sas-soulwriter · 7 months
Dark past ideas
A dark past can be really intresting in books .here are some ideas:
Mysterious Orphanage Escapee: A character who grew up in a sinister orphanage and narrowly escaped its dark secrets.
Traumatic War Survivor: A soldier who witnessed unspeakable horrors on the battlefield, leaving deep emotional scars.
Secret Criminal Past: A reformed criminal who once led a life of violence, but is now trying to make amends.
Kidnapped as a Child: A character who was abducted at a young age and endured years of captivity before escaping.
Tragic Family Betrayal: A character who was betrayed by a close family member, leading to a life filled with distrust and pain.
Cult Escapee: Someone who managed to break free from a dangerous cult, but is haunted by their past involvement.
Haunted by a Violent Crime: A person who accidentally caused harm to someone in their past and has been tormented by guilt ever since.
Dark Addiction: A character who battled a severe addiction that nearly destroyed their life before seeking recovery.
Betrayed by a Friend: A friend who turned out to be a traitor, leading to significant emotional trauma.
Abandoned in Isolation: Someone who was left alone and abandoned in a desolate place, struggling to survive.
Witness to a Murder: A character who saw a murder as a child and was forever scarred by the experience.
Childhood Experimentation: A person who was subjected to unethical scientific experiments in their youth, leaving lasting physical and emotional scars.
Kidnapped and Forced into Crime: A character who was abducted and forced to commit criminal acts against their will.
Betrayed by a Mentor: Someone who was betrayed by a trusted mentor, leading to a deep sense of betrayal and loss.
Survived Natural Disaster: A survivor of a catastrophic natural disaster who lost everything they held dear.
Abusive Relationship Escapee: A person who managed to escape an abusive relationship, but continues to struggle with the trauma.
Witness to a Dark Ritual: A character who stumbled upon a sinister occult ritual in their past, leaving them haunted by the experience.
Family Curse: A character burdened by a dark family curse that has brought suffering to generations.
Identity Theft and Framing: A person who had their identity stolen and was wrongfully accused of crimes they didn't commit.
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lighthousepigeons · 7 months
[During the Heathens initiation]
Niko, in his mask: Run if you want to live.
Brandon: *Runs*
Niko, confused: Not like towards me though.
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oldwinesoul · 1 month
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battinscnz · 6 months
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aifanfictions · 8 months
do a story about Chrollo Lucilfer introducing (y/n) to the Phantomhive troupe as his girlfriend and ordering everyone to treat (y/n) like royalty
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Shadows of Affection
In the clandestine world of organized crime, Chrollo Lucilfer, the enigmatic leader of the infamous Phantomhive Troupe, was revered for his sharp intellect and charismatic leadership. However, behind the curtain of ruthlessness and calculated strategies, there existed a side of him that very few had the privilege to witness—a side that held the promise of an extraordinary love story.
It was a moonlit night when Chrollo arrived at the Troupe's hidden lair, accompanied by an unexpected presence—(Y/N). (Y/N) was a figure of undeniable allure, and her entrance into the dimly lit room sent ripples of astonishment through the group.
The Troupe members, known for their unwavering loyalty to Chrollo, watched in stunned silence as their leader introduced (Y/N) as his girlfriend. It was a revelation that left them bewildered, for they had never witnessed Chrollo express affection or invite anyone into their tightly knit circle.
"Allow me to introduce (Y/N)," Chrollo declared, his voice resonating with authority, "my beloved girlfriend. From this moment forward, I expect each of you to treat her with the utmost respect and deference."
His words hung in the air, the room filled with palpable tension, as the Troupe members exchanged incredulous glances. Yet, it was not within their nature to question Chrollo's commands, so they reluctantly accepted his directive with silent nods.
As days turned into weeks, (Y/N) found herself immersed in the enigmatic world of the Phantomhive Troupe, a world where crime and chaos thrived. To her surprise, the Troupe members wholeheartedly complied with Chrollo's decree. They regarded her with reverence and adoration, attending to her every desire and ensuring her comfort within the secretive confines of their hidden sanctuary.
