btsmosphere · 2 hours
anyone shipping phoenix and jk 😜
listen, we always welcome different interpretations here😅
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btsmosphere · 2 hours
gahhh thank you!! it's steadily coming together...👀👀
Supercharged | JJK
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Chapter 9: Thank me Later
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🗲summary: It starts with a blow to the chest that changes your life. When your city’s most celebrated hero pays a visit, it turns out the noble Bolt has no trouble tossing lives aside. Lives that won't be missed. Lives like yours. Seven mysterious and powerful men give you another chance – one that starts to feel more like a curse the moment you meet golden boy Jungkook. The boy who wants you as far from his brothers as he can get you. Is it you he hates, or the blue lightning that now runs through your veins? And could it be his golden light that illuminates your heart when darkness threatens? 🗲this chapter: Our villains get their moment in the sun (well, the fire…)
🗲pairing: jungkook x female reader 🗲word count: 2k 🗲genre: angst, action, eventual fluff, enemies to lovers, slow burn, superheroes/villains au, found family 🗲rating: pg15 🗲warnings: violence with superpowers, swearing
a/n: in case anyone missed it, there has been an extra chapter this week, given the short length of chapters 8 & 9 - so, if you missed it, chapter 8 is here💜 I also reblogged a fun ask game, so check it out if you guys want to find out anything from there! remember you're always welcome in my asks whether it's for the game or just to chat about supercharged!🥰 [spoilers below] so, yn is on the team!! let's see what that looks like out in the field (or the roof of a skyscraper haha)👀
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The hallway stretched away, nothing but darkness filling its bare walls. Humming in the background, the steady whir of machines from some distant room buried in the building’s depths.
Your running footsteps cut through all that.
Blood rushing through your ears and breathless gasps drowned out the night’s silence, its darkness destroyed by crackles of lightning. There was no time to form a careful glow to light your way; you sent a bolt of blue darting through the long corridor, snaking away and revealing little more than further darkness.
So they weren’t inside yet.
Impatient, you turned your palms to the back and let your powers go. A little tip you had picked up from Jungkook – the lightning launched you into the air, covering ground more quickly.
When you met the ground again, your feet were already racing.
“Do you still see them, Yoongi?”
Namjoon’s voice crackled in your ear.
“Yep, but I think they’re moving. They gave up on the east entrance…”
You couldn’t keep from rolling your eyes at Yoongi’s news. Jungkook had been guarding the east entrance, so that was no surprise.
A pause in the comms did not translate to your pace. You finally reached the end of the hallway and darted to another.
Here, several heavy doors were set into the walls. Large wheel locks hid their secrets from the world. But it wasn’t your concern what was in there. You could imagine plenty, but the task at hand was to keep them exactly where they were.
“Shit, they’re coming this way,” Yoongi cursed over the earpiece.
“The roof?”
“I’m almost there,” Hobi assured. Of course he was. With his powers, he could be anywhere on the site in no time flat.
Why was it that you were left with powers that helped nothing with physical strength or speed?
“Y/N, not that way,” Jin’s voice called you back to attention.
Skidding to a halt, you doubled back to take another turning, one you had missed in your distraction. Casting aside all thoughts of why running was so hard, you simply pushed yourself faster.
Up ahead, a lift shaft.
The call button blinked uselessly beside it. Not pausing for thought, you ignored the light and sent one of your own, much brighter and solid enough to blow the door in.
One foot landing on the fallen wood, you used it like a launchpad, two blazing bolts from your hands sending you rocketing upwards. Once you reached the elevator carriage itself, you caught hold of the outside, swinging yourself towards its entrance onto the top floor.
Here, the sound of your adversaries instantly assaulted your ears.
You didn’t know why they were bothering trying to break in when they were clearly losing. At least going for the roof had been a smart choice on their part, as the upper exits were less secure.
But they had made their presence all too obvious to give it an element of surprise.
Some crashes of impact on the metal roof rang out, heavy footsteps rattling the ceiling above you. Racing down the final, short corridor to an outer stairway, the scuffling grew louder.
Then a groan from Yoongi came from the comms. For a moment, you panicked, before hearing him speak.
“It’s Phoenix alright. Does she have nothing better to do?”
Jimin scoffed in response. “At least we can make it quick.”
Finally slowing, you cracked the side door open. Sure enough, it looked like a corner of the building was on fire. Phoenix was some upstart hero who was, quite obviously, gifted with fire. Hers wasn’t nearly as exciting as Tae’s, though, as it wasn’t purple. Just regular, store-bought orange. She had been quite vexing recently.
A stalemate had continued between Bolt’s heroes and Namjoon’s band. Fruitless battles cropped up around the place, and Phoenix was one of those trying to break through, eagerly jumping into too many of the scuffles. You almost felt bad for her. It was clear that Bolt saw her as equally disposable as you were, just some tool in his way. While she thought she was earning his favour, she was just his pawn.
There were others too, who Bolt had sent for a run with her. Neither her nor her companions had seen you, though, so you slipped out and quickly shut the door behind you, masking any light that would give the opening away.
The rickety stairs clung to the side of the building, luckily only five floors up. The powers at your fingertips admittedly lessened the fear of what would happen should you fall.
Staying pressed to the brick, you started upwards, only a few steps between you and the fight. Fiery heat pressed against you the closer you got, orange light throwing you into shadow.
As soon as you could, you peeked over the top of the roof. The cityscape opened up around you. This lab was nestled alone among a crowd of taller buildings, even the crane beside your scaffolding-clad neighbour towering higher.
On your own rooftop, nothing looked too out of hand. Hobi was successfully beating someone up, that was good.
You only spent a second scanning the scene, but when you turned to continue, you nearly jumped out of your skin.
Someone was waiting for you.
For a moment, the breath was caught in your throat, before you caught the teasing glimmer of Yoongi’s eyes.
“Don’t do that!” you huffed, only mildly annoyed as you stormed past him where he was reclining on the railing at the top. It was possible you were the only one who could see him right now.
His laughter followed you into battle as you reached the rooftop and picked up the pace, shooting blue to pierce the red flames. A moment later, movement behind them. You rolled your eyes. Phoenix could be so obvious.
You shot once more, sending her fleeing the opposite way, then another. You stepped boredly out of the path of a lick of fire that came your way.
Focussed, you raised your arms- Only for gold to shoot through the night instead, flashing in the corner of your vision, whizzing close by your head.
Momentarily distracted, you whirled around with anger written on your features, ready to rage at Jungkook.
Your teammate had just arrived, racing to join you. His hair flew all over the place, eyes glittering with steel, messy and exhilarated from the night’s action. Much to your incredulity, he met your eyes with a crooked grin.
It faded to a smirk as he came into earshot.
“Thank me later.”
Before you could respond, he had taken off. A few metres from you, he tackled a body to the ground. They had been coming in your direction.
The gun they had been aiming shot its glowing forcefield uselessly away into the night.
Maybe Jungkook was useful after all.
Turning back to Phoenix, you found her rushing around the towering flames and straight toward you. Fire grew in her wake, blooming in her footprints.
All a very intimidating show.
She leapt, and you easily struck her down, catching her chest with a well-aimed blow.
Much less assured now, you watched her roll on the ground, before rising with difficulty to her knees.
“Go home, Phoenix!” you called, “it’s a school night!”
Hearty laughter sounded from behind you from the guys. Yoongi stepped to your side from his cloak of shadow, and glaring orange bloomed on your side as well, mimicking her own fire.
Just a trick of the light, but Phoenix didn’t need to know that.
She wobbled to her feet, a cowering silhouette, while you two stood firm. Inside the illusion flames, you grinned.
Clearly the sight of the lost battle finally drove some sense into the other woman. For the first time that night, she backed away. Even so, she was slow. If either of you felt so inclined, she could have been dead before another breath.
