#velvet and veneer
We officially have 3 day until Broppy Week starts so make sure you get everything prepared. Broppy Week starts on June 2nd to June 9th! But if you can't do it that week, you have June 11th to June 18th as an extended week.
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You can post on Ao3, Wattpad, Fanfiction.net, and Tumblr! I hope you guys have fun with this!!
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jobiesayscheese · 2 days
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“𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚘𝚗 𝚅𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚎-𝙱𝚎𝚕𝚕, 𝚠𝚑𝚘’𝚜 𝚖𝚢 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕? ”
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Velvet loves it she’s just a cunt
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angelicchez · 2 days
i tried i was so tired and lazy sorry if it looks bad . (Those are tails, sorry if they look like farts)
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Poison (Velvet's Version) by @simplydannie .
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simplydannie · 2 days
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@skydiverdrawings @meadow-hearthfire @grinnworld You guys really had me on my toes! Lol I hope I did okay with it. This is inspired by and written for all of you. Based on @meadow-hearthfire ask here! Also introducing two new characters to you all!
Veneer can’t take it anymore… the abuse is too much… and now even from his own sister. He has the chance to leave, to runaway. He extends his hand to her to come with him… but is she too far gone to now think for herself?
Veneer landed with a loud bang against the wall… his whole body aching in pain.
“Please…. Stop.” He begged. Gruff looked at the Mistress, her green eyes glinting with a desire for pain. She snapped her fingers; the Bergen grasped Veneer by his neck and began pounding away.
“Stop! Please! Velvet!” He cried and begged, he looked to his sister… But Velvet had a distant look in
her eyes mixed with anger….
“Wait.” She finally called out. The Bergen stopped, Mistress turned her head to eye the girl. Velvet walked up to the Bergen, hovering over her brother.
“Why did you do it?… Why did you let him go?” She asked, tears of rage filling her eyes.
“It’s…. It’s not right what we’re doing Vels… We’re frauds. This isn’t right- AH!” He was silenced as Velvet struck him across the face.
“Why do you have to ruin everything!” She struck him again. “That little Troll was working! Working!” Again she struck.
“Velvet, stop, please. You’re hurting me.” Veneer coward into a corner, blocking his face and hugging his knees. Looking up at his sister, he was afraid… who was this, this wasn’t her. She stared at him with a pink glow in her eyes, dark circles appearing underneath.
Velvets breathing began to slow down… she looked down at her brother and saw the same fear when he was a child, when she would protect him from their aunt. But now… he was afraid of her… who was going to protect him from his own sister?
“Idiot.” She walked out the door. Mistress watched the whole thing with a smirk across her face.
“Well look at that. The one person who promised to protect you. Tsk tsk. Poor Vennie. All alone in this big, big world. You let that stupid Troll out.” She knelt down in front him… a little to close for comfort… it brought back horrid memories. “Getting hot and bothered are we.” She placed a hand on his leg, slowly creeping up, “You know this would be fair. You owe me after so much trouble of continually trying to letting that damn Troll out…” Her hand crept to his thigh… he shivered. Mistress leaned her face obviously close, “You’re a very handsome.” Her hand crept farther up, her lips brushing his ear. “I think I know how you’re going to repay me for this mess you caused.” But she pushed him away.
“After your performance, when you’re all dolled up. Then I can have fun with my toy, you owe me and you’re my property. Now, I need to see how I can go about getting another damn Troll. For today, Gruff, Ruff, a few beatings shall do. Enough to hurt him but not kill him. Carry on.” She snapped and walked out the door, leaving Veneer at the mercy of her Bergens…
Floyd had the chance to leave, to runaway, finally go home…. But he came back. There two reasons that he did: Velvet and Veneer. He denied them once, he wasn’t going to do that again. Floyd crept his way back into the vents from which he came. But he had to be careful, getting caught meant loosing a chance to freedom…And possibly loosing the twins. He had to find one of them, and right now, his best bet was finding Veneer first. Something was wrong with Velvet, something had changed her. She wasn’t the same fiery spirit he came to care for, a darkness loomed over her, like she was under the effect of some drug. Veneer, he still had some sensibility, and he was the only one Velvet would listen to right now.
Floyd ran and ran. He had to be quick. He knew the Bergens would pick up his scent, then it all go downhill from there. The little Troll looked through every vent into every room until he fell upon the right one…
“Veneer!” He called out. When he looked in, he found the Rageon lying on the floor, hugging his knees, his shoulders shaking from crying intensely. He made his way out of the vent and down to the boy. Floyd slowly crept up to him. “Veneer?”
He slowly moved his head up to get a good look at the Troll, “Floyd? You’re back? Why didn’t you leave?” A worry crossed his voice, it was then Floyd saw the bruising on his face, the cuts and gashes the Bergens had left him.
“Vennie… what…. What did they do to you?” Floyd said as he placed a gentle hand on the Rageons cheek.
Veneer buried his face again, “…. I can’t take it anymore Floyd…. I can’t…. I hate it …. I hate my life… I hate here. I want to go home.” He cried.
“Back to Under Rageous?”
“At least we were free… we can’t do anything here or make any mistakes. I’m done Floyd!” Veneer cried and cried. Floyd just stood there, holding him as much as he could…
“Then let’s go…” The Troll finally said.
