luckykiwiii101 · 3 days
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Dear participants. How’s DAY 9 of persisting going?
To view your username on the list -> CLICK HERE
Please turn on your mentions so that I can remind you in the post to persist!!!
Comment under this post to confirm that you’ve consistently been persisting and have competed your full day of persistence.
If you fail to do so, you will have a “❗️” next to your username, if you fail to persist the next day, you will be permanently kicked off the list.
To people who want to join and do not have their username on the list, you are still part of the challenge and should persist, i’m expecting a success story from all of you!!
p.s once you are eliminated, you will never be added back onto the list.
Hoping to add you to my hall of fame! Can’t wait to hear all your success stories!! xoxo
- gossip girl
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onehundredwishesss · 3 days
Why I refuse to settle down and start a family in my 20's:
• I want to get more degrees
• I want to make more money
• I want to learn new skills
• I want to avoid dating a dusty
• I want to travel to new places
• I want to spoil myself a lot
• I want to make more time for myself
• I want to make sure I date the right one
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stilljuststardust · 16 hours
Robotic affirmation challenge
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Someone requested a robotic affirmation challenge so here it is :).
No overconsumption during the challenge.
No checking the 3D. Period.
Mental diet, aka no affirming against your desires at all.
Don't focus on any resistance, don't try to argue with it or "fix it" just affirm.
The show must go on, affirm anyway.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Choose two to three affirmations and loop them in your head. Bonus points for repeating them to the rhythm or melody of a song.
When you want to check the 3D you will either check a vision board or use visualise in place of checking the 3D. Use them for validation instead.
Instead of overconsuming LOA posts you may save four posts/videos/whatever's that help you maintain your mindset. Outside of that don't seek out advice. You know enough.
Duration is up to you but please don't stop after three days, set an end date and don't let anything come between you and affirming till that date is reached.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
✧ Wake up - affirm
✧ Middle of day - vaunt for five minutes
✧ Before bed - affirm
15 minutes to an hour, you can go longer but if all you can manage is 15 minutes that's ok.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Bonus points
In the shower
During chores
While making a vision board
While playing games
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
How to robotic affirm
Robotic affirmations are affirmations that are repeated without feeling. It doesn't matter how you feel when you do them.
You can do other things while affirming you do not just have to sit there. Go throughout your routine, do chores, whatever you want.
How to vaunt
I like writing down vaunts in a journal like I'm writing in my diary.
Vaunting is just thinking as if you're bragging to someone about your desire.
Oh my god my hair is SO shiny. How did it even get that shiny? Wow my hair is probably the shiniest ever.
Abdullah used to slam doors in Nevilles face saying "you are already in Barbados"
That's what I do to myself when I waver.
Nope. Already there. Too late you can't argue I walked away.
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bitchy-craft · 1 day
Courage: Affirmation Series
Hello and welcome to this post! In here I will be giving a few courage affirmations. I hope you all enjoy and find this useful.
Masterpost > Paid Readings
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I am the master of my thoughts, and I choose to cultivate positivity in every aspect of my life.
My heart is a reservoir of joy, and I allow its radiance to shine brightly, spreading positivity wherever I go.
Each day is a new opportunity for growth, and I approach it with optimism and a positive mindset.
I am grateful for the abundance of blessings in my life, and I attract even more positivity through my gratitude.
Positivity is my natural state of being, and I effortlessly align with the flow of positivity in the universe.
I celebrate the beauty of life's journey, embracing its ups and downs with grace and positivity.
My positive energy is a beacon of light, illuminating the path to happiness and fulfillment for myself and others.
I release all negativity and welcome the boundless possibilities that come with embracing positivity.
In every challenge, I find opportunities for growth and transformation, fueled by my unwavering positivity.
My presence uplifts and inspires those around me, creating a ripple effect of positivity that extends far and wide.
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Tip: The more you repeat the more effective affirmations are
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salemlunaa · 2 days
This is easy stop panicking.
it’s done, pay no mind to the “time you’ve wasted” because none of it is real it’s just an experience that can change in seconds. SECONDS.
