xoxo-lovelyyy · 4 months
if ana’s my only friend, why do i keep abandoning her? if she’s my only love why do i keep betraying her? i wouldn’t do that to my best friend, someone who only wants the best for me. at least she forgives me every time.
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xoxo-lovelyyy · 4 months
saving the planet by having an 3d!!! 💗💗 i dont eat or waste food AND walk everywhere!
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xoxo-lovelyyy · 4 months
i feel like im blessed because for the life of me i cannot drink much OF ANYTHING!!! i be drinking juice out of a 500ml bottle for 7 hours! thats like 72ml per hour!! love this for me
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xoxo-lovelyyy · 4 months
do we have any folks over 20 here? sometimes i feel like im too old to have an 3d or just to use tumblr💀 im also in some 3d subreddits but tumblr just hits different
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xoxo-lovelyyy · 6 months
today i woke up at 2am on accident (i go to bed early so i dont get midnight cravings) because i had a dream that i gained like 10kg all of a sudden bcs i didnt walk/exercise enough and i got on the floor immediately and started doing crunches, jumping jacks, everything i could think of LMAOO
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xoxo-lovelyyy · 6 months
i feel so privileged because binging isnt such a big problem for me... i get the urge to binge so rarely i can barely relate to posts about that.
let me elaborate on that; whenever i feel hungry, (like hungry as in im going to eat the entire kitchen and everything edible i find in my apartment) and i actually get up to eat something - i never end up eating a lot... i get full so quickly, like three bites and im done. i never understood why that was but i just cant eat a lot? has my stomach gotten that small??
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xoxo-lovelyyy · 6 months
i have a rule that i cant eat anything until my phone battery is under 20% (i carry a portable battery and charger with me at all times)
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xoxo-lovelyyy · 6 months
Vision so bad I almost saw a purpose in recovery.
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xoxo-lovelyyy · 6 months
im pretty happy with my food intake today... it was a busy day so i had barely any time to eat. Had a fast since the day before that lasted almost 20h (small fast ik but good enough). Then I finally ate smth at around 6pm, but the sad thing is that I ate kinda a lot, 750kcals in one meal. HOWEVER!!! I did some exercise and I studied a LOT (brain uses a lot of calories and that always helps me)... By exercising I lost around 200kcals (probably closer to 300-400 but I dont dare to count in anything more than that).
Lets say thats around 450-500kcals today...
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xoxo-lovelyyy · 6 months
so i moved a couple of years ago and in my new apartment i didnt have a scale... until my bf bought one recently and now every time i go to the bathroom i have to weigh myself. i forgot how special that feeling of stepping on a scale a few times a day was
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xoxo-lovelyyy · 6 months
leg warmers are my best friend this time of year
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xoxo-lovelyyy · 7 months
i wasnt active for like a year and i still haven't recovered LOL im starting to think that this might stick with me for life
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xoxo-lovelyyy · 2 years
pov: its 3am and you get the random urge to either never consume a single calorie ever again or fix yourself and your life
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xoxo-lovelyyy · 3 years
i seriously can't handle this "recovery" anymore, the urge to starve is hitting me more and more everyday
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xoxo-lovelyyy · 3 years
so im home for the weekend, after a while of recovering, and for the first time in weeks i went to bed extremely hungry. its now morning and the hunger is still here and i feel like im about to die, how could i do this everyday back then? its still kind of comforting but much more unpleasant, i dont remember this (hunger) being so difficult?!
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xoxo-lovelyyy · 3 years
sw/hw: 59/130
cw: 49/108
lw: 47/103
im 5'6 for reference
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xoxo-lovelyyy · 3 years
i sure do weigh a lot for a b1tch with an ed
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