“What?” Veneer looked up with tear stained cheeks.
“I came back for you and your sister. Let’s go. Let’s run and run till we can’t anymore.” Floyd said with a glint of hope in his voice. “Let’s go be a family again. Just us three.”
Veneer stopped trembling for a moment, his face still buried within his hands…he grew silent, terribly silent…. A worry crossed the Trolls face.
“…Family…Now….Now we’re a family?” Veneer looked up Floyd…his eyes glowing pink again. Oh no, Floyd thought. He had the same look in him when he was trapped, when Veneer trapped Floyd in that damn diamond bottle. Floyd began to slowly step away…
“You were willing to leave us! And NOW were family? After all she’s put us through! You’re kidding me Floyd! You thought me and Velvet were in her thing about using Trolls! You didn’t believe us!” Veneer looked at him, glowing pink eyes, stained in tears. “You told us we were never family! Those were your words!” Veneer ran his hands through hair, pratically pulling pieces off…mad…he was going mad. Floyd was continuing to back away..but then…he stopped. This is what started it, him running away is what drove him mad in the first place. So he stood his ground.
“Ven….I’m sorry….I am SO sorry for ever even doing that to both of you.” Floyd said creeping closer now.
“Saying sorry is going to fix it? Fix what you told us! If I hadnt trapped you’d be gone. We’d be alone!” Veneer began scratching at his skin, “These bugs, get them off me please!”…. There was nothing there. That woman, what was this essence doing to them?
“I know, I know. Trapping me was probably the best thing you did. I deserved it for even thinking of betraying you two, for betraying and leaving my own little brother all those years ago. I am not a good person Ven…” Veneer continue scratching at his skin as Floyd talked, but he was silent…he was listening. “You two…You two brought the color back in me. Do you understand what that means to a Troll? It means you brought me happiness. For so long I was alone…and that was my fault. I don’t know where my family is or if they’re even alive…but I found you two…You two became my family. I deserve all the punishment for even saying those things to you…It had to take me for me to see both of you tortured and manipulated to even see that you didn’t know…that SHE was the one changing you, grooming you…I let that happen…” Tears began forming in the little Trolls eyes as he got near to the Rageon. Veneer had stopped scratching himself, the pink fading from his eyes… “I want to make it up to you…please, please come with me now. That’s why I came back.”
“…What if I don’t want to come with you…” Veneer replied, a calmness finally coming over him.
“…Then I’m staying.. I’ll hide, I’ll get caught again…but I am not leaving you guys ever again.” Floyd replied.
Veneer had calmed down. Floyd could see he was back to himself. He hugged himself, “I can’t take here anymore Floyd….I physically can’t. The beatings. Her taking advan-…” He stopped himself. Floyd didn’t need to know what Mistress would do him sometimes…he didn’t need to know. “I want my sister to be happy, but not like this...I just can’t anymore!”
“Then let’s go to Velvet…and get the hell out of here.”
Night had fallen around the mansion. Veneer waited till the dead of night, before opening his door. There was nothing of value he needed to take, just the clothes on his back, Floyd, and hopefully, his sister. Veneer had saved his oversized red hoodie from the under-city, along with his black skinny jeans and combat boots….of course he HAD to save his dad’s old purple beanie. With Floyd on his shoulder, Veneer made his way out of his room and headed quietly towards his sisters.
“So far…no Bergens.” Floyd said.
“They normally guard her. She doesn’t think we’ll do anything…well…anything like I’m doing now.” He said.
“Point taken.”
Veneer opened the door to Velvet’s room and peeked in. She was sound asleep on her bed, her hair falling loosely around her face. Veneer quietly walked up next to her. He placed a gentle hand on her arm, “Vels?” He said in a whisper. She moaned a little in her sleep, hardly sturring. “Velly?”
“Five minutes.” She muttered…This was the Velvet he knew.
“Vels, it’s me.” He said. Opening her eyes slowly, she looked up at him.
“Ven? What the hell, bro?” She rubbed her eyes and blinked twice when she saw the Troll on his shoulder. “Floyd?”
“Hey, Vels.” He smiled softly, but a scowl came over her face.
“What the hell do you want? I thought you’d be long gone by now.”
“You have every right to be bad. But I couldn’t leave again…I came back, for both of you. We have to leae now.” Floyd warned.
“Leave? Like leave for good?” She repeated looking at her brother and how he was dressed. “You’re serious Ven? You’re really up for this?”
“I can’t take it anymore Vels! What she does to me, what those Bergens do…How you get when your under her, her, her, POISON! I’m loosing you little by little. I can’t have that. We need to leave. We need to leave now.” He said.
Velvet’s mouth hung open…she couldn’t believe it. After all they went through, after all they accomplished…he wanted to leave it behind. “Ven, we’re finally somebody! How do you want to just, LEAVE?”
“We’re stll nobodies! This isn’t us! This show we’re putting on? It’s all her idea! Think about it Vels.”
“We want this Ven! We deserve this!”
“But not like this! Sis, come on! Open your eyes.” He looked at her…a distant look began crossing her face…Her eyes were fading from blue, to pink. No, no, no, he was starting to loose her again. “Vels. Please just hear me.”