Chrollo, a leader renowned for his calculated and enigmatic demeanor, underwent a transformation in (Y/N)'s presence. He became more accessible, more human, allowing his emotions to flow freely. Their relationship evolved into a complex and passionate love story, one that transcended the darkness of their criminal lives.
(Y/N) was captivated by Chrollo's intelligence, charm, and the duality that defined his character—a leader of ruthless criminals who was also capable of tender affection and deep emotional connections. Together, they shared stolen moments amidst the shadows, finding solace in the midst of their chaotic existence.
However, the world of the Phantomhive Troupe was far from benign. Danger lurked at every turn, and (Y/N) quickly discovered that her role as Chrollo's girlfriend made her a target for their enemies. Rival groups sought to exploit her presence, viewing her as a potential weakness to be exploited.
Yet, (Y/N) was far from a passive observer in this treacherous world. She displayed a strength of character and a resilience that earned her the respect of the Troupe members. They saw her as an equal, someone who could hold her own in their ruthless domain.
As the days unfolded and the trials of their criminal lives continued, Chrollo and (Y/N)'s love story deepened. Their bond grew stronger amidst the chaos, and (Y/N) became an indispensable and beloved member of the Troupe, holding her own alongside the deadliest criminals.
Their love defied the odds, flourishing in the darkest corners of their existence. Chrollo Lucilfer, the enigmatic leader of the Phantomhive Troupe, had unearthed love in the most unlikely of places, and with (Y/N) by his side, their world of shadows became a little less cold and a lot more enchanting.
NOTE! This story was generated by OpenAI
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sweetiesshortstories · 8 months
˜”°•.˜”°• If Stars Could Love •°”˜.•°”˜
Part 3 NSFW
"What if I never want to leave? What will happen?" My eyes were watering, and my voice was straining.
"Then we would stay. Here inside this second in time. Our realities would continue to exist, unaware of the rift and we would be here." He shifted and his hand went to my chin to lift my face to his. I didn't want him to see me, or to look into my eyes, but he was adamant on my facing him. "I would feed you, bathe you, and care for you with my own hands. You would need for naught because there exists nothing I would not provide. And when you finally grow weary of me, and sick for home, I would place you back on the grass by the water while all the adoration I have ever held for you stayed within me. That is how I would continue to live with myself; keeping what I feel for you, with me always."
I had never heard perfection. In fact, my entire life I had been told perfection was a myth, something to strive for but it was as obtainable as the end of a rainbow. Yet he had strewn together the most perfect syllables anyone could ask for. The song for the unloved.
Without time as a concept, I can't tell you how long I stayed with him. We didn't have to measure anything that we did. Nothing was a wasted moment. He showed me nature with mobile roots, a rain that rose from the ground beneath our feet, and what a shooting star getting lost in the sun looked like. And when he finally touched me without caution, and his hands lingered, and his eyes kept looking at my mouth, I knew his desires were as primitive as mine. Just like the stories of the gods, of angels, as enlightened as they may be they always fell for the sins of the flesh.
On a hill under the orange light of the stars when Astraeus held my hand for a moment too long, I made a move to hug him, and he met me part of the way. Leaning slightly for me. But I didn't hug him, I kissed him. Not softly or sweet, and he matched me.
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His lips overtook mine and his tongue dipped into my mouth, tasting me. I felt light, as if I could leave my body. His hands held me tightly, pressing me into him and my desire grew. A pulse throbbed between my legs and a pathetic whimper escaped my chest.
"Much too soon for that," he spoke against my lips. "I've not even begun with you yet." He captured my mouth and lifted me from the ground, gripping my ass firmly. I wrapped my legs around his waist and almost whimpered again feeling his length rub against me. He was so hard already I understood why early humans called them gods of pleasure. Gods of ecstasy.
