xmelodiious-archive · 8 years
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( So I just hit 600 followers and this couldn’t have come at a more ironic time, it actually feels quite bittersweet because I’m abandoning this blog.. I love Rosa but truth is, if I stay here I’m going to lose her forever so I’m sorry to keep moving blogs but for those still interested in my baby girl, she will now be moved to XPURIITY — I just thought before I leave, why not hit two birds with one stone (ps. Rosa hates this proverb so much) and show some appreciation to the ones who stuck around with me for this long  )
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xmelodiious-archive · 8 years
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( So I just hit 600 followers and this couldn’t have come at a more ironic time, it actually feels quite bittersweet because I’m abandoning this blog.. I love Rosa but truth is, if I stay here I’m going to lose her forever so I’m sorry to keep moving blogs but for those still interested in my baby girl, she will now be moved to XPURIITY — I just thought before I leave, why not hit two birds with one stone (ps. Rosa hates this proverb so much) and show some appreciation to the ones who stuck around with me for this long  )
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                ♥«´¨`•°.. ησтнιηg уσυ cσηƒєѕѕ cσυℓ∂ мαкє мє ℓσνє уσυ ℓєѕѕ ..°•´¨`»♥              ( the treasure I’d carry over fire and water because I know they’d do the same )
My partner in crime, my best friend, my soul mate, my star ♡ where do I even begin with you and how in the world could I possibly keep this short? I think I’ll start at the very beginning, before I even knew you, I always hoped you would someday become someone special to me, they say soulmates’ hearts resonate at the same frequency and I suppose in my heart I just knew.. and now that you did become the most special, it’s hard to imagine a life when you weren’t. You are the calm to my panic, the joy to my laughter and are the most selfless person I’ve ever known and I would know because that kind heart of yours is something I get to experience firsthand before anyone else and it has never failed to protect me. I heard in a tv show once that if we’re lucky we get to have one extraordinary relationship in our life and I think, despite the world placing us seven thousand miles apart, right now our friendship is that extraordinary relationship for me. You showed me what it’s like to just think of someone and smile stupidly to myself — and every single day I’m forever thankful for the blessing that is you. You continue to inspire me every single day with your art, with your writing, with our plots and with just you being you, the bravest amazing star that dared explore the darkest depths of my heart then chose to make a home there. I love you to the moon and back, bubbles ♡ 
@inkvascular​ / @lovguks​
My little sister who needs a smack on the head for abandoning my precious Valerie, like how dare? But that aside, I don’t think anyone is ever as patient with me as you are, and not just because you are stuck with me without a choice, which you are, but that is besides the point, you have always seen me through all the good and the bad, cheering me on, encouraging me, pulling me out of that bubble of darkness I trap myself in, sometimes against my own free will at that too but you do it anyway. You are one of the most caring people I’ve met and you will find that hard to believe and maybe even shocking to hear but it’s true, I do think so, your worry is always so genuine and evident and maybe some times I want to kill you but mostly I love you and that precious rebellious heart of yours. 
@xviridiis​ / @fangirl-is-my-middle-name​
My twinny™ from another mother — or so we say yet I find it hard to believe someone as kindhearted and sweet as you would be my twin, but I also couldn’t for the life of me accept an alternate where you’re not my twin because you see, you have legit become just like a little sister to me, one I cherish and worry for so much. From the very beginning you’ve been one of my biggest supporters and then here we are, 3 or 2 years later? and you’re still as sweet as ever, as sweet as sugar. I find comfort in having you by my side and knowing you always have my back just like I always have yours. You bottle and deal with so much and still remain kind and I just wish sometimes you’d share all that weight off your shoulder simply because I love you so freaking much twinny.
