#jason mccann imagine
augustconversations · 2 years
Annoying Bieber
“Annoying Bieber.” Originally written: Sometime in 2018 <3 Transferred from 825th.tumblr.com (deleted account)  How can Y/n write about a love that she doesn’t believe exists in today’s world without sounding too pretentious; without sounding like she’s trying too hard to know what Romeo and Juliet went through? Why can’t she just know? Why hadn’t she fallen in love yet? At least, a little bit; a fraction of what Juliet felt for Romeo. A fraction is good, because being all the way in love like they were resulted in their deaths. They were too young to die. She’s too young to die.
But, of course, she doesn’t want anyone hanging over her. Or being jealous. Or wanting to know where she is at all times of the day. But she does want flowers. Marigolds wrapped in crisp newspaper, to be exact. And maybe sometimes hold hands? Only when it’s cold, though. And the borrowing of his sweatshirt that smelled like cologne. That could be nice.  
“Romeo and Juliet. A classic.” A familiar stature molded her peripheral, his blond hair catching the light of the dimly lit library. Justin sat down in front of her and leaned his back against the fantasy section. His legs nearly wrapped themselves into hers. “I know all about those guys.”
“Oh, really?” she asked, but didn’t look up.
“Who doesn’t? The whole Montagues hating the Capulets. Romeo and Juliet being from either family and falling in love with each other. The families forbidding it. Them dying. It’s a classic.”
“A boring classic.”
“It’s alright, I guess. Why’re you reading it?”
“It’s for my English class. I have to write a paper about love.”
He sported a smirk that she missed. “Ooh, love, my favorite subject.” 
“Oh, I know, Mr. I-can-have-any-girl-I-desire.”  
“Well, not any girl…”  
She looked up then, and caught the glimmer in his eyes. His smirk trampled into a boyish grin. He’s failed time and time again when asking her out. His charming words were enticing, and the romantic gestures were convincing, but they were no match for the wall she put around herself.  
“Well,” she closed the book, “almost any girl.” She placed it inside her bookbag and got up, walking toward the entrance. He was hot on her tail.  
“How come every time I come around you suddenly have to leave?”  
“It’s your bad timing,” she said. “I’ve been at the library since five.”  
Darkness waged over the campus, street lamps lighting their path. She tightened her sweater around her as the wind blew, rustling the bare trees.  
“Since five? It’s almost ten."  
"Ooh, look at you. You can tell time.”  
“Oh, ha-ha. I’m just saying that you’ve really been in the library for five hours? I didn’t see any essay you were writing.”  
“Well, right now I’m just studying romance.”  
“You can’t study romance,” he spoke incredulously. “At least, not theirs.”  
“Why not? They were in love.”  
“They were psychopaths.”  
“Well, wouldn’t you be a psychopath too if you were in love?”  
“Maybe so,” he said, and grabbed the base of his chin. “But, what I’m saying is, how can you study romance? Like, dying. How can you write a paper on what it feels like to die if you never experienced it?”
“Well, that’s kind of far-fetched. No one can write about how it feels to die. Anyone can write about love – wing it, at least. Like when lonely people write romance novels.”  
“But, it’s not real. It’s not authentic.”  
“And what’s real nowadays, anyway?” She looked at him and he looked at her. “What do you know about love?”  
“Enough? You’ve been in love before?”  
“Really? How was it?”  
“I’ll be glad to share that with you over hot chocolate and scones.”  
She rolled her eyes. “Justin, no.”  
“Why not? Why don’t you wanna go on a date with me? An eligible bachelor?”  
“First, you’re too eligible. How many girls did I see you with last semester?”  
“Why? Were you jealous?” he grinned, closing in on her face. “Jealous girls are kind of hot.”  
“And so is your breath,” she laughed, and pushed him sideways. “Get away."
They came up on the sidewalk where the intersection was. Not many cars passed, but those that did left a bitter wind in its wake. Y/n squinted her eyes. "Okay, I’ll guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”
"You live three blocks down. I am not going to let you walk by yourself.”
“I think I can handle myself, Justin.”  
“Something bad can happen to you.”  
“I’ve been walking myself home the entire four years I’ve been in college. If something bad were to happen to me, don’t you think it would’ve already happened?”  
“Awful occurrences don’t have a time stamp.”  
“I’m not leaving you.”  
She sighed. “You are one persistent person.” They walked when the little man on the traffic screen turned green. “Why do you bother me, anyway? Am I some kind of challenge for you?”  
“Remember when we first encountered each other? It was at the museum in George Town. You were looking at a sculpture and I came up beside you. I talked a little about the art, but I didn’t really care for it. It was all so boring to me. What made it exciting was the pretty girl in the Ugg boots.”  
“Yup, I remember precisely. The whole ‘what’s your name, beautiful?’ line you pulled on me.”  
“And you know what you said?”  
“Not available.”
“To be honest, I was shocked,” he smiled. “I didn’t expect to be dissed. I thought you were gonna be like the other girls. Blush, and do that giggle. But, I was like, ’ooh, this girl is feisty, I got to get to know her’.”
“So, what’s your whole goal here? Bothering me like you do?”  
“Well, to get you to go on a date with me. But, in the process we’ve kind of became friends.”  
She cocked an eyebrow. “Friends? Who said we were friends?”  
“It’s kind of one of those unspoken things. I just know that even though I get on your nerves, which I love doing, you don’t think I’m terrible.”
“You are incredibly annoying.”  
He wrapped both his arms around her, and kissed her several times on her forehead. “Girl, you know you love me. Here, let me take this.”  
She tightened her grip on her bookbag. “I got it, Justin.”  
“Listen, you wanna learn about romance? Let me be romantic.”  
She didn’t want to argue, so she gave it to him. He threw it over his shoulder and put his arm back around her. She shoved him away.  
“You’re not my boyfriend.”  
“I can be your boyfriend. Your prince charming. Your lover. Your best friend. Your first love,” he trailed off. She shoved him away again. “I can be anything you want me to be, baby!”  
“Shush, you’re too loud. You’re going to wake the neighbors.”  
“I don’t care! I want them to know I want to be your man!”
“Justin, please be quiet.” She pressed her hand over his mouth, and he kissed the pads of her fingers. "This is the annoying thing I was talking about.” 
"I’m sorry. I just like you so much.” “You’re a problem.”  
“I’m your problem.”  
“Enough with the cheesiness, already. Actually, you know what? I’m starting to think that you’re not charming at all. You’re just cheesy.”  
“I act this way because it makes you laugh, and I love seeing your smile. But, if you want me to be some Casanova, then I’ll be that.”  
“No, please no.”  
“I don’t understand why you won’t give me a chance. I can treat you so right. I’ll always be sweet and loving and kind. I’ll be attentive and buy you things. I’ll protect you and always will be there for you. You can be the jelly to my peanut butter; the pumpkin to my pie. And I’ll make out with you like there’s no tomorrow because you have some nice, full lips—”
“Justin"—they stopped in front of her town home. Her mother had Christmas lights wrapped around the railings of their small, concrete staircase—"You’re just not my type. Sorry.”  
“I don’t believe you.”
“You should.”
He squinted, and walked closer.
“See,” she said. “You don’t make me nervous, you don’t cause my heart to race—” He slid his hands across her waist. A sensation kissed her sides and made the tips of her fingers tingle. She bit down on her tongue and found the courage to push him away again. “And you definitely don’t cause butterflies in my stomach.”  
“Really? Because you tensed.”  
“I felt threatened.”  
“You felt something, alright.”  
She scoffed. “Just give me my bookbag.”  
“I will, but you have to promise me we can hang out tomorrow.”  
“I don’t have classes tomorrow,” he challenged. “I can do this all night long.”  “Why are you so stubborn?”
“I can ask you the same question.”  
“Maybe I just really don’t want to go on a date with you. Not every single girl wants to jump on the Justin train. Besides, you’re a heart breaker.”  
“Am not.”  
“Are to. You made Karen cry.”  
“It’s not my fault that she took my kindness as flirtation. Flirting is what I’m doing with you. You know, working my magic—”  
She snorted. “What magic?”  
“—with Karen, I made conversation like: 'hey, how are you?’, 'you look nice today’,” he continued as if she didn’t interrupt him, “not ’you can get your bookbag back once you promise to go on a date with me’.”
“Karen really liked you, you know?”  
“I’ve apologized. But, honestly, I’m not obligated to show my affections to someone just because they have a crush.”  
She got closer to him and snatched her bookbag away. “Exactly.”  
He folded his arm around her back and held her tight against him. “But, you like me back.”  
“I do not.”
“I can see it in your eyes.”  
She laughed heartily. “You’re delusional.”  
“I’m gonna get that date. I guarantee it.” Then he kissed her on the forehead and he let her go.  
She opened the door to her home. “Never gonna happen.” The warm air floated past her head, tickling her ears. “Goodnight, Justin.”  
“Goodnight, Princess. See you tomorrow.”  
“And Justin?”  
“Quit kissing me.” She rolled her eyes again and closed the door behind her. “So annoying.” 
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itsparanoiaa · 1 year
no bc why is there no more new jason mccann imagines ?! i hate life ?!?
i made a jason mccann character ai bot bc i got sad
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sgmamacita · 2 years
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║𝔽𝕆ℝ𝕄𝔸𝕋.•゚⎯ 𝖲𝖾𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗌
║𝕊𝕌𝕄𝕄𝔸ℝ𝕐.•゚⎯ 𝖨𝗍'𝗌 𝖻𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝖺 𝖿𝖾𝗐 𝗆𝗈𝗇𝗍𝗁𝗌 𝗌𝗂𝗇𝖼𝖾 𝖪𝖺𝗌𝖾𝗒'𝗌 𝖾𝗇𝖼𝗈𝗎𝗇𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝖩𝖺𝗌𝗈𝗇, 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗌𝗁𝖾'𝗌 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝗏𝗂𝗅𝗒 𝗉𝗋𝖾𝗀𝗇𝖺𝗇𝗍. 𝖲𝗁𝖾 𝗀𝗈𝖾𝗌 𝗈𝗇 𝖺𝖻𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝗅𝗂𝖿𝖾, 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝖺𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗅𝗅 𝖽𝗈𝖾𝗌𝗇'𝗍 𝗄𝗇𝗈𝗐 𝗐𝗁𝗈 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖿𝖺𝗍𝗁𝗋 𝗈𝖿 𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝖻𝖺𝖻𝗒 𝗂𝗌, 𝖻𝗎𝗍 𝗅𝗂𝗍𝗍𝗅𝖾 𝖽𝗈 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗒 𝗄𝗇𝗈𝗐 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖿𝖺𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝗈𝖿 𝖪𝖺𝗌𝖾𝗒'𝗌 𝖻𝖺𝖻𝗒 𝗂𝗌 𝗐𝖺𝗍𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗆.
║𝕎𝕆ℝ𝔻 ℂ𝕆𝕌ℕ𝕋.•゚⎯ 𝟤,𝟢𝟧𝟧
║𝕎𝔸ℝℕ𝕀ℕ𝔾𝕊.•゚⎯ 𝖺𝖽𝗎𝗅𝗍 𝗅𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗎𝖺𝗀𝖾, 𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿.