Do you guys want a SUPER COOL method that will guarantee you the void/“I AM” state. Decide you’re a master of the void, pick the reality where you’ve done it a million times and that’s it. IT’S DONE. like seriously, the 4D is your only reality. You guys need to get it through your skulls that the 3D is not real. like at all. You’re 3D is something you experience, not something set in stone and as soon as you decide it without wavering it’s true. I’m not gonna be superrrr tough on you and say “you’re still here because you want to be” because some people made their dream lives to escape the horrible reality they are living in and that wouldn’t be the best thing to hear. But you’re only experiencing you’re shitty 3D because your dominant thoughts are still with it. Stop saying you get it, start wavering and coming back to the app going round a cycle.
So don’t be discouraged about how much “time you’ve wasted”. Idc if it’s been a month or 2 years. you’re gonna be okay because manifesting is instant. you could enter the void right now if you put your mind to it (literally). Please don’t be upset over another day wasted in your shitty reality because it can change in a millisecond when you decide. You don’t need two weeks to change your “void concept”. Just decide you’ve always been this confident about your abilities and keep it moving, you don’t need all these challenges that last a week to reach the void, when you can reprogram your mind in a matter of seconds.DECIDE AND ITS DONE.
YOU ARE THE CREATOR. Anything you decide is true and becomes that way in a matter of split seconds, you should be excited to manipulate the world the way you want it and get your perfect life. because i know i am
“It’s been a year and i haven’t gotten in”
“it’s been 2 months”
“i have school next week and I NEED to tap in before then, i’ve wasted so much time!!”
“I am entering the void today, like i’ve always done”
“i’ve always been this powerful”
“i don’t need the void it’s the other way around”
“who gives a shit about time, i manifest instantly, so time doesn’t matter to me”
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veganpsychedelephant · 21 hours
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cvtyvvitch · 1 day
✨☁️💧💤✨Pick-A-Card: Who’s Dreaming About You?✨☁️💧💤✨
💐 Pick an image (1, 2, 3, or 4) for a message about who’s been seeing you in dreams, and maybe visiting you in the astral realm. 💐
✨Focus your intention and remain open — if none of the images light up for you, there may not be a message for you in this reading! Alternatively, more than one image might connect with you. As always, trust your intuition and take what resonates, leaving the rest.
Onto the readings!
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#1: 🫧 Bubbles 🫧
The person dreaming of you might be a sister or close girl/feminine in your life. I get the image of a girl with tears in her eyes, with the feeling that they wish they could talk to you/are upset about something that has happened between you. There’s an energy of youth and feeling sorry for their action(s), and wishing to make things right but not knowing how. Literally bursting bubbles, tears spilling down cheeks.
If this resonates with you, there’s no specific path for you to take with this person — what you do with this information is up to you. That being said, the advice I’m feeling is for you to deeply consider the situation and if there can be a way forward for you, maybe with a level-headed conversation about boundaries and how to work together. I do get the feeling that the person dreaming of you is trying their best, and if they apologize they really do mean it, even if they still make the same mistakes repeatedly. There’s a sense of emotional dysregulation here or immaturity on their side, which feels hard because they struggle against it. Definitely a specific message for maybe only a few people, but I hope that at least gives some insight!
Keywords: sister, red-faced, tears/snot, roses, skinned knees, tantrum, car/car keys, drinking
PS Feel free to let me know if it resonates with you and if you have any feedback!
#2: 🌿🌞 Sunbeam + Water + Branch 🌞🌿
This is a very dreamy energy (lol), and feels very nostalgic, very different from the first group message. Maybe a school friend or someone from uni. I get the image of them looking down a bit absently, tracing their fingers over an open hardback book with a red cover. This is someone you may have not seen for a little while, or perhaps won’t see for the summer (if you’re in Northern hemisphere). I get the image of stolen glances and them looking at you while you’re with a group of people/friends, and then wishing they could tell you how they feel. It’s possible they’ve been a bit unconscious in their feelings for you in the past, but I feel they’re aware of them now. Curious, maybe pining a bit. I get the image of a 90s boy haircut, like Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic. Wants to say something but feels like there’s some kind of emotional distance to cross. Unlikely they will say anything about how they feel at this time, or even the next time you see each other if you’re away for a bit. Feeling it out for sure.
Keywords: summer, Coca Cola, red, red nail polish, sea swimming, shy, magazines, bicycles
PS Feel free to let me know if it resonates with you and if you have any feedback!
