one-time-i-dreamt · 4 months
I was given an assignment to write a song in the style of Panic! At the Disco. I got them mixed up with Fall Out Boy and didn’t realize my mistake until I woke up.
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winterr77 · 8 months
ੈ✩‧₊˚Self Improvement Habits
ੈ✩‧₊˚self improvement habits to slowly implement
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✩no social media before 10 am and after 9 pm (even better if you delete your social media, I only use pinterest and tumblr)
✩sleeping around 6-8 hours everyday and not sleeping later than 12pm
✩ figure out your bodies needs, what are you defficient in?(e.g iron and vitamin D) Do you need acne meds? (they saved my skin) Take vitamins and minerals daily and invest in your health early to prevent issues.
✩waking up early (this can vary but I try around 5-7am)
✩reading 15 min a day and slowly increasing by 3-5 min, I recommend classic literature such as Woolf, Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, etc
✩working out once a week for beginners to slowly 3 times a week
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✩eating healthier through nutritious meals, fruits and nuts and avoiding very sugary and overly processed junk food.
✩practicing writing, journalling, or any other form of creative expression
✩pick up an instrument to learn (proven to increase brain activity and improve brain health)
✩reconnect with nature, spend an hour or more outside, no music just listening to your natural surroundings
✩choose a skill and hone it, this can be from Edx or Skillshare, e.g CS50 course from Harvard at Edx
✩work on your goals for at least 30min a day
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good luck with your studies !!!
ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚
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abybweisse · 6 months
Ch207 (p3), You've known me long enough
We get a vague understanding of what life was possibly like for Artie before coming to F. O. L. Orphanage...
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...and we learn that Artie and Theo already knew each other before then, too.
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But what does Artie mean by telling Theo to not "get scared now" after knowing Artie so long? Afraid of holding a gun... or afraid of Artie? Makes me wonder what Artie did before they both ended up in that orphanage!
Before Artie can elaborate (though he probably wasn't going to right then anyway), he and Theo realize more staff are headed their way.
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Of course, that fan translation of the above page was very wrong about what Doll says. She doesn't say she will find a way to keep him/make him hers. No one calls anyone "baby". 😮‍💨 This does not, however, rule out the possibility that Doll tries to have Snake turned into a bizarre doll, if he dies. We do have to worry that bizarre doll Snake might turn against Finny and our earl simply because Finny left him to die. Same problem if Snake somehow lives (which I highly doubt); he could feel abandoned and choose Doll. Snake remaining loyal to our earl might not matter, though; Undertaker could turn him into a basic bizarre doll in order to simply show him off to our earl -- and possibly Finny, too -- later, just to make them feel worse about his death.
The fan translation of the next page isn't nearly as bad. The language here is more formal, but the gist of it was right:
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I agree with @fwippysays, who said Finny might be thinking back to his master being arrested, then comparing it to now with Snake dying, because these are moments when Finny feels powerless to help those he cares about.
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I hope Snake hears Finny's heartfelt apology for leaving him behind. Thankfully, the snakes are there to witness this: that Finny wanted to destroy Doll and take Snake with him. It's just that he felt he had to focus on their mission, otherwise Snake's death would be in vain.
Now what? Kill the approaching staff?
If Snake dies, I hope the snakes paralyze Doll and find the kids outside. Then they could burn the barn down. No bodies, no bizarre dolls.
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screenshot-thoughts · 5 months
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If you’ve done online school, you know.
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teachingtales · 2 years
If this meme is Relatable Content™️ then perhaps teaching is right for you
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peterparkerr06 · 2 years
Algae is underrated
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For more such memes , click here
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mostlycatsmostly · 8 months
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Marvin makes for great meme images. He just needs a reaction
(submitted by @chainsaw-to-the-heart )
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A painting I did for an assignment at uni some time ago, just found an image of it and thought I'd share.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 6 months
I had to write an essay about Marc Anthony and, as part of the same assignment, remix some random song that wasn’t even his.
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winterr77 · 8 months
ੈ✩ Habits for your academic life
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Below are some habits and rules to keep in mind throughout your studies and some tips that will elevate your learning experiences.