His lips trailed down my neck, kissing, caressing, I dug my nails into his shoulders and my head fell back, exposing more of myself to him. I wanted to feel him everywhere, something I had never wanted in the past. He lifted me higher and I felt his tongue at my collarbone, slowly inching closer to the swell of my breasts. My breaths were shallow, I couldn't gather enough air, every touch from Astraeus made me even more sensitive for the next.
He dropped to his knees and lowered me onto grass as soft as velvet, I could hardly contain my giddy sigh as his lips traveled lower, sending a current through me. The thin dress didn't resist the guidance of his chin as he moved to free my breast. He engulfed me instantly. His tongue swirled over my puckered nipple, and he sucked ravenously. His teeth sunk into my skin and the pull of my mound into his mouth took my breath away. My toes curled and I wrapped myself even tighter around him as wetness pooled between my thighs. My fingers dug into his hair and gripped tightly as I pushed myself further into his mouth, whining and whimpering.
He was so large compared to me and instead of that making me timid, it made me feel safe. I was eager to be open for him and desperate to please him. He could use me and I would love him for it.
His hand traveled up my thigh and I trembled in anticipation. His touch was gentle but firm, asserting a soft control. He moved his mouth to my other breast, and I moaned loudly, impatient for his hand. Impatient his thick, hard--
"Is all of this sweet honey for me?" He purred as he tapped one finger against my sex and slipped into my folds. A sound escaped my chest, my body jolted from the touch and my stomach tightened. My whole body was vibrating.
"God, yes!" I threw my head back as he stroked my folds and massaged my swollen clit. I shamelessly thrusted myself into his hand seeking any amount of gratification I could steal.
"You call to me correctly,” as if rewarding me he plunged his fingers into me and feathered his lips up my neck. Finally, finally, finally! I yelped from the sensation. “You'll worship me over every God after what I do to you.” His lips crashed onto mine, and my needy moans were absorbed into him. Pleasure raced through my veins like a drug and my fluttered cries were no longer contained by his lips.
I needed to let the pleasure out somehow, it was filling me in every crevice and spilling over. My stomach rippled and he kept going, fingering me deeper and stroking me slower, coaxing the release, and I couldn’t control the noises I made. When his thumb pressed on my clit my body quivered and my eyes rolled so far back I wasn’t sure I would ever be able to see straight again. With my wetness he rubbed my clit over and over, still sliding inside of me and I felt the thread connecting me to reality...snap.
"My honeyed mortal, my sweet mortal. You're blooming right before me." His words dragged out my orgasm, the waves washing through me clogging my senses so much, I didn't feel him position himself at my soaking entrance. I was still tight when his head pushed through, still trying to come back to my body.
"Ast-Astraeus!" He was stretching me, filling me little by little and I still wasn't done processing what his fingers had done.
"My obedient human, singing my name," He taunted me as he sunk further. making me tighten my thighs around him to keep him at a distance. "Now, my human needs to open for me." He placed a hand on the inside of my thigh and pushed down, pinning it to the ground. My other leg was draped over his lower back and it clung to him desperately as my hand held him at his abdomen.
"Astraeus I can't, it's too soon after--" He silenced me with his mouth and I felt him fully sink into me, his pelvis coming flush against mine. I cried through his lips and his cock nestled inside of me, forcing room. I could feel him in my ribs.
He pulled out slowly and slid back in, holding my bottom lip between his teeth as I fought for air. My dress was at my waist and our skin stuck together from sweat, saliva, my nipples brushed against his chest with every motion. It was already too much. Stimulation was at every point in my body, and I wasn't equipped to handle it all. I turned my head away from him, gasping, and weakly pushed against his chest.
"I can't, I can't." I whimpered, shaking my head. Because I truly felt too human for what he was giving me. He grabbed both of my wrists and pinned them to the ground above my head, it jerked my dress back up my torso and pushed my breasts higher. With his other hand he pulled my chin to face him and stared intently in my eyes, his lips slightly parted.