She needed to learn to retreat.
To give her a final push, Jimin arrived at the right moment. Seeing the defeated figures crawling back to Phoenix’s side, he simply raised a hand. In response, a great groaning filled the air, all heads turning to see the unused crane that stood above you start to swing.
At first, it was slow motion, but the looming hook encroached relentlessly, suspended from thick metal rope which shimmered a menacing path through the night.
Its unstoppable advance at last made the message clear. The ‘heroes’ in its way were forced to dive aside, scrambling back over the edge of the building.
Striding forwards, you watched them leave. You were framed between Yoongi and Jungkook, Hoseok and Jimin joining your group, watching over the night as fire roared behind you.
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“Inconsiderate, honestly,” Yoongi grumbled as he shuffled into his seat in the car, making room for you to clamber in last. “Doesn’t she know she’s wasting our valuable time? It’s movie night!”
“Whatever film we pick, it’ll be better than that,” Hoseok joked next.
As much as you might joke, it hadn’t been a bad fight. It was evident in the readiness of your laughter, loosened up after a run like that.
“You’re right guys,” Namjoon interjected from the front, “and we deserve a good night. But don’t treat Phoenix too lightly.”
You sobered up slightly at your leader’s words, but Jimin spoke up with a laugh.
“Why, Joon? You think she’s hiding some greater skill under all this? Maybe she’ll be dangerous one day?”
“No,” Joon admitted, “but it’s what she means. Bolt doesn’t care about this much anymore. He’s bowing out of these battles, he knows it’s small fry. He’ll be planning something else, and he’s sending her to keep us busy in the meantime.”
With that unsettling thought over your heads, the car pulled home, silent as the shadows disguising it.
Inside was soon a different story, though. You had no idea how Namjoon could have his head in so many places at once, clearly strategising and thinking over the Phoenix situation, but inexplicably laughing along with the others as they steadily regained their good mood.
Soon enough, Jin pulled up to the unassuming wall that hid your base.
In the garage on the other side, the lot of you spilled out. Jungkook and Jin were having an animated debate about which film to watch, Jimin chiming in with joke suggestions just to be annoying.
In the end, Phoenix’s fire barely left a singe on your evening.
All she provided was a source of amusement, really. When you did think of her, it was with something dangerously close to smugness. Your power, your team combined, left you so far and above her that it made you feel a little giddy.
That thought in the back of your mind only spurred you on in the training room. The rhythm you had fallen into with the others came easily: practising dodges with Jimin like a dance, laughing with Hobi even as you exerted yourself in the gym – and sharing electricity in the air with Jungkook.
You tried to ignore the way Jungkook would watch you, just at the corners of your vision.
As you practised a drill, if he finished before you (it always turned into an unspoken race), you had to force yourself to face front and complete it with full focus. There was something in the way he would appraise you, arms folded and quiet but practically thrumming with… something.
You would deny your curiosity. What did it mean to you what he was thinking? Whether it was critical, still picking out your faults, or whether it was something more... But how could you possibly hope for admiration from him?
The guy just had an intense stare, that was all. Heaven knows you’d been on the receiving end of his more chilling glares often enough.
It didn’t bother you, of course. There was plenty of praise to be had from the others as you settled into their team.
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Thank you so much for reading!! Let me know what you think!💜
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taglist: @aianloveseven @preciouschimine @written-in-flowers @taegularities @dvalities
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@oddinary4bts @svnbangtansworld @ktownshizzle @minisugakoobies @jksusawife
@kokoandkookie @veemegatron @kookxin @seokout @jkayy
@peaaachpit @stxrrielle @welcometomyworld13 @ssexsellls @ramicherie
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btsmosphere · 14 hours
Supercharged | JJK
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Chapter 9: Thank me Later
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🗲summary: It starts with a blow to the chest that changes your life. When your city’s most celebrated hero pays a visit, it turns out the noble Bolt has no trouble tossing lives aside. Lives that won't be missed. Lives like yours. Seven mysterious and powerful men give you another chance – one that starts to feel more like a curse the moment you meet golden boy Jungkook. The boy who wants you as far from his brothers as he can get you. Is it you he hates, or the blue lightning that now runs through your veins? And could it be his golden light that illuminates your heart when darkness threatens? 🗲this chapter: Our villains get their moment in the sun (well, the fire…)
🗲pairing: jungkook x female reader 🗲word count: 2k 🗲genre: angst, action, eventual fluff, enemies to lovers, slow burn, superheroes/villains au, found family 🗲rating: pg15 🗲warnings: violence with superpowers, swearing
a/n: in case anyone missed it, there has been an extra chapter this week, given the short length of chapters 8 & 9 - so, if you missed it, chapter 8 is here💜 I also reblogged a fun ask game, so check it out if you guys want to find out anything from there! remember you're always welcome in my asks whether it's for the game or just to chat about supercharged!🥰 [spoilers below] so, yn is on the team!! let's see what that looks like out in the field (or the roof of a skyscraper haha)👀
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The hallway stretched away, nothing but darkness filling its bare walls. Humming in the background, the steady whir of machines from some distant room buried in the building’s depths.
Your running footsteps cut through all that.
Blood rushing through your ears and breathless gasps drowned out the night’s silence, its darkness destroyed by crackles of lightning. There was no time to form a careful glow to light your way; you sent a bolt of blue darting through the long corridor, snaking away and revealing little more than further darkness.
So they weren’t inside yet.
Impatient, you turned your palms to the back and let your powers go. A little tip you had picked up from Jungkook – the lightning launched you into the air, covering ground more quickly.
When you met the ground again, your feet were already racing.
“Do you still see them, Yoongi?”
Namjoon’s voice crackled in your ear.
“Yep, but I think they’re moving. They gave up on the east entrance…”
You couldn’t keep from rolling your eyes at Yoongi’s news. Jungkook had been guarding the east entrance, so that was no surprise.
A pause in the comms did not translate to your pace. You finally reached the end of the hallway and darted to another.
Here, several heavy doors were set into the walls. Large wheel locks hid their secrets from the world. But it wasn’t your concern what was in there. You could imagine plenty, but the task at hand was to keep them exactly where they were.
“Shit, they’re coming this way,” Yoongi cursed over the earpiece.
“The roof?”
“I’m almost there,” Hobi assured. Of course he was. With his powers, he could be anywhere on the site in no time flat.
Why was it that you were left with powers that helped nothing with physical strength or speed?
“Y/N, not that way,” Jin’s voice called you back to attention.
Skidding to a halt, you doubled back to take another turning, one you had missed in your distraction. Casting aside all thoughts of why running was so hard, you simply pushed yourself faster.
Up ahead, a lift shaft.
The call button blinked uselessly beside it. Not pausing for thought, you ignored the light and sent one of your own, much brighter and solid enough to blow the door in.
One foot landing on the fallen wood, you used it like a launchpad, two blazing bolts from your hands sending you rocketing upwards. Once you reached the elevator carriage itself, you caught hold of the outside, swinging yourself towards its entrance onto the top floor.
Here, the sound of your adversaries instantly assaulted your ears.
You didn’t know why they were bothering trying to break in when they were clearly losing. At least going for the roof had been a smart choice on their part, as the upper exits were less secure.
But they had made their presence all too obvious to give it an element of surprise.
Some crashes of impact on the metal roof rang out, heavy footsteps rattling the ceiling above you. Racing down the final, short corridor to an outer stairway, the scuffling grew louder.
Then a groan from Yoongi came from the comms. For a moment, you panicked, before hearing him speak.
“It’s Phoenix alright. Does she have nothing better to do?”
Jimin scoffed in response. “At least we can make it quick.”
Finally slowing, you cracked the side door open. Sure enough, it looked like a corner of the building was on fire. Phoenix was some upstart hero who was, quite obviously, gifted with fire. Hers wasn’t nearly as exciting as Tae’s, though, as it wasn’t purple. Just regular, store-bought orange. She had been quite vexing recently.