#3: 🌊 Waves 🌊
Lot more angst in this group. Someone feeling very angry with themselves over how things were left between you if you’re not talking, or how they’ve been unable to communicate well if you are in contact. This has a stronger emotional/spiritual connection than like #2, and feels more like a partner/former partner. There’s a volatility here and the image of someone frustratedly punching into their hand. The anger feels directed at themselves, and there’s the awareness of their own emotional blockage(s). For some of you, they may be trying to come up with ways to approach you or talk about how they feel/what’s going on, but it feels like they’re coming at it from a pretty rigid headspace. Trying to “fix” things and pushing against harder emotions. They don’t feel necessarily toxic or cruel, but maybe create a lot of their own problems through trying to “tough it out” or use their head to mend things instead of allowing themselves to soften and feel things through. I don’t get the feeling either way that you are in contact or not, but in either case they are trying to muscle through their frustration right now which feels hard. I don’t feel any advice for you, beyond that it’s good to remind yourself you can’t do the work for someone. Sometimes you have to let someone struggle through the hard bits on their own time and terms.
Keywords: rock, wrestle(r), tea tree, masculine, hands, thick eyebrows, clenched jaw
PS Feel free to let me know if it resonates with you and if you have any feedback!
#4 🌱🌾Sunny Meadow 🌾🌱
This energy feels very peaceful, and I get that this is either a past life connection you haven’t met yet or you have, but have not been in contact for a long, long time (potentially many years). You could also have met this person recently or briefly, but don’t know them very well yet. There’s a patient energy to it, earthy and contant. Like the way a tree experiences life and seasons, this love for you feels eternal. It’s a semi-conscious tether to you, like regardless of what this person is doing in their day-to-day life, you are on the back burner of their mind. It’s a constant, soul-deep love. I’d go so far to say it’s so deeply rooted that it connects to the cosmic river. So eternal, so ethereal while also completely in Gaia/Earth energy. Hard to put into words but if you resonate with this, you’ll know the feeling I talk about. Like so chilled out and in bliss, completely straddling human time and the eternal present.
Keywords: green, earthy, moss, stone face, wooden idol, old gods, river of stars. eternity.
PS Feel free to let me know if it resonates with you and if you have any feedback!
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shradsmanifestt · 1 day
This is your reality
It's just plain stupid to about the law of assumption and still live your life in the old story. This is your reality, your world. Nothing is out of limits for you. You can have, be or do anything you want. You've got this. Trust yourself to know that it is yours the minute you decided it was. The only reason it hasn't conformed yet is because you wavered. Do youself a favour and allow your 3D to give what you want. Stop contradicting your own decisions. Stop saying no to what YOU WANT.
No more questions and comments please. Know that yes it is possible and yes it's already done. I will keep motivating you with my posts but no I will not tolerate limiting beliefs and stupid shit. I am saying this for your benefit and I have full confidence in your ability.
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jealousmartini · 20 hours
Petnames for you and your s/o in your dr
∘₊ ✧───────────────────✧₊∘
I like to use most of these in my better cr for literally anyone. I am mostly likely to remember a petname or a nickname for you than your actual name. And I'm also proud to say my best friend uses some for me too🥹🤭
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ ✦ .  ⁺  
My petnames :: Angel, babe, baby, cutie, cutie-pie, honey, honey-bun, hubby, handsome, pudding, precious, sweetheart, sweets, sweetie, sweet-thing, darling, gorgeous, gorgina (Yes. All of them)
His petnames :: Babe, baby, princess, lovely, my love, miss, misses, sunny, sugar, doll, darling
A full list for you :: Angel, buttercup, boo, babe, baby, beautiful, cutie, cutie-pie, honey, honey-pie, huneybun, hubby (short for husband), handsome, pudding, precious, pumpkin, princess, lovely, my love, miss, misses, missy, sunny, sugar, sweetheart, sweets, sweet-thing, sweetpea, doll, baby-doll, dolly, darling, dreamy, gorgeous, gorgina, good-looking, kitty
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ ✦ .  ⁺  
Kitty and Princess are such controversial petnames I would be more than happy to be called/use and I do NOT care if it's cringe because of those godawful fanfics. Their reputation does not phase me, and I WILL use them. Idk how to feel about kitten tho🚶🏾‍♀️let it warm up to me guys
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botanicalsword · 13 hours
Synastry - Intentions & the Nature of the connection
When two people first meet and connect, the blending of their astrological birth charts could already reveal a lot about each other's underlying intentions and motivations from the very beginning.
