yhkangdae · 3 years
“The answer is no by the way, to whatever you’re about to say.”
ice breakers starters! @yhminjung
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kangdae felt like he was a pretty chill boss..farmer dude. he paid well enough and he felt like he divided the work pretty well among the farmhands, so why did minjung act like he was sending her to pick up cow dung with her bare hands? ( he would have least offered gloves).  he sighs, his fingers running through his hair as he tried to keep his cool.
come on kangdae, she’s just a kid. she doesn’t know how the farm works. she was just some poor city girl who landed on his farm. “ minjung, come on, you do know you have to help, the crops need to be pruned, just get the shears,”
“people who don’t work on the farm, don’t get paid, or worse!!! i’m not going to cook you lunch. “ he said matter of factly as he held out the shears towards minjung.
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jihoyh · 3 years
“are you as cold as you seem or do you always walk around like you own the place?”
⭒⭒⭒ jiho chuckles, a small eyeroll accompanying it. “don’t be ridiculous.” he answers the female as he leans more against his bike, crossing his arms and taking a moment to look at her from head to toes. 
“and how about you?” he asks, a smile playing over his lips as his vaper touches them and he gently pulls in the smoke . “you got quite the attitude as well, should i start pointing it out too?” he raises his brows in inquire, blowing out the smoke after a few seconds. 
he felt comfortable, her words even sounded very much like a compliment to his ears so he was drowning in the compliment for a moment. he was sure she could see how that played with his ego, and he didn’t care about it one bit, she could regret all she wanted. 
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yhraewon · 3 years
minjung: that’s one of my biggest fears. like, if i ever woke up as a donut... raewon: you would eat yourself? minjung: i wouldn’t even question it.
                   (    *    & .   the distant memory of the conversation she shared with minjung during her high school years flashed in her mind as raewon stood by the stall that sold doughnuts. side of her lips moved up into a small smile and disappeared as soon as it appeared as she sarcastically snorted at the memory. humans’ dark past always were created when they were in high school and she was once again proved of the fact. it was just strange that such memory decided to visit her on such a day for an unknown reason. maybe, it was just a side effect of her unexpected encounter with minjung at yunhwa, which happened just a couple of days ago. 
oh dear, she better not remember anything like that again.
yet, as soon as she thought so, she took notice of minjung, who also approached the stall and could not stop her mouth as she suddenly asked: 
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❝   is becoming a doughnut still your biggest fear? ❞
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xyhdau · 3 years
dau no longer enjoys the silence of the road to and from his family’s ranch.
not since after the fire he doesn’t — what used to give him comfort and solitude from the bustle of downtown, away from all the town gossip and pitiful gazes and empty condolences over his family’s losses only made him feel even more isolated. the road was a long one, turning from smooth pavement to uneven gravel as soon as the flatland turned to hills that fostered nothing in sight except for the kim family’s ranch only a few more meters ahead.
from the road and over the wooden fences was a timber structure that once resembled something of a barn. it pained him to look at it for too long now — what once was a place he’d visited so often was now something that was burned to its core and flatlined. the barn hadn’t been the only place the fire spread to, but it clearly was where it began. it was a shame for anybody in town to behold. the only thing dau had to be thankful about was that their ranch was such a ways out of yunhwa that unless somebody came looking for it, nobody could see the destruction unless they’d wanted to.
(and he often wondered just how it’d all happened in the first place.)
the sound of car tires struggling against the dirt road immediately turned dau’s attention southward. apart from other ranchers nearby, who more often than not would simply come on horseback, there wasn’t anybody in the ranch’s vicinity that normally rode automobiles on the backroads. dau’s family’s truck was a tank, built to withstand even driving on the off roads in four wheel drive. tires having this much trouble were certainly the sign of a car — and driver — who definitely weren’t from around here.
dau doesn’t have to take himself on horseback too far down the slope of the road into town to see a female on the side of the dirt road. he could see the outline of large cases of luggage surrounding her on both sides, an all tell sign that she definitely didn’t intend to be left here. 