"You can. I picked you. If you open yourself to me, I promise you pleasures greater than even this." He thrust back inside of me and I rolled my eyes with a moan. "Keep your gaze upon me, my earth flower." He pulled my chin towards him again and I stared at him through heavy lids. Still cupping my chin, he slipped his thumb into my mouth as he continued thrusting into me, deeply, slowly, and I sucked. I stroked his appendage with my tongue and sucked him as far as I could get him. Every time my eyes rolled, he would correct me and use his thumb to control my head by pulling me towards him.
"I want your eyes, human."
But I didn't want to look at him, not when I was so close. I was practically whimpering as I sucked his thumb through his thrusts, I was losing my composure. Orgasms were supposed to be sexy, beautiful, but I felt feral and desperate. As if reading my mind, he lowered his face next to mine and licked at the sensitive skin just under my ear.
"I love seeing you like this. Let yourself unfurl before me."
His words were like magic. He positioned his face in front of mine, our noses brushed, and I pulled my restrained hands into fists. I felt a flutter in my abdomen and his grip on my wrists tightened as he speared me over and over. His eyes swallowed me, and a euphoria blossomed from inside and forced a high-pitched cry from my throat. My teeth clamped onto his thumb and my entire scope of vision hazed within an instant, his features faded. I blinked to clear my vision and tears dripped from the corners of my eyes as my body rippled around him.
I could feel him pulsing his release into me and my body arched to meet him, to swallow him deeper. His hand disappeared from my wrists and he slipped his thumb from my lips as I panted and shivered. He slid his hands down my body, taking the thin straps on my dress with him and dragged them down my limp arms. He was still inside of me as he cupped my bare breasts in his hands, forcing a sound from my throat.
"Astraeus..." I breathed and lifted my own hands to my chest; he didn't entertain me. He ignored me, he squeezed my breasts and pinched my nipples between his fingers, and I felt our wetness drip from where he still sat inside of me.
"I like you best this way. Exposed, breathless, with my name on your tongue. I want to keep you this way." He moved his hands from my front to my back and pulled me upright with him, his still hard cock pressed against my cervix. "Allow me to take you higher." He nuzzled my mouth with his, and I tightened around his length at the affectionate touch.
He was going to fucking break me.
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firesteel-eden · 6 months
So, first chapter of the Reverse Firesteel is up!
And the proud princess testified for all that is just and fair.
And there it was, her plan laid bare.  It was ingenious, she meant to have Joffrey feel as if he was isolated and surrounded by betrayers and leeches. She couldn’t make him suspicious of Cersei or Margaery for that matter, but of all others?  It didn’t matter if he would rely on her or not, because Sansa meant to use the chaos ensuing to escape. 
You can read it here!
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darkdeshade · 25 days
my instagram | my tiktok | my tumblr
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deshadedominique · 2 months
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By @deshadedominique
Like or reblog if you wanna see the whole video
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danyarts · 6 months
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I… I… made something
Romanticizing fictional serial killers is the fault of the media… I am the media.
I created this OC for Halloween and the “All those muscles didn’t help much” trend on TikTok, and know I am seriously thinking about a making a dark romance comic… who knows what the future brings.
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theepumpkinqueeen · 5 months
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sas-soulwriter · 5 months
New reading and writing website
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theshadowords · 1 month
Love blurs boundaries but can't invariably break barriers. Love isn't always enough.
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novinablog · 4 months
In his obsession
I admit, he is very charming
His smile is so sweet
But he's a bit psycho
In his blue eyes
I was lost in his gaze
And died in his arms
He's so annoying
And he's a lot of fun
That's what i like about him
In his obsession
I can't look away from him
And in love with him
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alinx · 2 years
Indie Jones Grayson & Ivarsen Torrance
"Can't you understand? You're my sunlight, the fucking air I breathe. You're everything."
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poetryofmuses · 1 year
The old poets have made a mockery out of love. Love shouldn't limit you, it shouldn't kill you, the craving, the yearning shouldn't torment you. Love is beautiful, if only we realized that.
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