║ ℕ𝕆𝕋𝔼𝕊.•゚⎯ Enjoy! You can find my main masterlist here.
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𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖨❣️: 𝖬𝗈𝗆𝗆𝗒 𝖳𝗈 𝖡𝖾
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Kasey's POV
   𝗜𝗧'𝗦 𝗕𝗘𝗘𝗡 𝗔 few months since my one-night stand with the famous criminal Jason McCann and finding out I was pregnant with his child. When the results returned positive, I wasn't discouraged or worried about taking care of the baby because I knew in my heart that I would be the best mother anyone could have. When I told my dad about my pregnancy, he was disappointed in me, but I could only imagine my father’s reaction when he found out who I was having a baby with. I’m twenty-three weeks along, and I couldn’t be any happier. Just feeling my munchkin kick makes me smile.
   Today I have a doctor's appointment to check up on the progress of my child’s growth. As I climbed out of bed, I knocked on my bedroom door.
"Come in, Dad,” I said, knowing it was him.
   My father opened the door and walked in, stuffing his hands in his jeans pockets. "Almost time for your doctor's appointment. Are you excited?”
"Yes, I can’t wait to hear the heartbeat.” I nodded my head as I smiled.
“How do you feel?” My dad asked me as he crossed his arms.
“Hot.” I laughed, fanning myself. It’s true. I slept with every fan on high in my room.
“All right, you get ready.” He said, giving me a nod. 
   Nodding my head, he leaves my room, and I head to my bathroom to take a shower. As I washed, I looked down at my belly and grinned. Never in my life did I expect to be pregnant at nineteen. Maybe at the age of twenty-one, but not now. After I cleaned my body to the best of my ability, I cut the water off and stepped out, wrapping a warm towel around my body.
   Once dressed in an olive green spaghetti strap dress and gold metallic double strap sandals, I slid my light-washed denim jacket over my arms. I grabbed my purse before heading downstairs to see if my dad was ready to go. We left the house, got in his car, and he drove to the doctor. Finally, my father parked in an empty spot in the garage before we stepped out and got on the elevator. When the machine stopped on the fifth floor, my dad and I got off and followed the signs until we got to the OBGYN waiting area.
   I checked myself in and sat down on the chair. While waiting, I pulled out my phone and started playing Candy Crush to keep myself entertained.
   People in the waiting room nurses called them back, and I got impatient. A nurse came out and called my name. I followed her to a room where she took my vitals and asked questions. After the nurse checked me, she led me to an ultrasound room and sat on the table. She asked me about my health and the baby before smiling politely and walking out of the room.
“I want everything to be okay,” I replied, rubbing my stomach.
“Everything will be fine, sunshine.” My dad said, giving me a reassuring smile.
The wait for my obstetrician to come in was killing me. Waiting was one reason sometimes I didn't particularly appreciate going to the doctor's office. I want to finish with this appointment and get something to eat. I’m hungry. Suddenly a soft knock echoed through the door, bringing me out of my head. Glancing up, I see my OB/GYN, Dr. McMahon walking in all smiles.
"Hello, Kasey. How are you feeling today?" My OB/GYN asked me.
"I'm feeling good. Excited, if I’m honest." I laughed, nodding my head.
"That's good. Have you had any pains in your stomach?” Dr. McMahon asked, washing her hands in the sink before putting on a pair of latex gloves.
“No, not really. Everything’s been painless if that makes sense.” I chuckled, shaking my head. 
“Yea, that’s good. Can you lay back for me?" She asked me, politely smiling.
   Dr. McMahon had me lift my dress under my breasts and good thing I was wearing some shorts under because I didn’t want to make my dad uncomfortable.
"I'm so ready to see my little munchkin," I said, giggling as I did a little clap.
"I bet you are. This may be a bit cold, okay." She said and squeezed some gel on my stomach.
   My OB/GYN moved the probe around my stomach to see the baby while she had a nurse dim the lights, making us look at the monitor. There on the screen was my baby boy or girl. The baby's heartbeat was strong and the most adorable thing ever. After Dr. McMahon moved around my stomach, looking at my munchkin, she looked at me. 
"What's wrong?" I asked her, a little worried.
"Would you like to know what you're having?" Dr. McMahon asked me, smiling.
"Yes." I excitedly replied, nodding my head.
"We’ll be prepared to buy a lot of blue. It’s a boy." She said, and I started to tear up. “Congratulations. There you can see his little male appendage.”
   She pointed to a tiny dot between my baby’s legs, tearing me up. I couldn’t believe I was having a baby boy. I’ve always wanted a girl, but a boy is good. I’ll love him with every fiber of my being.
"Ah, you’re kidding, no way. I'm so happy." I said, wiping my happy tears. I couldn’t believe I was having a little boy. 
In all honesty, I was hoping to have a baby boy because ever since I could imagine, I’ve wanted my first baby to be a little mister, just not with the father’s current situation.
   Once Dr. Mcmahon cleaned my stomach, I pulled my dress down, and my dad helped me up. We talked for a few minutes, and she explained what I could expect now that I’m at the six-month mark. For instance, Dr. McMahon told me that now the baby can hear outside sounds like my voice which was mind-boggling. I got down from the table and headed to the nurse’s station, where I was handed my visitation summary. My dad and I got off the elevator, got in the car, and buckled up as he drove out of the parking garage.
   On our way home, my stomach growled, saying I was hungry.
"Are you guys hungry?" My dad asked me, laughing because he heard my stomach growl.
"Yes. Can you stop by Mcdonald’s, please?" I asked, nodding my head.
"Okay." My dad said and nodded as he kept his attention on the road.
   He took a left turn, went to the Mcdonald’s drive-thru, and rolled down his window when he pulled up to the menu.
"Thanks, Dad," I said, rubbing my stomach.
"What do you want to eat?" My dad asked, looking at me.
"A number six with another side of large fries and some chocolate chip cookies," I said, and my dad ordered my food.
   After my dad ordered something, he drove to the window where he paid, and a lady had our food ready. Once we were handed our bags of food, my dad drove us home. Walking inside the house, I went to the living room and sat on the couch. My father handed me my food before walking to his office, and I started to eat. Suddenly my phone started ringing in my bag, interrupting me from chowing down, and I took it out to see a text from Alissa.
Alissa💕🌹🥰 - What did the doctor say?
Everything was fine but guess what?
Alissa💕🌹🥰 - What? 😳
I'm having a boy 😊👍
Alissa💕🌹🥰 - Congrats, babe👍
Thank you😊
Alissa💕🌹🥰 - Well, me, my mom, and dad are on our way to your house, so see you in a few.
Okay bye👌
Alissa💕🌹🥰 - Bye.
   After responding to Alissa’s text, I continued eating my ten-piece nugget and fries. Once I ate the last piece of food, I sat Family Guy episodes laughing. Suddenly there was a knocking on the front door. As I wiggled off the couch, my dad beat me to the door.
“I was going to open it.” I breathed heavily, shrugging my shoulders.
“Yea, in like eight years.” He jokingly replied, laughing at me.
“That’s not funny.” I gasped, shaking my head. “You try being in my place, dad.”
My father answered the door, and I looked up to see Alissa. Behind her were her parents. She smiled running ran up to me, wrapping her arms around me. 
"What are you gonna name him?" Alissa whispered, sitting next to me, keeping her voice low so she didn't spoil the surprise for her mother.
“I don’t know about having a gender reveal party but a baby shower; of course, I want one. I mean, it is my first baby.” I responded, rubbing my belly and feeling my baby boy move around.
“Okay, so how do you plan on telling your family?” Alissa asked, touching my stomach.
“I don’t know yet,” I replied, shrugging my shoulders.
   The three of us continued talking when my dad came from his home office and said, “I have to go into the station, but I’ll be back late tonight.”
“Okay, I’ll see you later.” I smiled, nodded, and hugged him.
My dad waved goodbye to us before leaving. Soon after, Alissa's dad went home, leaving her and her mom at my house. 
   We watched movies and munched on popcorn, enjoying each other’s company. Suddenly I feel a kick from inside my stomach, making me jump. 
"What's wrong?" Alissa asked me, worry written on her face.
"He kicked." I smiled, rubbing the spot where my baby’s foot kicked me.
"Really?" Alissa asked and put her hand on my stomach.
   Once again, my baby boy kicked, but this time he kicked me again and rough, making me wince in pain.
"He is kicking me hard," I said, laughing it off.
"I can tell. So how much longer?" Alissa eagerly asked like a child.
"Seventeen more weeks to go," I answered, nodding my head.
"We have to start planning a baby shower soon." Mrs. Lopez said, and I nodded, agreeing with her.
"When should the shower be?" Alissa asked me, turning away from the movie.
"I say two months from tomorrow." Alissa’s mother suggested. 
"Sounds nice," I said, nodding in agreement.
"Yay, I'm so excited," Alissa said, clapping her hands. “You don’t know how excited I am that you’re pregnant.”
   I felt pressure in my stomach, rushed to the bathroom, and peed. At first, I thought something was wrong, but I realized it was my baby pushing on my bladder. After washing my hands, I walked out of the bathroom, returned to the living room, and sat down. Grabbing the bowl of popcorn, I continued watching the movie on the TV.
   The clock read 10:35 PM, and I let out a yawn. I got up from the couch and headed upstairs to my room. Alissa had decided to sleep in the guest bedroom across from mine. I decided to go to the bathroom and run myself a shower. After gathering my night clothes, I stripped off my other ones and stepped inside the curtain.
Once I washed up and felt clean, I shut the water off and wrapped a towel around myself. I dried off and slipped on a loose-fitted shirt and cotton lounge shorts for bed. Walking to the room Alissa was in, I playfully smacked her ass, making her jump.
“Ow, what did you do that for?” Alissa winced, rubbing her stinging cheek.
“I don’t know.” I laughed, shrugging my shoulders.
"You’re annoying for that. Can I borrow some clothes, please?" Alissa asked me, rolling her eyes.
"Yea, look in my closet." I nodded, walking back to my room
   My best friend opened my dresser and looked through my clothes until she found a basic white t-shirt and some silk shorts. She closed the drawers and walked over to me as I got comfortable in bed.
“Goodnight, my love.” Alissa smiled, hugging me. She leaned down and kissed my stomach. “And goodnight, my little nephew.”
“Goodnight, auntie.” I laughed as she turned off my light.
Grabbing my remote, I went to my Netflix profile and started watching season 5 of The Walking Dead, but it didn’t take me long to fall asleep.
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🏷 @naughtyslashers @nobodygetsza @wolfwifeyy @mccallslut
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zustinviews · 6 years
Why You Gotta Be So Rude? - Justin Bieber imagine
Pairing: Reader x Justin Bieber
Request: ‘Can you do am imagine where Justin is rlly rude to his girlfriend infront of everyone and no one knows how to react. Also can she be like an insta baddie looking girl but not actually famous (like she normally and in uni) Thanks x’
A/N: pls bear with me on this. it’s my first imagine in a long as time and it may or may not be the greatest. but still show some love. requests are also opened and welcomed. :) happy reading!
