smokingcelery · 5 months
If only you loved me like you love getting high
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yoyojuggernaut · 7 months
The Phone Call
I last heard your voice at twelve or thirteen, 
You're sounding so much like your mom.
that voice not quite shrill but quite keen, 
And definitely, definitely not calm.
Oh, shit...the memories… flashback…flashback…f l a s h b a c k
Stick to the script, stick to the script, stICK TO THE scrIPT
Louder shouting, “Ihopeyouheal” click
I brew some tea
a remedy
Like my dad, I chose to leave
I cry.
I cry.
I cry.
I cry.
Like Alice in Wonderland,
I feel lost in my cries.
I see tears up to my knees,
a sea of bittersweet goodbyes.
In the dark, a vow I make,
From now on, all ties I break.
I'll find a way, set fire's glow,
Threads to this family, I let them go.
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elegantgalaxy13 · 5 years
Heal the broken child in you, so that the adult can grow
Alina, this ones for you
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milanim · 8 years
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11.You said you fell inlove with the freckles on my back, and I asked you how’s that because I don’t love my back because of them, you then said they remind you of how life can be messy but still beautiful.
Told you I don’t like dresses with low backs again you reminded me that it’s the back of the dress that catches your breath it’s my spinal cord.
Asked you to borrow me your T-shirt at night for a movie night. You then replied and said There’s nothing to hide with the shirt my shoulders are worth the sight under the Laptop light.
You asked me to not to tie my hair tight because my face doesn’t relax, I then replied and said I need to I don’t like my hair loose I’m not comfortable, you said beauty doesn’t mean routine.
I told you how much I hate small talks and pretending, you touched my elbows and asked me how it felt and I said It felt nice you replied and said its not about the size but the effect you leave after.
You asked me makeups or breakups I said breakups you said Makeups because every layer falling off means something new.
I told you I’m scared of change and leaving my family and friends behind, you said I’m not scared I’m just over thinking and selfish because they nurtured me well.
I complained about my calmness when people are messing with me, you told me I’m not the problem but them who shout and mess up.
I broke the glass and hurt my finger and bled very bad and I hid my pain and you told me pain changes people when they take too much inside I should cry I’m not dead and I’m not weak.
The last time we spent together you fell asleep on my back while trying to connect the freckles and told me you’ll always remember these dots when you leave because they’ve shown you your true self while I was asleep.
I hope she treats you well and you trace your way home with the scars on your hands.
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