“We deserve this.”
“Those are lies. We were somebodies before this. Vels please I’m begging you. Do this….for me.” He held out his hand in hopes she’d take it.
The pink began taking over her eyes entirely, “…..No…..No I’m not sacrificing this…I sacrificed to much for you already…Not anymore…We’re not kids anymore!”
“Please Velvet, “ Tears began to fall down his face, “…I can’t do this anymore. I’m just tired, really tired.”
“….Then you’re not cut out for this…”
“Don’t make me leave you Velvet. Please don’t make me leave you here.”
“Go. I don’t need you. You’ve been nothing but a damn burden Veneer. The more for me, the merrier.”
Floyd looked between both twins. Veneer wiped away the tears in his eyes, he withdrew his hand and slowly backed away…She wasn’t coming…She wasnt going to leave….
“I’m sorry Vels…I can’t….I can’t do this anymore…I’m sorry…I love you…You know that. I really love you.” More tears fell as he turned away and walked out the door. Velvet still sat on her bed, the pink glow around her eyes, her mind couldn’t distringuish between reality or not. She just stared as he left her…
“Ven. What are you doing?” Floyd asked looking back towards her door. Did he really just leave his sister? Veneer would never do that…but then again…that wasn’t his sister…something overcame her that Veneer thought HE couldn’t even save. “Velvet?”
“Don’t Floyd please.” He cried as he continued heading towards the exit….they were almost there….they were almost there…Why didn’t she come with him? Why? His steps began to slow…He couldn’t leave her…He couldn’t…
“And where do you think you are heading too?” A deep voice came from behind. Veneer spun around to see Gruff standing in the hallway…Shoot, they found out. A voice behind Veneer caused him to turn back, Ruff was right behind him…The Bergen extended his arm and wrapped his giant hands around his neck. Veneer began gasping for air.
“I smell Troll.” Ruff replied as he squeezed Veneer’s neck tighter, “Mistress is not going to be happy.”
“Hey! Pea brain!” A voice called from above, standing on a light over head was Floyd, “Leave me kid alone!” Wrapping his hair near a fixture, he whipped himself straight into the Bergens eyes. Ruff cried in pain and let go of Veneer. He fell to the ground gasping for air. Gruff roared and started charging behind him.
“Ven!” Floyd cried. Though the Bergens were strong, they were not quick. Veneer moved within the last second, allowing for Gruff to collide with his Bergen brother…but that wasn’t enough, they began to growl and stir standing on their feet again.
“Run!” Floyd cried as he began running towards the exit.
Veneer ran, scooping Floyd up in his hand as he ran past. He slammed against the exit door, bursting it open. The smells of the outside world hit Veneer, his eyes adjusting to the lights. They were outside, but not free yet. Veneer took off running towards the gates that surrounded the mansion. He could here the Bergens finally coming out behind him.
“I have to make it to the fence..” He said. Floyd was on his shoulder again. He turned around to see the Bergens running like angry bulls.
“Hurry!” The little Troll yelled.
Veneer hadn’t ran like this since his time in the under-city, but muscle memory was catching up to him. He pace quickened. The roars and growls of the Bergens behind were still heard, but they sounded farther. Veneer neared the fence, in a leap, he mounted it and jumped over.
He landed on the other side. One quick look at the Bergens and he took off again…off into Mount Rageous. Gruff and Ruff finally reached the gates…but the boy was already far off…
“She’s going to be angry.” Gruff said.
Crowds of Rageons began to appear, that’s when Veneer finally decided to slow down. There was a bench in front of a record store…he sat down and caught his breath. Floyd hopped off his shoulder and on to his lap.
“You okay?” Veneer didn’t respond, he only gave him a thumbs up. “That was pure adrenline right there. We can take it slow. We got to make it out of Mount Rageous and onto the highway that leads out. Pull your hoodie up, hide that green hair as much as you can.” Veneer nodded as he pulled his red hood over his hair and beanie. Floyd hopped back on his shoulder, “Let’s go.”
Hardly anyone really payed him any attention. Of course, no one really saw him out of his glamourous outfits. To them, he was just another Rageon…and for a moment, Veneer enjoyed that. He passed some revenues he knew he and Velvet would have enjoyed…especially the roller rink and pizza parlor. A sadness crept into his heart…He had really left her behind…She could have been here with him. Veneer didn’t know how long he had been wlaking when he suddenly stopped.

“Hey. What’s going on?” Floyd asked.
“…Vels…I left her….”
Floyd sighed with a heavy heart, “You…you did what you had too..”
“…What if she hurts her…”
“She won’t Ven….That woman favored your sister. She’s her pride, her muse…That’s one good thing. She won’t hurt her while we get out of here and figure out how we can come back and get her out.”
Veneer knew if he would go back now…She’d kill him. But he had no choice…Velvet wasn’t going to leave with him…Her heart was now set on something different…He took in a deep breath.
“We have to make it to the highway before they find us.” He said. Veneer continued making his way through the crowds of Mount Rageous undetected…..for now.
Velvet sat on a diamond chair next to Mistress as she went through her files. The Bergens had just reported Veneers escape.
“This brother of yours really is a trouble maker.” She said not even looking up, “Decided to run off without you.”