We always talk about how natural Vivi and Rosa’s friendship developed, like it just happened as if it was always meant to be despite how unexpected the connection had been — and I think what we don’t mention is that just like them, our friendship is just the same, to me it was swift, natural, and before I knew it you had easily become one of the most important people to me and I couldn’t word how thankful I am that it did happen.  It’s not often that I find people I can connect with or relate to and yet despite how shy we both were the connection we have is very special, and I love how we went from that to being casually able to talk about so many things. I love you ray ray and I love how our friendship continues to grow. You say you relate to Rosa and it doesn’t surprise me, because you are one of the kindest sweetest people I know.
If I were to start speaking about how much I admire you and your OCs, I’d never shut up but I’m going to try anyway. I love how much like Akane, you are never afraid to speak the truth and stand up for what’s right, it’s very admirable tbh esp when you are very mature about it as well. It’s something I realized is quite rare to find, someone who can speak their mind without being all self entitled and it’s one of the many reasons I continue to develop huge respect for you. I’ve always loved how quickly our OCs bonded to form a sisterhood I never could have foreseen or expected and it remains one of my favorite relationships ever for Rosa but I also love how close we’ve become through the years too. You are one of the few I trust immensely and know I can count on, and I hope you can feel the same ♡ 
You always talk about how I and Rosa inspired you but how about I talk about my version of events instead, truth is when I first stumbled upon your blog I was in utter and complete awe. More often than not, when any devil fruit with mind reading abilities is given it ends up being beyond over powered but as soon as I read Sahar’s bio I could see all the development and thought put into it, all the flaws and strengths, and since then I’ve only ever watched you both grow. You were unbelievably sweet to me from the day you first joined the fandom and I can’t believe it’s only ever been a year with you around bc it’s a bit hard to remember what it even was like before you were here. You are so kind and funny and to hell with anyone who thinks you’re toxic bc I love you and I’m so lucky to have a friend like you ♡ 
I know your’re not really active roleplay wise anymore which is quite a shame because I do miss seeing you around, even if just in the Haikyuu fandom or with small one-liners and teasing crack, I loved the older brother sorta relationship both Law and Kuroo had with Rosa as they teased her and all — not to mention you, yourself remain one of the closest friends I’ve ever made on this site. We don’t talk as much as we used to and I guess it’s simply to say life got in the way but you remain one of the most understanding and least judgmental friends I’ve ever know. Always understanding what I’m trying to say, relating to my feelings without much needed explanation — I miss all our chats and hanging out together and forever love you, Kit Kat ♡  
Ellie Ellieee Elieeeeeeee ♡ Now I know we don’t talk much, well hardly at all outside of group chats but I’ve always been a believer that true friendship isn’t about how little or much you talk to someone, because reality remains every single time I’ve needed back up (for lack of better word) you have never failed to be there by my side and support me, even against all odds and that believing in me is something I appreciate beyond all words. Never doubt that I will always be there for you too, when all hell breaks loose or when you need a friend, I’ve got your back. I admire your creativity and I admire how devoted you are to said creations, with research and writing, and well, rambling aside, I love you a lot, you dork <3
Much like Ellie, we don’t talk as much as I’d like yet you, Kari, are honestly one of the most trust worthy friends I’m grateful to have — You are so geniune and kind and when we speak it’s so easy to tell how pure your intentions are and I can’t emphasize how much I adore that about you. Since we got closer you would always go out of your way to make me smile, and all I can say is thank you and I sure hope to someday be able to return that favor bc trust me you deserve all the smiles and happiness in the world.
Whether it’s late night ramblings or random chatting or whatever it is we find to talk about and whether we go days or months without speaking only to reconnect later again— there’s absolutely never a dull moment with you around and I can’t emphasize enough how much I love your randomness. Honestly, I’m not much of a speaker and I know that yet I’m always honored when you chose to come to me to talk about the most random of stuff, like it makes me unbelivably happy that you would choose that when there are probably many other better listeners out there but needless to say, your friendship is one I appreciate immensely and I can’t wait for the day I can proudly boast about how I had been one of the first blessed with snippets of your novel when it’s released and becomes a best seller, which it will. 