A stalemate had continued between Bolt’s heroes and Namjoon’s band. Fruitless battles cropped up around the place, and Phoenix was one of those trying to break through, eagerly jumping into too many of the scuffles. You almost felt bad for her. It was clear that Bolt saw her as equally disposable as you were, just some tool in his way. While she thought she was earning his favour, she was just his pawn.
There were others too, who Bolt had sent for a run with her. Neither her nor her companions had seen you, though, so you slipped out and quickly shut the door behind you, masking any light that would give the opening away.
The rickety stairs clung to the side of the building, luckily only five floors up. The powers at your fingertips admittedly lessened the fear of what would happen should you fall.
Staying pressed to the brick, you started upwards, only a few steps between you and the fight. Fiery heat pressed against you the closer you got, orange light throwing you into shadow.
As soon as you could, you peeked over the top of the roof. The cityscape opened up around you. This lab was nestled alone among a crowd of taller buildings, even the crane beside your scaffolding-clad neighbour towering higher.
On your own rooftop, nothing looked too out of hand. Hobi was successfully beating someone up, that was good.
You only spent a second scanning the scene, but when you turned to continue, you nearly jumped out of your skin.
Someone was waiting for you.
For a moment, the breath was caught in your throat, before you caught the teasing glimmer of Yoongi’s eyes.
“Don’t do that!” you huffed, only mildly annoyed as you stormed past him where he was reclining on the railing at the top. It was possible you were the only one who could see him right now.
His laughter followed you into battle as you reached the rooftop and picked up the pace, shooting blue to pierce the red flames. A moment later, movement behind them. You rolled your eyes. Phoenix could be so obvious.
You shot once more, sending her fleeing the opposite way, then another. You stepped boredly out of the path of a lick of fire that came your way.
Focussed, you raised your arms- Only for gold to shoot through the night instead, flashing in the corner of your vision, whizzing close by your head.
Momentarily distracted, you whirled around with anger written on your features, ready to rage at Jungkook.
Your teammate had just arrived, racing to join you. His hair flew all over the place, eyes glittering with steel, messy and exhilarated from the night’s action. Much to your incredulity, he met your eyes with a crooked grin.
It faded to a smirk as he came into earshot.
“Thank me later.”
Before you could respond, he had taken off. A few metres from you, he tackled a body to the ground. They had been coming in your direction.
The gun they had been aiming shot its glowing forcefield uselessly away into the night.
Maybe Jungkook was useful after all.
Turning back to Phoenix, you found her rushing around the towering flames and straight toward you. Fire grew in her wake, blooming in her footprints.
All a very intimidating show.
She leapt, and you easily struck her down, catching her chest with a well-aimed blow.
Much less assured now, you watched her roll on the ground, before rising with difficulty to her knees.
“Go home, Phoenix!” you called, “it’s a school night!”
Hearty laughter sounded from behind you from the guys. Yoongi stepped to your side from his cloak of shadow, and glaring orange bloomed on your side as well, mimicking her own fire.
Just a trick of the light, but Phoenix didn’t need to know that.
She wobbled to her feet, a cowering silhouette, while you two stood firm. Inside the illusion flames, you grinned.
Clearly the sight of the lost battle finally drove some sense into the other woman. For the first time that night, she backed away. Even so, she was slow. If either of you felt so inclined, she could have been dead before another breath.
She needed to learn to retreat.
To give her a final push, Jimin arrived at the right moment. Seeing the defeated figures crawling back to Phoenix’s side, he simply raised a hand. In response, a great groaning filled the air, all heads turning to see the unused crane that stood above you start to swing.
At first, it was slow motion, but the looming hook encroached relentlessly, suspended from thick metal rope which shimmered a menacing path through the night.
Its unstoppable advance at last made the message clear. The ‘heroes’ in its way were forced to dive aside, scrambling back over the edge of the building.
Striding forwards, you watched them leave. You were framed between Yoongi and Jungkook, Hoseok and Jimin joining your group, watching over the night as fire roared behind you.
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“Inconsiderate, honestly,” Yoongi grumbled as he shuffled into his seat in the car, making room for you to clamber in last. “Doesn’t she know she’s wasting our valuable time? It’s movie night!”
“Whatever film we pick, it’ll be better than that,” Hoseok joked next.
As much as you might joke, it hadn’t been a bad fight. It was evident in the readiness of your laughter, loosened up after a run like that.
“You’re right guys,” Namjoon interjected from the front, “and we deserve a good night. But don’t treat Phoenix too lightly.”
You sobered up slightly at your leader’s words, but Jimin spoke up with a laugh.
“Why, Joon? You think she’s hiding some greater skill under all this? Maybe she’ll be dangerous one day?”
“No,” Joon admitted, “but it’s what she means. Bolt doesn’t care about this much anymore. He’s bowing out of these battles, he knows it’s small fry. He’ll be planning something else, and he’s sending her to keep us busy in the meantime.”
With that unsettling thought over your heads, the car pulled home, silent as the shadows disguising it.
Inside was soon a different story, though. You had no idea how Namjoon could have his head in so many places at once, clearly strategising and thinking over the Phoenix situation, but inexplicably laughing along with the others as they steadily regained their good mood.
Soon enough, Jin pulled up to the unassuming wall that hid your base.
In the garage on the other side, the lot of you spilled out. Jungkook and Jin were having an animated debate about which film to watch, Jimin chiming in with joke suggestions just to be annoying.
In the end, Phoenix’s fire barely left a singe on your evening.
All she provided was a source of amusement, really. When you did think of her, it was with something dangerously close to smugness. Your power, your team combined, left you so far and above her that it made you feel a little giddy.
That thought in the back of your mind only spurred you on in the training room. The rhythm you had fallen into with the others came easily: practising dodges with Jimin like a dance, laughing with Hobi even as you exerted yourself in the gym – and sharing electricity in the air with Jungkook.
You tried to ignore the way Jungkook would watch you, just at the corners of your vision.
As you practised a drill, if he finished before you (it always turned into an unspoken race), you had to force yourself to face front and complete it with full focus. There was something in the way he would appraise you, arms folded and quiet but practically thrumming with… something.
You would deny your curiosity. What did it mean to you what he was thinking? Whether it was critical, still picking out your faults, or whether it was something more... But how could you possibly hope for admiration from him?
The guy just had an intense stare, that was all. Heaven knows you’d been on the receiving end of his more chilling glares often enough.
It didn’t bother you, of course. There was plenty of praise to be had from the others as you settled into their team.
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Thank you so much for reading!! Let me know what you think!💜
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taglist: @aianloveseven @preciouschimine @written-in-flowers @taegularities @dvalities
@parapiop7 @taiwan0618 @11thenightwemet11 @junniesoleilkth @doctorquack
@oddinary4bts @svnbangtansworld @ktownshizzle @minisugakoobies @jksusawife
@kokoandkookie @veemegatron @kookxin @seokout @jkayy
@peaaachpit @stxrrielle @welcometomyworld13 @ssexsellls @ramicherie
@jk5t4r @purplebeebs @nanjeonlangakook
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btsmosphere · 1 day
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[171/547] — until we meet again, jungkook ♡  
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btsmosphere · 1 day
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I think I'll take my whiskey neat, my coffee black and my bed at three... you're too sweet for me...♪♫ {7th-8th gif cr. 0613data}
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btsmosphere · 2 days
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btsmosphere · 2 days
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250/638 posting a picture every day until yoongi is home
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btsmosphere · 2 days
hi can i please be added to the supercharged taglist? 😊 thanksss
oh course! welcome aboard, I've added you for the next part! enjoy🥰💜
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btsmosphere · 2 days
this is super random but will we ever get to see jungkook being a little jealous or overprotective 🫢
ohhhh just you wait🤭👀
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btsmosphere · 3 days
I thought the team were being villanized by the society and all
that too, it's kinda complicated! Bolt is obviously not the upstanding hero everyone thinks. but in order to fight against him, this does make our boys (and oc!) villains and they use unsavoury means too. if you know my other work you'll know I love mafia aus and stuff, so this is like that but explored in the superhero universe!
they have real motivations for their actions because in this society people with powers are often treated badly when they come from rough backgrounds unlike Bolt and the other heroes (there are a couple yet to properly meet!). but also they're not necessarily the 'good' guys even though they are as close as we're going to get for this story, being the main characters we're rooting for!
