#assignment help
xojack · 2 months
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𝖂𝖊𝖊𝖐𝖘 14-15 𝖔𝖋 𝖚𝖓𝖎 𝖎𝖘 𝖒𝖞 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑
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peterparkerr06 · 2 years
Algae is underrated
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For more such memes , click here
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glittercakes · 8 months
Hey guys, sociology major here! I’m doing an assignment for my Research Methods class and I need your help! For my project, I decided to analyze the way the LGBTQIA+ community is portrayed on TV (specifically Netflix shows from the past decade for the sake of sampling). In order to collect data, I need people to fill out the linked survey with their opinions on the representation in the mentioned shows.
Of course, your data will be kept anonymous to the extent that the technology will allow. In addition, it’s best that participants are 18+ for the sake of ethics. Please reblog this for a bigger sample size (the assignment requires at least 30 people).
Thanks for your help!
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0livovniko · 24 days
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Digital drawing
Today, it's the work I'm working on for my school assignment.
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tumblr help 😭 (/nsrs)
i have to make a choice and i just. can't.
basically i have an assignment and have to present a ''protest'' song
so far this is what i have don't hesitate to give more options because i am so bad at making up my mind
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aurora-van-vana · 1 month
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New character design coming 👀?
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sofiaisanalien · 15 days
Heyy so I really need help🥲
I need to write some assignments on Word program so I can turn it into a pdf, but the program isn't working on my laptop
And my friend isn't responding to my messages from 2 days ago so she won't respond to that as well
Can anyone please help me? I can send the text and you just have to copy it and paste it on Word and just fix the font size
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anthology-enthusiast · 2 months
Guys I need some data for a design assignment. Basically, I'm designing a harp that is compact and affordable, without compromising aesthetics. If you could take a moment to vote for whichever design you think looks the most like a harp, it would be appreciated.
Option 1:
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Option 2:
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Option 3:
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leowithyou · 3 months
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As a student, juggling multiple assignments and deadlines can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to complex subjects like PHP. When I found myself struggling with my PHP assignments, I knew I needed expert help. That's when I turned to ProgrammingHomeworkHelp.com for assistance. They not only do My PHP assignment also helped me meet my deadlines but also improved my understanding and grades significantly.
One of the things that impressed me the most about ProgrammingHomeworkHelp.com was their team of experts. Each expert was highly knowledgeable and experienced in PHP, ensuring that my assignments were completed to the highest standard. They were also very responsive and communicative, keeping me updated throughout the process and addressing any concerns I had promptly.
Another aspect of their service that stood out to me was their commitment to quality. Every assignment I received was well-researched, properly formatted, and free of plagiarism. This not only helped me score better grades but also boosted my confidence in the subject.
I also appreciated the flexibility of their service. Whether I needed help with a simple PHP script or a more complex project, ProgrammingHomeworkHelp.com was able to accommodate my needs. They were also very accommodating when it came to revisions, ensuring that the final deliverable met my expectations.
Overall, my experience with ProgrammingHomeworkHelp.com has been extremely positive. Thanks to their expert help, I was able to excel in PHP and achieve the grades I had always wanted. If you're struggling with your PHP assignments, I highly recommend their services. Trust me, you won't be disappointed!
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 How Does The Brain Work?
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The brain stands as a marvel of biological engineering, Composing of a multitude of bodily functions ranging from cognition and memory to emotions and sensory perception. Together with the spinal cord, it constitutes the central nervous system (CNS), the command center of the human body.
Composition of the Brain
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Weighing approximately 3 pounds in adults, the brain’s main structure comprises about 60% fat, interspersed with water, protein, carbohydrates, and salts. Unlike muscles, it houses a complex network of blood vessels and nerves, including neurons and glial cells.
a) Gray and White Matter
Within the central nervous system, gray matter and white matter occupies distinct regions. In the brain, gray matter forms the outer layer, rich in neuron somas, while white matter constitutes the inner section, primarily composed of axons unsheathed in myelin. Conversely, in the spinal cord, this arrangement is reversed.
b) Brain Functionality
 The brain operates by transmitting and receiving chemical and electrical signals throughout the body. These signals regulate a myriad of processes, with the brain disseminating each input. Some signals remain confined within the brain, while others traverse the spinal cord and nerves, disseminating information across the body’s expanse. This composes neural network relies on billions of interconnected neurons.