Ariel Bear ♡ ♡ I have always had a huge immense respect for you and initially I will admit that had mostly to do with your writing and how you portray your character with depth and gentleness but eventually and thankfully, I got to see a glimpse at the real person behind the muse and I got to be your friend and while I still adore and admire your writing, I also have huge respect for you. You are honestly so so so so unbelievably kind and understanding, no matter what is going on, you try to see both sides of the story and never invalidate anyone’s feelings. You have a sweet heart that never wants anyone to hurt or fight and I love that softness about you bc it’s quite rare to find. 
We were both such kids when we first met, I was still a teen back then and I would think roleplay blogs are those unreachable blogs who are too popular to speak to their followers but I took a chance and I spoke to you and you were the sweetest person ever, and you became my first tumblr friend ever too as well as my first rp partner and fast forward 4 years later and our friendship is still as strong. Honestly when I look at how far we’ve come, I can’t help but feel proud? not just for our bond but more specifically of you — you’ve come such a long way and just like you were the first to cheer me on, I will always cheer you on too, our little fighting champ, it’s so nice to see you back ♡ 
Just like Kayla, you were one of the very first friends I ever made, back when you had precious Ann and Lu? I was so thrilled that you would accept Rosa as a whitebeard pirate back then and agree to rp with me, you were so kind and supportive of me and my art and I was in awe of how you would draw out some of your replies. We don’t talk as much as we did back then but I still love you immensely and am glad to call you my friend because you’re so generous and adorable and I can never forget all you have done to support me all this time. 
Cherry Berry ♡ I think sweet is an understatement when speaking about you because honestly, I know you might not think it’s always a good thing but your caring heart is a true gift and that care you give everyone else, the way you hurt to see others hurt as well, you deserve as much care and love of it and tenfold tbh. I may not have much to say but I do tend to worry about you and how you’re doing so it makes me happy when you’re around and having fun, I love you and love seeing you around even if we dont necessarily interact; thank you for being here for me every now and then ♡ 
@blacklegchef / @strawhat-sanji 
Now I know you haven’t been around for a while and I know it’s hard for you to be on here much but no matter how long it takes, you and your muse will always be more than just welcome and adored here. You were there for me at times when I was at my lowest and are just unbelievably so gentle ands sweet — I suppose you’re much like your muse in that manner. It seems like a lifetime ago but I still recall how you and a few others’ writing here would push me to try so hard and improve my own and I miss all our interactions both ic and ooc but just like you always reminded me to take care of myself first, I hope you would do just that. Take care of yourself and remember there are people here who will always love you. 
The queen of fluff herself, ladies and gentlemen — now we all know how lovable Bride is but you Brit are honestly one of the most lovable people ever. I know how awkward and distance-ish I can be at times yet you’re always so patient and sweet and loving and it’s just downright adorable to listen to you talk and plot with you, it always gives me a good smile. You were honestly probably the first OC blog I ever interacted with and tbh before making Rosa, I went hunting for One Piece OCs to make sure any even existed on tumblr and I found yours and all the art of Bride, and I don’t think I ever mentioned it before but it gave me that final push I needed to go through with making my baby girl so thank you for that, and thank you for always being a squishable lovable sweetheart, skitty (yes I haven’t forgotten that this was my nickname for you)  ♡ ♡ 
I suppose you weren’t expecting this, because it’s probably been almost a year since we really spoke but truth is that doesn’t really change much for me or how I still tell people not to call me senpai because I like to think you’re still my kouhai — it’s so sweet to see you on again, like things are finally getting back to normal in the fandom and I know we have a lot of catching up to do but god I missed you, you dork and I missed your humor and your always ready to fight fiery personality. Sorry it took me a while to reach out again ♡