he approaches her with a smile, the shade from his straw hat shielding himself well from the open sun; she, on the other hand, the poor doll, was left with nothing. “need any help?” he asks, disembarking from the horse’s saddle and eyeing the mighty large suitcases that dau could just tell weighed far more than she did. “those bags of yours lookin’ pretty heavy.”
it’s obvious that from wherever this girl had come from — the city, probably, as indicated by just how polished and well dressed she looked against the contrasting empty countryside, that she’d found herself in the wrong spot. dau invites himself to reach for one of the suitcase handles and test the weight of one of her bags: not as bad as he’d assumed, surprisingly. he looks at her again, much closer this time, and sees she’s actually quite a sight. a city girl, clearly, but stunning nonetheless. he clears his throat in an attempt to shake the thought. “where ‘ya tryna’ go?”
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yhanran · 3 years
incorrect quote with @yhminjung​
————— ˚。 ・゚゚ minjung reminds them of the first few weeks they ditched the city life and went travelling. the whole standing out in brand clothing when everyone else wore simple clothes sort of energy. the whole anger over a chipped nail when other people grow callouses on their hands. but they can’t say they see past them bottled up in her.
so instead they offer to help her out at the farm - citing that’s what they do. she’s not wrong she loves getting her hands dirty with the soil. toiling away under the sun and having a good sweat might turn some individuals elsewhere, but they’re fine with it. helping someone is also a wonderful excuse to talk to them and so she’s squished in few conversations here and there.
now between their comments they’ve been asking questions back and forth - banter with nothing heavy to ruin the fun. the other’s response when she mentions skeletons throws her off and while she feigns to judge, she’s now cackling.
strands of auburn hair get in the way due to how hard they’re guffawing, and they have to use their fingers to brush it aside, smearing dirt on their forehead. ❝ darn it! look at what you’ve made me do. ❞ anran pretends to sound furious, while glancing over at minjung. ❝ tell me how many visual points does this dock? ❞
anran: do you have any skeletons in your closet? minjung: you mean literally or figuratively? anran: honestly the fact i have to specify...
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sirayh · 3 years
“Sorry but I’m new around here, would you mind giving me pointers?”
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sira had heard that shin farms would be hiring a new farmhand, though admittedly she expected someone a little more... built than minjung. she wonders briefly if the shin family owes a favor to someone, or maybe they were just that desperate for extra hands around the farm—not that she’s discounting minjung when they’ve just met, but her petite stature just doesn’t seem to suit the farm. even so, hopefully she’s able to keep up with the workload.
“of course,” she says, flashing her a gentle smile as she walks over to the veritable wall of crates in front of them. “i’m yun sira, the innkeeper of yeyun inn. we usually just order fruits from the farm since we don’t really have a full restaurant at the inn. we do have a teahouse though, so we serve some small refreshments on the side.” 
she scans the crates and eventually spots the ones marked with “y.i.,” shorthand for yeyun inn. “ah, there, those are the ones i’m looking for.” she heaves one of them into her arms, letting out a grunt when the full weight hits her. “then we’ll just load these onto that hand truck i brought over there. i’ve already settled the bill earlier. so now’s just the heavy work.”
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yumiyh · 3 years
     incorrect quotes generator! // @yhminjung​
     yumi, tending to minjung's wounds: how would you rate your pain?      minjung: zero stars. would not recommend.
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     sitting on the beach with nothing but a salty rag and a stranger’s bleeding self was not exactly how the surfer thought she would end up that evening.      by the time yumi had caught this poor girl’s eye, the total stranger was already bleeding from the knee down. without any care as to how it happened, yumi went to her, and with what they both had, she tried her very best to clean up whatever was going on.      “ugh. i know the salty water is, like, totally not the best choice of. . . stuff, but. . . it isn’t too bad, right?” she pressed the cloth to the other’s knee one more time. she shook her head at their wound, at the cloth, and at the sun.      “i don’t think this is helping. . . let’s just, uh, do you have a phone? do you need me to call someone? i don’t have mine on me right now. maybe we should just wait for it to stop bleeding first. . .”
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