“Any more questions class?” Professor Sanders questioned. Some of the class answered him while the rest were too busy catching up on the sleep they missed out on from the night before. Last night I couldn’t lie was pretty wild. Some people on campus threw me a party, congratulating me on getting signed to a modeling agency.
I was pretty well known on Instagram for my posts, so of course everyone was either trying to be my friend or in some cases, trying to hook up with me. But luckily for me, I had a boyfriend who was always there for me and made sure the handsy people kept their hands away from me.
“Well if there are no more questions, class dismissed.” 
Those who were sleeping immediately perked up when they heard those words and packed whatever was on their desk into the bag, before running out of the room to their next class, if they had one. I packed away my things in a timely manner as well, making sure I wasn’t the last one left in the room.
From time to time, I was the last person in the room and things got pretty weird if I must say between Sanders and I. 
Once I was out of there, I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and decided to give Justin a ring and see what he was up to.
“Hey Justin. What are you doing right now?”
“On a jet.”
“Ohhh-kay? Where to exactly?”
“Does it really matter where I’m going? Just worry about yourself and I’ll worry about myself.”
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(A/N: everyone right now)
With that, he hung up the phone, not even giving me a chance to fire back with something. I stared at my phone in complete confusion, trying to figure out what the hell I could’ve done now to annoy him.
As of lately, Justin had been acting a little.. off. Every time I would call him, he would be extremely busy or he was pissed off at me, for no apparent reason. It seemed like I could never do anything to fully please him. I was starting to think that maybe it was because I never invited Justin to the signing party but, he never invited me to his. so what’s the problem?
I shut off my phone and replaced it in my back pocket. I decided to head back to my dorm room considering I had no more classes for the rest of the day. 
Once in there, I was greeted by my room mate.
“Oh hey Lana, I didn’t know you were going to be in here.” I said, a little taken back by her presence. “Don’t you have psych at this time?” I questioned the female who was taking residence on my bed. “And what the hell are you doing on my bed?”
“We need to talk.” She replied. At first I was thinking that she wasn’t being serious, she was joking. But after carefully analyzing her tone of voice and body language, I realized that she wasn’t joking.
I let out a loud sigh before fully closing the door behind me and taking a seat next to her on my bed. “What did I do now?”
“Why in the good God’s name are you still dating him? Like I know I’m not the greatest with guys but, {Y/N}, you can do so much better than Justin.” Lana said.
“Are you really going to lecture me on my love life? Lana, I love you but you aren’t my damn mother. I can take care of myself.” I responded in sheer annoyance.
“I understand that {Y/N} but, what you and Justin have going on isn’t love. Well, not anymore. He’s only with you for your looks and both you and I know that.”
“That’s not true. Justin’s with me because he loves me. What would you know about our relationship? You are neither Justin or me,” I scoffed. “And you are right, you aren’t the greatest with guys. Don’t even think about worrying about my love life.”
“I’m not worrying about your love life, I just care about you and your feelings, that’s all.”
“Well stop caring. Justin’s with me because he loves me and that’s final.” With that, I threw my bag over my shoulder and proceeded towards the door. Lana just so happened to decide to get the last word in.
“If he loves you so much, he wouldn’t be treating you like you’re gum on the bottom of his shoes.”
A/N: part two to this imagine will be coming soon :)
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krllxx-blog · 6 years
Pay Attention (JB)
Warning: first imagine on here.
I stared from afar in the Kitchen, watching Justin play the same stupid game. He hasn't really done anything the past couple of weeks.
He's just been playing the game then leaving to hang out with the boys barely saying anything to me. I have tried talking to him but he just doesn't care. It's like I don't exist to him every now and then he'd toss the controller on the ground mumbling words I rather not repeat. I stopped watching and pulled out my phone, texting my friend Ariel to meet me at the cafè down town so we could talk. If he won't listen then what's the point? I mean if I left the house for a month he wouldn't notice. I stuffed my phone in my pocket before I made my way to the front door and grabbed my keys.
"Hey, babe get pizza on your way back I'm starving." I shook my head and rolled my eyes. I opened the door and looked over at him.
"Get it yourself, Justin." He stared at me with an annoyed look but it quickly changed to confusion but before I let him respond I closed the door and went to my car. I climbed in and started it before heading towards the cafè.
I sat at the table with Ariel taking sips of my sweet tea and explaining to her what's been going on. She didn't really like what she was being told but I needed someone to talk to. "What am I supposed to? He won't listen to me. He doesn't really interact with me. It's literally 7 PM and he's only said one thing to me and that was to get pizza on the way back." I let out a sign and rested my head against my arm waiting for her to respond.
"You need to come stay with me for a couple of days." I looked at her confused. Why would I do that? "Why?" She stared at me for a couple seconds, brushing her red hair out of her face.
"He'll slowly realize. If you're not there, he'll want you. I'm not saying break up with him, yet. But you can. Your man's, I'm just tossing an idea out." She went back in her chair while I thought for a bit before I nodded my head. "Just leave during the night, before he heads out with the boys just pack some things you need and just leave and come to my house. Ignore his texts and calls like he does to you all the time. If he leaves a cute voicemail girl don't break yet." I nodded my head and got up along with her and gave her a hug.
"Youre the best. I'll see you later." I waved bye at her, tossing the empty tea bottle in the trash and headed back to my car and drove home.
As I pulled into the driveway anxiety took over me, he usually leaves with them in a 20 minutes so I have some time. I climbed out of my car and went inside, only to see him still playing that game causing me to sigh. I made my way upstairs to our room and I grabbed a bag and began packing some clothes and essentials. I eventually heard him yell "Crap I have to get ready!" Causing me to slightly panic. I tried to pack faster but he already came up into our room and stopped and just stared at the bag. "Where are you going?" I kept my head down as I continued packing. "No where." He scrunched his eyebrows somewhat annoyed and repeated himself.
"Sirena, where are you going?" I shook my head and rolled my eyes. This is what you do to me. "No where." I glanced up at him only to see he wasn't annoyed but a bit angry now. "Bull." He made his way over to me and shoved the bag off the bag gently yanking me away from it I kept my head down towards the bag only for him to lift my head up by him placing his hand under my chin. "Why are you leaving?" I stared at him, holding back that I wanted to yell at him. "I think you can figure out." He let go of me and I crossed my arms. "What are you talking about?" I shook my head at him. "Think." I pushed him away and grabbed the bag on the floor quickly packing everything back in it and zipping up. I quickly ran downstairs, Justin following me telling me I'm being over dramatic and I shouldn't leave. I ran out to my car quickly unlocking it I tossed the bag in the back seat. He yanked me back and grabbed ahold of my face. "Why?!" He had fear and confusion in his eyes, although I shouldn't have to tell him. " What have I been trying to talk to you about?" He went silent and searched my face only for him to mumble many words. "I didn't realize- I'm sorry." I pulled his hands off my face and just stared at him. "Oh so now you're sorry?" I scrunched my face up and tried to get him off but he pinned me against my car. "Don't leave. We can fix- I can fix this. I caused this. Let me fix it, please?" His eyes never left mine but mine were looking at the ground. "Why was your game and you leaving every night not talking or paying attention to me, ignoring me more important?" At this point I was holding back my tears because I felt so hurt and like I was tossed to the side like a piece of trash. He shook his head. "It never was. You're important to me, Sirena. You're my everything." He paused and made me look up at him again. "I shouldn't have let those things get in the way. I shouldn't have not giving you any attention and ignored you. I'm sorry. Okay? Just come back inside and I'll give you all the attention you deserved these past couple if weeks." I slightly nodded letting him intertwine our fingers together before he brought me back inside and grabbed a blanket so we could cuddle on the couch.
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biebsimagine · 7 years
Doctor Bieber (Mature)
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas, and I hope this new year is your year. Here’s the last imagine of 2017. Thank you for all your support and kind words.
"[Y/N] [Y/L/N]?" I heard a voice, an angelic voice, and looked up to see a face that matched such a voice.
Justin Bieber, my doctor, stood at the door. I felt my legs shake as I got to my feet, trying to ignore the way his teeth shined so bright and his lips sat perfectly round on his face. I tried my best to smile back at him.
I avoided visits to the doctors just so I wouldn't have to be in his presence. My arm could be hanging off and I'd reassure myself everything was fine; I lost all sense of coordination the second I walked through the door, without fail.
The silence and his gaze put together was enough to make me stumble nervously to the chair, feeling my legs threatening to fail me as I sit down. You could hear a pin drop in the far corner of the room without any difficulty.
He sat down on the chair opposite me. He wore a white button-up shirt that fit him tightly, emphasising his muscles. I tried to keep my eyes level with his but that was equally as torturous as the hazel colour took me under.
I was sure I noticed his eyes searching my face before glancing up and down my body. "So, what can I do for you?" His voice made me melt but I tried to push the unusual thoughts to the back of my mind.
"Uh, I've had an uncomfortable feeling at the back of my throat for a while now and at first I thought it'd pass after a few days but it just seems to be getting worse," I said, trying to avoid looking at his strong gaze his eyes had on me.
"I see, and is it painful?" He held a pen in his left hand and scribbled things down when I spoke.
"Uh, it hurts quite a lot but I guess I can be distracted from it every now and then," I said. "But then again, it's all I can think about, just because it's irritating," I said shortly after. I chuckled, almost nervously.
"I see," he said. He didn't move, he simply kept a hard gaze on me but I didn't complain; it wasn't a look that made me feel uncomfortable. "Open up, please," he muttered while his eyes burned into my lips. He licked his own.
I opened my mouth as wide as I could and watched as he grabbed some sort of minuscule torch that was supposed to shine brightly down my throat.
His dark eyebrows furrowed as he concentrated and his eyes shifted every now and then. I felt his breath on my chin when he parted his lips. I smiled a little while I admired him.
He must've noticed because he looked up at me, the torch still pointing down my throat.
"What?" He asked, the beginning of a small edging at the corner of his lips too. He placed the torch back onto the tray and pulled at the rubber gloves covering his fingers. I noticed the largeness of his hands then.
"N-Nothing," I said, smiling up at him. His whole presence caused me to feel nervous.
"People usually smile for a reason, Miss [Y/L/N]. And with a pretty mouth like yours, I'd like to think you use it for only good things." His teeth made an appearance as he grinned at me, I felt a buzz rush through my body and my head feel light for a moment as I processed his words.
"I-I, uh, yeah." I chuckled nervously. I knew my cheeks had turned a deep shade of red, I dropped my head, taking interest in my lap.
"Don't shy away from a simple compliment, sweetheart," he said, keeping his strong gaze on me, causing me to become even more flustered. "Although, you should expect a few more because you're very beautiful, and I don't think I'll be able to stop myself from saying things I shouldn't necessarily say." I watched the lump in his throat jittered as he swallowed, his hazel eyes still burning into my face.
"Like what?" I tilted my head up ever so slightly and let my eyes scan his face.
