xabstractxvxstx · 5 years
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#Dear2019 : Be brave enough to love yourself. Ahhh, see I got you. That’s the part that they don’t tell you. Loving yourself isn’t easy, it’s not even your first nature. Your first nature is a neutral state. Even right out of the womb you have to be coaxed to breathe. And every moment after that people coax you in to being whatever they want you to be. Loving yourself is not easy. It is actually for many an impossibility because they lack insight into who they even are. So, you have to be BRAVE enough to go where others don’t, where others won’t, where others will tell you not to go for fear of their idea of failure. My freedom is that nobody can tell me who I am. There are no shackles on me...because I went, hand in hand with fear, into the abyss of who they told me I was and found who I am. So when I say I want to meet you, I want to meet YOU...not who you were coaxed into being. Eventually living in someone else’s image will eat you alive. I personally, just don’t plan on having any regrets on my deathbed. How about YOU? // #poetrycommunity #poetrylife #poetsofig #poetry #poets #writer #writers #words #writingcommunity #writersofig #copic #prismacolor #writerssociety #artstagram #art_spotlight #artfido #writersofinstagram #art #artist #poetsofinstagram #sketch #willworkfor2019 #okc #oklahoma #oklahomacity #notjustpoetry #Demxgxd // #IHopeYouHeal // @vanessaanela https://www.instagram.com/p/B3-SbAcJb-r/?igshid=9z566vdgqzsk
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xabstractxvxstx · 5 years
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#Dear2019 : I used to have a hand full of “some-days”. Then, one day I started chasing impossibles. At some point, people will start saying that you “make it look easy”. And then they will start believing that they can do it too. But with that belief comes two types of people: the ones willing to work through the process and those who believe that it must really be that easy. The first we call the executors, the latter we call the dis-creditors. Are you willing to execute, or do you just feel like everything should be easy? This is rivers cutting through mountains, hard. This is turning the sea into clouds, intense. This is spinning the entire planet just to make wind...consistently...every single day. Even the sun takes hours to rise. This is about consistency..thats how you “make it look easy”. Just remember if it was so easy...they would be doing it already. // #poetrycommunity #poetrylife #poetsofig #poetry #poets #writer #writers #words #writingcommunity #writersofig #copic #prismacolor #writerssociety #artstagram #art_spotlight #artfido #writersofinstagram #art #artist #poetsofinstagram #sketch #willworkfor2019 #okc #oklahoma #oklahomacity #notjustpoetry #Demxgxd // #IHopeYouHeal // Muse: @vanessaanela https://www.instagram.com/p/B3xJQrmp--Q/?igshid=s26j5oj1pdow
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xabstractxvxstx · 5 years
#Dear2019 : When is the last time that you reached for impossible? When is the last time you got lost in yourself, chose to deep dive into the vast expanse of who you are? Most people have no thirst for themselves, yet they are dehydrated. I rarely see people with a hunger to know themselves, deeply, intimately. Are you not a universe in motion? Have you forgotten that entire galaxies shifted to bring you here? Do you have no desire to know the stars whose bellies you sprawled from? How can one look at nebulas swirl and not be amazed that your very atoms survived that crucible? People are so full of everything but themselves. It takes pioneers to level that...to go against that narrative...to settle the score. It takes true explorers to get lost in themselves. Lose yourself...responsibly. // #poetrycommunity #poetrylife #poetsofig #poetry #poets #writer #writers #words #writingcommunity #writersofig #copic #prismacolor #writerssociety #artstagram #art_spotlight #artfido #writersofinstagram #art #artist #poetsofinstagram #sketch #willworkfor2019 #okc #oklahoma #oklahomacity #notjustpoetry #Demxgxd // #IHopeYouHeal // Muse: @vanessaanela https://www.instagram.com/p/B3r3esRp5R3/?igshid=18ebnc7f0agx0
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xabstractxvxstx · 5 years
