yhraewon · 3 years
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moon gayoung, vogue korea
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yhraewon · 3 years
                   (    *    & .   raewon slightly leaned her head to the side as she studied her long time acquaintance with a faint and questioning smile on her face. she could not name the exact time but was well aware it had been quite a while since they came across each other. the last time she saw minjung was either on her own graduation or her brother's. after all, two of them attended the same high school, was part of the same environment that pushed them to be friends ─ or more accurately, pretend to be close.
her gaze wandered on the other, perhaps more than it should as she came up with excuses behind her reason to be at yunhwa. raewon was almost sure that every single word minjung uttered was nothing more than an excuse ─ as they could be something she, herself would say if minjung was faster than her to ask raewon the very same question. she probably would not believe in any of those pretexts as well. as people like them carried breath of city like dust in their bones and could not simply lock their freedom into a small town. there had to be a reason and minjung probably had her own ─ just like raewon did.
therefore, raewon paused, nodded her head as the other talked while keeping her small smile on her lips as she considered her next words very carefully. there was a possibility of minjung to know raewon left her home or maybe, she did not. raewon doubted her parents really cared about her to ask their acquaintances if any of them knew where raewon was. her brother, however, was a different story. he could use any given chance to twist the incidents and announce raewon's departure from their household. did minjung know anything though? it was hard to tell.
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❝   i must admit you chose a rather interesting place for a new kind of adventure, ❞ raewon said as she indirectly implied she refused to believe in everything minjung said. ❝   my grandparents used to live here and they suggested me to stay here for a while to rest. you know, city life tends to get boring, after all. i'm here to rest and grab a few inspiration for my upcoming projects.  ❞ raewon hid her lie in her truth. ❝   i'm glad to see you here though ─ ❞ a big lie. ❝   how long has it been? i think the last time i saw you was when both of us were in high school. ❞
𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐄𝐃 𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌 𝑯𝑬𝑹𝑬 ───── ⊹ (  for @yhraewon  )
        over the past month, the disparities between yunhwa and seoul have started to blur, as minjung has been meeting so many people she’s never expected to see again. but she supposes that the allure of yunhwa’s charm is that it’s a home away from home, the town must have made quite a name for itself as being a safe haven for all, seeing as so many have chosen to relocate here. that doesn’t mean this novel feeling of familiarity is manifesting in a good way, though.
        of everyone she could bump into at yunhwa, it just had to be her. ahn raewon. coincidences and accidents do not exist, she says, ever so casually. minjung has known raewon long enough to also know to never take her words at face value. there are always layers and layers to peel apart, and minjung resists the urge to narrow her eyes at the other as she wonders if what she’s saying is an insinuation that she had already been aware of minjung’s arrival in town before their coincidental reunion today.
        her first suspicion is if raewon is acting as a lookout for her stepmother. they always did get along so well. but even then, so be it. minjung knows how to play the game, knows how to hedge her bets. the edges of her mouth pulled high in a perfectly rehearsed angelic smile. “well, i’m here to find myself! y’know, i’m young and free, and i need a bit of excitement, so i’m here on an adventure of self-discovery… all that jazz,” minjung is positively bullshitting, and even to her own ears, it sounds unconvincing. but it is at least a cover, before she figures out just how much raewon knows. (also, it’s embarrassing to tell someone that she got shipped off to the middle of nowhere against her will.) “what about you, though?”
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yhraewon · 3 years
( ... )
            he must. no, he needs to do better at picking his skirmishes with the woman who seems to glide between mimicking a path of grated pebbles or the smoothness of a sandy beach. some pounces forward earn him a remark and some flicked to the side, as if he’s said nothing. it wouldn’t be as irritating if it wasn’t for the fact he aimed for an accuracy of 100%. but he won’t allow the battered wound to appear on his face.
            jiwon allows the corner of his lips to curl upwards instead, a grin so exaggerated only those a long distance away would mistake it as genuine. but through all that he places a pretense of stubborn joy, a bit of mirth bleeds into his features. he won’t tell her, no, he would rather plunge himself into arctic waters. however, he can’t deny her dramatic antics comes across comical to him. also confusion, since he’s not and never will hold enough shards of interest in the art within him to even know what happens at an opera house.
