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Hey I'm Zxo Zxomon. I mostly draw stuff.(https://cara.app/zxomon)
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zxomon · 1 day ago
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The only thing you really need to experience true misery is a brain*. If intelligent enough the Sadness and Tiredness will follow. Even if you live in the deepest, darkest depths of the ocean. Even if you are a kind of tentacle monster.
Wonder what that kind of existence would feel like. Maybe even the creatures of the void would like something different from time to time.
*Either by understanding what happens around you, or because it's the natural state of a brain when nothing happens around you. Brains just be like that. Dunno why zombies want them.
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zxomon · 1 day ago
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Ongoing projects! These are, to date, all stoneware pendants I've made. It's a learning process where I get to try out how paints and glazes work, what looks good and what doesn't.
All of these are still WIPs. Apart from maybe the beetle I'm holding in the third photo and maybe one or two others. Among the rest of them I want to add details with acrylics, add lacquer to get a different shine than what I glaze would do. And I want to try out a lot of other things as well. As I said: It's a learning process.
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zxomon · 4 days ago
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Bunch of bisqued bits!
Bisque fired stoneware clay pendants, ready for paints and glazes. Many of them are more or less just test pieces to see what it will look like with different glazes or colours and such on different surfaces. I feel better about testing things out on small items.
Plus, making small things is fun. I enjoy it.
Plus-plus, pendants are nice. They feel magical somehow. Like small artefacts. Pendants can tickle the imagination.
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zxomon · 5 days ago
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Some very simple clay pendants, stoneware, not yet fired.
I got the idea of making a round thing and then just cut it into pieces like this to make smaller things. They look pretty cool together, in all their simplicity. Not as much on their own but that's fine.
Their purpose is to be used as glaze tests. I'm going to give them a wash with clay slip paint and then add glazes in the middle, maybe one or maybe many different ones to see how they mix together. If they look good they can be used as pendants. Or, I could make a small box for them and just let them look mysterious together, perhaps. All depending on how they turn out.
For a lifeless material, clay and glazes sure seem to have minds of their own.
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zxomon · 8 days ago
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So... How's everybuddy doin'?
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zxomon · 8 days ago
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A first attempt at a lovecraftian, Cthulhuesque stoneware clay sculpture! It's quite small (~11cm tall) and the surface is nice to the touch and looks good. The glaze is great and the underpaint probably adds a but of extra green to it!
There are a few imperfections, and now I know what I want to do differently next time I try something like this. But all in all, I like it.
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zxomon · 8 days ago
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Ongoing project. A stoneware clay elephant calf.
Getting clay paint even and all is very difficult. You can't really see the patches until it's fired. But this elephant calf is now done with the kiln and will get some acrylics treatment later. Hopefully I can fix the skin and I'll be able to add some details. Make it all look good.
Also I'll add some gloss to the eyes because that does a lot to make something look more alive.
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zxomon · 8 days ago
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Some of my unfinished stoneware clay pendants, here in their very unfinished, unfired state.
I'm currently making a lot of these pendants. Trying out different things. It's a great way to try out glazes and paints without ruining larger things that takes a lot more clay. And, these small ones I can then decorate further with whatever materials I want, put a thin chain or a thread or cord through them and have as necklaces!
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zxomon · 8 days ago
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Sleeping coral baby! Or, whatever it's going to look like once it's finished. In the photo it's not fired yet, but it has since then gone through a bisque firing.
Now I just have to decide on how to paint it. And if I want to glaze any part of it. It's all a bit terrifying so for now I'm waiting. It's on a shelf together with other projects in the same state.
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zxomon · 10 days ago
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Clay faces, made out of stoneware clay, not yet fired in a kiln but they will be in time.
Because I want to make dolls.
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zxomon · 10 days ago
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Two versions. Because I had the oval frame on all the time while drawing, and then when I felt done with it I wanted to see what it looked like without. Interesting, actually. To me, at least.
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zxomon · 11 days ago
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Three shapes: Square, circle and triangle. All surrounded by roots.
Old drawings from many years ago. Dug 'em up now while searching for... well, I guess inspiration and such from my own old drawings.
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zxomon · 11 days ago
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This little dude has had his last trip to the kiln! Next stop is acrylics and then some gloss to make the tentacles and insides glister.
Looking forward to painting him. I think he's quite cute, actually, and he's the kind of creature where it doesn't really matter much if everything's perfect because that's just how he is shaped.
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zxomon · 2 months ago
Maybe it wouldn't be too bad if you woke up now, huh?
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An old drawing of an old one in an old meme...
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zxomon · 2 months ago
Another old post. It feels weird, looking at things when they are some years old. Where did the time go? Who was I back then? Who am I now? Am I any different?
Anyway, tentacle beards.
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They almost look related! 
… Or am I being prejudiced against tentacle-faced people? Like, just assuming they are related or know each other because they look similar to me? o_O 
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zxomon · 2 months ago
Reblogging my very first post, from August 2020. A long, long time ago. (I'm pretty sure it was my first, too, and that I didn't delete any previous ones.)
It was, and is, the one I use as a profile picture as well. Profile pics are hard, man. Like picking something to wear: Easier to just pick what's on top of the clean pile.
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I’m late to the Tumblr-party and is trying to figure out how this site works. 
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zxomon · 2 months ago
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A small skull. 5,5cm tall and 7cm across at most. I like how it turned out. Made out of stoneware clay, with clay paint.
In the future I want to sculpt more skulls. Human-like and otherwise. And I think maybe I'll add like small drops and such of glaze on them too, to make it look like inlaid pearls? Or paint patterns and other decorations on them. But also I just want to get better at sculpting skulls.
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