“I didn’t want to leave with him any way.” She replied dryly. Mistress smirked as she saw the girl was under her control…Total loss of any free will. It all had worked.
“You know it won’t be pretty when my boyfriend get’s his hands on him.”
“Vennie, brought it upon himself.”
“Good. So we’re in agreement….To bad. He was a fun little pleasurable toy to play with every now and then.”
Those words stung Velvet’s heart. Something snapped and clicked inside her, as if the shackles were finally broken, the curtain was finally drawn back. What the hell did she just say? The memory of what their aunt did to her brother was released…Vvelt grew angry, but unlike Veneer, Velvet was cunning, just like Mistress, she knew how to play her game.
“We out grow toys.” Velvet simply replied.
“We sure do. Too bad. He would’ve made me money in other ways. Now. To plan for what we tell the public. You and Veneer broke up, you both decided to go seperate ways. This is your solo debut now…” As the Mistress kept talking, Velvet began planning. She should have ran away with her brother, she should’ve gone up and left…but she was here for one purpose now…to finally get rid of this evil woman once and for all.
It seemed like hours….but they had finally made it…The highway leading away from Mount Rageous. It was build mainly for those to visits Rageous….No one really went out into the rest of the world anymore. Why would they? Rageous had everything, everything they ever wanted…or so that’s what they would make the people think…That’s what Veneer had thought at one point, but it was all just an illusion. He continued slow and steady…his mind and heart stilling thinking about Velvet. He walked in silence as he began to cry…he fell to his knees.
“…..I miss her….” He cried, balling his fists on his knees. Floyd hopped off his shoulder and onto the ground, placing a small hand on the boy’s thumb.
“I know…I do too. But we need to figure out a plan before going back in there. It won’t be pretty…She won’t be herself.”
“I should’ve tried harder…Maybe I didn’t try hard enough…but I just couldn’t take it anymore…she’d beat me…She would never hit me.” Veneer said.
“Ven, we…” Floyd’s words were cut off as the sound of a car approached. Scooping Floyd up, he placed him in this pocket this time. Veneer didn’t know what to do, he froze. The car came to a screeching halt a few feet in front of him.
“Hello, Vincent.” A familair voice sounded as a hooded, cloaked figure stepped out of the vehicle. The figure pulled back his hood, reveavling a pale Rageon with dark, blue stringy hair pulled back into dreadlocks. Scars were patterened all over his body, he had a sharp toothy grin…Shank. He was one of the few to call the twins by their middle names.
“Where’s you’re hot sister?” He asked.
“Not here.” Veneer scowled…Shank had caused them trouble in the under-city. He was the one who would potentially sell them to the Mistress…his lover.
“Obviously. Got a call from my girl. You’ve been causing her trouble. Now she’s really had enough of you. You know how much money I have to refund her now because of this mess. Lucky she’s hot.” Shank reached into his belt and pulled out a gun…Veneer’s heart sank, he wrapped a protective hand around Floyd.
“What’s going on?” The Troll asked trying to peek out from his pockets.
“She really doesn’t care for you. Your sister was the one with all the potential. You were a fail safe. You’ve actually made it easier on her Vincent. Orginally she planned to stage your death, leaving Velvet with the solo career. But this makes it so much better…Running out on your own sister. Priceless.” His sharp teeth shined as he smiled. Floyd was able to poke his head out, he saw the glint of the gun in the other Rageons hand.
“Just…just let me go…please.” Veneer tried to beg.
“This is a business we run. And no one…I repeat, no one, runs out on us. You’re done, when we say we’re done.” He loaded the gun, pointing it at Veneer. “…And Vincent, we’re done.”
“NO!” Floyd tugged on Veneer’s sleeve. What little force he had caused Veneer to move…and with that little move, those few little inches, allowed the bullet to barely miss Veneer’s heart. He cried in pain, pressing his hand where the bullet went through. He staggered, his breathing heavied, his vision began to blur. Veneer got closer to the edge of the highway. His eyes rolled behind his head as he fell off the edge of into whatever waited in the depths below. Shank looked down and spat.
“Good night Vincent.”
As the day passed, Velvet could only think of her brother. Where did he go? How far had he gone? She stood a her vanity and stared at herself in the mirror. What had she become? What made her delusional to not leave with Veneer? She gripped the side of her vanity hard….Velvet finally had enough. She turned and walked out her door.
Mistress had full trust in her. She had to keep it that way…for now. No Bergens followed her around like they did her brother, and she had access to wherever she liked. Mistress had gone off to some meetings in which Velvet wasn’t invited, so she took this opportunity and snuck into her office. Velvet knew it would be locked, but she also knew how to pick locks herself. Within no time, she was in the office of The Mistress. She closed the door behind her and began to dig around.
It began to seem like it was all for nothing. Everywhere she searched was coming out empty… until she came across a locked segment on her desk. Velvet picked the locked and opened it… Files. What good were files? She began peering through them one boy one.
“Trolls?” She flipped through it… the memory of what Floyd told her came to her mind. “Non effective. Dead. Deceased….What the hell? Pop Troll… effective…..Floyd.” Everything he said was true. No wonder he thought they were part of it… What the hell were they using trolls to make?
