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zustinviews · 3 years ago
Hello!! Just wondering if there is a part two of why you gotta be so rude??
hello my friend and hello everyone else. it’s been a very long time 😭 i will have to get back to you on that! i haven’t written diddly squat in ages lol. don’t count on it but we shall see.
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zustinviews · 5 years ago
new year, new updates
well hello lovely people, i’m alive lol.
happy new years ! ❤️
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if you’re seeing this, then congratulations. you’ve survived what life has thrown at you. i know this past year might not have been easy but it’s a new year and decade. you can take this time to incorporate any changes you’ve made in 2019 into 2020.
you all know that i’ve been gone for quite some time. i lost almost all my inspiration long ago to write imagines because i wasn’t getting much feedback and i was in a questionable time in my life.
but this year, 2020...i want to attempt make a come back. i probably won’t jump right into imagines again (...or maybe i will lol). i’m gathering some inspiration for a fake text/twitter/instagram.
i really wanna get this account back in full swing and teach my ultimate goal of 10k followers. just about 9000+ to go LOL
anyways, this has gotten quite long and this app has changed a lot more than i realized. gonna need to get used to that.
i’m wishing you all nothing but a happy and healthy 2020! be back soon.
bye for now x
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zustinviews · 6 years ago
why haven’t you been writing anything new lately?? i miss seeing you posted a new imagine in my notifications.. 😕
well, i have a short answer and i have a long answer. but until im ready to say what i have to say fully, i won’t be writing anything new on here for awhile.
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zustinviews · 6 years ago
you alive girl?
yes, im still very much alive lol
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zustinviews · 6 years ago
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zustinviews · 6 years ago
hello. wishing everyone celebrating today a very merry Christmas. hope it’s filled with lots of love and joy ❤️ make sure to hug your loved ones today
Christmas - jb imagine
Pairing: Reader x Justin Bieber 
Summary: You and Justin are hosting a Christmas party in which both of your folks are coming over. Just like back on Thanksgiving, Justin’s a little nervous and worried something might go wrong.
Requested: no 
Warnings: nope. mostly fluff. 
I don’t know what was with Justin every time a big holiday came around but, it got me worried. Our Thanksgiving went as planned so what made him think that our Christmas wouldn’t go as well? 
I sat on the bed him and I shared, catching up with my e-mails, all while listening to Christmas music. Justin was inside the closet finding something to wear. He was going to be the death of me. 
“Okay, y/n. What do you think of this one?” He questioned, walking out the closet. 
I looked over at him, examining what he picked out. “Justin, why on earth would you wear a tux on Christmas? It’s Christmas, not a wedding." 
"I know but, I want to look presentable.” He replied, “Why don’t you work your magic on me, because you’re better at this than me." 
I chuckled at his remark, "I guess I could help you. Just let me finish this up and we’ll get on with it.” I finished typing what I was writing and closed my laptop. I walked over to him and dragged him back into the closet. “So, since you experienced Thanksgiving with my family, they don’t really expect much out of you as before.” I said. 
“Your parents expected a lot out of me?” He asked. 
“Justin. Not now.” I said annoyed, “I’m going to pick out something for you and you’re going to leave me be the rest of the day. Got it?" 
"Yes ma'am!” He smiled. 
“Good.” I began rummaging through his never ending line of clothes for something he could wear. I decided to pick out a white polo shirt and a nice pair of navy blue jeans. It was casual and he would more than likely like it. 
I showed him my choices and he looked at me with concern, “They won’t criticize me for wearing something like this?" 
"No. I’ve work ten times worse than this.” I joked, “It’ll look good on you." 
"What would I do without you y/n?” He walked over towards me, giving me a kiss on the cheek.
“Lord knows. Anyways,” I changed the topic, “I’m going to get in with the little cooking I have to do so, please try not to call me unless you’re dying.” He nodded his head and went back into the room, changing his clothes. 
Finally, I would have some peace and quiet. I sighed, running my hands through my hair. I walked out the closet, turning off the light. I walked out the bedroom to downstairs, to bake the cake and cookies. Everybody else was bringing their own dishes so, I offered to make something minor. 
I’m not saying I couldn’t cook but, let’s just say that I almost burned down the house last time I tried to make something big. I preheated the oven and waited for it to warm up. I couldn’t believe it was already Christmas. I mean, it just felt like yesterday was the first day of 2016. 
Where did time go? 
I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, I knew it was Justin because nobody else was here except for the two of us. “What now Justin?” I groaned.
“Nothing. I want to help you with some stuff.” He smiled, “If, that’s okay with you." 
I sighed content, "Of course I’m okay with you helping. I need all the help I could get." 
Everybody had arrived by now, bringing their own dishes. It all smelt phenomenal. All who was left to show up was Justin’s mom. I couldn’t wait to meet her. I only saw what she looked like in pictures but, I wanted to see her in person. 
The doorbell rang and I yelled, "I’ll get it!” I opened the front door and to my surprise, it was just the person I was waiting for the entire day. “Hey Mrs. Mallette! Come on in!" 
"Oh please, call me Pattie.” She smiled at me, engulfing me in a warm hug.
“Mom! You finally made it!” Justin said from behind me, “And I see you met y/n." 
"Yes I did. She’s such a beautiful girl Justin, I’m proud of you." She went over to hug Justin as well. 
