#self concept
hellobabydoll333 · 2 days
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pastel-charm-14 · 8 hours
having a positive self concept
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hey loves! if you're manifesting your dream life, don't neglect your self concept!! it's so important :) enjoy!
the law of assumption states that what you assume to be true becomes your reality. start assuming the best about yourself. believe that you are worthy, capable, and deserving of all the good things, because you are!
create a list of affirmations that make you feel good. i like to repeat mine daily in front of my mirror.
🎀 i am worthy of love 🎀 i'm so successful 🎀 i attract abundance effortlessly
spend a few minutes each day visualizing yourself as the person you want to be. see yourself confident, happy, and successful. this helps reprogram your subconscious mind to align with your desired reality.
spend time with people who uplift and support you, and cut toxic people out of your life! consume content that inspires and motivates you! your environment plays such a huge role in shaping your self-concept.
when negative thoughts come up, challenge them. ask yourself if this is a limiting belief talking. replace it with positive, empowering thoughts!!
behave as if you already are the person you want to be. make decisions based on what your ideal self would do. this will help bridge the gap between your current reality and your desired state.
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maknaereality · 2 days
I don't understand why you complicate manifestation so much. You don't have to do millions of affirmations a day or stress yourself out with a thousand different techniques if you don't feel like it. What you need to do is align your thoughts with your desire and remain consistent. Stop.
Ps: I say "you" but I mean in general.
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hunkystephaudio · 2 days
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wouldn't it be so exciting if we could select a pinterest board to live in? 😍 that's exactly what this subliminal is about! you'll shift in no time, literally! this subliminal is made with my own voice, as usual. i hope you'll love it!
🤍B E N E F I T S: 🤍
instantly bring your pinterest board to life instantly live a life that is identical to your pinterest board instantly manifest everything you saved in your pinterest board instantly live an aesthetic lifestyle that is identical to your pinterest board instantly manifest anything you add to your pinterest board be the world's greatest manifestor instantly manifest by using visuals such as photos and videos instantly shift to the desired reality in your pinterest board
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yourecitten · 2 days
ways to upgrade my energy and get in high vibration
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By being kind to yourself and others, being grateful, mindful, present, expressing love, compassion, appreciation, and acceptance, forgiving yourself and others, as well as making healthy decisions for yourself. High-vibe activities include meditation, exercising, time in nature, spending time in service, time with family/ friends, gratitude journaling, and expressing yourself creatively through music and other outlets. In essence, you have to live in the world in a way that reflects that which is the essence of the inner you, your truest and highest vibration. To get as close to your higher vibration as possible you can become aware of your thoughts. By observing them and detaching from them, you raise your frequency to the level of your thoughts. In this moment you embody everything you think, good or bad, because you make no distinction. By becoming completely free of judgment you can step into your highest vibration because you are just being, accepting, and expressing. You are not holding back because of your thoughts or opinions, you are not making yourself small. You are you, unhindered. To get there quicker I would use the law of assumption, the law of attraction, and the feeling of gratitude. Gratitude, appreciation, and acceptance are the highest states of being. You cannot feel those things and judge, you cannot feel those things and fear, they can only exist in the absence of that. As long as you hold any of those states you will be in a state aligned with the highest version of you.
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grrnlotus · 2 days
𐙚 𝓎𝗈𝗎 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝓉𝒽𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴.
⏝ི ✿ㅤㅤ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏。°(°¯᷄◠¯᷅°)°。ㅤㅤ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ᓭི༏ᓯྀ ˖ ࣪
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recently, i have been worried about intrusive, limiting thoughts. but that is all they are.
i remembered last night that i am awareness, not my thoughts. what i intend creates my reality; not my thoughts.
my intention is all i need to manifest, and as soon as i have it in the 4d it is done and i have it. limiting thoughts may come, but they serve no effect on this process of receival.
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matheoxs · 2 days
success story?