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             “  i see.  “     he responds, voice plain compared to the smile he’s still holding up.      “  but i’ve never heard this shit before. how can i imitate it for the greater good if i have no example? you should show me one.  “      he motions to her.     “  you sound so knowledgeable you must have the perfect idea how to act out copious tears and recitation of bad poetry. especially the fake tears. sounds like your kinda expertise.  “    
                    (    *    & .   the side of her lips moved up into a smile yet it reflected nothing close to sincerity. there was more of an amusement and a little bit of annoyance. raewon did not smile to express her own mood but mostly to dare the other for a challenge ─ to see which one of them would give up first at acting civil. mayhap then, their meaningless conversation would come to an end or they would throw away their facade to show their raw wrath. for the moment, however, it seemed like both of them were determined to show the best of their acting skills. everyone was an actor in life anyways, the real question was ─ who would win the grand prize for their exceptional performance?
raewon took a sip from her drink and began to notice how it burnt her throat. she had not drunk much yet but the alcohol level of the beverage seemed to be high enough to slowly capture her consciousness. as someone, who had no intention to get drunk, on any normal day, she would finish her drink and leave the tavern. nevertheless, she could not do that for the moment. raewon had an argument to win, after all. 
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❝   you had never heard of it? oh damn, you don't even know what you're missing. opera house is the best place to act like an aristocrat and trick people to believe you're the most artistic person ever to step into the world, ❞ raewon said, her words slightly slur. ❝   i can show you part of my performance. people did say i'm an exceptional actress after all. however, do you think it would be a good idea for me to cry here and read a poem to you? ❞ she could not help but smirk at the sight that suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. if the imagination of it was such a nightmare that she did not even want to be part of its reality.
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yhraewon · 3 years
sieon, going over raewon's resume: okay, so right here, it states that you’re creative. raewon: yes sieon: okay... may i know what you create? raewon: problems.
                   (    *    & .   it was always a good idea to make someone else, preferably not a close acquaintance, to go over one's resume. the demeanour helped to get a new perspective and get an idea about what someone else might think of the said resume, the key to a good career start. raewon had her professors and some other people went through her resume before but when she decided to create a new branch of career choice at yunhwa, she knew she needed a new point of view. fortunately, she heard of the librarian and hoped he would be kind enough to give her objective, unbiased feedback. ─ fortunately, after she bothered him a couple of times, he accepted to help her. was it out of his kind nature or raewon's consistent persistence? that was a case for an argument no one bothered to have. ask no questions and hear no lies.
─ and as he accepted to help her, raewon decided to be honest with her answers about her resume.
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❝   i create problems, ❞ raewon repeated her statement in a confident tone and relaxed expression on her face.   ❝   i also solve them, once i'm done with designing stages, of course. ❞
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yhraewon · 3 years
minjung: that’s one of my biggest fears. like, if i ever woke up as a donut... raewon: you would eat yourself? minjung: i wouldn’t even question it.
                   (    *    & .   the distant memory of the conversation she shared with minjung during her high school years flashed in her mind as raewon stood by the stall that sold doughnuts. side of her lips moved up into a small smile and disappeared as soon as it appeared as she sarcastically snorted at the memory. humans’ dark past always were created when they were in high school and she was once again proved of the fact. it was just strange that such memory decided to visit her on such a day for an unknown reason. maybe, it was just a side effect of her unexpected encounter with minjung at yunhwa, which happened just a couple of days ago. 
oh dear, she better not remember anything like that again.
yet, as soon as she thought so, she took notice of minjung, who also approached the stall and could not stop her mouth as she suddenly asked: 
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❝   is becoming a doughnut still your biggest fear? ❞
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yhraewon · 3 years
                    (    *    & .   the small town of yunhwa was full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observed unless they took a step behind to look at the bigger picture. the signboards boasted about the low number of crime ─ there was not a dodge, there was not a trick, there was not a swindle. the town was proud of the peace they spread and protected, which simply sounded like a sweet lie to raewon. crime existed everywhere humans stepped onto. it was part of their nature to do forbidden, seek opportunities to break the community rules.
as someone who came from a real tough neighbourhood, raewon learnt a trick or two to protect herself. especially after that one time, when a guy pulled a knife on her. she later knew that he was not a professional as the knife had butter on it. however, it was enough of the reason for her to understand not just as an individual but also as a woman, she had to protect herself. ─ and she learnt her lesson.
that being her reason, she easily sensed that someone was not right when she caught a sight one two men cornering one of the locals. raewon was not familiar with her, she did not even know if she interpreted the situation wrong. perhaps, everything was just a misunderstanding. still, her hand moved fast as she reached for her phone and found that one recorded sound of a police car. fortunately, she did, as the moment the other female approached her, raewon understood that yunhwa was indeed not the safest place, away from crime. it was just a tad bit safer than the capital.