The grin edged at the right side of his lips, threatening to widen. "That I don't think I've seen a more beautiful woman before, or that I'm kind of glad you came to see me today."
I watched him and his eyes kept shifting from my eyes to my lips. I wasn't sure what to say so I simply kept quiet.
"I don't remember the last time you made an appointment to see me," he spoke, not moving.
"I'm quite thankful of that," I chuckled. "I haven't been ill for quite a while, I'm not complaining."
He laughed and it was a wonderful sound. I wanted a recording of his laugh to keep forever.
"Well, it's nice to see your face again," he replied.
"Likewise," I nodded, smiling bashfully.
What happened next, I could not comprehend. It was as though my mind blacked out the build-up to the feeling of his lips on my own. They were hot and wet against my mouth and made me let out the tiniest of moans.
He hummed. "Tell me if you want me to stop-"
"Don't," I whispered, pressing a hand to the back of his neck to pull him closer to me.
"Whatever you want, love," he rasped, smirking against my lips.
He felt like fire. His lips, his breath, his hands trailing up my thigh. I didn't tell him to stop because I didn't want him to.
"You're so fucking beautiful," he whispered, placing tiny kisses down my cheek and aiming for my neck, shivers erupted through my body. "Do you know that?"
"I've been told," I giggled, pulling the ends of his hair.
"Do you believe it?"
I shrugged, just wanting to feel his lips clashing with my own. I felt desperate.
"You should believe it, you're perfect." His hand caressed my side with a soft touch.
My heart thumped rapidly in my chest, I felt as though I couldn't breathe but he didn't have to know that. He was under my skin. Officially.
And that was why I said yes. I only said it once, but my mind was screaming it.
His number sat in my phone, and for the rest of the day, I was thinking about the fact that in a mere few hours, I'd be on my way to Justin's house. No matter what I did to occupy my time, my brain wouldn't let me forget it.
Time moved slow, painfully slow. I fidgeted, constantly checking the clock on the wall. Every hour, every minute, every second felt like an eternity.
Until it was time. And I was sweating.
His house was huge. So was his bedroom.
His bedsheets were soft, softer than my own.
"Would it be completely inappropriate of me to say that I missed these lips?" Justin muttered against them before biting down on my bottom lip, tugging gently.
I giggled, "I'd rather you missed me, but that's fine too."
"Oh, I definitely missed you," he said, letting his fingers wander beneath my t-shirt. He came closer, pressing his lips to my jaw. "You want this, right?"
"More than anything, more than I thought I would," I mumbled, pressing my chest up towards him.
He smiled at me with his blindingly white teeth, and took hold of the end of my shirt, dragging it up and off my body.
"Hmm." His finger swirled across my stomach, exploring new places.
My clothes were picked off my skin one at a time, so carelessly that my stomach flipped with each item that left me. It wasn't long before I was bare before his hungry eyes.
"Fuck," he whispered, licking his lips so they glistened.
"I think you're wearing too much," I remarked before grabbing the end of his shirt and pulling it up his body.
I felt winded but I didn't show it. My eyes met his toned torso and suddenly, I felt my appetite take over.
"Ready?" he whispered, large hands groping my hips.
All I could do was nod, wanting to feel his fingers all over my body. My wish was granted when he began to palm my nipples, I felt his rough skin hardening them almost immediately and gasped.
"You like that?" he teased.
"Mhm." I bit down on my bottom lip, eyes squeezed shut as I allowed myself to feel a simple pleasure.
While his right hand continued to massage my boob, the left trailed between my legs and worked their magic. I whined when he pressed a kiss to my chest, never stopping his movements.
"Does that feel good?" he asked.
"O-oh God, yes," I stuttered. "Please don't stop-"
"I'm not stopping until you cum, princess," he told me, rubbing his fingers with a little bit more vigour.
"Fuck," I whispered, gripping the sheets between my fingers.
It didn't feel possible to already feel a tightening in my stomach. Somehow, just being with a man so sure of himself, so committed and giving, was enough to get me to the tipping point.
"You're so good," I whimpered, rolling my hips up into his touch. "K-keep going."
"I'm not gonna stop," he said, placing kisses and bites on my neck. "I want you to cum for me though," he added, rubbing my clit with perfect pressure.
I saw colours, even when my eyes were closed. Red. Yellow. Blue. White. Green. They merged together to create patterns. I was on a high.
"Cum for me."
"Justin, oh my God," I spoke, my voice quivering. "I'm gonna-"
I came a few seconds afterwards, and to my approval, he didn't stop his movements but added pressure to ride me through my orgasm. I writhed on his bedsheets and felt his brown eyes latched onto my skin, as though he couldn't bear to look away.
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dejavudrew-blog · 7 years
9. “and you never thought to tell me?” *
A strange feeling of homesickness bubbled inside of you as you glanced around at all of the foreign bodies. Obviously, it had been awhile since you’d been home or seen any of your family. You had been noticing more and more that all of the things you used to complain about before you had left home were making you restless in their absence. This trip was supposed to distract you from everything: your family, college, work. Those had been the rules. He knew you would break them, that’s what you did; you thought until you couldn’t think anymore and then you still did. The only time you were ever not thinking was when he was ravishing you, making you come. So that was his main duty over the duration of your trip; he had done a great job, you had to admit.
It was the last day of your vacation and, like every night, everyone was celebrating; what they were so happy about you would never know. Of course, you were happy, and you tried to convince yourself of that; but the truth is most of the time you weren’t and you couldn’t make yourself be happy. You also tried to convince yourself that you were an amazing actress and that Jason didn’t know you were unhappy. As he watched you from the other side of the room, he couldn’t deny it though, you weren’t having any fun. 
A woman clad in nothing but quaint underwear and fairy lights approached you with a sympathetic smile on her face. In that moment you hoped that she wasn’t going to offer you weak ass girl talk, what you really wanted was a lap dance. What you really wanted was to fuck her. What you really wanted was to be able to go back to your parents and tell them you weren’t confused and give them proof. What you wanted was to not feel so ashamed in the first place, like you had something to prove. 
“You here all alone?” She wondered, looking up towards the bar where her boss must be before nodding (an action she had tried to make subtle) and sitting down next to you. Her scent washed over you as she leaned toward you and started playing with your hair, “I mean, you’re gorgeous, you haven’t gotten picked up yet?”
“I’m here with someone,” you told her. You didn’t know why but you wanted to tell her you were alone. Would the result be different? It wasn’t as if she wanted to date you anyway. You looked up and over the crowd for the last place you saw Jason before you told him you were going to dance in order to escape and find a place to sit. His intrigued eyes watched as the stripper flirted with you even as you gestured over to him, “That’s my boyfriend, Jason.” To her, he held up a hundred dollar bill, completely speaking her language. She began to get up to walk over to him except he gestured for her to sit and began making his way over to you two.
“And what’s your name?” Despite the fact that she was just about to leave when simply shown money, you still believed she was actually interested. She put on a good act; even better if your boyfriend has good money. You told her your name and asked for hers just as Jason was arriving within hearing distance, “I’m Salice.” You knew that wasn’t her real name and couldn’t help but admire the secrecy of it all. Nobody knew her real identity, she would take off the lights and go home and be a different person, anyone she wanted to be. “So, I think we should go somewhere a little more private.” 
In your head, you could hear the record scratch. She ruined it. Your boyfriend never allowed for strippers to take advantage of him and taking people to the “private rooms” was how they did it. Lap dances were three times as much as they were in the front of the club back there. But when you looked up at him, he was nodding, looking at you, “I was thinking the same thing.” Jason offered her a hand which she eagerly took but when she was standing, he turned her toward you, “As long as you’re cool with focusing on her.”
He’d never done this before and you couldn’t imagine why he was doing in now. Many times before, you had had the talk about how little he liked to share and you had never even thought anything like this would be a thought in his mind. Yet here he was, handing her a couple bills as she took your hand, placing it on her exposed collarbone and up over her shoulder. Salice began leading you away from the party and you could see her smile excitedly at one of the bartenders. You looked over your shoulder at Jason who was, thankfully, following behind you both. He smiled at you, grabbing your ass under your satin dress.
She guided you down a long hallway, her fairy lights blinking like an airport runway, leading the way. At the end of the hallway was a door identical to all of the others, this one must be “hers”, you thought as she pulled a key out of her bra and opened the door. The room was just like a bigger version of the booth Jason had been sitting in before. Salice pulled you over to the right side of the room and finally let go of you so you could sit down. You watched as Jason sat across from you, bringing his feet up to the table in the middle of the room. He smiled vaguely at you, not giving away any of his motives. The both of you nodded as Salice told you she was going to go turn on some music and you rushed over to stand in front of your boyfriend. “What the fuck is this, Jason?”
“You give me so little credit for knowing you, Y/N,” he took your hand, intertwining your fingers, “Now I know why you wanted to escape your family so bad. You’re bisexual aren’t you?” 
You shook your head but before he could say anything, his wide eyes full of apologies, you revealed the actual cause of your anguish, “I’m pansexual.” Jason’s eyebrows furrowed but before he could ask the godforsaken question, a Rihanna song started playing from the huge speakers and Salice was coming back over to you asking if you were ready. You nodded but sat next to Jason. He moved away from you slightly which made your head snap over, terrified that he was moving away because of your confession. His eyes stayed on yours, though, and he had the same amount of excitement in them as before, the same amount of love. He held your hand as Salice began. 
She had removed the lights, leaving her only in her skimpy red two-piece lingerie set as she brought her round ass down onto your lap. Your legs were together, guarded, symbolizing how tense you felt inside. A gasp left your lips as your boyfriend reached over and pulled your legs apart by your thigh, the action causing her butt to slip into the crevis between your thighs. Your bottom lip caught between your teeth. It only stayed there for a couple moments before Jason reached over yet again, this time pulling your lip free and then pressing his against it. 
You attempted to wrap your arms around his neck but only the one closest to him could make it as the other got caught around Salice’s waist as she continued to knead her ass against you. She took your hand, rubbing it down her incredibly smooth leg just as Jason’s tongue entered your mouth, caressing yours. You were intoxicated by the affection from both of them, overwhelmed almost; you pulled your lips away from Jason’s but he moved them almost instantly to your neck. She ran your hand from her kneecap up over her clothed pubic area and stomach before standing up and turning around. Both you and your boyfriend watched as she climbed onto your lap. 
One of her hands cupped your breast over your thin satin dress you, thankfully, didn’t need to wear a bra with; her other hand ran through Jason’s brown hair. You let her touch him for about three seconds before snatching her hand away from him to which he simply chuckled at the display of jealousy. Suddenly, Jason stood up and whispered something softly into the stripper’s ear. They talked back and forth quietly for a moment while she remained on your lap facing toward you, sure to keep their voices lower than the music; then she stood up and began to leave the room, grabbing a robe on the way out. 
You were left alone on the firm cushioned bench as Jason walked over to the high tech stereo and lowered the music to background noise. When he returned, he sat next to you before pulling you onto his lap in the same position Salice had been to you not minutes before: straddling him. You didn’t move as he brought his hand up to the side of your face, content yet reserved. Finally, he spoke, “So, you’re not straight. And you never thought to tell me?” You knew this question would come but you hadn’t expected it first; you were at a loss for words. “Look, I get that it’s hard, baby, but I thought we told each other everything.”