“The whole damn agency is doing this?” Velvet and Veneer were just the muses of music for them, their pawns in one small act. Whatever Rageons that were part of this agency, were victims of the same thing her and her brother were. But then she figured, many weren’t really victims, some knew, and didn’t care. They wanted the fame and glory, it’s what Velvet had wanted too… but something was more important to her… family. She looked further inside the cabinet for anything else, that’s when she found the vile. A small vile with pink-like liquid inside. There was no label, no names, just a small cursive E imprinted on the lid….Velvet had had enough… Time to cut the head off at least one snake…
Veneer extended his arms… he felt something soft underneath them. Blankets? He moved his head. A pillow? His sense started coming back as he opened his eyes. He found himself in a room. He knew it wasn’t Rageous, the decor was much different. Where was he?
“Ven!” A small familiar voice called out. He turned to see Floyd standing on the drawer next to his bed side. The little Troll hopped on, ran to his face, and hugged him. “You’re awake! And alive!” Relief passing through his body.
“Where… What happened?”
“The highway. That Rageon shot you. Thankfully he missed your heart by inches. We fell, but there was water below. I was afraid you were going to bleed to death.”
“How did we end up here? Where are we?”
“Well, turns out someone was looking for me and happened to find us washed up on the banks.” Floyd turned as a group of smaller Trolls entered the room, “Ven, these are my brothers. Guys, this is Veneer.”
Veneer stared wide-eyed at the group Trolls. He kept of himself from going a little over board… they were just the cutest thing.
“Well our plan was to save our brother from you, but good old Rhonda picked up his scent a mile away and lead us to you two in the nick of time!” John Dory exclaimed.
“You guys moved me all the way over here!?” Veneer exclaimed. The Trolls laughed in unison.
“Well we’re flattered, but Trolls have a limit, even with an armadillo bus helping us. We called for back up.” Clay smiled. He saw the look of confusion on the Rageons face when he mentioned the armadillo bus, “Yeah we’ll explain all that later.”
“Where exactly are we?” Veneer asked.
“BergenTown.” Branch crossed his arms. At the mention of the Bergens Veneer jumped. He only knew the Bergens of Under Rageous, and they were brutal. He panicked and tried to quickly rush out of the bed. “Whoa! Whoa! Take it easy! Man, you’re more frantic than I was when someone mentioned a Bergen.”
“He…. He doesn’t have good experiences with Bergens either.” Floyd said. Branch glanced at his brother then the Rageon. Veneer looked embarrassed.
“Yeah. They’re not as bad as I thought either. You’ll see.” Branch offered a small smile. Veneer glanced at Floyd.
“You were out a couple of days… I went back and forth. There was no sign of her. I don’t think she followed us Ven.” Floyd replied, a sad look in his eyes. Veneer nodded looking down at his hands…. She made her choice, and he had made his. Did he plan for their choices to pull them away? No. But it did…and he had to live with it for the rest of his life.
“Come on. Let’s introduce you to the rest of BergenTown.”
Months had passed since she last saw her brother. Who knew where in the world he was. She wanted to go after him, and find him. But this plan had taken time, she needed to earn her trust, to make sure Mistress didn’t suspect anything…. Then the day finally came when Velvet just couldn’t take it any longer.
Her and two other young Rageons sat opposite of Mistress. They were her other muses in the music industry, another brother-sister duo a few years older than the twins: Cashmere and Luster. They were more ruthless, more ambitious, unlike the twins, they weren’t under any control, they were doing this for their sick twisted pleasure. They weren’t twins, a year apart. They were also Under Rageons: pale skin, their hair was eggplant purple, they’re were stunning in their own way.
“So dear old Vincent couldn’t take the fame life.” Luster grinned, “Once a loser, always a loser.” He laughed looking at Velvet. “Don’t worry cousin, maybe he died a quick death, somewhat painless death.” Hector smirked.
“Hm.” Was all Velvet replied. Cashmere was quiet… she still hated that her and her brother were below the twins, that Velvet managed to keep her title at the top without Veneer…. That they were still the better cousins.
“We’re done here.” Mistress said walking back into the room. “You two may leave now. You have your batch to last you the month. I except that new music to deliver and bring in the money.” She said to Cashmere and Luster.
“Don’t we always.” Cashmere casted Velvet a devious look before leaving.
“Enjoy your time at the top dear cousin.” Luster spat as he followed his sister.
Velvet was now alone with Mistress. She eyed the woman as she worked through her files. “May I ask why the hell you’re wearing THAT?” She looked at Velvets attire. She had her old dark pink vest from the under-city, tight black crop top, black mini skirt and combat boots.
“I’m not performing. Can’t I wear what I want?” She stated.
“Around me, no.”
Mistress stood up to pour herself her coffee. “I recommend you go change.” She turned to take a sip. Velvet only eyed her, a devious look in her eyes. A smirk started coming across Velvets face.
“….Do many know about the Trolls? About what you do?” Velvet asked.
“What do you think? But who cares. They’re Trolls. Resources for superior beings like us. Under Rageous knows this. Mount Rageous already has the perfect form of Rageons, we just need the talent, the enhancement.” Mistress said as she sipped her coffee.
Velvet smiled, “The perfect form of Rageon. Is that what we’re aiming for?”