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❝   stay close to me, ❞ raewon whispered once they stood side by side. it was in her nature to ignore someone else's business, yet, such kind of incident was not easy to ignore ─ she, at least had this kind of ethic to help someone else in a dangerous situation. ❝   we had been looking for you all this time, did you miss the café we were supposed to meet? ❞ raewon asked in a friendly tone as if the two of them knew each other for a long time and spoke a bit louder for the others to hear her too. she spared one glance to the men standing across them before she pressed on the audio file and let the sound of a police siren to fill the area.
  ice breaker starters ┊ “are these guys bothering you?” –raewon. \ ♡
never in her life did haena think she’d ever be in a situation like this. it just didn’t feel like the kind of thing that would happen in yunhwa, where crime was pretty low and the most exciting thing lately was the new mayor. she didn’t mind it though–the lack of events, that is–since it was expected and something she’d grown used to. what she wasn’t used to was being cornered in a less traveled side road on her way back home from the market. like she said, something like this had never happened before - at least not to her, although she had heard some stories and warnings but it was said that those incidents seemed to happen more often in the bigger cities; not here– or so she thought which meant unsurprisingly, haena was hardly prepared for this kind of situation.
nervous and scared, she feels herself backing up slowly as her eyes dart around frantically, looking for some way out. she knows she’s not strong enough to force her way through the two guys but she was slim–and fast–so maybe she could run away really quickly if they got distracted? her brain was working over time, trying to come up with something, when a voice breaks through her thoughts and luckily, catches the attention of the guys who turn their heads to face the source of the question.
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seeing this as her chance, haena quickly sprints past them and heads straight to the person without hesitating. she has no idea who they are nor if they’re trustworthy or not but they had saved her from the two guys so at the moment, she would rather side with them. when she reaches the girl, she darts behind her and nods rapidly. “i don’t know who they are or what they want,” she answers, her voice coming out weakly. “but help me, please.”
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yhraewon · 3 years
anran: i can explain. raewon: can you? anran: if you give me thirty seconds to think of a lie.
                   (    *    & .   there was not really much to explain, raewon would not even bother to question the other if it was not for the expression she wore over her features. the situation was entertaining, perhaps too entertaining that instead of dismissing the silly misunderstanding, raewon appeared serious and tapped her right foot against the floor to make it clear,, she had no patience. anran was supposed to be at the tavern about an hour ago for them to have a drink  ─ and not get drunk as they came to a silent agreement to not get drunk again. would they keep the promise though? raewon doubted that. if not drunk, how were they supposed to come up with theories of how anran could easily get rid of thanos with their supernatural powers if only marvel was clever enough to cast her?
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❝   i can give you a full minute if only you promise to come up with a creative lie.> ❞ raewon stated in a confident tone.  ❝   is that enough for you? ❞ 
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yhraewon · 3 years
jiwon: i learned some very valuable lessons from this. raewon: i’m guessing they’re all horrible distortions on the lessons you actually should’ve taken away. jiwon: death isn’t real, and i’m basically god.
                   (    *    & .    the mediocre teacher tells. the good teacher explains. the superior teacher demonstrates. the great teacher inspires. ─ and from what raewon saw so far, she greatly failed to be any of the mentioned adjectives, not that she had ever seen teaching as one of her career options. it was just her companion that often brought out the life lessons she had neither cared nor followed, just to make their conversation overly boring or annoying. really, it was not about the lesson, it was about what the other chose to understand from it.
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❝   please cast your mind back to what i said before that, ❞ raewon uttered before she allowed a dramatic sigh to fill the brief silence.  ❝   be honest with me,, you weren’t a good student at school, were you? ❞
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yhraewon · 3 years
yunhee: petition to remove the ‘d’ from wednesday raewon: wednesay yunhee: not what i had in mind, but i’m flexible
                   (    *    & .   anyone and their parents could say that the conversation was started solely to have something to do other than for the pair to look at each other when they tried to have their dinner. otherwise, it would be awkward and that was something raewon preferred to stay away from. ironic, how even their silence was not peaceful. hence, she continued the conversation making a silly comment with a straight face. what was the point of removing letters from the days when they still stood around for 24 hours anyway?