               ♥«´¨`•°.. ǀ ωιℓℓ нσℓ∂ уσυ cℓσѕєя, нσρє уσυя нєαят ιѕ ѕтяσηg єησυgн ..°•´¨`»♥       ( the friends / writers I appreciate, admire and respect regardless of how often we may speak )
@partinglass / @emeraldowl ♪ @shadcwhaunted ♪ @condemnedbysunset ♪ @returningrevolutionary ♪ @shatteredfang ♪ @not-a-rogue  ♪ @trafalgardwaterlami ♪ @conquiistador ♪ @kxyx-ojo-sxmx ♪ @cinderbled ♪ @dcflamingc ♪ @stxrlightkiss ♪ @unsurpassed ♪ @redeyetrio ♪ @waveringiridescence ♪ @themostfreedom ♪ @shipvvright  ♪ @heavenly-demon  ♪ @elusvepirate ♪ @flamingmarco ♪ @mediicusvitae ♪ @windsplit
               ♥«´¨`•°.. ǀ кησω уσυ ωєяє σηℓу нι∂ιηg αη∂ ǀ נυѕт ωαηηα ѕєє уα ..°•´¨`»♥        ( the followers whose presence / writing I enjoy or who have been a great support to me )
@bxttcrfly ♪ @ageless-gluttony ♪ @outjinxed ♪ @protettore ♪ @waniyarou ♪ @dokutadesu @boneavant ♪ @pxpeofjustxce ♪ @mxsicxm ♪ @blucdwarf ♪ @beastyhound ♪ @kaitouxx ♪ @itaidoshin ♪ @ask-the-three-eyes ♪ @gracephilosopher ♪ @moouda ♪ @1chijirexu ♪ @poisonxero ♪ @wittyneko ♪ @blood-batx ♪ @redcni ♪ @shibanomi ♪ @chillin-at-partys-bar ♪ @doxflamingo ♪ @cxrrot ♪ @cxmbrioleur
( I hope I didn’t forget anyone, but if someone isn’t mentioned, it’s likely bc of the following reasons a) I thought the blog was a duplicate of the same mun b) I thought the person was inactive and thus would never see this orz c ) I am dumb and forgetful and I’m very deeply sorry — Thank you all so much and have a nice day / night / afternoon )
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xmelodiious-archive · 8 years
Positive meme: Xmelodiious
Send me a url and I’ll write some positivity for it. // Not Accepting
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{ I probably sound like a broken record when I talk about Dee, but I can’t reiterate enough how much of a sweetheart she is. She’s honestly one of the best friends you could ever have, supportive, caring, and honest. Her writing and artwork are both always so beautiful, and the amount of care she puts into everything she does is admirable. The OCs she’s shared with us so far have been unique and refreshing, and I might be secretly hoping for more! ;v; }
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xmelodiious-archive · 8 years
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AceRo <3 That is all.
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xmelodiious-archive · 8 years
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throisma (θρόισμα)
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xmelodiious-archive · 8 years
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xmelodiious-archive · 8 years
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New Commission Sheet! The prices are more flexible now!
More examples can be found on my ART BLOG or my DEVIANTART GALLERY
If you guys should happen to have any questions or would like to purchase a commission, feel free to contact me on tumblr(via IM or ASK), on deviantART(via NOTES) or via email at [email protected] .
Payment: PAYPAL ONLY!!!
The procedure: After I receive the order & references I need, I will prepare a sketch of the commission. If approved, I will the work on the commission, sending a thumbnail of the finished piece to the commissioner. The payment can be sent via Paypal, either after receiving and approving of the first sketch or after the finished thumbnail is presented. 
Thank you for your attention & any reblogs/likes on this sheet! Please spread the word to help out a poor artist! 
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xmelodiious-archive · 8 years
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Daily reminder!
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xmelodiious-archive · 8 years
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based off a text post i can’t seem to find
also here (x) b/c tumblr likes to ruin the quality apparently
     rosa © @xmelodiious
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xmelodiious-archive · 8 years
👫 ( only if you don't mind and are still accepting though >///
❤; headcanons about our muses | @xmelodiious​
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▸he doesn’t want to burden her, but he’s going to given in eventually and ask her for help writing / composing a song for a woman he’s interested in. or, better still, she’ll stumble across him attempting to write something and then he’ll ask. he doesn’t want her to do all the work for him, though, even if he is at a complete loss. he can compliment a lady no problem, but actually putting into words how important someone is to him is hard. luckily, rosa’s patient with him the whole time and is super encouraging.