I don't have all the answers and it's up to you how you see it. this story has many a moral grey going on and it was fun to dig into this while writing! I can only hope it's the same for reading!
0 notes
btsmosphere · 3 days
eyyyyyy we got a smile out of our boy!!
and thank you for always leaving such sweet comments, I'm having fun hearing what you think each time!!🥰💜
Supercharged | JJK
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Chapter 8: On the Force
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🗲summary: It starts with a blow to the chest that changes your life. When your city’s most celebrated hero pays a visit, it turns out the noble Bolt has no trouble tossing lives aside. Lives that won't be missed. Lives like yours. Seven mysterious and powerful men give you another chance – one that starts to feel more like a curse the moment you meet golden boy Jungkook. The boy who wants you as far from his brothers as he can get you. Is it you he hates, or the blue lightning that now runs through your veins? And could it be his golden light that illuminates your heart when darkness threatens? 🗲this chapter: Jungkook smiles at you for the first time. (and the second)
🗲pairing: jungkook x female reader 🗲word count: 1.2k 🗲genre: angst, action, eventual fluff, enemies to lovers, slow burn, superheroes/villains au, found family 🗲rating: pg15 🗲warnings: none :)
a/n: bonus midweek update!! because of the short length of this and the next chapter, I didn't want to keep you waiting a whole week for each, but they really do stand on their own so I didn't want to merge them either. the adventure continues as normal on Sunday!
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Thud. Thud. Thud.
Namjoon’s steps seemed to fall in slow motion as he crossed to his desk. Chairs stood in front of it, but Jungkook had ignored them entirely, upright and standing to attention as his leader faced you both.
Your eyes flicked between the two men. The loaded silence was only intensified by Jungkook’s unflinching gaze, waiting for the hammer to fall when Namjoon would finally speak.
He sucked in a breath.
“Well done.”
Now your gaze snapped abruptly to Namjoon. Blinking, his words replayed in your head as if to prove what you had actually heard.
Beside you, Jungkook’s jaw dropped, tension leaking from his shoulders.
Small smile quirking his mouth, Namjoon chuckled.
“You seem surprised.”
Hesitant, you turned your eyes to Jungkook. His met yours, wide and startled like you had never seen him. How someone like him could ever look so innocent-
“Uh-um,” Jungkook tripped over his tongue, “Y/N wasn’t… we weren’t supposed to be on duty.”
“But you stepped up when we needed you,” Namjoon cut in. Stroking his chin, he raised an eyebrow at Jungkook, “together. I’m impressed by that. It seems you can put aside your differences when it matters, and agree on something.”
You pressed your lips together at his words. Sure enough, Jungkook did the same; Namjoon may have been less impressed had he witnessed Jungkook’s resistance to your help.
Next under Namjoon’s gaze, you tried your best not to look shifty.
“That was also very impressive control from you. At great risk, you managed to snuff out what Bolt was after.”
No words came to you. Dropping your eyes to the floor, you gave a flustered, jerky bow of your head.
Jungkook eyed you from the corner of his eye as you stayed like that, offering only silence. A crease shot along his brow. But he turned back to Namjoon and spoke up, shifting the topic.
“How did Bolt get on us in the first place?”
That drew a sigh from Namjoon. Tugging at his chin, he took a seat.
“He must know our plan. It’s been long enough that we can’t disguise these as random attacks any longer. Media this week has been plastered with calls for vigilance. ‘Villainous movements’ or something. A confrontation like this has been coming for a while.”
Gritting his teeth, Jungkook kicked a chair out with his heel and fell into it. His glare was directed at the ceiling.
More carefully, you took a seat yourself.
“The one time we aren’t attacking, he sees fit to send an army?!”
“Tonight wasn’t an opportunity for him to win any glory,” Namjoon shook his head, “why show his face unless he’s defeating a visible evil? He’s using others, leaving them to fight with the weapons he's already stolen.”
“Probably pin it all on our side in the media,” Jungkook muttered, venomous.
Sitting back, Namjoon held his hands out. Resigned.
“We’re used to that,” he continued calmly, “but him not tackling this in person also tells us we’re right. He’s working on something, and he wants us out of the way – but he can’t risk being the visible instigator of a confrontation.”
“You’re hitting him where it hurts, then,” you added.
“And we can’t stop,” Namjoon agreed, “but this will make it more of a challenge. Which is why you came together at the perfect time – I need you back on board.”
A smirk slid onto Jungkook’s face, but not in time to disguise the hint of much-less-suave delight that lit up his eyes at Namjoon’s declaration. He swelled under his leader’s approval.
“Both of you,” Namjoon continued, “Y/N, you proved you have what we need. Keep training, each of you, but you’re with us now.”
His smile was genuinely warm as he finished. Bolstered by his happiness, you walked out glowing.
Just outside the door, you paused, releasing a sigh. All the adrenaline, the uncertainty and now the relief spilled out of you. You turned to Jungkook.
Abruptly, you were rendered speechless.
He was smiling.
At you.
You had of course seen him smile, but only among the others. It was only now that you felt the full blast of his grin, showing his front teeth and scrunching his nose up. As he looked at you, his smile slipped away, but the happy light never dimmed in his eyes.
“I guess we did it,” you spoke, “are you still mad at me?”
He rolled his eyes, but it was accompanied by a genuine chuckle.
Turning to saunter back through the corridor, he allowed you to fall into step beside him. A smile still hid behind his next words.
“Of course I am.”
“My apologies then,” you replied with an equally suppressed grin, “next time I won’t help you out. My incredible skills are clearly wasted here-”
“I knew it would go to your head,” Jungkook scoffed.
“I don’t see any danger of it surpassing yours in size, don’t worry.”
Jungkook rolled his eyes at your gleeful smile. Together, you reached the base of the stairs and he let you go first, crossing his arms as he hung back a couple of steps.
A flurry of scuffling feet and poorly muffled giggles reached your ears as you ascended, bringing your attention ahead of you once more. On reaching the top, a foot whisked around the corner; someone in a hurry to get to the living room. Their hurry couldn’t erase the glimpse you had just caught of several curious sets of eyes peeking around it, though .
Fond smile emerging on your lips, you marched down the corridor. In front of you, a large, shrieking pile of limbs was toppling over the back of the nearest sofa.
Yoongi’s tired grumblings mingled with Jimin’s giggles and Hobi’s yelps as the lot of them tried to disentangle from one another. V was the last to sheepishly clamber off the unsuspecting hyung they had squashed.
Over in the kitchen, Jin shot a knowing glance towards you all from his spot by the stove. He held your gaze with a warm smile.
“So? What did Joon say?” Jimin asked, bringing you back.
Multiple sets of curious eyes blinked up at you and Jungkook.
“He was impressed,” Jungkook spoke, moving around to sit, “we’re back on the force.”
A chorus of whoops followed, Jungkook’s brothers grabbing and jostling him in celebration. But they didn’t forget you either: before you knew it, you were being tugged down by Hope too, onto the other sofa as he continued his joyful congratulations.
Breathless with laughter, you managed to escape (though your hair was surely a ruffled state).