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❝   have you ever noticed after monday and tuesday even the calendar says W T F? ❞
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yhraewon · 3 years
kahi: am i in trouble? raewon: take a guess. kahi: no? raewon: take another guess.
                   (    *    & .   the very first thing raewon learnt about yunhwa locals ever since her arrival  ─ and perhaps, from the years she used to visit the town during her breaks was they treated their business seriously. their farm was their treasure and no one, not even their relatives had a right to step on it during disinfestation season. in order to grow natural and the best products, they had a season and perfect time for disinfestation and to let the earth rest.  ─ and while doing so, they put huge signs to warn others about not stepping on the earth or not drop anything,, yet, some people, raewon included, dared to not see any of them. 
thank god, she was not alone, there was someone else in the same kind of trouble. 
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❝   good news though, ❞ raewon said once the other noticed he was indeed in trouble, as much as she was.  ❝   i doubt there are any security cameras around. so, if you pretend to not see me here, i’ll pretend to not see you too. let’s call this beneficial agreement for both sides. what do you say?  ❞
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yhraewon · 3 years
                    (    *    & .   the silence was rarely found and was often welcomed for a peaceful mindset. however, that had not happened to be the case for the yunhwa visitor, who spent her whole day locked in her room at yeyun inn. due to rainy weather, raewon found herself delaying her plans and call it a day to rest and catch up with some missed episodes of series and updates. however, she was soon to notice for a busy mind like hers, resting more than a couple of hours was almost equal to torture and an open invitation for boredom. her eyelids suddenly heavy, her mind already guessing the plot of a show she randomly began to watch, it was clear that raewon so close to either fall asleep or lose her mind to over silence.
fortunately, just then, her saviour ripped the thick curtain of silence and brought her attention to the telephone that stood on the stand. she, herself, rarely used it to communicate with inn owner, therefore, she wondered why it suddenly rang, at an unexpected hour for an unknown reason. she paused and stared at the telephone, as if it could reply to her questions before she answered. a second, ten seconds, twenty seconds... before it rang for the last time, raewon reached for the telephone to answer it.
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it couldn't be her parents, right? it was too early for them to find her. then again, it was funny how instead of thinking it could be the innkeeper, calling her to inform her about anything, raewon thought of her parents. damn, was it some kind of side effect?   
❝   hello? ❞ she finally spoke. in any other situation, she would confidently announce her name and that she was listening. however, at the present day, she could only utter a greeting and unconsciously hold her breath while waiting for the other to say anything.
                                                               ( @yhyoungmi ! )
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yhraewon · 3 years
                    (    *    & .   the sense of giving gifts had never really carried a meaningful weight in raewon's life. she did not particularly hate the idea of receiving gifts or giving them, she simply did not find anything worthy behind the actions. perhaps, as a child she was different. perhaps, she believed in santa and the gifts he left under christmas tree to bring a soft smile to the children's lips ─ no, not really. who was she kidding? those were just the lies she learnt by rote to tell in front of her relatives. she always found the story of santa horrible and the old man quite creepy. he was a tad bit different than thieves, went into a home without an invitation, checked someone else's socks to leave his own packages in it. the story of santa could easily pass as a horror genre if anyone asked raewon.
those were her excuses to avoid gifts ─ because once someone dear gave her the greatest gift, a box full of darkness and ever since she hated them.
yet, when she went through her bags and took notice of a box her mother asked her to deliver to jaehee, raewon could only let out a deep sigh. one, because it was a gift and two, because she had to deliver it to its owner around three years ago, when she was supposed to visit her grandparents at yunhwa for winter break. it was a miracle that the box managed to survive in her bag for years, which only made raewon believe she had to deliver it to her acquaintance sooner or later.
that being her reason, she decided to visit madam micha's ─ to get herself a fashionable jacket and to also deliver jaehee her long delayed gift. 