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#Dear2019 : you come from storms that you don’t remember, from bellies of clouds turned war drums across thunder ridden skies. What do you remember of being lightening? You once fell from those skies dancing. You were once a storm prayed for by rain dance, once a river turned sky. Now you are a woman made marble statue, a masterpiece made blood and bone. You are a star made conscious. What do you remember of yesterdays? Have you forgotten your journey? Have you forgotten your immortality? Remember your nature, remember the war drums you used to dance to. Remember grey skies still have silver linings, and that you can thread those to make a quilt of time too. You are more than a censored body. You are more than a march of freedom. You are more than rules and red tape. You are what you have always been....art...and there are no rules in art. Art has always been whatever you can get away with. Get away with being you. // #poetrycommunity #poetrylife #poetsofig #poetry #poets #writer #writers #words #writingcommunity #writersofig #copic #prismacolor #writerssociety #artstagram #art_spotlight #artfido #writersofinstagram #art #artist #poetsofinstagram #sketch #willworkfor2019 #okc #oklahoma #oklahomacity #notjustpoetry #Demxgxd // #IHopeYouHeal // Muse: @vanessaanela https://www.instagram.com/p/B3qCVDQplQk/?igshid=dpeige26q4q2
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xabstractxvxstx · 5 years
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#Dear2019 : How many have forgotten to pack happiness on the trip to learn how to fake a smile? Define authenticity. Define joy. Define self-love. But first define self. Then define love. Define holding your hands to a face of someone you love at midnight, watching the light of the moon wash between your fingers, feeling the heat from the breath of their skin. Define taking silly photos in the most obscure places for the memories should you grow ild together, should you ever part ways, should you ever hold a child together. Define sustenance. Then define nourishment. Define soul. Then define purpose. Then refine purpose, then re-find purpose once you have lost it, then remind yourself of the purpose you dropped on the way to adolescence...on the way to finding love...on the way to defining what its like to hold another human in the palms of your hands. Define selfish...because love is yours, you create love, you choose attachment, and that is okay...to have a choice...is freewill in and of itself not divine. Is nature not raw. Define nurturing. Define choosing to love another human being just because you have the absolute power to do so, the opportunity to do so. Define choice...re-find happy.// #poetrycommunity #poetrylife #poetsofig #poetry #poets #writer #writers #words #writingcommunity #writersofig #copic #prismacolor #writerssociety #artstagram #art_spotlight #artfido #writersofinstagram #art #artist #poetsofinstagram #sketch #willworkfor2019 #okc #oklahoma #oklahomacity #notjustpoetry #Demxgxd // #IHopeYouHeal // muse: @socal21 https://www.instagram.com/p/B1fg2JFJiKb/?igshid=1h5njbr7bn9mv
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xabstractxvxstx · 5 years
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#Dear2019 : My empathy makes me an old friend, and I have to tell you, love, I wasn't sure if I would be able to reach you. But that is the lie we talked about, right? The truth is that I can reach everyone, I am just never sure if I will make it back. I struggle to confront that in myself. I'm still not sure if that is doubt, fear, or a healthy caution. However, your best friend told me that you would be with me through this. So, I trusted in your shared energy, your shared empathy. I kept you the way that I keep my tattoos, pressed gently under my skin. Every single brush stroke was an open letter to your memory, or maybe a cry for help. I was given the gift of hyper-empathy, and I feared reaching into your photograph because your memory is an ocean. It reminds me of myself. What that means is that I still hesitate before I step on blades of grass. It means that every time I pass a tree I say thank you silently in hidden sighs. It means when I see clouds run across the sky, I can feel them running in me. It means that for 24 hours accumulated I saw you through a photograph, I felt you in your eyes. I was afraid that I wouldn't make it back. Thank you for leading me home. Remain a light. // #poetrycommunity #poetrylife #poetsofig #poetry #poets #writer #writers #words #writingcommunity #writersofig #copic #prismacolor #writerssociety #artstagram #art_spotlight #artfido #writersofinstagram #art #artist #poetsofinstagram #sketch #willworkfor2019 #okc #oklahoma #oklahomacity #notjustpoetry #Demxgxd // #IHopeYouHeal // @llost.n.foundd https://www.instagram.com/p/B0vG8YvpD78/?igshid=mxl9xxr6httz
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