The grin paused on your lips as you locked eyes with Jungkook, who was being equally harassed by Jimin, Yoongi patting him on the back. Your lips closed, ready to swallow down the elation if Jungkook was going to be displeased with you joining in, infringing on his group.
He gave you a timid smile.
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Thank you for reading! You guys are the most amazing readers, thank you for all your wonderful enthusiasm for this series💜💜
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btsmosphere · 3 days
THANK YOU ELLAAA!! gosh the amount of fight scenes in this😂😭I don't make life easy for myself but I'm so so glad you think the action works! Eeeeek that seems to be the standout moment for a lot of ppl, I'm glad we're all equally thirtsy for scraps of kook's attention in this slow burn mwahahahaha😌
Supercharged | JJK
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Chapter 7: Spark to Life
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🗲summary: It starts with a blow to the chest that changes your life. When your city’s most celebrated hero pays a visit, it turns out the noble Bolt has no trouble tossing lives aside. Lives that won't be missed. Lives like yours. Seven mysterious and powerful men give you another chance – one that starts to feel more like a curse the moment you meet golden boy Jungkook. The boy who wants you as far from his brothers as he can get you. Is it you he hates, or the blue lightning that now runs through your veins? And could it be his golden light that illuminates your heart when darkness threatens? 🗲this chapter: “We don't have time to argue” “No, we don't”
🗲pairing: jungkook x female reader 🗲word count: 5.3k 🗲genre: angst, action, eventual fluff, enemies to lovers, slow burn, superheroes/villains au, found family 🗲rating: pg15 🗲warnings: violence with superpowers, swearing, weapons, dangerous driving
a/n: exciting notice! (maybe lol) the next chapter is pretty short, but it really was the best place to break up my chapters - so, as a result I will be posting it in the middle of this week! that's right, this coming week will bring two whole supercharged updates! first on Wednesday, and again on the regular Sunday😊see you then!!
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For some days, the occasional crackling voices from that speaker accompanied your life when the boys were away.
Of course, you relished the time they did spend at home. Even though they were busy training in most of their free time, and out late on missions, they would come and chat with you while they made breakfast, or came to rest and watch some tv.
To them, it probably appeared that nothing was different between you and Jungkook. Whenever they were home, he took the chance to train with them. You knew he missed them now they were out so much without him. Anyone would have noticed as much, given the way he hovered around the receiver, always staying up after you slipped quietly to bed.
But once the house emptied, the smiling Jimin, raucous laughter of Hope or the fond smiles of Yoongi would be replaced by the stony silence of Jungkook.
Somehow, you were growing used to it.
Either that, or you would be firing comments between each other, no longer sure if it counted as fighting or having a conversation. Anything to fill up the silence.
You trained more too, your powers’ strength returning slowly even in the course of a week. And since that night, a sort of ritual had begun at dinner. Of course, you would have chosen anyone else’s company over Jungkook’s, but you had to make do. You would cook something simple, ordering him to chop up ingredients at the very least while he complained (“if you’re just going to criticise me, do it yourself!”). To this, you would remind him that he wanted to eat the food, did he not?
If anything, it was a cathartic vengeance for the power he held in the training rooms.
But anytime the receiver blared into life, the two of you would fall quickly into silence, drinking in every word, even the shortest exchange, of the boys which were out who-knows-where.
Tonight was one of those times. The two of you were sitting across from each other as always, beginning to eat.
The radio sparking to life cut off your conversation. Jungkook put his chopsticks down completely, turning his attention towards it. It was Jimin’s voice.
“Did anyone else see that?”
“I did. Hold on, I’ll go check it out,” Hobi replied.
Then an order from Namjoon.
“Yoongi, go with him.”
You continued staring at the small device even while no more exchanges could be heard. That wasn’t the usual stuff they talked about. Normally, it was just routine things, checking up on each other and confirming what they had planned.
But it was probably nothing. It was presumably quite a feat that they hadn’t come across any sort of difficulty in all the missions so far, and this would prove to be a false alarm or easily dealt with. You had seen what the boys were capable of, after all – just Hobi and Yoongi by themselves could be lethal.
That didn’t stop you from hanging on expectantly, though.
At last, the silence was broken. But not by what you had hoped.
“Guys? What can you see?”
Namjoon’s question was met with no reply. You couldn’t tear your eyes from the small radio, breath captive in your lungs.
Then, a jarring noise leapt like lightning from the speaker, making both you and Jungkook flinch. High-pitched, grating feedback, it faded almost instantly, but the scar it had torn in the previously peaceful kitchen remained.
Frozen to your seat, your food was well and truly forgotten as you heard Jin chime in next.
“Guys, get out of there.”
Namjoon’s trust in his right-hand man was evident, no hint of question in his voice as he reverted orders.
“Code two, hide the target and evacuate-”
“Yeah, we might have a problem with that,” Jimin cut him off.
A loud boom was audible, despite the limits of the small receiver that reduced it to white noise. Once again, it cut off.
It was then you realised Jungkook was on his feet. He snatched the radio from its spot on the counter.
“Stay here,” he said, back already retreating.
A second later, you were dashing after him. Reaching his side, you both shoved shoes on.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
Jungkook glared at you with absolute incredulity, frown etched in his face. He didn’t even leave time to stare you down, however, already pushing past you and all but running down the front stairs.
You followed just as fast.
“I’m coming with you. They’re in trouble.”
“Which is exactly why I’m telling you to stay here,” he spat over his shoulder.
His foot tapped restlessly as the large front door slid open. The moment he had enough space to pass through, he was marching into the expansive garage, with you hot on his heels.
“I can help,” you argued.
Jungkook wove between the cars and stopped by a motorcycle. Turning to you, his face was set, frame livid and glare fierce while he dug harshly in his pocket for the keys.
“We don’t have time to argue.”
His tone was firm, clearly infuriated.
Just then, another concerning explosion crackled through the radio, standing your hair on end.
Stepping forwards, you swung your leg over the back of the motorbike and stared challengingly up at him.
“No. We don’t.”
The sound he let out bordered on a growl, but the next moment he had situated himself on the front of the bike, and a roaring filled the air as it shuddered into life beneath you. Left with virtually no time to react as he pulled away, you were forced to cling to the man in front of you.
With your arms thrown around him, you felt him stiffen under your touch. But then he was urging the bike forwards, and not a second later wind collided with your face as you shot from the base and into the night. The rapidly increasing speed left you to shelter your face in the back of his neck.
The cacophony in your ears and the rush of air that tugged your hair behind you should have alerted you that Jungkook was disregarding basically all existing traffic laws.
But you couldn’t care less.
With the blur of city lights whizzing past you, all you could think of was the speed with which you could reach the boys. The streets were fairly empty, but cars were dotted here and there. Probably cut some up, judging by the blaring horns at one intersection.
Thundering onto a wider street streaked with neon, your eyes fell on a billboard. As you sped towards it, the picture cut to purple fire and rubble, a live news banner scrolling along the bottom.
Then it was gone again, Jungkook guiding the bike around the corner and through more city streets.
The images set your head spinning, all the more restless on the back of the bike the longer you were helpless to do anything but wait for Jungkook to get you there. How was he going to find them? You hadn’t even been told where they were going. They hadn’t bothered you with mission details ever since you and Jungkook had been stood down-
“Almost there!” Jungkook’s yell was barely audible over the wind.
“Wait, how can you-”
“They’re protecting something called the Razer. Their plan B was to stash this weapon in some underground parking lot. You head down there, I’ll help fight them off. Looks like they were ambushed.”
“How do you know all this?” you finally made yourself heard.
“I snuck into Namjoon’s office, okay? I saw the plans,” he called back. “When we get there… you might have to fry this thing. It can’t fall into their hands, better that we destroy it altogether.”
You had no time to muster a reply before the bike was swinging around a corner and skidding to a halt.