Okay, so I have this friend, and she was talking to me about something that happened to her. Basically, there was this guy talking about how he doesn't like dark-skinned people while she was sitting literally beside him, hearing him say that. Mind you, I wasn't there. She vented this to me, along with many other racist things she experienced in high school. She said that if she wasn't dark-skinned, these things wouldn't happen, and she also wished she was light-skinned.
That really hurt me because she's the prettiest girl I've ever seen, and no Black person should feel like that.
But, you know, your boy had to do something about it
I planned on manifesting for her to love her skin and for people to treat her better, and it worked!!😭
I swear, this girl was venting to me so much, but all of a sudden, she stopped. Even when she was venting, I was persisting that that's not who she is anymore.
I'm so proud of myself for persisting. She started to dress differently and she seems so much happier now♥️
(yes I know I’m on break but I wanted to share this )
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alilarew23 · 7 months
daily reminder that
once you decide something is happening/has already happened/is yours/will 777% be yours, you can feel whatever the fuck you want to feel, you can think whatever the fuck you want to think, you can carry yourself however the fuck you want to carry yourself—it DOES NOT MATTER. there is nothing, and i mean NOTHING, more powerful than the energy of decision, than the absolute unwavering belief in a specific outcome. decide, know, and stop giving your power up. if you’re on my team, you’re fearless, you’re winning, you’ve already won, and that’s on god.
love you, strong one. 💋
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audreyassumptions · 2 months
- name change
- trilingualism
- 5”10 height
- thin and slender body
- a RAGING golden tan
- face like adriana lima’s
- top grades + intelligence
- dp has a FAT crush on me
- robotic affirmations in my head (for example repeating ‘I have everything I desire’ over and over in my head whenever I’m free throughout the day)
- visualizing
- law of assumption
- the belief that I am God and I am the creator of my own reality
- being crazy delulu
I never actually used the void state for this, because I found that putting the void state on a pedestal was limiting my beliefs. Please refrain from thinking too much about the void or from putting it on a pedestal because this can really hinder your progress. Remember, you are the void. The void is inside you. You don’t need to ‘enter’ it because it is already there!
That’s it, just remember to have a positive mindset and be literally as delusional as you possibly can be. Worked for me!! This took about a whole day to work, and the next day I woke up and it was all manifested (sounds crazy but it’s true and I literally started jumping and squealing like a five year old when I realised it worked). Most importantly, remember that manifesting is supposed to be fun, so go have fun and enjoy yourself!! :)
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honeytonedhottie · 7 months
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bloominganew · 6 months
why would you settle?
you know you can change your hair color to your ideal color, right? have an s/o that looks exactly like your celebrity crush, bro you could literally have your celebrity crush, you know this right?? you know this, have the knowledge of all of this but you're settling for the dollar store version?? why?? never ever settle for anything less than what you want, because I promise you that you deserve every last bit of what you want, you deserve that life, you deserve that love, you deserve that comfort, all you really need to do is trust and believe that you have your desire that is literally all you have to do and everything instantly conforms, you don't need to change anything just sit back relishing in the emotions of having your desire no lie no nothing that's it, never settle for anything less than what you want.
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thecreatorqt · 6 months
people realizing that they can do anything, have anything, delete anything, create anything because they are only pure consciousness and their reality is manageable to their will and have nothing to do but only imagine and not do literal witchcraft.