▸it’s going to slip the first time, but he’ll start calling her rosa-nee cause he wants everyone that hears him to know that she’s his sis.
▸they dance together quite a bit whenever they’re near. sanji has a habit of randomly taking her hand and pulling her along, and the two of them tend to just let loose. sometimes they’re graceful about it, while other times they all over the place just for humor’s sake. ( bonus: idk if stella’s ace knows how to dance, but sanji will totally teach him so rosa can have romantic dances with him )
▸because i feel like my chopper would adore her too, sanji and chopper set aside any strawberry-flavored candies they get for her just in case she’s ever near sunny. except chopper goes back and sneaks some when he’s low on sweets, and he’ll apologize profusely to rosa for it.
▸i’m probably way off, but rosa seems like the type that would grab his suit jacket if it was draped over a chair and put it on just to see what she looks like in it. like a little sister seeing her brother’s clothes and wanting to look classy. and she gets super embarrassed when he finds her in it. 
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xmelodiious-archive · 8 years
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Let’s talk about @xviridiis and how Camilla might as well be canon already bc when I read through the manga I see her there, just hanging out with the strawhats and the image feels so right. Infinite love for our favorite cabin girl and don’t even get me started on Dana bc this girl right here, is the embodiment of sweets and sugar and everything nice. So caring and supportive to all her friends. She deserves more love.
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xmelodiious-archive · 8 years
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I want to talk about Ariel, just a downright precious being, so welcoming and accepting of everyone around, it’s always an inspiration to see the effort she puts while still writing with so many people. It says a lot about her skill but also, about the kind of sweet and generous person she is, never leaving anyone behind. Her Sanji will forever be a favorite, with deepness and complexity making me adore every response by her but her OCs are just as creative and wellrounded @bearxclaws / @devilslcg
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xmelodiious-archive · 8 years
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I think no one can question the effort and time put into Akane, this special shoutout is for @scarlethaki who at first sight and up till now remains a favorite and in my opinion a perfect example of an extremely well developed, designed and written OC. Lexi puts so much thought in her red haired beauty it’s surreal, every action makes sense to her personality and past, every decision has development. Not to mention, Lex, herself is one of the most mature, understanding and kind presences ever.
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xmelodiious-archive · 8 years
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I just want to give all the love to @xcombustiion / @xsolaar, not only is Stella’s art and writing breathtakingly beautiful and she carries huge dedication to all her muses, regardless if canon or oc, they are painted so vividly real and complex, but she forever remains kindness incarnated, her heart so big and always giving without expecting anything in return. Her love for her friends displays with every piece of art she posts and the world is just a brighter place with someone like her.
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xmelodiious-archive · 8 years
1 Year Anniversary.
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   One year ago today [ 3/02/2016 was the day but my ass is lazy ], marks the day that I made Sahar’s blog. I was at a lower point in my life where I wasn’t too happy with how I was doing at school and I was in a roleplaying group that I found to be nothing but toxic, saved for one person. It was also around this time that I gained my interest into a show I adored and cherished as a child, One Piece. I began to watch it as a way to escape. Then I got the courage to finally make an OC when I was watching Punk Hazard arc.     Making Sahar was the point where I think I finally gain a small amount of confidence within myself to take a chance on making my own character. Sahar was the first real character that I invested so much time into creating. Her early concepts were nothing to who she is now, which make me giggle whenever I look at them, but from where she started to who she now, I’m really proud of myself [ and others ] for my little baby. I’ve grown to love her so much.    I want to take the time to thank those who have been through this incredible journey with me:
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xmelodiious-archive · 8 years
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xmelodiious-archive · 8 years
There is freedom waiting for you, on the breezes of the sky, and you ask, “What if I fall?” Oh but my darling, what if you fly?
Erin Hanson (via ofquotesandpoetry)
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