I smiled at the two of them bonding with one another. Crap, I forgot we were having a party. "Alright, everybody! Let’s settle down so we can dig in!”
Everybody got to their seats as soon as I said that, leaving just, Justin, his mother and I standing. We soon took our seats, and said grace. Everyone dug in, enjoying everything prepared. I looked over at Justin, laughing, having a good time. 
There’s nothing more I love than having family coming together to celebrate. It was another successful Christmas and I knew there would be many more to come.
A/N: Happy Holidays! from my family to yours! :)
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zustinviews · 6 years ago
writing anything new soon?
nah. if you want to check out anything new, head on over to my wattpad @/sinterlude. im always up to stuff on there :)
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zustinviews · 6 years ago
another small update
hello. long time to talk. so.. let’s hope right into things.
i’m in the final week of the fall semester. most of you know that this is my first year being in college. i nearly died from the amount of work i had to endure but, i’ve survived somehow lmao.
i started out weak at the beginning of the semester but, i ended it off with a bang. i’m really hoping i did good and i’m not just gassing myself lol
i’m doing a lot better with my mental health so that’s great.
anyways, i’ve been up to new things on wattpad, writing new stories and whatnot.
i’m still deciding what i want to do with this account. i’m not planning on deleting it because that would hurt me too much. i still have no inspiration of writing imagines since i’m a little washed up around these parts ha.
i’ll still be around, just not on here.
if you wish to contact me, you can find me on wattpad @/sinterlude or twitter @/lMAGINESUS (the first i is an L)
other than that, i’ll be back around christmas to reblog my beloved christmas imagine. should’ve done the same thing for thanksgiving but stuff happens.
see you all soon :)
- jess <3
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zustinviews · 6 years ago
small update
hey guys, it’s been awhile since i’ve been around. so i figured i should just give a quick update on what’s been happening over these past couple weeks.
im about my fifth week into college, and i’m ready for it to be summer lol. it’s a tad bit stressful, but i’ll manage.
as for my mental health, i’ve had better days. still working on myself but i’ll be fine.
as for this account, it is still on an indefinite hiatus considering i have to time for imagines nor do i want to write on here as of right now.
so yeah, that’s all. take care.
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zustinviews · 7 years ago
we’ll always be here for you, even if you decide to not come back. sending much love from germany! 🇩🇪🖤
thank you all seriously for the kind words. my heart is literally bursting at all the kindness in my ask and messages. you guys all really have a special place in my heart.
and to add on, i will be back writing on here when my head space is back to normal. i’m just overwhelmed with life, we all do at some point. every human has their breaking point and i’ve reached it numerous times, including now.
we all need to take care of ourselves and show love and compassion to one another in our time of need. 🖖🏼💙
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zustinviews · 7 years ago
Take care of yourself while you're on hiatus. You are an awesome person no matter what and I support your decision on taking a break. ♡
thank you times a million. it really means a lot knowing there are kind hearted people on here that still exist, such as yourself. 💕 never change :)
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zustinviews · 7 years ago
please don’t go jess, we’ll miss you :(
i’ll still be around lol, but i just won’t be writing anything. you can find me elsewhere such as twitter: @/virgocuit and wattpad: @/sinterlude :)
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zustinviews · 7 years ago
serious note
hi guys. so this note is going to be my probably last post for awhile on here, so if you care, keep reading :)
so, as some of you may know, i start college next week, and i’m not sure when exactly i’ll have downtime for writing..
which leads me to my next point. i’ve had this blog for about two years, and i had such a bright outlook.
but lately, i just haven’t been feeling myself when it came to writing. i felt like my content got boring and shitty, to the point where people who i’ve known always supported it, no longer do.
at this point, i feel useless. i feel very unattached from my work.
so with that being said, my account will be on a semi-permanent hiatus. i’ll be online here and there, but i won’t be writing any longer. you can still send me asks and stuff to talk with me, but don’t expect anything on my master list anytime soon.
ive put blood sweat and tears into my work, only for people to shit on me, and tell me it’s not good enough. trust me, ive seen the things some people leave in my ask and ive chosen to ignore it. but now, it’s gotten to the point where i’ve had enough.
and it’s unfortunately gotten the best of me, and i’m giving in to it.
i’m tremendously sorry if this comes as an inconvenience to some of you who came to my account to read stuff, but i can’t do it anymore.
i haven’t been this upset in forever, but my fragile heart hurts too much rn lol.
im sorry it has to be this way, but it is what it is.
ill be on my wattpad if you want to read some new written pieces by me. @/sinterlude
but for now, it’s good bye. </3
thanks for all the laughs and love. ♥️
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zustinviews · 7 years ago
okay but on a serious note
currently on my to-do list so y’all know i’m not slacking;
- i’m working on part 2 of why you gotta be go rude? (let’s see how long it takes my slow ass to actually fucking post it)
- part two to that text imagine i posted not too long ago (i hope y’all know what i mean. y’all are smart so y’all should know. i used y’all one too many time but ANYWAYS..)
- a new imagine ;)
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zustinviews · 7 years ago
when it’s late at night and you get inspiration to write a new imagine 😩
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zustinviews · 7 years ago
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“i hope she makes you happy.” + not requested
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zustinviews · 7 years ago
happy sunday
request some stuff my chick a boos :) i might be doing a fake text/tweet/instagram post later on. but yeah, that’s all i have today for you all!
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