“It’s what we’ve achieved. Look at you, look at your cousins. Look at anyone comining out of this agency on top! Look at you. You’re different, beautiful. Basically a goddess amongst them, now think of just making you more than perfect. That’s where the Trolls come in.” She sipped her coffee again. Velvet listened… is this what she had sounded to Veneer at one point? Mad? Velvet continued to smile, but it wasn’t for the reason Mistress thought. The Mistresses face churned as a bitter after taste stained her lips. “What the hell? Who made this?” She began spitting it out. She suddenly grasped her stomach wailing in pain.
“Velvet call an ambulance now!” She yelled as she fell on the floor holding her abdomen. Velvet stared with a gleeful expression as Mistress began to suffer. “VELVET!…. AAHHH…. GRUFF! RUFF!”
“They won’t answer you. I don’t think they will ever again. See, they decided to eat some “troll” chocolate . Idiots. I just wrapped Floyd’s old left over clothes in chocolate and those big idiots ate it up. Funny what kind of poisons you can make with this.” Velvet held up the vile she found that had contained the pink liquid. “I really have you to thank for the idea though.”
Mistress cried and wailed as her stomach burned. “WHAT DID YOU DO!!!”
“Just made sure you wouldn’t see the light of day again…. Or torture my brother.” Velvet kneeled on the Mistresses stomach, putting more pain than what she was already feeling. “How dare you touch him! How dare you take advantage of him! He’s not a freaking toy! And how dare you abuse either one of us for your own game. I know who I am… and I am NOT your pawn.”
White foam began to appear around the Mistresses mouth. She began to gag and choke. “You……vile…….girl……”
“If that means out smarting you, then yes, I’m very vile.” Velvet watched as the life left her eyes, as she took her last breath. Velvet stood up and screamed, she kicked the woman’s lifeless body…. She was gone… The Bergens were gone… and she had to disappear too. Velvet ran back towards the cabinets and collected the evidence she had found. She stuffed them into her backpack she collected….. and she ran….she ran out of building, out of her prison…. She was finally free..
Veneer. She had to go find him…. She hoped he was still alive. Velvet didn’t where to look, she didn’t even know where to start. She must’ve looked like a crazy Rageon running as fast as she did through the city…. Where? Where could she start? The world was big, and it had been months. If Veneer was alive… he could be anywhere.
She saw the glint of the highway. She could somewhat still feel his presence… he was alive, she knew it, she felt it… and she was going to find him.
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lustoffdemn · 3 days
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The idea was to make them with the background of the loser song but I couldn't do it :')
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mzsugarpink · 2 days
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I love her facial expressions sm
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pyjamaus · 2 days
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Some twins to help the artblock!
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mochilly · 3 days
Velvet and Veneer Redesign!
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I absolutely LOVE them, but the outfit of the movie wasn't giving it enough you know? It looks plain. Where are the colors, the glamour and the fashion the Trolls franchise have?? Since I looked at some concept art from them i couldn't forget about it , guys we've been robbed like what?? The concept arts are amazing 😭
Those are my favorites that inspired the redesign:
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Also, more drawings of the redesign and some info about the changes:
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Veneer is supposed to have star shaped glasses on the main drawing but I forgot them sorry, poorly drawn at this one but they exist 🥺 anyway here are some more things my empty mind thought about:
◉ Is as cocky and vain as he appear to be. Veneer it's a total attention seeker, being arrogant and proud of his fame.
◉ Sometimes will play dumb or innocent, but in reality he's very aware of he's doing, only being manipulative to get away of some situation (At the final scene where he confess to everyone of Mount Rageous, Veneer would only be doing that to appear innocent at the moment and gain the favor of the public. But as he proceeded to get arrested anyway, he would get mad as he was dragged out of stage) .
◉ When training his dances, purposely would bring Floyd with him to bounce him around, or only keep him on the corner to watch his rehearsal, asking how he did when finished.
◉ Contract song writers to write the lyrics of their songs but don't even pay or give them credit.
◉ More gay than never 💅
◉ Their PR team wanted them to use similar outfits but they both refused to it, instead they go to the opposite. Mainly with Velvet saying she didn't wanted to look the same as Veneer.
◉ They were famous for some time before the movie events, only recording songs and selling them. But as the fame grew, the public wanted shows, and as they only used auto tune (lol) they couldn't do them. As a result, Velvet came to the solution of using Trolls to help them sing when doing shows.
◉ She's the one who keeps Veneer in check to keep the mask of the "nice guy" when he gets stressed or irritated with something to not taint their reputation.
◉ Velvet likes to sing more on the songs, but Veneer also likes to do it, so frequently they fight for the highest notes or song time.
◉ Prefers to do her nails and hair while Veneer rehearsal his dancing, not liking to "sweat without reason".
◉ Post dramatic reels on Instagram (or Rageousgram? Idk).
◉ Still the same brat as the movie, but the trouble is double now with Veneer.