At the end of this street, the sky was lit up. Purple fire blazed, just like on the billboard, but this time it was real, licking into the sky from the wreckage of a building on the corner. Other beams of light flashed, shocks of red and luminous white smattering the fronts of the buildings.
You got no more than a glimpse of a few figures silhouetted against this backdrop before Jungkook pulled you down to shelter behind the bike.
A hand on your shoulder keeping you in place, he peered over the top of the bike before returning his gaze to you.
“The building that’s been destroyed, the Razer should be in there. You should be able to make a way through the rubble. You’ll know when you see it. Do you remember training the other day?”
Trying to take in his instructions, you nodded.
“Use as much force as you can to overload it, like we practised. Should fry the weapon’s circuits.”
“Okay,” you muttered, taking a glance over the bike again. The street was littered with people, but no one seemed to have noticed your arrival.
“Y/N, they don’t know about you,” Jungkook’s voice recaptured your attention. “I’ll join the fight. It’ll distract them and buy you some time, hopefully give the others a chance to turn the tide as well. Don’t use your powers until you have to.”
He stood then, preparing to move around the bike and head into the fray.
His step faltered before he could go further.
When he turned back, a ray of gold flickered in his eyes.
“And Y/N… be careful. This weapon… if it strikes you, it can strip you of your power.”
Your eyes were locked for a long moment, his words sending a bolt of cold fear straight to your heart.
He took a breath, but said nothing more. An instant later, he was gone, the intensity of his eyes now no more than a mirage, quickly vanishing in your memory.
There was no time to agonise over it. Nor was there time to reconcile the implications of this fight, your first mission – your priorities turned to the weapon that was now in the open far from safe hands.
A flash of gold split through the night, sparks reflected in the bike’s mirrors.
Sucking in a lungful of air, you shuffled around the front wheel, slowly leaning out. Another blinding burst of gold showed you the outline of Jungkook, golden light firing him into the air. Sparks flew as he collided, wrestling, with someone halfway up a building.
The next moment, their figures plummeted to the ground.
Jungkook was the one who stood up again, the other staying motionless.
However, you weren’t here to watch. There was no time to stick around here. By now, others had noticed the newcomer to the fight; figures advancing your way down the street prompted you to get moving.
Ducking slightly, you picked your moment and sprinted the short distance from the bike to the edge of the street, flattening yourself against brick before checking no one had seen you.
All that greeted you were warring lights and the blur of fighting, backlit by the ever-raging fire.
Confident in being unnoticed, you sparked to life again, taking off on light feet in the opposite direction to the fighting. You raced around the corner to the neighbouring road, which was totally devoid of Bolt’s minions.
Judging by the short glimpses you had garnered so far, you guessed the group that had ambushed your friends were decked out with Bolt’s stolen goods – and were out for more. But you had no real idea how many of them had powers or not.
Or, come to think of it, how many of them there were at all.
All that mattered, though, was that there weren’t enough to have found you yet. You had run the length of the street, slowing as you reached the corner where the ruined parking lot stood.
Pressing your back against the wall, you edged around to peer at the damage. The fire was brighter here, making you squint. A few shapes darted in and out of view on the other side of the flames, but this side was still deserted.
This had to be it. Somewhere among this destruction was the weapon which had caused so much trouble.
Sheltered from view by V’s vibrant flames, you approached as close as you dared until you stood right in front of the rubble. You clambered over a few smaller chunks of concrete before you decided to begin.
With one more look around for security, you breathed deeply and raised your hands, palms only a hair away from a large block that used to form part of a wall, but now lay at your feet.
Biting your tongue, you finally let your powers out.
Remembering Jungkook’s words, you focussed on broadening the scope of your power, letting as much flow from your fingertips as possible. Blue bloomed in front of your eyes. A second later, the boulder began to glow the same hue.
Gritting your teeth, you propelled even more of your power downwards. For a moment, the rock resisted, only growing brighter blue. Then all at once, it gave way with a splintering sound that was swallowed up by the roaring of the fire.
With the sudden caving, you stumbled forwards, supressing your powers hurriedly to hide any light that would give you away. Just before you could trip into the gap revealed by the destruction of the rubble, you caught yourself with a hand on the ruptured concrete edge.
The fire did little to light up the dark space that now gaped below you.
Crouching, you peered carefully around. After a moment, your eyes had adjusted enough to reveal a concrete staircase, shrouded in the debris from the collapsed wall.
You shifted closer until you could lower yourself over the edge. Holding onto the remains of the wall, you dropped down onto the stairway.
It was seriously dark down here. To continue, you had to summon a small ball of light. Blue hovered above your palm, helping you pick through the dust and bricks that littered the ground from the building’s collapse.
On the plus side, it was utterly empty. You were clearly the first one to break through to this part, so you pushed ahead, following the stairs down as per Jungkook’s instructions. The plan had been to hide it underground.
Further on, you found the base of the staircase drowned in another pile of rubble. A larger slab encroached, looming from where it had been dislodged from the ceiling, lowering the height of the space. You didn’t dare try to move that one, however, almost certain that it was keeping a larger amount of debris from filling this corridor entirely.
Ducking quickly under that, you shot through a couple of smaller pieces before you could see a way through.
Not wanting to shift more stone than you had to, you wriggled through the gap you had created. The other side was lit with a wavering yellow light, making the stairs’ shadow flicker. A few more steps led down before you finally found the end to the enclosed space.
A blank corridor led to a door which hung off its hinges. Pausing when you reached it, a bigger, equally blank space opened out in front of you.
Though a small part of the ceiling had caved in the opposite corner, a pile of rubble collected there, the intact state of the walls told you that you were finally below ground level. The space was wide, but heavy with the oppressive air of industrial parking towers, walls strewn with graffiti. Artificial lights flickered in the corner of your vision.
The lights quivered even more as a loud boom ricocheted through the space.
That confirmed you were heading in the right direction, at least. Taking off running, you skidded through the next doorway and were instantly greeted with chaos.
Purple flickered and danced along the opposite wall – although you weren’t sure there was a real wall there at all. In front of this barrier of his own making, V was silhouetted.
Before submerging yourself in the waves of heat the large fire was throwing off, you took a breath. You couldn’t make out any enemies in the gaps between the flames, the light too dim and distorted by the blaze, but V shot another burst of flame as you watched. Your eyes were too dazzled to see if it had hit someone.
“V!” you called, hurrying to his side.
He turned with a jolt, arms still raised. Stopping in your tracks at his abrupt movement, you watched his eyes cloud with recognition.
Slowly, he lowered his palms.
You filled in the blanks of his low, startled question easily. How did you get here?
“No one followed me, I promise,” you stepped closer, “we heard you on the radio. We need to destroy that weapon.”
Nodding, V shifted his eyes furtively around before they landed on the only intact door in the place.
“There- mmph!”
V raised an arm to point, but was suddenly thrown in that direction himself.
“V!” you cried, crouching to his side, but your eyes were scanning the flame.
Hissing, V rolled over, clutching at his side which had been struck with… something. It wasn’t the same thing that had hurt him last time, but you knew the weapons Bolt was using were anything but friendly.
“Go… destroy...” he urged you, though the following groan of pain made you hesitate.
Gulping, you looked helplessly between V, who was struggling back to his feet, and the doorway he had shown you. Just as he stumbled upright, both of your attention was snatched by a figure breaking through the flames.
They had an arm over their face, grimacing at the heat, but they lifted their weapon blindly anyway.
You dived to the floor, scurrying away from the round of bullets strewn about the space.
Before either of you could retaliate, a shot of gold pierced the purple veil, sending the attacker flying. As the shots ceased, you caught sight of a silhouette you recognised darting behind the column of fire.
“Go!” V shouted again.
Meeting his eyes, you steeled yourself with a breath. While you wanted to stay and help against those enemies trying to break through the fire to get to V, with Jungkook to contend with on the other side as well, they were surrounded.