“We do, it’s just...” he waited patiently for the words to come to you, “It’s just hard to explain and I knew you wouldn’t understand. I also didn’t want you to ask if we could have a threesome or an orgy or something stupid like that because I would have to break up with you on the spot. And I didn’t want you to worry any more than I know you already do about other people taking me from you. Plus, I just didn’t know what to say.”
“Mm, well right now, I’ll tell you what to say,” Jason said, he paused for a moment before pushing you suddenly onto your back against the bench, “Nothing,” he finished as he knelt on the ground and pulled you to the edge. He was taking this better than you had thought he would. “If you make one fucking sound I’ll stop, got it?” He didn’t even see you eagerly nodding before your legs were apart and he was ripping off your soaking panties. His mouth connected with you as soon as it could. 
Your jaw ached with the amount of pressure needed to keep you from moaning continuously as Jason nursed your clit harshly. He wasn’t going easy on you because he was hurt by your action, but he understood or else he wouldn’t be here at all. You knew he wasn’t kidding about stopping, though, if you made a noise; his tongue ran rapidly up and down your soaking center in an attempt to make you slip up. The whole time, you panted, shook, clenched, but you made not one noise even as you came. 
“Good girl,” he waited not a second to flip you over and enter you from behind, holding onto your hips as his thrusts became harsher and harsher against you. Your skin was stinging with the impact. “Now I want you to tell me you’re pansexual how you should have months ago. I want a full speech and explanation and you’re not allowed to come again until I’m satisfied. Got it?” He didn’t allow you to answer before slapping your ass (a sensation that simply mixed with the other stinging pain you were feeling right now) and demanded that you begin. 
“J-Jason,” you choked out, moaning slightly before readjusting yourself and continuing, “I-I know you might not quite... might not quite get it but I’m- pansexual.” He was going much slower now, hitting better angles with more calculated, precise strokes. Somehow it was harder this way. “It means th-that I like people for their- their personality and not their g-gender,” you were cut off by a moan once again, pushing yourself up onto your hands to which he instantly pushed you back down. “My... my parents refuse to understand I just... I just didn’t want you to not get it,” you yelled out slightly, biting your lip, “Can I come yet?”
“Not yet,” Jason grunted, bringing his hand down on your ass roughly. There would surely be a handprint there later but the effect had you clenching around him in arousal, “Tell me everything you did wrong.”
“I-I kept something from you...” you paused, letting amorous noises leave you uncontrollably as you climbed closer and closer to orgasm. He pushed the material of your dress up even higher, the satin feel on your skin making your mouth water. Jason slapped your ass again to prompt you to continue but you were at a loss, not sure what else there could be. “And- and... and I don’t know what else is there is, Jay.”
“Don’t forget,” he forced out through gritted teeth, his thrusts becoming incredibly brutal, “That you didn’t trust me.” You were immediately brought out of your cloud of arousal and you got up on your hands again, turning around before he could push you back down again. Sitting on the bench, you ignored the sticky dampness on your backside and looked up at him. He was fuming, hands clenched at his side and you weren’t sure if he was more angry that he hadn’t gotten to come or that he thought you didn’t trust him. 
“Hey,” you said softly, taking one of his clenched hand in both of yours, “I trust you, of course, I trust you. This just isn’t something that a lot of people understand and... I guess I didn’t want to hear one of the typical responses that people give. The jokes are just... awful. And I’ve heard them all, I was just worried that you wouldn’t know what to say.”
He didn’t say anything, pulling his pants back up to recover himself before sitting next to you. “I would need for you to explain it, I guess, but... y’know I love you I wouldn’t have said anything stupid because I love you. Don’t you know that?”
“I do now, and I’m sorry,” you rubbed your hand over his thigh gently, trailing over the tent in his pants as slowly as humanly possible. You squeezed him tightly, “Can I show you how sorry I am?”
“If you didn’t ask, I was gonna show you how sorry you should be,” he told you, grabbing your chin and pressing your lips together again. 
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10.30am | Obssesion: Jason Mccann
Monday morning. 10.30am. It was a rainy day, first one in a while. The temperature gladly was above zero, however the heavy wind did its job with making everyone shake a little as soon as they left their houshoulds. I did not particularly like the area here, but I guessed that the college around the corner was good and the high street had some good shops and fastfood, so it was very attractive for students. I wasn’t here to enjoy the location anyway, I was here for her, so the place did not matter as much, I shouldn’t even bother thinking about that.
This was the fourth first day of the week that I have spent on watching her. Crazy. I know.
Is it rude to call Y/N ‘her’? I mean, yeah, I know her name, but I don’t actually know her. I feel like this is just weird, names and nicknames are some kind of personal, I guess. I aim to be familiar to her, but until she introduce herself properly to me, I feel like ‘her’ will do me fine. Just for now, through. It’s still rude and I feel as I’m disrespecting her in some way, so as soon as I have a chance to meet her-…fuck, did that again. Okay, as soon as we meet I will control the use of this word. For now on, it stays.
There she was. Walking down the road with her earphones in, while carrying a small, black bag that I got so used to, I would probably freak out if she had something else on her.
She looked beautiful.
I loved the way she effortlessly looked so perfect, so flawless. Day by day. She never wore any make-up. Not that I can recall. I have seen her wear make up a few times on weekend, but I guess that is normal for girls. She still looked gorgeous with it all, she looked hella sexy. But, I got so used to her face being bare naked, with no extras on it; it was beautiful this way. I enjoyed it. She did not need to cover up at all. I found some of her flaws just ideal, it was almost like she had not a single thing that I hated upon her.
Sometime I really got worried for her, you know? As I was observing her, (because, ‘stalking’ does not seem very good and my attentions were good…partly) I came to realisation that she is absolutely clueless that someone is right behind her every day for a month now.
Ah, exactly a month today. Feels like our anniversary.
Anyways, she should be more wary. World is full of crazy people, I am a great example. I suppose that she is really safe at all time, because whenever I can I am truly around her, but what if she needed assistance and no one was there? Exactly, nothing. I refuse to believe that this little, vulnerable body would be able to provide a good quality self defence. Plus, she always looked lost in her mind and the earphones blocked all the sounds surrounding her. The car could be coming down her way and she wouldn’t even know. Sight, I really hope I am just over exaggerating.
Here I was now, walking behind her and making sure that she can safely get to college. I mean, I know she can, she is pretty much an adult, but I believe that she does need company or more of a guide. Like I have mentioned before, she is so little. So small and tiny. So cute and adorable. So innocent. And so fucking mine. She is and that is it.
It is Monday. I had to repeat those words to myself in my head to stop my body from stoping her, introducing me and trying to get to know her. This is hard. So fucking hard. I just wanna get with her so bloody much. I need to finally be around her, but I promised myself that I will wait till Friday before ‘accidentally’ bumping into her. Ah, that is four more days. Maybe even five if we will count today. Shit, that is a long ass time. Fuck.
I am now slowly following her into one of those super markets. If she won’t pick her usual salmon sandwich with can of coke and a chocolate bar I will be damned…Yeah, she did that just now. Honestly, why the fuck would you eat the same shit every day? Ain’t life too monotonous anyway? I mean, you do you, Y/N.
That’s the right time to go now. Tyler, her best friend is here and…That is actually weird, thought he starts later today? Shit, why would he come earlier? Just to see her? He better not. He better not be fucking early here for her, that will make me think some shit about him that he won’t like. Fuck. I don’t want to have to put my bullets straight through his fucking head or smash himself on the fucking wall until his eyes fucking pop up.
Jesus, Jason. Stop. He likes men. You know he likes men. Relax.
Yeah, anyways, (again…I need to have more control over my emotions, I already exploded few times and it is only Monday morning) Tyler has seen me more than once, which means he cannot think any suspicious things of me if we ever properly meet. I need to realise that he is in her life to stay and she obviously cares for him, which means that he cannot get hurt, cuz that will make my princess upset. I guess we can be friends, he seems, um…nice? I don’t know, don’t give two shits either.
I picked gums and a bunch of sweets from the shelves, heading over to pay for my items, as I couldn’t leave with empty hands, especially that I was in this shop almost everyday now. I paid for my things, handing the lady behind the counter the note, so she can keep the change and think I’m the nice guy. I’m not, but she definitely is a nice girl, I better somehow keep up.
Turning my head around just a bit, I had my quick glance at her before leaving the shop. Fuck, I already missed seeing her. Next time I will see her, I swear we will talk. Shit, I am so stressed out. I know myself, I can barely hold my tongue in intense situations. I just don’t wanna come out with “Y/N, I think of fucking you all the time, can I be balls deep in you?”. That wouldn’t sound appropriate for the first meeting. Okay, it will be fine. I am Jason Mccann and I am always fine, right?
Just four more days to go. Four. More. Days.
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fangirl-everythang · 3 years
You’re Not Leaving Me J.M
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Summary: Y/n wants to leave Jason after he’s neglected her for gang duties. Long story short, she doesn’t. 
Warnings: Aggression, swearing, mentions of gang activities, toxic relationship-ish.
Word Count: A bit less than 1500
Today was the day. I want to leave Jason. We've been together for almost three years now and I can't take it anymore. I love him with all of my heart but he's never home. I'm alone in this relationship and he never notices.
I try to stay up to wait for him to come back from his missions but most nights but he just showers and goes to sleep. I get being The Jason McCann, worlds most wanted is hard, but I feel like I'm in a relationship with a brick wall and it's only hurting me. I know- selfish but it's for the best. He'll probably go back to his playboy days anyways.
Yup could you believe it? Jason used to be with a new girl every night, hell when we met we didn't even like eachother. One thing led to another and here we are,  young and madly in love. Wiping the tear that managed to escape my eye thinking about him. Sitting up because Jason will be home in half an hour give or take,  I can pack now.
I begin tearing the fabric from the hangers reminiscing the good days we had. Going through the drawers looking for my charger I stumble upon a picture of Jase and I. I'll never forget it; It was new year's eve and we were on the roof of Zayn and Lo's place. It was our first year together, we were happy. The photo shows us leaning in almost about to kiss with chaos and fireworks all around us, we did the camera just didn't capture it.
That's everything.  I set my bags in the kitchen closest to the back door. Awaiting his a rival I just pace a bit while tiding up.
I've been so lonely without him, we barely talk anymore. I'm just there when he needs me. Before he treated me like a princess now I'm equal to his gang members. He's always working late or going out on weekends, I wish I, could, confirm his loyalty busy I have no fucking idea anymore. The ringing of keys at the door distracted me from my previous thoughts.
His face lit up when he saw me "Hey baby" he smiled. It took me by surprise, he hasn't called me baby or in fact any name but the one I was born with in forever. "Hi?" I respond questionly. He just wraps his arms around me and embraced me "I missed you babygirl"
"Are you feeling okay?" I say looking at him. Those eyes, those perfect fucking eyes. The ones that can make my heart flutter with one glance. He looks confused by my question and leans in for a kiss.