>> More on synastry chart
The Sun's placement in the different houses will show valuable insights into the nature of their connection.
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Sun in 1H - this allows you to be completely yourself without needing to change. This relationship gives a feeling of full acceptance and support, where both of you can express yourselves freely. The connection is typically quite free but may lack some ritual and security.
Sun in 2H - they are likely to value your worth in terms of finances or material possessions. This connection may be more based on mutual interests than a purely emotional bond. Both parties need to carefully balance material and emotional needs to avoid exploitation.
Sun in 3H - there will be a familial intimacy between you, enjoying deep conversations. The emotional bond and friendship will be intertwined. This relationship is close and stable, but may lack some romantic passion.
Sun in 4H - they will give you a sense of belonging and family. Your position within the family will be quite important. This relationship emphasizes security and stability, but may overly focus on family responsibilities while neglecting personal needs.
Sun in 5H - being together is playful and entertaining, but you may not enjoy staying home much. This connection is full of passion and fun but lacks depth and may be difficult to sustain long-term.
Sun in 6H - work abilities and efficiency will be highly valued. Your work connections will enhance the bond. This connection focuses on practicality and mutual benefit but may lack romantic sentiment.
Sun in 7H - the partner will deeply care about your unique connection, rather than whether you can be yourself. This connection focuses on the intimate bond itself and may involve strong possessiveness.
Sun in 8H - your connection will be deeply karmic, involving not just physical desire but also a merging of souls. This relationship can be complicated to let go of, but it may also get entangled in uncontrollable turmoil. >> 8th House Synastry ✧ 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘥
Sun in 9H - your connection will be more like a platonic, idealized platonic intimacy rather than a particularly physical one. This connection emphasizes spiritual compatibility, but may struggle to meet practical needs.
Sun in 10H - the worldly perceptions of your relationship will be more valued, wanting to be a celebrated couple. External factors may influence this connection, requiring a good balance between social expectations and inner needs.
Sun in 11H - a kindred spirit friendship, but less intimacy than the 4th / 8th house synastry. This connection is more focused on spiritual compatibility and may struggle to develop into a deep intimate bond.
Sun in 12H - your connection may be somewhat hidden from public view and karmic bonded. This relationship can be mysterious but also carries an element of obscurity and uncertainty. >> 8ᵗʰ & 12ᵗʰ House ✧ 𝘒𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘪𝘤 𝘚𝘺𝘯𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘺 𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘐
Regardless of the astrological factors, mutual respect, open communication, and joint effort are essential for sustaining a fulfilling relationship.
explicit content on the synastry chart >>Theme of relationship • 𝘷𝘪𝘣𝘦𝘴 𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘤𝘬 𝘰𝘯 𝘢𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘴 ✧ 𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘐 >> The theme of relationship • 𝘷𝘪𝘣𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘤𝘬 𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘐𝘐 >> Synastry Chart • from their perspective >> 8𝘵𝘩 House Synastry ✧ 𝘋𝘦𝘱𝘵𝘩 . 𝘐𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘺
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sp0iledprincess55 · 22 hours
1.) you can have all the thoughts you want NEGATIVE or POSITIVE. And STILL manifest.
2.) You can do WHATEVER you want with law of assumption. It's a free place.You can do whatever you want really with it.
3.) it's simple. Just pick a desire,assume it's yours,and persist 🎀.
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laokim · 2 days
why you shouldn't give up
you could be getting your desire at any time. persist. know that everything that you desire is yours. you could be 5 seconds away from getting your desire, but you gave up. you could be 1 minute away from entering the void state, but you gave up. instead of giving up, persist. persist in knowing that everything that you desire is already yours. persist in the 4d, live in your imagination. you can't ignore your 3d? that's a lie. you're just not disciplining yourself. neville was able to manifest getting out of a war and being sent home back to his family in a matter of 9 days! how he did it? persistence. he persisted in his 4d, lived in his imagination. know that everything that you desire is already yours. no matter what you see in your 3d currently, you already have what you desire. live in your 4d. know that your desires are already yours. no matter what your eyes see throughout the mirror, you already have what you desire. ignore the 3d. no matter what, you already have what you desire. your desires have to show up in the 3d. it's the law. stop giving up if you don't see your results in your 3d. the only reason why you're not seeing them, is because you keep thinking that they're not there. live in your imagination, be involved with your 4d, engage with your mind, have inner conversations. when you constantly look in the mirror for "proof," it's going to put a barrier between you and your manifestations, because you're so longing to seek your results in the 3d instead of working in your 4d (your mind). your inner reality is your only reality. stop worrying, all that you desire is already yours, no matter what! you will see it once you stop caring so much about the 3d. joseph murphy once said that "your subconscious mind doesn't have eyes it only takes in what you give it" and it's true. your subconscious only takes in what you tell it! if you're still having doubts and worries about what you're manifesting, it'll take you a while for you to physically see what you already have. flip that negative thought around. breathe, meditate, do some eft tapping or what you want to do and persist in your assumptions. you're limitless and can create anything you want with your mind. your mind is powerful. you are powerful. now go be a limitless creator and create the reality that you desire!