Major Brain Regions and Their Functions
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Dominating the brain’s landscape, the cerebrum encompasses the cerebral cortex and underlying white matter. It governs a spectrum of functions, including motor coordination, temperature regulation, language processing, emotional regulation, and sensory perception.
2. Brainstem
 Serving as the bridge between the cerebrum and spinal cord, the brainstem comprises the midbrain, pons, and medulla. It regulates vital autonomic functions such as heart rate, breathing, and reflexive responses.
3. Cerebellum
Nestled at the posterior aspect of the brain, the cerebellum coordinates voluntary muscle movements, posture, balance, and motor learning.
 Brain Coverings
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a) Meninges
 Three layers of protective membranes, collectively known as meninges, enshroud the brain and spinal cord. These layers — dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pia mater — shield the delicate neural tissue from physical trauma and infection.
b) Lobes of the Brain
 Each hemisphere of the brain comprises four lobes, each harboring distinct functional domains:
Frontal Lobe: Governing executive functions, motor control, and higher cognitive processes.
Parietal Lobe: Integrating sensory information, spatial awareness, and perception of pain and touch.
Occipital Lobe: Specialized for visual processing and perception.
Temporal Lobe: Involved in auditory processing, language comprehension, and memory consolidation.
Deeper Brain Structures
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 These encompass important structures such as the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, amygdala, hippocampus, and pineal gland, orchestrating hormone secretion, emotional regulation, memory consolidation, and circadian rhythms.
Blood Supply
The brain receives its oxygenated blood supply through the vertebral and carotid arteries, ensuring adequate perfusion of neural tissue. The main network of blood vessels, including the Circle of Willis, safeguards against ischemic insults and facilitates intraarterial communication.
Cranial Nerves 
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The twelve pairs of cranial nerves, originating from the brainstem, mediate a diverse array of sensory and motor functions, encompassing olfaction, vision, facial expression, and auditory perception.
Comprehending the anatomy and functionality of the brain fosters a deeper appreciation of its complexity and facilitates advances in neuroscientific research and therapeutic interventions aimed at diminishing neurological disorders.
Understanding the detailed anatomy and functionality of the brain is crucial for medical students embarking on their journey of study. Expert Academic Assignment Help offers invaluable assistance in navigating the complexities of neuroscience and related subjects. By leveraging expert guidance and support, students can excel in their medical education and contribute to advancements in the field of Medicine. Email us at [email protected] to embark on your path to scholarly excellence and professional competency.
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ameliagomez08 · 7 months
Do My Matlab Assignment
Are you a student juggling a hectic schedule? Do you sometimes find it impossible to do your Matlab assignment on time? Well, I was in the same boat until I stumbled upon Do My Matlab Assignment . Let me tell you, they are a game-changer for students in India! 
From my first interaction with them, I knew I was in capable hands. Their team of experts is not only knowledgeable but also incredibly professional and friendly. They took my complex Matlab assignment and turned it into a masterpiece, meeting all the requirements and deadlines. 
What makes Matlab Assignment Experts stand out is their commitment to quality. The solution I received was not just well-written but also well-documented, making it easy for me to understand and present to my professor. They even included step-by-step explanations, so I could learn from the assignment. 
One of the best things about their service is the flexibility. Whether you need help with coding, data analysis, or any other aspect of Matlab, they've got you covered. Plus, they cater specifically to students in India, which is fantastic because they understand our academic system and its unique challenges. 
I must also mention their prompt delivery. They ensured that I received the completed assignment well before the deadline, giving me ample time to review it and seek clarifications if needed. 
The pricing is reasonable and worth every penny, considering the top-notch quality and the stress they saved me from. As a student, I truly appreciate the affordability. 
In a nutshell, Matlab Assignment Experts is a lifesaver for students like me, who are constantly trying to balance academics, extracurricular activities, and a social life. They make the complex world of Matlab assignments simple and stress-free. So, when you're wondering, "Do my Matlab assignment," they've got you covered. 
So, if you're struggling with your Matlab assignments, I highly recommend giving Matlab Assignment Experts a try. They are reliable, professional, and committed to helping you succeed. Trust me; you won't be disappointed! 