If I kiss him I won't want to leave. Christ why does he do this today!
I just doge it by pretending to cough, slowly removing myself from his embrace. "How was your -" "Hold that thought one minute baby I'm just gonna go change really quick I'll be right back"
"But Jase-"
"Right back. " he hurries up the stairs blowing me an air kiss. What the fuck is wrong with him? He suddenly wants to act like a boyfriend that gives a shit.
I waited 20 minutes for Jason to come down stairs, when he didn't I decided to go up. Slowly making my way up what used to be the beautiful steps of our home, I call out his name "Jase?" Reaching the bedroom door I knock but there wasn't a response. Just as I go to open the door it is aggressively pulled open with a not so happy Jason behind it. He's wearing the same clothes. "What happened I thought you were going to change-"
"Shut up" he says lowly.
"What the fuck Jase? "
I'm not scared of him, just his behavior sometimes.
"What the fuck, you tell me y/n," he says with a sinister chuckle. I just look at him confused "So you thought I wouldn't notice your shit missing y/n, what are you trying to do?" I stood there with my arms crossed "Well if you would've let me talk down stairs I would have informed you. "
"INFORM ME ABOUT WHAT Y/N?" He shouts coming closer.
"Jason I can't do this anymore, its, we're not the same" I sigh. He just gets even closer, the vein popping out from the side of his neck. I fidget a bit under his gaze. "So what?  you were just gonna leave? You fucking whore."
"Me a whore, really Jason?! You're unbearable " I yell back my voice straining as I do so. "You're the one who's never home, I don't see you anymore, "
I'm even more frustrated than before, "You know what this isn't worth my time. Good fucking bye Jason" I say turning around but he grabs my arm and yanks me back.
"You're not going anywhere."
"Jase get off of me" I say pulling away from him. His grip just tightens. He harshly pushes me against a wall causing me groan in pain and annoyance, he just looks me dead on the eye. "You're not leaving me. "
I stop fighting back and sigh "Why not? Huh Jase" He doesn't say anything. I just listen to his increased respiration and look at his eyes, they've dilated quite a bit.
"Oh now you wanna be quiet" I say pushing his chest moving past him. "You're pathetic" I spit walking away.
"Y/n wait" he says not turning. Stopping in my tracks I waited for him to continue but after a minute I began descending down the stairs. The memories this place holds will haunt me but I keep reminding myself I need to do this for me. I have too- but he makes me happy or used to at least.
Walking into the living room to pick up my phone, wallet, and keys that are on the table. Leaving Jason is like leaving a piece of me but it's time I make a decision for me, it's gonna hurt but it's for the best. Or at least that's what I keep telling myself.
Walking to the door grabbing my bags and heading out the door loading them into the back of my car. I go back in to make sure I didn't leave anything and Jason is just standing there looking at me. I shift uncomfortably under his gaze but ignore it. "There's food in the fridge and your clothes are done just put them up and u-uhh yeah." He just continues to give me the same blank look. " Jason I don't want us to end on bad terms we can st-" He just looks at me dumbly before I can finish. "Y/n you're really gonna pull that shit on me" I go to speak but he just continued " Three years y/n and you're gonna leave me now. I fucking love you and you're going to leave me. I don't know what to do with myself, I know I'm a shit boyfriend but this is new to me. I need you y/n. My life is not complete without you in it. You're my everything my reason to be here, you make me better in every way." He chokes holding back tears coming closer to me and embracing me , "I'm so sorry baby" he cries into my hair. I just hug him, he needs this. "I know" I coo running my hand through his hair gently letting him calm down. His warm tears flow onto my shirt, I haven't seen Jason break down like this before. He's never cried in front of me. I didn't realize that I was crying until he pulled away to wipe my tears with his thumb. He kisses my forehead and whispers "please don't leave me" I just shake my head "Jase I think th-his will be healthy for us" "Please y/n, I'll try harder , I'll control myself , I'll be better for you. I'll do anything for you y/n" he pleads "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry"
"Jason, I don't -" he interrupts my sentence by smashing his lips on mine. Grasping the back of his neck pulling him closer to me he moves down my neck leaving a trail of wet kisses until he finds my sweet spot. I'm so weak for him. "J-jason" i halfly moan, He just continues to suck and i know exactly what he's doing.
I just let him continue because he wont stop until he’s ready. Running my hands through his hair as he continues his asult on my neck marking me as his. Once he's done he looks to admire his deep purple and red piece of art lightly tracing it he smiles down at me, cupping my cheek. "You're mine, Okay. no one will ever love you like I love you." He softly presses his lips, to mine.
Hey guys hope you enjoyed it! I know its short,  they get longer I promise. I'm open to anything but im slow as hell. 
ANyways hope your holidays are well. I really think Jason McCann can be played out in so many ways, I cannot wait for you guys to read.
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jujubieberbae · 7 years
See You Down There
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Requested: Can you do that imagine where jason and Y/N having a baby please ?
“I gave you direct instructions which you have failed to fall through with. There is no excuse. You have ten seconds to fuck off.” Jason’s voice was stern, terrifyingly calm but underneath was an undying tone of anger for the man and his inability to complete a task.
I knew at that moment he wasn’t bluffing, when was the last time Jason Mccann had ever bluffed? And the trembling man before him obviously knew no better.
Or maybe he did - for he was in this situation after all as a cause of his reckless behaviour. Jason trusted the man with his shipment, directly told him to be here with his guns at seven sharp. Yet here he stood at Nine forty five with no guns and a terrified expression.
Sorry buddy, but you had this coming.
“Please Mr Mccann. You have to understand, I have a family!” 
“So do I.” Jason stated, directing his eyes over to me and my swelling belly. “That’s why when I’m told to do something, I get it done. I will not risk not coming home to them for filthy pleasures.”
“It was one time. I-I didn’t mean to!” The man pleaded.
“Last time I checked you don’t place a bunt in your mouth and smoke it on accident.” Jason spat. “That shipment was really important! My client was expecting me to deliver it hours ago but because of your ignorance, I lost an ally tonight.”
“Please Jason-” The man pleaded to which jason lifted a lip and snarled in anger as well as in warning. The man’s eyes widened, making quick to correct his error. “I mean, Mr Mccann. Don’t kill me. Don’t you have a heart!?”
Ooh. Wrong move buddy.
Suddenly, Jason’s lips twisted into an evil grin - one of menacing amusement that was somehow blank but full of meaning all at once. “A heart?” Jason questioned. “I used too.” He chuckled. “But you see, there's a problem now. My heart was stolen by a beautiful woman who is now carrying my child. It lays in her hands.”
That’s when Jason directed his eyes over to me, a look of love but that stern professional glare shining straight through, informing me that no matter how much he loved me, he meant business. “So tell me baby girl. What do you think I should do?”
A sudden wave of pain rush through me. It was dull but still much noticeable - something I had found was a very common thing in pregnancy. Decided to ignore the flood of discomfort for this really wasn’t a good time to complain about my pregnancy, I glanced around the room finding every pair of eyes burning sternly through my head.
Jason was the first I saw, a look of patient love but professional demeanor. Then the gang members guarding the room caught my eyes next. They all looked on with stern eyes, ready to pounce at the request of my decision, but the man sat with pleading eyes, begging to be spared.
This wasn’t a decision I was appealed to make everyday, so my mind at this point was rushing with thoughts of indecisiveness and fear.
This man had a family to go home to as well as his own gang to run, but over all he did us wrong and disrespected not only our request, but Jason himself. And no one disrespects my husband and gets away with it. I know Jason was giving me the choice to make for myself but deep down, I knew he hoped I’d declare this mans death.
And who was I to upset my husband?
“Kill him.” I spat.
The man’s eyes widened in shock, head whipping from side to side in fear as two guards began approaching each side of his body. “No! No please! Please! Don’t do this!!”
The two members of Bizzle gang roughly gripped ahold of the mans shoulder’s, ripping him up rather aggressively. The man’s cries and screams echoed through the entirety of Jason’s office, who must I say had a large and satisfied grin on his face.
Slowly, Khalil and Za dragged the man away kicking and screaming, yelling profanities of all sorts over his breath. But One sentence in particular managed to catch me off guard, his words burning through me and panging me with worry. A pang that was physically felt as a second wave of pain endured me.
“I hope your and wife and child rot in hell!” and at that moment, I watched as Jason’s face visibly twisted from one of satisfaction to a firing rage.
It was no less than point 2 seconds before Jason had flung his body out of his chair, face red and burning with anger. “Bring him back here!”
And not wanting to anger the boss, Za and Khalil dragged the boy back, holding him down on the chair forcefully. Jason leaned forward, his face mere inches from the man. His once honey eyes presented black and I was honestly scared for the man myself.
Jason snarled, teeth visible as he spat his words. So harsh that they sent shivers down my spine. “You will regret ever meeting me, let alone wishing death upon my family. I may be a murderer but I am a child of god. And so god help me, if they’re going to hell then I’m going with them. Just not going anytime soon.”
Then he smiled, one to send even the strongest of men running. A psychotic, treacherous smile. “See you down there.”
And with a swift movement he had drawn his gun, clicked the safety off and pulled the trigger all before I could blink. The sound rung throughout the room and I flinched ever so slightly at the echo of the shell clattering to the ground.
The sight before me had bile rising up my throat, pooling in my mouth. The sight usually wouldn’t phase me but this pregnancy was making it hard to keep anything down. Blood splattered the room and the mans body lay lifeless on the seat, a hole of nothing in the center of his forehead with blood oozing down it.
It was all too much and I was found doubling over besides me. My breakfast was fast to exit my body, relieving the nausea’s feeling pooling in my stomach.Though Jason was quick to run over to me, a hand on my back as I began to stand straight again.
“You okay baby girl?” He questioned with a sincere tone. He was used to my constant nausea episodes and found it quite normal that I had thrown up.
But yet again, another wave of pain fell over my body, a burning cramp riding up from my stomach, extending as far as my torso reached. This one was a lot stronger than the last, and I was found once again doubling over, but this time in pain.
A groan of misery was emitted from my throat, a hand reaching up to clutch my stomach. Everyone in the room stiffened, eyeing me with worry as I stood back to lean on Jason’s shoulder.
“It hurts!” I yelled. “Jason it hurts!”
He was quick to grab a hold of my body. He lifted both my arms, wrapping each around his neck with both arms around my waist to stabilize me. His eyes held worry with a glint of fear - something you never saw Jason feeling. “What is it baby?” He frantically asked. “What’s hurting?”
It took everything in me to muster up the words “M-My stomach! It hurts!” I Groaned. “I think I’m having c-contractions.”
Jason’s eyes widened as he glanced down at my stomach. He had read the pregnency books I asked him to read after a litle begging but none the less still asked, “What does that mean?!”
That's when It hit me, and I began announcing the words we had been waiting to hear ever since the day I  found out I was pregnant. “I think I’m going into labour!”