Now it was up to you.
You had found yourself with your back against the very door you needed to go through. Spinning, you wrenched it open to be met with another descending staircase. The lights had gone out totally here, but there was no time to waste.
Plunging into the darkness with nothing but your own light to guide you, you felt the temperature drop. Your skin was clammy, sweat from the heat above now clinging icily to your face, but you weren’t hanging about.
Feet finally finding flat ground, you looked around urgently until you caught sight of a shape ahead.
It was a large box, black so it nearly blended in with the darkness. Scrabbling to get to the weapon within, you easily blasted aside the simple metal fastenings.
On opening it, bright light startled your eyes once more. A clear sphere filled with what looked like bolts of lightning formed the centre of the device. The surrounding parts containing it were white, clearly a prototype, and resembled a gun.
Already feeling your powers bubbling up, you didn’t hesitate to place your hands on the spherical centre. A tingle flew up your spine.
Refusing to let fear get to you now, even with the knowledge of what this thing could do, you continued to push until your powers spilled from your fingertips. Blue lightning skittered over the glass surface, caging the still writhing light within.
Glowing brighter and brighter as you expelled more power, you began to feel something. Like the time in training when Jungkook had connected your powers and you had felt his golden electricity – except this, this was cold.
The glass shattered between your hands, noise and light smothering your senses as you were thrown backwards.
Your back met concrete, your own gasps heavy in your ears.
The cold was still there.
Blinking rapidly, you grappled to hold onto your powers, keep them flowing. Squinting into the brightness surrounding you, you found a brilliant white light had sprung from the weapon’s casing, seemingly latched onto your own powers.
Fear jolted through you. The light, whatever its power, was pushing back, trying to devour your own.
You had been trained for this. But – and you would never repeat this – you longed for Jungkook in that moment. The safety of the training room, and the usual guarantee of coming out alive, had all fallen away.
It was just you. Alone.
But there was a fight raging above you, all for this thing. You had to do this: for Yoongi and Hobi who could be anywhere right now. Hurt, bleeding? For Jin and Namjoon, wanting to come out on top. Jimin, fighting for V who was penned into the parking lot defending you.
And for Jungkook.
You had been trained for this.
Adrenaline buzzing in your veins, you pushed yourself up from the floor, power swelling in your chest. Letting it out completely, it charged through your veins until it was spitting sparks in the air, jaws gnashing against the blazing white that threatened to devour it.
One foot forwards.
The white lightning squirmed, as if trying to shake you off. You never relented. Blue advanced steadily from your hands until it was all that could be seen.
Breaking point. You kept up the pressure, feeling the last bit of resistance from the weapon-
Upstairs, the fire V had lit was buffeted as if hit by a powerful gust of wind. Disturbed anew, blocks shifted in the rubble, pebbles raining to earth. The opponent Jungkook had been fighting was swept clean from their feet, his golden light harmlessly striking the wall behind the spot where they had just stood.
But as the enemy was forced to the floor, Jungkook’s attention was already elsewhere. Struggling to stay standing through the shockwave, he staggered back a few paces before he could turn towards the fire. The way you had gone.
The ground seemed to settle again, the blast leaving silence in its wake.
The first sound was his feet pounding on the floor. Striding right over the fighters lying on the ground, uncaring whether they were dead or alive, skirting around the fire they had been attempting to cross seconds ago.
None of Bolt’s pathetic followers attempted to stop Jungkook. They couldn’t deny the meaning of that explosion – the thing they were after was destroyed.
Normally, he might stay, try to stop them fleeing. As it was, he didn’t stand between them and their retreat, instead sprinting towards the source of the commotion.
V had kept his guard up, still eyeing the fire for movement with dark eyes. He caught Jungkook’s eyes as the younger stopped in front of him, eyes wide and panicked.
V turned.
Following his gaze, Jungkook found a doorway. Behind the open door was consuming darkness, still and silent.
You were in there.
His feet were moving again, steps turning to strides as he picked up speed, only to nearly trip over himself as he got closer.
You rushed up the stairway, catching yourself on the doorframe. Leaning against it, you panted for breath, but an exhilarated smile never left your features.
As your breathing calmed, you looked around into the car park. Eyes meeting Jungkook’s, you straightened up a little.
His mouth hung slightly agape. He had expected you to crawl from there bleeding, if the shockwave had been anything to go by. And for him to be the one that sent you down there-
“I did it!” you exclaimed.
Blinking rapidly, he clocked how long he must have been staring in shock.
Nodding, he hurriedly shuffled around in pretence of checking the area like V.
“Good. I almost didn’t think you were going to be any help.”
You had no time to decipher his comment before V cast a sharp gaze over the two of you. His usual silence had taken hold again, but Jungkook seemed to understand him.
“We need to move.”
Striding away purposefully, V left you two to scramble after him. Jungkook threw one more skittish glance at you, but quickly turned his eyes away to march after V.
The fire’s heat grew in intensity as you neared, smothering. V waved a hand and a gap opened up, the glaring purple giving way to pure darkness beyond. Hurrying through, you panted gratefully in the cool night air. Even among the rush of your battle downstairs, you felt a bit wobbly from the strain.
Leaving the fire blazing behind you without a care, your trio scaled the wreckage, this side of the building being the main victim of the destruction. The landslide of rubble sloped upwards, your path weaving between motionless figures, slumped in gaps between the debris.
V bent down to scoop up a gun, lifting it easily from a fallen opponent. Their hand fell uselessly back onto the rock.
Jungkook did the same, only he flung the weapons he collected back into the fire behind you. It spat as it guzzled them, but the sound grew fainter as you finally reached the street and hurried away over flat ground.
As the three of you sprinted through the night, the full extent of the battle was spread before you. Scattered around the burning building were pieces of wreckage, but you were sure they couldn’t have been flung that far if it wasn’t for human intervention in the destruction.
You were forced to leap over a large channel where the road had cracked, somehow.
Eerily still after the furore that had been raging only moments ago, your group’s footsteps rang loudly in your ears. Which is why the crunch that echoed through the wasteland stopped you in your tracks.
Whizzing around, you were instantly alert, feeling your powers stir.
But the air left your lungs, relieved by the blur of pink that was coming towards you.
Jimin tossed a mangled car to one side like it was nothing, only focussed on V. They collided, Jimin burying his head in V’s shoulder and desperately clutching him close.
It was only after pulling away that he registered your presence. His eyes flicked between you and Jungkook, a million questions forming in his eyes.
But he left them unsaid.
He started running again, hand clutched in V’s and leading him around the corner. Following, you drew further from the fiery glare in your wake. The shadows grew thicker, your path taking you off that road and further into the city maze.
Wailing met your ears, sirens announcing the likely arrival of authorities at the site of the fight – all too late to stop anything.
Though you were out of sight, you were only a few streets away. Enough to make you feel terribly exposed to the building clamour of sirens. A glance over your shoulder showed the distinct red and blue of emergency vehicles painting the dark sky.
Then you caught sight of something – someone – stepping forwards from the shadows.
Someone with silvery hair and eyes that glowed bright white.
You hadn’t really seen Yoongi use his powers. His eyes were truly striking, but he did little more than breathe and suddenly the world was plunged back into darkness. The colours disappeared from the sky, even the streetlights dying.
“Yoongi!” Jimin exclaimed, changing course to rush towards him, “you’re okay! What happened-?”
“We’re fine,” Yoongi spoke calmly, dazzling eyes scanning the road behind you, “just couldn’t get back- speaking of, where are we getting to now?”
As if summoned, a figure dropped from the now dark streetlamp. No one else could make a landing like that look so easy.
Yellow faded from Hope’s eyes as he faced you, grin splitting his face.
“Namjoon got to Jin alright, they’re on their way. Just saw them.”
