I’m off to write my own ✨
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just-french-me-up · 9 months
the urge to write is like a cat meowing for dear life for someone to open the goddamn door, who then shows utter disinterest in said open door
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silver104 · 2 months
yeah sex is cool I guess
but have you ever had someone leave a comment with a paragraph-long review of your fanfic containing genuine praise, thorough criticism, and an in-depth analysis of all the lore hints you dropped that you spent ages intricately crafting
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loopholesinmydreams · 29 days
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here’s your reminder to sort ao3 fics by date posted / date updated too and not just kudos.
because more often than not, the fics that have lesser kudos are the hidden gems. a fic with no kudos could be one of the best fics you would ever read, and you would never get to read it if you only sought popular fics with hundreds or thousands of kudos. I’ve said this before, and I’m saying it again; kudos do not represent how well-written a fic is, the only thing kudos represent is how popular it is, and popularity doesn’t always necessarily reflect quality.
not saying popular fics aren’t good, of course, all I’m saying is that the number of kudos is never supposed to be used to indicate how well-written a fic is — fics that aren’t as popular can be just as good or even better. but they stay hidden because, by sorting fics by kudos, people won’t even find them to begin with.
there are so many talented writers out there whose works don’t get enough appreciation because people only sort fics by kudos.
speaking from first hand experience, most of the best fics I’ve read aren’t one of those popular ones, but rather the ones that are hidden gems.
don’t let hidden gems stay hidden, guys. give them a chance.
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tethered-heartstrings · 9 months
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*This poll was submitted to us and we simply posted it so people could vote and discuss their opinions on the matter. If you’d like for us to ask the internet a question for you, feel free to drop the poll of your choice in our inbox and we’ll post them anonymously (for more info, please check our pinned post).
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It's always
"When will fanfic writers update their stories?"
And never
"Does this fanfic writer have adequate enrichment to engage in writing behaviours?"
Fanfiction writers (Scriptor fictus) are intelligent animals who need plenty of enrichment as well as encouragement! If they're stuck in poor conditions (e.g. have studies, work, have to actually write to have something written) then they require the proper enrichment to engage in more healthy behaviours, like writing. Remember, due to poor breeding and socialisation, over half of all fanfic writers suffer from low self confidence and executive dysfunction so take care of them!
Give your fanfic writers proper care. Fanfiction writers are a life long commitment.
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destiel-wings · 8 months
people who leave comments on AO3 I LOVE YOU
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kotaface · 2 years
My favorite thing about fanfic is watching a writer go through all 5 stages of grief as their fluffy one-shot inexplicably becomes a 100k-word novel.
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