Thank you, Matlab Assignment Experts, for making my academic journey in India a whole lot smoother. You've earned a lifelong customer in me! 🙌📚💻 #MatlabAssignmentExperts #StudentLifeSaver #IndiaEducation #DoMyMatlabAssignmen 
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garfieldgenius · 11 days
Guys how do i delete my ‘main’ blog and replace it with this one?? They seem to be synced and i cant get rid of the old one?
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moonysmagicwand · 3 months
They're making me do child labour (working assignments) so what if I am in my 20's. Still a kid at heart (weeps in college work).
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angel-shaw · 1 year
Fun fact
If you are struggling to learn something act like you are teaching it to someone else
Talk out loud and explain what you are doing and why
You’ll be able to recognize your mistakes a bit easier and it will help with abosorbing what you are trying to learn
I’m doing this, I just did it with math and I got a lot more done and understood then I would have if I was trying to do it in my head and psyching myself out
You also might be able to stay calmer because you trick your brain into thinking you are helping someone else learn something, your learning together with them:)
My favorite method is pretending to be on a stream or something similar, I get worried if I think the person is in the room with me for some reason lols
And the best thing? You don’t have to be perfect! Explain it out loud till it clicks for you!
And this doesn’t just go for things like math
Cooking,cleaning, gardening
If you act like you are helping someone else get a grasp on the thing well you are also doing it it won’t feel as stressful most times:)
This is also how I do small tasks like making my bed or sorting things
I hope this helps!
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lineperezart · 2 years
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I'm locked inside the house, election day and the current president trying to coup, and still trying to work if you can help by sharing my drawings, I need to fix my computer, my paypal if you want to help paypal: [email protected]
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robbie89smith-blog · 7 months
The Definitive Guide to Excelling in SolidWorks Assignments
Are you a university graduate or postgraduate student facing the daunting task of SolidWorks assignments? If you've ever found yourself struggling with complex 3D modeling, simulations, or drawings, you're not alone. Many students seek help with their SolidWorks assignments, and we're here to assist you. In this blog post, we'll explore some valuable insights and expert advice on how to excel in your SolidWorks assignments and, more importantly, how to find reliable help when you need it. So, if you're wondering, "Where can I find someone to do my SolidWorks assignments?" – you're in the right place.
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Understanding the Challenge:
SolidWorks is a powerful computer-aided design (CAD) software used in various industries, including mechanical engineering, architecture, and product design. Its extensive capabilities often make SolidWorks assignments quite demanding. When you're juggling multiple courses and deadlines, it's natural to feel overwhelmed. But fret not; we've got some tips to help you navigate through these challenges.
1. Start Early:
One of the keys to success in tackling SolidWorks assignments is to start early. Procrastination can lead to frustration and rushed work. Begin your assignment as soon as it's assigned, and you'll have more time for revisions and problem-solving. Remember, practice makes perfect, and the more time you invest, the better you'll become.
2. Seek Help When Needed:
There's no shame in asking for assistance when you face difficulties. In fact, it's a smart move. If you ever find yourself thinking, "I need someone to do my SolidWorks assignments," remember that expert assistance is readily available. Websites like ours, SolidWorksAssignmentHelp.com, are dedicated to helping students like you excel in their coursework. Our team of experienced professionals can provide you with guidance, solutions, and even complete assignments, ensuring you receive top-notch grades.
3. Practice Regularly:
SolidWorks proficiency comes with practice. Spend time working on your modeling and simulation skills. The more you practice, the more confident you'll become in handling your assignments.
4. Utilize Online Resources:
In addition to expert assistance, there are numerous online resources, tutorials, and forums where you can find answers to your SolidWorks-related questions. Websites like SolidWorks forums, YouTube tutorials, and SolidWorks user communities are valuable sources of information.
SolidWorks assignments can be challenging, but with the right approach and resources, you can excel in them. If you ever find yourself thinking, "I need someone to do my SolidWorks assignments," don't hesitate to reach out for professional help. We're here to ensure your success. Remember, starting early, seeking help when needed, and consistent practice are the keys to mastering SolidWorks. So, dive into your assignments with confidence and give it your best shot!
In summary, when it comes to SolidWorks assignments, it's essential to start early, practice regularly, and seek assistance from experts and online resources when needed. With the right approach, you can conquer your SolidWorks challenges and excel in your coursework. So, if you ever find yourself in need of expert assistance, visit our website, SolidWorksAssignmentHelp.com, and let us take care of your assignments. Your success is our priority.
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