Only the crunch of tyres gave away the car that swung around the corner. The headlights had been cut, whether by Yoongi or by Jin, driving, as a precaution. It blended with the shadows, sliding through them to stop smoothly in front of your group, assembled on the pavement.
It wasn’t until a door swung open and Namjoon stood from it that you remembered the fact you weren’t meant to be there.
This far, the adrenaline of the action had driven it from your mind. But the look Namjoon threw at you and Jungkook made reality come crashing back around you. Would he be angry? He was the one who had stood you down after all.
He breathed in evenly, gaze raking painstakingly over you…
“Get in.”
That was all he said, ducking back inside the car without another word.
As always, nothing could be read through his words. Sobered, you looked at the boys around you, waiting for them to pile into the car before you joined them.
Inside, you kept silent. Jimin and Tae were squished together in the back, Hope apparently cheerful beside them. By contrast, in the middle, Yoongi was staring intently out at the passing streets. His irises still glowed white, reflected in the darkened glass of the window. No trace of emergency lights, searchlights or even regular city lights found its way remotely near you.
This left you shoulder to shoulder with Jungkook, a frosty silence stretching between you.
With Yoongi doing his job so well, Jin guided the car silently back home. Namjoon’s calculating eyes scanned the lot of you through the rear mirror occasionally.
All you could do was try valiantly to ignore the firm press of Jungkook’s arm against yours. But it was impossible to drive him from your mind; in a way, this was familiar. His rigid frame, determinedly staring ahead. Anywhere but you.
Then why did it make you feel so small now?
You were well used to this kind of treatment from him, reciprocating it more often than not. So it was totally unfair how he could occupy your thoughts so relentlessly. All you had done was follow his orders. Rushed into battle together, yes. But you reminded yourself that he never wanted you there anyway. You were still just a hindrance to him.
Setting your jaw, you turned your gaze stoically out the window. A lone streetlight travelled past – you must be almost home if Yoongi felt it safe enough to let the light back in.
You had lost them well enough in the dark maze of the centre, and now you could throw them off your trail.
Through the reflections, you eyed the car packed with all of you. It felt right, with everyone there. Dimmed by the window glass, you saw Jimin’s arm slung around V’s shoulder, small smiles on everyone’s faces as he exchanged low jokes with Hobi.
Jin and Namjoon guided you home at the head of the vehicle. Namjoon’s glances were caring instead of cold, checking up on his fellow fighters.
This could have been different. Nerves remained about his decision, what your actions tonight would make him think. But you could rest knowing you had stepped in to help your new family, part of the reason you were all safely in this car now.
These events only bolstered what had been growing within you. These boys were your team.
Every single one.
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Thank you for reading!! Good news for those of you dying to hear what Namjoon will do now, remember the next chapter is going up on Wednesday 29th💜until then, let me know your thoughts down below🥰
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btsmosphere · 3 days
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the prettiest and cutest reactor (❁▿❁*)♡
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btsmosphere · 3 days
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Lee Know ☆ W Korea & Gucci
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btsmosphere · 4 days
YOU'RE SO DAMN KIND🥺🥰💜what a lovely rec list, and I second so many of these awesome writers!!
Welcome to my recommendations list…
…a special space dedicated to all the fics and authors who hold a dear place in my heart.
I hope that by sharing this list, their work will touch many more people as deeply as it has touched me as a long-time reader.
A heartfelt thank you to all the writers below for their exceptional work and the inspiration they provide on a daily basis.
My appreciation for you all is endless.
Happy browsing 💕
If you’re searching for a safe place full of love and warmth, you’ll find it at Chip! Her stories are exceptional, bedeviled being my personal roman empire. Thank you Chip for inspiring me to create my own personal space for others 💕
Ru’s work is top tier! If I would have to choose her best work - I genuinely couldn’t 🤭 She’s the reason why I’m a writer myself. Thank you for being one of the kindest persons you could encounter here 💕
Addicting and not able to get off of T’s stories. Her recent and still ongoing story “vows of betrayal” has me in a chokehold (look at this instagram post👀) 💕
If you’ve never heard of the beautiful Shanna and her work, let me change that for you. No matter which genre or member you choose, her work will pull you in and leave you craving more and more and more 💕
Mimi’s page is one of my happy places. I love the way she builds worlds and characters. Her latest work, I Want You to Stay perfectly shows her incredible talent. Her kind soul shines through in every word 💕
Since I’ve found Bonny on here, I haven’t stopped falling deeper and deeper into her rabbit hole. A brilliant mind who’s overflowing with talent and creativity 💕
I stumbled across Risa’s “a friend of a friend” and loved it from the start! I hope her work captivates you as it did me 💕
I’m lurking regularly on Missy’s page. Her work is so precious to me, especially wicked! Who would have thought that ice blue eyed Jungkook would hit so much different 💕
If there’s someone leaving me in awe every. Single. Time. It would be Ara. Words can’t describe the talent she has 💕
Lovely Noa will take you by the hand, pulling you into her story with ease. Her writing hits different, especially her fic about badminton!Jungkook The Lucky One 💕
I never thought I needed a fighter pilot Jungkook in my life but Rei showed me otherwise. She has a beautiful, creative mind! Please check out her other work, it’s more than worth it!
Ari deserves an outpouring of love for the incredible work she creates. I’ll never stop showing my appreciation for her 💕
Haya’s stories are a joy to read! I’m truly thrilled for every update she shares 💕
Beautiful Rid has weaved her magic around me! Her writing skills are exceptional, and her ability to craft immersive worlds is truly unmatched 💕
Want to fall in love with Cami’s writing for eternity and beyond as I have? Then you should go check out her amazing works such as risqué 💕
The genius behind 3tan and other epic stories, lovely Ryen, holds a special place in my heart. My admiration for her knows no bounds!
If you’re looking for the loveliest stories you could possibly read, you should check out Sunny! I could spend hours reading her work 💕
Ashley’s an immensely talented writer, and her stories hold a cherished place in my heart. I’m thankful she’s sharing her work with the world 💕
There’s a blog full of requests AND is a safe space with lots of love and kindness? You wouldn’t want to miss out on this one! 💕
•••••••••••••••••••••• More yet to come …
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btsmosphere · 4 days
Fanfic Ask Game (the movie, the sequel)
In celebration of me actually working on a fic, I made y’all an ask game instead of continuing to work on that fic. Pls enjoy.
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💖 What do you like most about your own writing?
😐 What embarrasses you most about your own writing?
👻 What is one WIP you think you may never pick back up?
👀 Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
📥 What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
✏️ Do you write every day?
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
🏅 What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc).
😈 Is there anything you enjoy doing that you think your readers hate?
🌙  What time of day do you prefer to write? Why?
👖 Are you a planner, plantser, or pantser? Is it consistent?
📊 Current number of WIPs
👨‍👧‍👧 Do you tell people in real life that you write fic? 
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
📝 What is one growth area you have for your writing?
📚 Do you read your own fic?
🌈 What inspired you to write [insert fic here]?
🤔 What is the hardest part of writing fic?
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
💻 Do you do research for your fics? What’s the deepest dive you’ve done?
✨ Choose three adjectives to complement your own writing.
💭 What is a headcanon you have about your own work?
🍰 Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave).
👩‍🏭 If one of your fics was going to get you arrested, which one and why?
⏰ Do you spend more time reading fic, writing fic, or do you do both equally?
💋 [Freeform - what is something you want to know about one of poster’s fics?]
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btsmosphere · 4 days
crime🤠🤗remember they are villains, after all wait what huh whatttt
hahahaha have you read the story? we love our villainous boys🥰 honestly I didn't think that deeply about the practicalities of their situation, so this is the best I have for you! Namjoon and Jin defo sort out the money. maybe the evil scientists they work with pay them, maybe they steal city funds?
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