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fairytypingg · 12 hours
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floyd picked the wrong fight sry
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friot · 10 hours
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V&v siblings ‼️💚 wholesome
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whitebunnyyy · 2 days
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blackkatdraws2 · 5 months
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The highlights of the movie (for me lol)
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ohposhers · 6 months
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★No way I spent like 7 hours making a cringey comic for the Troll Twins AU im sick to my stomach Using trolls for their talent is a lot darker if you are one yourself, I love the idea of Vel and Ven being trolls who can't sing rahahah
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kermahillway · 5 months
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Dreamworks missed out on a huge opportunity to use the second movie's troll kings/queens to have Velvet and Veneer play different genres of songs. It always bugged me how they forget about the last movie whenever they make a new Trolls
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simplydannie · 19 hours
Previous “The Meeting”
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Based on @zephyrmars ask here!
Upon looking for his family, Floyd finds himself in the most unlikely places…and at the hands of two teens he didn’t know were set to change his life forever.
“Gone…. They’re gone…” Floyd stood at the center of the Troll tree… It now lay empty, not a single soul in sight… the Trolls were gone, all gone. Floyd fell to his knees. Did they all get eaten? Did they escape? His heart sank.
Branch… little Branch.
“I just left him… I thought… I didnt….” His colors began to fade. He looked around, he peeked inside the tiny homes…Everything was still here, nothing was taken, nothing was broken… they saw the opportunity and ran for it, they had too. Hopping down to the base of the tree he saw holes, giant ones. It seems in their attempt to retrieve them, the Bergens dug, and dug. Yes, they did escape.
“They have to be alive… I have to find where they went.” He said to himself. Getting up he ran out of the Troll tree before any Bergens saw.
For nearly 20 years he had roamed in isolation looking for his family, for any sight of Pop Trolls.. Floyds colors were completely gone, wasted, not a single dose of happiness left in him. He sat on top of a tree branch curled into a ball…the way he spent most nights…If 20 years of searching led him nowhere, then he was completely hopeless. Tears began filling his eyes like they did every night. That’s when heard the voice. Peeping down below he saw hooded figures, giant hooded figures…he’d never really seen anything like them before. They weren’t Bergens, their features were almost doll-like…
“You find any?”
“Nope. Seems like we’re all dry on this end.”
“Dammit. We’ll search another location tomorrow. These Trolls only have so much to where they can hide now.”
Floyd’s ears had perked up at the mention of Trolls. He had grown desperate by now, any mention of them was a hopeful one since all the villages he had run into didn’t have his family….Maybe, just maybe…
In the blink of an eye, Floyd flung himself from the top of the tree into their vehicle below. He hid from view of these giant creatures.
“Please, please, take me to my family.” He whispered to himself as the vehicle began to move…
That’s how he found his way in Under Rageous, that’s how he found himself trapped by two greened haired teens. Floyd had no idea where he was being carried too. All he could hear were the voices of the two figures…
“He doesn’t look so good Vels.”
“Doesn’t matter. A Troll is a Troll and a Troll means bitz.” He heard the female voice say.
Floyd stretched out his tiny arms to reach for the cloth that covered the trap he was in, but not luck… he pulled the tiny bars surrounding him, banging them hoping they’d budge, nothing, he was trapped…
“Are you sure about this?” He heard the male voice speak again.
“Stop it Ven. We’re doing this. Stay here.” Floyd heard her footsteps fade away. The Troll was curled into a corner when the cover was lifted. His eyes adjusted to the dim lights. Floyd was able to get a good look at the kid this time: stringy green hair under a purple beanie, pale, pale porcelain like skin. A doll like face, but covered in scars, a tired look in his giant eyes…He looked at Floyd with a sad expression…There were no words between them for a moment, just silence as they looked at each other.
“I’ve never met a REAL Troll.” The boy said. Floyd remained silent. “Why are you gray? They said Trolls have the prettiest colors, but you don’t have any.” A look of concern crossed his face. “Are you sick? Do Trolls get sick?……Do Trolls even talk? Do you even understand me?” He blabbed. Floyd couldn’t help but let a small smile cross his face….in some form or another, his curiosity reminded him of Branch.
“I understand you.” Floyd responded.
“Oh thank God! I thought I was talking to my own for a minute there.” The boy had moved himself into a corner far from view. “What’s your name?”
“…..Floyd. What’s yours?”
“Veneer! And the girl you saw with me is my sister, Velvet. She’s moody, but she’s nice enough.”
Silence passed between them again when Veneer finally asked, “Why are you all gray?”
“I….” It took a moment for the Troll to respond, to find the right words… “I just lost my colors…”
“You can do that?”
“When a Troll looses all sense of hope and happiness…Yes, it happens.” Floyd curled himself into tighter ball.
“Why are you not happy?”
“My family…I can’t find them.” The Troll buried his face into his knees. Veneer’s heart sank…He had a family. Trolls. They all had families. And here were Under Rageons taking them and selling them for their own personal gain. He glanced around, he was far from eyes, far from view. Opening his trap, Veneer reached inside and gently scooped the Troll up in his hands and placed him in the pockets of his red vest.
“What are you-“
“Shhh.” Veneer hushed him. He tore apart a section of the trap, making it seem as if the Troll had escaped. Veneer draped the cloth back over it. “Stay quiet.”
Within moments his sister appeared with a male Rageon beside her, a few years older than they were. “There it is.” She pointed to the trap Veneer still held in his hands.