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❝   jaehee, do you have a second? ❞ raewon asked once she walked into the shop, the box on her hand. ❝   i have something for you. ❞
                                                               ( @yhjaehee ! )
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yhraewon · 3 years
                    (    *    & .   the nonviolent sound of the acoustic guitar echoed through the small crowd of mokjawon tavern, which raewon got used to visiting once in a while ─ either for a glass of drink or to overhear a quaint story from the drunk consciousness. she sat alone on a table in the middle because that was a perfect kind of seat, offered her what she looked for. she arrived there some thirty minutes ago, already got herself a drink and even greeted a couple of familiar faces. that also reminded raewon of how it had been a little bit more than a month she arrived there and she could already found out acquaintance people around. dear god, how could it be possible for a town to be that small? or was it just her who felt like so?
her questions were not asked for anyone particularly and raewon did not expect anyone to come up with a logical excuse for her complaints. therefore, she sighed constantly and took a sip from her light drink as her gaze wandered around her surroundings. she saw a middle aged woman she saw the other day at the plaza, talking with her circle of friends about some rumours ─ as if everyone else has not already heard of it. at the other corner was a high schooler, talking about the big city he wanted to go and raewon was so close to join their conversation and tell them the so called "big" city was not even as huge as they exaggerated. however, she did not spare her attention on them any longer ─ not after someone more important caught her attention.
❝   jiang anran? ❞ raewon had to blink and smell her drink to be sure it was not anything strong that made her drunk soon. what was jiang anran doing at yunhwa? raewon knew them from their youtube videos, which had quite amazing content ─ and made raewon believe the other was either a superhero disguised as local or an alien, waiting for the perfect time to capture the world. maybe not the second one but the point was crystal clear.
in any case, it was such an unexpected situation to see the other at yunhwa and enough of the reason for raewon to approach them with a small smile and her well practised friendly facade over her face ─ as she asked:
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❝   from one to ten, what is the possibility of you to be jiang anran? ❞
                                                               ( @yhanran ! )
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yhraewon · 3 years
incorrect quote generator!
send me a ✉ and I will put our muses’ name into the incorrect quotes generator here then write a drabble/starter based off of it!
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yhraewon · 3 years
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yhraewon · 3 years
“You look tired. Need a ride?”
                  (    *    & .  tired was probably an insufficient word to describe her mood and mentality. she had been awake for more than twenty hours, skipped most of her meals with a piece of fruit or sweets to complete her work as soon as possible. perhaps, she was too focused or simply too careless about her health that it was not until she was done and on her way to yeyun inn that raewon noticed how messed up everything was. her steps heavy, her hands full of packages, she never thought someone else would notice her situation. however, she was wrong.
the familiar voice made raewon look up and take notice of the female, who she saw a couple of days ago. wasn't she looking for her bike? she was,, and from what raewon saw, she managed to find it as she was currently using it. a bright, orange and surely welcoming.
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❝  i have to admit that i can't say no to a ride..however, do you think your bike can carry both of us? ❞ raewon looked at her and her bike with a questioning, curious look. she appreciated the help but also wondered if it would worth the risk to get on the fragile-looking bike.
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yhraewon · 3 years
    ��               (    *    & .   the family gatherings of ahn kin was quite a perfect weekend drama of those that got bored of their daily routine. everyone proved to be spectacular actors as they wandered around to greet each other and boast about their nonexistent peace and respected reputation. raewon, herself was not different as she often did the humble and counted hours for the gatherings to end,, until she came to a certain age to feign an excuse and inform her parents with dramatic letters that she could not join them.
to my well-beloved birth givers,
it is with a joyful sad heart that i must proffer my regrets and inform you that i'll be unable to attend the festivities of our annual family gatherings. unfortunate circumstances have arisen, namely that i can't seem to stand the sight of our distant relatives,, i have to stay back at university to complete my assignments.
with best wishes on this most happy of occasions,
raewon, your one and only daughter.
raewon managed to avoid gathering for years, however, from the times she bore a couple of conversations, she managed to catch a name of a rather intriguing story. a stepdaughter of raewon's distant relative, a supposed miracle that somehow managed to get along with the older woman. hwang sua. obviously, raewon believed the two of them did not get along well, which was the reason she wondered what kind of daughter sua was and how she was coping with being a new addition to the family.
two of them had never really had a chance to meet, not until both of them somehow ended at yunhwa. fate? coincidence? neither really bothered to think of it. instead, during the time raewon decorated the stage of sua's restaurant, they discovered their connection and built an interesting acquaintanceship ─ enough for raewon to drop by the restaurant for a dinner and invite sua to join her.
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❝   how are you doing this fine evening, sua? waiting for me, i believe, to have dinner together. ❞ raewon asked as she walked into the restaurant, holding a bouquet of flowers that she believed would fit the restaurant's concept.
                                                               ( @yhsua ! )
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