Just like Jason’s, everyone's eyes largened, and I almost wanted to slap them for just staring at me while I groaned in pain.
“Well don’t just stand there, do something!”
And then everyone was off. Jason began instructing the gang to start up the car and grab my hospital bag from upstairs, a few rushing around to follow Jason’s orders while others proceeded to cancel all jason’s meetings for the rest of the day.
But Jason instead stood by me, his forehead leant against mine with his eyes closed.
“I’m scared.” I announced.
Jason licked his lips, lifting a hand to caress my face. “It’s okay baby girl. Just breath.”
“But I’m not ready.” Tears brimmed my eyes and I felt like I was about to colapse right then and there.
Jason shook his head. “Shh.” He cooed. “You're ready. More than ready. You're going to do great. Just think about it, in a couple of hours were going to be right back here, but this time with a beautiful baby girl.”
I chuckled. “Boy.”
“Baby, It’s a girl.”
“I think It’s a boy.”
Justin shook his head, a smile present on his face. “It’s going to be a girl. I can feel it.”
There was a few more seconds of smiles before I once again groaned in pain, lighting everyone back to the situation at hand. Jason opened his eyes, looking down at the bump then back to me with excitement. I just wanted to kiss him, hold my baby in my hands and never let go.
“Y/N.” Jason whispered.
“Yeah.” I hummed.
“Let’s go have a baby.”
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jb-purpose-94 · 3 years
Can you do a imagine where y/n is like 6 months pregnant and Jason McCann is like all cute about it ?
“Jason come on get off.” You giggle as he presses his face more into your stomach than he was before “they have to hear my voice and know that daddy is waiting for them.” He sticks his lower lip out making your heart melt immediately. Ever since you found out you were expecting Jason has done nothing but stay home and do everything for you, cook, clean, rub your back and your feet. You push a hand threw his golden locks and smiles as he kisses just above your belly button over and over again. “Daddy as to go grab the smoothie for your mama so don’t move.” He quickly jumps to his feet and runs to the kitchen “Jason my love you know the doctor said ‘you don’t just wake up one day and decide to run a marathon so don’t do that with labor’ that’s her saying I need to do things myself and work out.” You have been pushing Jason for days to let you at least make the bed but he always insists you just lay on the couch or watch a movie. His head pops out from behind the kitchen wall, his eyes looking at you with a stern look “well what does she know, but the look of her she probably never had kids so she shouldn’t be telling my girl what to do.” You can’t help but laugh at the man with fresh fruit in his hand and the sassy attitude you hear “Jason be nice. She has a degree.” You smile as he starts the blender and walks to you for a second “a degree. I don’t need a degree to tell you you’re pregnant with the worlds cutest child and you look breath taking pregnant.” He leans down again and places his hands on your stomach “and I’m so grateful to be here every moment of it.” He kisses your head than your lips before departing and going back to the kitchen to grab your drink.
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augustconversations · 2 years
Hi, I received a message a couple of days ago for a specific request. I’ve lost that message. I have no idea where it went. It was a request about Justin and Selena Gomez. If you’re that person and so happen to see this, I apologize, but I’m not taking requests as stated in my bio. I’m not sure when or even if I will take requests, but if I ever do, then I will change my bio and open up a request form, which will be linked in my bio. Sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you for understanding <3 
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jbcums · 7 years
Clingy -Part 2-
Your P.O.V 
it was now the next morning and Justin still hadn’t come downstairs yet. He didn’t come down last night to apologize either. He normally would is we have had a fight and I end up sleeping on the couch. He’ll always lay next to me and apologize but this time, he didn’t. 
I heard footsteps coming down the stairs making me tense up. This is going to be awkward. 
I turned towards the door as it opened and in came a fresh faced Justin. 
“You sleep good?” He asked, walking over the fridge with a bounce in his step. 
“Does it look like I did?” I asked sarcastically, referring to my tired state. 
“I wouldn’t know. you stormed out the bedroom in a huff last night” He said, pouring himself a cup of coffee. 
“You know why I ‘stormed off’ as you so politely put it” I said, taking a sip of my tea. 
“I know why. I just don’t know why you decided to be all dramatic about me calling you clingy. i never said I didn’t like it” He said, sitting at the counter and seat away from me. 
“You insinuated. It was obvious in your tone that you don’t like the fact that I’m ‘clingy’” i said, putting speech marks around clingy with my fingers. 
“See. Your trying to start something again. i’m trying to solve this” He said, slamming the cup down on the counter, coffee spilling everywhere. 
I got so angry knowing that he would expect me to clean that up. 
“You know what?” I said, standing up and throwing my cup in the sink, making it smash. 
“I’m sick of you treating me like a maid. Let’s get somethings straight. (1) I’m definitely not clingy, i just care, which is more that I can say for you”  i start, seeing him open his mouth but I quickly cut him off.
 “No, you don’t get to interrupt!” I yelled, pointing my finger in his face as I leaned over the counter to get closer to him. 
“(2) I’m sick of you treating me like I’m your maid. You never clean anything up for yourself, you always expect me to do everything for you and I’m sick of it!” I shouted, grabbing the dish cloth from next to the sink. 
“And lastly, Don’t even think about speaking to me today unless the next thing that comes out of your mouth in an apology!” I yell, throwing the dish cloth in his face making him move him head back in shock. 
“Clean it up your goddamn self” i say, walking out the room feeling relaxed. I’ve just let out things i’ve been bottling up for over 2 months and it feels good to let it all out. 
Hey guys :)
I hope you like the second part. I know I wrote a different second part to this but I deleted that because I really didn’t like it but I feel happy with this one. 
I do have Ideas for a part 3 (the final part) so if you would like me to do that, let me know. 
Social Media’s: 
Instagram: allthingsjariana + mooneditors + morejariana 
Thanks For reading :)
p.s sorry it’s short :P
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zustinviews · 7 years
6 Months Pregnant - Jason McCann imagine
Request: ‘Can you do it where y/n is like 6 months pregnant and Jason is all cute about it please ? Btw I love your imagines !!’
Warnings: none, it’s fluff
A/N: the amount of times I said said Justin instead of Jason when i reread this is insane
I was currently seated on the couch, watching one of the sitcoms I enjoyed as a child. Maybe the baby would be interested in this show as well. It was 1:32 in the afternoon, and I was awaiting Jason and the gang to return home. They've been out since last night and I know not to stay up and wait for him. I received a text from Jason on my phone and smiled at the screen. I shut it off and waited for the front door to open at any moment.
After waiting about ten minutes, I heard the front door swing open and in came Jason and the guys. The door shut and Jason hopped over the couch, catching me off guard.
“Keep pulling stuff like this and I might just give birth on the couch.” I said, annoyed. 
“Please don’t, this shit was expensive.” Jason replied. I hit him in the arm and warned him about his potty mouth. “Sorry babe, how’s the little mini me doin’?” he continued, rubbing his hand on my stomach.
“He’s been kicking all damn day.” I said, resting my hand on top of his. “But he’s been doing fine. How are you?”
“Who cares! All I care about is you and my son, that’s it.” Jason kissed me on my forehead and got up from the couch, going to talk with the boys. Before I was pregnant, Jason wasn’t always one to show his emotions, especially like this. I assumed that since he’s going to be a father soon, now was the best time for him to be more affectionate. I got up from where I sat and went into the kitchen to where the action was.
“What are you doing up? You should be resting.” Jason said, concerned.
“I’ve rested all day Jase. Besides, I want to go baby clothes shopping for our son.” I reasoned with him.
“Fine, we can go. I’ll be done in a second here.”
I walked away from where everyone else was ad grabbed my shoes from the closet, then sitting on the steps to put them on. One of the hardest things about being pregnant was putting on shoes. I couldn't put them either because of this huge baby bump or my feet were swollen. Right now, it was currently both.
“Dude, you can’t just leave us all alone to do this work by ourselves. We don’t know how to compute all this stuff!”
“Well, fine someone who does! I don’t pay you idiots all this money for nothing. Get it done or there will be problems tonight.”
I heard footsteps walking towards where I was and acted as if I was putting on my shoes, when I was really struggling. I saw that it was Jason and he saw me attempting to put my shoes on.
“You do know that those are mine, right?” He raised an eyebrow. I gave him a confused look and looked down at the shoes.
“Oh, there are yours. My bad,” I said in embarrassment. I began getting up to get my shoes but, Jason offered to get them for me. He gave them to me and I gave his back in return. “You know, you don’t have to come with me. I could call one of my friends to go with me.” Jason was a busy guy and it made me feel sort of guilty for taking him away from his work. 
“Absolutely not {Y/N}. The boys are acting as if it’s the end of the world. They’ll be fine. As for you, the love of my entire life, you could drop the baby at any moment and I’m not risking not being there. Now, let’s go, yeah?”
We went into Carter’s to look for clothes and other baby necessities. This was our first kid and we wanted everything to be perfect for him, even if it meant spending an arm and a leg on the best things. Jason did most of the looking, while I took a load off my feet. He seemed to enjoy running around the store like a mad man. The sales associates was probably getting tired of him at this point. he picked up some baby onesies and asked for my opinion on them. 
“They’re cute but, don’t you think it’s a little—”
“A little what? What could it possibly be {Y/N}? Is it ugly? Tell me!” He cut me off, not giving me a chance to finish my sentence. 
“N-never mind. I think they’re very appropriate for our son.” I replied. “We almost done here?”
“No.” He walked away from me and began looking for more clothing and furniture for the nursery. “Hey babe, what do you think about this crib? Think it’s cute?” Jason called to from across the store. I pushed myself up from the seat I was in and waddled my way over to where he was. 
“I love this one actually. Please tell me we’re getting it.” I begged. 
“I guess,” He said. “Hopefully the little man will like it.”
After hour upon hours spent inside Carter’s, we finally finished. Jason paid for everything and we went on our way back home.
“I’m starting to think that it’s you carrying the baby rather than me.” I joked around, lying next to Jason. 
“I must be doing one hell of a job then.” he chuckled. “You’re going to be an amazing mother {Y/N}.”
“And you’re going to be an amazing father Jason, even though I don’t agree with everything you do.”
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makaylawilk-blog · 7 years
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Snapchat AU: Justin's on tour and he misses you.
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biebsimagine · 7 years
Love You Goodbye (Mature)
“Oh, why you wearing that to walk out of my life?
Oh, even though it’s over you should tonight
If tomorrow you won’t be mine
Won’t you give it to me one last time?
Oh, baby, let me love you goodbye”
It couldn’t be good. Definitely not. No one has ever received good news after the ‘we need to talk’ text. My heart wouldn’t stop pounding angrily in my chest.
[Y/N] said she’d be arriving any minute and dread filled my body more and more as I tried to swallow it. I sat on the couch in the midst of the silence, waiting.
All I could do was worry and panic and stress until ten minutes later when the noise I was expecting echoed through the room, and the sound was worse than I expected. Reluctantly, I got up to answer it.
The angel of a woman stood in front of me, wearing a white flowing dress that stopped just above her knees.