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full-timeprincess · 7 months
₊˚⊹ ᰔ Princess treatment affirmations౨ৎ ⋆。˚
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I always get treated like a princess. People can't help but treat me amazingly simply because of my mesmerizing beauty alone. Even strangers break their backs to make me comfortable. People do everything to satisfy my needs. I don't need to lift a finger. People call me all of my desired nicknames like "princess", "dollface" etc without me even having to ask. I love that I get treated like a princess! People constantly offer to carry my bags for me. They even ask to carry ME. They never get bored of doing things for me. My smile alone is enough of a reward. People do whatever they can to talk to me, be around me, look at me. I only attract high value, chivalrous men. They treat me like the royalty that I am. I constantly get spoiled with gifts. People give me exactly what I want. Everyone is always catering to my needs. Friends, family members and other desired people are continously taking care of me. They truly treat me like a princess. And why wouldn't they? Nobody can resist a face as cute as mine. I get protected because of my dainty and feminine aura. Everything I do is just so princess-like. I exude femininity, elegance and confidence. People pamper me in all sorts of ways. They use my love language to please me. Everyone can't help but love me. I'm adorable, extremely kind and just overall perfect. I easily captivate the hearts of those around me. People truly admire me and they make it a point to show me. My SO treats me like a princess in a fairytale. I get carried, kissed on the hand, sent love letters. I have many friends. Everyone wishes to befriend me. I always get invited to the best parties and events. People love to be around me because of my amazing personality. I never have to get my hands dirty, there's always plenty of people willing to do it for me. They do whatever they can to make me feel good. OMG, I keep getting compliments. People stop whatever they were doing just to tell me how wonderful I am, even strangers. I just keep getting compared to princesses and angels! Everything about me can't help people but think of a princess. I am soft and delicate. People take care of my worries for me. I life the ideal princess life! People will go out of their way to please me. They'll do everything for me. I am a real life princess and get treated accordingly.
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cinnamonitgirl · 7 months
wake up.
wake tf up right now. arent you sick of not feeling how you want to feel??? not looking how you want to look??? not being who you want to be? WAKE UP. stop complaining, stop complaining about not seeing movement about things not going your way etc. its okay to be in unfavourable circumstances, that's not your fault. but you have control. you have the power to change them in an instant. so get up and start acting like the most powerful person in the universe yk why? because YOU ARE. stop being like "oh nooo i'll wait till a full moon i'll do it tomorrow" shut your goofy ass up time isnt an excuse to not have your dream life. so youre here now and you're thinking, "what do i do?" what have you learnt??? AFFIRM AND PERSIST. do what makes you feel fulfilled and trust that you're doing everything right. even if youre doubtful keep persisting.
loass sayings that make it click for me
your subconscious doesn't have eyes.
the 3d is a mirror. your thoughts must move in order for the 3d to move.
manifesting is instant. the moment you decide that it's yours, it is. the 3d has no choice but to conform to your desires.
the only thing stopping you is you.
if you want it, you can have it.
what are you waiting for? start acting like you have everything you want. no limitations!
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awhkacey · 9 months
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💗Robotic affirming is repeating your affirmations until you get your desire. It works instantly , it is totally worth it. You don't have to believe your affirmations. You can repeat them mindlessly.
🤖It doesn't matter how long you do it . There are no rules. You can use as many affirmations you want to. Robotic affirming helps to pass your limits and doubts. Let's say you affirm for 1- 2 hours for your desire but then start wavering ( complaining , worrying , entertaining opposing thoughts etc ) . It is okay if you waver but don't dwell on those thoughts. Deny them. Don't let them get to you. Ignore those thoughts and start repeating your affirmations . Sammy ingram said that you can say your affirmations out aloud to get rid of negative thoughts because you can't speak one thing and think another thing at the same time.
💗Basically, you are saturating your mind with what you want. Once those affirmations become dominant , they will manifest since dominant thoughts manifest. The more you familiarize your mind with your desire, the more fast you will manifest it.
🤖Affirm. Affirm and Affirm. Don't leave your important tasks, in other words, don't neglect your life to affirm but affirm when you are scrolling through your phone , showering , doing skincare , cooking, eating etc .
💗You affirm until your desires materialize into the 3D . You need to be RELENTLESS. You need to be CONSISTENT. Don't think about how or when your desires will manifest. Don't put your desires on a pedestal. I mentioned it my paradigm and mental diet post too and I will mention it again , REPETITION IS THE KEY.
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