zendoras-box · 3 years
Tarot Reading - 4th June -21
Tarot Reading – 4th June -21
It’s finally Friday! For some of you that means it’s the end of the work week and the weekend is finally here! For some it means quite the opposite and I’m sorry – unless you’re doing what you love, then you go get it! In any case, every Friday I’ll be doing a slightly bigger reading than usual and posting it here on my blog! If you’re here through any other means than Instagram, then please…
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zendoras-box · 3 years
A Fake World
Our trees have been cut down and replaced with skyscrapers. The Earth has been paved over with concrete and asphalt. Our history has been re-written and mass produced. Our very thoughts and ideals are pushed through filtered media outlets directly into our brains; this in conjunction with the highly processed calcifying foods that we eat and drink are closing off our pineal gland and rendering us…
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zendoras-box · 3 years
A Toxic World
I was fired from my job exactly one week ago, yesterday – and let me tell you that it was the most freeing feeling of my life. The weight that had lifted off of my shoulders made me feel absolutely ecstatic, as if I was floating through space – totally free of bodily tension. My chest opened up and I was able to breath for the first time in the better part of a decade. I had known my job was a…
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zendoras-box · 4 years
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Happy Thursday friends! Is there something in your life that you need to get rid of? A bad habit, an old way of doing things, or even perhaps a person? This third party may be having an effect on a close relationship of yours - a lover, family member, friend, or even work relationship. Take a look into yourself and find what's in there that is binding you and work on letting it go. It could be something as simple as a bad attitude and something as complex as a romantic affair. Ground yourself and allow that chain to break away so that way you, and the other party, can be free from it's heavy binds. #tarot #tarotofinstagram #tarotreadersofinstagram #dailytarotguidance #death #swords #chains #change #heart #divination https://www.instagram.com/p/CM2FtKtnhL6/?igshid=ftv18931bero
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zendoras-box · 4 years
Changes and New Plans
I went on a short hiatus from all my social media to really meditate and focus in on my calling. I needed to make a solid plan moving forward. My foundation was being built using too many different materials – now I feel I have a solid base to build up on.
Visit my YouTube and my instagram – videos posted every weekend on both and daily card drawings (picture and text) on instagram. I’ll link…
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zendoras-box · 4 years
Weekly Tarot - 8/28/20
Weekly Tarot – 8/28/20
Hello soul searchers, wanderers, and energetic beings! Welcome to week 3 of my weekly Tarot reading. Today we’re looking at what this week has brought us and what we have to face over the weekend.
It’s certainly been struggling times for a lot of people, but so many eyes have been opened and souls being awakened – we have so much to look forward to and a wonderful chance to change the world…
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zendoras-box · 4 years
Weekly Tarot - 8/19/20
Weekly Tarot – 8/19/20
Hello soul searchers, wanderers, and energetic beings! Welcome to another installment of my weekly Tarot reading, I hope you can find some guidance in what follows!
If you don’t already know, the New Moon is here (tonight being the last night) and it’s the perfect time to set our intentions going forward – what would we like to change about ourselves? What would we like to strive for? It’s…
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zendoras-box · 4 years
Weekly tarot - 8/12/20
Weekly tarot – 8/12/20
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Welcome friends, soul searchers, travelers, and energetic beings! I’ve taken my daily tarot on Instagram(it’s a little hard to keep up on with all my other ventures at the moment) and have turned it into a weekly reading here on my blog! I’ll keep posting on Instagram (for those of you who follow) with a link to the post in my profile each week. I’m hoping that with less limitations on characters…
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zendoras-box · 4 years
I Saw Time
I saw time. It wasn’t a dream, that I can say for sure. I can only describe what I saw as a vision or a message of some sort from a higher plane of existence. It came to me while I was meditating, not ironically, on my third eye.  I’ve been working on decalcifying my pineal gland for some time now, and I truly hope it’s working.
Over time as humans progressed more toward a materialistic…
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zendoras-box · 4 years
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The reading is below ⬇️ A tarot spread to guide us in what we can expect with the current new moon and our chance at new endeavors. ✴️ The Tower - Negative by sight and it can fill you with fear by noticing the crumbling castle tower, or like with this deck, someone falling from the tower. We are in times of turmoil around the globe and this card represents that the foundations of old are crumbling (perhaps your life structure, your job, your relationships, etc) and it's time to build up on this foundation instead if sitting idly and watching the world burn. Take action. ✴️ The Devil - This card might strike fear, but worry not. The Devil here is related to the old pagan god, Pan (a god of nature and the natural process of the physical world, including sex) and doesn't represent evil doings or satanism. He's usually telling us to reevaluate our relationship to material things that our keeping us chained. We need to look deep into ourselves and find out what is holding us back. A bad relationship? Fear of change? It's time to evaluate the things we don't like about ourselves and learn to be comfortable and let go of our old fears. In short, be careful not to fall into over indulgence, paranoid fear, or become too attached to material belongings and forget about our spiritual and mental needs. ✴️ Temperance - Moderation in all things. This card urges us to have patience. There is only so much we can do in our current state and patience is surely a virtue to be had. Make this waiting constructive and don't just sit idly (see the tower). If there is nothing or you to do, you can learn to do it mindfully. Things will develope in their own time. ✴️ Queen of Swords - As a person she represents a woman with authority and power - someone with intellect. Perhaps a writer, teacher, lawyer, minister, etc. She can represent someone who has suffered a painful loss but draws upon her willpower to continue on. She can also indicate that you are going through a difficult experience that is opening up new opportunities for positive growth. Our outcome through these difficult times can be a positive experience a https://www.instagram.com/p/CC4VE28naDa/?igshid=1bx1e1rh4zzw1
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zendoras-box · 4 years
Cleansing Your Crystals and Stones
One of the most important aspects of working with crystals and precious stones is the cleansing of negative energy. Negative energy doesn’t necessarily mean bad or evil, so there is no need to worry that your crystals and stones are possessed by an evil spirit or that they’re throwing out bad energy and stunting your spiritual growth.
Just like our crystals and stones send out energy, so do we…
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zendoras-box · 4 years
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A pink flower
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zendoras-box · 4 years
A Beginners guide to Crystals
A Beginners guide to Crystals
I will be the first to admit that I have been in a slump. I’ve been unmotivated and uninspired and I’ve let all of my projects become old remnants of a former time. I’ve meditated, meditated, and meditated again to try and find a fitting topic to talk about – something that I have passion for, knowledge in, and would want to share with people. That’s when a friend of mine asked me for advice.
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zendoras-box · 4 years
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Meditating Buddah
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zendoras-box · 4 years
You're worth it - a quick musing
You’re worth it – a quick musing
In a world overflowing with about 7.8 BILLION people – we’re sure to have our share of problems. From personal issues to global, something is sure to arise at some point. In modern history this has been made clear far too many times; two world wars with a plethora of multi-national wars strewn before, between, and after (up until this day), global pandemics, civil wars, economic depressions, and…
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zendoras-box · 4 years
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Find something today that brings calm to your soul. Whether it be a warm cup of tea, a hot shower, or enjoying your favorite TV program - whatever it is just enjoy it and put all your attention in it. https://www.instagram.com/p/B_FUZ8ApGTe/?igshid=1lkfhtnazu64z
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zendoras-box · 4 years
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What does worrying accomplish? It allows us to waste time and energy that we can be putting into bettering ourselves and the universe. Don't worry, life goes on steadily. Things will align themselves as long as we stay grounded and mindful. https://www.instagram.com/p/B_DxR_ap8oM/?igshid=1uqr6b3ugtwg8
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