“Hey,” she whispered, not hesitating to come closer and embrace me. I feel her warmth and her chest pressing against me. “Can I come in?”
“Mhm.” I moved to the side hugging the door so she could walk in. She didn’t sit down.
“So, I just wanna say-“
“Don’t do this, it’s embarrassingly obvious what’s happening, just- don’t.”
“Justin, please-“
“Whatever it is, I’ll change it, I’ll make it better-“
“It’s not you baby,” she said sadly.
I couldn’t stop noticing how beautiful she looked in the dress she was wearing. I’d never seen it before.
“Then who is it? Whose fault is it?” I frowned, feeling my entire face tighten. None of it felt real.
“No one’s to blame. I just think it’s best if we don’t see each other anymore.” She looked so beautiful under the light. She was the brightest.
My heart shattered into pieces, a feeling I’d only ever heard about, I didn’t think it would hurt so much.
I swallowed. “Fine, whatever.”
“You don’t have to pretend Justin,” [Y/N] said with sympathy dripping from her voice, my jaw clenched and I had to refrain from throwing my eyes back.
Why wasn't she hurting?
I didn’t speak for a while, I merely sat and let the events replay in my mind. I had questions, questions I knew I really didn’t want the answer to. I asked them anyway.
“Is there someone else?”
“No,” she whispered, her head swaying from left to right.
“Are you lying?”
Her face dropped. “No- of course not. There isn’t anyone else, I don’t think there will be for a while.”
“Then why are you doing this? Why are you breaking my heart?” I pleaded, forcing myself not to cry. I nipped the skin of my thigh instead, feeling the harsh sting numb my emotions.
“I just think it’s what’s best. I’m just not feeling it anymore and I knew I couldn’t live a lie, I couldn’t hurt you like that.”
I nodded. “Why are you wearing that?” I asked, looking her up and down.
“What do you mean? Do you not like it?”
“It doesn’t matter what I think. Why are you wearing that to walk out of my life?”
“I thought it was cute,” she protested, ignoring my question. Her fingers traced the hem of her dress.
“Okay,” I replied.
There was a pause filled with tension, the room was silent but my mind was the opposite.
“I think I should go,” she muttered, getting ready to make a move for the door.
“Don’t.” I blocked her path. “My hearts breaking, don’t fucking twist the knife.”
“What’s the point of me staying? I don’t want to hurt you Justin.”
“It’s a little late for that,” I snapped before I can process my words. She didn’t flinch.
“There’s no reason for me to stay, you need to admit that.” She was so much calmer than I, so collected. It didn’t ease my mind in thinking that she wasn’t at all heartbroken to be losing me. Us.
“Stay the night.”
[Y/N] sighed. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“[Y/N], please.” I didn’t want to beg.
“Tomorrow you’re not going to be mine, you’re going to be out there living life without me in it, please, let me hold you, just for tonight,” I gave in and pleaded her merely because I needed her. She didn’t look ready to argue.
I took her hand and lead her towards the stairs. Neither of us spoke as I felt my heart stammering at the fact she held my hand so tightly. I knew that would be something I’d miss for a long, long time. I aimed for one specific room; my bedroom held so many memories of us and it only felt right to end it here.
I crawled into bed and pulled the covers back, motioning for her to lay beside me. I watched her closely as she did. I could feel the heat radiated off of her body when she fell into my side.  
“I love you so much,” I whispered, pulling her closer. I think it was closer than she expected because her body stiffened momentarily.
“I love you, too,” she said, and I was sure she was saying out of sympathy; I didn’t think she’d leave me if she loved me.
Leaning over, I pressed my lips to her cheek, lazily kissing her. Her eyes fluttered closed and I moved further down.
“Justin…” she whispered.
“One last time,” I rasped and she hummed, falling into me. “One more taste of you and I’ll be prepared to let you go if that’s what you want. Just to take me back.”
Ever so slowly, I rolled over so that I was hovered over her body, my lips never leaving the dip in near her collarbone. [Y/N] let out the softest of moans and I held onto it tightly.
My hand reached underneath her, immediately finding the zip and sliding it down. [Y/N] didn’t protest but just watched me while wrapping her hands around the back of my neck. Her dainty fingers played with the end of my hair and it sent shivers down my spine.
“Tell me you want it and you won’t regret it,” I said but didn’t wait to tug the dress down her body.
“We should end it right,” she spoke softly. “I’d regret it if we didn’t.”
I saw that as the green light telling me it was full speed ahead. Nothing else mattered anymore, not when the love of my life was laying underneath me, not when it was going to be the last time.
Resting my forehead on her shoulder, I brought my hand up to her covered chest, rubbing gently through the material the way I knew she liked; as a result, she pushed her hips up to me.
I couldn’t hold back a grin as I noticed the hungry look in her eye. The idea of her wanting me was all I needed, even if deep down I knew it wasn’t changing anything. It didn’t change the harsh reality that would hit me in the morning.
The straps of her bra abandoned her shoulders but she didn’t seem to mind. It gave me the confidence to reach behind her - running my fingertips over her soft skin as I went - and unclasped her bra. I threw it behind me carelessly.
“You’re stunning,” I whispered, leaning down to plant a sloppy kiss between her boobs. She whimpered while her fingers ran through my hair, making my cock twitch ever so slightly. I almost let out a strangled whimper of my own.
“Don’t take your time, please,” she whispered. My hips rutted against her and to my adoration, her back arched and her mouth dropped into the perfect ‘O’.
“Why?” I teased, running my tongue across her collarbone. “Do you need me?”
She nodded her head, her lips having been taken prisoner by her teeth. I bit down on her skin instead of abusing my lips. My fingers took their time fluttering against her skin, moving further South and aiming for the spot [Y/N] wanted me to be. They reached the hem of her underwear and her hips rolled just in time.
[Y/N] released a groan when I pulled my fingers away, but I managed to silence her by pushing my two fingers into the wetness of her mouth and feeling her tongue on the underside of them.
And she didn’t hesitate, and I think I fell in love with her just a little more at the way she obeyed me so easily. Her cheeks hollowed as she got to work, looking up at me innocently, knowing the sensation was going straight to the hard on in my boxers. I could feel her tongue dancing around my fingertips and my length strained painfully against its restriction.
Abruptly, I released them from her hold. It took seconds for me to dip into her underwear and pressed my slick fingers against her clit to which she gasped beautifully. A proud but subtle smile hit my lips while I moved my fingers in a slow, steady and teasing motion. I did this for some time before voicing what I couldn’t stop thinking about.
“God, you’re so fucking beautiful, look at you.” She smiled and it only added to her angelic look. “Is that good?”
“Mhm, b-but-“
“Gimme more, Jay, please.” She sighed with trembling thighs. I swiped my index finger down and deep inside of her, feeling her wetness surround it.
“Anything for my princess.” I was allowed to say that; it would only be true for a few more hours.
I stayed true to my word; I pushed two fingers into her suddenly, loving the way her body jolted in surprise. Her eyes looked up into my own, the pleasure coursing through her coming to light.
Every so often I curled my fingers inside of her, only knowing I was hitting the right spot when my name rolled off her tongue or her nails dug into the skin of my upper arms; the pain mixed well with the pleasure when she did this.
“I-I- Fuck, Justin, I need more n-now, please,” she gasped, her hair spreading across the pillows as she threw her head back. I took advantage of her exposed neck to leave her with something special, something she can look at in her first few days without me.
In a few minutes, her neck was painting of red and purple. I paid close attention to detail as I created a masterpiece with my tongue and my lips as my medium. Despite the fact that my concentration shifted, it didn’t stop my fingers from working [Y/N] to the brink of her orgasm.
“Fuck m-me,” she stuttered as she writhed underneath me. “Baby, please-“
She was absolutely wrecked at that point, and the sight mixed with her soft pants and whispers caused me to lose all sense of restraint and patience. I was clumsily grabbing the end of my t-shirt and pulling up over my head, and with great hesitation - not wanting to have to move away from her warmth - I climbed off the bed to discard my jeans, along with my boxers. A soft whimper danced its way into my ears as my throbbing erection hit my stomach.
“You can’t say you’re not going to miss this,” I rasped, towering over her frame once more. She looked so small and insignificant from up above, but I knew it was the exact opposite; she was everything that mattered.
“Please Justin,” she whispered, her fingers gripping my shoulders.
“Of course, baby,” I replied with my voice filled with love. “But I’m not going to rush this part, I don’t care how much you want it. If this is the last time, I’m gonna treasure you.”
And I did just that. I made sure that my hips rolled against her own in a slow and steady pace as I pushed up into her, not swallowing my moans whenever I felt one rising in my throat. Although, I did sometimes bite down on the skin of her neck to silence myself every now and then, enjoying her sweet gasps.
“God, you look so good,” I panted, feeling pleasure coursing through my body as I felt her warmth around me. “So fucking beautiful.”
My fingers fluttered across her nipples whenever they got the chance and [Y/N] gripped my wrists, keeping them there. I almost growled in response.
“You like that? My fingers on you?”
“God, yes..” Her head fell back, exposing her abused neck to me; my artwork on show once more.
The temperature became prominent as strained to keep myself above her while continuing my thrusts, but the burning in the pit of my stomach made it all worth it.
We rolled and writhed together on the double bed, just like we had done so many nights before. There was a pain in my heart when I thought back to those times; I was always so sure those moments would always be a constant thing in my life, that [Y/N] would always be there. I masked the hurt with pleasure, pushing deeper to please us both.
“B-Baby, I-I’m so close,” she whined and it caused my hips to buck with a little more vigour into her, feeling myself brush against her walls. “You got me worked up, I-I wanna-“
“Don’t let go, not yet.. just give me a minute,” I breathed out heavily. “I want to cum with you, alright?”
“Mhm.” She bit down on her bottom lip, bruising it and causing a darker shade of pink to appear. “Fuck, please hurry.”
She sounded as desperate as she looked and all it did was spur me on, my hips did figure eights thanks to the high arising in me. My eyebrows furrowed as I focused on that sensation in my groin, wanting it so [Y/N] could let go with me as soon as possible.
“[Y/N], c’mon.. n-now, cum for me, princess.”
I felt her clench around me, and if I hadn’t have noticed that, I would’ve been able to sense she’d reached her orgasm because her entire body stiffened seconds before she left out the loudest moan of the night. It was enough to send shivers down my spine as well as pushing me over the edge; [Y/N] voicing her pleasure always did something for me.
I slammed into her throughout our orgasms, mine coming to an end only seconds after hers. Our breathing synchronised while our bodies touched. It was silent for the first time in what felt like years.
“That was.. something,” I panted, running my fingers through the tangled mess of my hair.
“Mm, it was.”
I pressed a kiss onto her collarbone, knowing it’d be the last time I did.
“Stay the night,” I whispered against the smoothness of her skin. “Whether you want to go another round or just lay here, please, just stay.”
In the end, I got to see her so full of pleasure for the second and last time, and lord knows I cherished the sight of her beneath me. I loved her goodbye that night, saying my farewells with my hands. The next morning, I hugged her goodbye before letting her slip between my fingertips forever.
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