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⋆🫧˚⊹ Doll Tips: Running + Managing a Blog! ୭₊˚ 💿🎀
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⋆🫧˚⊹ Doll tips!! ˙𓈒 𓏸 ; Hey Hey Dolls!! Welcome back 2 Doll Tips!! Where i give you tips and tricks in literally anything u want today i got and ask from a lovely new follower ! on advice for starting a manifestation blog!! So lets get into it!! 🎀 @liyahaffirmed
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₊˚💿✩ 1; Posting Ideas !! ୭₊˚
When it comes to manifestation there are lots of topics you can post about its quite a diverse topic & community with lots of different opinions on different things some manifestation topics you can post about
Ignoring The Unfavorable/3D
Things to manifest
Manifesting Techniques
Conciseness etc.
₊˚ 🏩✩ 2 ; Aesthetics !! ୭₊˚
Aesthetics are important for almost any social media platform not only to make you recognizable, showcasing authenticity & because who doesn’t love looking at pretty pictures and fonts for me personally i don’t follow a set aesthetic more so i showcase my authentic self with things i like and i try not to categorize myself with a certain aesthetic but its still fine to take inspiration here and there make your posts authentically your own!!
₊˚🪼✩ 3 ; Decorate it !! ୭₊˚
Who doesn’t love looking at pretty pictures?? when decorating your posts/blog you wanna make sure that its not only fun to look it but also make sure you have your own signature look/trade mark it could really be anything you want it 2 you can find super cute images/symbols on Pinterest and tumblr but also you wanna make your own 2 be recognizable you can utilize this all through your blog like
Fonts/Word coloring
dividers (be sure 2 give creds to og creators)
color schemes
master list
personalized hashtags!
₊˚ 🌸✩ 4 ; Posting Schedule + Organization !! ୭₊˚
Running a blog can sometimes be a tedious process especially if you have other things to do so what i like 2 do is make a posting schedule for certain dates and have my posts organized and ready 2 be posted i have a table spread sheet on my notion of different types of posts and when i posts them also you can utilize the queue feature so you can post without having to forget!!
₊˚🎀✩ 5 ; Consistency is Key !! ୭₊˚
When i first started my blog i only posted like small little affirmation posts but when i really started to take this seriously and keep pushing out blog posts i started to gain s following and now i have literally my biggest social media platform on my tumblr
also not being consistent will not only let you down but also your viewers because you may not realize it but people will actually love your blog more than you think!!
₊˚⭐️✩ 6 ; Negativity !! ୭₊˚
At times you will get nasty messages in your ask box,reblogs or even a comment section and literally just ignore these people especially the anon asks they’re too scared to just say it to your face so they wanna be little pricks and throw reads and you and buck at you for no reason just delete the asks,ignore it or sometimes you can also throw a read back st them and sometimes they won’t even respond because they’re essentially little punks or like to mess with people 4 no reason
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opportunity-court · 2 days
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livingsecret · 3 days
i hate the kind of mentality that society shoves in our faces the moment we're born of "you have to try or you wont get what you want" "if you don't try then you don't deserve it" or "you have to work and put in effort for what you want" like omg SHUT UP. i would have to try if didn't already have all my desires. i would have to try if i wasn't already in my dr. most of my journey is literally is just unlearning stupid shit I've been taught growing up and it genuinely takes so much effort for me to not slip back into the mindset of "well maybe they are right" NO they are only right if you let them be, if you believe them. someone shout this at my face ugh🖐️😩
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