☆ Setting boundaries and learning to say no
It is always easy to say yes and join every social event that one is invited to, however its crucial to consider your own personal life and the consequences of your decisions. Hanging out with friends is a needed event as a social creature, however it's better to exercise caution and know when to say "no" to focus on your own goals and dreams. Don't get pulled into the pace of others and focus on finding a routine and schedule that works for your own benefit.
☆ Being comfortable with your own company
You will find in uni that there are lots of times that you will spend alone, and maybe feel a little anxious that you're the only person who isn't constantly in the company of someone everyday like you maybe were in high school. However, realise that even the time to yourself is a time of value, and treasure those moments to focus and work on your own goals. It is easier to get lost and lose sight of your ambitions when with others who don't have the same aspirations as yourself. Use your own time to sit down and work out what you want to achieve and quietly put in the effort to win.
☆ Never being scared to ask questions
It can be quite daunting to ask questions in lectures, so I prefer to ask my questions during times that aren't forced into a short time interval, such as tutorials, office hours, and other forms of learning support that your university/college provides. This way there is no rush to answer my questions and take my time in working through concepts and ideas. Ask questions based on your own conclusions, questions that challenge current rules and perspectives. Think deeper into your lessons and seek to make use of every bit of information.
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☆ Being curious
This is very much related to the point above, that being that personal interest really aids with the brains memory retention. The more things you approach with an enthusiastic attitude, the easier it is for your brain to remember and categorise. Having curiosity, even if it is forced, gives a great advantage where you seek to interconnect the information you learn with other data, and grow more networks of neurons that allows your brain to stay healthy and active.
☆ Initiating contact
Struggling with a theory or assignment? Great, it shows that you are actively trying to understand a concept and working your brain muscles. Now the best way to comprehend or complete what you are struggling with is to access support materials. Still difficult? Reach out. Your teachers, professors, tutors are all there for your benefit. Use them intelligently and squeeze every drop of assistance and support from them while they are still available to you.
☆Watching educational content to aid your studies
You can never lose from learning a bit more every day. However make sure to fact check and find your information from trusted and quality sources. In general, it's always a win to be educated in various topics from health, sciences, arts, humanities and more to gain a better understanding of ourselves, our world, and humanity.
For example, I watched a ted talk today, and here is my conclusions from my notes:
ੈ✩TedX: Why Reading Matters by Rita Carter
☆Your brain needs a workout as much as your body. And reading fiction seems to be one of the best workouts you can get. (I recommend quality fiction, with that being classic literature because it genuinely exercises your mind with its intricate language techniques and diverse vocabulary)
☆Not only is it good for you, but it's also good for society as a whole because the brain is like a muscle: the more you force yourself through books to take other people's perspectives, to sympathise, to empathise with other people, the more empathetic a society we will have.
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good luck lovelies
ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚
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heartreeart · 5 months
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College assignment I did, re layouting a scene from Carmen sandiego on Netflix, I shall colour it eventually 😅
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jjaydazo · 7 months
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character designing assignment.
our task is to design a character based off of their description.
Dr. Miller scientific robotic inventor.
Alex who is the assistant of Dr. Miller
Robbie a little robot assistant created by Dr.Miller
(not their full description, but that's their nutshell)
I used insects to get inspirations of their design. Moth > Miller, Beetle > Alex. Robie is just based off of a water droplet.
what do ya think?
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surrogate-gaia-art · 7 months
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Beware the Knotweed Empress; her branches all-covering and her roots ever-resilient. Don't agitate her, lest she release her children upon the world.
Made 12th of November 2020
Made as an assignment for college. A "cryptidisation" of the well known invasive Japanese Knotweed; a plant that has formed a risk to the infrastructure and environment of the lowlands.
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littlefukar · 8 months
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I just submitted my assignment that has been weighing me down for weeks, feel free to praise me 👹
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rat-at-heart · 4 months
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Asks to copy your English paper but doesn't change the name before turning it in
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roadmapplus · 6 months
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