“Nice one, Ven. Seems you have slowly proven yourself to our group.” The male Rageon responded. Veneer swallowed the lump that was in his throat, trying his best to hide the fear behind a smile. “Give it here.”
Hesitantly, Veneer reached over and gave the trap to the Rageon, “Those bitz are all ours! You know how much money this little Troll is going to- What the hell!” Upon uncovering the trap, he saw that it was empty, the little metal bars broken and bent, “Where is it! What the heck happened!”
“VEN?” Velvet glanced at him wide-eyed.
“He was there. He was there I swear! We…we both saw it.” Veneer replied.
“WELL IT’S NOT HERE NOW IS IT!” The male Rageon tossed the trap straight into Veneer’s face causing him to stagger back, his body began trembling in fear.
“It escaped. We’ll go find another one.” Velvet tried to intervene.
He hit Veneer clear across the face.
He hit him again.
And again.
“Stop it!” Velvet jumped in just as he was about to hit another blow, hitting her instead. She held her face and winced at the pain it left her.
“Your brother has caused us enough trouble, he has lost us enough bitz. We’re done. You’re no longer part of this group. You work and fend for yourselves now! One thousand bitz! That’s how much you need to pay us back. If you don’t, we will find you.” With his boot he kicked dirt in both their faces. Veneer spat out blood as he felt a loose tooth somewhere inside.
“Vels! Vels are you okay?” He went over to his sister, checking her face.
“Me? You’re the one he let hell on!” She grabbed his face looking at him up and down. “God, it’s going to swell. We better get home and ice it now.” She grabbed his hand and began to walk away.
“Um, Vels…” Veneer attempted to speak as she dragged him down the streets of Under Rageous. They passed by various Rageons and Bergens alike. They scoffed and laughed as they saw his condition.
“Mind your business! Giant apes.” Velvet yelled.
“Vels…I have something I need to tell you…”
“Not now Ven. I just want to get home.”
“Vels you have to listen, and you can’t get mad….”
She stopped, she turned and looked at him, “Mad at what?”
Veneer pulled her into a dark, empty alleyway. He pulled her behind dumpsters away from any eyes, “Please, don’t get mad.”
“What the hell Ven, spit it out!”
He reached into his pocket in hopes he was still there…He was. Veneer wrapped his hand gently around Floyd, bringing him out he showed him to Velvet. Her mouth dropped. Her eyes moved rapidly between the Troll and her brother.
“You….YOU LIED!” She yelled.
“I had too. It didn’t feel right. He doesn’t look good. Just look at him Vels. And he has a family!”
“You know we would only see not even half of what we would’ve gotten for him. You know that!”
“Don’t worry about that…I have some saved up. Vel’s we need to make sure he get’s out of here. What if his family is here? We could help him find them?”
Floyd looked back and forth at the arguing siblings. They reminded him a lot of his own…He looked at Veneer. His face was bruised, his mouth bleeding, all because he wanted to save him. Protect him..
“Can I say something?” Floyd called up to them. Both Rageons glanced down at him, “Thank you. You, you didn’t have to do that.”
Veneer smiled, while Velvet scowled.
“Why do you always have to be like this Veneer?” She said.
“I can’t help it…He needs his family.”
Floyd smiled, but a sudden wave of nausea hit him. He fainted at the palm of Veneer’s hand. All he remembered hearing was the sound of the Rageon boy screaming his name.
The smell of warm food is what awoke Floyd. He opened his tiny eyes and found himself wrapped in a small cloth, a sock was made into a pillow for him. He find himself in a small home that reminded him a little bit of the single roomed Troll homes. Floyd heard bickering. He turned towards the small kitchen and saw both twins hovering over the stove.
“Garlic powder. Mom said garlic is good for the immune system.” Velvet said.
“Wasn’t it onion?”
“No garlic.”
“I swear it was onion.”
“Oh my gosh, it’s garlic Veneer!”
“…..it’s onion….”
Velvet threw a wooden spoon hitting the top of his head. Floyd found himself smiling a lot this day…something about these two just clicked with him. Perhaps it was just the feeling of being surrounded by a family like this for the first time in a long while, a family that reminded him of his own. He looked around and saw there was not sign of their parents or anyone else. Were they on their own? This young? He’d guess they were only about sixteen, maybe even fifteen.
The twins turned around to see he had woken up, “Oh you’re awake!” Veneer beamed.
“…Joy…” Velvet rolled her eyes and went to sit on a small couch they had. Veneer had found the smallest bowl and spoon they had.
“..Yeah that’s still kind of big.” He said placing the bowl in front of Floyd.
“It’s fine. Trolls can have a big appetite. It smells good.”
“Our mom would make this when we were sick, and you looked kind of sick. OH! Vels agreed you could stay as long as you needed too.”
“Don’t make me change my mind.” The girl had laid herself on the couch and closed her eyes.
Floyd smiled, “Thank you. I think this is the most rest I’ve had in the longest time.” He began taking sips of the soup when he saw Veneer eyeing him curiously. “What?”
“I don’t know if it’s just me, maybe it’s the lighting? But…You’re not looking as gray as you did when I first saw you. Is your color coming back?”
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bon3tea · 5 months
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Branch with abandonment issues </3 I like to imagine Poppy wakes up to him holding her tight 24/7
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